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Talking to the Animals

There are some fascinating people on this earth. If we

never venture out, we never meet them. My spiritual exploration

has put me in touch with many unique and talented people. One of

them is Cathy Easterbrook, who is now a good friend. When I met

Cathy over 10 years ago, I felt an instant connection with her.

As we became better acquainted, I learned that Cathy is a clear

clairvoyant, who specializes in talking to animals

telepathically. She also is a talented architectural designer

and maintains a full-time design business. She generally does

animal communication sessions for private clients from all over

the United States by telephone in the evening.

Cathy has taught many animal communication workshops, one

of which I attended. She says that we all can learn to

telepathically communicate with animals. During a two-day

workshop, I was able to do so as were all of the other 10

students in the class. Since animal communication is not my

primary interest, I send my friends to Cathy or one of her

students who is now a professional animal communicator. While I

can communicate with my pets, if I want specific information, I

call a professional. Here, in her own words, is Cathy’s story

about how she came to be an animal communicator:


Why I talk with the Animals, by Cathy Easterbrook

As a small child growing up in Connecticut, I was always

attracted to animals. I never hesitated to pick up a bird that just

flew into our picture window. Looking back now, I think my clear

belief and love may have been a key factor in healing most of those

injured birds. There were always cat and dog members of our family.

Being shy I was more comfortable talking with them than with people.

I struggled with my clairvoyant and telepathic abilities. It

seemed other people didn’t do these things. I felt out of place. By

the time I was eight years old I learned to keep this to myself. As I

grew into my teens and 20’s I was angry that I was different. I “saw”

so much and knew so much by “hearing,” but kept it to myself. I

focused on my skills as an architectural designer. I married and kept

busy raising my children. Yet even with these “normal” activities, I

still didn’t feel I fit in.

While my son was in his late teens and still living at home, our

cat, Kitty, started her “work.” One day while I was in my office,

Kitty sat in the middle of the kitchen floor in front of my son at the

far opposite end of the house. He yelled out to me, as kids like to

do, “Mom, Kitty wants something.” Immediately I heard that she wanted

to go outside even though she was not at the door. My learning

sessions continued with similar situations. Another time she sat in

the middle of the kitchen and wanted food though her bowls were kept

in another room.

Then I was tested, although I don’t think Kitty planned it that

way. My little cat did not come in at dusk as she always did. At the

moment I realized that she was not inside yet, Kitty communicated to

me the direction to walk in and the feeling she needed my help. She

was calling to me telepathically. I went out the side door of the

house and into the back yard and then into the woods at an angle from

the house. Though the leaves were all down from the trees and there

was twilight in the sky, it was dark in the thick forest. I called to

her as I walked on that pre-set direction. There was no answer. The

lights of the house were far behind me when I heard a small meow. I

kept walking until it got louder and I heard that it was coming from

high above. Some 25 feet up in a tree I could see a silhouette of my

Kitty. By paying attention to what I received telepathically, I

walked straight to the tree she was in.

Communicating telepathically with animals became a part of my

life. It began with my own Kitty and expanded to many wondrous

animals both domestic and wild. After moving to North Carolina my

clairvoyant and telepathic abilities became more public. I was “out.”

When it became known that I could communicate telepathically with

animals, people began to call me for help. Then I took the big step

of offering a weekend workshop in animal communications so others

could learn.

The majority of my private animal sessions involve helping owners

change an animal’s habit, checking on a pet’s health or becoming

involved with the animal’s death. I always documented the

conversations so that I could discuss them with the owner. So I have

the notes from this story I’d like to share: Mrs. H. called me on the

suggestion of her veterinarian. She shared nothing about herself, but


told me that her dog, Marcus, was an 11-year old male terrier cairn

mix. Marcus was rusty-colored with white-tipped feet and a goatee and

whiskers. Mrs. H. asked me, “Would you check his health and ask

Marcus if it is ‘time to go’?”

I telepathically connected with Marcus while I was in my kitchen

and he was at home with his owner. As soon as I began, he

straightened up his posture in response to my acknowledging him. Here

is our conversation:

CE: Mrs. H. asked me to talk with you. She is concerned about you.

M: I’m not doing very well (and then his mind wandered a bit).

CE: What does that mean?

M: My body is giving out. I have pain. I can’t always think

clearly. It’s not easy for Mrs. H to fuss over me. She needs to

take care of herself.

CE: You are a sweet dog Marcus and loyal too by the sounds.

M: She’s been good to me. We’re best friends.

CE: And as your friend she wants to know what she can do for you.

She loves you very much. She is willing to help you be relieved

of your ailing body and go to the Spirit World. The doctor would

assist in putting you into a deep sleep that you don’t come out

of, so you can permanently leave your body. Mrs. H. wants to

know if it is time to do that – if you’re interested.

There was silence.

CE: Marcus? Marcus?


M: Yes. That’s the best thing to do. It would certainly help both

of us. (He sounded like a CEO making an important corporate


CE: Well I’ll pass that on to Mrs. H. Do you understand what I was


M: Oh, Yes! That will be great. (Marcus was making more emotional

shifts about it; feeling somewhat relieved and uplifted.) I’ll

be with her without restrictions. Tell her that.

CE: O.K. Is there anything else you want me to tell her?

M: Neither one of us can go for a stroll any longer, so we do it in

our minds. We also remembered the good times and the tough times

– how we were there for each other. We listened; we talked and

sometimes did neither. Tell her: “Afterwards I will still be

with you. You’ll think I’m at your feet like a pup. Don’t

worry. I won’t trip you. I will also lie next to you (he shows

me Mrs. H. in bed with him next to her hip). Know that it is I.

