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Beacon Lounge

Want meet best brightest cially-conscious Geekeratti SXSW? place hang world-saving
entourage catch unplugged local music just pull WiFi blog on? Meet Beacon: Lounge
Conscience Spon red Beaconfire Consulting

Windows Phone along TechSet hosts Stephanie Agresta Brian lis will pay tribute
ideas passions friendships bring together every day see everyone know
everyone know give opportunity know Plus daily tweet-ups
2006 S Craig Watkins participated MacArthur Foundation's well-funded digital
media initiative alongside select team scholars tech experts goal was simple:
understand ng people's emphatic embrace socialmobile media Watkins went build
small research team skillfully collected over
ng Digital
Stereotypically known blend background both per nally professionally significant
amount web professionals around world Asian descent do reconcile identity given
one's history heritage contemporary culture? Given linguistic cultural divides?
While marketers businesses perceive Asians target market
Asians: Silent Minority
Great web design all around but we go beyond 'cool' 'usable' 'fun' create mething
truly beautiful? session examines our changing attitudes beauty art meaning why
web ideally suited become vehicle true beauty Information Age
Beauty web Design
Designing comprehensive user experience without thinking about body copy calls
action errors nomenclature? Think again--about content strategy an IA designer
search marketer strategist content strategy help understand clients' articulate an
approach align brand-driven user-centered message architecture
Content Strategy: ?
Discover platform makes car part family -- plan trip suggest places impress wife
hand-crafted antiques session covers new generation automobiles guide low
carbon living well keep connected
Dude My Car!
gaming industry full entrepreneurs jockeying fund next big idea While gaming
thrived despite recession it's still harder ever secure funding Learn first-hand
gaming entrepreneurs about attract funding success turn money profitable
Game On: Funding Gaming Start-Ups Recession
Even though technology evolved crazy pace last 100 years humble button stayed
center all past future? Why important? does say about interaction between
humans technology? Pictures stories revelations maybe movies
History Button
What Rod Serling had blog? Would Alfred Hitchcock Tweet? These great producers
directors brought suspense irony popular medium time; television did their work
shape minds ng people time would grow create "our" Internet?
Sci-Fi Shapes Internet
" Code We Trust" new motto Government 21st century Across country geeks
inside outside government developing new model participatory transparent Federal
State Municipal governments Built upon open- urce tools open standards best
practices will highlight
Code We Trust: Open Government Awe meness
Customers expect same treatment company whether interact through physical
store website mobile device We relish simplifying these experiences yet often
ignore critical institutional barriers organizations we serve flags five critical pitfalls
path Multichannel integration
Organizational Pitfalls Path Multichannel Experience
Program Programmed: Ten Commands Digital Age
early 2009 Federal Trade Commission became more vocal opinions regarding
online advertising privacy policies sum FTC basically been saying advertisers not
disclosing collect information users well enough happen future advertising and
Smackdown: Consumers Privacy vs Advertiser Revenue
Learn look further Twitter Facebook comes usingsocial mediahelp business succeed
web Learn lid strategies measure success all tools succeed fastest growing
marketing medium web
socialMedia Marketing Business
Each year hear about "SXSW SARS" "SXSW Scurvy " Days packed panels movies
concerts exhausting wear down immune system Learn ways prepare stay clear
Micro ft's XNA blows open barn doors make creating indie games possible their next
generation con le (XBOX 360) variety other platforms Come learn WHY making
games XNA exciting entertaining session
Take Over World XNA Indie Games
word "recessionista" was just coined last year but there cheapskates have been
writing sharing creative tips about live frugally years will discuss scope out best
deals tips share their readers Panels will talk about thrill
Broke Diaries: Using Blogs Twitter Live Cheaply
Tweet House celebration Twitter ecosystem transformed Real-Time web
Members “Twitterati” will presenting (and partying…)
Tweet House
term 'user experience' used an afterthought mobile application design iPhone
changed all set new benchmark user experience mobile devices will serve primer
anyone interested learning apply UX principles creation
UX Mobile
An in-store multi-touch experience lonely star without supporting roles mobile print
digital signage web key designing right experience right channel ' Holy Grail then
finding way all these elements seamlessly work together to
Touch + Holy Grail Delight
Why does CEO next door look he'd more comfortable skate park board room?
Because we're smack middle th entrepreneurship revolution Donna Fenn author
Upstarts! GenY Entrepreneurs Rocking World Business talks about new
Upstarts! GenY Entrepreneurs Rocking Business World
Over years Aust acquired many monikers: Live Music Capital World Keep Aust
Weird Silicon Hills Human Capital Open City Killer App city unique blend
openness creativity supportiveness good ole Texas friendliness Events ACL
Festival bring visitors around
Why Aust Killer App
DIY U: Edupunks Edupreneurs Coming Transformation Higher Education
Armed laptops smartphones audiences no longer sitting still conferences - instead
they're using Twittersocial mediacreate backchannel start their own conversations
while presenter talking good thing? does spell end presentations?
We pinch it tap it shake poke it We're enthralled finally touch our products But
there's much more direct manipulation just tapping our fingers! Let's explore
progressive interaction models go beyond touch movement infrared wearable
A Touchy History Future
Battledecks fast-paced fun laugh riot "contestants" have put together presentation
fly slides randomly projected their confusion delight audience Contestants then
judged low-level celebrities bought Battledecks was performed
Battledecks 2010
Past panels have shown Black bloggers bloggers color becoming more prominent
well-known years progress "Blogging While Black" being "Digital Urbanites" being
Black blogger definitely not limited any monolithic stereotype Learn pioneers
Black Blogging Rockstars
Chasing Virtual Good Real World
ID privacy hijacking use stolen identities site registrations e-mail e-commerce
socialnetworking become real threat web 2 0 brought about gaps
socialengineering Identity 2 0 voice biometrics Learn about technologies secure ID
Crime Scene: Digital Identity Theft
What happens business models way being socialonline? socialweb evolve meet all
users rather then loudest? important discussion co-creating fun valuable
experiences users design business user perspective
Do Cool Kids Leave Suits Arrive?
Everything I needed know about innovation I learned drawing cartoons Launching
cartoon far lower success rate innovation Successful cartoonists have experts
generating ideas breaking through clutter I'll share my experience but insights
Watter n Groening Adams others
Drawing Board: Innovation Les ns Cartooning
Typography make break design but there big differences between makes jaw-
dropping type offline makes great type online? presentation Samantha will
evaluate interesting offline lettering discuss translate those principles leverage
CSS3 @font-face new font-as-service web apps to
Get Stoked web Typography
When Google announced would cease cen ring Chinese search results even meant
decamping China most observers assumed Beijing wouldn't hesitate s them door
But weeks passed other shoe refused drop Even after Hillary Clinton's policy
address Internet freedom less two
Google China: Context Consequences
Engage new book Brian lis will debut Representing 3rd book New Media impact
ciety culture communication Engage will help anyone not only understand
changes media landscape but lead it Brian lis will
Brand Succeed New Web
Learn fundamentals improvised comedy help achieve freelance success Active
listening trusting rself saying "yes and " essential good improv - good
freelancing 'll learn skills help sign clients love paid worth we'll play games!
Improv Les ns Freelancers
By referencing research Communication studies we will examine role technology
interper nal relationships Specifically we will analyze negatives positives three
distinct relational categories: professional familial romantic would an academic
educate an audience about potential repercussions always being ''online ''
Is Technology Weakening Interper nal Relationships?
web originated generalists - webmasters designing building developing Today
web team have dozen different specialist roles each highly-focused mind
strengths specialists generalists each put their best use project an
Jacks All Trades Masters One?
Collaboration key UX process but becomes increasingly difficult across locations
Working remotely engineers product managers other UX'ers challenging Learn
members Google UX team work other offices team members domestically
internationally create best user experiences possible
Long Distance UX
Writers musicians other creatives always lookout new strategies help their work
front key influencers Sure off-the-shelf lutions helpful but take adventure out
making genuine connections presentation will focus letting go outcomes following
Making Genuine Connections: Putting Passion Over Process
Can Princess Leia eating an Apple Pie help me remember number? learn techniques
Memory Masters use? bunch audience participation demonstrations Grand Master
Memory - Mark Channon shows unleash creativity consume information take away
tools instantly put into
Memory Matters! Do Elephants Do It?
Second Life was all rage just few years ago Talked about every technology
conference covered mainstream media quickly went being hyped being ignored
Learn happened Second Life and find out earliest creators users embedded
journalists now
Second Life: Now?
Using open urce one thing but idea succeed give own work away? Scrappy
entrepreneurs will discuss question share their own experiences open urce
business models offer advice others considering open urce licenses
Selling Milk Cow Free
Since 2003 online dating evolved web sites profiles photos constructed attract
potential mates Expectations resultant relationships have changed well talk we
illustrate web site design user savvy have created an alternate universe intimate
Seven Years Online Dating
Content king right? Maybe not Content was king 500 years-long literate-mass-
media era initiated Gutenberg's printing press But seems king was deposed 2008
most people didn't notice yet Evanescent experiences participative crowds
claiming back power once
Shadows' Revolution: Cracking Content Breaking Molds
Don't change ; change network Make sure have realistic strategy plays strengths
then act it interactive session will help identify special strategy give confidence
network successfully real world online
Successful Networking Introverts Rebels Misfits
We design websites users but we don't have deep thorough grasp content will
served those users we're not going able create optimal experiences them Learn
do Content Research augment User Research
Understanding Content: Stuff We Design For
Analytics often confusing convoluted mess but doesn't mean have Guide Practical
Data will help ensure reaching full analytical potential Learn analyze public
proprietary data accelerate success any initiative Featuring detailed
demonstrations top
What Analytics? Guide Practical Data
Growing Global: Raising Children Home World
Happiness Project one most thoughtful works happiness have emerged recent
explosion interest subject Rub weaves together philo phy scientific research
history analysis real-life experiences she explains worked her'and didn't Her
conclusions metimes counter-intuitive '
Happiness Project
Mallory Messina Culture Activities Representative uthwest Airlines will beg most
obvious question: exactly ''CAR'' kind company would create job? Beyond trust falls
cheesy team activities company build upon their culture engage their employees
Beyond BBQs: Future Corporate Culture
Cooking Geeks covers new way looking cook hacker maker creative per n
bringing science experimentation kitchen will s create better food new
experiences dinner table
Cooking Geeks: Science Hacks Good Food
EFF recently argued Burning Man's not open nurturing people think uses DMCA
control photographers' rights caused firestorm controversy forcing Burning Man
say interests protecting trademark attendees being exploited unscrupulous
photographers will
Critical Tits: Rights Cameras Immediacy Age
world socialnetworking constant access real time updates way we date evolved
better worse? hopes address issues have been created "dating" interacting online
We hope discuss future
CyberSex2 0: socialNetworking Ruining Sex Life?
99% customers fantastic still going deal bastards even best make bad hiring
decisions But there time-honored approaches defusing crises deflecting attacks
denuding d-bags sea ned pros will discuss advise
Eight Ways Deal Bastards
Is enough economy simply create great designs? people buying style part lifestyle?
will explore whether fashion product designers should spend much time creating
communities utilizingsocial mediado picking right color and
Fashion 2 0: Hotter Styles vs Better Community Engagement
Making more sustainable choices easier help ubiquitous information thanks
passionate geeks Check game changers beautifully hacking tech fight climate
change Learn direct takes change behavior plug grocery sushi bar tractor
Handheld Awe me Detectors: World Changing Mobile Apps
Aimed both first-time long-time attendees interactive biting humorous yet useful
takes look common actions behaviors avoid don't described "doing wrong "
Not Douchebag SXSW
will discuss run startup without technical cofounder people just have passion but
can't code shit about do Fake til make it We still are
Run Startup Without Tech Cofounder
Visual mapping relationship circles: exploring tools appropriate socialtechnology
conference cultures work pleasure meet Intimate boundaries mixing business love
essentials compassion network culture will explored through interactive
visualization Q A Fluid dynamics connections discussed
Networked Love Bonding Intimacy: Our interactive Culture Clouds
One ma rea ns people attend multi-day conference "networking opportunities"
However once there fail make meaningful connections will lead ongoing
relationship future opportunities presentation delivers usable tips actionable
advice will help people them most out
Networking Multi-Day Conference
Two high-profile industry mavericks narrate battle living room first thinks Internet
future entertainment video included second thinks Cable/Satellite will always
deliver better video experience Internet video will rema small niche
PayTV vs Internet - Battle TV
ProBlogger: Secrets Blogging Way Six-Figure Income
Last Spring three kids set out one car two weeks Their mission was discover
emerging future new America one town time While captured produced plenty
content along their "roadtwip" most valuable thing was relationships established
As trend 'webifying' continues smallness simplicity web applications will become
thing past raises challenge securing these web behemoths An industry Security
engineering managers will discuss approaches use secure their web behemoths
attendees will ga
Securing web Behemoths - web Applications Large
Creating beautiful web design largely matter mastering handful simple techniques
best designs employ systems color contrast typography white space achieve
hierarchy balance rhythm rest just ingenuity creativity Matthew will review
dozens great nearly great sites explaining
Simple Steps Great web Design
As Internet accelerated creation all types content it's become more more difficult
sift through content find mething quality We've tried machines even mass
consensus but results either wrong lowest common denominator irony all
Revenge Editorials
As more devices become location aware socialuses will continue evolve beyond just
Adding temporal dimension creates new opportunities socialinteraction Learn
about ways leverage use technology add features intersection temporal social
Time + social+ Location Next Mobile Experiences?
At first glance fretboard ukulele (or guitar) looks incomprehensible but magic
pentatonic scales - ancient nearly universal 5-note patterns "crack code" hack
fretboard start jamming along favorite tunes musician friends no time don't
Ukulele Geeks: Secrets Pentatonic Scales
usesocial mediaour friends dating and finding kicka** job love? aren't using
sites twitter linked facebook more anything other bootycall posting pic's - aren't
even REALLY trying! Come job fun way!
Usingsocial mediaScore a Job (Obviously)
Smartphones broadband socialnetworks have changed way we communicate
affect everything workplace productivity per nal relationships we headed? Both
architects users socialtools will benefit look communications research technologies
Wave Communication's (R)evolution: Better Being There?
Video games more popular ever new games delivering all kinds socialbenefits
video-game therapy treating PTSD sims tra surgeons alternate-reality games
actually bring people together real life Will video games positive force people
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: Future Video Game
With just ten photos (including ones their own families) mission celebrate
awkwardness family awkwardfamilyphotos com was launched May 2009 childhood
friends Mike Bender Doug Chernack After site's link was posted radio station
website word spread virally just one week
Awkward Family Photos
Diversity inclusion one elements we have worked hard promote interactive Festival
"Black Blogging Rockstars"to "Africa 3 0: Look Future Connected Africa" " Black"
2010 interactive Festival lineup seeks cover wide
Blacks Technology Meetup
ft launch 2010 interactive Festival experience Friday Night Mix Six official pre-
party provides great opportunity reconnect old friends make new connections
Enjoy great views downtown Aust rooftop deck expanded room network adjoining
Mix Six Hosted SapientNitro
Kick off second annual Tocquigny marketing meet greet Enjoy panoramic views
Aust 17 stories network fellow innovators Learn more vote our signature party
drink here: www tocquigny com/sxsw
Tocquigny Martini Beer Marketing Mixer
Friday kickoff party unites digerati channel their inner Fame Monster reviving
decade style glamour made socialelite go ga ga
TechSet Party
Pastries Pasties
Hive Awards honor “ Unsung Heroes Internet ” people do heavy lifting but rarely
any credit Extended entry deadline: Feb 15th Enter @ http://www hiveawards
Hive Awards
Ustream invites stream way an exclusive one night only sen ry experience featuring
live performance one world's most renowned recording artists additional special
Ustream Presents “Streaming city – One Night Only”
Award-winning artists Chad Salvata Beth Hender n have created newest ethos
adventure Xephyra an alternative world music video mythos non-traditional
performance presented video images live music extraordinary vocals performed
an imaginary language mythic tribal island world Xephyra warrior
Xephyra: An alternative world music video mythos
Conceptart org Events Massive Black Art Department open ScreenBurn interactive
"Visions " one-of-a-kind multimedia event combining cutting-edge live digital
traditional art performances top film video game classically trained artists art world
Experience pulsing music local international DJs special performance
Alcatel-Lucent ELEVEN API Lounge cranks volume an "ultra-lounge" environment
rockers developers alike hang out network eat drink online learn involved ALU
API platform developer activities
From Facebook's newsfeed Twitter's relentless real-time updates metaphor
"stream" taken socialnetworking beyond blog posts rich socialactivities Learn
about ActivityStrea ms - open format adopted Facebook MySpace Windows Live -
it's fundamentally changing socialweb
ActivityStrea ms: Streamy Here?
Tricks techniques game design world applied non-games -- socialapps creative
tools etc -- improve user experience user enjoyment results We'll look
traditional UX new light: perspective games gamers (and zombies aliens goombas)
Worried about too much stress Aust Convention Center March? Then take deep
breath gently exhale let all go interactive Festival attendees will aga have chance
start their days mindfully morning yoga returns event Yoga was developed
thousands years
Come Yoga
news industry dying but wake new business models support investigative
journalism One these "community funded reporting" being pioneered Spot but
happening around country various individuals it? does work? pitfalls?
Community Funded Reporting
US companies often know little about European startup environment opportunities
found there Panelists will share both highs lows their startup lives will answer
questions regarding funding opportunities cultural idiosyncrasies legislation
differences between Europe America
Innovation Overseas - European Startup Environment
Will we able jack bra upload helicopter instructions Matrix? We already have
technology control prosthetic arm Twitter thoughts alone Dishes neurons control
robot scientists have created working artificial memory chip rats
Is Bra Ultimate Computer Interface?
Getting design approval pulling teeth Clients seem make irrational decisions based
per nal opinion ignore our expertise reducing pixel pushers However does not
way good communication und methodology design sign off pa free
Pa Free Design Signoff
It's start new project 've got requirements guidelines data research Now what?
an artist staring blank canvas information architects often don't know beg Instead
following rigid methodology waiting perfect idea appear out blue learn to
Re-Inventing Wheel: Sketching own IA Process
Communities skilled people serve platforms urcing ideas work lutions across
industries But we ensure new era crowd urcing actually empowers those
participate? There dangerous trends world crowd urcing principles required make
new ecosystem
Era Crowd urcing: Guiding Principles
Traditionally select few individuals holding jobs Film Distribution Companies stand
between filmmaker distribution But only online socialweb sites data driven
companies really know aggregate audience learn their tastes Does strip power
Distributors will learn new tricks?
Power Shift: Stands Between Creator Audience
Web Content Management Systems Designer's Perspective
After 15 years contenting ourselves system fonts image type planets now line real
fonts web lutions already working cross-platform standard emerging Here web
designer type designers mix font hurdles is
Web Fonts: Time Come
Now we think 140-character strings live through Facebook it's tempting throw out
blog baby bathwater These sea ned bloggers expla vitality still-revolutionary
medium- re urces community continuity space real ideas only blogs provide-and
infinite future potential
Why Keep Blogging? Real Answers Smart Tweeple
REWORK new book 37signals will released March 9 2010 - right time We'd do
book signing conference REWORK 37signals' "cookbook" starting building
growing (or not growing) company
REWORK 37signals
cialnomics: social mediaTransforms Way we Live do Business
We count an abundance news information media-saturated age Yes we'll always
encourage higher quality but won't matter we have crappy demand Here
principles tactics helping passive consumers become active even activist creators
Are Content Farms Good Evil? Yes
ARGs often trotted out shining example woman-friendly games boast unusually
high rates female developers players slew kick-ass female leads But dig little
deeper just post-Buffy version Princess Peach always needing saved?
ARGs Women: Moving Beyond Hot Brunette
Is interactive marketing art science? advent neuromarketing neuroscientists
researchers direct their expertise selling using MRIs analyze bra activity exposed
different stimuli Companies Google use mathematics develop advertising lutions
Will digital marketers become scientists mathematicians will creativity triumph?
Big Brother Brain: Neuroscience Marketing
At end each month most people look their finances wince say "I guess I spent
much " teaches tactics building an automated system handle money -- focus
earning more handle irregular income/expenses entrepreneurs
Building Bulletproof Per nal-Finance System
Who's blame creating digital-ceiling? Upper management? Rawk star "techies" fill
their presentations porn? Venture Capitalists don't fund enough women start-ups?
Ourselves? techsocial mediagurus thought-provoking discussion cracking boys-club
Bumpin' Up: Glass Ceiling Ever Smacked Butt?
emergence real-time web enables an unprecedented level user engagement
dynamic content online However rapidly growing audience puts new complex
demands architecture web we know it will discuss needed make real-time web
Can Real-Time web Realized?
future Journalism lies hands Citizen journalists coast coast launching websites
write about their interests But does work? make money? going will around few
years? These questions more will
Citizen Journalism Brigade - Making Voice Matter
With many different people using Content Management Systems there should best
practice intuitive user experience adm why do Drupal Joomla Wordpress others
do differently? Take an inside look UX process used developing leading CMS admins
CMS Adm UX Gateway Heaven Hell
Community Innovation Summit
first Community Innovation Summit leaders Developer Networks lively discussion
about fostering innovation online communities spon red PayPal
story otherwise unconncted uth African citizens pooled together their money re
urces thus helped seed over dozen online businesses uth Africa - no other realistic
options finance existed presentation will cover les ns learned tips replicating
model other regions
Crowdfunding: SAfrican Community Financed Online Businesses
paneli spon red frog design
Design Awareness: Mobile Technologies Health
internet transform transactions across global food supply cha farmers marketing
their own produce merchants making virtual trades consumers choosing products
based highly per nalized criteria explores web coordinate information facilitate
more transparent inclusive sustainable food system
E-Food Revolution: interactive Tools Feed World
From wedding videos musical mash-ups elaborate pranks world-changing speeches
viral videos regularly appear our radar screen But does video go viral? Panelists
Tube TED com else share strategies will help chances: editing techniques
emotional re nance distribution choices to well
Create Viral Video
We keep hearing bloggers their successful followings web ads endless heaps
publicity still don't make much more paper delivery route Then there's other 99%
budding blogs trying go $50 month least mething four-figures/month will
Make Living Blogger
Entrepreneurialism global world gets small entrepreneurs develop more global
reach but does an entrepreneur start? ways does an entrepreneur Silicon Valley
differ one Delhi? There whole new generation potential entrepreneurs out there
without clue start
Teach Entrepreneurialism Globally
With launch iPad Apple creating third category mobile devices positioned between
smartphones laptop computers Utilizing successful iPhone operating system
coupled tablet form factor iPad ability deliver content variety formats - native apps
iPad: New Opportunities Content Creators
proliferation mobile applications mobile web many talking about mobile platform
next great media channel relative egalitarianism Apple App Store many ways
flattened advantage traditional media channels (broadcasters cable national/global
web brands) have reaching consumers Come
Mobile - Great Channel Equalizer
openFrameworks an open urce c++ library used growing extremely active
community ftware artists performers students We will present several projects
illustrate strengths openFrameworks an introduction library itself including
compilation simple application
OpenFrameworks - Powerful Creative Coding Library Artists
world user experience learning about customers key making great stuff But
design research reports dense boring Unlock power sketching pen paper tools
create research outputs vibrant sticky reflect per nality human perspective move
Pen Paper Tools Research Design
When technology leveraged around passion purpose sake results not profits
powerful things happen While most non-profits not known technology are defying
traditional business models drive technology
Technology Results Not Profits
ability share online allowed consumers control filter web brands publishers
tapping Influence critical socialmedia's future influence measured? Leading
voicessocial mediamultiple backgrounds will define value influence discuss best
Future Influence
session will provide step-by-step explanation four designers User Experience space
approach wireframes An external re urce will provide clear business requirements
UX designers Each UX designer will choose their own tool exploring requirements
via wireframes specifications addition each UX designer
Right Way Wireframe Part 1
MIT Yale Stanford others put lectures online Chris Ander n argues all university
lectures should free Academic Earth TED it's free value-add university
education? models higher education will survive? will universities leverage
socialweb reinvent themselves?
Universities "Free" Era
Projects fall apart We often blame client politics per nalities But happens there
tremendous opportunity grow professional per n Candidly recounting past
catastrophes panelists explore emotional experience project implosion silver lining
We F*cked Up: Happy Cog Friends Exploring Failures Together
Where's Jobs socialGaming?
Wikipedia most successful collaborative experiment human history Now it's big
upgrade: video OGG Theora video paired open urce tech Kaltura evolving wiki
prompting big questions wiki video work well wiki text? does video mean
Wikipedia Gets an Upgrade: Collaborative Video
world mobile here opportunities big challenges provides REAL insight going front
lines mobile Creative Agencies Device Manufacturers Wireless Carriers unique
perspectives leading minds untapped opportunities leading
Real Mobile Scoop - Agency Manufacturer Carrier
Inbound Marketing: Found Using Google social media Blogs
will follow-on "Browser Wars" panels past few years I propose year focus an
important shift happening Web: shift towards mobility towards use browser an
application platform including advances such widgets HTML5 Geolocation
Web Evolution: Rise Mobile APIs Runtimes
David Cohn (Spot us) Jake Dobk (Gothamist com) Jay Rosen (NYU) Roxa
David Cohn Spot us; Jake Dobk Gothamist com; Jay Rosen New York University -
Community Funded Reporting - conversation Roxanne Cooper Alternet org
Marketing: Unmasked: Insider's Tips + Tricks Success Small Business Mark
A few words few pictures transformative experience Good stories three-way -
include storyteller audience both experience transport third place shared
experience together conversation social mediaaffect real socialchange!
A Conversation About socialChange Through socialMedia
All About Browser Baby!
Austin; Latino Internet Capitol World! mething Air? Latinos online now an
unprecedented level social mediaMarketing Trending Latinos have created forums
culture's unique More exciting these Latino bloggers specialists entertainment
editors per nalities living work Aust
Austin: Latino Internet Capitol World!
midst financial crisis people compelled save budget lower their dependency
traditional financial services Stock picking communities Per n-to-Per n lending per
nal finance management even FICO-score tracking services have emerged serve
changing customers exclusively served traditional banks Credit Unions
Banking 2 0: Financial Services Driven People Emerging Technologies
When adopt web content management platform not just ftware becoming part
community develops uses supports it help representatives Drupal SharePoint
communities we'll explore different CMS communities structured operate impact
Bringing All Back Home: CMS Communities
What happens meone sells tweet t-shirt? CNN puts their 24 hours news network?
These question may initially appear ridiculous but authors penning entire books
through their microblogs these becoming increasingly difficult ignore mostly
serious look
Can Copyright Tweet?
See happens citizen journalists ( ) team International NGOs (non-government
organizations) create share media projects their online offline communities We
will present projects created travelers our India Vietnam trips did their content
happened next
Citizen Journalism Little NGO
Over 5 100 teams scientists engineers worked almost three years find lution $1
000 000 Netflix Prize did top two teams meet challenge? Why did many teams
fail? member leading team shares inside story crowd urcing technical challenges
Crowd urcing: Ensemble's Experience Netflix Prize
will discuss several case studies showing successful fundraising strategies
incorporatesocial mediasites Twitter Facebook Tube will review results recently
completed research project investigatingsocial mediafundraising strategies
specifically supporting events
Debunking Mythsocial mediaFundraising
Design fiction an approach design speculates about new ideas through prototyping
storytelling goal move away routine lifeless scenarios-based thinking We will
share design fiction projects discuss related techniques design thinking
communication exploration near future concepts
Design Fiction: Props Prototypes Predicaments Communicating New Ideas

