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Attempted Murder of Poetry

Copyright 2013 by
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy
All rights reserved.
This book or any portion
thereof may not be
reproduced,used or served
in any manner whatsoever
without the express written
permission of the author,
so that this work,as it is,is
Where as the use of brief
quotations in a book review
or criticism is concerned,
it is most welcome whether
deserved or undeserved.


In this world of
extreme inequality
Let us take an apple
of X quality.
and have it tasted
by people of different
purchasing ability
not just out of hospitality but
as if testing in a laboratory
for differences, if any, in taste,
depending on one's social
status,financial capacity,
skills and capability.
Will they get a taste
of varying variety ?
based on their
prosperity and poverty !


Or Will it depend on the

Physical labor involved
in their day to day Activity
Will it come out any
later when they go to a Loo or
Lavatory ?
Then,what is all this fuss
about wealth and success,
if not sheer stupidity ?

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy

Does being rich mean
having the ability,
even at the height of
their non availability,
to purchase goods
of the best quality?
Or to buy up goods
in huge quantity
in times of foreseeable
and later when the goods
become an oddity
make a neat profit
selling the commodity.
Or does being rich mean
having the power to
exploit or employ fellow men
without feeling guilty.

Don't worry it is not an

inhuman economic atrocity.
It is all legitimate business
in the human community.
At least on that one thing
there is Universal unity.
Amassing wealth is
not immorality.
In fact in the
human world it is
next to Immortality.
Have you ever
heard of Morality
being taught in
college or a university ?
While Wealth creation
is taught at every stage
of education in all it's

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy

Home is your first school
and the stories you hear
as kid are may be cool.
They are your very
first lessons in life to
become very successful
and not end up as
a big dumb fool
teaching you how to pull wool
over your innocence and pool
wealth,knowledge and
use them as a tool
to dig for more knowledge
and wealth because
it's the un written rule.


we must first
dream and drool
about wealth making
and work hard like
a donkey or a mule
to become rich
and successful
It is only stupid fools
who Struggle,
say so, the smart ones,
with a chuckle.
If you want to be smart,
you must know
how to outsmart,
man ,animal or mother
nature,but,if possible,being
very subtle.
How to, out of, tough
situations, wriggle ?
You must know your
conflicts of thought
and them, how to Juggle.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy

How to spot your

feelings of Guilt, if ever, any,
arise,at all, and
bust them like a Bubble.
How to shoo away
issues of moral trouble,
before they begin to hurt,
in the heart, like,in shoe,a
As if, like some kind of worms,
at the edges of happiness,
we constantly nibble.
So that we can, our luxuries
and wealth of knowledge,
Man's efforts to shed
light on secrets of Nature
are endless and incomparable
but you can hardly call them

They shred their

own poor brains
to an intellectual rubble.
What men do in the name of
happiness to their own
brains is worse than Horrible.
Even those who in the
name of social justice, rebel,
want the same things and
pleasures but only they want
them in equal measures,
for every one to celebrate
and revel.
In the name of
social justice they so yell.
'Unequal opportunities
to exploit is cruel,
Every man must have
equal right to burn
more coal and fuel.'

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy

So they challenge
the developed nations
to a duel.
And The great scientists ,
because they have no time
to shave or shower,
till a long beard
grows from mere stubble,
To,unlock, for man,
Nature's power,
day and night,night
and day, they struggle,
peering through a mini,
micro or large Telescope,
like Hubble,
All the time,absent mindedly,
to themselves, they mumble,
till, upon, some new discovery
or invention,accidentally they

While man is trying to

all Natural resources Guzzle
Scientists are trying to solve
the Puzzle of Nature and in
the process add to Man's
Knowledge Puddle.
With white gray or silver
hair,getting pampered
like a precious pet poodle
looking all innocent,
they cunningly doodle
till the intellectual knots
in their brain, somehow they,
un noodle and great secrets of
nature,they, un bottle.
In triumph, scientists may
blow their own trumpet or

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


In truth, they are only helping

man,in,with nature, man's
mad tussle,
as,systematically,The Ecosystem,human beings throttle.
Scientists have their tracks,
in this sin,covered so well,
being rewarded with
lot of money and prizes like



Then, there are
poets and writers.
Sneakily, their own
ideas, they try to Smuggle
into the minds of innocent
readers ,who may be, just
want to, on a Lazy
after noon, as in their
beds,they snuggle,
with a nice book,cuddle.
whether a book of
poems or just a Novel
or some silly book on
some one's adventurous
travel. So far as, people need
information and amusement,
writers will do so well.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Some write books

full of romance,
suspense or thrilling Action.
Some use emotions and
a few others, Facts
and/or Fiction.
There are all kinds
of books for every
man to satisfy his
mind and emotion.
Books have been known
to be used as a pillow
if not, as intellectual cushion.
Yet inside man, there is
always some great friction.
For Life, especially his own,
man has great Love and
But,Books don't seem to give
him enough satisfaction.



He seeks something more,

may be, his own perfection.
He reads great books, may be,
for this very attraction,
but, they serve, only as a
There is always death
and scientist, writer ,Artist,
Poet, they all avoid that
section. It is not an easy
topic for open discussion.
Of course, they kill
a lot, in Spy fiction,
but, death is a different
mysterious mission.
While we are alive,
we don't want to
enter into that dimension
and when we die,
there is, anyway, nothing
left to mention.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


We all know so well
that one day we are all
going to end up in
some grave yard's gravel.
Ashes to ashes
and dust to dust
they say, aloud,
as they shovel.
Soon, you will be history to
family and friends and all
those you thought,
you knew so well.
How are we to, with
death, cope ?
Deep deep inside heart,
while our blood pumps,
drip drip, drop by drop,


through all the pain and hurt,

knowing not when, what
may attack, your heart
and dead ,you may, suddenly,
or when all you want is, have
just some bloody pleasure,
beep, beep, up may go
or down, your blood pressure,
making, your Life span,
lesser and lesser.
Quicker and quicker, you
may get to enjoy your
Permanent Leisure.
The few moments
of happiness, in our short Life
we immensely treasure.
Because, we know, Pleasure is
how fleeting, to measure.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


But, we cant bear,

to remember,
pain or sorrow,
brought by mishaps,
minor or major.
Because, it hurts us sharp,
like being cut by a Razor.
And there is no such thing
as Memory Eraser.
Our Brain is the only cabinet,
we have, to store,all our
sorrow, pain and pleasure
and any intellectual treasure,
all together, all together
and what ever more,
in our short life,
that we want to gather.
Pain or pleasure,
We just cant wipe out one
and keep the other.


So we have some
Great Stories
and well written
down Histories
of great men
and their victories
like Archimedes and Socrates.
But, they all had their
share of miseries
We know not,
the real mysteries
of mind,- what it wants
and why it worries.
what secrets, it deeply buries ,
dark inside, it's deadly
Stories, whether,
fact or fiction, shape our
thoughts and action.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


The first lessons in education,

are in the form of stories,
we are told, by the elder
Our young Minds are trapped
and trained, to learn by
imitation of the moral good, in
those stories you had read or
listened to their narration
Try any new
and liable, you are, to
You are fore warned,
here by, by an unwritten



In every story you read or

heard, in the end,bad Guys,
always end up in a very sad
Those who are smart, will
learn that, to not get caught,
is the real lesson ,to learn
from the story compilation.
To the smart,wise, men of the
world, good enough is, a mere
hint or indication.
Bad guys are punished,
because, they get caught and
not because of their legal
Just like good guys are
rewarded, when they strike it
rich, but through perfectly
Legal Exploitation.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Obedience of Law and

avoidance of Law
are both different forms
of legal manipulation.
But, Disobedience is bad,
as if, by a unanimous,
universal declaration.
Independence is only for a
Nation. Individuals must avoid
any attraction to thoughts
and ideas of any revolution.
People must strictly
stick to wealth creation,
there are enough problems
already, on earth, with it's
stupid distribution.
There are enough wars
going on, in the name of



So, you may stick to some

intellectual imagination,
but, beyond the boundaries
of human greed,and the
rules of social conduct,
we all, to, agreed,
you can't go on some
crazy,mindless expedition
and bring back some hazy
ideas, that, to the chaos on
earth, only make a more
disturbing Contribution.
Unless, it is about
some new form of wealth
creation,We are not interested
in anything right now,
even, if it is, about the very
origin of creation.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Human Thought
is shaped and limited by,
it's very training and
It can think anew and
afresh only through
it's own un education.



You must have heard the story
about a jolly good Grass
Hopper, who had no care in
the world, nor a good
friend,Aunt or adviser
and a small Ant who worked
very hard and also was much
wiser,but,those who are
jealous, call him,
a stingy miser
Anyway,the poor dumb
thing,grass hopper,
hopped around in joy,all
summer, and did not save any
food for its daily lunch and
supper when it rained or
snowed late in winter
and It had to go
all hungry and suffer.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Our good Ant, the winner,

If it was smart like a human,
would have made
a slave of the sinner,
who did not save for
future,when times got leaner.
Nothing could be meaner.
But,the human world
has it's own grammar.
Be it basic bread or caviar,
Money,Gold or anything dear,
the 'saver' is the Savior,
The master of the weak,
and of the meek ,exploiter
superior of the poorest of the
In the Human
World,exploitation is,
nothing so ulterior.



But ,To Ant, even such

a thought would not occur.
Ants save, only to share it all
later ,with other ants when
times got tougher.
So that ,nobody in the nest,
has to suffer or go to bed
without, having their supper.
Unlike men,grains,ants don't
hoard, selling for gains, to
only those, who can afford
waiting till, the prices have,
steeply soared,
punishing those,who
have slept and snored,
and warning signs
of nature, ignored
and did not have any
thing of value,stored,
for those rainy days,
when it, misery, poured,

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


while some, the very ends of

earth, scoured
gas, coal, grass ,brass and
every thing they devoured.
Miseries of their fellow men,
they savored,
but, it taught men, a lesson
they treasured.
'Those who did not save
wealth, life long labored'
So, men, labored to not only
make but also to save wealth
and were never again bored.
Money making was,
a more exciting game
than even the game of chess



And so, man,began to hoard

and to hordes of others,
who could not, his heart out,
he poured and to every one of
them, well paying jobs,he re
provided, they slaved for him,
from sunrise till sun lowered,
and also,additionally,him,as
their master, they all un
conditionally adored.
Thus, right from the
beginning, even before,
when time was measured,
wealth, more than fellow man,
man favored and had even
their future generations, all
well covered.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Social Justice, equality and

other words,probably from
Ants, man discovered.
But, from his madness for
wealth, man has never
New forms of wealth, he
invented, as secrets of nature,
he uncovered.
What a difference between
man and Ant, even though,
with bigger body and brain,
man, by nature, has been
empowered !!!



Ants save and
maintain a buffer
of food but not for
profit to offer
and with money
fill their own coffer
and so become rich
and rich and richer.
In Human World, things
vastly differ.
It would be so dumb and
dumb and dumber,
not to exploit fellow
human beings,
if they are weak,
poor and broke plumber.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


But, they are not ants, you

must remember.
They are human beings,
much smarter
and very high in Nature's
So, ants teach Man to
save and save we do,
till, we are ready
for the grave.
But to save, first,
we must have
and to have,
we must be brave,
to compete with our
fellow men,who too,
the very same things, crave.



Food, wealth, a Palace

or just a cave,
fight, they will, till
one of them, one's Life
or Life's earnings,
up, the loser gave.
Being a little clever and a
little brave,if you can be a
master,who wants to be a
But, slaves we are
to wealth,fame and to
whatever else, we crave.
Into the ocean of greed,
how readily ,we ,dive!
Nails of sorrow, into our
own coffins, we steadily, drive.
And sadly ,great pleasure,
from it, we hope to derive.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Men did not invent knives,

just for their house wives,
to vegetables, cut and carve
and cook nice food and serve.
So that, they did not die or
starve,they used a weapon, to
protect their grains and
grub,just in case, any one
tried to grab,or their wealth
and cattle, tried to rob.
So,Fear of starvation
forced man, to be violent
and Fear of violence,
made man, to be obedient.
Whether it is, West,South,
North or the Orient,
or the earth's very end,
Man's story is the same,
without any End.



Man used weapon,

to not just defend.
He did not care, who, he
meant, to offend.
Neither Neighbor,
Brother,,foe nor fiend
It did not matter,
So far as it served his end.
He stabbed anyone who was
in his way and in the back too,
if he happened to be a friend.
Of course, he loved himself
and his own, like blind.
Occasionally, to others, as
well, he is kind
But, over all, he never
managed to find,
in human society, any
love or peace of mind
because, he always had
some axe,to grind.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


No stone un turned,
man had left or will leave,
to force fellow men,
to turn up their sleeve,
and work for him
and be his life long slave.
You may call him an employee,
if you want to be, so naive.