Don’t be frightened. I will stay near you until it’s time for

you to join me.

CE: Oh, Marcus. You’re making me cry!

M: That’s how it is between her and me.

CE: I certainly believe you and I’m glad we met. Thank you dear.


M: Thank you!

After I shared the whole conversation with Mrs. H., she told me

that she was an elderly woman who was crippled and that getting around

was difficult. Feeding Marcus was a major chore for her and she had

tripped over him a few times recently. Then she told me that all his

life she told Marcus that if he ever “went” first she wanted him to

wait for her.

We can see that having a conversation with Marcus helped Mrs. H.

make plans and go through a difficult experience with more ease.

Helping people and their animals is one of the reasons I continue to

hold animal communications and teach it as well. But the gift to me

is having the conversations with the animals and what I learn from

them. Animals are truly teachers.

Animals are naturally peaceful, harmonious and loving. They need

to please those they love and they love without condition. Human

nature is to love only those who love us. Animals love everyone and

allow others to decide if they want to love in return. Animals have

no anger unless it is taught to them. They know to make themselves

happy first and then bring happiness to others. Many of us have

laughed at this “selfish” behavior, but we could learn from it. We

usually deny ourselves the things that would make us happy. That

attitude is not more spiritual nor of a higher evolution.

Animals are our teachers. You probably think that role cannot

refer to all of them because you know of obnoxious, ill-mannered or

even mean animals. Well, they learn from us. Domestic animals and

those that are around humans on a daily basis take on our negativity.

They also reflect who and what we are. Animals live in the physical

realm and function on instinct not emotion. Their misbehavior is

learned from us because they want to please us. Stop and think of the

programming we have done and the behavior of the animal because of our

responses to that very programming.

Sometimes I meet animals that reflect the opposite of the owner.

A woman called me for help with her golden lab puppy, Sunshine. He

wanted to play all the time. She wanted to crawl into bed and stay

there. She explained that she has been clinically depressed for many


The same woman called me six months later because she was given a

three-year-old long-haired female cat and wanted to know what kind of

role the cat would like to have in her new family. This beautiful cat

was straight to the point. “I will show Barbara that femininity is

not powerlessness. It is strength. That it is soft, not weak. It is

clarity with flexibility. It is nurturing without depleting oneself.”

I was impressed and asked if there was anything else the cat wanted to

say to Barbara. She said, “Love. Unconditional love starts with

self. When Sunshine or I do something, stop and look within first.

Also Sunshine needs more discipline and I need more grooming!”

The animals’ natural state of being is peaceful and meditative.

They want to play and bring us joy. Anything else is behavior they

have learned. If an animal can’t be controlled it is because the

owner is out of control. What you allow the animal to do, you usually

allow people to do to you. Animals that have chosen to live with

people want rules, schedules and some control over them to feel they

are loved. Allow them to learn respect. A dog that is allowed to

jump on visitors is not being taught to respect. The owner is not in

control and probably does not demand respect himself.


Happiness to an animal friend is a touch, a smile and playing.

Give back to them; play with them. Join them in what they do. Lie on

the floor with your dog or cat. Sit in the sun with them in their

favorite spot. Notice them watching nature or the sunset. They will

teach you the important things of life. Enjoy them. Animals accept

other beings as they are. They do not try to change them. That’s

another lesson we can learn from them.

I was driving home on a backwoods dirt road when I stopped to

watch a pair of ducks walking in the road. The female went down off

the side to a stream. She complained there were no good pools of

water and the stream was too fast. The male followed behind her as

she went back and forth looking. She came back up and over the road

to the other side where the stream continued on. There she also was

not happy with what she found, and muttered some more. All the while,

as I watched, the male duck kept repeating, “It’s just for tonight!

It’s just for tonight! We’ll continue on in the morning.” Finally,

she settled somewhere and he joined her. I continued my ride home

chuckling to myself.

Why do I talk with the animals? Each conversation is a precious

gift – a gift where I serve them and they teach me. I am now

comfortable with my clairvoyant and telepathic abilities.

Cathy’s abilities have progressed to the place where she

now holds a three-way conversation with animals and their owners

without the need to take notes. In that way she and the animal

can hear the questions. Cathy communicates the question to the


pet and relays to the owner what has been said. Then there can

be follow-up questions or a response from the owner.

Recently Cathy mentioned that she received a request for a

session from a person whose house had been burgled. As Cathy

spoke with the four cats that lived in the house, they gave a

description of the person who had entered their house with a key

and took the computer, a television and other equipment. From

her pets’ description, the owner knew that the culprit was a

friend of her cat sitter, who had a key to the house. The next

problem was how to explain to the police that “my cat knows who

did it.”

If you want to learn more about animal communication, there

are books on the subject and classes are taught in various

places around the country. A good place to begin is with Kinship

with All Life, by J. Allen Boone. The cover of this book says,

“Simple, challenging, real-life experiences showing how animals

communicate with each other and with people who understand

them.” The copyright on this book is 1954, so animal

communication isn’t new. It’s been around a long time and is now

getting the attention it deserves. If you have any interest at

all in animal communication, treat yourself and your pet to a

session. You will be amazed at what you will learn from your

four-legged friend. You can contact Cathy Easterbrook to inquire


about her workshops or a private session by calling 828-698-8290.

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