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Active-active DRBD with OCFS2

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1 Introduction
2 System Configuration

3 Kernel Configuration

4 Installing userspace tools

4.1 DRBD

4.2 OCFS2

5 Configuration

5.1 DRBD

5.2 OCFS2

6 Preparing the devices


6.1 Activating the DRBD resource

6.2 Syncing the nodes

6.3 Building the OCFS2 filesystem

6.4 Switch the DRBD in active-active mode

7 References

8 Resources

[edit] Introduction
This is a rewrite of the orginal article by Mathijs and edited by Mars105, most of the credits goes to them.
The main change is the re-appearance of the ocfs2 ebuild in the main portage tree and the new built in drbd
kernel module (>=2.6.33).

[edit] System Configuration

This setup is about running DRBD on 2 machines in active-active mode with OCFS2 as the cluster filesystem to
make this possible. The following howto should be followed identical on both nodes, config files should also be
identical. Except for the parts where it's explicitly stated.
The author used two nodes (Tweedledum and Tweedledee) to build a common storage for Xen. The drbd device
is built on top of a lvm volume. This is a choice made by the author but you may install on any block device you
At the time of writing the author was using =sys-kernel/xen-sources-2.6.34 as kernel and the xen USE flag was
on. Others kernels may provide different output for theses commands.

[edit] Kernel Configuration

Activate the following options:
Linux Kernel Configuration: OCFS Kernel Support (2.6.34)
File systems --->
[*] OCFS2 file system support
O2CB Kernelspace Clustering
OCFS2 statistics
OCFS2 logging support
[ ]
OCFS2 expensive checks
<*> Distributed Lock Manager (DLM)
Device Drivers --->
[*] Block devices --->
DRBD Distributed Replicated Block Device support
[ ]
DRBD fault injection

You may want to leave "OCFS2 expensive checks" unchecked. For the other items, read the help.
Alternatively, you can compile these options as modules and then add the following modules to

[edit] Installing userspace tools

[edit] DRBD
Since kernel 2.6.34, we have builtin DRBD support, so we need >=sys-cluster/drbd--8.3.8. Older ebuilds will try
to pull the kernel module (sys-cluster/drbd-kernel).
After building your kernel with the drbd module, determine the module version and install the corresponding
drbd package.
modinfo drbd | grep ^version

You may need to unmask the ebuild. (Replace amd64 with your platform)
echo "=sys-cluster/drbd-<your module version>-* ~amd64" >>

Install the drbd tools.

emerge -av sys-cluster/drbd

[edit] OCFS2
Unmasking the needed ebuilds. (Replace amd64 with your platform)
echo "sys-fs/ocfs2-tools ~amd64" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords

Emerging ocfs2-tools

emerge -av sys-fs/ocfs2-tools

[edit] Configuration
[edit] DRBD
Now we tell drbd how it must operate. Here we set two nodes (Tweedledum and Tweedledee) on which we
created before a disk located at /dev/vg1/xen. Our drbd device will be /dev/drbd1 on both nodes, the
resource name is drbd_xen.
File: /etc/drbd.d/global_common.conf
# Common settings, applies to all resources
wfc-timeout 60;
# Wait for connection timeout
degr-wfc-timeout 60;# Wait for connection timeout, if this node was a degraded cluster
on-io-error detach; # Drop the disk on io error
rate 10M;
# Limit sync speed to 10 MByte/s for FastEthernet
protocol C;

File: /etc/drbd.conf
# drbd_xen Our drbd space
resource drbd_xen
on Tweedledum
meta-disk internal;
on Tweedledee
meta-disk internal;

Warning: rate 10M means 10 MByte/sec, it will transfer with a rate of 80MBit/sec on a FastEthernet port.
Note: For more informations see the man page of drbd configuration file
man drbd.conf

[edit] OCFS2
Some filesystems must be added to our fstab. The first two are needed by ocfs2 to work. The last is our drbd, this
one is mandatory only for automatic boot time mount.
File: /etc/fstab

# Needed by ocfs2



# Our DRBD device





0 0
0 0
0 0

It will be a good idea to mount them now.

mount /sys/kernel/config
mount /sys/kernel/dlm

Configuration of ocfs2, same nodes as the drbd configuration.

