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A curriculum is one element of the many factors in improving the

quality of education in Indonesia. Starting this academic year, schools around

Indonesia will be using a new curriculum called K-13. This is an improvement
over the last curriculum and now evaluates attitude, knowledge, and
competency. One characteristic of K-13 is to reinforce and enrich all subjects
in accumulative and connected principles.
Each teacher from each subject will assess the students behavioral
performance on religious side, honesty, discipline, responsibility, attention,
politeness, and self-confidence. For the knowledge aspect, the evaluation will
be based on daily tests, oral tests, and homework. Students skills will be
based on how they accomplish their projects, practical tests, and build their
portfolio. A comprehensive and integrated scoring system is expected to
describe students real performance and achievement during the learning

In conclusion, K-13 is actually designed to accommodate the demand of a

perfect combination of attitude, knowledge, and skills. Although as a
beginner, there will be many adjustments, the teachers did well through
an intensive training regiment in order to implement this new curriculum
successfully and push studentss performance.

On the report card, there wont be a 0-100 numerical system used

anymore. It will be the A-D scale with a proportional scoring system from
1-4. The teaching method will also be developed into a scientific learning
approach, through these following steps: observation questioning
collecting information associating communicating. Firstly, the teacher
gives an opportunity for students to observe the topic. From the
observation, the students are expected to raise questions from the related
topic. From these questions, students are directed to collect any possible
information that may relate to the information and answer the questions.
Then, both teacher and students associate these items into a meaningful
concept. At the end, the students are expected to be able to communicate
the knowledge into more applicable experiences.
In conclusion, K-13 is actually designed to accommodate the demand of a
perfect combination of attitude, knowledge, and skills. Although as a
beginner, there will be many adjustments, the teachers did well through
an intensive training regiment in order to implement this new curriculum
successfully and push studentss performance.

On the report card, there wont be a 0-100 numerical system used

anymore. It will be the A-D scale with a proportional scoring system from 1-4.
The teaching method will also be developed into a scientific learning
approach, through these following steps: observation questioning
collecting information associating communicating. Firstly, the teacher

gives an opportunity for students to observe the topic. From the observation,
the students are expected to raise questions from the related topic. From these
questions, students are directed to collect any possible information that may
relate to the information and answer the questions. Then, both teacher and
students associate these items into a meaningful concept. At the end, the
students are expected to be able to communicate the knowledge into more
applicable experiences.
In conclusion, K-13 is actually designed to accommodate the demand
of a perfect combination of attitude, knowledge, and skills. Although as a
beginner, there will be many adjustments, the teachers did well through an
intensive training regiment in order to implement this new curriculum
successfully and push studentss performance.

Pro : Curriculum K-13

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen
A curriculum is one element of the many factors in improving the quality of
education in Indonesia. Starting this academic year, schools around Indonesia will use
a new curriculum called K-13. This is an improvement over the last curriculum and
now evaluates attitude, knowledge, and competency. Even though we must starting
over studying with the new curriculum, I think we did well to make improvement
during learning session.
Despite the last curriculum is not bad, we must change the old curriculum to the
new curriculum to make improvement, especially from the evaluation system. The
evaluation system of this new curriculum is different from the previous one,. There
will be a clear and detailed explanation on each students attitude, knowledge, and
skills. Each teacher from each subject will assess the students behavioral performance
on religious side, honesty, discipline, responsibility, attention, politeness, and selfconfidence. For the knowledge aspect, the evaluation will be based on daily tests, oral
tests, and homework. Students skills will be based on how they accomplish their
projects, practical tests, and build their portfolio. A comprehensive and integrated
scoring system is expected to describe students real performance and achievement
during the learning session.
On the report card, there wont be a 0-100 numerical system used anymore. It will
be the A-D scale with a proportional scoring system from 1-4. The teaching method
will also be developed into a scientific learning approach, through these following
steps: observation questioning collecting information associating
communicating. Firstly, the teacher gives an opportunity for students to observe the
topic. From the observation, the students are expected to raise questions from the
related topic. From these questions, students are directed to collect any possible
information that may relate to the information and answer the questions. Then, both
teacher and students associate these items into a meaningful concept. This is a good
improvement for learning the new subject inspite of takes time. At the end, the
students are expected to be able to communicate the knowledge into more applicable

In conclusion, K-13 is actually designed to accommodate the demand of a perfect

combination of attitude, knowledge, and skills. Although as a beginner, there will be
many adjustments, the teachers did well through an intensive training regiment in
order to implement this new curriculum successfully and push studentss performance.

