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Our Lady of Good Counsel

& Guardian Angels Parish

54 Harvey Street,
Elton, Bury BL8 2RD
Tel: 0161 764 1630

Email: olgcga@b

Parish website:
Parish Twier: @olgcga
Diocesan website:

Newsleer for the weekend - 12th/13th September 2015

Twenty-Fourth Sunday of the Year (Year of St. MarkYear B)


Bro. Nicholas Hutchinson,
David Lindley, Elaine Hardman,
Michael Dewsnap, Phyllis Daly,
Maurice Berry, Margaret Reilly,
Sean Reilly, Joan Hearle, Phillip
Bailey, Alan Radcliffe, Mary
Hanson, Maddie Clayton, Paddy
Harrison, Larry Hindes, Lillian
Graves, Alex Riley, Michael
Naughton, Phil Bailey, Ted
Whiley, Bill McPhee, Joe Barrett,
Patsy Frazer, Steven McGuiness,
Barbara Kendal, Tom Divinney,
John Durcan, James Cassidy,
Caroline OKeefe, Adila, Rebecca
Russell, Maureen McNicoll,
Steven Rogers, Lana Nuttall.

First Reading: Isaiah 50:5-9a
Gods servant will suffer great
physical harm.
Psalm 116 Response: I will
walk in the presence of the Lord,
in the land of the living.
Second Reading: James 2:14-18
Faith is dead if it does not have
Gospel Reading: M ark 8:27-35
Those who wish to follow Jesus
must deny themselves.

Tom Divinney, Tom Donoghue,
Carmel Howells.
Fred Bland, Rosemary Scholes,
Joseph Patrick Symes,
Joseph Chan, Anne Bowe,
Muriel Page, Melanie Whalley.
To include someone on the
prayer list please give their name to
Fr. Paul, put it through the letterbox
of the Parish Office, call the Office on:
0161 764 1630 or e-mail to
Please use the White Mass
Intention envelopes for Mass
intentions which you will find in the
porches. Thank you.
When adding the name
of someone sick please ensure that you
have their permission (or
the permission of their
family). The list is updated
each week. and because of
space the names of the sick
will be removed from the
list after four weeks. You
can ask for them to be added again.

First Reading: Wisdom 2:12, 1720

Psalm 54
Second Reading: James 3:16-4:3
Gospel: M ark 9: 30-37

St Theresa of Lisieux
For the week beginning Sunday
13th September we pray for the
people of St Hildas, Tottington.
and their Parish Priest Fr Chris


Saturday 12th September: 24th Sunday of the Year
7.00 pm: Mass
Sunday 13th September: 24th Sunday of the Year
8.45 am: Mass
10.30 am: Mass
12.15 pm: Celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism
Monday 14th September: Exaltation of the Holy
9.15 am: Eucharistic Service
Tuesday 15th September: Our Lady of Sorrows
6.30 pm St Gabriels Year 7 Welcome Mass (Fr Paul
only at St Gabriels)
7.00 pm Eucharistic Service
Wednesday 16th September: St Cornelius & St
9.15 am: Eucharistic Service
Thursday 17th September: St Robert Bellarmine
9.15 am: Mass
Friday 18th September:
9.15 am: Mass at Guardian Angels School for the new
school year (all welcome)
Saturday 19th September: 25th Sunday of the Year
7.00 pm: Mass
Sunday 20th September: 25th Sunday of the Year
8.45 am: Mass
10.30 am: Mass
12.15 pm Celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 12th September: at 6.00 pm
Saturday 19th September: NO CONFESSIONS
The Rosary (for the sick and peace)
7.00 pm every Monday
Flowers on the Sanctuary.

All ministers please remember

to find a replacement to fill in
for your duties if you are going
away on holidaythank you.
Fr Paul.

You are now able to access the

weekly parish newsletter from
our twitter feed @olgcga

Dont forget we have Tea and Coffee in the Parish Centre after
the 10.30 am Mass each Sundaycome and join us!

If you would like to have the

flowers on the sanctuary in memory of
someone or something special just let Fr
Paul or Sharon know and they will
arrange it, or you can simply put all the
details on an envelope, and put the
donation in the envelope and pop it through the office

24th Sunday of the Year13th September 2015

If you wish to contribute to the View from the Pew,
please contact the Parish Office. These are anonymous

comments from parishioners.

