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1. A radio operator broadcasts at a frequency of 14.0 MHz. (megahertz). What is the wavelength
of the radio waves put out by the transmitter?
2. A radio station broadcasts at a frequency of 1200 kHz. What is the wavelength and wave
number of these radio waves?
3. Calculate the frequency and wave number of spectral line of calcium having wavelength of
4. Light from the sun has a maximum intensity at a wavelength of about 6.0 107m. What is
frequency of sunlight?
5. The colors that make up visible light range from 400 to 750 nm (violet to red). What is the
corresponding range of frequencies?
6. A quanta of light having energy E, has wavelength equal to 800 nm. Calculate the wavelength
of photon of light which corresponds to energy 5E.
7. Calculate the frequency of a radiation having the wavelength 5000 A0.
8. Calculate the wave number of the radiation having the wavelength 400 .
9. Calculate the wavelength of a radiation having the frequency 6 x 10 14 Hz.
10. Calculate the frequency of a radiation of wavelength 500m.
11. Calculate the wave number of a radiation of wavelength 400 nm.
12. Calculate the frequency of a radiation having the wavelength 3000 A0.
13. Calculate the wave length and frequency of a radiation having the time period 2x10 -10 second.
14. The frequency of a radiation is 3 x 1015 Hz. Calculate its wavelength and wave number.
15. The wavelength of a radiation is 0.50 A0. calculate the frequency and the energy associated
with the radiation.
16. A photon has energy equal to 10 Mev. Calculate the frequency of the radiation.
17. The energy associated with a photon of radiation is 3 x 10 -20 J. Calculate the wavelength of the
18. Calculate the frequency of the radiation having the wavelength 6 x 10 -6 cm.
19. The wave number of the radiation is 1.5 x 105
cm-1. Calculate the frequency of the radiation.
20. The wave number of the radiation is 2 x 10 cm . Calculate the frequency.
21. Calculate the wavelength of the radiation in nanometer if the frequency is 8 x 10 14 Hz.
22. Calculate the wave number of the radiation having the wavelength 300 microns.
23. Calculate the wave length of the radiation having the frequency of 5 x 10 12 Hz.
24. Calculate the frequency and the wave number of the radiation having the wavelength 500
25. Calculate the frequency of the radiation if its wavelength is 450 A0.
26. Calculate the energy of a photon of a radiation having the wavelength 400 microns.
27. Calculate the energy of a photon of radiation of wavelength 600 nm.
28. Calculate the energy of a photon of the radiation having the wavelength 10 -4m.
29. What is the ratio of the energies of photons present in the radiations of wavelengths 500 A 0 and
2500 A0.
30. Calculate the ratio of the energies of photons of radiations having the wavelength 150 and
31. The frequencies of the radiations are 5x10 14 Hz and 8x1014 Hz. What is the ratio of their wave
32. The energies of the photons are in the ratio 5:2 Calculate the ratio of their wavelengths.
33. The energies associated with the photons of two radiations are in the ratio 4:1 Calculate the
ratio of their frequencies.
34. The energies of the photons of two radiations are in the ratio 3:4. Calculate the ratio of their
wave numbers.
35. Calculate the wave length of H line of hydrogen spectrum in the Balmer series..
36. Calculate the frequency of the H line of hydrogen spectrum in the Balmer series.
37. Calculate the wave number of the first line in Paschen series.

38. Calculate the frequency of the limiting line in Lyman series.
39. Calculate the wave number of the limiting line in Balmer series.
40. An
240nm is enough to ionize sodium atom. Calculate the ionization potential of sodium.
41. Calculate the ionization energy of hydrogen atom.
42. Calculate the energy associated with the third line of Lyman series.
43. Calculate the energy associated with the second line of Balmer series.
44. Calculate the frequency of the 4th line in Brackett series of hydrogen spectrum.
45. Calculate the energy difference between the 1st and 3rd orbits of hydrogen atom.
46. What is the difference between the energies of the first and the last orbits of hydrogen atom.
47. Calculate the energy of the electron in the fourth orbit of hydrogen atom.
48. Calculate the wavelength of the limiting line of Brackett series of hydrogen spectrum.
49. Calculate the wave number of the limiting line of Pfund series of hydrogen spectrum
50. The wavelength of radiation of visible light is
380 nm. Calculate the frequency of the


The ratio of e/m i.e., specific charge for a cathode ray

1) has the smallest value when the discharge tube is filled with H 2
2) is constant
3) varies with the atomic number of gas in the discharge tube

4) varies with the atomic number of an element forming the cathode.