Man has over come Nature
but, sadly not his own
cruel nature.
Man may think he is a
civilized creature
and developed a
great social structure.
On social equality and
justice, he may lecture
or even help a fellow man,
as a kind gesture,
But,man is still,
so, immature.
He is more worried,
about his Social Stature.
It is nature's power, now he
wants to capture.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Wealth, knowledge and

success are just stepping
stones of his real venture,
He does not care for the
ozone holes ,
along the earth's curvature.
As if, Earth is not enough
for madness of man's
Outer space too,
man tries to conquer.
But,regarding his own inner
space,man still has no
answer ?
If, some mad dictator's ego,
you hurt or just puncture
with Nuclear Holes, in the
very belly of mother earth, he
may punch her, using his
rogue, nuclear weapon
launcher, or with biochemical
weapons, drench her.


To the universe,
itself ,Man's greed,
has become, such a danger.
To a world of peace he is such
a stranger.
It is no more about
his daily bread
Lunch or Supper.
It is all about who's hand
that is upper ?
It is all about who's hand
that is upper ?

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Man has mastered,
many forms of cruelty.
Some have, what they
call, creative ability.
Let us,say, some one is
good at writing poetry.
You may call it,a kind of
Intellectual dysentery.
He may write about birds
clouds,girls,swirls of water
or some lonely tree.
But if he finds an issue
of some vitality, he may
unleash his creative brutality,
on unsuspecting minds
of fellow men and disturb
their mental stability



and even bring about great

Geo political instability.
But he too can not address the
problem of man's insanity,
for wealth, power and
more purchasing capacity,
for chasing,some where,
in some un holy mega city,
more wealth,power,
wine of High quality
and women of low chastity.
A poet or even a priest
are all the same,I bet,
if,a bit, you stretch
their moral elasticity.
Yet, to preach the world,
they have the audacity.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


You don't need

torture chambers
for taming mankind
into Docility,
When Poetry is such
a wonderful facility.
He has the same dictatorial
desires and quality.
He will write what
he thinks is truth
based on his own
and claim recognition,
reward, wealth
and may be even literary
Like a Rich Philanthropist,
who donates some
of his wealth, in vanity,
an intellectual
dumps creativity,


on the less creative

souls of Humanity,
without whose economic
and / or intellectual poverty,
the rich would have
been never rich ,
nor would any one
care for any poetry.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


All the talk about equality
seems to be just a formality.
because what we really
want is superiority.
How can we ever have
any peace, love and amity,
If, when my things are
not better than my neighbor's,
it is,for me,like a calamity.
Our desire for goods
of better quality
and good services
on a basis of priority,
has driven us to the
verge of insanity.
In this world of such
great in equality
success has come to mean
amassing wealth


and polishing
our intellectuality
and acquiring things like
Power,skills and Technology.
Going to moon and mars
and reaching for the stars,
in the name of Success,
Science and Astronomy.
Drowning man, in this
giant global economy
and developing new weapons
of chemistry or biology and in
the name of more energy,
destroying the global ecology.
Mankind owes every man an
apology. Mankind owes every
man an apology.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


For man Success is not
a matter of laughter.
Success is the real
God Particle our
scientists are after.
That's what we teach
our innocent children
day in and day after.
Then, some times,
we sit and wonder why,
Our education system
is such a disaster!
Success is the common goal of
parents and the school master.
No doubt a few skills for living
every child must master.



But,when a child is forced

to drink only from
cups of success or saucer,
he does not like it,
but to protest, enough
courage, he can not muster.
If a Child is not successful,
she is branded as a waster,
by the parent,the owner and
the chief investor.
Even if they have,
in exams, passed her,
she is supposed to
achieve success,much faster.
Otherwise,her whole life,
it may cost her and forever,
as an ordinary person,
aside, they will cast her.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


But, it is not even success,

we are actually after.
It's the upper hand over
fellow human beings rather,
a version of dictatorship,
no matter how smooth and
The millions of immeasurable,
minions and miserable,
success less souls,
while the successful
man at them growls,
for success, their
haunted heart howls



But,How can every man
ever be successful,
It is so improbable,
because success means
lack of success
of all the other people
How can I win
unless some how
all the others I topple.
How can I be
victorious, if,
I don't care how,
but,all the others
lose not their battle ?
Not just the
inventor of Railways,
Billions knew, how steam
pushed the lid off
of a boiling kettle.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Why is the success

of one man, so glorified,
that rest of mankind,
is made to feel like
a worth less cattle ?
Every one knew,
that all heavy things,
always fell to ground
and not just the
stupid apple.
Am I failure,
if I do not some
secret of Nature,
Un bottle ?
If I fail to become a
great business,
sports or states man,
how come, I am
a lesser mortal ?


Nothing is ever created equal.

older brother is stronger
and it is nothing unusual
If he wants,he has all
the might,if not the right,to be
brutal,and it's nothing
We all want to be
elder brotherly
and success is
our weapon most fatal.
Because human
mischief is not ,
any more,just physical.
If I can only become
a man, Socially Vital
I can wipe off all my
problems and stand very tall

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


and wipe off competition too,

if any, and consolidate my
high position so that,
from there,I never fall.
I will have Name
Fame, Slave, servant and all
And yet,though, still,
by my self ,I may have to
answer the Nature's call.
No matter how much
I climb up the success ladder
When I have to empty my
I can not, my servants,order,
to do it for me,
no matter how harder
I try to enforce the matter.
Nor can I do it for them
when they have to relieve
themselves later.


Does that mean all

men are equal?
Is there no difference
between great men and
those who are small
or even between man
and an animal ?
when it comes to
matters fecal
If a great a man is
nothing special,
Greatness is,it seems
then,nothing great,after all.
And I heard, no matter
who you are,there is no
exemption from death at all.
Success is just a myth created
to scare people to respect
those who feel they are,not for
some reason,small.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Just because they

discovered something big,
may be even super natural,
like an ant, a huge pile of
sugar, beyond a big great wall,
thousands of centimeters tall
Where no ant ever before
dared to stroll or pedal.
Do rest of the ants
confer on him, greatness
and give him a great,big
medal ?
Man can't accept
that he is no greater
than insects, that
on this earth, crawl.
He invents greatness,
as a reward to himself ,
for winning over his
fellowmen, in a physical or an
intellectual brawl.


Progress of modern
man is nothing but,
a highly advanced version,
of the same anger and
aggression of our own savage
fore fathers,from far back
in our evolution.
It is time for a different
kind of revolution.
They used spears,
arrows and swords
and we use missiles,
money and swear words,
but, the end purpose
is the same,
it's clear as crystal.
To use fellow man and animal,
to make them obey and serve
you, with or without, using a
whip or a pistol.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


I wag and wave

my name and fame
or wealth, for any attack
on my self, to scuttle.
or if I have,with anybody,
any scores to settle,
like a scorpion his tail,
or a rattle snake it's rattle.
You are more successful
because, I am not, as able.
But, that does not mean,
I am just a useless vegetable?
Men fought to bring bread
butter or a dead duck, chicken
or with some luck, even a
buck to their dinner Table.
But, Today we fight for
power, to make the buck
at any cost, stop only at our


I am willing to throw the dice

and even if they call it a Vice
and even if I know, it is not so
wise,for success, I am going to
gamble my peace of mind and
whatever else I can scrape
and scramble.
Greed is not good
says so every fable.
But,mechanism of Greed,
we don't know, to how,
or may be we don't want to,
because,without greed,
we are unable,
to more than what we need
for our survival,gobble.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


We all want to happily

announce our arrival,
at positions of great
superiority when you feel like,
the whole world is your
admirer or your rival.
Struggle for Survival
then,becomes so trivial !
Your success and
superiority, becomes so real,
that every body is
nice to you and cordial.
You,almost forget, how
you still feel inside,
vicious ugly and cruel,
Though, outwardly gentle
and very kind,because,a very
good image of yourself, you
want to sell



You forget or ignore

that, while with
great ambition,
you were burning,
you used the ugly
Greed as the fuel.
Tell me, how else
have ,with your
fellow men ,
you won your duel ?
And how, you emerged,
amongst,so many men,
as a rare gem and a jewel ?
Why your fellow men,
did not do so well,
in drawing treasures
from The same Nature's well
to which they too had
access,as well ?

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Why did, on a problem,

much longer than others
only your mind, dwell ?
Like most others,
how come you did not fail ?
May be physically you are
a little weak and frail.
That's why you wanted your
intellectual muscles
with great strength, swell.
So that you can dominate
others with your new
intellectual power and the
stinking success,finally smell.
Today no one has time
to answer their own door bell
because they are always on
the Phone thanks to Mr.
Graham Bell.



Thanks to all the bombs and

Guns, the whole earth has
become such a hell.
Would you have
become so great,
for whatever it is,
that you did,
had your fellow men,
who want success,
no less than you do,
had not thrown in their
towel ?
Success of one person,
is not independent of failure
of a million others,is it,if
for once, we let truth prevail ?

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


In the name of success,

Power over your fellow men,
is the reward you really seek,
is it not,in return for all your
troubles and travail ?
Would you work, as hard ,
for your success ,if people
success, no more, really hail ?
If Success, did not give
one a special position,
would people ever seek
success or some holy grail ?
If we did not seek success,
or on the contrary,
is it because, we seek success,
in the name of progress,
that the very course of
Nature itself may Derail ?


What if truth catches up

and the vain veil of
success is lifted up
and blown away like
waste paper in a gale ?
What if ,No matter how much,
they protest and wail,
all the prisoners of
success are freed from
their self imposed jail ?
Success offers Security,Power,
Protection and Respect from
fellow men and so, they seek
it, and if it is, not in the
market, available for sale,
they steal, borrow or beg
for it, like a poor beggar
alms, with a pan or a pail.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


They are Willing to bear

any pain with a smile
because they wont feel
a thing,they know,
after a while.
They think, they can
live their life in great style,
while, their fellow men,live in
great turmoil,
Poor folk, pleading guilty in
their own trial,their crime
being, another man's success
and their failure, becoming
their own Jail
A transfer to the prison of
success,andnot freedom,is for
what,we all wail.
A transfer to the prison of
success,and not freedom,is for
what,we all wail.


Without Success, we all feel,
so anonymously small,
while a successful man
stands so enormously tall.
Success is great.
Success is what
we all must seek
unanimously, they cry all.
Every trick in the book and
whatever else they can,
they try all.
In their attempts,
they rise and fall.
It is not that people
don't try at all
to have their names
too written
in some hall of fame
or famous hall.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


They all want to be

a celebrity big or small.
Or at least end up in
Tussaud museum
as a cute wax doll.
The successful people,with
their success, build around
them, a Great wall.
But,To call them a prisoner,
which they are, nobody has
the gall.
Praise, must you, The
emperors nude Clothes, even
if he wore, none at all ?
Is there not one child amongst
you, with enough innocence,
to fear none at all ?



Praise, must you, The

emperors nude Clothes, even
if he wore, none at all ?
Is there not one child amongst
you, with enough innocence,
to fear none at all ?

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Victory for one and all,
is a, impossibility,
Unless, give up and back,
we fall,how, on earth,
on the podium of victory,
some one or the other,
we can install.
Take the Lazy Hare
and the Crazy tortoise
and what else do you call,
a tortoise, that to race ,
a Hare, had the gall.
Some creatures may run
and some may crawl.



It's not a question of who

won the race or a silly brawl,
but, why do we care
for victory or loss at all,
when death is the
predetermined, final
destination of us all.
Instead of burning at the
altar of success, let the altar
it self be set afire and burnt
by the coals of shame, hidden
deep, in the dark black holes
of human souls.
Human rights, to success and
wealth, is all very good, but,
what about the human fouls ?
Why, only paths of success,
like a thief,man prowls.
Why, a successful man,
like a boss or a dog,
at all the others, growls.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Why do all the others,

act like a sheep,
that saw a tiger, quivers.
Is success not just
one of those human fevers?
Progress has actually
backfired on man, in reverse.
Industrialization has
polluted air and the rivers.
What success has done
to man is, even more worse.
In the name of success,
man wants,over nature
and fellowmen,even more
Man hides behind a theory
that, nature itself killed non



Animals also have skills

and in fact some animals
and birds are better
builders and weavers.
Some animals, use just their
teeth much better than man's
axes and cleavers.
Man destroys more trees and
yet blames and kills even
highly skilled beavers.
What greed has done to man
sends down the spine, cold,
chilled shivers.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Let the failure of millions
of minions of men and women
be the spark, the anguish
that will extinguish,
the blazes of glory and
success over which
man so gloats.
Let their own self degradation
be the sparkling blade
that guillotines, by the very
name, fame and success it
self, over which man's pride so
heavily floats.
So that mankind is free
from gradation of men,women
into the success less and
successful, as if, cows or they
were some goats.