That user just signed about bail thousand other people just stopped but didn't
even bother register product great but users don't stay long enough find out first
fifteen minutes product most important Learn
Designing First Fifteen Minutes
Come learn blood- aked secrets lifting genre filmmaking hack-and-slash potboiler
pulp art insight biggest names smartest craftsmen their field
Directing Dead: Genre Directors Spill Their Guts
roundtable conversation audience members will share tips techniques ensuring
their games visibility Google other search engines How's SEO? site designed
search engine friendly? type PPC ad campaigns work best? We'll cover these other
search engine marketing
Getting Game Found Search Engines
What gives people confidence web? Bringing together experts socialcapital online
trust we help build company users love call their own
I Don't Trust One Stinking Bit
Last month President Obama gave his first-ever Tube Interview crowd- urced
questions submitted voted citizens online interviewing format brought citizen
voices White House facilitated direct dialogue between President Americans
cellphone cameras free Tube accounts everyone now ability
Interviewing President: Tube Do Better
session will take through ins outs specification development submission approval
pricing marketing an iPhone application Learn experiences Aust development
company Bearded Pony about everything researching market app dealing Apple
iPhone Application Development: Myths Facts
always-on device our pockets no longer just platform talking texting Enter "app-
vertising " new name mix branded mobile applications in-application advertising
But we still scratching surface mobile marketing will start deliver brands consumers
Is App-vertising Answer
Europe ahead terms consumer usagesocial media yet little attention often given
nuances one hand world's largest economy other collection 48 countries very
different cultures Find out
Lost Translation: Nuances European socialMedia
We live interesting times technology around constantly evolving improving ever
changing especially true world mapping immersive imagery many companies big
small diving head first digitize record our world ' e g Micro ft Google NavTeq
Maps 2010: iPad Impacts LBS Market
FTC wants regulate blogs because many posting reviews without disclosing
conflicts interest government intervention answer? discusses new ways measure
blogger credibility using crowd urced self-policing systems It'll examine specific
metrics review new tools available propose new industry standards
Measuring Blogger Credibility: FTC Regulation vs Crowd urced lutions

We all know web design tricks people do - make buttons bigger use accent colors
etc There other strategies however rely more proven tools psychology; session
will explore reciprocity scarcity more see effective
Mind Control: Psychology Web
Online Marketing Inside Out
Location based games services finally ready go mainstream professionals
explores creatively craft experiences business models different types places
backyards cities towns suburbs exurbs hiking trails parks deserts
Playing Place: Location-Based Games Services
A focus universe research strategy; imagine using entire internet focus group
Analyze every conversation visualize trends compare brands learn insights
envisage over time real factual answers not just amplified assumptions based
focus control groups Now add IPv6 picture digital invasion UGC/MGC
Real-Time Everything: Era Communication Ubiquity
Too often individuals businesses take advantage meone else's turf excuse
"shameless self promotion " It's not acceptable lead being labeled spammer worse
we'll tell promote rself without turning others off
Shameless Self Promotion Without Looking an @#$%^ !
Right Way Wireframe Part 2
It difficult establish startup no matter world but there great companies events
began life outside Silicon Valley Threadless 37Signals FeedBurner BIG Omaha
conference itself proof technology life exists away coasts These less-than-obvious
Third Coast: Startup Outside Silicon Valley
Australia suffered 'tyranny distance' since colonization Now first time those
barriers dis lving land downunder shifts timezones virtual playing field log virtual
avatar there no international calling codes no day night only
Time Travelers: Why Australians Virtual World Innovators
Call 21st Century focus: helping people saving planet Our will dive deep skills
techniques strategies successful global initiatives architecture education
community Experience hands-on power design technology great differentiator
guiding collaborations positive change
Tools Good: Design Meets Technology Service
Which web framework will rule them all? an audience member pick winner! We will
present an introduction variety web frameworks including Rails Django Catalyst
Sinatra vote best web framework categories such URL handling database
integration forms HTML templating
Web Framework Battle Royale
We all have two brains: one our head one our pocket least one smarter every day
we augment squishy one? Learn context-aware mobile devices connecting
semantic web services give ESP untold powers
Augmenting Bra Android
Human Business Design
There's lots talk about creating engaging experiences consumers their mobile
phones but reality? Hear industry's top players hash out hot mobile
technology changed future holds
Mobile Technology: New Out Next?
Open Government
it's 4th year Bike Hugger's Mobile socialTexas-sized bike culture event We'll ride
around Aust arriving Mellow Johnnys BBQ Variety S
Bike Hugger's Mobile cial
Many CSS Frameworks have been introduced recent years now quite popular
advantages (fast development cross-browser compatibility table-less design etc )
exciting but disadvantages (bloat lack flexibility lack already available css) equally
compelling Framework authors discuss similarities differences
CSS Framework Shootout
interactive Festival very excited danah boyd will serve Opening Speaker 2010
event One world's foremost authorities socialnetworks boyd works Micro ft
Research New England serves Fellow Harvard University Berkman Center Internet
Opening Remarks: Privacy Publicity
50 word version: User experience result interactions product service specifically
it's delivered related artifacts according design presentation we will expla
following ten commandments boost project's ease use appeal conversion rates
Ten Commandments User Experience
Tina Shoulders Fashion 2 0 - conversation Andrew Apostola primary Swappler
Tina Shoulders (Fashion 2 0) Andrew Apostola (Swappler com)
Visit Trade S Bar complimentary Miller Lite
Trade S Bar Happy Hour
make content Good stuff But takes time money Now thinking - maybe I'll
aggregate content trusted filter Well here's chance grill emerging aggregators
We'll bring together folks web Publishing Media Indie Media content aggregation
platforms s working
'Make' vs 'Gather?' Successful Content Business Models
Digital Planet BBC's top technology programme presents an interactive radio s
recorded live front audience hosts Gareth Mitchell Bill Thomp n Two opposing quiz
teams picked top-name speakers conference will compete answer questions
current future tech trends
BBC Digital Planet Live SXSW
Today anyone build per na an audience usingsocial media Simultaneously
traditionally famous people reaching out directly fans without managers agents
Celebrity mething we do not mething we are prompted change? implications?
future "internet fame"?
Celebrity Microcelebrity Future Internet Fame
Chainsaws Slackers Spy Kids: Thirty Years Filmmaking Aust Texas former film
critic Ali n Macor crafts lively narrative tells rollicking history moviemaking Aust
Texas book features revealing interviews Richard Linklater Robert Rodriguez Mike
Judge Quent Tarantino Matthew McConaughey George Lucas and
Chainsaws Slackers Spy Kids: Thirty Years Filmmaking Aust

