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Pro-Life replies to pro-abortion questions

The goal of the pro-abortion movements across the world is to dehumanise the baby. If they
succeed because of our inability or unwillingness to defend human life before birth, what is to stop
the culture of death on its war path against all human life?


How do I answer I personally do not agree with abortion, but I am pro-choice?

The pro-abortion side will go to great lengths to define themselves as being pro-choice and not proabortion.
Rhetoric such as this has been the effective way of getting people to agree with abortion in other
Carefully designed to get people to agree with abortion, but not as a personal choice, but as a
personal choice for others.
It hinges upon the word pro meaning that they are in favour of. Thus, ensuring a positive slant to
being in favour of something that is reprehensible.
The play on words (semantics) by the pro-abortion movement, is designed to get as many pro-life
persons to agree with abortion as possible.
It is designed to win their support as it falsely provides these with a convenient way of exonerating
oneself from the responsibility of actually being pro-abortion. (The killing of a human life)
Being pro-choice therefore, makes a person pro-abortion more agreeable!
Whilst the pro-abortion side will work to define themselves as being pro-choice, at the same time
they will work tirelessly to label want to label pro-life persons as being anti-abortion. By design, prolife people are thus seen in the debate as being anti-choice. Resist this at all costs by reminding them
of the baby that has NO choice in the matter.

Do not

Allow them to define you as being anti-abortion. When you either discuss, debate or write,
insist that you are pro-life.
Get bogged into the debate of choice, remind them that they are pro-choice for abortion, no
matter how hard this may be for them to accept. Remind them that being pro-choice for
abortion only makes them in favour of killing a human life.
Become trapped in the debate of it being a womans choice. It is never a choice if you are

6-Ways to respond to choice:

1. Keep reminding them that the baby who has no choice in the matter.
2. The baby being aborted may be female, so where is her choice! (Womens rights)
3. Being pro-choice must mean that one is in favour of ones personal choices at all
times. If this is so, then who can consequently object to the choice of a person to
rape, kill, steal, abuse children, kill Jews, blacks or homosexuals and so on.
4. If there is nothing wrong with abortion, ask them to think about why they so
desperately want to avoid being defined as being pro-abortion but as pro-choice?
5. Many young women are not given a real choice when they become pregnant
unexpectedly. They are pressured into an abortion by parents, boyfriends, friends,
father of the child and friends.
6. Remind them that being pro-choice simply means being pro-abortion.

Understanding choice:
Choice has become the new idol. The issue of free-will and choice has become the battle cry that has
brought in divorce and homosexual marriage and the adoption of children by married same sex
couples. In the case of abortion, choice is used in an attempt at rallying the female sex into action.
Never feel that you have no say just because you are male.

If you are successful at arguing away the fallacy of choice, the person will seek to justify abortion
using the argument of personhood. As if there is no person, and just an embryo, there cannot be any
IMPORTANT - Never enter into the philosophical merits about personhood.
Keep in mind that:

Hitler first decreed that Jews were non-persons before he could carry out his final solution.
Negros were classed as non-persons by law and killing a slave was not a crime.

3 ways to answer:
1. Assert that abortion kills a human life. Know your facts (life begins at fertilisation/conception
and NOT at implantation, DNA etc)
2. Tell them that human life does not somehow lose its dignity just because of its stage of
development, its place of residence or its physical condition. If that was the case, all human
life would be expendable, yours and theirs.
3. An embryo is just a name giving to one of many stages of human development such as a
Fetus (Little Child "the young while in the womb or egg" Latin) , a new born baby, an infant
a toddler, a child, an adolescent, an adult a geriatric.

Its just a bunch of cells! It is not a baby yet!

They will state that it is just a bunch of cells. This position is meaningless for at what point does a
human being cease to be a clump of cells?

5 ways to answer:
1. Know your facts (Helga) The embryo has all complete genetic information as an
adult Heart begins to pump at 6 weeks (87% of global abortions take place at week
2. A mother does not say she is pregnant with an embryo or a fetus or a bunch of cells,
she says she is pregnant with a baby.
3. Tell them that everyone is technically a bunch of cells all at different stages of
4. Remind them that in all countries, were abortion was brought in, it begun with
similar arguments, used purposely, to legal limited abortion, only to then widen
acceptance of abortion to various stages of development.
5. Even a woman who miscarries passes through a very stressful time, is this normal
behaviour for having lost just a bunch of cells?

What about in cases of rape?

The argument for abortion in cases of rape is a false one. It is designed to distract from the issue,
that is, the killing of a human life, to focus on the act of rape. Like with the divorce debate (husbands
beating wife, couples being trapped and unable to marry again), the pro-abortion side try to use
compassion as a reason to agree with abortion.
1. Abortion in matters of rape are extremely rare: In the USA these make up 0.1% of 1% of all
2. Tell them about Norma Mc Corvey (Jane Roe in Roe vs Wade case 1973) claimed she was
raped because abortion was illegal in her state Texas, even though there was no exception
to the law all the same. Result of this abortion in all 50 states overnight.
3. Rape is a deep trauma many psychologists attest that having an abortion after a rape is
akin to a double trauma. Making it much harder for the woman to find healing.
4. Research by Dr C Reardon PHD Survey of 192 women who were raped and got pregnant
and either kept their baby of aborted it. 70% had their babies, and none regretted their
decision - 78% of those who aborted had regrets and said that abortion was the wrong
solution - 65% suffer symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder!
5. Abortion is used by rapists and those who carry out acts of incest to cover up the evidence
of their crime.
6. Abortion is a violent traumatic experience. Abortion after rape reminds the woman of being
violated once again by the abortionist.
7. Abortion does not make a woman un-pregnant it makes her the mother of her dead baby
for life!
8. It can take weeks or months to determine if a woman was indeed raped. What if it
transpires that she was not raped at all?
9. Our laws do not carry the death penalty for convicted rapists why should the child who is
innocent, be killed for a crime that its father committed against its mother, even before that
same child came into existence?
10. Abortion after rape is a double injustice on the woman and not compassionate at all! On top
of that, it kills an innocent life.
11. In the 1800s a child born to a slave was born a slave. The child would literally have inherited
its status from its parents. Nobody would agree today to this today, so why are we so ready
to make exceptions in matters of rape?

Note: How to lose a pro-life discussion very time!

If you want to lose an argument on life issues, discuss abortion from every aspect but keep the baby
out of the debate. The pro-abortion side do NOT want to talk about the baby.
If you keep reminding them about the baby, you will never fall into their trap of choice, personhood
and so on. Keep the baby central in all your discussions. The unborn child is the protagonist and the
one that abortion affects most of all,(apart from the woman who has an abortion).

Is it an issue for women who have had an abortion?

Many women use repression after an abortion it can take years for women to report side-effects

Some research results:

1. A 5 year retrospective study in two Canadian provinces found significantly greater use of
medical and psychiatric services among women with a history of abortion. Most significant
was the finding that 25% of women who had abortions made visits to psychiatrists as
compared to 3% of the control group. (Elliot Institute 2015)
2. A study of the medical records of 56,741 California Medicaid patients revealed that women
who had abortions were 160 percent more likely than delivering women, to be hospitalized
for psychiatric treatment in the first 90 days following abortion or delivery. (Elliot Institute

3. Women who have abortions are 81 percent more likely to experience subsequent mental
health problems Royal College of Psychiatrists

Book by Dr C Reardon Victims and Victors

59 percent increased risk for suicidal thoughts

61 percent increased risk for mood disorders

61 percent increased risk for social anxiety disorders

261 percent increased risk for alcohol abuse

280 percent increased risk for any substance use disorder

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