Questions :
1. Why do you choose curriculum K13 as yours topic?
The reason I choose curriculum K13 as my topic is because curriculum is one
element of the many factors in improving the quality of education in Indonesia.
Starting this academic year, schools around Indonesia will use a new
curriculum called K-13, so this is interesting topic for students to understanding
this new curriculum.
2. Do you agree with the curriculum K13 as your new curriculum?
Yes, Im agree with the curriculum K13, its because One characteristic of K-13
is to reinforce and enrich all subjects in accumulative and connected principles

What benefits from the Curriculum K13 than the Old curriculum?
The benefits the Curriculum K13 are from the evaluation system, and also from
the teaching method. The evaluation system of this new curriculum is different
from the previous one. There will be a clear and detailed explanation on each
students attitude, knowledge, and skills. And the teaching method will also be
developed into a scientific learning approach, through these following steps:
observation questioning collecting information associating
communicating. At the end, the scoring system can describe students real
performance and achievement during the learning session. And from the new
teaching method the students are able to communicate the knowledge into more
applicable experiences.

Pro : Curriculum K-13

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen
A curriculum is one element of the many factors in improving the
quality of education in Indonesia. Starting this academic year, schools around
Indonesia will use a new curriculum called K-13. This is an improvement over
the last curriculum and now evaluates attitude, knowledge, and competency.
Even though we must starting over studying with the new curriculum, I think
we did well to make improvement during learning session.
Despite the last curriculum is not bad, we must change the old
curriculum to the new curriculum to make improvement, especially from the
evaluation system. The evaluation system of this new curriculum is different
from the previous one,. There will be a clear and detailed explanation on each
students attitude, knowledge, and skills. Each teacher from each subject will
assess the students behavioral performance on religious side, honesty,
discipline, responsibility, attention, politeness, and self-confidence. For the
knowledge aspect, the evaluation will be based on daily tests, oral tests, and
homework. Students skills will be based on how they accomplish their
projects, practical tests, and build their portfolio. A comprehensive and
integrated scoring system is expected to describe students real performance
and achievement during the learning session.

Questions :
1.Why do you choose curriculum K13 as yours topic?
The reason I choose curriculum K13 as my topic is because curriculum is
one element of the many factors in improving the quality of education in
Indonesia. Starting this academic year, schools around Indonesia will use a
new curriculum called K-13, so this is interesting topic for students to
understanding this new curriculum.
2 .Do you agree with the curriculum K13 as your new curriculum?

Yes, Im agree with the curriculum K13, its because One characteristic of
K-13 is to reinforce and enrich all subjects in accumulative and connected
On the report card, there wont be a 0-100 numerical system used anymore.
It will be the A-D scale with a proportional scoring system from 1-4. The
teaching method will also be developed into a scientific learning approach,
through these following steps: observation questioning collecting
information associating communicating. Firstly, the teacher gives an
opportunity for students to observe the topic. From the observation, the
students are expected to raise questions from the related topic. From these
questions, students are directed to collect any possible information that may
relate to the information and answer the questions. Then, both teacher and
students associate these items into a meaningful concept. This is a good
improvement for learning the new subject inspite of takes time. At the end,
the students are expected to be able to communicate the knowledge into
more applicable experiences.
In conclusion, K-13 is actually designed to accommodate the demand of a
perfect combination of attitude, knowledge, and skills. Although as a
beginner, there will be many adjustments, the teachers did well through an
intensive training regiment in order to implement this new curriculum
successfully and push studentss performance.