11th hour copy Fix-it-later launches Our users deserve more last-minute content
we often stuck have power change game Learn introduce (and sell) content
strategy web design process
Content Strategy FTW
today's tight economy those experience producing innovative news coverage tight
budgets may have an advantage over their commercial counterparts Hear case
studies les ns learned indie media makers public broadcasters experts creating
compelling coverage online on-air without breaking bank
Covering Big News Small Budgets
As HTML5 CSS3 gets written browser vendors already incorporating their new
features allowing greater design functionality However major browsers haven't
should developers build constantly moving target? discusses dealing those older
browsers embracing new web design technologies practical HTML5
CSS3 Design HTML5
work limited marketing budgets failing economy build an online brand raise
awareness cause fundraise effectively We'll talk about sizeable online grants
free/discounted help key professional
Digital Marketing Non-Profits
summer 2009 Chapter Three launched Pantheon an open- urce cloud hosting
initiative Drupal development community talk CTO Josh Koenig dissects " Cloud"
concept gives tour marketplace cloud services digs takes build application on
Drupal Cloud!
A discussion maintaining successful active blogs socialnetworking sites geared
toward LGBT community niches
Engaging Queer Community
do make journey bloggersocial mediaexpert professional speaker? will spill secrets
started -- thriving -- public speaking world creating knockout presentation
marketing actually works along speaker bureaus
From Bloggersocial mediaGuru Professional Speaker
Compelling blow-by-blow account take an idea through start-up turn successful
business Practical tips anecdotal experience developing vision attracting talent
creating culture message out raising money networking keeping clients happy
whilst ensuring target reach
From Kitchen Table $Million Business
Aust Help Gaming Career
While known live music capital world Aust making serious inroads mostsocial
mediasavvy city major tech companies city residents Aust tech leaders will
provide attendeessocial mediabest practices insights during interactive
Aust Got sociallyExperienced
Ready skip town because think it's played out? Techies aren't techie enough?
Creatives aren't creative enough? We'll talk about Philadelphia turned around just 2
years embracing strengths local flavor helping build new leaders inspiring an
intense city pride It's not tough
Geeks Grabbed Philadelphia Balls
Is WordPress killing web design? Leading creatives world web design debate
whether CMS tools have made designers lazy created new set design conventions
designers feel obliged follow
Is WordPress Killing web Design
Jean Russell Nature Nurture Productions; Kaye Porter Kaye Porter Coaching
Consulting; Evonne Heyning Amoration - interviewed Amanda Coolong TechZulu
Jean Russell (Nature Nurture Productions) Kaye Porter (Kaye Porter Co

We've entered Last Days Media Traditional publishers' economics can't stand
against overwhelming volume new content ad inventory being manufactured likes
blogs Facebook Myspace Craigslist et will New York City nation look without New
York Times?
Media Armageddon: Happens New York Times Dies
Space sector representatives will discuss use web mobile technologies create
opportunities participation future exploration Moon focuses X PRIZE NASA
commercial space companies others generate greater interaction interest Moon
missions using collaborative platformssocial media
Moon 2 0: Outer Limits Lunar Exploration
Every respectable film festival these days talking about online film distribution
increasingly these panels end disputes between websites promoting their services
film distributors frustrated their online revenues same time everyone seems agree
digital distribution future
Nobody Wants Watch Film: Realities Online Film Distribution
Recipes creating successful twittertainment other participatory entertainments
drive brand engagement ROI providing consumers an immersive experience
Rules BrandFiction Twittering MadMen
Jo Micro ft staff Fuel Games creators first Win7 touch games unique
client/developer presentation about creative concepts technical challenges future
promise touch-based user interfaces discuss debate brainstorm current future
potential Touch desktop OS interface both gaming
That Game Feels Nice: Tomorrow's Touch Interfaces
Don't miss Heather Gold S one true highlight events interactive 2010 theme "Get
Excited Make Things " Guests include Gina Trapani Jay Smooth Harry Allen Rob
Sloan filmmaker comic Neg Farsad
Heather Gold Show
Can make living geek without sacrificing ideals? Definitely These pros have carved
out niche working mission-driven ethical clients both non-profit for-profit sectors - s
bring values work while keeping roof over r
sociallyConscious Geek: Makin' Money While Doin' Good
promise possibilities transmedia storytelling have been horizon several years
concept involves immersive storytelling utilizes multiple media outlets concurrently
enhance advance narrative see better way totally involving an ever more
fragmented distracted audience
Transmedia 2010: We There Yet?
world hype wars many popular yet revenue-challenged startups battle headline
supremacy handful under-the-radar Internet businesses have done unthinkable:
they've become profitable Hear business turn more profits heads handful Internet
Unsexy Profitable: Making $$ Without Hype
Ready put tech community map? unlikely instigators New Orleans did just little
more passion bus T-shirts duct tape Let them s create an organic net-roots
movement upends traditional power structures galvanizes community
Uprising Tide - Inciting Online Communities Offline Movements
A myriad user experience deliverables available UXD practitioner: sitemaps
interaction diagrams wireframes storyboards much more But most effective
capturing design concept process vision? We survey preferred sets deliverables
give pointers choosing rs
User Experience Design Deliverables: Expert's Choice
"View urce" feature all modern browsers few people use more probably wouldn't
miss disappeared Still viewing other people's urce code played an undeniable
role Web's development spurring culture creativity sharing cementing values
openness transparency
View urce Posse
Real time data fundamentally changing way international aid being designed
administered Innovative new platforms leveraging SMS text messaging
transforming basic mobile phones dynamic devices key areas including education
health care services supply cha tracking
What International Aid Learn FedEx Coca-Cola
explosive growth cloud-based services big device manufacturers scrambling create
compelling next-gen gadgets Most have fallen short forcing application companies
build their own devices scratch presentation discusses ftware/content developers
use open- urce hardware build devices integrate tightly their applications
Developed Content -- Now Build Hardware
Ze Frank Conversation: Creative Lifestyle
Food Drinks best small business community Come celebrate Happy Hour
Small Business web Follow @sxsbw details
Small Business Big Party!
success horror entertainment becoming more dependent niche online communities
mainstream explains create loyal but vocal genre communities usingsocial
mediatools panelists will describe leveraged their community's involvement
further along horror genre
Zombies Vampires Monsters: Fostering Loyal Genre Communities
Ask content creators advertising paying bills most will say doesn't While iTunes
Hulu Netflix serve major networks independents rely trickle advertising revenue
We present options totally portable embeddable viral distribution micropayments
Power (and payments) people!
Beyond Advertising: Online Video Finally Pay?
Can NSA really do that? Um yes me movies take close look government
surveillance caught fables dreamed Hollywood flicks Jaunty t foil hats popcorn will
Big Brother Big Screen: Fact/Fiction?
Cocktails tell story American history those leading conversation today pioneers
digital landscape We hope explore relationship between bloggers bartenders
brands while discussing technology influenced their discussions
Booze Blogging: Liquid Conversation
Every web company likes think themselves ''global '' but serious about international
market lot trickier - messier - just running site through Babelfish adding country tag
Hear start-ups successfully building their global brands ground
Connecting 'Dots' Create Successful Global Brands
Ja n shows apply principles fluid typography Web-safe fonts downloaded fonts
type images create robust scalable designs achieve great typography without re
rting type images Adobe Flash
CSS Fonts: Fluid web Typography
Clearly financial world innovation fast will bring together experts finance
technology talk about future finance will influenced data geeks technologists We
will explore new financial data formats XBRL discuss these formats along
Data Money: Geeks Changing Finance
What does mean build web services DoTheRightThingš'¢? about product design
decisions tradeoffs made designing social ftware We'll discuss understanding user
expectations incentivizing behavior impact default settings handling privacy
Avoid becoming next [company name redacted]
Do Right Thing: Building Respectful ftware
We've heard ''all press good press '' But during 2009 several panels provoked
heated audience debates over new variation: socialmarketing successful people
talk about it? Controversial campaigns such Whopper Sacrifice warrant discussion
about really makessocial mediasuccessful doesn't
Does My Sh*t-Talking Really Help Brand?
Like ninjas battling stage Bre Pettis Tal Chalz will volley projects demonstrations
back forth guitar player robots machines vomit plastic skulls presentation will
include mix projects they've worked have been worked GarageGeeks NYCResistor
Doing Wrong: Recently Possible Technology
As eyes focused places well-known startups innovation hear three up-and-coming
cities discuss they're building fostering their entrepreneurial communities
Portland Boulder Omaha beyond exciting things happening places don't expect
Don't Move! Build Startup Community Live
Many startups look venture capital Holy Grail-- key their startup success will
comprised former venture professionals have switched sides--from funding
companies VC funds starting companies Apparently VCs don't know everything
about startups each these entrepreneurs had to
Everything I Didn't Learn About Startups VC
Gaming System 4chan
Technology connects each other never before making easier harness our collective
power Obama's election post-election Iran barely scratch surface possible people
self-organize Hear embrace potential means our future
Spark Movement 21st Century
notion every business detailed plan broken launching business it's more
important put ideas action not over-strategise Online tools mean launch business
faster build theoretical model unplan just do it
Unplan Business Idea
Joi Ito Presentation
these days cost cutting freelancing telecommuting becoming more popular While
coworking might great doesn't work everyone do do home all day no one but cats
kids? Come learn ways stay sane
Keeping Sane While Working Home
session will learn new ways build cloud-based architectures best practices
migrating existing applications AWS cloud session will focus phase driven strategy
migration includes various phases cloud assessment phase proof concept phase
moving data
Migrating Applications Cloud: Phase-Driven Approach
we'll explore creative strategic marketing challenges traditional new (internet
hybrid) book publishing online magazine publishing these fields intersect content
strategy client services
New Publishing web Content
A socialdigital strategy often fails because culture doesn't support it rise
participation puts pressure an organization's traditional way doing business new
way leadership managing needed called "Open Leadership" New technologies
make open leadership not only possible but necessity
Open Leadership: Upside Giving Control
Companies deal users deaths websites do streamline process handling deceased's
wishes their online accounts?
People Die Profiles Don't
Augmented Reality (AR) seems next big thing marketers advertisers But does
work marketers make work them? Through live demonstrations technology metaio
will showcase technology's current capabilities expected AR near future
Reality Check Augmented Reality
Television looked pretty much same since inception early 40s give take few rabbit
ears hundred pounds But revolution already begun Recently Razorfish been
doing significant research importance television plays our lives we think
Sleeping Giants: Digital Awakens TV Media
user-generated interconnected socialWeb ripe plucking criminals other malicious
users We'll demonstrate psychology user experience have much do security
coding sysadm skills apply all them protect users
socialWeb Security: Psychology Programming
SXSW Eats: Aust Foods 101
Presently onlinesocial mediaspace consists hyper-localized bifurcated tech
communities: problematic many more "successful" cool kids guilty "being every
single party" using scene way "fameball" i e gaming advance their own popularity
instead using
Tech Scene Smackdown: LA vs SF vs NYC vs Boston vs Austin
Finding detailed specifications implementing user research methods easy - but
matching specific methods particular challenge We'll outline an underlying
framework research approaches 'll understand why each method works well use it
UX Process Improved: Integrating User Insight
Users weird tell one thing do another click every read nothing Erica Firment
User Experience designer Linden Lab/Second Life chronicles fast effective ways
make ftware suck less spending few hours watching users fail
Video Game Research: Failing Our Way Victory
2010 30th anniversary Carl Sagan's Cosmos: Per nal Voyage Not only his
explanation our universe relevant today teach great deal about create better
What Carl Sagan Teach About Web?
Many tech fields have low percentage women guy do wonder do about it? Learn
about successful strategies proactive approaches supporting women work
participate community We will even cover well-intentioned efforts have gone
What Guys Doing More Girls Tech!
Hoaxes rumors misleading stories thrive real-time multi- urced online environment
do suss out newsy signals uninformed promotional ill-intentioned noise? Learn best
ways cast critical eye media consumption quickly recognize share only authentic
RIP Jeff Goldblum: Truth vs web BS
Synthetic Interview unique technology allows an individual have conversation
character per na per n were present real-time goal creating immersive
experiences allowing guests interact cinematically digital character either past
present future
Virtual Interviews: Chat Darwin's Ghost
Think science fair free beer Ample doses electricity tomfoolery mayhem makers
music combine form one exquisite geek talent s Spon red interactive
International Game Developer's As ciation Aust Mr Data Ricochet Labs Digital
Media Council
Jo happy hour drinks appetizers Cedar Door learn we working Mozilla Party limited
first 250 guests arrive - please RSVP Facebook: http://bit ly/mozsxswparty!
Mozilla Happy Hour
Augment reality few frosty beverages Razorfish kicks off conference upstairs
Paradise But don’t forget badge! conference badge Razorfish business card
required entry
SXSW Opening Night Happy Hour spon red @Razorfish
Jo Shutterstock Bigstock an open bar happy hour special guest DJs Stop
Shutterstock Bigstock booth free V I P pass
Snappy Hour Shutterstock Bigstock
legend lives frog design returns host interactive Opening Party not-to-be-missed
event brings together digital creatives well visionary technology entrepreneurs an
unforgettable evening much too much?
SXSW interactive Opening Party Hosted frog design
Aust Museum Digital Art presents party featuring live electronic music visual art
Expect video projections interactive installations Laptop Battle musicians
competing outperform one another series elimination rounds Free interactive
badgeholders www amoda org
AMODA Digital Showcase
still love web still love karaoke we’re having sequel Happy Cog's karaoke
extravaganza returns second year Open bar starts 10:00PM Space limited arrive
early 'll likely grab cab ride http://www cogaoke com/
Happy Cog'aoke 2
Recharge ul (and connected devices) Chevy Volt Recharge Lounge – Lower level
NW corner convention center While there plug massage grab beverage just chill
out while first look 2011 Chevy Volt (Aust Convention
Chevy Volt Recharge Lounge
session will start will basics quickly move future Sharron Rush introduces web
accessibility concepts background interviews Rich Schwertdfeger leader
development WAI-ARIA principles accessible rich internet applications Rich looks
current static model providing designing
Accessibility: Going
2010 year Africa will finally connect global undersea cable network powering
today's broadband internet traffic Africa use arrival high speed super highway it's
advantage? impact will broadband communications have Africa's development? we
looking Africa 3 0?
Africa 3 0: Look Future Connected Africa
Remember utility an online map consisted directions gawking satellite imagery?
recent tide location-based apps such Foursquare introduction likes Twitter Maps
maps rapidly emerging gateway sociallyexploring world around But that's
Augmenting Maps Reality
Most startups beg basic LAMP stack (on PHP Python) then add database replication
memcache grow But then what? There's big gap between these out-of-the-box
lutions takes run mething bigger
Beyond LAMP: Scaling Websites Past MySQL
One North America's hottest keynote speakers founder TrendHunter com reveals
powerful strategies thriving any economic climate DID KNOW Hewlett-Packard
Disney Hyatt MTV CNN Micro ft Burger King GE all started during periods
economic recession? Periods uncertainty fuel tremendous opportunity but deck
Exploiting Chaos -- Spark Innovation During Times Change
Can Middle East reinvent itself through digital entrepreneurship? Countries Egypt
lead Arab world hacking lutions while Israel leader advanced ICT development
internet mobile create bridge collaboration co-operation independent politics
From Right-to-Left: Entrepreneurship Middle East
Google Hackathon hosted Google will provide hands-on workshop throughout day
attendees will able build apps using variety Google technologies including App
Engine HTML5 Android Chrome Maps/Geo technologies Although hackathon will
run all day long (from 9:30-7:00pm) we'll providing short
Google Hackathon: Android TTS Geo APIs Overview Chrome Accessibility Exte
Programming will increasingly most empowering skill earth do we bring more
people? We can't rely better academic programs nobody taking them! We have
bring back easy discovery instant utility See webhooks (user-defined HTTP
callbacks) missing link!
WebHooks Will Make All Programmers
Screw laptop Internet connection rode on It's 2015 all hurdles digital ubiquity
history Our professional visionaries will immerse day fully digitized life supported
every appliance own connected own per nal infocloud
Imagineering Fully Digitized Connected Future
web global medium but most websites siloed single language socialtranslation
program one way make website more accessible global audience while turning
users contributors socialtranslation an option website (or product)?
Offering Content 100 Languages
What will our digital future look like? Feb 17 2010 Federal Communications
Commission will present national broadband plan will shape future our Internet will
directly affect bloggers wireless innovators entrepreneurs gamers everyday
Internet users Come hear about national broadband plan
Our Digital Future: National Broadband Plan
Iterative journalism process journalism wiki journalism -- call -- 'first draft' history
rapidly changing digital reporting immediate delivery we'll investigate
technological tools best practices bloggers NYTimes com transparency ethical
challenges faced report accurate news social
Process Journalism: First While Right
Stop check out Silverlight interactive Lounge Kick feet take moment explore our
Digital Living Room see Silverlight Windows 7 action And years past we’ll have
an Xbox set gaming pleasure (Aust Convention
Silverlight interactive Lounge
As we enter new era games designed produced distributed operated facilitate
interaction among players we'll hear pioneers socialgames think about approach
new medium
socialGaming: Les ns Pioneers
StoryCorps was built principle ordinary people have extraordinary stories share -
just ask socialnetworking hand-held technology now enables communities capture
distribute these stories unprecedented scale quality Panelists will discuss art
blending storytelling socialnetworking
Story Next -- Narrating Crowd
WoT vision web more devices people it We extend web real world enabling devices
become physical web re urces follow founding principles web architecture (REST)
We will demo physical mashup real objects attendance
Web Things - Connecting People Objects Web
There will bacon coffee geekery Adobe Sunday Brunch 10am Sunday FREE brunch
Adobe Day Stage Adobe product managers evangelists will sharing latest mobile
development Flash more Adobe Labs RSVP http://facebook com/AdobeSXSW
There might
Adobe Sunday Brunch
Pepsi Refresh Project coming one interactive attendee will leave $50 000 Refresh
Grant help bring their digital pro-socialidea life – it’s decide wins! Stop Pepsi Refresh
Café learn more help refresh
Pepsi Refresh Cafe'
PepsiCo Podcast Playground back provide SxSWers place recharge reconnect
broadcast friends fans followers grab seat bar take Twitter-view PepsiCo Zeitgeist
2 0 check out our Digital Speak Easy line-up (Aust Convention Center 1st floor
uthwest corner)
PepsiCo Podcast Playground
Come relax Be Lizard Lounge enjoy reskinned Be Elixirs Teas Happy hour Be-
style 12-7 daily Fan facebook com/ be more!
Be Lizard Lounge
By campaigning protesting Iranian women surprised onlookers through their
ciopolitical participation during 2009 Iranian election led sudden appearance an
invisible part Iranian ciety role did emerging media play? will discuss online
political activity during prior election
2009 Iran Election: Women's Revolution? Twitter Revolution?
Creating accessible JavaScript difficult time consuming create right knowledge
forethought JavaScript made accessible session covers variety development
techniques paradigms creating progressively enhanced JavaScript functionality
explains features implement web
Accessible JavaScript Techniques
Since industrial revolution we've judged human intelligence our ability talk just
look belief gotten us: politics energy we're deeper conceptual debt ever session
shows combining our innate verbal visual skills only way we're going
Blah Blah Blah: Why Words Won't Work
Technology internet have potential change world address serious issues But not
happening Why not? Because people don't understand holding back But who?
session blamestorm - an opportunity call out people organizations technology
Blamestorm: Holding Back?
Wikipedia top 10 global web site but editing activity encyclopedia "anyone edit"
steadily fallen since early 2007 Lih will expla current crisis research Palo Alto
Research Center Wikipedians academics ability susta lasting content creation
Can Wikipedia Survive Popular Success Community Decline?
Clay Shirky Presentation
today's economy global audiences equal vast opportunity But do design online
experience meet customers Taipei Toledo? does culture influence design? Learn
tips tricks designing global markets collaborating colleagues overseas not
offending international customers
Design Collaboration Pokemon: Not Offend People Globally
r next customer Middle East Countries Iraq UAE Jordan their divisions looking
firms design branding help Find out cultural differences impact design process
learn create respectful productive relationship design a
Drink Tea: Designing Middle Eastern Customers
Hospitals health care providers slowly but surely using new media socialnetworking
ftware their primary objectives--treatment research education outreach patient-
provider communication presentation will feature best practices case studies
prescribe future uses new media public health
ER 2 0
For many brand extension digital realm means web site banner add viral
campaign But applications extend conversations perceptions brand well add
discussions ideas compelling new ways applications help brand idea more
Extending Brand? There's an App That
Gaming Crowd: Turning Work Play
What do Amazon Mechanical Turk Obama campaign 2010 Honda Insight Nike+ all
have common? all use gameplay mechanics turn difficult real-world problems play
I'll discuss practical ways turn any website game serious risks doing wrong
Google Hackathon hosted Google will provide hands-on workshop throughout day
attendees will able build apps using variety Google technologies including App
Engine HTML5 Android Chrome Maps/Geo technologies Although hackathon will
run all day long (from 9:30-7:00pm) we'll providing short
Google Hackathon: Mobile Maps App Engine Chrome Extensions
A new breed maps revealing breakthroughs our understanding biology
neuroscience ecology physical world We now map not just physical geographies
but genomes neural pathways emotions socialnetworks ideas These new maps
reveal ciety will change over next twenty years
Here Lions: Cartography Future
While much been documented about social mediahurt companies marketing
perspective vulnerabilities exist every area an organization's business model
lowliest employee CEO social mediapresents corporate vulnerabilities regardless
rank title department Risk mitigation strategies essential
social mediaDestroy Business Model
future media relies heavily mindset those willing study enter field Professionals
profes rs students will discuss transforming goals communication education develop
graduates not only comfortable fluent online media but innovate influence
Influence Innovate: Transforming Media Education
A JavaScript code-centric look UI architecture including templating J N data-
interchange both browser server We'll talk about variations popular patterns such
MVC cleanly implement them independent platform framework choice
JavaScript Architecture: Front Back It
Ever consider leaving all start own Agency? Not entirely sure start? talk will cover
starting building web Design Development company talk tackles pitfalls
outstanding benefits building cultivating own Agency All virtual space
Leave Job Start An Agency
do successful web properties delight fans earn revenue achieve self-sufficiency
via healthy direct merchandise business? Advertising receives plenty deserved
attention Let's dive merch strategy tactics tools
Merch: Other White Meat Monetization
Most have incidents our past we'd rather leave there - but that's harder world
teeming tools devices capture our actions record them forever Do we have ''right
delete'' records data about ourselves? we? Should we?
My Life Take Two: Right Delete
Whether newspapers dead not media innovating online Rather debate
journalism's future let's look we're headed online news urces tomorrow might look
will survey most exciting experiments propose interesting new directions
Online News Tomorrow
Every year my wife Sarah I design massive puzzle hunt our friends We can't put
full-scale version but hour will lve our best puzzles plus few new ones designed
especially talk will light on
Puzzling Hour
Jo live studio 12PM 3PM 6PM daily IFC showcases best talent including live musical
performances panels celebrity interviews house open all day FREE food FREE
swag gaming grand prize give-aways Happy Hour 5PM kick off
IFC Crossroads House
Nowadays restaurant blogs sites Yelp Chowhound everyone restaurant reviewer
Long gone days professional critics had final say user-generated reviews changing
restaurants operate we eat? there still role professional critic?
Yelp Effect: Everyone's Restaurant Critic
great tradition Dr Frankenste engineers transforming mobile phones simple
keypad voice devices phisticated sensing machines Hear about means future
mobile phones involved -- eyes ears beating heart it's ALIVE!
What Phone Had Five Senses?
Video cameras desktop editing ftware now cheap ubiquitous making easy casual
computer users speak mass audience But online video still mostly glorified on-
demand system--more Internet TV truly participatory medium legal technological
battles surrounding online video are
Open Video Why Does Matter?
deadline looming 've tweeted busy four times week yet just can't project
wrapped out door Real artists ship real artist real bad but not Let me s rework
Why Aren't Done Yet
Last year SXSWi Larry Lessig introduced Change Congress movement clean
corruption Congress But that's only beginning All elected offices (local state yes
even Congress) more techies scientists engineers Now! Why techies should run
office -- w
Yes Mr Lessig We Change Politics
Advertising 20th Century Watch world famous brand stop interrupting TV start
dating motion media online Six content creators will pitch their ideas live Day
Stage fast six minutes each One will secure $24 000 make their film Another will
$8 000 decided
SXSW Match-Making: Pitching Content Miller Lite
Government been slow adoptsocial media Ignorance fear unknown negative
comments primary rea ns Two government communicators have experience SM
trenches will discuss persuade government agencies program (it's easier less scary
Nerds Foster Democracy Local Government
Frightened confused term "prototype"? Tired praying there's plug framework will do
exactly do? Unlock whole new world interactivity object-oriented JavaScript
programming Learn design implement classes let simplify extend r
Anything But Typical: Learning Love JavaScript Prototypes
Reggie Bibbs been one man crusade raise awareness neurofibromatosis (NF) come
listen him tell his story help organization turn clients friends raving fans company
Becoming An Inspiration - One Pixel Time
CNET's Buzz Out Loud will broadcast live While discussing day's tech news hosts
Tom Merritt Ja n Howell Molly Wood Natali Del Conte others will chat audience
invite special guests talk about happening s beyond
Buzz Out Loud Live 2010
Four teams emerging game developers give short presentations about their ideas
an innovative new casual game jury industry experts
Casual Game Design Competition Spon red USA Network
Every startup orig story about couple developers abscond garage end building Next
Big Thing But money fame don't end goal significantly improve life--and impact
others' lives--by coding pleasure spare time
Coding Pleasure: Developing Killer Spare-Time Apps
Conversation Michel Gondry
Filmmaker artist musician Michel Gondry ( Science Sleep Kind Rewind) sits down
KCRW's Elvis Mitchel discuss his remarkable body work his latest an intimate
portrait his family entitled Thorn Heart screening
Does one-size-fits-all approach "One Web" meet all groups web users web content
becomes more complicated? We will discuss strategies improving accessibility
across different devices covering current issues mobile accessibility potential
lutions such geolocation CSS3 media queries
Cross Device Accessibility: Real?
A discussion about new media democracy citizen journalism wisdom crowd
Readers consumers media have exerted new level control around news
entertainment created shared consumed example Iranian citizens usedsocial
mediareport post-election activity June 2009
CrowdControl: Changing Face Media Hype?
Let's face it few people really happy our lives We wish we toss all start aga find
elusive š„²balance' our bliss Hear people who've tossed all (or most) their old
lives jobs find life really wanted
Ditch Old Build Dream Life
Google Hackathon hosted Google will provide hands-on workshop throughout day
attendees will able build apps using variety Google technologies including App
Engine HTML5 Android Chrome Maps/Geo technologies Although hackathon will
run all day long (from 9:30-7:00pm) we'll providing short
Google Hackathon: HTML5 Chrome Extensions Android Accessibility
Why does business have complicated? Where's checklist all this? about IRS? Learn
create business choose structure figure out expenses deductible all specifically
targeted interactive new media creators presented meone been there
Did Happen? I'm Business!
Andrew Keen author Cult Amateur discusses impactsocial mediatechnological
innovation culture ciety economic justice
Is Innovation Fair?
Do employees know much love them? We'll talk creative ways keep morale low
economy ideas improving lives brains greatest assets make all work company's
bottom line (no matter small)
Kicking Recession Ass Killer Company Culture
Local political campaigns have adopted many tools national campaigns but varied
success will examine tools now being used local races local activists (Facebook
Wordpress Drupal Twitter SMS etc) give specific examples success failures
Not Just Obama: New Media Gets Local
Perfectly Irrational: Put Monkey Driver's Seat
've designed great product fixed stack usability problems spent fortune
marketing only problem is people aren't using it session will learn users do
them through good design human psychology a
Persuasive Design: Encouraging Users Do Them T
online audience increasingly fractured passionate niches Companies seek
infiltrate subcultures alt tastemakers covet financial backing But interactions
between '' underground'' '' Man'' have been marked more distrust respect will
teach marketers have work subcultural tastemakers indie cool kids
Selling Subculture Without Selling Out
There over 300 official U S federal government twitter accounts will examine
government make effective use twitter othersocial mediachannels communicate
real time these tools reshaping communication strategy government agencies
Should Government Tweet?
Most Westerners learn about China'ssocial mediathrough traditional media whose
coverage tends focus conflicts politics But that's not whole story We will explore
motivation behind massive adoptionsocial media rea ns behind local brands'
domination market socialmedia's impact business and
socialMedia China: Different Think
Transmedia experiences'stories played out across multiple platforms: web through
mobile even audience's environment'are going more more mainstream Audiences
beginning expect collaboration creation experience techniques constructing an
immersive compelling 10-minute experience? Transmedia Alternate Reality Game
10-Minute Transmedia Experience
Pirate Bay Sweden's biggest export since Abba It's been quite year TPB --
spectacle trial news $7 8 million acquisition epic w closely-linked Pirate Party
Those Swedes really do love pirate But will titans P2P prevail?
Trials Tribulations Pirate Bay
Self-Promoters single-handedly saving world Without even trying they're
becoming "go-to" people meone question Twitter Facebook whatever comes
next is first time allowing world contact anyone anything any time other people
know go
Why Self-Promotion Will Save World
By now we all know "content king " yet there's still dearth knowledge about
mechanics business web writing We'll talk about write great copy why web
content special make money doing it--whether an independent agency in-house
Writing web Content Living
Innovation global warming green technology all pushing same direction: zero
waste concept practice several cities (including Austin) will on rs Learn about
current future upcoming movement technology playing vital role
Zero Waste: Future Green
Traditionally international diplomacy been left high-level officials conducted behind
closed doors Today rise newsocial mediaeffectively crowd urced information was
once only available elites shift affected way diplomacy conducted? Will change
international relations?
I See Russia My iPhone!
For Government truly transparent easily accessible compelling We will talk about
current standards discuss current state tech We will have examples implementing
well/poorly we hand out grades different Governmental entities technologists
Microformats Government
Andrew Huff Online News Tomorrow - interviewed Mark Milian Los Angeles Times
Andrew Huff (Online News Tomorrow) Mark Milian ( Los Angeles Times)