As if hunted or haunted by
some ghosts
in the name of success
man,his own brain
in deep turmoil, roasts.
Let the Tyranny of Success
be shred to tiny little peaces
for every one's peace of mind
and also the entire globe's.
Let the aristocracy
of success be crushed
by the coal, black shame of
failure,as a wild fire of
revolution ,in the minds of
mankind, it stokes.
Let men be Free from feeling
inferior,to some one who,
having achieved something,
of his success,endlessly
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


As if, he is a good Dog and

the rest are all, some kind of
crooks,the successful man,
barks and woofs,while with
shame and the burden of
failure,a success less man,
weakly,his head and
shoulders, droops.
No matter how successful
he will starve too, unless he,
,like any other common dog,
daily, his food,he too eats and
No successful man has ever
been yet,exempt from having
to have his daily diet,
every morning noon and night,
even if it is, just carrots and



There is no, big difference,

in the way a man, his success,
and a hound, his bone,
until they found, each of them,
all around and round and
Until, a man, found his
success,he will do anything,
whether or not it,him,suits,
and even lick some one's
All the crazy things man does,
to get his name into some silly
record books, alone proves,
that no matter how much
his skills, man improves,
he has not progressed much,

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


since man was and not a long

time ago , a distinguished
member of one of those wild
chimpanzee tribes and troops.
In the name of progress,
man buries himself, in specific
areas of science or scientific
grooves or joins some popular,
cultural, business or political
groups and only himself,he
endlessly dupes.



For example,
there is no telling,
to write a stupid poem,
how low,a good poet stoops.
Digging for words
like a dog his bone,
sitting all alone,
twisting everything,
in unnecessary loops.
Taking his readers
in circles and circles,
performing some silly
intellectual hula hoops.
To communicate, some
good for nothing nonsense,
using just words, what sweet
poison,he cooks.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


His message,
mostly his own
Joy,Sorrow or Rage,
he may express in
page after page,
But, all he wants,
is actually, some praise.
Of course, he also wants,
in his social position, power
and fortunes, a big raise.
Then there are those,
who think, they alone can,
poetry appraise.
and shower on the poet ,
criticism or praise,
blow him up or
cut him down to his size
and draw, immense pleasure,
from the exercise.



Progress of mankind,
is all very nice,
but, you can't make
Lions out of Mice,
but, every man wants
to wear a mask of
success or disguise.
You can never explain
to the wiseguys,
that, like ocean has
it's high and low tides,
life too, has it's lows
and highs.
Just because,someone is very
wise,and all the others are
otherwise,or because,
someone has a face which is
nice,or because,some actress
has very sexy eyes,
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


you can not,going by popular

noise,to a position of
superiority, one person, hoist
even if based on majority
opinion voiced
We think that, the best,
is nature's own choice.
That, the best, alone,
nature chooses to oblige.
But,survival of the fittest
is a theory full of lies.
One Nuclear war
is all, it will take man to
realize,that even the most
powerful animal also dies,
in millions and millions,
in a flash, like when
you swat, do summer flies.



Even if man's pool

of knowledge and
wealth never dries
and mankind thrived
and thrived even thrice
or even if,he may
predict exactly how
fate throws it's dice.
Man knows not,
what happens to him,
after he or someone dies.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Despite all the things
that man's wealth buys
when it comes to say
one's final good byes
all his wealth can not
stop his own demise.
Yet there is nothing else
for which so hard a man tries
than wealth, artistic,
intellectual or any of
many a nature's prize,
like, Diamonds ,Jewels ,Gold ,
Coal ,Oil ,gas and whatever
else that mother nature
kindly supplies.



The less it is in abundance,

the higher on it, man's
dependence. For example,
there is no end to man's own
ignorance and therefore,at it ,
he wont even glance.
It is wisdom that
he needs for his plans.
In praise of wisdom alone that
men sing and dance.
Because,wisdom is not
available in abundance.
And by his own definition,
lack of wisdom makes
a man, dumb or a dunce.
But, till a part of his brain
is in permanent redundance,
left or right side, I can't say
with great confidence,
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


but, Man trims and trims

with great persistence,
his own brain, In the name
of sharpening it,as part of
it's daily maintenance.
To human progress,
foolishness is a hindrance
and so, to banish it
through education,
he tries to convince
and being wise
he naturally wins.



People who are not
well read and wise,
he will condemn and
Education is a
fundamental human right,
and so he will announce.
Because without education,
the educated will,
the uneducated,
mercilessly, trounce.
Because, without education,
how can man, on the
remaining,resources of earth,
ceaselessly pounce.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


So education is a
fundamental right,
the great wise men of the
world confidently pronounce.
Because, without education,
how can we urbanize and
build great cities and towns ?
Without education,
how can we have,
more global warming,
so that, we can watch,
as half the world drowns ?
I am not saying that
wise men of the world
are stupid clowns.
I am wise enough
not to want myself
skinned alive and my flesh
sold by the ounce.


I am just saying that

Man's mad progress,
surely astounds.
But, no one asks ,
call it, we, progress,
based on what grounds ?
No one asks ,
call it ,we, progress,
based on what grounds ?

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Will any one even read
this unless like a song
or a nice poem it sounds ?
It is in wisdom that
man's mind abounds
and to a wise man's intellect,
unless packaged well,
to nothing, even sorrow,
The purpose of his intellect
is to wipe tears with
wealth of wise words,
destroy fears with
guns and swords,but,
mountains of sorrow,
he simply discounts.
He knows not
how to cross them ,
he has not the means,


his wisdom is helpless,

his logic broken,
his courage all shaken,
unable to climb them,
he quickly dismounts.
And hopes that in future,
one day,science,
mountains of sorrow too,
somehow surmounts.
In the mean time,
man is happy to use
his scientific mind,
to settle,with nature,
his endless accounts.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


In shops and auctions any
where on earth,under stars
or the great blue skies,
anything and everything,
man values and buys,
even underwear of some
actress,as a great prize,
he,with his wealth,gladly
pries. Or Whatever,if it can,
fellowman's eyebrows raise.
Daily, it is not enough
for man to see sun set and sun
arise. nor is it wealth, that
man wants, but to mesmerize
and acceptance of his own



He seeks his own greatness

and someone to recognize
and in appreciation,
his felicitation organize.
But, how can he be great,
if a fellowman too grows to
his size and so, he must,his
fellow man's progress, halt
and pulverize.
A successful man watches,
slowly, not only his own
progress,but ,also on the
progress of other guys around
him, slyly, he spies.
In short and To summarize,
this is how and why humans,
one another and one way or
the other, they deceive and
despise,including themselves,
and it's not at all a surprise.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Every animal, be it man,
chimpanzee or ape
that lives in herds
tries to be above the rest
once it comes of age.
No matter how much
more complicated his
methods and ways
Man was never
different at any stage.
He may hunt and trap
every and any animal
or bird in the range
And even daily picnic
trips to the moon or mars
he may soon arrange,
of course after first
sending some mouse
or monkey to ensure
his own safe voyage.


But, man, still, can not claim

to be any different from other
animal groups,though,some,
this may amaze,
Even groups of priests
and saints have to have
some top dog, some one,
who can pretend that
God himself he can engage.
Like any big corporate CEO
is needed to pretend
or at least create an image,
that the investors' money
is in safe hands so that
they don't lose their courage.
A religious group sells you a
mirage. A business group will
sell anything a man can
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


A group of pirates
may plunder and pillage.
But they all need a captain
to lead them through a safe
There are enough men, out
there,with ambition,a mission
and message.
Of men,who want to lead,
there is no shortage.
For a palatial abode
and a matching wage,
servants and if he chooses
to travel, a great entourage,
complete with a retirement or
severance plan or
whatever the package.



Name,Title, Fame and power

are only part of the barrage.
There is no divorcing,
with knowledge,wealth,
success and power, man's
Animal tries to have power
over fellow animals for right
to mate,feast or just graze.
When these rights are denied
or usurped,man invents
a legal system to maintain
peace in the group
and somehow manage.
Man's methods may be
more sophisticated
but he is still the same savage.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Modern man is capable of

immense damage.
Every time a group of humans
feels threatened,it goes
on a systematic rampage.
Man follows the age old
Survival of the fittest and the skills and knowledge
man develops are just
steps to overstep others
to positions of power and
Enforcement of law through
power and creation of laws to
empower every one to seek
more power through skills,
knowledge and education
from a School or College,



making admission into

a top college such a priority,
competition and strain
and stress on children
of teen age.
And so, they try to rebel but
are sledge hammered, back
into line, by systematic
schooling and strict
You are ranked or graded
by your skills, your
your marks and your
Its a social system of
filtering people for admission
into circles of power,
leader ship and
taking the center stage.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


The rest are all to sit

in a corner some where
in the audience and
admiringly gaze.
As the leaders and performers
overpower you with their
superiority and in a battle
of skills and wits,that
Having already lost the battle
with the smarter ones at a
very young age,
You watch them, perform their
feat,clapping in delight at
your own defeat.
you are ready to give your arm
and feet for a chance



on the red carpet

or the back stage,
but,still in a daze.
But,People back stab
one another out of jealous
rage or for enhancement of
their own career,power
glory and prestige.
So, people in power
are afraid of meeting
anyone,including their
own fans,who besiege.
Of course,even if
they want to,they can not
physically, kiss and hug each.
But everyone wants
to wear or at least
touch some one's
success badge.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Because the rest are all

branded,treated and
condemned,also by
themselves, as common
trash and garbage.
Don't you know
what you go through
when you know you are
not above average ?
You push yourself
to the brink,and if you cant
go to a shrink,you go and hide
your troubles in some
alcoholic beverage.
Or in admiration look
at the lofty towers of fame
and glory that successful
people live in ,from the
gutters of social sewerage.


To try to reach for glory ,

in the name of success,
society tries to,
but it wont dare try to,
glory itself,to the ground,rage.
Because success is
for what every
human being begs and prays
A success, that gives
him power over fellow men,
because success alone,
we all respect,obey and

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Success is the very
foundation stone of
human society,the very base.
But without the failure
of millions, how can one be
successful,is my doubt,if,I may
Failure of millions is the basis,
the foundation, of some one's
success then, why, failure,
we always debase?
Everyone wants success
and power, be it a poet,
saint or a sage.
when it is success that
we are trained to chase ?



Who will care to listen

to any other message ?
What will halt this madness
on earth,for success,
and prestige?
Man is like a
trapped wild animal,
his own mind being his cage.
Society being his zoo,
and pursuit of Success,
his way of passing
on earth,his numbered days.
Most people play
the role of mute obedient
visitors to the zoo on holidays
While, the role of the zoo
keeper, as if by right, after
performing various tricks to
every one amaze, the most
successful person in the
human zoo, plays.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


He makes them
dumb animals feel
he is hard to replace.
The dumb animals feed
his ego with wealth ,success
power and praise, just in case.
It is dangerous to
feed animals and most
Zoo enclosures have
many such displays.
But,like the Human Zoo
there is no other place.
And like the human race
there is no other race.
Humans need a leader
who can tell them
how to use their minds
even to tie their lace.


They need some one

to discover new techniques
methods and ways.
Everybody wants to be
a leader because of what it
First, he will need
a follower who always obeys
Then others will also
listen with respect
to what he says.
Soon he will be
a big leader and
people will obey,
no matter what he says.
Scientists shatter the old
beliefs with truth and
sufficient proof
and old leaders,they disgrace.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


So they become the

new leaders for a few days,
then, the businessmen
come along and
the scientists, they displace
because they fund
the whole research
including space.
Just like Kings and queens,
politicians do replace,
because,very democratically
their power, these
politicians chase.
Democracy is for the people,
of the people and by the
people,one great leader says.
But, greatness itself, no one
slays. - But, greatness itself,
no one slays



So far as,greatness,
people chase
how can democracy,
they embrace ?
Because greatness is
associated with superiority
of one over the majority
in any field,be it
Business,Show business,
Sports or any damned race.
Is not, Greatness
actually a disgrace
to all those who have
failed to win the race ?
It's a truth,mankind,must face.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


As a place human society
and it's ways are
very complex and strange.
They will never,though,
they all say, they want to
They all want power
glory and wealth or some
other rewards in exchange.
They may fail a
hundred times but still
they hope and wish
to see,some day,
their luck change.
And they will be able to ,
one day,their own bad fate,
finally, avenge and if they
can't , joy from others'
success they scavenge.