The specific charge for positive rays is much less than the specific charge for cathode rays. This
is because

1) Positive rays are positively charged

2) Charge on positive rays is less
3) Positive rays comprise ionised atoms whose
4) Experimental method for determination is

mass is much higher


If the mass number of an element is W and its atomic number is N then

1) Number of electrons = W - N
2) Number of protons (1H1) = W N





3) Number of

n1 = W N

4) Number of

n1 = N

Though the three fundamental particles are present in almost all elements one element does not
1) Proton
2) Electron
3) Neutron
4) Nucleons
Which statement is not correct in case of isotopes of chlorine 17Cl35 and 17Cl37
1) Both have same atomic number
2) Both have same number of electrons
3) Both have same number of neutrons
4) Both have same number of protons
The total number of protons present in all the elements upto Zn in the periodic table is
1) 300
2) 350
3) 465
4) 450
(Hint: n = n(n + 1)/2)
The charge on an electron is 4.8 x 10-10 esu. What is the value of charge in Li+ ion ?
1) 4.8 x 1010esu
2) 9.6 x10-10 esu

3) 1.44 x 10_1esu
4) 2.4 x 1010esu
8. Rutherfords model of the atom is against to which theory?
1) Plancks theory
2) Einsteins theory
3) Electromagnetic theory 4) All of these

The specific charge of positive rays is maximum when the gas taken in the discharge tube is
1) O2
2) N2
3) He
4) H2

10. The ejection of electrons when the surface of metal is irradiated by light is called
1) Zeeman effect
2) Stark effect
3) Photo electric effect
4) Compton effect
11. Which is not characteristic of plancks quantum theory of radiation
1) Radiation is associated with energy
2) Energy is not absorbed or emitted in whole number or multiples of quantum
3) The magnitude of energy associated with a quantum is proportional to the frequency
4) Radiation energy is neither emitted nor absorbed continuously but in small packets
called quanta.
12. The relation between energy of a radiation and its frequency was given by
1) de Broglie
2) Einstein
3) Planck
4) Bohr
13. In photoelectric effect the number of photoelectrons emitted is proportional to
1) Intensity of incident beam
2) Frequency of incident beam
3) Velocity of incident beam
4) Work function of photo chatode
14. The Plancks Constant has a unit of
1) Work
2) Energy
3) Angular momentum
4) Linear momentum
15. The electromagnetic radiation with maximum wave length is
1) Ultravoilet
2) Radiowaves
3) X-rays
4) Infra red
16. All types of electromagnetic radiation possess same
1) Energy
2) Velocity
3) Frequency 4) Wavelength
17. The ratio of energy to frequency of electromagnetic radiation is called
1) Bohrs constant
2) Rydbergs constant
3) Plancks constant
4) Ritz constant
18. Which of the following is not correct?
1) = c/
2) h = E/
3) 1Ao = 10-2cm
4) E = mc2
19. Velocity of a photon is
1) Independent of its wavelength
2) Dependent on its wavelength
3) Depends on its source
4) Equal to square of its amplitude
20. Which is not electromagnetic radiation ?
1) Infra red rays
2) X-rays
3) Cathode rays
4) - rays
21. Einsteins theory of photoelectric effect is based on
1) Newtons corpuscular theory of light
2) Huygens wave theory of light
3) Maxwells electromagnetic theory of light
4) Plancks quantum theory of light

22. Increase in the frequency of the incident radiations increases the
1) Rate of emission of photo-electrons
2) Work function
3) Kinetic energy of photo electrons
4) Threshold frequency
23. Threshold wavelength depends upon
1) Frequency of incident radiation
2) Velocity of electrons
3) Work function
4) None
24. Dimensions of Plancks constant are
1) Force x time
2) Energy x distance
3) Energy x time
4) Energy / time
25. The minimum energy required to eject an electron from an atom is called
1) Kinetic energy
2) Electrical energy
3) Chemical energy
4) Work function
26. When frequency of light incident on a metallic plate is doubled, the kinetic energy of the emitted
photoelectrons will be
1) Doubled
2) Halved
3) Increased but more than doubled of the previous K.E.
4) unchanged
(Hint : h = w + KE1
2 x h = w + KE2)
27. If 1 and 2 are wavelengths of characteristic
X-rays and gamma rays respectively then the
relation between them is
1) 1 = 1/ 2 2) 1 = 2 3) 1 > 2 4) 1 < 2
28. Which is not a form of radiant energy
1) X-rays
2) - rays
3) Radiowaves
4) Infra red rays
29. A photon in X region is more energetic than in the visible region, X is
1) Infra red
2) Ultraviolet
3) Microwave
4) Radio wave
30. The
blue, green and yellow light is
1) red > yellow> green > blue
2) red > yellow > blue > green
3) blue > green > yellow > red
4) red > blue > yellow > green
31. The source for the far infrared radiations of about 14000 K is
1) High pressure hydrogen discharge lamp
2) Tungsten filament incandescent lamp
3) Nernst glower
4) Xenon arc lamp
32. Nernst glower is made with
1) Tungsten filament
2) Xenon arc
3) Mercury vapour
4) Mixture of zirconium and uttrium oxides
shaped into small hollow rod
33. Best source for I R radiation.
1) Globar source
2) Nernst glower
3) Black body
4) Deuterium discharge lamp
34. The ratio of the energy of photon 2000 A Wave length radiation to that of 4000 A radiation is
