Jo Facebook team local developers deep dive latest most exciting ways developers
building Facebook technologies Come learn stay make friends! http://www
facebook com/event php?eid=331218348435
Facebook Developer Garage Aust – Edition
Google Hackathon hosted Google will provide hands-on workshop throughout day
attendees will able build apps using variety Google technologies including App
Engine HTML5 Android Chrome Maps/Geo technologies Although hackathon will
run all day long we will hosting two
Google Hackathon: Office Hours #1
It appears discussions HTML5 accessibility mutually exclusive alt summary
attributes were stake we just beginning understand potential audio video canvas
elements will s HTML5 do accessibility we bridge
HTML5 Accessibility
Casey founder Executive Director Designers Accord works organizations all over
world create positive socialenvironmental impact She been named "Guru should
know" Fortune magazine "Hero Environment" Time magazine "Master Design" Fast
Valerie Casey Keynote
Designers developers efficiency experts our clients yet we struggle provide
expertise ourselves we work Learn collaborate craft an effective process
teamwork hectic nature business call arms every designer developer
r Design Process Killing
Drop ZonePerfect live create lounge ( same chocolate-smelling venue last year)
discover emerging artists paint check MyTown * sample products recharge phone
Follow @ZonePerfect Twitter latest artists updates daily giveaways live festival
ZonePerfect live create lounge
Tim Ruder Perfect Market Inc; Nadya Direkova Google; Chris Bishop PBS Kids
interactive - conversation Dan Willis Sapient
Tim Ruder (Perfect Market Inc) Nadya Direkova (Google) Chris Bishop (PBS
David Hewitt (Sapient) Dennis Crowley (Four Square) - conversation David Gelles
( Financial Times) - Mobile Applications
David Hewitt (Sapient) Dennis Crowley (Four Square) David Gelles ( Financial
"Eagleman true original Read Sum amazed Reread reamazed " - Time Magazine
Sum work literary fiction composed forty mutually exclusive stories Each story
offers different rea n our existence meaning life death These not serious
Sum: Forty Tales Afterlives
Four teams emerging game developers give short presentations about their ideas
an innovative new AAA game jury industry experts
AAA Game Design Competition Spon red USA Network
New faceted search engines emerging promise smarter more per nalized results
take advantage Semantic web Do deliver do these engines mean traditional
search? obstacles such scalability diverse content provisioning platforms overcome
Semantic Search succeed?
Beyond Algorithms: Search Semantic Web
CouchDB leader among post-relational databases authors O'Reilly book will s why
CouchDB exciting web developers read book talk about writing process
CouchDB: Definitive Guide
socialmedia builds buzz raises money but about real on-the-ground change?
socialChange Challenge will crowd urce innovative ideas nonprofits change world
We'll share big ideas usingsocial medianonprofit program delivery good tips crowd
urcing socialchange
Crowd urcing Innovative socialChange
We all know great designs only come genius great designers Except complete crap
Great designs come extensive user testing making tons iterations Learn best-
designed web apps extensively iterate test their user interfaces find truly works
Experimental Design: User Interface Laboratory
Is Facebook Twitter Flickr etc Avatar picture 2002? come Profile Makeover!
makeover top beauty blogger have picture taken noted fashion photographer finish
off havingsocial mediaExpert tweak bio 'll
Extreme Makeover: Profile Edition
Fans Friends Followers: Creating Own Cult (of Non-Apocalypt
will explore fascinating often bizarre world commenter culture trolls 4chan Star
Commenters Gawker Media blogs panelists will discuss: - nuances commenter/blog
symbiosis (including benefit/detriment business side ad-supported blogs) - nature
commenter hierarchies -
From Trolls Stars: Commenter Ecosystem
Google Hackathon hosted Google will provide hands-on workshop throughout day
attendees will able build apps using variety Google technologies including App
Engine HTML5 Android Chrome Maps/Geo technologies Although hackathon will
run all day long (from 9:30-7:00pm) we'll providing short
Google Hackathon: Chrome Accessibility Extensions App Engine Android Ac
HTML5 coming Originally called "web applications 1 0" brings new semantics
JavaScript APIs drag drop offline storage generating images plugin-free video form
validation It's upset semantic web advocates accessibility evangelists baffled
developers Cut through crap: learn what does
HTML5: Tales Development Trenches
Today's interactive agencies face an extensive amount challenges workflow process
session takes an in-depth look interactive process sales contracts through design
development deployment Archetype will have key employees talk about their roles
fit full interactive workflow
Interactive Agency Workflow: Design Development Process
Is technology great equalizer said meme disguising another truth? will explore said
question reflect experience perspective vision panelists community comes willing
grapple question relevance our current digital world
Is Technology Great Equalizer?
Design thinking makes information products better Why stop there? Often we
address only symptoms ciety's big problems Design thinking helps see why
problems happen we create lasting lutions talk will wake inspire action give
blueprints saving world
It's Time Save World Design Thinking
individuals groups mainta shred dignity support themselves creating ad spon rship
programs benefit respect publishers readers advertisers Presented John Gruber
Daring Fireball Jim Coudal Coudal Partners Deck Network
Online Advertising: Losing Race Bottom
Last time we wrote an API layer dozen different sites services using nothing but
free online tools client-side JavaScript time we'll crack client-side OAuth time
actual working code WILL WRITTEN time it's per nal :)
Revenge Kick-Ass Mash-Ups Punk Rock APIs
spon red RightScale
RightScale: socialGaming Cloud Rains Steep Growth
Sampling Sea engages students classrooms around world sharing information about
declining global fish population partnership Google Ocean NASA GLOBE ePals
engages next generation consumers global dialogue future sea Funded MacArthur
Sampling Sea: Classroom Networks Save Ocean
Media attention hard harder keep but one woman going Caribou style we dissect
genius staying spotlight no matter takes learn tips do rself
Sarah Pal Media Role Model
Remotely working isn't same working remote Dispel myths (watching endless
hours daytime television) perpetuate stereotypes (wearing pajamas work) learn
tricks trade (pressing mute during conference calls) "Telecommuting" 2002
"Remote Employees" new black
Showering Optional: Tips Remote Employees
Funny Die comedy website founded Will Ferrell Adam McKay "place seen" comedic
celebrities obvious destination comedy fix (not mention ultimate platform up-and-
coming comedians) Dick Glover Funny Die's CEO Andrew Steele Creative
Inside Workings FunnyOrDie com
Make dream reality turning money making business session will give taking great
idea turning business leveraging interactive media key element
Turn Passion Business Leveraging Interactive
Wil Padley principal BandCentral; Todd Howe artist Boxer Rebellion; Sumit Bothra
manager Boxer Rebellion [UK] - conversation Anya Kamenetz Fast Company
Wil Padley (BandCentral) Boxer Rebellion Anya Kamenetz (Fast C