Why do they give such value

to intellectual ,creative skill
sets like those of the poets
just because they can some,
silly words, in poetic rhythm,
arrange ?
Human society is enough to,
any sane man, if there is one,
Whatever cause,
he may chose to embrace
A poet wont hesitate to,
himself, embarrass
if, certain arrangement of
words can cause,
temporary derangement
of mind and pause,
any man will, and sit back to
leisurely gauze,
what the impact of
the poem on his mind was.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Gold makes not as loud

a noise as brass
A rolling stone, they say,
gathers no moss
A poet, for words,
is never at loss.
Munching vocabulary,
with strong grammatical jaws,
he spits out bitter poems,
but hardly any one they
tickle,alas !
He may write some thing
nice or be very very crass
or he may write on some
silly green green grass.
Nothing, he will find to write,
too very gross.



His mindless pen

produces endless dramas
as if in real life there are
not enough tears and traumas.
In a lonesome herd
of black buffalo as they
in a vast verdant
he may find something silly
to, himself, amaze,
may be, in the hot sun,
a lone white crane
on the Buffalos black bright
mane catching bugs with
relative ease
and he might add,
just to please,
in a wafting gentle breeze,
while in fact the weather
may be ablaze
with mad summer heat ,
40 or so degrees.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Until,to his greatness,

everyone agrees,
he will write, whatever
he can, to appease.
whether what ever
he writes,he imagines
or actually sees.
Until, he gets what he wants,
he is never at ease and what
he wants is what every
success seeker wants the
whole world at his feet
and on it's knees.
Sitting high up in some
tall tower or trees
upon us, drops of wisdom,
he slowly pees
and we beg for more
and more of all these



stupid poems which any one

can write,may be even, my
little niece.
Agape, we go down,
on our weak knees,
giving him advantage
of our weakness,
while he stings us
with words, like bees,
promising us honey, if his
power over us,we let him
To the crimes of a poet and his
like,No, there is no witness.
To compare with his white
washes, No,there is no
But, I guess, we are
all the same,more or less.
Even, if we are not,
a poet or poetess,
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


We all want success and we

are both pawns and players in
this great game of Chess.
One,we praise and all the rest,
we oppress. we all contribute,
to this world of great mess.
How can you love, your self,
and yet another person,
hate less ?
No doubt, the hatred in the
world is so rebate less
and our role in all this is
debate less.
May be,wealth, intellectual
or otherwise,if a little,
we create less
and resources of the earth
if a little, we use less,
Politically, if a little,we can
become state less.



For poetry and other silly

things,if a little, we cared less,
may be our life, on earth,
we will not find so hopeless.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Let us set the
successful man free
from his superiority and show
him that,he is no different
from any other folks.
Let us prove that
the difference between
success and failure is zero.
So that, no man, again,
ever need try to be a Hero
nor a cunning fox.
We are all going to die,
one day, same as we
were brought into this world,
all innocent, as they
say, by some white storks.



But,In the name of Glory and

success,men turn into vultures
and Sharks.
At a failure, the successful
man,like a dog, at lamb or
sheep, barks
as on more missions, to
acquire more success and
power, he embarks.
Let the gigantic great ship
of success, hit the Ice Bergs
of cold harsh Truth,
as,in the darkness of human
mind, some where, it
dangerously, floats.
What is the greatness
of the great Great Ship
meeting with an accident
of which every one so boasts,
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


when, with the same fate,

as titanic, may have met,
thousands of other small boats
and history may have
taken no notes.
To attribute greatness
to even a tragedy,
based on it's size
the number and class of
people that dies,
must be one of
the cruelest Jokes.
If only human mind
can see its own stupidity,
but, beyond a point, it just



Success makes a big
difference,in how a man, his
competition, treats or routs
How he thrives,
while others strive
and even die, in Disasters,
Wars, Famines,Recessions,
Storms,Deserts and Droughts.
Naturally, there are bound
to be some doubts.
Sitting on his throne of
success,how, without lifting a
finger,he wins over the
common crowds.
A great successful man,
just has to lift his finger,
and half the world bows.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


All is well,until one by one,

every one wants to be some
one and so the competition
slowly grows.
When it is success that we all
must seek,my dear Sisters
and Bros. then, naturally, we
become each others
competitors and foes.
No body, no more, wants
to live by the sweat of their
They live, by the Wrinkles of
wisdom,that, they hope,like
some war paint, on their
forehead scarily shows.
So, in deep thought ,
they all, them selves,
intellectually engross.


Because, Intellect,
Money, wealth and
knowledge, are the new
weapons to use, against
the enemy' s force.
If, a man, has enough power,
then ,with the click of a
button or a Mouse,
his competition,
he mercilessly mows.
Man learns to measure
well his cons and pros
and every other man's
ups and lows
so that he is prepared when it
comes to trading punches and
exchanging blows.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


In this game of success,

If he is not careful, he very
well knows
he may end up with a shaken
heart and a bloody broken
Through the hustle bustle of
competition he pushes,
rushes,muscles,jostles ,
and his way through,some
how, he elbows,
to glory and success,for his
fair share or at least
a small dose.
So, rules of justice,
no matter, how many,
he deftly flouts
and to wind, moral values,
if any, he swiftly throws.



And as the old saying goes,

and I don't know,
what can be worse,
but,all is fair in Love
and wars.
You can look ,but,
you can't own the stars.
You can't,water, to drink,
make a horse.
Man's Love is so selfish,
ugly and a farce.
Gently or not,he tries to win
his Love,by force and
bribery of course.
Be it poetry or prose
or a pretty little rose.
They are all weapons of those,
who use them to win,
in Love and pose,
as if,for any one else,in their
hearts, love, never arose.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


That's how,their beloved,

they woo or wow
ceaselessly on them,
their love, they shove,
in whatever, unique way,
they can show.
To deal with competition,if
any,as if,Love was a war or an
endless row.
people can stoop very very low
because, all is fair in love and
war, you know
Such notions, Will mankind
ever out grow ?



Without competing
with something or the other
man can not sharpen his mind,
and that's the truth.
Like a wild animal against
some rough surface,
grinds it's sharp nail or tooth.
But when man grinds his
mind, against his own or
another person's,
the results, they will find,
are not so smooth.
Every man wants to be
smarter than the other,
because, it is not a sharp mind
that he wants, but more
success than the other chap
and so, they fight nail
and tooth.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


If you have wealth and power,

you can hire all the smart
brains in the world and so,
the rich and powerful care for
sharpness of mind,
not even a hoot.
Those who have sharp brains
want power and success too
and so they obey and serve,
the rich powerful man, on
hand and foot,in the hope of
getting a morsel of his loot.
By the time they realize this
stupid game, some are already
dead and some are ready in
their bed,with one of their foot
in the grave, already put.



Human Society has it's roots
in robbing other animals of
their strength for labor,
their life for meat, and to
enjoy, their labor's fruits.
Honey from Honey Combs,
Silk from Silk worms,
Milk from young calves,
Shamelessly, man loots
and for any Justice or fear of
sin man cares, two hoots.
And applying the same rules,
like animals, his fellowmen,
a successful man treats.
Into submission, he,
them, somehow, beats
with a whip or some
tricky, tricky legal deeds

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Takes more from

them, than what,
he, them, feeds.
Makes them do,
all that and more
than what he needs,
till the poor soul bleeds.
But,nothing,man's greed,
ever completes
and nothing,with his creed,
ever competes.
Then, come along
some great men, who say,
no this is not right
and we need to pray,
and pay for our sins and
in the name of justice, lay
down a set of new rules
for the sake of fair play.



And the whole society obeys,

even though in dismay,
because, so far they had never
heard of exploiting
nature,animal and
man in this very fair way.
But,Fair or unfair,
if you notice,
the exploitation part
man wont give up,
come what may.
In the mean time the great
men who think,
they brought about
great social reform of their
day, claim greatness or it is
bestowed upon them forcibly,
we cant ,for sure,say,

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


but,for showing man, the

proper way of exploiting
man,nature or whatever be
the prey.
Scientists and Inventors
come along with new
discoveries,ideas and
inventions on a tray.
He becomes a new
kind of boss, with new
ways of making hay,
even when the sky
is dark and gray.
For example:Solar Energy,
to replace fossil fuels,
is soon on it's way.
Cheap Abundant
Energy,man thinks,
will make all his
troubles go away.


Energy gives man power,

to dig riches of the earth,
sophisticate his cunning
and stealth,
increase his life span
and improve his health.
So, those who create
intellectual wealth,
are like Gods, in some way,
not that, modern man
respects God much, anyway.
God is after all,
just another invention of man,
to take his burdens away,
until, science can find
a better way.
In one method you pray,
In the other, you just stray
intellectually wander away,
from trodden paths,turning
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


until you got a

great thought,
like a gold digger,
a gold ingot,
like prospectors, who can
make even dirt pay. after
years of toil ,on one lucky day,
And a hero, you become,
the very next day
and for the rest of
your life, or even after that,
your name will stay.
Intellectuals, over fellow
men, have such a sway,
that, feel ashamed,
of their own crude cruel
methods, even dictators may.



Every one,an intellectual,

wants to be and
what matters is not
money nor might,
but do you can, what
with your matter Grey.
He who has knowledge most
in this age of Knowledge, is
King and gets all he wants,
not just a great pay.
Converting knowledge,
into good old money,
is the real game play.
It all comes down to money,
doesn't it,at the
end of the day.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Be skilled or be killed,
parents and teachers all say,
Children are like toys,
in this game of success,
you just plug and play.
They exploit children
to become exploiters
or you will be exploited
and so threaten, them, they.
Children, being help less,
or succumbing to a kind
word or caress,find it is
much easier to obey.
They put their brilliant minds
to work and invent gadgets of
all kinds, even a folding
My God! they make
Mars and even stars,
look not so far away.


Modern Science, has become,

almost a child's play !
exploitation of
our own minds,
we will not stop,
come what may.
To find peace of mind,
we have never been
programmed, any way.
Our Goal,we have been told,
is to find more knowledge
and that's what we will do
till our dooms day.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


If success is greater
than failure then there
will never be justice
nor peace, I am sure
nor for man's many ills,
any cure.
No matter how much
man yearns for peace
he can never find it
while his success,he touts.
Is it not clear that,
so far as success,
we worship,
we are bound to be, on
a war path or war ship,
to crush peace,truth,
love and friend ship,
even before it sprouts.



Don't we teach children,

to outrank and outsmart
every one, even in sports.
If they fail,are they not
condemned by the very
act of appreciation of
some one's success in
Schools,Homes,and other
social circles or courts ?
He is successful and
you are not, is the
essence of almost,all
our progress reports.
You are not even
supposed to be jealous,
even if failures, like you,
a successful guy, happily,

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Remember,Not failure,
It is success, that
our society supports,
No matter, what skeletons
have they,successful men,
hidden, in their cupboards.
But,It's not their fault.
We all know that,may be we
are even better than them,
in being cowards.
For the sake of
Success or a taste of it,
can you blame him, if,
to a little cheating,
a greedy man resorts.
Success is like Cocaine,
Opium or whatever drug,
an addicted man snorts.



Some Sportsmen
are great stars,
so far as they are not caught
doing something wrong
and even put behind bars.
A sportsman may take
steroids,while otherwise, he,
even tobacco, avoids.
Because, we want stardom,
not just some fancy cars,
even, if it's all one big Farce,
it's like your one big chance,
your voice then has such
whatever you do, it
never,nobody, bores.
For free public entertainment
and inspiration, you become
a constant resource.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Then,What is a little
steroid dose
if you can win by
the breadth of a nose
In the big game of Success,
A little cheating,after all,all
It is only when you are
caught,that you should
pretend to show some
Inside all those closed doors,
who knows, what all actually
goes. You cant go too deep, of
course ! You may have to face
a lot of badly hurt egos.



Success is the mother
of all drugs and it is
an addiction people crave
as it helps them to,
or overcome any loss.
and over their fellowmen,boss
Take away his success and
ambition, man will go mad
and fight tooth and nail.
Nothing succeeds like
success nor corrupts
the starving, scared, sick
soul of man, so weak and frail
History is proof that
even the greatest of men
have to die some day,
and into the unknown, sail
At the end of it all,
what do they get,except,
may be,a glorious burial.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


People want success,

not just for material comforts.
Take away success,
and their ego will wither.
Unless their hand is
upper,men will suffer.
Without Success
man is in distress.
Unless to power
he has access,
he feels nothing
but pain in excess.
Even though
every one so says,
The pain is not really
for lack of success
even though
masked by it,oh yes!