I can just imagine the scene as Jesus and his friends are walking
from Caesarea Philippi. Perhaps the apostles are all chatting but Jesus
has been quiet for a while apparently thinking, when he suddenly comes
out with this curious question. Who do people say I am? The answers are interesting but really Jesus is waiting to find out whether his
closest followers agree with everyone else, or do they have another
idea. Peter, who so often gets things wrong, as he does in the very next
paragraph, for once gets it right as he has no hesitation in identifying
Jesus as the Messiah. As so often in the Gospel we can see these questions as being aimed at ourselves.
On Wednesday evening at the first session looking at the book
Jesus: a pilgrimage we started with this passage and this question was
posed. If Jesus asked you Who do you say that I am? how would you
respond? The alleluia set out for today gives us some answers that we
could give, as it proclaims that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life;
but are these the words we would use to describe how we encounter
Jesus in our everyday lives? Possibly not; I know that I wouldnt. So
what is your answer? Who is Jesus for you?

The Offertory Collection for:

For the weekend 5th/6th September was:
Envelopes: 862.81 Loose collection: 332.15
Total: 1194.96
Thank you for your generosity.
If you wish to join the Gift Aid scheme please see Fr Paul at the
back of Church after Mass. It only takes a couple of seconds!
If you cannot fulfil your rota duty, please arrange a swap with another
team. Thanks.
This weeks team: Gareth Davis & Simon Carlon
Next weeks team: Kevin Dilgar & Janet Turner
Spaces on the Minibus: We cur r ently have some spaces on the minibus for the 10.30 am Mass minibus run. If you or someone you know
would benefit from this fantastic service please call the Office.
Having got some new volunteer drivers, we are now in need of a
few more non-drivers who would like to team up with drivers in helping the people we collect to get into the minibus. If you would be interested in doing this please contact the Parish Office.
Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to volunteer or for
more information.
The Parish Minibus Fund
As I think everyone knows by now, we launched a special fund
in order to start building up some money that we have set aside for
when we will have to replace our parish minibus. The minibus is a great
asset, bringing some of our older parishioners to Mass (who wouldnt
get here without it), enabling our two schools to take the pupils on trips
that would be too expensive because of the cost of coach hire, different
parish groups using it, and of course being a very visible sign of the
presence of the parish in our area. Many people have said they didnt
realise that it was used so much! People have been very generous over
these past few weeks with individual donationsthank you so much.

This week we have received donations of 50.00, 100.00,

15.00 (a big thank you to the doners!) Therefore the running
total in the fund currently is: 3098.00
Question for the Week: What shape dos my own cr oss take? What
is the heaviest aspect of it? Forgetting my own cross for a moment,
whose cross do I need to help carry this week?

Tuesday 15th September
Tuesday Club: Bingo
6.30 pm Year 7 Welcome Mass at St Gabriels H.S.
7.30 pm Jesus. A Pilgrimage Session 2, in the Parish Centre
(Chapters 3 & 4)
UCM: Meeting at the Vue Cinema in Bury to see Mission
Impossible with Tom Cruise at 7.40pm. Please let Joan H
know if you are coming.
Wednesday 16th September
9.15 am Opening Mass of School Year at Guardian Angels
School (in school)
8.00 pm Parish Management & Resources Group Meeting (in
the Parish House Meeting Room)
Thursday 17th September
7.30 pm Jeremy Duffs talk at St Gabriels H SPeter s
Preaching: The Gospel of St Mark (see page 3)
Sunday 20th September
3.00 pm Meeting with the Malta & Rome Pilgrims (Parish
Tuesday 22nd September
Tuesday Club: Music and Dance
7.45 pm Introductory Meeting for Seeking Christ & Awakening Faith, in the Parish Centre.
7.00 pm UCM Good as New Sale for the Cancer Support
Centre All Parishioners Welcome.
Wednesday 23rd September
7.30 pm Jesus. A Pilgrimage Session 3, in the Parish Centre
Thursday 24th September
10.00 am 12.00 noon: Macmillan Coffee Morning
7.30 pm Baptism Preparation Meeting (2) Walsingham Room
Friday 25th SeptemberSaturday 3rd October
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Malta & Rome in the footsteps of St
Paul. (Parish Office will be closed during the Pilgrimage)
Tuesday 29th September
UCM: Finalising arrangements for UCM Social
Wednesday 30th September
7.30 pm Book Club (Parish Centre)
Sunday 4th October
10.30 am Mass: Presentation and Welcome for children being
baptised in the near future (having done the preparation)
After 10.30 am Mass: Baptism Meeting (1) Walsingham
Tuesday 6th October
UCM: Socialbig fund raiser for the Cancer Support Centre
this year's UCM Charity.
Thursday 8th October
7.30 pm Jesus. A Pilgrimage Session 4, in the Parish Centre
Thursday 15th October
7.30 pm Jesus. A Pilgrimage Session 5, in the Parish Centre
Thursday 22nd October
7.30 pm Jesus. A Pilgrimage Session 6, in the Parish Centre
Friday 23rd October
12.30 pm Wedding: Louise Wilkinson & Mark Dagnino
Sunday 8th November
Remembrance Sunday

