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Burgo’s Shed
Monday 29th July 2009 7.00pm

Ric Stubbings, Judy Baker, Pete Auty, John Burgess, Julie Bateman,
Annie Robertson

Reflection: What messages did Bob & Anne Dixson bring to us in


• When everything is lost, our Community is our family

• Sustainability is not about assets and possessions – it is about
• Celebrate each and every milestone
• When people think you are in the middle of nowhere, tell them
that we you are really at the centre of the Universe
• Our leaders need to be down to earth, because everyone is equal
• Post-it notes work at meetings, but food is essential at meetings


1. Confirmed that the Lyons club of Altona will donate seating, a barbeque
and a toilet to the Moore’s Road Reserve.
2. Confirmed that timber has arrived at Andrew Morris mill from Parks
3. Confirmed that CFA submission was presented to Darley.
4. Young people’s programs (Committee headed by Graeme Brown from
Marysville) is an on-going work in progress. Committee will be updated
as progress is made.
5. Community House Work Engine. Members of each interested committee
have been identified with the exception of the Flowerdale Kindergarten
Committee of Management. Awaiting Kim Fawcus for this list.
6. Stamp with Flowerdale Logo: work in progress by Annie & Julie
7. IPO Integrated Planning Office. John reported that the he and Pete
Williams are working with Leanne Pleash to manage the land at the Hub
so that an IPO can be set up there. The process is not easy. The
determination is strong and the push to have an IPO at the Hall remains.
John and Pete are working on simple interactive on-screen presentations
supported by person to person talk.

Ric reported that the Flowerdale Trust Account is not incorporated, and the
best advice to date is to keep it that way.
Ric reported that he is currently sourcing legal help with managing and
Flowerdale Relief Fund in an open and accountable way.
Ric confirmed that David Long (background in accountancy) and Russell
Collins (auditor) are willing to be part of the Finance Work Engine. Steve
Phelan has expressed a desire to remain a signatory to the Flowerdale Fund.
John Burgess expressed a desire to be removed from the Flowerdale Relief
Fund, and the Finance Work Engine. The Finance Work Engine will be finalized
by the next meeting of the Flowerdale CRC.
1. Events: Discussion about the co-ordinating of event dates in the
future. The Committee decided that all events which arise out of the
Flowerdale Relief Fund will be advertised by Julie Bateman in the weekly
Community Updates. It was also agreed, for the sake of communication
and full information, a notice should go out to Community Group
Leaders to inform Julie of any up-coming events. This will help ensure
that events do not clash.

2. Petty Cash Fund: Discussion about paying for small items – for
example a Flowerdale Logo Stamp, postage etc. The Committee agreed
that we need to set up a Petty Cash Fund to help defray costs incurred,
and that Ric, as Finance Work Engine Leader, should manage the fund.
Julie will email Deb Symons (VBRRA) to enquire about them financing
the Petty Cash Fund.

3. Action Re Community House: John will contact Kim Fawcus to obtain

list of Kinder Committee members. John and Pete Auty to draft a letter
to Community Leaders, enclosing a grid to be brought completed to the
meeting on 11th July. The grid is designed to prompt thought and
discussion. The Committee agreed that its role is to listen to the input
of the Leaders of Community Groups and present their views.

4. Community Forum: Sunday 19th July. The Committee agreed that this
forum is the most vital thing to happen in Flowerdale since February.
Discussion centered around the most appropriate venue. It was decided
that the Hall is the best venue for Community Meetings initiated by the
Flowerdale CR Committee. This is because it is central, familiar to more
people, especially the older residents of Flowerdale, and has adequate
parking. However on Sunday 19th July the forum will be held at the Rec
Reserve because the monthly Flowerdale Market is being held at the

5. Structure of Sunday 19th July:

a. 9.00 – 11.30 Tree Planting at Phelan Property opposite Flowerdale
Hotel. FPS kids & families, Strath Creek LC, community members.
b. 9.00 – 11.00 Childminding for children under school age @ FPS ?
c. 11.00 – 3.00 Childminding for all kids including PS kids whose
parents attend the forum. (DHS)
d. 11.00 Community Forum starts at Recreation Reserve
e. Lunch served from Rec Reserve

6. Mailing List: Annie reported that the quest to a full list of Flowerdale
Residents and addresses is ongoing. John Coliacovo has offered to help.
Julie will contact Liam McCarthy, Deb Symons and Eryn Hyloe to ask if
we can use their mailing list for Council Rates Billings to access our
dispersed community. Annie to make contact with Ron & Genevieve
Cross on the Service Road as it is thought they may have a mailing list.
7. Natives @ Moores Road: Pete reported that the Australian
Horticultural Association have donated 180 natives for the Moores Road

8. Camp Bambara: Pete, on behalf of CERES, asked the Committee for in-
principal support for the CERES annual training camp (30 Yr 10/11
students & 10 trainers) to be held in Flowerdale. The Group would adopt
the project of erecting the pergola at Moores Road. The CERES Training
Camp is normally held at Camp Bambara which was destroyed during
the fires.
The Committee agreed to in principal support, but asked Pete to
immediately communicate with the Altona Lion’s Club so that they are
completely in the picture.

9. Julie brought to the attention of the Committee the “Community

Winter Events Grants” payments, and these will be looked into.

Next Meeting: Monday 6th July 2009 @ Burgo’s Shed

Reflection: What else can the Flowerdale CRC do for Flowerdale?

Promote our Community and Celebrate our Achievements

Meeting Ended: 9.55pm

Anna’s yum-o Dip & Antipasto Platter
Fresh marinated barbequed King Prawns

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