File: /etc/ocfs2/cluster.conf
ip_port = 7777
ip_address =
number = 0
name = Tweedledum
cluster = ocfs2_xen

ip_port = 7777
ip_address =
number = 1
name = Tweedledee
cluster = ocfs2_xen

node_count = 2
name = ocfs2_xen

Note: you need to create this file yourself as the current ebuild at the time of this writing does not include it.

Now we must tell the init script which cluster must be started.
File: /etc/conf.d/ocfs2

Note: Be sure to check your firewall for ports 7777 and 7789, or any ports you set. Otherwise things will not work as

[edit] Preparing the devices

[edit] Activating the DRBD resource
Now we are going to enable the DRBD resource for the first time. Theses commands must be issued on both
Create the device metadata. This step must be completed only on initial device creation. It initializes DRBD's
drbdadm create-md drbd_xen

Enable the resource. This step associates the resource with its backing device (or devices, in case of a multivolume resource), sets replication parameters, and connects the resource to its peer:
drbdadm up drbd-xen

Note: Executing theses commands you may receview messages like this one:
DRBD module version: 8.3.7
userland version: 8.3.8
preferably kernel and userland versions should match.

You may discard theses warnings. But make your checks for production use.

Result may be checked by reading /proc/drbd

cat /proc/drbd
version: 8.3.7 (api:88/proto:86-92)
1: cs:Connected ro:Secondary/Secondary ds:Inconsistent/Inconsistent C r---ns:0 nr:0 dw:0 dr:0 al:0 bm:0 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0 ep:1 wo:b oos:125825244

Note: The Inconsistent/Inconsistent disk state is expected at this point.

[edit] Syncing the nodes

By now, DRBD has successfully allocated both disk and network resources and is ready for operation. What it
does not know yet is which of your nodes should be used as the source of the initial device synchronization.
Start the initial full synchronization.
Warning: This step must be performed on only one node, only on initial resource configuration, and only on the node you
selected as the synchronization source
drbdadm -- --overwrite-data-of-peer primary drbd_xen

After issuing this command, the initial full synchronization will commence. You will be able to monitor its
progress via /proc/drbd. It may take some time depending on the size of the device.
watch cat /proc/drbd
version: 8.3.7 (api:88/proto:86-92)
1: cs:SyncSource ro:Primary/Secondary ds:UpToDate/Inconsistent C r---ns:20502072 nr:0 dw:0 dr:20510092 al:0 bm:1250 lo:146 pe:2782 ua:2048 ap:0 ep:1 wo:b
[==>.................] sync'ed: 16.3% (102864/122876)M
finish: 0:35:27 speed: 49,468 (60,444) K/sec

After this is finished and you see consistent state at both sides, let's create the ocfs2 filesystem on the drbd

[edit] Building the OCFS2 filesystem

Warning: This is not a raid, you must wait for the sync to be finished before making the filesystem

We can start drbd and ocfs2.

/etc/init.d/drbd start
/etc/init.d/ocfs2 start

Now, use OCFS2's mkfs implementation to create the file system:

mkfs.ocfs2 -N 2 -L ocfs2_xen /dev/drbd1
mkfs.ocfs2 1.4.4
Cluster stack: classic o2cb

Label: ocfs2_xen
Features: sparse backup-super unwritten inline-data strict-journal-super
Block size: 4096 (12 bits)
Cluster size: 4096 (12 bits)
Volume size: 128845049856 (31456311 clusters) (31456311 blocks)
Cluster groups: 976 (tail covers 6711 clusters, rest cover 32256 clusters)
Extent allocator size: 67108864 (16 groups)
Journal size: 268435456
Node slots: 2
Creating bitmaps: done
Initializing superblock: done
Writing system files: done
Writing superblock: done
Writing backup superblock: 4 block(s)
Formatting Journals: done
Growing extent allocator: done
Formatting slot map: done
Writing lost+found: done
mkfs.ocfs2 successful

This will create an OCFS2 file system with two node slots on /dev/drbd1, and set the filesystem label to
Warning: This step must be done on one node only. The filesystem will be created on the drdb device which is active and
will replicate to the nodes.

