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Question bank

.organ can function as both endocrine as well as exocrine

a) Mast cells
b) Liver
c) Pancreas
d) Gall bladder

is the weight of adrenal gland:4-5g


The testes are composed of

a) Seminiferous tubules and leydig cells
b) Corpus leutia and testosterone
c) Interstitial cells and insulin
d) Hypo-pharynx and glottis
Increase in the level of ADH causes _________ urine formation
a) Dilute
b) Reddish
c) Concentrated
d) Milky
The pH of urine is
a) 2
b) 3
c) 5
d) 6
Net filtration pressure is equal tommHg
a) 10
b) 20
c) 30
d) 40
Why is the right kidney located lower to left kidney
a) Because of the position of heart
b) Because of the position of liver
c) Because of the position of gall bladder
d) Because of the position of pancreas
Fertilization of an ova takes place in
a) Vagina
b) Uterus
c) Fallopian tube
d) Ovary
Which of the following does not exist in esophagus
a) Mucosa
b) Sub-mucosa
c) Serosa
d) Muscularis

Which of the following is true for rods in the eye

a) Color sensors
b) Light sensors
c) Blood sensors
d) Synovial sensors
Pharyngitis is the inflammation of
a) Mucosa
b) Tonsil
c) Pharynx
d) Thyroid
Which of the following constitute the auditory ossicles
a) Malleus, Incus, Stapes
b) Malleus, Stapes, Incus
c) Incus, Malleus, Stapes
d) Stapes, Malleus, Incus
Which of the following defines homeostasis?
a) Remain same
b) Remain unstable
c) Remain warmer
d) Remain inside
Normal glucose level is
a) 80 to 110
b) 50 to 100
c) 130 to 120
d) 140 to 160
Extracellular fluid in blood cells is termed as..
a) Lymphatic cells
b) Blood vessel
c) Blood artery
d) Blood plasma
Extracellular fluid in lymphatic vessel is termed as..
a) Lymph
b) Blood vessel
c) Blood artery
d) Blood plasma
Extracellular fluid in and around the brain and spinal cord is termed
a) Lymph
b) Neuron
c) Synovial fluid
d) Aqueous humor
Extracellular fluid in eyes is termed as..
a) Conjunctivitis and iris
b) Rods and cones liquid
c) Synovial fluid and extracellular fluid
d) Aqueous humor and vitreous humor
Which of the following best explains the pathway of air


Nose, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi, Alveoli

Bronchi, Larynx, Alveoli, Nose
Nose, Alveoli, Bronchi, Airspace
Nose, Bronchi, Alveoli Pharynx

Which of the innermost layer of the uterus

a) Endometrium
b) Myometrium
c) Perimetrium
d) Fundus
Which of the following hormone is called as pregnancy hormone
a) Melatonin
b) Progesterone
c) Parathromone
d) Oxytocin

goes from minor calyx and major calyx to.

Urinary bladder
Renal pelvis

The atmospheric pressure is equal to

a) 660mmHg
b) 760mmHg
c) 960mmHg
d) 150mmHg
Which one of the following is the first part of the small intestine
a) Duodenum
b) Jejunum
c) Ileum
d) Anal Canal
Which one of the following is not an endocrine gland?
a) Enamel
b) Pancreas
c) Adrenal
d) Pineal
Which of the following is true for endocrine glands
a) Ductless
b) Active transport
c) Diffusion
d) Osmosis
Macula densa are found in
a) Testes
b) Kidney
c) Liver
d) Heart
.is a flap-like structure at the back of the throat that closes over the

a) Epiglottis
b) Serosa
c) Ostia
d) Mucosa
Which of the following is true for cones in the eye
a) Color sensors
b) Light sensors
c) Blood sensors
d) Synovial sensors
Folds of cell membranes of absorptive cells
a) Microvilli
b) Villi
c) Circular folds
d) Synovial sensors
Extra cellular fluid in blood is known as
a) Blood
b) Blood cells
c) Blood plasma
d) Synovial Fluid
What are the three components of homeostasis
a) Liver, kidney and lung
b) Balance, equilibrium, running
c) Sensor, control and effector
d) Sensor. Light and Weight
Normal breathing rate of an adult human being is?
a) 12-14 times/min
b) 10 - 11 times/min
c) 5 - 6 times/min
d) None of the above
Which of the following cells secretes the lung surfactant