3.What benefits from the Curriculum K13 than the Old curriculum?
The benefits the Curriculum K13 are from the evaluation system, and also
from the teaching method. The evaluation system of this new curriculum is
different from the previous one. There will be a clear and detailed
explanation on each students attitude, knowledge, and skills. And the
teaching method will also be developed into a scientific learning approach,
through these following steps: observation questioning collecting
information associating communicating. At the end, the scoring system

can describe students real performance and achievement during the learning
session. And from the new teaching method the students are able to
communicate the knowledge into more applicable experiences.

Sebuah Kurikulum merupakan salah satu unsur dari sekian banyak faktor dalam
meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia . Mulai tahun akademik ini , sekolahsekolah seluruh Indonesia akan menggunakan kurikulum baru yang disebut K - 13 . Ini
merupakan perbaikan atas kurikulum lalu dan kini mengevaluasi sikap , pengetahuan ,
dan kompetensi . Meskipun kita harus mulai lagi dari awal belajar dengan kurikulum
baru , saya pikir kami melakukannya dengan baik untuk melakukan perbaikan selama
sesi belajar .
Konten K - 13 kurikulum disusun dengan mengacu pada Kompetensi Inti atau
Core Competence , yang nantinya akan dijelaskan lebih dalam Kompetensi Dasar atau
Basic Kompetensi . Kompetensi Inti adalah perspektif umum tentang sikap ,
pengetahuan , dan keterampilan yang perlu dipelajari oleh siswa dalam sekolah tertentu
, kelas , dan subjek . Salah satu ciri K - 13 adalah untuk memperkuat dan memperkaya
semua mata pelajaran dan menghubungkan prinsip-prinsip dari berbagai ilmu.
Sistem evaluasi kurikulum baru ini berbeda dari yang sebelumnya . Akan ada
penjelasan yang jelas dan rinci tentang masing-masing sikap siswa, pengetahuan , dan
keterampilan . Setiap guru dari masing-masing subjek akan menilai kinerja perilaku
siswa di sisi agama , kejujuran , disiplin , tanggung jawab , perhatian , kesopanan , dan
rasa percaya diri . Untuk aspek pengetahuan , evaluasi akan didasarkan pada ulangan
harian, ulangan lisan , dan pekerjaan rumah . Kemampuan siswa akan didasarkan pada
bagaimana mereka menyelesaikan proyek-proyek mereka , ujian praktek , dan
membangun portofolio mereka . Sebuah sistem penilaian yang komprehensif dan
terpadu diharapkan dapat menggambarkan kinerja nyata siswa dan prestasi selama sesi
pembelajaran .
Pada rapor , tidak akan ada sistem numerik 0-100. Ini akan menjadi skala A-D
dengan sistem penilaian proporsional 1-4 . Metode pengajaran juga akan
dikembangkan menjadi pendekatan pembelajaran ilmiah , melalui langkah-langkah
berikut : observasi - pertanyaan - mengumpulkan informasi - bergaul - berkomunikasi .
Pertama , guru memberikan kesempatan bagi siswa untuk mengamati topik . Dari
pengamatan ,siswa diharapkan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan dari topik yang terkait .
Dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini , siswa diarahkan untuk mengumpulkan informasi yang
mungkin yang mungkin berhubungan dengan informasi dan menjawab pertanyaan-

pertanyaan . Kemudian , guru dan siswa mengasosiasikan ini semua menjadi konsep
yang bermakna . Pada akhirnya , para siswa diharapkan dapat mengkomunikasi
pengetahuannya ke dalam prakteknya .
Kesimpulannya , K - 13 sebenarnya dirancang untuk mengakomodasi permintaan
kombinasi sempurna sikap , pengetahuan , dan keterampilan . Meskipun sebagai
pemula , akan ada banyak penyesuaian , para guru melakukannya dengan baik
melalui resimen pelatihan intensif untuk melaksanakan kurikulum baru ini agar
berhasil dan mendorong kinerja nyata siswa

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