Online Latino: New Digital Native

Known single malt innovation Macallan® one world’s most admired single malts
peerless reputation been built commitment our Masters Spirit Wood almost two
centuries Please savor responsibly www themacallan com (Brush Square Park
409 E 5th St )
Registrants Lounge Brought Macallan® Tasting Note Project

Block Party modeled after popular pub crawl was popular last year we're bringing
back 2010 Trade S Mix mingle exhibitors festive atmosphere while enjoying
complimentary appetizers beverages
Block Party
Zachary Paradis Sapient - interviewed Daniel Terdiman CNET
Zachary Paradis (Sapient) Daniel Terdiman (CNET)
Totally Gay Web
Marian Goodell Burning Man - interviewed Daniel Terdiman CNET
Marian Goodell Daniel Terdiman (CNET)
Canaan Venture Party - we know - we buy drinks while tell Entrepreneurs friends
bring game drinks Please RSVP: http://canaandrink nmesxsw-SXSW eventbrite
Canaan Partners: DRINKs ME
Music Day Light Titans Canja Rave Brazil www charlietango com
Case study California Academy Sciences - traditional museum San Francisco's
Golden Gate Park -- transformed itself global online education research presence
integral socialhub City using best tools techniques technology social mediadesign
Dinosaur Digital: Museum Convergence Success Story
Everyone photographer: camera every cellphone powerful point-and-shoot every
pocket bag digital SLR camera every bag home new platforms create distribute
sell wider range clientele everyone *professional* photographer sell photography
Everyone "Professional" Photographer
will expla deal being laid off / unemployed showcase unique ways people have
spent their time while unemployed will feature not only successful startups but
touch various unique exciting ways one spend their newly found "free time"
Funemployed - Success Stories Laid Off Community
A conversation Gmail team members Hear engineers user experience product
managers about work together they've learned over years see online
communication evolving
Gmail: Behind Scenes
Google Hackathon hosted Google will provide hands-on workshop throughout day
attendees will able build apps using variety Google technologies including App
Engine HTML5 Android Chrome Maps/Geo technologies Although hackathon will
run all day long (from 9:30-7:00pm) we'll providing short
Google Hackathon: Maps API HTML5 Android TTS
an age everyone Cash Money Records Pepsi U S Army touting valuesocial media
do streaming video services fit in? answer lies power live Learn about incredible
results have been achieved employing live
Improvingsocial mediaLive Streaming Video
present economy created large ng workforce willing trade salary work experience
yet organizing managing interns ng workers more appears Learn recruit tra
manage ng workers an intern program while providing them learning experience
Moblizing Power Interns Managing GenY
We all products market fast build products customers love But - it's expensive
time-consuming hard know building customers Intuit before we write code draw
designs we experiment customers We're using technique develop new user
contribution experiences
Product Prototyping Customers - Rapid Experiments
Chances google "Asians Internet " not going list unique cutting edge ways different
Asian communities interact online environments Asian community all diverse
diasporic formations long trajectory interacting online environments
Redefining Asians Internet: I Am Not Fetish
Search surprisingly disruptive innovation an amazing challenge designers We'll
explore pattern language search embraces user psychology emerging technology
social media rich interaction mobile And see tangible futures create better
applications today invent unthinkable discovery tools tomorrow
Search Patterns: Tangible Futures Discovery
Many people feel video games will never emotionally engaging movies Peter
Molyneux creative force behind Fable series seminal god game Populous begs
differ conversation Frank Rose Wired Peter will discuss expressive potential
games expect
Emotion Engine: Video Game Speak Heart?
Can love blos m 140 characters less? made entirely couples have "met" fallen love
taken their relationship next level all via Twitter tips tricks challenges stories go
along new fad "Twating" (twitter dating yes
Twitter Dating 140 Characters Less
Using video tag HTML5 developers do all rts things hard impossible plugins
presentation Mozilla will s best most interesting hacks entered OVA's Open Video
Contest-because webmonkeys unleash their creativity things interesting
Wow That's Cool Fun HTML5 Video
my talk I will touch black online experience ( there such thing) included memes
statistics usage patterns popular destinations issues representation example
black people represented among creators developers builders our future we more
consumer oriented
Gender Race opportunities two recurring themes technology we part problem part
lution? about moving beyond usual "we're oppressed" quagmire discussion real
workable lutions starting ourselves individuals effect change techsocial media
Self Hate Isn't Sexy: Gender Race Tech
success Blacks Technology Meetup interactive Festival inspired second such event
2010 Please mark calendar 6:00 900 pm evening Sunday March 14 first-ever
"Latinos Technology Meetup" takes place Carver Museum Cultural
Latinos Technology Meetup
Speculate will take home coveted web Award official pre-party Complimentary
beverages delicious food will warmed ma event follow
SXSW web Awards Pre-Party
Popbox Party: Play Nice Come party Popbox - connected entertainment device
elegantly plays all stuff home network web big screen HDTV
Popbox Party: Play Nice
Fray Cafe 10 an evening true per nal stories chance tell own Bring 5-minute story
tell open mic Featured storytellers include Baratunde Thurston Jessica Valenti
Molly Wright Steen n Hosted Kev Smokler
Fray Cafe 10
TECH cocktail will showcasing over 30 start-ups kickoff Accelerator Wear favorite
black hat ready connect entrepreneurs innovators technology enthusiasts
Micro ft BizSpark Volusion present TECH cocktail SXSW: Johnny C
Barbarian Group StumbleUpon throwing party Man Astroman! Playing We come
It's Mohawk - best bar Aust YES
Barbarian Group StumbleUpon present Final Frontier!


Legendary Aust City Limits Studio Live music Tex-Mex Margaritas Streamed live
video pbs org/sxsw (Free shuttles Hilton)
PBS Party
For gay lesbian bi trans queer folks visibility key progress equality internet blogs
tube podcasts twitter our voices being heard never before Come many biggest
names queer online culture view best viral videos
SXSW Queer Blogger Tweetup Viral Video Showcase
Jo speakers organizers attendees Big Omaha party up-and-coming entrepreneurs
innovators based Silicon Prairie There big things happening Prairie here's
opportunity connect those making an impact!
Richard Garriott attendance Live performance Candi Strangers Russian food drink
specials Come touch our Sputnik!
Mashable Cliqset ny proud present 2nd MashBash SXSWi -- Mashable's
annualsocial mediagathering
Mashable’s MashBash SXSWi 2010
On Monday March 15th Groupon will hosting Recovery Breakfast 8:30-11:00am
attendees Cedar Door Visit htttp://grouponsxsw2010 eventbrite com details RSVP
Groupon Recovery Breakfast
See mething amazing SXSW? Snap photo write publish Spinner com earn money
too through Seed com File story computer smartphone Seed lounge lobby Aust
Convention Center Stop learn
AOL’s Seed Lounge
Recharge ul (and connected devices) Chevy Volt Recharge Lounge – Lower level
NW corner convention center While there plug massage grab beverage just chill
out while first look 2011 Chevy Volt (Aust Convention
Chevy Volt Recharge Lounge
Today people create video photos podcasts share them over web Game creation
next frontier However making games terribly difficult will cover unique
approaches people dare make game creation accessible anyone
ANYONE Create Video Game!
Building Mobile Games Windows Phone Platform
No brand was under attack 2008 more Republican Party GOP entered 2009 one
goal - rebrand relaunch behind-the-brand look why GOP created launched new
digital look digital strategy driving brand's future success
Digitally Rebranding Republican Party
r content-based website used fly under radar Now way becoming next
CollegeHumor com Make sure ready big time presentation will cover critical
"nuts bolts" topics such content ownership licensing rights clearances employment
Don't Sued! Guide Content Creators
DSLR Filmmaking Unlocking New Visual Possibilities
Everything's Bigger Texas: Video Game Industry
Crowdfunding inverts everything wrong traditional funding breaking down barrier
between creators audiences turning fundraising interactive campaign brings
together several crowdfunding startups expla different approaches raising money
audience bloggers podcasters programmers musicians more
Funding Projects Crowd
Conventional wisdom calls attention-deprived constantly seeking next scrap info
But Google reveals our true desire: Context (Wikipedia entries American Life's
financial crisis explainer Gizmodo's definitive guide smartphones etc ) We'll
explore journalism media must adapt meet our insatiable hunger bigger picture
Future Context: Bigger Picture Online
Documentaries just not about 'documenting' an event - interpret synthesize many
urces information expla situation express specific point view does user interact
specific project? Meet interactive documentary filmmakers hear approach their
medium Learn
Interactive Documentaries: Multidimensional Narrative
An effective content management system must any content-based web service
technical session will discuss elements designing building custom CMS leverages
technology existing web data urces such Flickr Wikipedia automate research
increase time spent writing original content
Managing Content Management System
From discovering galaxies folding proteins: actively contribute science Science
projects harnessing open collaboration further discovery exploration result citizen
science witnessing renaissance will discuss involved challenges faced making
science open
Open Science: Create Collaborate Communicate
Stop check out Silverlight interactive Lounge Kick feet take moment explore our
Digital Living Room see Silverlight Windows 7 action And years past we’ll have
an Xbox set gaming pleasure (Aust Convention
Silverlight interactive Lounge
Usability? Meh Let's talk about persuasion designing serendipity arousal rewards
other seductive elements applications? We'll discuss specific ways sites Dopplr
iLike Linked leverage basic human psychology motivate shape online behaviors
Art Science Seductive Interactions
Be part SXSW's first ever collaborative effort help lve major socialissue Designers
web developers investors mobile innovators entrepreneurs inventors gamers
programmers content producers invited partake either both sessions best ideas
submitted will implemented Share Our Strength Feeding America and
Cause Lab: WeCanEnd com #1
Do mainstream companies Twitter? executives non-high tech industries embracing
socialtechnologies communities form top them scared death? session will report
field delivered MIT scientist Andrew McAfee coined phrase "Enterprise 2 0"
What Does Corporate America Think 2 0?
From 2006-2008 Cathy Erway embarked Walden-esque mission not eat out city
rarely eats Her blog Not Eating Out New York on became compendium easy
original recipes cooking-together tips events sustainable foodism attracted
attention publishers She will
Art Eating In
After Magazines: WIRED's Digital Rebirth
Alissa Walker Fast Company; Casey Caplowe GOOD - conversation Valerie Casey
keynote speaker Designers Accord
Alissa Walker (Fast Company) Casey Caplowe (GOOD) Valerie Casey (Designers Accord)
For first time history interactive technology education entire statewide University
Texas System extended all 16 campuses online virtual world Second Life created
bold move one largest virtual learning communities world
BAM! An Entire Statewide University System Goes Virtual
Video blogging isn't new but technology changed More videos being uploaded
watched daily online increasing chance video may lost real-time web We'll discuss
new technologies use video tell story capture an audience build online communities
Becoming Real-Time Video Blogger 2010
once-hyped idea unification device seems have faded away we now interact
content across more devices ever before DVR smartphone game con le nightstand
devices take myriad form factors only question left then
Best Practices Contextual Applications
Get group geeks together conversation will drift away design coding human factors
energy Having grown world innovation many geeks look energy world say "Hey
looks an industry that's ready disintermediated Let's go!"
Can Creative Class Revolutionize Energy Business
do professional interviewers prepare their interviews? questions elicit great
responses interviewees? best ways analyze present interview results? No matter
interviewing discussing les ns these experts will make interviews more interesting
Conducting Great Interviews: Advice Experts
DSLR Filmmaking Understanding Strengths Weaknesses
do engage imagination ng girls electronics technology? conversation promises
give breakdown tactics work igniting tech spark We'll cover principles throwing
out all œgeek speak technology terms fostering learning through act hands-on
making using
Duh It's Tech Girls
Presentation Ian Mitchell CEO eSee Technologies Augmented Reality applications
mobile computing
eSee Technologies
FCC Broadband Plan: Apps Innovation Inclusion
discussion will examine role crowd- urced input creative process We will examine
art comics design photography commerce role audience plays directing their
creation We will make distinction between passive decision-making (i e
Threadless) participatory conception (i e 700 Hobos Project )
Indirect Collaboration: Collective Creativity Web
world content available any any time users will consume more content relevant
per nalized based location time entourage tastes mood will talk through
practical examples using data better match relevant content users increase
Making Content Relevant Me Here Now
spon red eDoorways
Mobile Computing it's Contribution Technology's Exponential Growth
recent years new struggle surfaced between two groups people closely aligned
affinity but actively working against each other tools we create use robots sci-fi
epic seem both invite mob justice attack public without warning results merely
Products vs Users: Who's Winning?
medium message web medium community shift made legacy CMS products
outdated scribes printing presses Open urce technologies disrupting market
moving mainstream enterprises Drupal founder Dries Buytaert he discuss
socialpublishing will bring
R I P Content Management System
REPO MEN Director Miguel Sapochnik joins Wired "Vanished" writer Evan Ratliffe
Double Barrel Motion Labs CEO Jeff Krelitz discussion about extending story REPO
MEN virtual world session will feature worldwide debut motion comic character
lead- film RealD
REPO MEN: Extending Movie's Narrative Online
Imagine work environment people do whatever whenever long work gets done
midnight 3am Sunday Whenever wherever It's called Results-Only Work
Environment (ROWE) companies around world starting adopt ROWE philo phy
Results Only Work Environment (ROWE): Why Works
Got an idea great tech book? Learn author ''Designing Obvious'' ''Designing
Moment'' land first book deal core conversation covers developing concept
pitching book writing it marketing those books right off shelf
Scoring Tech Book Deal
We've got socialnetworks we've got search engines but socialsearch merely
combination two? Learn socialsearch isn't who's working right hear expert
perspectives making search discovery more relevant users
socialSearch: Little Help My Friends
Be part SXSW's first ever collaborative effort help lve major socialissue Designers
web developers investors mobile innovators entrepreneurs inventors gamers
programmers content producers invited partake either both sessions best ideas
submitted will implemented Share Our Strength Feeding America and
Cause Lab: WeCanEnd com #2
Africa much misunderstood market but potentially large China India Computer
internet penetration extremely low but cellphones every tackle communication
socialservices continent electricity - including charging cellphones rural areas -
greatest challenge
Final (Mobile) Frontier: Battery Life Africa
Innovations business models design consumer definition evolving landscape MMOs
millions continue enjoy standard set World Warcraft millions more discovering
socialgames free-to-play MMOs Engage our thought leaders will drive market
adoption through quality innovation and
Great 'MMO' Hope
HTML5 vs Flash debate desktop web raged past several months tech industry
However exponential growth smartphones 'new' iPad category debate now
broadens include mobile talk will exposed key issues
HTML5 vs Flash Debate Invades Mobile
Jo live studio 12PM 3PM 6PM daily IFC showcases best talent including live musical
performances panels celebrity interviews house open all day FREE food FREE
swag gaming grand prize give-aways Happy Hour 5PM kick off
IFC Crossroads House
Video Games have become New New Media Music products featured prominently
virtual world games films commercials Artists seizing opportunity expose their
music an attentive new audience through means were unthinkable only few years
Video Games New New Media Music
session presents wide variety mistakes blunders misconceptions over-
indulgences intricacies generally silly aspects modern web accessibility metimes
most serious errors made well-meaning developers misunderstand concepts take
their limited accessibility knowledge an extreme level - thus web accessibility gone
Web Accessibility Gone Wild
Associal mediacampaigns move forefront digital space major brands advertisers
looking savvy producers content creators help them maximize their ad budgets
Learn top producers new field produce fantastic content digital (read fewer) dollars
Web Series 2 0: Big Campaigns Digital Dollars
What happens people work any - home offices coffee shops libraries coworking
spaces? mobile computing telecommunications broadband knowledge workers
choosing new work arrangements self-organizing looser more transient
arrangements We'll discuss these broad trends mean work using coworking
What Coworking Tells About Future Work
have challenges facing filmmakers documenting historical events changed world
filmed images on-line virtually limitless immediate? Does multiplicity urces authors
lve problem subjectivity? print journalism struggles survive might future
documentary projects look like?
What Does Documentary History Look an interactive World?: Fro
Due video sharing sites universal/blended search results online videos growing
trend B2B B2C businesses looking more creative way enhance their online brand
recognition reputation connect engage consumers disseminate information
indexed search engines Now
Video Search Optimization Strategies Grow Business
Burnie Burns (panelist Rooster Teeth) - interviewed Omar Gallaga (Aust American-
Burnie Burns (Rooster Teeth) Omar Gallaga (Aust American-Statesm
've got pretty face now what? four well-established female videobloggers talk
shop does take survive blogosphere most other content creators around men?
Network horror stories new media triumphs everything in-between will discussed
Not Just Host: web Video Diva Dishes!
Mona Kasra (panelist UT Dallas) Roja Bandari (panelist UCLA) David Parry
(panelist UT Dallas) - conversation Shireen Mitchell (Digital Sisters/Women Wired
Mona Kasra (UT Dallas) Roja Bandari (UCLA) David Parry (UT Dallas) Shire
Call 2009's infamous ''New Think Old Publishers'' (aka ''Geeks School New York'')
missed opportunity did book publishing become last media industry embrace
digital will change? New publishing models strategy brave future books we love
A Brave New Future Book Publishing
Benjam Joffe (panelist Plus Eight Star) Sam Flemming (panelist CIC) - conversation
Jacqui Zhou (panelist Dell)
Benjam Joffe (Plus Eight Star) Sam Flemming (CIC) Jacqui Zhou (Dell)
Open urce changed we build ftware but hasn't transformed we serve clients
conversation we'll explore new open urce models web developers ad agencies
other service companies does "open urce consulting" look like? do sell services
Breaking Open: Open urce Consulting Models

