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How to Attract a Conscious/Evolved Man.

Via Alex Myleson Jun 8, 2015

The term conscious or evolved (awakened) man is used to describe a man who is fully
aware of his thoughts, feelings, perceptions, beliefs, opinions and someone who stands
elegantly in his own truth and is not afraid to acknowledge and express the depths who he
A conscious man is neither afraid of his powerful masculine or feminine energy and he is constantly working to find the balance
within the two.
A conscious man is aware that his masculine energy provides him with decisiveness, analytical thinking, assertiveness and pushes
him to strive, and that his feminine side provides him with patience, an open heart, loving, nurturing and inner calm.

Conscious men can appear to be elusive and many women seem to attract the same types of men over and over, repeating the
same mistakes, and being presented with the same lessons time and again.
The reason for this is that women can turn a blind eye to a conscious man as they are afraid that they may not live up to the same
standards a conscious man lives to, or it may be that some women arent fully aware of how to recognise a conscious man when
they meet one.
Due to a conscious man standing strong in his own truth, he can make others feel as though they have come face to face with all of
their insecurities. It can feel as though the conscious man holds out a mirror so that other people see their reflections clearly and
If we do not have high self-esteem or self-worth these reflections can tempt us to run and hide from our problems rather than facing
up to them and doing the necessary work and making changes for personal growth.
To be able to recognise a conscious man easily, these are a few of the most common traits:
Honours the divine Goddess within the female.
Someone who takes control and responsibility for his own life.
A man who has high levels of integrity.
A conscious man will be interested in a woman that is natural.
Creates a safe space for communication.
True to his word.
Consistent, especially through difficult times.
He is not afraid of criticism.
Comfortable in his own skin.
Accepts his faults and faces up to mistakes.
He has self-love, self-worth and high self-esteem.
Listens fully and communicates clearly and honestly.
Not co-dependent.
Does not have the need or desire to control his relationship or any other person.
He has a strong masculine spirit.
In touch with his feminine side.
Does not avoid conflict.
Honest, open, loyal and trustworthy.
Connects fully and makes his partner feel unique.
Cares deeply about the planet and all of its inhabitants.
Knows how to pleasure a woman sexually without thinking of his needs.
On a journey constantly growing and learning.
A conscious man will take care of his emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health and he will likely be attracted to a person who
does the same.
To to attract a conscious man it is essential to do the vital inner work needed to ensure there is progression towards fully loving
ourselves and being the best version of who we are so we reach our highest potential.
A conscious man is intrigued by a woman who is comfortable to be her complete authentic, genuine self. Flaws, imperfections and
the shadow self will not matter to a man who is conscious. He would rather a woman shows up entirely as she is, accepting that she
is on a journey of progression, rather than trying to hide or mask herself and be someone who she is not.
The kind of woman that doesnt give a f*ck about what people think about her is who a conscious man will find most attractive. One
who wont change, blend or compromise her self to suit or conform to societies norms or expectations. The conscious male will be
attracted to a woman who sets her own guidelines, standards and moral codes. Just knowing that she is true to herself, honours
herself and those around her is what a conscious man finds intoxicating and magnetising.
A conscious man wont want a woman who commits herself to making him happy; he wants someone whose primary focus is
making her self happy. He knows that no other person is responsible for his happiness other than himself. A conscious man adores

being in the company of, or connected to, a woman who is radiant from the core, who is free-spirited and who sets out on
adventures to explore her dreams and fantasies.
A conscious man will not criticize or put down a woman in any way for being her true, authentic self. He accepts a woman as she is
and does not expect her to be full of joy at all times. A conscious man fully understands that life will offer every shade and knows
that everyone has inner demons to work through.
There is a level of peace and inner calm with a conscious man and he will very rarely lose self-control or to allow his emotions to get
the better of himself. He will not appreciate if someone tries to deliberately wind him up or push him to see if they can cause a
There will be no game playing with a conscious manhe will spot this type of manipulating behaviour immediately. He has no time
for drama or for high maintenance people, he wants people around him that are not afraid to speak their truth, do not need to be
chased and do not use trickery to gain attention.
A conscious man wants to be around a woman who is not going to judge him for being truly himself and likewise, he will not do the
same in return. He wants to be free to sample all that life offers, make mistakes, learn from them and begin anew everyday.
The conscious man has high integrity and good morals and wants a female who can recognise this so that she will trust him on his
path without feeling insecure or doubtful of his actions. He is a work of progression, not perfection and sees others the same and he
accepts he will fall many times. However hard he hits the ground, he will get back up stronger and wiser every time. He will not
appreciate someone who berates him for being true and aligning with his authentic self.
Although a conscious man wants to be accepted for who he is, he also wants to be around a woman who is not afraid to call him out
on his bullsh*t. When a conscious man is not being genuine, is living within his ego or is not authentic, he will appreciate being told
and also being held accountable for it. He respects a woman who pushes him to achieve his highest potential, but only when a
woman does this from a place of love and not from fears or insecurities.
The conscious man knows that the right relationship will help his evolution, just as he is there to assist the female through hers and
he wants someone around him where their dual focus is on growth and journeying through life side by side, whilst both on their
individual paths.
When in a relationship with a conscious man it is important to leave the past firmly behind and exist in the present moment. Holding
on to heavy baggage or loves now gone will prevent the relationship from deepening and a conscious man will be very aware that
barriers and walls are present. The past has now passed and the only place to exist is fully in the present moment, embracing the
exhilarating sensations that love, adventure and life have to offer.
Unresolved or unhealed painful memories give off a powerful negative energy and it is essential that these wounds are
acknowledged and worked on. When the work is done, rather than attracting the same types of energy and relationships that
brought the onslaught of old traumatic patterns, new energy and love will radiate, which will then attract a similar vibration to that
which is send out.
In a relationship with a conscious man there will be no need to focus on the superficial aspects of our lives. The conscious man is
interested and intrigued by what lies deep down within our souls and what is happening within our minds. It is important to stop
worrying about outer appearances and judging whether we are good enough, pretty enough or worthy of attention or admiration
from anyone. The most important opinion is how a woman sees and thinks about herself and her ability to accept herself entirely as
she isthat is the attitude that attracts the right type of person.
Women who can fully accept themselves and also who worship and honour their inner Goddess will radiate an abundance of energy
and sensuality that conscious men find very intriguing and attractive.
The conscious man has a powerful sexual energy, however, he will not use it to his advantage to seduce or gain affection or
advances of women. He knows exactly how to respect and honour a woman and admires someone who also is aware of her
magnetising energy. Together they will be in a place to cherish and explore the powerful, explosive and ultimately healing benefits
their energetically charged connection delivers.
For any woman that wants to attract a conscious male into their lives, they must first let go of everything they have known from past
relationships: all the hurt, pain and mistrust and recognise the full qualities a conscious male possesses.

A masculine warrior and a feminine Goddess can together create a harmonious, soul bonding and life-altering partnership that will
be a sacred commitment to worshiping each others paths and journeys together, yet entirely separately as they each stand firm and
live authentically in their own truth.
There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own
soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. ~ C.G. Jung

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