Are you coeliac? We have special hosts for those who are
coeliac. If you need a special host, please come to the sacristy
before Mass and ask the sacristan to put a coeliac host out for
you. Please also let Fr Paul know that you will be coming up
for a coeliac host.
The Assisted Suicide Bill was voted upon in Par liament on
Friday 11th Sept, and was defeated. Many thanks to all who
contacted our MP, who voted against the Bill.

After the summer recess Guardian

Angels Book Club is ready to start
up again. We meet in the Parish
Centre lounge on the last Wednesday of each month. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 30th September 2015 at 7.30pm.
Everyone is welcome. A variety of books are discussed (and
swapped) from historical fiction, chick lit, the Classics and
crime. We even have our own gossip columnist!! With a glass
or two of wine/soft drinks and nibbles the evenings are always relaxing and unlike conventional book clubs there is
absolutely no pressure to read a set book. We look forward to
meeting new members and if you are interested in joining us
simply come along on 30th September or contact Jill on 0161
763 1651.

Awaken Your
Catholic Faith
Awakening Faith is a six week
programme which can help people
to be re-introduced to faith and the
church. It is all done within a relaxed and comfortable setting.

Thinking of
becoming a Catholic?
Seeking Christ is a programme
for people who want to have a
look at the Catholic church, people who have either been baptised
in another Christian tradition or
never been baptised.
Initially there are eight sessions in the programme to
help welcome and engage those who are thinking of possibly
becoming a Catholic. There is of course no obligation after
completing the eight week programme, but if people decide
they would then like to move forward to becoming a catholic
we can then help them to move forward.
If you or someone you know are interested in either of
these programmes and want further information, please let
them know that they can contact the Parish Office on 0161
764 1630 or by e-mail on
Anyone wishing to join us for one of these programme,
can complete the form below and return to the Parish
Office, and we will be in touch with you.


I am interested in attending Awakening Faith or
Seeking Christ
Name: ..
Address: ..
E-mail: ....
Tel: No: ...
(or e-mail the office on

Planning on getting married in 2016 or even

2017 at Guardian Angels?
Please remember that all couples are required
to give at least 6 months notice (by Diocesan Law) in order
to marry in the Church. So, if you are planning on getting married in
2016 and have not yet made contact with us and booked in your wedding, please do so as soon as possible.
Please telephone the office (0161 764 1630) to make an appointment for an initial meeting with Fr Paul, so that the availability of the
Church can be checked and details can be put in the Parish Diary.

Jesus: A Pilgrimage
Fr James Martin, SJ brings the Gospels to life in
Jesus: A Pilgrimage. We had a great session on Wednesday evening. Its not too late to join us.
In preparation for Session Two, please read Chapters 3
& 4.
Tuesday 15th Sept, Wednesday 23rd Sept, Thursday 8th October,
Thursday 15th Oct, Thursday 22nd Octall beginning at 7.30 pm
in the Parish Centre.
We have tried to use different evenings to enable as many people as
want to take part to be able to.
A talk organised by
The Department for Evangelisation in September.

Thursday 17th September:

Rev Dr Jeremy Duff will be speaking about:
Peters Preaching: The Gospel of St Mark
(this is also the title of Jeremys new book, published in June 2015)
St Gabriels R.C. High School, Bridge Road, Bury, BL9 0TZ
7.30 pm9.30 pm.
5.00 per person
(includes tea & coffee on arrival and at the interval)
The bookshop will have copies of Jeremys new books
(and he will sign it for you also!)

Please see the poster in the Porches for full

The Clusterers
Dear Clusterers,
My apologies that walks have not gone as planned in recent
weeks due to ill health. May I suggest that you still meet and walk at the
dates and times as scheduled for the time being until you can appoint a
new leader who can re-schedule to his or her availability.
I hope to be well enough to jon you in the future but for now it is
not possible.
Thank you for your support and keep walking.
Jeff Smith
If any further information is required or new members/leaders
are interested please ring me on 0161 764 7269.
Sunday 27th September
Buckhurst & Cheesden Valley
Moderate walking with history
Leader: David Willis 0161 764 0127
APF-MILL HILL September 2015
Would APF-MILL HILL Promoters please collect their books, magazine, etc, from the Library. The amount collected last quarter was
If you haven't had your Red Box opened in past 12 months and you
want it emptying, please phone 761 5195 and it will be arranged.