Lack of Power, it is
that,painfully stings us.
Power,alone, over others,
that peace of mind brings us.
Man has no power even
over his own oral germs, alas !
If he daily wont
his own teeth, brush and floss.
Yet despite all his flaws,
every man wants
to become some one's boss.
Despite all the laws
against slavery,
man will slave
for glances of mercy,
his way, his employers may
occasionally toss.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Despite all the kicks

he gets in his seat or ass,
the kick that he gets,
in being close to the seat of
power or the top brass.
is much more enormous,
Is it not for that blissful
feeling of power,in day to day
dealing with a fellow human
being that we all are,of,
Because,we know,
How, when in our hands
there is no Power,
we all screaming,
run for cover and in fear
No other animal on earth,
for power, stoops so lower.


Man may even make

the earth spin slower,
if it means more time for him
to destroy this earth for ever,
but, all in the name of
In the company
of my fellow human beings
there is no safety,
if I can not make them
accept me as a man
of superior capacity.
Wealth and success
alone can make a man
rise above the rest of
And the Power that
comes with success
is even more tasty.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


A man with Power,

wants more power,
not just for him,but
for his entire dynasty.
Power Wealth and Success,
all can make man so nasty.
But then,What is so ghastly !
Man had always
been so beastly !
Even those who
are pious and priestly,
have their power and in fact,
theirs is much more costly.
What makes me want
to have the upper hand
over not only fellow species,
but also my own kind ?
Is it my animal instinct,
A fear of being left behind ?


Is all the scientific

and intellectual
knowledge of all kind,
accumulated by mankind,
born out of this very,
very ancient fear in
the human mind?
Will more wealth, and
knowledge from there and
here,we gather,driven by this
very fear, ever get us
anywhere, far or near ?
High Speed boats We may
have today to pursue our
success, my dear
But, what is the point, it
seems to be unclear,
if it is the same boat of Fear,
that does, progress of
mankind, steer.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


High Decibel
Songs of his Success,
man may blare on loud
systems of music using the
latest software.
But, Despite all his modern
gadgets and hi tech gear,
Fear still does, in man's face,
coldly glare.
A War on his own fears
man may declare.
But, he will never win,
to be honest and fair,
so far as, his own enjoyment
and exploitation of others,
are his chosen weapons of



It is not power,
success and wealth,
that, man, lure,
but it is, I am sure,
the fear of not being superior,
the fear of failure
and success seems to be
the only known cure.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


We want to be strong.
To be weak, we are
taught is wrong
and so, we work
hard and long,
to join and belong,to the
most successful gang.
When, how to farm, man
understood,He started
claiming land, for good.
Earlier to claim a
piece of wood or food,
ancient man had feared of
being out ran by fellow man
or animal with a much
faster foot.



Then came women,

children and fatherhood.
Kings and Kingdoms
who spilled lot of blood.
Mercilessly, man killed ,
not only for his own defense,
when may be,he must and
He had to invent
ways of being superior,
for his own survival and
He had to develop
tools and technology, of
quality, very high and good.
Leadership qualities,
communication and
organizational skills too,
as well as he could.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


The Same as we do today

and forever in future,
as our children, too would.
How striking that
even after millions of years,
tons of turmoil and tears
it is still, the same
weapons of offense,
that we pursue today too
in essence, and for the
same things too, in a sense,
,as if it is in our ancient blood
success, power, shelter and
And this,
if they call progress,
they may and should
Kiss My ass and foot,
Sorry for being so crude
Just wondering how man


Man keeps adding

to the death toll,
as if, he does no
care for death, at all.
Yet, for peace on earth, a few
people yearn,cry and call
when God's intervention man
seeks and shrieks and sings in
a prayer hall
For against the virus of
violence, a fool proof firewall,
to install and this budget of
death,on earth, to stop and
But,God, does not budge at
all,God being man's own
invention, after all.
God being man's own
invention, after all.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Will the bitterness
of lack of success,
make an Apple taste,
more bitter in the mouth
of an unfortunate swine ?
or Will it taste
any better in the
Mouth of a Richer man,
if on another piece
of the same apple,
if he too were to dine ?
Yet, by what Logic are we
driven to achieve more
success, knowledge and
wealth,than our neighbors, if
the damned apple, is going to
taste the same,in their mouths
and ours too,


if it is not, the fear of not

being, in a superior position
over our fellow human beings,
in the whole world or at least
in a small neighborhood or
two ?
Position of Superiority
is very important in our
For example suppose there
is a severe scarcity of Apples
or fruit of some variety,
Guess whose family
it is that will not go
without any apples ?
Certainly, the First family,
followed by the rich
and other successful peoples.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


And all over the world

it is the same story,
be it apples or staples.
Of course there are
some responsibilities
and lot of hard work,
that goes with a position
of superiority but
the advantages
far out weigh the burdens.
If it you so heartens ,
You may ask any big shot CEO,
if not in some exotic gardens,
they are busy relaxing,
even as their heart hardens,
and their skin becomes more
dense,as does their brain ,
in it's thick skull, condense,
by the sheer volume of it's
own contents,


by the burden of what he

intends to do,when and if, the
economy,into recession
descends,or on whatever else,
his great brain power, he
Of what use,over your
fellow men and friends,
is your superiority when
your own body depends
on the same things as the
rest of your friends'
till one day their,your and
every one's life ends.
Success leads
to positions of Social
and there is not only
more safety,social
and economic security,
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


there is also certain

direct or indirect power,
over the lives of
at least some fellow
human beings,
if not the vast majority.
Human beings are educated
to, actually, achieve some
position of socio economic
or intellectual superiority,
because, by some stupid
human law or Logic, if you
don't, you have to
suffer from inferiority.
By pursuing the highest
levels of success,in some field
or the other, irrespective of
having any other feeling,
man can find power
over a fellow human being,


and for man, that seems

to be the best healing,
and the best blessing,
he can get free,
without praying for it ,
and without kneeling.
Every child is
expected to do so.
It is the essence
of our education system world
They want to "kick" start
your career on the
path of Success and
we happily bend over.
There is nothing wrong
with Success itself for
success' sake.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


If a Pilot does not succeed in

Landing the plane properly,
of Lives are at stake.
If the President of a Country is
not successful, the entire
global economy, he may shake.
Why ! even a Chef may upset
a lot of people and stomachs,
if he fails to properly,
his daily bread bake.
It is the kind of value
and importance that
we give to success
that is dangerous and Fake.
A false system of grading our
success is the basis of
degradation of each other,
if I may state.



Due importance and value

must be given to success
but not the person who has
Presently we give immense
value to people who have out
succeeded all the others in a
given field, often,even long
after,they have been dead.
To value one person, no
matter how extra ordinary his
talents, is self degradation of
The talents may have value,
but the Talented individual's
value in society,let us keep in
mind,is neither,more nor less,
above nor below,ahead nor

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Even the most talented

person's value as a human
being must be the same,
as that of a tooth less, new
born naked baby having no
or a toothless grandfather
ready for the grave and a nice
tomb stone,lovingly engraved
with his good name.
Somebody may be
extraordinary painter or
sculptor and those skills as
such should be given due
but, that sculptor or painter,
as an individual human being,
is no more important,it is true,



than the small boy next door,

scribbling with his crayons
without a clue.
Some one may take great
pains to find water on mars or
from there bring extra
ordinary mineral treasures for
the good of humanity.
But, still that individual's
value is the same as that of
each of the rest of human
He can not have his name or
deed be held in any more
respect than any one else for
even a day,forget about

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


The president of a country no

matter how good an
administrator and politician
carries no more value than
any other individual on this
earth African Asian or
Birth to death the value of a
human being shall remain the
same as that of every other
human being alive.
No matter what his skills,
knowledge experience ,
talents , achievements,wealth
and whether he is smart or
One may ask what about
criminals ? will they too carry
the same value as the rest ?


I believe, once we stop giving

extra value to any one even if,
by effort or good fortune,some
of us are the best of the best,
because, on this earth each
of us is a honored guest,
I think, to commit a
crime,then,no one will have
any reason left and the society
will naturally be free of the
social pest.
No matter what wealth, power
or whatever one accumulates
or does not,there will be little
reason, I think, for any person
to, a crime for gain, ever
again enact.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


There may be petty juvenile

crimes out of ignorance of the
law or laziness,
but, once each of us is not too
busy with chasing our own
Success or some other
we should have enough time
and concern to handle any
isolated incidents of
What about crimes of passion
and atrocities carried out of
lust ?
What about political tyrants
and dictator mentalities with
intentions to rule with iron


If the majority of the human

beings are sensible,caring and
concerned and stop being so
self serving ,fore most and
first ,because, on this earth
we are all guests, at a party
to feast,
We don't have to grab another
person's Leg piece or mutton
because,We will all get our
share, same as all of the rest,
then, we shall find time and
ways to ensure every child,
whether, our own or not ,
every tiny tot, is properly
cared for and taught,
so that into tyrants
or people of violence,
they grow up not.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


But we make our Life
such a horrible Journey.
In this game with nature
fate is our coach
referee and attorney.
We are the foot ball and
Life is a football tourney.
Some times we are
all sugar and honey
and other times we are
hard as nails and yet funny.
There are times, when
we think of nothing else,
but Money.
And merrily we sing it's
praise, even if it sounds
a little looney



Neither Love nor War,

lets make Money
Neither Sad nor Bad Money is Money
No feelings - None Happy Sad ,Hard, Soft or Any
It helps you Son - Day , Night,
Dusk,Dawn Sunny or Rainy
It likes not the Lazy man
who wants it all free
Or the young Lady
who settles for just nuts, pea,
and likes a guy just for looks
and his real worth fails to see.
Falls in love and love being
blind, you see,they just close
their eyes and quickly marry
and then she feels sad and
Sorry that she did not, about
income of her man hardly ever
before worry
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


And got married in the name

of Love to any Sam Rick and
Forget about a handsome
alimony It seems now she
owes him a big big Dowry
Oh the havoc money plays
with family, love and
Money falls, not for your
tricks of hard work and
honesty,must have smartness,
thriftiness, swiftness, not just
hard industry.
If you make mistake, it shows
not, mercy nor amnesty.



But making money is

so Tasty , So Tasty
and to make money
they are all
So hasty, So hasty
that mistakes they make
So many, So many
When Money lenders
come asking them to
Show Money, Show Money
Even perfect gentlemen can
become So Nasty,So Nasty.
Beg, Borrow, Steal or inherit
from your dear dear Granny
It cares not who owns it and
how because by itself money
is not at all brainy.
Yet money makes even
the intellectual feel very
very tiny.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


They may pretend they are

beyond, but isn't it funny
that a thinker his every hour,
a King all his power,
his concubine her body and
beauty and a soldier his God
sworn duty all act in the
interest of making nothing
but a lot or a little of
the same old Money.
It grows not on
any which Tree
Nor every one
inherits money
from their ancestry.
Much of it grows, on what
they call, The Wall Stree.
Many Fortunes were made
there and So goes the folklore
and history.



How some made it and others

did not is no big mystery.
Some check their stocks and
shares while even in a
While others,slept and snored
in their own paradise,
a lazy fools dormitory.
Stock Market is like
a Money maker's laboratory.
Some may think, it is just
another form of Lottery
But no one here is
looking for flattery.
It's all about who made how
much, before they all end up
in the cemetery.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


If you have to anyway die one

day and written, have, your
obituary whats the big point in
being rich,some may think,
but,on the contrary,
Just think,If you are rich
you can have the
best coffin and carpentry,
While your penniless friend
may rot as a nameless corpse
in some non deluxe mortuary.
Just think,If you are rich,
you can have the best funeral
and who knows, through the
gates of heaven,even a very
smooth,if not a very grand,



Poor people,without doubt,

have to go to hell,because,
their coffins are mostly
made from the wood of
a low class tree.
Money by it self, is so
innocent,power less, but,
What an Irony !
A Man with Money, has such
power - it's like, Economic
No doubt, those who are
not afraid of Money, there are
Not many, Not many.
Although, when man dies,
he can carry with him,
Not a Penny, Not a Penny.
And that's the story
of man and his wealth.
What a pity !! What a Pity ?!

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Fly my Friends,
Fly, far and wide
forgetting what it meant
to be daily Jailed,
in that lovely prison,
School as it is called.
May be your memory
is now too very mild.
But,Do you not remember
how cool it was to be a child ?
Then,when, for no reason
we Giggled and smiled.
No Strong Egos,
that with ambition,
wriggled and Toiled.