CNET's Buzz Out Loud will broadcast live While discussing day's tech news hosts
Tom Merritt Ja n Howell Molly Wood Natali Del Conte others will chat audience
invite special guests talk about happening s beyond
Buzz Out Loud Live 2010
th approaching digital self-expression more organic collaborative angle previous
generations jump right creative urge strikes collaborate others publish an
ongoing stream momentary mashed-up disposable media We discuss our
research th future creative products
Creative th: Organic Collaborative Throw-Away Media
''Buy one give one'' isn't campaign charity It's one facet massive values correction
recession-rewired consumers making Learn digital channel driving trend
consumer goods' reuse repurposing why brands should embrace unconsumption
both CSR ecommerce initiatives
Digital's Emerging Role Unconsumption
DSLR Filmmaking Gearing Success
ExpressionEngine growing popularity release 2 0 it's power expanded stratosphere
Powering great websites such Change gov List Apart Campaign Monitor
represents an amazing way build websites publish content 5 experts give best
practices a
ExpressionEngine 2 0: Total Domination!
WorldBlu's Traci Fenton will explore organizational democracy creating today's
most engaging innovative collaborative workplaces addition explaining
organizational democracy ten principles she will discuss economic socialtrends
fostering business movement case studies democratic organizations democratic
best practices
Freedom Design 2010: Creating Democratic Organizations Workpla
Nearly anyone publish their work today free reach an audience me online But
great opportunity made life harder ever freelance writers must convince people
pay them publish their work an audience creative writing become commodity?
journalism now
Freelance Isn't Free: Twisted Economics Writing Today
made an amazing educational progressive game using latest gaming technology-
now do people actually play it? Hear nonprofits have made happen
Games Good
Gary Vaynerchuk Presentation
With advertising landscape changing speed light do pros adapt ? should only 20
mething tech savvy people hired? Twitter away tell next? long we live ciety makes
products get's market to
Does an Advertising Pro Adapt New Communication Techniques?
Pandora dipped toe mobile waters first time three years ago After experimenting
dozens "feature phone" implementations partnership Sprint T over year everything
changed launch Pandora iPhone 50 million listeners Pandora quickly turned their
Pandora Navigated Smartphone Seas
We Built Mobile App
We've all had them - TERRIBLE MANAGERS Nit-picky micromanaging douche bags
have no idea do it's done drive crazy make life miserable Then one day
promotion all sudden ONE THEM! Don't panic there're lots
Make Me Damn Good Manager!
do artists make six figure incomes viasocial mediatime traditional industries
tanking? Why now best time quit job dream big? Learn collectors enthused about
telling story increase online sales market art social
Millionaire Artist? About Both?
Though most ciety now connected internet there still groups mainly elderly
overlooked combined age older United States technology very much centre their
world These old dogs may still able teach
Nooks Grannies: Exploring Older Niches Online
world smaller entertainment networking sites devices become entwined engrained
ciety will examine bands use socialnetworking sites music sites video games
create cohesive exposure plan
Reaching New Audiences Opening Revenue Streams
On surface Amazon com just seems large e-commerce site albeit successful one
design isn't flashy nor much write home about But deep pages hidden secrets --
secrets every designer should know about one looks closely team
Revealing Design Treasures Amazon
Slow Twitter Slow Food but much sillier people use most impulse-driven site most
thought-out one-liners have created new art form own poetic language economy
space million ways joke about being drunk naked crying Monday
Slow Twitter: Users Take Their Time Tweeting
While student startups not new phenomenon universities venture capitalists
beginning see advantages supporting them student entrepreneurs discussion
finding funding incorporating company balancing homework work life all while
attending school full-time
Student Startups: Entrepreneurship University
We're not going tell w federal contracts There's plenty idiots tell about We're
idiots will tell - an interaction designer - survive government project idiot boss just
won Otherwise? idiot just f* ked
Surviving Federal Contracts: IxD Hell Back
Complete Idiot's Guide Business Success 20s 30s
Bridging gap between cyberspace reality ''Life Graph'' will revolutionize individuals
interact world around them: predictive recommendations rich local content matters
most here now We will explore Life Graph concept will change life
Life Graph: Location
With approximately 20% having rt disability potential gamers being left out game
play due most design being far too conservative different disabilities affect game
play game design more innovative achieve socialjustice will discussed
Thoughtless Design Leaves Disabled Gamers Logged Out
Visual FX Indies: Big Impact Small Budgets
Online video becoming legitimate engaging storytelling medium But evolved point
we successfully critique it? do we community draw line between encouraging new
creators contribute establishing standards quality content? Because face it
metimes "it stinks!"
Web Video: We Now Say mething Sucks?
Only fraction business financing comes Sand Hill Road Yet entrepreneurs still
obsess over traditional big meeting/big money Silicon Valley venture capital
heated debates types companies actually benefit VC reviews concrete examples
alternatives traditional venture capital
Who Venture Capital?
Filmmakers videobloggers podcasters pirate low-power radio jocks public access
TV producers all creating content local community but often don't collaborate even
talk each other despite using same tools metimes even seeking same audiences
15 year-old videoblogger 50
Hyperlocal Focus: Growing Vibrant Community Media Ecosystem
Williams co-founded several Internet companies including Pyra Labs (creator
weblog-authoring ftware Blogger) Twitter now ubiquitoussocial mediaplatform hit
tipping-point 2007 addition his role Director Havas Media Lab Umair Haque
founded Bubblegeneration an agenda-setting advi ry boutique
Evan Williams Keynote Interview
For many digital producers hearing yes network studio promised land session
we'll hear four network studio executives bestowed much-coveted yes digital
project They'll each walk through case studies their digital projects why greenlit
Hollywood Greenlight: Yes
Winner 2010 ScreenBurn Casual Game Design Competition spon red USA Network -
Interviewed Ka Sh (Arkane Studios) judge 2010 ScreenBurn Casual Game Design
Screenburn Casual Game Design Competition Winner Judge Interview

Tapworthy apps cope small screens fleeting user attention make every pixel count
every tap rewarding Learn to: Focus feature set simplify interface; use iPhone
gestures controls Apple way; forge ahead own custom views; craft efficient but per
nality-packed visuals Look over
Tapworthy: Designing iPhone Interfaces Delight Usability
Adam Saltsman Anyone Create Video Game - interviewed James Renovitch Aust
Adam Saltsman (Semi Secret ftware) James Renovitch (Aust Chroni
We'll have short riff history Six-Word Memoir phenom read few our favorite six-
worders our new book "IT ALL CHANGED AN INSTANT: More Six-Word Memoirs
Writers Famous Obscure " Then we'll ask anyone audience come offer
It All Changed An Instant: More Six-Word Memoirs
š„²Seed Combinator' concept mashing angel investing OpenCoffee Club meetups
tactical workshops Coworking giving rise new class ftware new media startups
Local investors giving aspiring entrepreneurs capital intensive mentorship under
names YCombinator TechStars Capital Factory
'Seed Combinators': Startup Incubators 2 0
Computers have come long way since green screens; have evolved complex
creatures explores artificial intelligence advanced cooking robots algorithms
learn musical preferences Do we control AI does control us? we headed towards
cute trash collectors deadly terminators?
AI 2010: Wall-e Rise Machines?
January 2010 Google launched Nexus One latest smartphone powered open urce
Android platform was no ordinary Google product launch however Nexus One
marked first time Google had ever started selling own consumer electronics Now
two months later come hear about
Android: We've Learned About Mobile Last Two Months
Is time abandon current professional life more fulfilling career online? do justify
giving steady paycheck shot creative fulfillment especially family's financial well
being hangs balance? core conversation we'll discuss make
Be Own Boss: Create Life Love
Thanks success Wii iPhone public more familiar interaction paradigms go beyond
keyboard+mouse We embrace gestures accelerometers sen rs more will s
things headed do ready them
Beyond Desktop: Embracing New Interaction Paradigms
we spend our time offline extremely valuable many events shows meetups
parties get-togethers it's our job give users best choices do we know finding
events best suited their needs? curious characters Discuss Debate
Choosing Offline Activities Time-Deprived Lifestyle
Community Management key role any startups but any new role company evolve
over time survive prosper Come listen future community management will look
because future role more just drinking customers!
Community Management: Future Skills 'll Know
From laughter epidemics suicide cascades sociallycontagious spread obesity I
present intriguing evidence s our real life socialnetworks drive shape virtually every
aspect our lives we feel whom we marry whether we fall ill much money we
make whether
Connected: Surprising Power Our (Real Life) socialNetworks

fast paced audience driven session our will guide through an unpredictable romp
covering 10 digital predictions will affect all 2010 next socialnetworks
augmented reality mobile digital out home advertising gaming more We'll even
leave time questions
Convergence 2010: Ten Cool Things Happen Year
First Impressions: Art Ma Title Design
've proven great developer / designer do rise above production floor share ideas
insights drive lution rather simply implementing it? Presenters will share their
strategies cultivating career attaining per nal satisfaction while still keeping steady
Forging Ideal Career
Following Haiti's earthquake hundreds techies helped relief efforts series
hackathons held more dozen cities worldwide We'll hear organizers learn group
geeks tried help save lives Haiti laying groundwork future disaster response efforts
Haiti CrisisCamp: Techies Unite Earthquake Relief
ftware Service more about service ftware Great ftware companies today have
great customer support succeed industry learn do right these customer support
rock stars
Customer Support Rock Star
Mobile Development Flash Platform: iPhone More
Children perfect testers innate usability visual structures Learn neuroscience
cognitive psychology research make designs interfaces more intuitive
My Three-Year Old My Usability Expert
Build first iPhone app 60 minutes flat Along way 'll tour Apple's developer tools
learn basics Cocoa Touch framework Discover use PHP JavaScript experience an
informed approach coding iPhone apps Apply familiar JavaScript design patterns
example to
Objective C Crash Course web Developers
Interactive Workshop
While pitch just starting point turning dream reality pitch perfect Agents producers studio
executives hear countless pitches every day stands out them? stories ideas them sit take notice?
once 've
Packaging Pitching Presenting Digital Content
will discussion podcasters internet based college sex educators present future sex
education internet digital technology will address issues such countering
misinformation appropriate information teens nger availability re urces proper
improper use technology and
Sex Education web 3 0 World
hype aroundsocial mediabecome deafening Organizations feeling pressured "jo
conversation'' risk being irrelevant However ''socialbusiness'' designed ground top
down order achieve transformation scales we ready move beyond lip service?
socialBusiness Design
do we design create balance test 15 million unique weapons Borderlands?
discussion focuses just one those weapons following in-game Gearbuilder system
creates weapon step step using framework explore both design elements technical
systems make
Systemic Development Borderlands: 16 164 886 = 1
session will discuss build happy high performing teams create an environment
makes positive cohesive workplace will not only help supervi rs managers but all
attendees will ga valuable insight create an energetic enjoyable work environment
Ten Strategies Building Happy High Performing Teams
features founders "indispensable" Twitter apps purpose twofold: 1) Enable Twitter
users hear "straight horses' mouths" about creation use key Twitter applications; 2)
Provide inspiration other Twitter developers
Twitter Indispensable Tools Seminar
Ever since Leonardo put pen paper visual note-taking been route improve quality
thinking make information more memorable make ideas easier share others
Learn practical techniques ''tricks trade'' modern visual note-taking masters: write
sketch and
've spent countless hours envisioning world crafting script imagining characters'
motivation Now 've got 4 hours (maybe less) wring all back story immersive
emotion out actor standing front waiting Ga real skills ask questions hear tales
Voice Actors 101: Guide Care Handling
1919 Raymond Orteig offered $25 000 first aviator fly non-stop across Atlantic
Though took eight years before Charles Lindbergh finally succeeded took award
Orteig Prize inspired new model entrepreneurship innovation Challenge Prize
veterans explains why works
Why Challenge Prizes Future Innovation
Put aside negative stereotypes entitled rebellious 20- methings take minute dig
deeper see makes tick almost 80 million strong Gen Y workforce shaping cubicle
nation way brands forced engage consumers It's more desire to
Why Gen Y Wants Work 'With' Not 'For'
Are ashamed profession asked about cocktail party? Learn happens brands people
have an understanding around each other's credibility care congruency Trust
fostered transactions made more likely simple interactions form basis sustainable
Work Advertising Sleep Well Night
Convergence: Already Here Gosh It's Mess!
Jessamyn West Digital Divide - interviewed Latoya Peter n Racialicious com
Jessamyn West Latoya Peter n (Racialicious com)
Over past twenty years technology morphed computer TV Now emergence
Internet-connected TVs widgets access free content sites Hulu TV becoming
computer? session will examine key technological business issues shaking
From Hulu Yahoo Widgets: Will Internet Transform TV?
Free Beer Appetizers Access all favorite Adobe Product Managers Evangelists
Adobe Day Stage 4:30pm Monday March 15 will hand share latest Adobe Labs
answer questions about products manage RSVP http://facebook com/AdobeSXSW
Adobe All Access Monday Happy Hour
Winner 2010 web Awards - interviewed Winner 2010 web Awards
Web Awards Winner web Awards Winner
Customers express their satisfaction an emerging variety ways: blogging
microblogging geolocated shout-outs Did know face liability postings company
postings champions? will explore FTC's recently updated Endorsement Guides
"Mikey Likes It!": Does FTC?
As dust settles devastation catalogued strategy rebuilding Haiti underway tech
center it Hear up-to-the-minute updates ground demonstrating transitional
education healthcare lutions being developed applied Port au Prince beyond
Architecture Technology Rebuilding Haiti
As late marked advancements mobile phones have rapidly catapulted Augmented
Reality forefront AR offers promise breakthrough technology possesses potential
revolutionize cities education entertainment considerably more said early
stages any technological development there's likely overeager
Augmented Reality - Gimmicky Trend Market-Ready Technology?
Cansocial mediaHelp Banks Rebuild Trust?
Starting mere handful people growing thousands come learn we grew our tech
community out sand uth Florida Learn tips tricks growing own tech community
even most unfriendly/untechy areas world
Coconut Valley - Building Tech Community Beach
Gone days traditional customer support world Twitter Facebook customer
complaint sites GetSatisfaction customers now jumping online vent publicize their
customer support issues But does work everyone complex customer service issues
really re lved 140
Customer Support 140 Character World
UK's digital sector thriving boosted Digital Brita initiative overhauling country's
Internet infrastructure legislation course there's anticipated Olympic dividend
Our (mostly) shared language makes UK natural starting point firms tackle Europe
Quiz our setup
Digital Britain: Launch Europe
Karaoke came ninja stealthily entering North American pubs Koreatowns But
wasn't here entera no Karaoke came unite ng fact Karaoke core part our reMix
culture will s stellar group speakers ( me
Don't Stop Believin: Singing our Way Changing World
Email center everything we do online Even most popular new
socialcommunications ride back email fact killer app Internet been 40 years
however love-hate relationship But there's good news Innovcation
Email: Next Frontier
From selecting hosting lution acquiring content legal issues basics search engine
optimization would cover wide swath issues challenges face entrepreneurs making
their first foray Internet-based sector adult entertainment industry
Future Smut: Become An 'Adult Webmaster'
Explore an alternative approach creating iPhone apps free PhoneGap framework
lets build first-class native iPhone apps using just HTML CSS JavaScript - technique
lets create Android Blackberry apps very same code base Explore pros cons
Hold Cocoa: Building iPhone Apps HTML CSS JavaScript
It's not matter 'll fired but Learn words pictures status updates using right now
being used against corporate world discuss we protect ourselves without
"protecting ourselves "
I Lost My Job Through Twitter Again
intersection mobile devices entertainment goes beyond ingestion audio video
potential DRM challenges will explore mobile devices have self-awareness
connectivity horse power determine are activity content relates it's presented
Imminent Fusion Intelligent Mobile Devices Entertainment Content