Having your child baptised at Guardian

If you are planning on having your child baptised,
please pick up a leaflet from the Welcome and
Information Centre, which outlines our baptism
preparation programme.
Please note that the first thing that parents have to do is contact the
Parish Office (telephone on 0161 764 1630 or call in) to book onto
the First Meeting, held on the first Sunday of each month. Please do
not just turn up for the meeting without first booking in through
the Parish Office. This means that our Baptism Preparation Team have
a workable number of people each month.

Three Parish Pilgrimage

Saturday 5th September
We had a great day for our Three Parish Pilgrimage, and about
30 folks headed off down Wood St after a hearty bacon butty (or two)
and a prayer in our Church. After arriving in Ramsbottom, Fr Johns
delicious homemade soup was very well received. Again after a visit to
the Church, and a prayer, we headed off to St Hildas. where members
of their UCM had prepared a lovely afternoon tea of homemade cakes.
Everyone enjoyed the walk and the company and the foodso it
was another successful three parish pilgrimage (and the weather was
great also!)
To receive our Parish Newsletter by e-mail each weekend, simply e
-mail the Parish Office on: with the tag line newsletter and we will
add you to the list. Follow us on Twitter also @olgcga for reminders
and updates on parish events, & a link to the newsletter each week.
Follow the Department for Evangelisation: @SalfordDFE

Macmillans Worlds

Largest Coffee Morning

Thursday 24th September
25th Anniversary Year
Once more we are holding our Macmillan Coffee morning in
the Parish Centre from 10.00 am12.00 noon.
Once again Sue, & Pat and their team will be organizing the
Coffee Morning on behalf of our Parish Community. This is a whole
Parish event so involves the whole Parish and we need your help. If
you would like to help on the day please just let Sharon know in the
Office and we will pass on your name to the ladies. Tickets will be on
sale for 1.00 after all the Masses and from the Parish Office from this
We would welcome donations of Bottles and other things for the
tombola and other stalls, books, cakes, filled jars (with sweets, fruit,
coins, etc). Items can be dropped off at the Parish Office please get
things here no later than Tuesday 22nd September (except the cakes
which should be dropped off at the Parish Centre on the day) so that
the group can organise the use of them in advance of the event. Many

THE World
Cup (Rugby
of course!)
begins this
coming Friday, will this
be the closest an Englishman
comes to the World Cup itself???? Hope not!

Our Lady of Lourdes School,

Rudgwick Drive, Bury, BL8 1YA
Telephone No: 0161 761 2026
Fax: 0161 764 0468
Headteacher: Mrs J E Davies BEd
Chairman of Governors: Mr J Walsh
The governors are seeking to appoint a full time class teacher
from 1st January 2016 on a permanent contract in Year 4.
The successful candidate will:

Be a practising Catholic with a clear understanding and

commitment to the Catholic ethos of our school.

Be an excellent classroom practitioner who has high

expectations of all their children.

Have the ability to work as part of a team.

Be an enthusiastic, inspirational and caring teacher.

Have the capacity to be a competent subject leader.

We can offer you:

Delightful and happy children.

A dedicated staff who are supportive of one another.

Committed and supportive governors.

A school with an excellent reputation and an outstanding Catholic culture

A clear commitment to continuing professional development

Informal visits to school are warmly welcomed and
strongly encouraged. Please contact the school office to make
an appointment.
All Applicants must complete the latest CES application form. Applications should be addressed to Mrs J. Davies,
Headteacher, or sent by email to
Closing date for applications: Midday on Monday 5th October 2015
Shortlisting: Tuesday 6th October 2015
Lesson observations:
12th / 13th/ 14th October 2015
Interviews: Thur sday 15th October 2015
The school is committed to Safeguarding and promoting the
welfare and safety of children and young people and expects
all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All posts
are subject to pre-employment checks, references and an enhanced DBS check.
Our minibus outings are proving to be
very popular. The next outing is on Monday
14th September to Chester. The minibus will
leave at 9.30 am from the Parish Centre Car
Park. And its a full minibus.
Please submit all items for inclusion in the newsletter to the
Parish Office no later than Wednesday evening.
Either pop them through the Office letter-box or e-mail them
in. Anything received after Wednesday evening cant be guaranteed to make it into the next weekends newsletter.
The Eucharistic Ministers, Readers &
Welcomers Rotas ar e now available to collect fr om the
Welcome & Information Centre.

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