Long long ago, much before,

we Googled and spoiled
our brains, with all
the waste data, we
needlessly compiled,
and copy pasted it,
on to a hard disk and
for no reason, we filed.
Long before the innocence
of our minds, we defiled.
Then, if we used a calculator
our teachers got wild.
Those days when computer
itself was still a child,
innocent,simple,just like us,
before it was soon hailed,
as a machine that dictated,
how mankind,one

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


At first many people

did not believe it
and just smiled.
But soon every one e mailed
and was instantly replied.
But some where along the line
,we, as a mankind, failed,
to improve relationships
that ,still, are so vague and
veiled,even if we have, the art
of instant messaging,
perfectly nailed.
Cry, my Friends, Cry
when no more you can hide,
a tear or two, seeping
through your pride,
in memory of your childhood
which long back died.



Pushing for that success,

you seek to find
Rushing through the
crushing, daily grind.
School was so much fun
and always kind.
Each of us was so unique
and one of a kind,
monkeying around
our teachers' behind
and not getting caught
was the only success
and life time achievement,
we had on our mind
Try, my Friends,
try your best, not to rewind,
those by gone memories, gone
by the wind.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Dry, my friends, dry those

tears with a drink or two
and unwind.
Don't let - Don't let your young
and innocent children find,
what kind of world it is
to enter, they are up, lined.
Why, my friends, why we
never ask, why we are so blind
Living,as if an invisible ghost,
is pushing us from behind.
Like lions and tigers in a
circus, chased around or
in circles, we go through
obstacles and burning rings of
fire,as if,we are afraid of
some, secret ring master's
churning, flames of ire.



If we don't obey his command,

his wish and desire and if to
perfection, perform our tricks,
for every one to admire,
we may be punished by
Social Ridicule ,Shame and
Satire by those who wear
Money,Power and success as
their daily attire,and as well,
by the rest of us all too
who the very same
To comprehend this complex
confusing story entire
may be you have to give up
your success,power, ambition
and retire.
But you are afraid to,
your ringmaster's order,
question or inquire.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


If you disobey,the
you are afraid,will be dire.
So you prefer to remain,a
scared Circus Lion and a self
deceiving Liar.
Because, your false pride,
like a thick hide,
you need and require
to justify all the titles,
wealth and knowledge
you hope to one day acquire,
because, otherwise,
you will be a failure
despite all the circus
you go through, you
are not sure,
If in your old age you will find
enough medical care and cure
but more than that, some love
which is real and pure.


That is why we all want

grand children so much more
and you need their love
because inside, you are
still a child, mere.
But soon, your Grand children
grow up and you are back
to where you previously were.
A child's ego,hurt
and bruised in battles of Life,
a war so unfair,
and who,growing up,
has to make success his
personal affair,
and, compete with the world
at large, grab all he can,
and yet be honest and fair.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Working hard to be like

a circus lion or like a
juggling juggler at a village
fair,a struggling struggler
in the Global Village economic
war fare,
with bruised egos and hurt
feelings, we think, all we
need,is a fair share of success
and wealth and of course,a lot
more,if only, we can,it all,some
how snare.
And nothing else,we have,
to lick our wounds with,
to cover them up and repair,
our badly bruised egos and
hurts, that can not, just
vanish, into thin air.



Like,toilet deodorants
help us to mask foul odors,
as sweet, fresh, air
We flush down, our throats,
Success, the excreta of our
efforts, as we climb the ladder
of success, higher and higher,
to occupy the commode of
Success- with our constipated
minds, pushing hard with
endless pressures and desire.
Oh the relief ! if only we can
unload, from the bowels of our
mind, all the undigested
waste, we don't anymore
require !

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


But,We go farting around,our

stinking success,as greatness,
for everyone to see,smell and
We mask our hurts, pride and
sick egos, bandaged with all
the wealth we acquire and
happiness,more and more, laid
layers upon layer.
But, it still hurts inside,
like a terminal tumor,
or some kind of a cancer
and in this Trauma, we call
Life, we, by nature,live on
one wing and prayers upon



In this Drama, called Life,

we all want to be the Leading
player. If you cant become the
President ,at least the Mayor.
and power may make us feel
some what happier,
But,we don't know, what will
make our pains, all go,
completely disappear.
We don't want to know,
because, the only remedy
seems to be, even
more painful, to appear.
If we have to remove
all the wonderful things
others and we think
about ourselves and
store up here,

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


If we have to give up
everything to make
our minds all hollow,
completely emptier,
After all the pains we took
to achieve, whatever, that
makes us feel, powerful
,proud,strong and superior,
how can we,give up
all that,without feeling,
even, more pain ,grief
and sorrow, than earlier.
Without the mask
of my success,Knowledge
and wealth, Life is so empty,
so common, rotten and uglier.



I better have my bandages

on and pretend to be happy
and just flick away any pain,
like on my cheeks,a drop of
If I give up everything, I
achieved, it may make me, my
own head and hair, in
madness, tear.
Does that mean, If I am a
married man,I should also
give up, My Family,Children
and My wife, My darling and
My Dear.
Because,If I gave up success
and wealth,even for a day, my
wife will not be with me,
I fear.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Why should I give up

all that and also lose her !
Without my wealth and
success,cant you see,
I am just a loser.
Than give up my
achievements, as trash ,I'd
rather die,much sooner.
All that you say,I don't know,
but, may be, even, if it is all,
true,Sir !
How can I be happy, giving up
my wealth, success,my wife
too and yet be sober?
Why should I give up, my
success, My happiness,while
and which,I can pay for ?



What else is there, but,

success and happiness,that I
should go and pray for.
Sorry,but, I beg to differ,
To cover up my wounds and
hurts with my ambition and
success,Yes! I prefer.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Who, any of us, has any time,
to read any thing, that fulfills,
not our greed?
Happiness,Enjoyment is my
Need and If some one can fill
and feed that deep void in me
with a word or deed a kind
smile or favor , I beg and
I will pay all my attention and
heed money too if that is what
you need.
My search for happiness is
very deep, Oh ! if only you can
take a peep ! Inside my mind ,
there is nothing cheap.
Rich Happy memories, piled
up all in a heap.


No, not like a City

Garbage Dump,but,
very Neat, like in a big
Museum,Library or
an Art Boutique,
a place where,all the valuable
things,they nicely keep,
open for all to see,
save the thief.
You see, when what
you want is beef,
you can't stop to
admire the cow or the calf.
You take a butcher's knife
and cut it into half
then cook it until its flesh is
tender and soft and eat it too,
because, no one else can, on
your behalf.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


you feel hungry, if ,

and ask, your family
friends or staff,
to eat your share for you,
you got to be a lunatic, at
What purpose it will serve
if another person eats to quell
your hunger,except, make
people laugh.
Similarly,when you are
weak and hungry,
what purpose it will serve,
to paint a picture of food or ,
out of marble, a statue of
Help, one bit,It wont,
because, even one bite,
you can't take and
so,continue to, you will starve.


Its like asking a hungry lion,

on a hunting prowl, to stop
and just look around,
at the deers leap about and
hop,and instead of attack,
just stand, admire them
and happily clap.
Will the Lion have any left,
self respect, then on, in that
forest ?
Think not,I,even a drop.
If you ask a thief to
just look and enjoy his self,
He might just laugh
to himself and think of it as a
shame to his profession it self.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


He may be morally weak

and his credit may not
really be up.
But the Rich and the honest
want to own too, the very
same stuff.
One may honestly pay to own
and have his chest with
pride puff
and the other may steal and
hide until some one calls
his bluff.
To the objects of value,both
want to themselves, hand cuff.
May be one of them was not
rich and his methods not legal



Ways may differ, but,they both

tried to own a thing they love.
One method, the law may not
allow,but the 'act of taking
possession is the same' if you
What I am trying to say is that
Man's mind is so hollow,
that without ownership of
things, he feels sad and low.
He wants to be owned too
by family of his own.
But unless you are rich,
successful and well known
your own people too
and you are afraid of being
all alone and so the success
of others you begin to clone

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


and follow in the path

others have shown
and destinations of glory,
you,then,can claim,you
reached on your own
as if you have gone where
no man ever before dared to
go or you own something that
a King or some body owned
some thousands of years ago
Or you carefully craft a
cunning poem to get a hold
over your readers' minds and
never let go.
The purpose is to do
or have something
that others don't have
to satisfy your own ego.
And then,every now and then
be on a great stage and asked
by one and all to take a bow.


To Climb the ladder of success

to the very top where
there is no other man above.
Some may cheat their way up
and others may be honest
and very slow
But, both want happiness
and their success to grow.
So,If a thief has his chance,
why will he,away,it,throw ?
A rich man has every right,
to manipulate the law,
and maximize his income flow.
The tricks of manipulating
the law,the stupid thief,
may be is not smart enough,
to know.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Not only do both want

wealth,success and happiness
but,both don't want to get
caught by the law nor get
caught in any pain or sorrow.
Some may beg ,Some may
steal,Some may earn, and may
be Some may borrow.
But,For them selves,
they all want a better
Whether you have
a fat bank balance
or it is nil,zero
Whether you have
a very broad mind
or very narrow,



from the impact of forest fires,

there is no escape, whether,
in fact,you are Elephant
or a small Sparrow.
From the clutches of desire,
there is no escape,
whether you are beautiful
or ugly as a crow.
A thing of beauty or value
is there for all to admire
and applaud
But who does not want to own
it,if only he can, some how
afford and whether you buy it
and own or own it by fraud,

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Work hard one may

and to work hard, may
another, feel not so glad
But,the desire to want
and own is the same
and so sad.
Honesty and dishonesty
are like Dirty or
Clean rags one may clad.
Wash your dirty Linen
and may be you are
as good as new, me Lord

The truth is that

we all want to cover up
our souls with glory and
reward. with things of value,
beauty, property
and homes pretty on a
beautiful Boulevard


Skills,bountiful degrees
from oxford or Harvard.
Like rich fashionable clothes
for our bodies,to sum it all up
in a single word.
Other wise We are so empty inward.
Success is the only way
we know to go onward.
He who does not seek success
they say is a failure,fool
and a coward.
But,Success is like a
stupid vehicle that
we can not move backward.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Will you buy a car

that can go only forward ?
Mankind can not
forever go upward.
It's unnatural,foolish,
weird and awkward.
We want to own things of
value or else we would all go
mentally retard.
For,for Life it self we have
No Respect. No Regard.
It is only the Rich Life less
things of Life that we want to
own and guard,
from people who may rob you
of them for the same purpose,
respect and regard,



Unlike them you may have

worked very very hard
for the same foolish things,
to improve your social
A cheat may risk
becoming a Jail Bird.
We all risk becoming
prisoners of success
otherwise we
would feel bored.
By the guts and glory
of successful people,
we are easily floored.
And Lack of success,
every one deplored
and therefore, every avenue
of success, man explored.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


You sentence your self

to Life time of Hard Labor
whether you work with
your mind or with hand
because the guilt of being
a failure
you can not stand.
It puts such pressure
on you - much beyond
what your poor heart
can withstand.
The richer you are
the greater the risk
of heart failure
I am given to understand.
Except pray, pay you will,
with what card,
When your Life it self is asked
to be returned
to and by Nature itself or as
some say God !


The same nature from which

man made
his wealth and all the man
made things including your
new God, The I Pad.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Dust to Dust Ashes to Ashes
but wealth to Posterity
and for What ?
To create more wealth ,
more knowledge, is it not ?
In the name of offspring and
their well being we turn their
brain into a knowledge Pot
and expect them to squeeze
more knowledge into the same
spot or create a new one or
something of that sort.
From the Ocean of Knowledge
man tries to grab whatever
he can,pot by pot,thought by



Generation upon generation,

man thinks he is the creator of
accumulated drop by drop
If a Fisherman claimed
that he made the Fish
just because he laid
the trap and caught,
the wise men of the world
would all heartily laugh.
But for themselves Some
great prize,reward and
recognition they sought.
for bits and pieces of new
information fresh from the
good old ocean of knowledge,
huffing and puffing, they had

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


You can not fill a glass, unless

it is empty some wise man
some where some time
But,we can not bear to see
our brains become empty
because according to another
wise man,a devil's workshop
,it, ought to be called.
So man converts his
knowledge into wealth and
money and uses it to buy
knowledge from others
and hoard.
Except Money,Goods and
Knowledge everything else
man ignored.



