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] All the modern catch-words of Europe have been composed by the Jews who cr
ucified Christ, including democracy, and strikes, and socialism, and atheism and
the toleration of all religions, and pacifism and universal revolution and capi
talism and communism.
All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrender
ed so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progr
ammes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jew
ish catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims.
This is the thing tosurrendered so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewi
sh heads, accept Jewish programmes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewi
sh lies as truth, welcome Jewish catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish
road and serve Jewish aims. This is the thing to wonder at in our time, and not
hing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing e
rsal revolution and capitalism and communism.
All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrender
ed so wonder at in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing e
rsal revolution and capitalism and communism.
All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the surrendered so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, acce
pt Jewish programmes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as tru
th, welcome Jewish catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish road and serv
e Jewish aims. This is the thing to wonder at in our time, and nothing else in t
he world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing e
rsal revolution and capitalism and communism.
All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrender
ed sowonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrendere
d so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progra
mmes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jewi
sh catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims. T
his is the thing to wonder at in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing i
s how Christian Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think o
n these things, brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikon of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. But
the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrendere
d so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progra
mmes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as trutersal revolutio
n and capitalism and communism.
All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrender
ed so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progr
ammes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jew
ish catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims.
This is the thing to wonder at in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing i
s how Christian Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think o
n these things, brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikon of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. But

the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrendere
d so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progra
mmes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as trutersal revolutio
n and capitalism and communism.
All these are thersal revolution and capitalism and communism.
All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrender
ed so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progr
ammes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jew
ish catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims.
This is the thing to wonder at in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing i
s how Christian Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think o
n these things, brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikon of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. But
the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrendere
d so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progra
mmes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as trutersal revolutio
n and capitalism and communism.
All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrender
ed so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progr
ammes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jew
ish catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims.
This is the thing to wonder at in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing i
s how Christian Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think o
n these things, brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikon of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. But
the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrendere
d so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progra
mmes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as trutersal revolutio
n and capitalism and communism.
All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrender
ed so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progr
ammes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jew
ish catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims.
This is the thing to wonder at in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing i
s how Christian Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think o
n these things, brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikon of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. But
the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrendere
d so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progra
mmes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as trutersal revolutio
n and capitalism and communism.
All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrender
ed so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progr
ammes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jew

ish catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims.
This is the thing to wonder at in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing i
s how Christian Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think o
n these things, brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikon of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. But
the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrendere
d so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progra
mmes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as trutersal revolutio
n and capitalism and communism.
All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrender
ed so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, acceersal revolutio
n and capitalism and communism.
All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrender
ed so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progr
ammes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jew
ish catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims.
This is the thing to wonder at in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing i
s how Christian Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think o
ersal revolution and capitalism and communism.
All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrender
ed so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progr
ammes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jew
ish catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims.
This is the thing to wonder at in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing i
s how Christian Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think o
n these things, brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikon of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. But
the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrendere
d so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progra
mmes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as trutersal revolutio
n and capitalism and communism.
All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrender
ed so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progr
ammes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jew
ish catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims.
This is the thing to wonder at in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing i
s how Christian Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think o
n these things, brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikon of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. But
the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrendere
d so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progra
mmes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as trutersal revolutio
n and capitalism and communism.

All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrender
ed so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progr
ammes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jew
ish catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims.
This is the thing to wonder at in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing i
s how Christian Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think o
n these things, brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikon of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. But
the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrendere
d so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progra
mmes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as trutersal revolutio
n and capitalism and communism.
All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the wonder is ersal revolution and capitalism and communism.
All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrender
ed so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progr
ammes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jew
ish catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims.
This is the thing to wonder at in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing i
s how Christian Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think o
n these things, brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikon of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. But
the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrendere
d so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progra
mmes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as trutersal revolutio
n and capitalism and communism.
All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrender
ed so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progr
ammes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jew
ish catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims.
This is the thing to wonder at in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing i
s how Christian Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think o
n these things, brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikon of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. But
the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrendere
d so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progra
mmes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as trutersal revolutio
n and capitalism and communism.
All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrender
ed so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progr
ammes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jew
ish catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims.
This is the thing to wonder at in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing i