[edit] Switch the DRBD in active-active mode

The final thing we have to do is configure DRBD for active-active mode.
Update your /etc/drbd.conf by adding the startup and net sections to your new resource.
File: /etc/drbd.conf
# Common settings, applies to all resources
# No changes
# drbd_xen Our drbd space
resource drbd_xen
become-primary-on both;
after-sb-0pri discard-zero-changes;
after-sb-1pri discard-secondary;
after-sb-2pri disconnect;
# No changes to the nodes specification

Restart DRBD
/etc/init.d/drbd restart

Check the state of the cluster

cat /proc/drbd
version: 8.3.7 (api:88/proto:86-92)
1: cs:Connected ro:Primary/Primary ds:UpToDate/UpToDate C r---ns:0 nr:0 dw:0 dr:408 al:0 bm:0 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0 ep:1 wo:b oos:0

If it looks fine and active-active (Primary/Primary), you can mount your new OCFS2 filesystem:
mount /xen

Cluster can be tested by creating a file on one node and reading on the other.
We can safely add drbd and ocfs2 on default run level.
rc-update add drbd default
rc-update add ocfs2 default

Congratulations! You should have a working cluster now.

[edit] References
Some references the authors used and the reader may found usefull:
Edited by: Xerxes - 2011-10-16

Edited by: Mars105 - 2010-06-30

Originally written by: Mathijs - 2009-08-16

[edit] Resources
This init script come from the package submited by Mathijs in is original article. The only modification made
here is to remove the checks for modules, as it will fail when DRBD is built in the kernel. And the mount check
will presumably fail if the modules are not loaded.
Fix me: Somebody with better init script understanding can maybe improve this script.

File: /etc/init.d/ocfs2
# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
depend() {
need net localmount
before netmount
check_pseudofs() {
local retval=0
local HASMOUNT="mount -l -t"
if [ -z "`${HASMOUNT} configfs`" ] ; then

if [ -z "`${HASMOUNT} ocfs2_dlmfs`" ] ; then

0 0"

if [ ${retval} -eq 1 ]; then

ewarn "One or more pseudo-filesystes are not mounted."
ewarn "Make sure you have following lines in your /etc/fstab:"
ewarn "none
ewarn "none

0 0"




ewarn "For a (in)complete documentation, read /usr/share/doc/ocfs<version>/INSTALL.GENTOO.gz"

return ${retval}

start() {
check_pseudofs || return $?
# A small hack to avoid:
# mount.ocfs2: Unable to access cluster service while trying to join the group
OCFS2_CLUSTER=$( sed -re 's/[[:space:]]+//g' /etc/ocfs2/cluster.conf | grep -A4
"cluster:" | grep 'name=' | cut -d= -f2 )

einfo "Starting OCFS2 cluster"

for cluster in ${OCFS2_CLUSTER}; do
ebegin " - ${cluster}"
/sbin/o2cb_ctl -H -n ${cluster} -t cluster -a
eend $?

>/dev/null 2>&1

stop() {
# Shamelesly stolen from netmount
local ret
ebegin "Unmounting OCFS2 filesystems"
[ -z "$(umount -art ocfs2 2>&1)" ]
eend ${ret} "Failed to simply unmount filesystems"
[ ${ret} -eq 0 ] && return 0
declare -a siglist=( "TERM" "KILL" "KILL" )
local retry=0
local remaining="go"
while [ -n "${remaining}" -a ${retry} -lt 3 ]
remaining="$(awk '$3 ~ /'ocfs2'/ { if ($2 != "/") print $2 }' /proc/mounts
| sort -r)"
set -- ${remaining//\\040/ }
unset IFS
[ -z "${remaining}" ] && break
ebegin $'\t'"Unmounting ocfs2 filesystems (retry #$((retry+1)))"
/bin/fuser -k -${siglist[$((retry++))]} -m "$@" &>/dev/null
sleep 5
umount "$@" &>/dev/null
eend $? $'\t'"Failed to unmount filesystems"
einfo "Stopping OCFS2 cluster"
for cluster in ${OCFS_CLUSTERS}; do


ebegin " - ${cluster}"

/sbin/o2cb_ctl -H -n ${cluster} -t cluster -a
eend $?

>/dev/null 2>&1

Don't forget to make it executable.

chmod a+x /etc/init.d/ocfs2

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