Of course he wants
to enjoy himself
whenever he gets bored,
But, when no joy
can match the joy,
he feels, when he got
something, for which,
he had labored,
nothing more than
work a man really savored.
How can he spend his time
and brain on anything else
when all his Joy is spending
them on some greedy
enterprise he dearly favored.
Even the food he eats has to
be rich, creative,costly,gourme
mint and money flavored.
On plates of Gold and silver
he expects it to be delivered
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Except wealth and success,

Man accepts not another
Man does not want anything
else,even if you promise him,
like most religions do,
a heaven in another world.
When it is all the time
only wealth that is,we are
going toward,
About what else are we going
to teach our children,pupil or
ward ?
when we are desperately
piling up wealth in our own
mind, banks and backyard ?



Your Wealth Creation can not

stop some day your cremation
in some grave yard, no matter,
what you achieved and
Why not tell this truth to
children and save them from
having to earn more than they
required ?
Let economy go to Dogs
if you have to live like Dogs
and donkeys that have been
hired,not knowing when you
may be fired,
to create more knowledge and
wealth, without caring even
for your own health,till you
feel dead and bone tired.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


To live life,when young, you

are Too busy or Too tired,and
too old, when retired.
Too bored,Too greedy.
Never there is a moment ever
hardly you,when,have, not, in
deep thought, got your mind
mired, on to how acquire a
thing you admired.



Some may make
holes in the law
or look for loop holes
and find a flaw
but all the same they all
conspired to get rich and own
all the things, that have,in the
first place,you,inspired.
Homes,Wealth,Knowledge and
Respect and if you wish
golden coffins too all Rubied
and Saphired
Oh! The rich and what all
they can buy
even when they are ready to
say their Final Good Bye !

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Except for what one achieved

or not,who cares What else
between a man's Life and
Death had transpired?
Least of all the man himself
who,despite all his wealth
knowledge and skill,had
Rich Man,Poor Man, Great
Man,Wise Man have all died
and will whether they liked
or despised.
Yet it is wealth, material or
Intellectual,that man thinks is
real and actual
and not death, the inevitable.
And that's the real trouble.



Why cant man live and

leave the earth like a
good vegetable
ready to be served any time
at God's own Dining Table.
Even if you Gave up
all your money and Begged
prayed standing
in icy waters one legged
or buried all your intellectual
pride and like a wailing child
cried and cried and wish,all
you may, that you never
ever died
But,When the time comes,
don't be surprised
cooked your goose
too will be or even deep fried.
There is no escape
from death,I am afraid.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


It's a fact known

even to a small young child,
and may be even
to the animals of the wild.
But,man alone wealth
and knowledge,
heap upon heap,piled
hoping that on earth,
he lives forever,
year upon year,even if jailed,
within the great walls
of wisdom,he himself built,
thought upon great thought,
learning something new,
every time he succeeded
or failed.



The successful become the

jailers who always proudly
and failures, the jealous
prisoners,who always
grudgingly toiled.
Every attempt a man or two
made to break free
had been foiled.
The successful men
of the world in the name
of education,always spoiled
because intellectually
they were more confident,
smooth and well oiled,
against their logic
everything else just recoiled.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


The truth, can not be

hammered out of human mind,
nor, into it, just nailed.
Great thinkers,with their
thoughts,the human mind,like
infants,their own stinking
bottoms,have soiled.
Now we can not clean it up
with detergent of
knowledge,in the waters of
wisdom,no matter how much
we boiled.
Ancient or
Modern,man,savage or
civilized,has to still relieve
him self,despite,all his
progress and knowledge
he gained.


Whatever he eats,he still has

to digest and from his
intestines, push out the waste.
Is it progress, if you have
money,in golden toilets, to
Or Is it progress,if man can go
to Moon,daily for his breakfast
? Or mars to, break wind ?
How can it be progress,no
matter, what man may or can
invent ?
May be the very concept of
progress, man may have to
Only then,new thoughts,may
begin to blow in the wind.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


The End,
it is only of my
patience to pretend
that all is so well
with the world that
I can sit back,relax and
even if I did, I know
they wont let me spend
even a minute peacefully
unless I too lend
my hand to the so called
progress of mankind.




There is nothing so unique
about a designer tunic
But,exclusivity is man's Tonic
Clothes maketh man panic,
fashion is a disease chronic
yet man uses it to please
fellow men,how ironic !
In this universe
man is not even
a small tiny speck
and because man can not
live without some respect,
men hope and expect
that probably clothes will
make up for it in some aspect
All bubbly and gay,
man looks so perfect
all dressed up in new
clothes without a defect



But man's eternal,internal

sadness has it's effect
and so,to appear happy
outwardly is really a tough act
that's why man
needs good clothes
as a matter of fact.
To hide behind
good design
is a matter of tact
but beneath
all his fashion
the real problem
remains intact.
Man has long known
all about it but didn't act
sincerity or courage
we don't know
what he lacked
about only his development
he always bragged

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


The undeveloped
side of man's mind,
no body tracked.
About his missions
to mars and Moon
man Bragged
and thinks the
very secret of
creation he hath cracked
but it is important that,
in fashion too we rocked
What if female sex of
some alien race is more
fashionably frocked ?
Ashamed,the entire
mankind will be shocked
Man wants to create
an iconic image,
that bad clothes may damage



like the choice of

wrong words
or bad language
may make a good
poem look average
as if the result
of some sabotage
Prose if you were
happy to have just read
why would anyone write
stupid poetry instead ?
when for it, man has
neither nose nor head
As you sow so you reaped,
When you allow your own
mind to be raped
by animals poetically rabid
the death of your mental
sanity is going to be rapid

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


and later no matter

how much you weeped
there is no use,once into
your mind this poetic
poison has seeped.
You may read further
but at your own risk
now that sufficient
warning has been beeped.



Some people
like seafood,
for some,enough is
and for some
food is not food,
unless some poor
animal's blood is bled.
and for some,
good is not good
unless it is poetically said
by some poor poet who
in shame,his head,
hangs,by critics,when his
poetry is critically crushed,
and aside as utter trash,
it,they brutally brushed.
Of course praised, if he is,
he will be happily blushed.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


But,No matter
how half cooked
food is, leave,we can not
a hungry man,half fed.
Fully must his mind be stuffed
with the truth,no matter
it is, how ugly or naked
and no matter how poorly
this poetry is,by critics,rated,
So that man can set things
right,if ever up,he waked
and if his mind can ever
stop being half crooked.
Even if the
food is half cooked
leave,we can not,
a hungry man,half fed



Like he wants his home
beautifully furnished,
with snippets of great wisdom
he wants his mind garnished
and wherever he went his
intelligence he brandished
Man wants
everything varnished.
He does not mind if his
innocence is tarnished,
and in the process
of becoming a wise man
it has totally vanished.
Unless wisdom,like
some holy water is
sprinkled on us or
poetically pissed
and knowledge like
some prize fish is fished
man's mind feels unfinished
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Like a man who

is famished
eats up any food
that is up dished,
Like a woman
whose lips un kissed
cries over every
man she missed,
man's mind with
great desires hissed
over every idea
it's mind crossed,
and itself it
ruthlessly cursed,
for any ideas it may
have carelessly missed
Man's mind feels
not so pleased
unless with great
thoughts,it self,it teased


it's innocence it
has long back leased
and till death it will
not be back, released
With creativity
man's mind is greased
and as his
knowledge increased,
every opportunity
man seized,
to ensure that his
innocence is deceased,
along with his
his ambition has besieged.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Whether or not
people want to read,
and even before
their defeat,
they are ready to concede,
poets proceed,
with great speed
to write one more
stupid poem indeed.
Whether poet or not,
there is no end, to
man's endless greed
of what use is poetry or
any other tree or weed,
if from it's own greed
mankind is not freed.
Of destroying the whole
earth,man is not afraid.
One nuclear war and
half the world will be fried


and the other half will

become like a desert,all dried
nothing can be grown then
no matter what all man tried
What is there to hide ?
Every nation to
save it's own hide,
of course not to
mention it's pride,
maintains armies
and arms pile
and you name it,
every kind of missile.
You can strike
anywhere world wide
your office,stepping
even once outside.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


When two big

nations collide
it is natural for
smaller ones to take
one or the other side
Money,arms or
man power
they supplied,
to one side or
the other when
sufficient pressure
was applied
but innocent people
on all sides died
Because death does
not take any side.
Death seems to have
no nationality,unless
deliberately implied.



Have all the Scientists
and the great people
lied or half lied?
When they say
all nice and polite,
that they are not so bright
and to interfere
with politics
they claim they
have no right
as if overcome by
some unknown fright.
Or is it that in wars
they take delight
because of all the
intellectual wars
amongst themselves
they always fight.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


They can make

energy from sunlight,
but cant they make
man see the light,
that nationality is
scientifically not right ?
and it's a shame to,
in it's name,fight ?
Intellectual obesity
has made their
minds over weight
and who would not
like to be called an
Intellectual heavy weight
and like politicians
like to show off their
national military might
they too like to throw
around their weight



but how long are

they going to wait
while earth is being
eaten away by man,
like wood by a termite.
Do they not have any
responsibility,even slight ?
Of irresponsibility,
is it not the height ?
Has nationality got
anything to do
with your weight ?
The reason for
Obesity is wrong diet.
Any child can see that
even if, he is not very bright.
If gangs of street kids fight
no matter who of them
is wrong or right
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


to stem the riot,

police step in
with their might
because to fight
and disturb peace
it self is not right.
but when military forces
like street gangs,
one another, fight
what forces will
hold them back tight ?
When two nations
with their armies
at each other strike
is it not just another
street fight or
a gang war more like.



when two small

children fight,
the noise,we so dislike
that we reprimand and
ask them to take
it easy and light
but when two
nations go to fight,
politicians are in delight.
In the name of
peace,only more
tensions they spike
citing war as an
excuse their defense
budgets they hike,
sending the common
people into terrible fright

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


A small school ,
the whole world
is not unlike,
with some two
hundred children,
every nation being
a unique type
about some thing
or the other they
always gripe,
in the name
of global trade,
one another
they try to swipe
Off the face of
the earth,each other
they are always
trying to wipe



or else why should

every nation have
an army ever
ready to fight ?
making it miserable
for every one to live,
their daily Life.
It's like every child
coming to the School
with a gun or a knife
and a small school,
the world is not unlike.
When two juveniles
immaturely spar
because neither
of them have any
common sense to spare

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Or when Underworld
Gang wars suddenly flare
are they not same
as international wars
if we actually compare.
Is not the world war
just a glorified gang war ?
Are not the world leaders
just like gang leaders
leading heavily armed
gangsters but only
calling them soldiers ?
Settle a dispute,
they try to through
negotiation holders
but when it fails and
they can't hold
back their angers,



they deploy fighter

planes,war ships
and army rangers
and hackers, because,
in cyber warfare they
are the game changers,
and target enemy
infrastructure like
Air force Hangers
telecoms, runways,
power plants
and whatever they
think their own
Of course,they try not to
target innocent women,
children and by standers,

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


but no body can escape

the war zone dangers
and nobody sheds
a tear for deaths of
absolute strangers.
And nobody sheds a tear
for deaths of
absolute strangers.



All the doubts in
Man's mind can
not be clarified,
all his intelligence
is not qualified.
Because man's
intelligence is nullified
by his desire to become
respectable and dignified.
Has man ever been notified
by nature that he is to be
disqualified to be a human
being,if he did not become
greatly civilized ?
Or has any one certified that
if man learned to be civilized
he will be,as a superior animal
by nature recognized ?

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


With his supreme intelligence

in over coming nature and
making it much simplified
man has,his life span and
pleasures of his life amplified.
Man spilled his intelligence
all over his innocent mind
and with great deal of
precious knowledge,his mind
is now filled and occupied
Therefore he can not use
his intelligence to clean up
the mess that his own
mind has ratified.
Through education,
man's mind with great skills
and knowledge is fortified.
But when it comes to
facing the truth
man is still mortified



As the most
intelligent species,
no matter how much
himself he has certified,
nature is still not satisfied.
Man still has to
answer nature's calls,
though his method of
answering, he has
luxuriously modified
Many Laws of nature
successfully man has defied
Nature has blessed man
with special powers and
so man believes
but,he is still horrified
that,yet he does not get
any special treatment
and like any other animal
he too is terrified
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


With nature man has

many times verified
about his special status
and as yet it seems his
confusion is still not clarified
He thinks he owns
the Earth and also found
that space is not too far
away if he really tried
But,he does not how to over
come his own pride



Man thinks nature
must be some treasure
that he must seek
as it playfully tried to hide.
So he starts to dig and
dig into the secrets of nature
with his dim dull mind
as his only guide
He knows that
nature is not on his side
nor any other animal beside
him,as if it is unable to decide.
But man has
made up his mind,
that he is going to
win over nature
and find why nature
is some times kind
but most of the time
so cruel and unkind.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


But,everything man did some

how or the other,backfired
Man invents pesticide
and pests develop immunity.
So,the human community
develops seeds and plants
that are genetically modified
and the results are by
some, highly glorified
but most people
are actually horrified
If GM foods and plants can be
successfully developed,
then plans for genetically
modified human beings can
not be far behind.
There need not be
any doubt that man
with his own brilliant mind,
a way,he will surely find,
to one day successfully
stab his own behind.