Jaron Lanier Presentation

've beaten Wii Fit next? will expla we bunch cyclist/runner/triathlete/fitness-
oriented geeks approach staying active having fun Tips track progress compete
friends/contacts stay motivated find like-minded folks (m)athletes all levels!
Life After Wii Fit: Geeks Fitness
Is California progressive cultural oasis over-rated full itself? Aust ng up-and-
coming tech music mecca little hillbilly backwater? Come share experiences an
area "expert" merely curious traveler we consider merits these two geographically
disparate regions
Making Move California Austin
Once upon time storytelling was restricted single i lated medium- television film
book Technology changed all providing new tools story play out across multiple
media platforms engaging interacting audiences across wide variety œscreens
Heroes been held
Multiplatform Storytelling: Master Class Tim Kring
With career spanning over 25 years Adult film star Nina Hartley seen all - explosion
VHS advent internet porn session Nina hersocial mediabra trust MarKyr Media's
Marjorie Kase Kyra Reed will discussing web
Nina Hartley: Porn Star Sex Educator socialNetworker
Our devices know way we're moving dark outside look face cameras while we're
tweeting away metimes even understand we talk back them Learn about
success stories untapped potential physical interactivity doesn't involve touching
anything at
No Touching! Truly Invisible Interfaces
''pass-back effect'' - parents hand their mobile device kids backseat whenever
they're on-the-go - creates unique challenges optimize kid-friendly mobile apps
constraints devices designed grown-ups Kids' media industry pros discuss
challenges lutions diverse growing niche audience
Pass Back! Kid Apps Grown-up Devices
Regardless different avenues an organization takes inform online audiences about
cause there but one vital factor successfully binds socialchangesocial media-
passionate people panel's roster blurs line between per nal professional achieve
unparalleled success behalf their cause
Passionate People: Key Ingredientsocial mediaSuccess
Every year suicide kills more Americans HIV/AIDS homicide combined It's second
highest killer ng people don't call hotlines Full online crisis counseling doesn't
exist yet done? Find out works (and doesn't) save lives using Internet
RT: I'm Going Kill Myself Preventing Suicide Online
ScreenBurn B2B Track Networking Mixer Spon red Entertainment ftware As ciation
(ESA) place build imperative business-to-business relationships most forward
thinking minds video game music new media film industries Come have
complementary beer meet other digital media industry
ScreenBurn B2B Track Networking Mixer Spon red E
next socialgames? does take build an MMO everyone will play? teach Farmville
fans play an MMO? devoted World Warcraft players passionate about socialnetwork
game? Susan Wu CEO co-founder gaming industry pioneer ohai! shares
socialGames Level Up! Beyond Farmville World Warcraft
Derek Woodgate DJ Spooky Subliminal Kid will discuss excerpts DJ Spooky's book
und Unbound deals role und digital media an information-based ciety talking
about history undsytem way networks transform creative processes part
conversation DJ
und Unbound
Can lve problems visually? Using 5 diagrams 15 minutes do not know draw order
discover identify tools re urces ideas methods processes figure out do everything
making breakfast examining new ideas improve business
Visual Problem lving: 5 Diagrams 15 Minutes
Web Education Rocks: 2010 WaSP InterAct Annual Meeting
Stop complimentary drinks WIRED Starbucks VIA Ready Brew our 2nd annual happy
hour! enjoy an open bar appetizers specialty cocktails other freebies
WIRED Happy Hour
Why narrative worlds traditional Film Television New Media stories expanding
across different media outlets platforms? emerging features 'Transmedia' behavior
consumption production? do these new forms storytelling product service design
branding tell about future convergence
Transmedia Storytelling - Creating Stories Work Over all Platforms
VFX Masters Series free event Monday March 15 5:30 pm 9:30 pm Texas State
Capitol Come early networking reception stay visual effects presentations demos
event provides Hollywood-level visual effects knowledge networking companies
Aust interactive film and
Aust ACM SIGGRAPH presents VFX Masters Series SXSWAust ACM
It's 2015 future convergence here But future? 'll experience three very different
paths play out idealistic apocalyptic Then will make preferred future happen
Convergence 2015 ' Look Ahead
Jo Knowbility we celebrate winners AIR-Interactive competition announce recipient
Dewey Winburne Award Community Service through Technology Media Party takes
place one Austin's local favorites Sholz Garten
AIR interactive / Dewey Winburne Awards Ceremony
Game developers have waged war each other far too long time put an end our
differences make peace one another ScreenBurn interactive conjunction Aust
chapter International Game Developers As ciation bring premier networking event
Game developers have waged war each other far too long time put an end our
differences make peace one another ScreenBurn interactive conjunction Aust
chapter International Game Developers As ciation bring premier networking event
IGDA-Aust ScreenBurn Present: 1024-Bit Battle Royale 2010: SSH Complex
Minne ta interactive Marketing As ciation (MIMA) hosting hootenanny during SXSWi
invited Drink eat sing most talented interactive professionals planet Learn more
MIMA Karaoke Throwdown
Now it's 8th year interactive Nuclear Taco Night celebration ma chistic cuisine
loose confederation geeks share tears joy only come experiencing Austin's hottest
underground tradition: nuclear tacos
Nuclear Taco
It was only 3 short years ago ciety Digital Agencies ( DA) officially announced their
launch celebration our growth accomplishments DA holding their signature
Digerati Mixer just steps away Aust Convention Center always we invite all our
industry friends our
Twenty hand-picked creatives two minutes each same ethereal question interpret:
ten years that's 20x2 we answer “Who Loves Ya Baby?”
annual T(ea) Tennessee party gets interactive year sci-fi fueled extravaganza
featuring video game-inspired rock opera Protomen well far out unds Nashville’s I
Became Bomb Heypenny ATX’s own Automusik nab $1500 recording package
Music City Presents: T2
DJ Spooky premiering Elegant Universe Black Pig Liberation Front Bruce Sterling
Dr Strangevibe China’s Xiao He White FREE local food/drink samples Edible Aust
Tipsy Texan Plutopia org
Plutopia 2010: Science Music - Future-Focused Audiovisual Extravaganza

Three levels music hot DJ’s drinks networking Austin’s hottest nightclub
Experience interactive Gallery receive special giveaway first 500 visitors must
attend event!
Micro ft Party interactive Gallery
Jo forces “Rackers” Rackspace Revolution party hosted Maggie Mae’s featuring live
entertainment great food beverages fabulous giveaways
Rackspace Revolution
TechKaraoke invites Monday March 15th Six Lounge over five hours live band
karaoke Lounge LCRocks dancing DJ @JohnnyBravvo Tap Room mellow tunes
James Moran Band upstairs patio! more info please
Hosted Foundfootagefest com Busted Tees friends Featuring performances Black
White Years Laarks best VHS footage found Found Footage Fest others
Computer Blip Bloop Bullsh*t
A beach party geeks geeks ServerBeach epicenter Austin’s Sixth Street
Entertainment District Aces Lounge outrageous fun free drinks swag more! Doors
open 9:00 pm until 2:00 am RSVP http://upcoming yahoo com/event/4894253
geek on
GeekyBeach Party
Check Gowalla Belmont journey across Pacific amazing Tiki Room Fill night
remarkable people tropical kitsch stunning und Diplo will best chance landing
legendary Gowalla t-shirt bring few spare greenbacks help
Gowalla Presents: Tiki Room Diplo
2009's New Orleans party rocked it they're back rock harder! brass band DJ free
drinks New Orleans-at-SXSW crew will transmogrify 5th Frenchmen St
NOLA Party v2 0 1 0
What united thousands indie musicians worldwide told them each write an album's
worth new ngs during shortest month year? talk February Album Writing Month
(FAWM ORG) founder Burr Settles discusses both technical socialaspects building
maintaining an online
14 000 ngs 28 Days: Case Study
Music labels (Atlantic Records EMI ny BMG) musicians (Rob Thomas Ice-T New
Found Glory) embracing virtual worlds creating branded stores virtual merchandise
engage their fans promote sell music memorabilia Learn virtual worlds changing
music industry creating new revenue streams
Artists Labels Embrace Virtual Worlds
Cinematic ftware
Design usually focuses making world around better - optimism often rules roost our industry
But might happen we forced ourselves design catastrophic dystopian future? we learn mething
designing darker side human experience?
Design Dark Side
highlights evolution User Experience discipline analyzes different tactics
strategies introduced experience organizations impact companies' innovation
pipelines Panelists compare global experiences across industries debate factors
promote innovation versus do not factors widely considered valuable apparently
deliver little value
Do Evolutions Design Thinking Promote Innovation?
Breakthrough marketing used come creative genius big ideas empathy customers
But now all attention goes rigorous testing algorithmic approaches customer insight
science driving out creativity - we focused wrong kind maths?
Is Too Much Math Killing Marketing?
thePlatform's panelists professionals children's media industry will discuss
challenges lutions diverse growing niche audience methods technologies have
brought them success spon red thePlatform
Kids' Online Video: Challenges Success
Location Based Services [LBS] have finally arrived Geolocation proving truly
horizontal market; applied dozens different types businesses Hear industry experts
about vast array LBS use cases trends horizon LBS space
LBS 101: Geolocation "Horizon"
Twitter: strange new platform games design collective Local No 12 discusses
have learned work tight constraints Twitter while exploring new forms gameplay
socialinteraction session will cover state games Twitter and
Playing 140 Characters: Designing Games Twitter
Wireframes mocks aren't enough their own Functional specs boring We've found
prototypes an incredible tool bringing design spec concept life Learn make
present prototypes improve all stages design development cycle
Prototyping web Apps - Nobody Loves Wireframe
Hollywood breaking boundaries comes creating practically indistinguishable lifelike
human characters films such Avatar games such Assassin's Creed II We'll discuss
future film video games recent innovations technology allowing movie makers
game developers create a
Birth Eye-Def Acting
Future Collective Licensing
There's never been more challenging-yet exciting-time journalist Journalism Next
(due out Nov 10) guidebook digital reporting publishing explains use latest
ftware tools concepts empowering journalists harness technology take control
their futures journalism
Journalism Next: Thriving Digital Age
There's buzz around marketing moms WOM practitioners: Reach beyond domestic
aspects women hit sweet spot engage whole different niche market- Tastemaker
Moms oner Mad Ave realizes influence reaches beyond kitchen more effective
their efforts will
Beyond Ring Around Collar: Reaching Tastemaker Moms
Broadcast Broadband: Bringing Motion Graphics interactive Television
era GM-like businesses now just past opaque layers hierarchy were used control
flow information create an effective coordination action But new communications
information technology including newsocial media now drop costs coordination low
business adopt
Cansocial mediaSave Business Business Save Planet?

With today's robust demand computing infrastructure reality an organization any

size run completely Serverless'' business Yes is! cloud computing gaining
credibility SaaS reaching maturity all combined traditional hosting services
businesses now truly run ''serverless'' business confidence
Can Run 'Serverless' Business?
core conversation will talk about cycling bike social mediachanging world lives 'll
learn about Livestrong's community Bike Hugger's blog events Mobile social
millions follow Lance Armstrong Twitter It's discussion bike pop culture and
Change World Lives Bikes
Effective dashboard design delivers promise targeted accessible actionable
information organizations looking maximize their profits Through good bad very
ugly examples will learn about practical design techniques challenges dashboard
designers face today
Effective Dashboard Design: Why Baby Ugly
Everybody already knows China world's largest start will on largest music market
world but does an artist break Chinese music scene? Distribution market carries
700m mobile phones all whom readily buy ringtones ringback tones
Access Chinese Music Market
Mobile Carriers opening their location infrastructure via Location Aggregation
platforms: world-changing SMS applications web services WAP sites Facebook
widgets will emerge now any developer garage access any mobile phone's location
simple web service? Privacy implications users?
Location Beyond iPhone: Locating 100+M Phones
Marketing Goes cial
era apps widgets streaming sites viral videos mashups developers constantly
pushing boundaries music licensing opens lively debate between major labels
publishers control ngs music supervi rs negotiate rights fees music media
Music Licensing Emerging Media: Apps Widgets Viral Videos
New Mobile Tricks Twitter
''I we truly I '' wrote Carl Jung why we species quest rediscover our role ciety
Humanity deconstructed over last 50 years point deconstruction deploying
technologies cooperation rega true identity
No Straight Lines: Straight Line Thinking Stops Here
Free infinite music fragmented across every digital nook cranny making hard
consumers keep new quality artists online new breed tastemakers cropping
innovative twists helping hurting? online music curation dying evolving?
Online Tastemakers: Death Rebirth Music Curation?
most photorealistic networked environment play real life'' Mobile internet
pervasive gaming sen r-enriched public spaces enable new possibilities game-play
distributed story-telling immersive events Building previous events leading
practitioners will explore ethics design challenges business potential new form
Pervasive Games Playful Experiences: Rendering Real World
While may seem counter intuitive economic hardship crucible great businesses
emerge More half world's largest most successful companies were started during
an economic recession depression does mean today's would-be entrepreneurs?
means now best time to
Recession 2009-2010: Grab Opportunity Now
SETI: Building Better Search Using 'Thinkons'
More people ever starting their own art/craft businesses supplementing their
income passion projects and always technology rises meet challenge Even
economy worsens our passions strengthen! Come discuss all online tools creative
strategies help sell work online
Snappy Strategies Selling Art Craft Online: Part Deux
Successful sports media traditionally been about television distribution Now new
sports leagues well members old guard challenging model looking internet connect
fans anytime any new generation fans demands experience means more just
Sports Media Distribution: Beyond TV
Bob Garfield Ad Age columnist co-host NPR's "On Media " sent shockwaves through
worlds media marketing his apocalyptic vision post-mass-media Brave new World
But he prescribes new path called "Listenomics " he reads about his own hilarious
titanic battle
Chaos Scenario
Cities abound data generated their inhabitants (virtual worlds city websites)
created automatically systems monitoring ¬ does online manifestation city
interact tangible ways urban design informal urban constructs? ¬ there such thing
'' street platform''?
City Platform
Jo live studio 12PM 3PM 6PM daily IFC showcases best talent including live musical
performances panels celebrity interviews house open all day FREE food FREE
swag gaming grand prize give-aways Happy Hour 5PM kick off
IFC Crossroads House
Does media masterpiece make good use fair use? We rate decide public radio
talk/game s style our experts will screen clips rate take based Centersocial
mediafair use codes share tips maximizing use other people's media still
Parody Home Companion: DIY Fair Use Determinations
Voice Behind Gun: Voice Acting Video Games
Does branded web video pass "I'd rather watching porn/kittens" test? Looking most
viewed branded unbranded web videos past 6 months key metrics behind them
our audience will vote decide web videos reign supreme Trophies included!
Web Video Thunderdome: Branded vs Unbranded Decide
Connecting donors directly beneficiaries contributions game-changing fundraising
strategy Will traditional nonprofits adopt new technologies fundraising models
donors demand greater accountability their funds? vibrant moderated discussion
will include representatives Kiva OptINnow 2 national advocacy organizations
Will Kiva Kill Nonprofit? Donations 2 0
Media Relations Goes cial
Matt Thomp n Editorial Product Manager NPR - interviewed Emily Ramshaw Texas
Matt Thomp n (NPR) Emily Ramshaw ( Texas Tribune)
Net rerouting our neural pathways making adept skimming information but
incapable concentration contemplation subtle mind book reader being replaced
distracted mind screen watcher
Shallows: Internet Doing Our Brains
Community-focused culture changing relationships between companies customers
work together Customers/users becoming community members more active role
beneficial everyone involved We'll discuss evolving customer service integration
company culture adoption curve different challenges depending
business/community type balancing service selling
Customer Service Goes cial
Business Media Distribution - Monetizing Film TV Video Content
Ashv Kumar co-founder CEO Blippy will discuss changing socialnorms privacy
privately sharing photos publicly sharing credit card statements he will examine
internet changed our notions privacy our willingness share per nal information
2010: Year We Broadcast Our Credit Card
There's an ocean untapped value 90% people don't contribute content online
merely consume They'll never participate snarky trolls intimidating them
degenerating UGC quality Quality skyrockets there's more accountability less
anonymity Explore online contribution will evolve balance dynamic
Accountability's Hot Anonymity's Not: Trumping Trolls
Blogging constant balancing act creating new content networking marketing
monetizing keeping latestsocial mediatrends leaves little room have an offline
sociallife Popular bloggers will share their secrets why balance bullshit really all
Balance Bullshit
Be Creative Paid
A reading author Conversation Community: socialWeb Documentation book brings
together worlds technical communicationsocial media shows technical
communicators effectively usesocial media describes why quality technical content
essential successfulsocial mediastrategy
Conversation Community: socialWeb Documentation
Those don't understand history doomed repeat it Control destiny business
technology mastering early detection elusive patterns growth - decline Learn five
dangerous curves understand are next avoid common pitfalls
Dangerous Curves: Hockey Sticks Swine Flu More
Consumers concerned being tracked too much online information being collected
advertising purposes Yet same ve consumers served relevant information online
Instead pointing fingers let's discuss balance benefits data openness privacy
Data Control: Who's Nibbling Cookie
Hear industry experts lawyers have crafted terms sites use everyday next time
meet counsel 'll little more prepared won't accidentally trigger user insurrection
DMCA ToS 101
Comedy rules web There's no better way creating viral buzz generating traffic
through funny well-written content We'll expla make own content funnier well
"optimize" funny content web gets noticed linked passed along
Epic Lulz: Creating Funny Content Web
"Patience" isn't DNA next generation Game Application users Long page load
times pre-registration friction downloading It's got go do we make "simplified"
web-based games applications? winning lution? Asia (now more investment USA)
our crystal ball
Games Cloud
gap between good great: there tried true ways improve; but best road isn't meone
else's Forge own Desire Path: per nal projects will take go Thinking Living
Network's inside discussion doing love
Getting Better: Designer's Path Good Great
Markets conversations: mething $8 billion online recruitment industry forgotten
Learn KODA hurdles disconnect monetizes hiring transactions creating an
intelligent relevant forum emerging talent organizations talk Online recruitment:
meet web 2 0 an environment fosters authentic conversation
Hiring Recruitment Goes cial
Telemedicine Healing Haiti
People have been online since there was an online have no idea about day-to-day
realities people just learning about computers Two librarians one rural one urban
will talk about challenges face teaching basic technology skills doing usability
testing brand new technology users
Other Half Lives - Touring Digital Divide
Increasingly impressive HTML5 Canvas-based graphics animation interaction have
proponents claiming Canvas do everything Flash do -- but without plug But about
browser support? Performance? Canvas really ready dethrone Flash?
Is Canvas End Flash?
Location based advertising new exciting mobile advertising opportunity huge
potential Powering navigation devices mapping socialnetworking applications
advertising enables advertisers target consumers they looking information
incentives Consumers will thus receive enticing offers promotions an unobtrusive
Location-Based Marketing Advertising: Targeting Mobile Consumer

