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A database is a large collection of related data organized for rapid search and retrieval.
(Shao, 1999).
Based on Shao, 1999 a Database Marketing is the process of gathering relevant
information about potential and existing customers to learn about their needs and to use this
information to provide the right product, at the right price, at the right time. The talent or skills
necessary to person database marketing is unique. The individuals need to have more than
analytical skills, they need to be skilled strategic thinkers, decision making, program developers,
and creative practitioners. (Shao, 1999).
According to Donnelley Marketings annual Survey of promotional practices, 56%
manufacturers, and retailers are presently building databases, an additional 10% plan to do so,
and 85% believe they will need database marketing capabilities to be competitive by the year
2000. Marketers use database to help their business to focus on market

. Almost half of all

direct marketers use databases to target their marketing appeals and 27% expect to increase their
database spending in the short term.

Electronic Commerce

Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is used to describe business that is conducted over

the Internet using any of the applications that rely on the Internet, such as e-mail, instant
messaging, shopping carts, Web services, UDDI, FTP, and EDI, among others. Electronic
commerce can be between two businesses transmitting funds, goods, services and/or data or
between a business and a customer.(Beal, 2015)
It can drive direct sales through e-commerce which advertising and marketing efforts use
Web and email. This is also known as Internet Marketing or Online Marketing. Internet
marketing and online advertising efforts are typically used together with traditional types of
advertising like radio, television, newspapers and magazines.
E-commerce was first introduced in the 1960s via an electronic data interchange (EDI)
on value-added networks (VANs). The medium grew with the increased availability of Internet
access and the advent of popular online sellers in the 1990s and early 2000s. (Arline, 2015)
Like any digital technology or consumer-based purchasing market, e-commerce has
evolved over the years. As mobile devices became more popular, mobile commerce has become
its own market. With the rise of sites like Facebook and Pinterest, social media has become an
important driver of e-commerce.
E-commerce business was composed of an attributes that make it distinctive and different
from a traditional business which corresponds to: Core tactical decisions are technology-based,
competitive response must occur in real time, the store is always open, the costumer interface is
technology mediated, the customer controls the communications, online firms have an increased
information of customers behavior, players benefit from network economics, and non-traditional
evaluation metrics and emergent evaluation model supply. (Jeffrey F. Rayport and Bernard J.
Jaworski, 2001).

E-commerce uses technology-enabled transactions that manage the business transactions

among customers and markets through human or face to face interactions but in the use of Ecommerce the following transaction can be manage using technology. (Kevin Kelly, 200).
According to Deitel Deitel Steinbuhler (2001), the terms e-business and e-commerce,
often confused with one another and different. According to Andrew Bartel, Vice President and
research leader of e commerce trends at Giga Information Group, Inc., e-commerce involves
exchanges among customers, business partners and the vendor.
As more people begin using the Web, all companies whether they are currently
established online or planning to conduct some of their business transactions online, must
consider the impact that Web-enabled business will have on them.
There are many benefits of bringing a business to the internet. An e-business can offer
personalization, high quality customer service and improved supply-chain management- the
strategic management of distribution channels and the process that support them.
Settling up an running an e-business, especially one that process a large number of
transactions, requires technical, marketing and advertising expertise. Customers want access to
products and services on a 24-by-7 basis (24 hours per day, 7 days per week) and the easiest way
to provide that is to move operations online. The businesses that provide the most reliable, most
functional, most user-friendly and fastest services will be the ones that succeeded.
According to Sid L Huff, Michael Wade and Scott Schneberger (2002) The e in ecommerce is Electricalcomputer-based, digital electronics in almost all case. Although ecommerce is often described as new paradigm in business with vast new opportunities for
innovation and application, it clearly did not occur and could not without the infrastructure

electronically linking information systems and their users wonderment with e-commerce
opportunities and the rate of innovation, adoption and adaptation can overshadow the underlying
technical infrastructure that gives it life and spawns newer opportunities. In the business ecommerce world, managers need to know the fundamentals of e-commerce infrastructurethe
technology, the issues and the industry. The knowledge will enable them to discuss e-commerce
issues with technologies, identify business opportunities, threats, plan and manage infrastructure

