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Germany Made 100 Billion Euros From The Greek Crisis + The Global Financial System Swindle
August 13 2015 | From: Geopolitics / Sputnik
Heres one more item of proof that the whole financial system is one big swindle.

The paper-based monetary system started with nothing, literally. It came into life just by virtue of
an imposed agreement. Played with rosy promises, the whole system was put into action with
deliberately complex layers of paper shuffling and mind-numbing plethora of financial
gobbledygook to cover its empty, shallow foundation.
When a country borrows money from a global development bank, the finance minister wont be
coming home with crates of printed money, or tons of gold, to back up the subsequent money
printing. The minister will be travelling home with a mutually signed paper giving instructions on
how the borrowed sum plus interest would be paid in full before the next borrowing will be

Normally, one would expect to have borrowed something of value which would then be repaid with
something of much greater value, but it doesnt work that way. The whole fiat system is based on a
complex system of projecting value in order to gain real value from your blood, sweat and tears.
When our finance minister went home with a paper instruction to pay, the actual payment of real
value will then come from the actual hard asset that the people has built, e.g. bridges, airports, sea
ports, roads and highways, out of the borrowed perceived value, i.e. loan, paper money, and
Any income from decades of collecting toll from every commuter, or users of such endemically
constructed facilities will go to the issuer of the paper instructions, i.e. the bank.

Modern Recent Fiat Currency Failures:

1922: Austria - Suffered inflation as high as 134%
1932: Argentina - 8th largegst economy before monetary collapse
1944: Greece - 8.5 billion / month - prices doubled every 28 hours
1946: Hungary - 4.19 quintillion percent inflation - it doubled every 15 hours
1984: Israel - 445% inflation rate
1990: Peru - 397%monthly inflation rate
1992: Norway - Experienced major problems with their fiat currency
1993-94: Yugoslavia - 5x10 to the 15th power inflation (requires mathematical equations)
1993-95: Ukraine - 1,400% inflation rate per month
1994: Mexico - Peso collapsed in what is known as the 'Tequila Hangover'
1997: Thailand - Bhat collapsed and the effects spread to other nations
1998: Russia - Ruble collapsed, similar to German Weimar Republic
2001: Turkey - 1 new Lira exchanged for 1,000,000 old Lira - reformed in 2005
2007: Zimbabwe - 11,250,000% inflation at its highest in the worst month

This simple scheme has been replicated worldwide for centuries through incorporation, treaties,
and closed door trade agreements. And due to having born with it already in place, we normally
think that the existence of the whole system is just normal and even natural as the next mornings

"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value - Zero"

- Voltaire, 1694 - 1778

We have learned to accept things as condemnable as the current financial system - to be the
result of the normal course of things because every institution that lives and breathes within the
system says so. Thats how malleable our mind really is.

And when a borrower nation could not pay the loan principal and corresponding interest, i.e.
percentage charges for using the systems valueless paper instruments [principal], it must unload
itself of its sovereign assets to pay for arrears.
This is a standard requirement before the borrower can borrow again from the lenders valueless
instruments, more precisely, to be permitted to print debt-based currency.
Worse, they can manipulate the interest rates at will so that they could benefit even further while
their clients bleed even more.
This is whats happening in Greece and elsewhere

Revealed: Germany Makes 100 Billion Euros From The Greek Crisis
The German government, which has taken a hard line on Greece, has saved some 100
billion euros ($109 billion) in the countrys financial crisis thanks to lower
borrowing costs, a study has found.

Germany saved through lower interest payments on funds the government borrowed amid investor
flights to safety, the German-based non-profit Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) said

in its paper published Monday.

These savings exceed the costs of the crisis even if Greece were to default on its entire
debt, the study said.
Germany has clearly benefited from the Greek crisis.

In the face of turmoil, investors seeking a safe haven for their money within the euro zone turned
to export champion Germany, which disproportionately benefited from that during the debt crisis,
the IWH said.

Every time financial markets faced negative news on Greece in recent years, interest rates
on German government bonds fell, and every time there was good news, they rose.

Germany, the euro zones effective paymaster, has demanded fiscal discipline and tough economic
reforms in Greece in return for consenting to new aid from international creditors, Agence FrancePresse reported.
Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has opposed a Greek debt write-down while pointing to his
own governments balanced budget.

Wolfgang Schaeuble
The balanced budget, however, was facilitated largely by Germanys interest savings amid the
Greek debt crisis, according to the study. The estimated 100 billion euros Germany saved
since 2010 accounted for more than 3% of GDP, according to the IHW.

Even if Greece doesnt pay back a single cent, the German public purse has benefited
financially from the crisis, said the paper.

At the same time, the bonds of other countries including the United States, France and the
Netherlands also benefited, but to a much smaller extent.

Greece and its creditors are working on the draft of a new bailout of up to 86 billion euros ($94
billion) in exchange for further reforms, AFP reported. They are aiming for a deal before Greece
must repay 3.4 billion euros to the European Central Bank on August 20.
One would then ask why do we have to go abroad to borrow nothing, i.e. permission to print
money, when we can construct these critical facilities on our own, using home grown materials and

Of course, we can. We just need to agree on all the details, i.e.:

1. The local government / community will have to print IOU's or paper currency to reflect the actual
value of the project to be undertaken, i.e. farm to market roads, interconnecting highways;
2. The people will agree on the value of the project and will be willing to accept the value printed
on the IOUs as payment in exchange for their labor;
We can do and establish a separate system. But we need to armed ourselves first because all
those who have attempted to do so are now dead.
You would think that this hypnotic scheme would not go unperturbed by our 'smartest leaders' but
they are part of the whole game. They are already living and breathing within it.

Breaking from such well entrenched, well defined scheme takes a whole lot of courage and selfsacrifice, and most of these people dont know how to survive off-grid.
Therefore, you alone can set yourself free from it all. You alone can pull yourself from the whole
control structure and move into real freedom.

Or, we can collectively eliminate all of them and regain control of the whole system.
Those are the choices.

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