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WOMEN should regard suffrage as a means, not as an end. A means of release

from legal restraints which consider her as less than a human being--of
enforcing the principle "no taxation without representation" --of protecting
property--of receiving a fair equivalent for labor--of social elevation--of mental
and moral enlightenment--of awakening to effort--in short a means of
Ignorant, indifferent men and women view the result of the suffrage movement
as merely an increased number of votes polled at the regular elections. "Parties
and politics will not be changed," they say, there will be nothing gained, only
so many more votes to count." They see nothing of the grand consequences
enfranchisement involves, the revolutionizing of woman's social position and
individual character.
The world needs strong, self-reliant, self-sacrificing, conscientious women for
its regeneration. High physical, mental and moral development is what women
need. But to this, as a class, they will never attain, while they are treated as
inferiors, are deprived of their inherent rights, and are dependent on masculine
Suppose a mother teaches her son in this manner: "My dear, you must not
engage in out-door exercises, for they develop the muscular system, and it is
desirable that you should preserve a delicate appearance; and you must not
expose your complexion to the rays of the sun. You must submit to tight lacing
in order to obtain an improved figure. Yon must conform to all the dictates of
fashion, however absurd, unsuitable and uncomfortable; and your attire must
claim the most of your time and thoughts. An education is but time and money
wasted; a slight knowledge of a few prominent branches together with the
fashionable accomplishments is all sufficient. You will never have any use for
more, besides learned gentlemen are quite ridiculous.
"The only aim of your life is to marry. Do not trouble yourself about becoming
fitted for its responsibilities, nor think of its various duties; you will learn them
when you are obliged to. You can labor a little about home if you choose, but to
have a regular occupation, trade or profession is very vulgar. Your sisters and
myself will support you till you are grown, and then you must marry a rich
wife. Remember that while your sisters are free to follow the inclinations of
their minds and choose occupations, you must remain with your mother till you
have a wife to provide for you. The property you inherit from me will go into
her possession, and you will, at all times, be dependent upon her, but that is as
it should be. A woman and her husband should be one.
You must not interest yourself in politics; you have no voice in the government.
If the laws are oppressive, if your wife becomes dissipated, squanders all your

inherited property in gambling and drinking, takes away the money starvation
has compelled you to earn, and then beats you for more, you must submit in
silence, for you can obtain no redress and if you clamor for reform, you will be
termed that horror of horrors 'a strong-minded man.'"
Thus taught and trained what sort of a man would he make ? If possessed of
any spirit would he not fret and beat against his chains? Then if parental
authority and society sneeringly smiled at any higher aspirations, ridiculed his
attempts to escape, and forcibly held him in his "sphere," (so-called), would he
not become an idling, inane, silly, dandified puppy.
Yet the majority of girls are thus taught and trained. From this false system of
teaching and practice, energetic reformers are endeavoring to emancipate
women. If freedom, education, labor, business, responsibility, franchise, and
aims are needed to fully develop men, are they not also needed to fully develop
women? Let women feel that they are "free and equal," that an occupation is
honorable, and that their acts, opinions and influence are of some importance,
and they will desert the ranks of ignorance, idleness and folly.
Suffrage is the gate to fields beyond. Fields of labor, of education, of
development. Merely the privilege of voting the Republican or Democratic
ticket is not our aim, but to make "perfect women, nobly planned."
Croakers prate of evils which will follow the legal and political equality of
woman. Every great change is accompanied by temporary evils. But this fact
still remains--right is right. And further, liberty does not mean license; nor does
the right of ballot annul woman's peculiar duties and responsibilities.
With woman's enfranchisement will come elevation and thorough education.
With thorough education will come a just appreciation and a better performance
of her duties. In the marriage relation she will take her true position as a helpmeet--a woman, not merely as a female.
"But women do not use the privileges they have, why give them more?" ask the
oppositionists. True, women as a class do neglect their privileges, they are yet
sleeping in a chrysalis state, but there is a promise of what they can be, of what
they may be. In the old slavery days, men said: "The slaves will not work
without a driver, they cannot support themselves, they are incapable of selfgovernment, and they must remain dependent." But the emancipation has
shown how unfounded, how empty their assertions. In the same manner the
emancipation of women will reveal stamina, powers and resources among them
yet unimagined.

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