me people build content around things love other people build content make
money Can't do both? Let's together talk about issue see we come middle ground
Love Money: Fansites Pay Bills?
Making Sure World Doesn't Suck: Independent Content Save Media

One most anticipated high-profile product re-branding re-launch efforts past year
Micro ft's Bing didn't just ga mind- search-share earned through unique positioning
holisticsocial mediamarketing strategy An informative entertaining look right
advertisingsocial mediamarketing efforts made
Micro ft Bing: Behind Scenes Decision Engine
Technology opened floodgates sea music marketing re urces overabundance data
generated behaviors transactions most important numbers do mean? numbers
missing? Examine complex human interactions music online: learn define
synthesize data generated music
Music 2010: Playlists Networks Radio Numbers Need
From Pong Starcraft II BBS Twitter G4 Ustream have media advancements shape
way we talk about video games? creative crew game press forerunners unique
backgrounds chat about their craft history observations predictions
Power-Ups Press: Game Media Impacts Gaming Industry
Technology always been packaged promises better democracy media education
minds bodies An intellectual tradition Plato onward questions whether
technology actually deliver these promises Working from--and questioning--
tradition we will examine material technology inextricable fantasies an ideal world
Swarming Plato's Cave: Rethinking Digital Fantasies
living room hub home entertainment but headed? betamax VHS DVD Blu-ray
next? role will internet play living room interactive will our entertainment become?
Will hardware content innovation ultimately effect most change?
Future Digital Living Room
We will discussing realtime advertising models leverage contagious web Using
StumbleUpon BuzzFeed's ad platforms examples we will provide insight ways new
form socialadvertising boosts campaigns provides clients bonus ROI aka " viral lift "
Viral Lift: socialAdvertising PWN Industry
Two three days week months chemo was lonely - twitter was there me 24/7 No
matter sick I looked my tweets were all smiles socialnetworks united me outside
world! We greatest club dont ask Twitter united
Twittering Through Chemo - Survivors Unite
There lies an often overlooked universe microcommunities flourishing nooks
crannies web We have explored one these: vast underground world homemade
flamethower videos 1 500 clips later we've returned unexpected conclusions
about nature community culture online Fantastically dangerous awe meness
What We Learned Watching Kids Homemade Flamethrowers
June U S ccer will step spotlight 2010 FIFA World Cup staged uth Africa ccer
com online communitiessocial mediatools play an important role U S ccer's
efforts grow domestic passion around world's most popular sport Hear U S ccer's
World Cup 2010: Engaging U S ccer Fans Online
It's obvious "business usual" isn't working Managers leaders asked create
strategies will w market share create lasting value drive profits their organizations
Unfortunately tools creating business lutions work haven't changed more 20 years
-- until now session
Workplace Collaboration Goes cial
Out urcing Goes cial
SXSW interactive excited Daniel Ek will participate keynote interview 2:00 pm
Tuesday March 16 26-year-old CEO co-founder innovative online music service
Spotify Ek been characterized serial entrepreneur He started his first company
1997 age
Daniel Ek Keynote Interview
Mobile Content cial
Welcome State Now
Twitter Kids Tanzania
Epic Lulz "Funniest Content Web" Competition Winner - interviewed John Hargrave
Epic Lulz: Secrets Hilariouser web Content
Epic Lulz Competition Winner John Hargrave (Epic Lulz)
Love 2 0
Digital Producers Disruptors
Using 3D animation we mold create stories never before captured felt described
We're often driven inspired we see whether that's seeing bottom line seeing
benefits an iPhone Using 3D animation video language no longer a
3D Media: Language Sight
With sites popping left right deride people we've dated hooked we crossing line
between talking things out off our chest putting things general public see order
humiliate them?
Airing Dirty Laundry Online - Therapy Revenge?
Music long been used drive socialchange because connects people pure emotional
level leveraging power artists' relationships their fans new digital platforms
continue evolve do opportunities artists causes drive awareness passion action
across vast audiences
Artists + Fans = Powerful Change
do convert classic iconic brand an interactive experience using next-generation
technologies? Using examples National Geographic Barnes Noble session will
explore celebrate 21st century innovations without compromising historic brands
Brand 2 0: Elevating an Icon Using Next-Gen Technologies
As web tools become more open urced mainstream real estate industry danger?
Hear industry failed well succeeded adapting changes technology Learn industry
future technology supplant agents did
Can web 2 0 Kill Real Estate Industry?
iPad Have Saved Gourmet? (New) Future Magazines
œAge considers; th ventures  aphorism never seemed more real typical U S
public school classroom: students operating several levels simultaneously media-
saturated environments while classroom teachers publishers all seem standing
sidelines trying catch
Cracking Books ' User-Generated Content Education
New media (internet mobile other wired/wireless technology) presents exciting
distribution opportunities independent works But we know 'digital dimes' revenue
new media have not yet replaced 'analog dollars' revenue (shrinking) DVD sales
explores independent producers will finance their works light
Financing Media Productions New World Distribution
Unleash power mind emotions think feel affects happens Learn - use thoughts
emotions good; visualize feel gratitude then manifest it; stop paddling against
current float downstream toward success happiness
Get Whatever Is
presentation learn all basics take company next level skinny accept angel VC
funding without giving away farm There's much jargon around financing session
will debunk all -- including term sheets liquidation
Getting Company Funded
Much been said about internet disrupted recorded music industry live music
industry starting disrupted fundamentally talk will explore internet changing way
concert promoted ticketed discovered experienced shared remembered
Internet Disrupting Concert Industry
Much been said about death journalism but little been offered way lutions will
focus lutions instead problems consensus viewpoints both old new media offer
new insights operational structure journalism media 21st century
Save Journalism
Ian Albin n Alex Ulloa (panelists Art Title Sequence) - interviewed Aust Kleon
Ian Albin n Alex Ulloa ( Art Title Sequence) Aust Kleo

Insights examples frontier interactive infographics smart interactive presentation

data emerging new form media Still an early stage format shows major promise
We'll explore all about it's going
Interactive Infographics
world become mewhat hostile will explore different avenues Jews have started
using New Media talk about Judaism Religion Israel
Judaism 2 0
Listen Hear
Internet situated real world interesting experiences have blend physical digital
Mixing new technology - Arduinos GPS RFID QRcodes - old (web paper) we
present examples recently possible future les ns we've learnt we'll make mething
along way
Maps Books Spimes Paper: Post-Digital Media Design
Successfulsocial mediamarketing campaigns hard engineer; harder implement
except users do without asking even knowing We'll discuss - why - exactly
happened Sandwich Dynamics launched Birdhouse social mediamarketers learn
about NOT leveraging
Marketing Strategies socialWait Now I'm Lost
Mobile Advertising 2010: Pay Bills
Parents often odds their teenagers being socialnetworking sites these sites please
parents appeal teens simultaneously? brings parents teens experts together
address digital divide offer suggestions socialnetworking sites build workable
Negotiating Parent/Teen Divide Over socialNetworking
As CEO Demand Media former Chairman MySpace Richard Rosenblatt no stranger
harnessing power crowd build industry-changing business models Having ld
Internet companies combined value more $1 3 billion web visionary's latest hit
Demand Media making world-wide waves
Richard Rosenblatt Interview: Content Demand
would look racism sexism game design view those industry players will discuss
lutions create more inclusive games work/online environments fun interactive style
socialJustice Video Games
Zoic Studios Director Loni Peristere discusses an innovative production process
developed during creation first ever "4-D" interactive commercial highly anticipated
game Killzone 2 Zoic Studos Guerrilla Games companies along clear guidance
Deutsch Advertising strategized multi-stage project would simultaneously address
Future Now: Immersive Advertising Gameplay
Veterans Find Unlikely Reinforcements Online: Nerds
Creatively add location websites streamline mapping process Make maps stand
out all others Learn write code once use Google Maps Yahoo Bing MapQuest
Way Cool Maps: Beyond Simple Mashups
died tomorrow would meone take care internet accounts? do tell subscribers
blogger died? Every day people die no one access their email Let's explore done
manage online identity after pass on
r Online Identity After Death Digital Wills
Time Change Way We See socialMedia
After four years blood sweat tears sleepless nights blunders triumphs uthwest
Airline'ssocial mediaefforts have emerged light-house Company's communication
Find out knocked traditional PR Marketing strategy ass revolutionize company's
Slashing Through Red-Tape Revolutionize Corporate Communication
From Mean Streets Penthouse Suites – Break big time become hip hop legend
Platinum Life: web Edition new sociallifestyle game Heatwave interactive Come
sneak peek Platinum Life start making benjamins our game lounge
Hip Hop cial: Platinum Life
Twitter Photography
One hopeful revenue urces many internet startups "ad dollars" come don't
usually s up? Turns out think brands internet not We will share tips insights
learned working nearly 100 brands
Brands Don't Think Think Think
Twitter An Airline: Our Story
Twitter Integrity
When leave mortal world identity will ascend cloud But complications digital
preservation pose serious questions an engaging discussion about control format
sustainability digital beyond
Become Immortal: Understanding Digital After Life
New computing emerging touch/gestural input large-format displays Interacting
big-screen TVs tables walls makes feel sci-fi visions future have finally arrived But
once novelty wears off will compelling practical uses these unique social often
public platforms?
Beyond Scifi: Design Surfaces Big Screens
Few expect lifelong job anymore and creative industry reinvention key career
longevity presentation curates jaw-dropping second acts trailblazers have
matched exceeded success their career first acts presents common predictors steal
own use
Brilliant Second Acts Must Steal Tricks From
Bruce Sterling Presentation
''Sally Hender n no longer relationship'' -Facebook We all read line before about one
our friends Facebook penetrated our dating world did facebook status determine
our relationships? deal Facebook flirting? I know more about Facebook
Facebook Status: 'Its Complicated'
For decades large publishing companies have œowned content we were taught
doing structured way teachers schools delivered education Open urce publishing
development expands moves K-12 we left many questions about our children
should taught
Here Dragons ' Open urce Textbooks K-12
Teamwork Preparation Execution Sports abounds les ns today's sociallyenabled
business panel's Murderer's Row sports fans/socialmedia pros will make laugh
make think give fresh perspective sports metaphors elevatesocial mediapractice
Hitting Bombs: Better socialBusiness Through Sports Metaphors
For many small businesses an per n (aka "Emergency Response Technician" "ERT")
often falls one employee primarily non-IT responsibilities humorous presentation
will offer valuable tips philo phies improve productivity prioritization sanity often-
overwhelmed individual
an Emergency Response Technician (ERT)
Local location all rage right now it's become clear oner rather later every app
world big small mobile not will have mapping geolocative abilities baked right
about rs? will cover ins outs
Mapping Geolocation: Turnkey Approaches Know
Mobile Commerce
QR Codes 2D Barcodes: Bridging Physical Digital
With launching 2D Barcodes part registration process way accessing digital content
mobile there will lot interest technology coming months will explore these
emerging technologies create link between physical and
we s automatic music analysis remix technology making easier anyone create
their own music remixes simple alterations adding more cowbell favorite ng
complex manipulations would worthy next 'Grey Album'
Remixing Masses
Pressure send nude photos Incessant text messages Invasion socialnetworking
accounts All qualify digital dating abuse growing problem teen relationships Find
out R/GA Ad Council have empowered teens recognize put an end abuse
Sexting+Nudie Pics = Digital Violence Among Teens
Will Internet life support saves current U S health care system death? more people
seek health information alternative care through online mediums health care
evolution emerging we all remedy
Sick Clicks: Evolution Health Online
With explosive growth socialgaming entire gaming industry moving towards more
interactive socialgaming experiences future-focused presentation John Pleasants-
former President Publishing/COO Electronic Arts current CEO Playdom-will discuss
shift means gaming companies players
Future socialGaming: 2012 Beyond
Let's discover next generation socialnetworking meaningful ways people friends
connect today's world IM BBM DM? socialgaming new happy hour millions people
connecting their friends separated time distance through playing games
New Happy Hour - socialGames
Just important music blogs industry today prominence growing fading will new
technologies strategies impact marketing mix coming year? prominent music
bloggers record label PR firm executives discuss state industry around
State Music Blogs 2010
make real connection consumers tune internet radio advertising emerging
medium takes emotional impact radio combines benefits digital create powerhouse
environment attracts an audience reach Find out why they're important
Sweet Sweet und Internet Radio Advertising
Twitter Music
discussion will explore ideas around making advertising more useful participatory
experience consumers users had incentives create advertisements based their
own experiences? engage right audience an appropriate message? Today's
socialweb take mainstream spam free

late 2008 Creative Loafing ( second largest alt-weekly cha U S ) redefined meant
newspaper publisher Using Tampa market an experiment undertook massive site
redesign built production studio storage closet opened their blog community
Web-First Publishing: Alt Weeklies Survive
Today movies often available online illegally BEFORE reach theaters DVD sales
tanking Blu Ray hasn't met promise yet Many popular primetime TV shows now
distributed viewers via internet TV sets PCs set-top boxes game con les now
connect internet
What New Media Wrought: Changing Legal Architecture
Brand equity historically been method evaluate performance worth brand Does
measure evolve? Consumers live network world individuals tribes experts all
connecting one another Brands connected intimate these networks We
Screw Brand Equity - Connected Brands Rule
It's All About People
socialMedia Un ciable Companies
Effects Twitter News
Come party nonprofit technology community Convio Enjoy free eats cocktails
amazing patio an Aust favorite Cedar Door Home Original Mexican Martini
Convio Nonprofit Technology Bash
(mt) Media Temple brings official SXSWi closing party once again! Help make 2010
most awe me (mt)+SXSWi blow out ever! Experience party Tuesday March 16th
SXSW interactive Closing Party Hosted (mt) Media Temple
massive success iPod iTunes were just starting point download streaming
services eMusic We7 Spotifysocial mediacommunities becoming an essential
pathway music promotion vital digital music business sectors find more more
opportunities interact UK

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