1) 1/4
2) 1 / 2
3) 2
4) 4
The frequency of a green light is 6 x 10 Hz. Its wave length is
1) 500 nm
2) 5 nm
3) 50 000 nm
4) None of these
What is the energy in joule of a photon of light with wavelength 4 x 10 3 nm
1) 7.5 x 10-20
2) 5 x 10-20
3) 2 x 10
4) 2.5 x 10-10
The energy of the photons with wavelength 0.50A is
1) 3.975 x 10-8 ergs
2) 4.975 x 108 ergs
-803) 3.975 x 10 ergs
4) 4.975 x 1080 ergs
The wavelength of light having wave number 4000 is
1) 2.5 m
2) 250 m 3) 25 m 4) 25 nm
The work function for a metal is 4 ev. To emit a photoelectron of zero velocity from the surface of
the metal the wavelength of incident light should be
1) 2700
2) 1700 3) 5900 4) 3100
The energy per quantum associated with light of wavelength 250 x 10 -9 meter is
1) 8.95 x 10-12 erg
2) 7.95 x 10-19 J
3) 8.95 x 10 J
4) None
The energy per mole of photon of electromagnetic radiation of wavelength 4000
1) 3 x 1012 erg2) 4 x1012erg
3) 5 x 1012 erg4) 6 x 1012 erg
An atom is known to absorb energy 5 x 10 -11erg. In the spectrum of this atom, the missing
wavelength is
1) 3.975 x 10-6 cm
2) 3.975 x 106 cm
3) 3.975 x 10 cm
4) 3.975 x 108 cm
Consider the spectral line resulting from the transition n = 2 to n = 1 in the atoms and ions given
below the shortest wavelength is produced by
1) Hydrogen atom
2) Deuterium atom
3) Singly ionised lithium 4) Doubly ionized lithium
Of the following transitions in hydrogen atom the one which gives an absorption line of lowest
frequency is
1) n = 1 to n = 2
2) n = 3 to n = 8
3) n = 2 to n = 1
4) n = 8 to n = 3
Which are in ascending order of wavelength
1) H,H, H . Line in Balmer series of hydrogen atom
2) Lyman limit, Balmer limit, paschen limit in the hydrogen spectrum
3) Blue, violet, yellow, red colours in solar spectrum
4) None
Rydberg constant is
1) Same for all elements
2) Different for different elements
3) A universal constant
4) is different for lighter elements but same for
heavier elements
The frequency of first line of Balmer series in hydrogen atom is 0. The frequency of
corresponding line emitted by singly ionized helium atom is
1) 2 0
2) 4 0
3) 0/2
4) 0/4
Line spectra is Characteristic of
1) Atoms
2) Molecules
3) Radicals
4) ions
Transition of electron from n = 3 to n = 1 level results in
1) X - ray spectrum
2) Emission spectrum
3) Band spectrum
4) Infra red spectrum
In the hydrogen spectrum least energetic series is

1) Lyman series
3) Paschen series

2) Balmer series
4) pfund series


1) 21.428 m

2) =250m; = 4.133 m

3) 6.58 1014 s1;=2.19106 m1

4) = 5.0 1014 s1
2500 M1

5) 7.5 1014 4 1014 Hertz

6) 160 nm

9) 5000 A0
1015 Hz

10) 6x1014 Hz

11) 2.5x106m1


13) 5x109Hz. 0.06m

2.5 1021Hz

14)107m, 107m1.

15) 6x1018+Hz, 3.96x1015 J


17) 66300 A0

18) 5x1015Hz

19) 4.5x1015Hz


21) 375nm

22) 3.33x103 m1

23) 6x105 A

25) 6.6x1015Hz

26) 4.95x1022 J

27) 3.3.x1019 J


29) 5 :1

30) 8:3

31) 5:8


33) 4:1

34) 3:4

35) 6563 A0


37) 5.29x103cm1

38) 3.29x1015Hz

39) 2.74x106m1


41) 13.6 eV

42) 2.043x1011erg

43) 4.07x1019J


45) 12.08eV

46) 13.6eV

47) 0.85 eV


49) 4.4x105 m1



7) 6x1014 Hz


24) 6x1011Hz;

50) 7.89x1014 Hz








10) 3

11) 2

12) 3

13) 1

14) 3

15) 2

16) 2

17) 3

18) 3

19) 1

20) 3

21) 4

22) 3

23) 3

24) 3

25) 4

26) 3

27) 3

28) 2

29) 2

30) 1

31) 3

32) 4

33) 3

34) 3

35) 1

36) 2

37) 1

38) 2

39) 4

40) 2

41) 1

42) 1

43) 4

44) 2

45) 2

46) 2

47) 2

48) 1

49) 2

50) 4

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