Goblet cells
Alveolar type I cells
Alveolar type II cells
Air channels

The other name for Maleus , Incus and Stapes of the ear is
a) Anvil, hammer, stirrup
b) Hammer, anvil, stirrup
c) Stirrup, anvil, hammer
d) Anvil, stirrup, hammer
During fertilization, the receptors for the sperm are located on
a) Zona pellucida
b) Zona albicans
c) Zona corpus
d) Zona forus
Adventia is the external covering of which of the following organs
a) Esophagus
b) Stomach

c) Eye
d) Ear
Kidney constitutes ______ of total body mass
The area above the level of the cardial orifice is called as
a) Fundus
b) Cardia
c) Pyloric
d) Body
Rugae is present in
a) Stomach
b) Liver
c) Gall bladder
d) Pharynx
Which of the following is secreted by chief cells
a) Pepsinogen and gastric lipase
b) Starch and sugar
c) Vitamin C and D
d) Hormones and juices
Which of the following is not a fat soluble vitamin
a) B
b) C
c) D
d) E
Which of the following has haustra
a) Large intestine
b) Brain
c) Occipital Bone
d) Ovarian follicle
_____________ contributes to feelings of well- being.
a) Norepinephrine
b) Serotonin
c) Dopamine
d) None
The movement of gases from areas of higher partial pressure to lower partial
a) Diffusion
b) Osmosis
c) Gradient osmosis
d) Surface tension
Infants breathe
a) 14 times/minute
b) 24 times/minute
c) 34 times/minute
d) 44 times/minute
Endocrine cells of the pancreas are
a) Duct cells
b) Acinal cells
c) Islets of Langerhans
d) Insulin
Abdominal muscles .. during heavy expiration
a) Contract
b) Dilate
c) Ring
d) Sound

Upper respiratory tract comprises of

a) Nose to larynx
b) Nose to brain
c) Larynx to pharynx
d) Larynx to esophagus
Neurons are not composed of which of the following
a) Axon
b) Dendrites
c) Cell Body
d) Interstitial cells
Lower respiratory tract comprises of
a) Brain and brainstem onwards
b) Esophagus and larynx onwards
c) Airspace onwards
d) Trachea onwards
Apnea is
a) Sleep apnea
b) Absence of breathing
c) Morning sickness
d) Motion sickness
Pinealocytes are the components of which of the following gland
a) Thyroid
b) Parathyroid
c) Adrenal
d) Pineal gland
Dyspnea is
a) Difficult or labored breathing
b) Constipation
c) Anxiety
d) Tiredness
Schwann cells are mainly found in central nervous system
a) True
b) False
c) Probably
d) Don know
The amount of gas inspired or expired with each normal breath, about 500 mL
a) Tidal ring
b) Tidal barrier
c) Tidal extend
d) Tidal Volume
Maximum amount of additional air that can be inspired from the end of a normal
a) Inspiratory Reserve Volume
b) Reserve Volume
c) Inspiratory Volume
d) Volume expulsion
The maximum volume of additional air that can be expired from the end of a
normal expiration
a) Reserve Volume
b) Inspiratory Volume
c) Volume expulsion
d) Expiratory Reserve Volume
The largest and most numerous neuroglia in the CNS is
a) Oligo-dendrocytes

b) Microglia
c) Astrocytes
d) Ependymal call
The volume of air remaining in the lung after a maximal expiration
a) Whole Volume
b) Residual Volume
c) Regulation of Volume
d) Lung capacity
Instrument used to measure respiratory volumes and capacities
a) Spirometer
b) Cardiometer
c) ECG
d) PET
Macula densa, mesangial cells, and granular cells constitute the
a) Malphigian apparatus
b) MIS apparatus
c) Juxtaglomerular apparatus
d) Semicircular canals
The smallest and least numerous neuroglia are
a) Astrocytes
b) Microglia
c) Ependymal cell
d) Schwann cell
Podocyte extensions are called
a) Pedicles
b) Cilia
c) Parapodia
d) Flagella
Where are the synapses located?
a) On dendrite
b) On the cell body
c) along the length of axons
d) All of the above
.connects the middle ear to naso-pharynx
a. Eustachian tube
b. Incus
Malphagian tube
d. Articular tube
Semicircular canal, vestibule and cochlea form the
a) Bony labyrinth
b) Soft labyrinth
c) Hard labyrinth
d) Baby labyrinth
..nerve sends signals from ear to brain stem
a. Acoustic nerve
b. b. Ring nerve
c. Inferior venecava
d. d. Hypo-pharynx nerve
_______are phagocytic in nature