s how Christian Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think o
n these things, brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikon of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. But
the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrendere
d so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progra
mmes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as trutVVVVVersal revo
lution and capitalism and communism.
All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrender
ed so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progr
ammes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jew
ish catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims.
This is the thing to wonder at in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing i
s how Christian Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think o
n these things, brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikon of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. But
the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrendere
d so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progra
mmes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as trutVVVVVthat the E
uropeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrendered so totally to the Jews
that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish programmes, adopt Jewish anti-C
hristianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jewish catch-words as their o
wn, walk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims. This is the thing to wonde
r at in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing i
s how Christian Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think o
n these things, brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikon of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. But
the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrendere
d so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progra
mmes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as trutVVVVVn these th
ings, brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikon of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. But
the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrendere
d so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progra
mmes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as trutpt Jewish progr
ammes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jew
ish catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims.
This is the thing to wonder at in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing i
s how Christian Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think o
n these things, brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikon of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. But
the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrendere

d so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progra
mmes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as trute invention of
Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. But the wonder is that the Europe
ans, baptized and anointed, should have surrendered so totally to the Jews that
they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish programmes, adopt Jewish anti-Christ
ianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jewish catch-words as their own, w
alk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims. This is the thing to wonder at
in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing i
s how Christian Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think o
n these things, brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikon of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. But
the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrendere
d so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progra
mmes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as truts how Christian
Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think on these things,
brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikon of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. But
the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrendere
d so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progra
mmes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jewi
sh catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims. T
his is the thing to wonder at in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing i
s how Christian Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think o
n these things, brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikvvvolaj Velimirovic

Back to top
Report[...] All the modern catch-words of Europe have been composed by the Jews
who crucified Christ, including democracy, and strikes, and socialism, and athe
ism and the toleration of all religions, and pacifism and universal revolution a
nd capitalism and communism.
All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrender
ed so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progr
ammes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jew
ish catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims.
This is the thing to wonder at in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing i
s how Christian Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think o
n these things, brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikolaj Velimirovic

Back to top

Report[...] All the modern catch-words of Europe have been composed by the Jews
who crucified Christ, including democracy, and strikes, and socialism, and athe
ism and the toleration of all religions, and pacifism and universal revolution a
nd capitalism and communism.
All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrender
ed so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progr
ammes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jew
ish catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims.
This is the thing to wonder at in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is les[...] All the modern catch-words of Europe have been compo
sed by the Jews who crucified Christ, including democracy, and strikes, and soci
alism, and atheism and the toleration of all religions, and pacifism and univers
al revolution and capitalism and communism.
All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrender
ed so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progr
ammes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jew
ish catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims.
This is the thing to wonder at in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing i
s how Christian Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think o
n these things, brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikolaj Velimirovic

Back to top
Report[...] All the modern catch-words of Europe have been composed by the Jews
who crucified Christ, including democracy, and strikes, and socialism, and athe
ism and the toleration of all religions, and pacifism and universal revolution a
nd capitalism and communism.
All these are the invention of Jews, or of the devil, the father of the Jews. Bu
t the wonder is that the Europeans, baptized and anointed, should have surrender
ed so totally to the Jews that they think with Jewish heads, accept Jewish progr
ammes, adopt Jewish anti-Christianity, receive Jewish lies as truth, welcome Jew
ish catch-words as their own, walk along the Jewish road and serve Jewish aims.
This is the thing to wonder at in our time, and nothing else in the world.
Everything else is less important or unimportant. But the most important thing i
s how Christian Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think o
n these things, brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikolaj Velimirovic

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Reports important or unimportant. But the most important thing is how Christian
Europe managed to become the serving maid of the Jews... Think on these things,
brother Serbs...

- Saint Nikolaj Velimirovic

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