According to Robert Shepherd (1998), Internet is a global system of millions of
computers linked by communication lines. Many of these computers act as servers where others
on the network can access information or storage devices. Few decades ago, the Internet was
used almost exclusively by a few scientists and engineers. Nowadays, approximate number of
users of the Internet increase rapidly. In the future, users of the Internet will be prevalently grow
in the global system.
Moreover, Internet sometimes referred to a cyberspace because as people circumnavigate
its maze of interconnecting paths, it often seems like travelling through the universe from galaxy
to galaxy regardless of time and space. Goodheart (1995)
It is a limitless significant communication facility that provides a solution for browsing,
exploring, retrieving and sharing information on a global scale.
Additionally, it provides a process of sharing local remote resources.


The success of a business depends on how well the owners ability to maintain adequate
quantities of items sold. Records provided by an inventory control system should call attention to
the need for reorder when necessary or eliminate dead wood inventory when called for.
Inventory occupy the most strategic and flexible position in the structure of working
Capital of most businesses specifically to manufacturing industry. A large manufacturing
company normally produce higher level of inventories for supplying adequate quantity of
finished product to its customers.(Verga, 2014)
However, keeping excessive level of inventories consumes the funds of business which
cannot be distributed and be used for any other purpose and thus involves opportunity cost.
One of the vital aspect in the inventory industry is the inventory management. According
to Barcodes Inc., Inventory Management is the process of efficiently overseeing the constant
flow of units into and out of an existing inventory. The aim of inventory management is to
determine what inventory level is needed to be maintained that will support sales levels assumed
through monitoring on the inventory.
This process usually involves controlling the transfer in of units in order to prevent the
inventory from becoming too high to levels that could put the operation of the company into
jeopardy. Balancing the various tasks of inventory management means paying attention to three
key aspects of any inventory. The first aspect has to do with time. In terms of materials acquired
for inclusion in the total inventory, this means understanding how long it takes for a supplier to
process an order and execute a delivery. Inventory management also demands that a solid
understanding of how long it will take for those materials to transfer out of the inventory be
established. Knowing these two important lead times makes it possible to know when to place an
order and how many units must be ordered to keep production running smoothly.

Reservation System
Cited by Crizalyn C. Bognot and Randel A. Concepcion (2014) that the reservation
system is liable for receiving and processing reservation for accommodations in the future.
Reservation agent must possess accurate reservation records and closely track availabilities to
ensure that no date is overbooked. Close coordination within the sales and marketing division is
needed when large group are book into a system.

Web Portals

A portal is a site on the Internet that provides a one-stop experience for visitors,
allowing them to check e-mail, search the web, get news and stock quotes and more, all in a
personalized arrangement. Portals also provide a starting point for web surfers to go to other
places. A portal may have links to travel sites, entertainment resources, and search engine.
(Trepper, 2000).
In addition, the best portal sites arranged informations so that the web visitors can find
out what they need quickly and easily. A web portal is much more than a search tool, although it
is a good search tool that always part of an efficient and effective search engines perhaps some
portals provide information on particular topics. (Trepper, 2000).

Windows Store

Windows Store is a Microsoft application store that was introduced at the same time the
operating system Windows 8 is launched late in 2012. Since it is an application store a user can
execute browsing, searching and download various applications or games from windows 8 up to
the future windows operating systems. Approximately 17,000 applications and games are
available on windows store as of September 2014 (Zeis,)
Following previous operating system, Microsoft released its newest operating system the
Windows 10 this 2015 introducing one of the highlights of their operating system the Windows
Store. What we do not know about the difference of windows store from its predecessors is that
the application platform for the content of the application store is not unified. As a solution
Microsoft has come up to the first application store that is designed to provide a single platform
for a wide range of applications (Todd Brix, 2015).
In addition to that, the new store features an experience that matches the screen or
window size thus ensuring that all users have the same sentiment while using the applications. In
terms of global and local payment options there has been a great improvement for the content
acquisition. These improvements is due to the integration of Windows Store on Universal
Windows Platform which implies that it is now on a windowed environment. Being separated
from the operating system allows the store to be updated even if there is no scheduled operating
system update so as to keep it more current and be able to address issues better (Todd Brix,

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