a) Neurons
b) Neuroglia
c) Random cells
d) Adherent cells
Ernest Henry Starling coined the term
a. Blood
b. Urine
c Hormone
d Nerve
Which of the following is a lipid soluble hormone
a) Amine hormones
b) Peptide hormones
c) Steroid hormones
d) Oxytocin
SAD stands for
a) Season affective disorder
b) Simple affected drug
c) Season affinity delivery
d) Season affective discovery
Energy production of neuron takes place in
a) Axon
b) Dendrite
c) Cell body
d) Axon hillock
Intrinsic muscles.. the tongue, while as extrinsic musclesthe tongue
a) Shape, move
b) Color, pointed
c) Papillae, taste
d) Taste, frenulum
Which of the following is true for aerobic respiration
a) Requires oxygen
b) Does not require oxygen
c) Requires dioxide
d) Does not require carbondioxide
The pyramids in the kidney are present in which region
a) Cortex
b) Medulla
c) Tubule
d) None of the above
Spinal cord connects to the brain through
a) Blastula
b) Ventricle
c) Foramen magnum
d) Squamous epithelium
The secretion of the seminiferous tubules is
a) Acidic
b) Salty
c) Alkaline
d) Neutral

Stems cells of the testes are

a) Type A spermatogonia
b) Type B spermatogonia
c) Primary spermatocytes
d) Secondary spermatocytes
Esophagus lacks.but has ? Choose the right combination?
a) Adventia, Serosa
b) Serosa, adventia
c) Gland, villi
d) Stapes, Malleus,
Laryngopharynx is located below
a) Tongue
b) Nose
c) Bronchi
d) Epiglottis

the hormone produced by pineal gland

Para thormone

Adenoids and tonsils are a collection of ..tissue

a) Lymphoid
b) Myocardium
c) Perimentum
d) Fundus
Hiatal hernia is a disorder of which of the following organs
a) Mouth
b) Esophagus
c) Liver
d) Intestine

Short and long questions


Give an account on regulation of respiration?

Describe peritoneum?
Describe the transport of gases in the bloodstream?
Describe rods and cones of the eye?
Describe the structure and functions of the thyroid gland?
Describe the menstrual cycle?
Give a brief note on homeostasis, its components, and its control systems?
Describe with a diagram the detailed structure of the layers of alimentary canal?

9. Describe the structure and function of a nephron?

10. Describe the structure and functions of male and female reproductive system?
11. Give an account of the location, composition and functions of structure of the
12. Net filtration pressure depends on which of the three processes?
13. Draw a labeled diagram of the internal structure of the respiratory system?
14. Give the structure and functions of pinna, external auditory canal and tympanic
15. Describe the structure and functions of a neuron?

16. Give an account of different types of breathing exercises?

17. Give an account on sweat and sebaceous glands?
18. Give a pictorial representation of tumor initiation and promotion n skin?
19. Give an account of the positive feedback mechanism during childbirth?
20. What are muscles, give the structure and functions of any one?
21. Briefly describe the structure and functions of the esophagus and small intestine?
22. Give a labeled diagram of histology of testis?
23. Give a labeled diagram of neuron and explain the structure?
24. Describe the small intestine and large intestine?
25. Describe the structure and functions of the pituitary?
26. Give an account of the structure of cardiac muscles?
27. Describe the histology of ovary?
28. Describe the structure and functions of the eye?
29. Describe the structure and functions of the skin?
30. Briefly describe conception after fertilization?
31. Describe lung surfactant?
32. Describe the structure and functions of the tongue?
33. Describe the structure of dermis and epidermis?
34. Describe the structure and functions of the ear?
35. Describe the structure and functions of parathyroid?
36. Describe the structure and functions of adrenal?
37. Briefly describe the structure and functions of the stomach?
38. Give a labeled diagram of sperm formation from spermatids?
39. Give a labeled diagram of follicular development in the ovary?
40. What is a synapse? Give a brief account?
41. What are hormones? Give the structure and functions of any two endocrine glands?
42. Give an account of the structure of skeletal muscles?
43. Give an account of the neuroglia for the nervous system?
44. Give a labeled diagram of neuron and explain the structure?
45. Briefly describe the sweat and sebaceous glands?
46. Give an account of the structure of cardiac muscles?
47. Describe the structure and functions of the eye?
48. Describe the structure and functions of the skin?
49. Describe the structure and functions of the cells of central nervous system?
50. Describe nerve impulse?

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