Two nations go to
war because they
have a dispute
that they can not
settle through talks
or a legal suit
The Nation with
the latest weaponry
usually should
win without having
to even one missile shoot
Amongst men,
who ever wears
the latest designer Suit
aims to make those who
wear an ordinary suit
to feel low and less confident,
to speak the truth.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


An intellectual
who has lot of knowledge
and lot of prizes and
other medals to boot
makes the ordinary folk
with less knowledge
to shut up and listen to him as
if they are dumb and mute
while on and on he
blows his own flute.
Men use fashion
and women try
to be all cute
to upstage and
catch people
on the wrong foot
With his style
man can make a
statement and
people ,him,salute



or at least to temporarily
over power them,with his
style,he is resolute.
Are we not awe struck
by celebrities put up in
a Royal or Presidential Suite
dressing up extravagantly
to put up a powerful look.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


So, good clothes
are like weaponry
in the war to make
a fellow man,as if
he is a born enemy
to look very ordinary
Some people are
so particular about
even their cutlery
and some people
flaunt their good
taste in poetry
or seek and find
some form of crazy
intellectual sanctuary
so that they can pass off
easily as integral part of
some stupid upper class



People do all kinds of things

in the name of propriety
It's not about being
regarded as equal
and honorary
but,on the contrary,
it's all about being
and feeling superior,
For positions of power
over fellow man
there is no end
to man's chicanery
Some may be able
to sing like a canary
some may dress like
they own a fur tannery
Some may own
half an oil refinery
others may dress in
all their finery and host
parties,as if they own
the state granary
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Some may speak well

and play to the gallery.
They all want to own
something extraordinary
so that they don't feel like
or may be they don't like
feeling,just plain ordinary.
But,Man is already
by his very birth,extra



In nature he is the
only animal that
can think and reflect
But that is not enough,and
more wealth and knowledge
man sets out to collect
to improve his health,
quality of life and intellect
and for better or worse,
even the course of
But,not with nature,
it is with fellow men
that he is in conflict.
He wants to be
amongst the few select
to rule over fellow men
whether as a dictator,
Monarch,or a president,
very democratically elect.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


No matter what a man 's

language or Dialect
It is difficult to neglect
how man always
tried to correct
himself and fellow men
with strict customs,laws and
ever ready to indict
those who disobeyed the law
of the state or the district
as if the law is totally perfect.
imposed by the state leaders
usually through some prefect
as if they,themselves
are above any defect.
In man's eternal
quest to be perfect,
with something superior,
man always tried to connect



and those who pretend

to be with God,in contact
or with the supreme being
use all their tact,
to make man enter
into a religious contract
to be kind to fellow men
in every word and act
but when it comes to
fellow religions you
may violently react
or else they will invade
you and in the name of
some peace or pact
you will be forced to
convert to their religion
and yours will collapse

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


so in order to safeguard your
religion you must protect
it from other religions and
for that you must try to attract
more people to follow
your religion through charity
and other forms of graft
and wherever possible
and necessary,
by crusade,a religious
invasion or attack.
Yet man's quest for the
real truth remained intact
and science started asking
questions real hard and fast
and so it was soon
branded as witch craft
by some religious draft
at any cost it was to be


or religion will be,at, laughed

and those who practiced it
were even burnt for failing
to make science,to the beliefs
of their great religion adapt.
Today Science is
victorious and in fact
to question science,
the courage,religions lack
but still science draws
it's share of flak for failing to,
the real questions of life
On the contrary,
science with all it's stupid
inventions distracts and as
man,from nature,extracts
more than he needs,as is
evident by the facts with
avoidable,adverse impacts.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


science has become

man's partner
in crime, in all his
mindless,greedy acts.
Of course it asks
questions like
whether there is
God or not
if not, how on earth
did Life ever start
and if man can
live forever,
once he becomes
even more smart.
Or how not to get fat
and yet eat a lot
or if we can try to detect
well before a man
begins to burp
so that it is not too abrupt
and nobody's sensibilities


are deeply hurt

especially when in a meeting
that is serious and curt.
We may even create
a new line of nerds
called the Burp expert.
It is much more difficult
however,with a Fart
The damn thing even
when it is inert
the silly embarrassing
sound may be heard.
No doubt,it will be very hard
to find a cure for the fart
but who knows,
the subject may be
of great interest
to some bio chemical
military weapons expert.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Because,to over power

the enemy man hates
to spare any effort.
Just like,to improve
his own comfort
man likes to
spare not,any effort.
But a war with nature
and fellow man,
man will not at,
any cost, avert
as if a war pervert
finds it difficult,
to peace,convert.



Any way,silly or serious,
his wish,man always got
and used science to try to
obtain whatever he sought.
But it seems he never
once thought,if some thing
was really wrong with his
very system of thought.
and if he can
some how inflict
or cause others
injury or insult
no matter how difficult
he will try anything,
including the occult.
Fashion is nothing
but such a cult
As man progressed,
he started covering himself
up in leaves and barks
to look more handsome.


Once bitten,by the

fashion bug,twice shy
was man to ever
again look loathsome
Even to this day he has
not given up fashion and
designer wear costs
quite a sum.
Fashion is a way to
for nothing find fault
with the way people
normally dress by default
But to some,
Unless it comes from
some designer's vault
you are not even
a respectable adult.
We admire a gymnast
for his flawless somersault

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Somebody may be
an expert in pole vault
Showing off it is usually called
But man made a sport of it for
less talented people to be
thrilled and enthralled
and get their otherwise
proud soul impaled
by sheer talent in
comparison with which
their own rather ordinary
skills just paled.
Helplessly,pushing his jealousy
and tears down,
great talent of others
man grudgingly hailed.
But to not feel intimidated
by great talent,
or the lack of it in himself,
man miserably failed.


Great talent breeds
great success,
at of course the millions of
less talented people's expense
and on how well you are
dressed,how successful you
are,a lot,depends
A successful man,his
reputation,superior social
position,with a designer
dress,promotes and defends.
It has come to the point where
if you don't wear a designer
dress at a social event,it is
seen as an offense.
You may think you wore a
matching blue beret or belt
but the discerning socialite
may sarcastically point out

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


in a sublime but no small

assault,that it is not the
right shade of cobalt ?
Some times whether or
not weather permits,
no matter what the
outside temperature
you must have and
wear your designer fur
and on the other hand
if fashion calls for
you wear nothing at all
even if it is snowing
cold outside..Burrrrr.
Just like poets
who may write anything
even if totally unnecessary,
just to prove their poetic



It is the way people

warn their fellow men
that they are mighty
strong and much tougher
If you don't respect
them or if you pick
a fight you will suffer
and if you are weak,
you will be made to pay for.
These are not just
my words on paper
it is the truth,not
intellectual labor

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


It is the same reason
why people read poetry
to show off their good
literary taste to
their good neighbor
In fact it is literally a
warning not to
underestimate him,never
and respect him too because
he is so smart and clever.
He is not just any
ordinary book lover.
Those who don't enjoy
poetry are in his frank
opinion,rank,socially, lower.
Poetry is a kind of
literary fashion fever
you pierce holes in
your mind and use
it as a word siever


and if you can master

the art you can become
a great deceiver.
If thought is the engine
of the mind,then
the words are like the lever
But good Literature
is not easy to deliver
First you must impregnate
the Mind and you will need
lot of cerebral semen
for the delicate procedure.
No matter how much
you pump your brain,
each time it ejaculates
only in a small measure
Right and left parts of
the brain are like
intellectual testicles
of man that hold the
intellectual treasure
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


They tend to become

empty after a few brief
moments of pleasure
and you hope that if
you give it enough leisure
it will be back in business
producing gems of literature.
or Haute couture,
the end purpose is same.
in the name of good culture,
to tame a fellow man
without physical torture
to scaring them into silence
just with your high social
by constantly proving
that they are stupid
and immature
by constantly improving
your work compared
to the poor amateur


great innovative designs

and ideas you manage
to capture and toss them at
the general public
who erupt in applause
trance and rapture.
There are a few
questions for
which you too
have no answer
yet,above the rest
you feel you have
every right to be,Sir
because you have
some skills others
have failed to master
and you can do
somethings better,
and may be much faster.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Like fearless animals
in their fine clothes
great people saunter
but actually,
people resort to fashion,
when they fear and falter.
Their fashion they alter
like a scared animal
turns up it's dander
whenever it feels
it is in great danger
In the name of fashion
whole species,they endanger
Humans use fashion
to make a statement too,
Yes signor ! something like
' you better fear me,because
I am wearing designer '



It is nothing but,
the basic animal fear
of being a total stranger
To fit in, you must
try to calm down
other people's anger
when you realize
that you can fight
them no longer,
you better behave like them,
and act like you really
belong there.
Follow their customs,
and make them feel
they are stronger.
and also change
what hangs from
your wardrobe hanger.
and voila ! you are
one of them and
no more a foreigner.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


But then you are

stalked by fear of
being a commoner,
and so to look superior,
you start wearing designer
and soon,it is not man,
but his clothes that
become the decider
in gaining social
respect and become
a powerful insider
in the cobwebs of power
you become a top spider.
And so you start
using the services of
a good costumer
you want to look
like wise and
knowledgeable consumer
of high fashion or
whatever is the trend
as per social gossip and rumor


it Seems,You should take

life seriously only
if you have cancer
or some terminal tumor.
Then all that matters is to die
peacefully and in good humor.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Pearls of wisdom you may spill
but,pick them up,no body will,
and their minds happily,fill
who has all that time to kill
If not one,some other bill
man,if not ,is trying to settle,
crawling around he is,
not stopping even a little
like a very busy beetle
from home to office
or office to home
some times,even he cant tell.
No matter how many times
you heard Man's tale
because it is about himself,
it is never too stale



Crooked his mind is

like a Dog's tail
Forget about those
who their own flesh sell
even a piece of his
own fresh mind
man can publish
and sell in retail
If he is smart he
will write poetry
even though in prose
he can write much
more in detail.
In poetry you can
get away with just
serving a nice cocktail
In prose you have to
write the whole
thing elaborately
from head to tail.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Never mind that

poetry can take
a lot of wind
out of your sail.
To try to find the
shortest route to
Success,man does
seldom fail.
As if he is a permanent
prisoner on earth he is
always seeking freedom
or at least bail.
For man,earth has
become a self imposed jail
But it is better
than the death sentence
sooner or later
every man has to face
with or without a smile



So he wants to
live it up in style.
And turn his earthly jail
into a paradise,
to happily his time,
on earth,away, while
Death is imminent
he discovers without
much error and trial
He does not know
whose number to dial
to lobby and through
the red tape in the office
of God to move his
mercy petition file
He finds some purpose of
his own for his life and he
pursues it right up to the
moment of his eventual
death and burial
rather than live in denial

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


But,Once you forget that

one day you have to die
life and every thing in it
becomes so real.
Fellow animals,
Man learnt how
to deal with,when
he learnt to make fire.
But to deal with fellow
human beings he had to
learn how to conspire,
and thous began with
his own cunning mind
man's great love affair.
Poetry is a great tool
to poke fun at fellow men
and write good satire
Some may do really
great deeds
and fellow men
immensely inspire


One helps you to

throw a man into
and the other works
when he is already in,
constant despair.
Who needs great leaders
if society is not in need
of constant repair.
So,whichever way,satirically
cruelly or inspirationally
it is influence and power
over fellow man that they all
To walk on,man discovers
that, truth is a very thin wire.
Death is the only truth
and he can not, in it's
face honestly stare.
To run away from it
he builds the knowledge stair.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


The higher he
climbs this stair
the stronger
becomes his desire.
So he sweats it out
because it is better
than in constant fear of
unforeseeable death,perspire.
In this plight of man,
who ever contributes most
in building this flight of stairs
or stairs of fright, naturally
people pay great tributes to
and do most admire.
Staircases of knowledge
will one day,help man to
solve the mystery of death
and so every man hopes
or else he is the worst liar.



Wonderful sages and

scientists, for this
purpose,men hire.
They discover
great many things
except the ultimate truth
that now nobody seems
to anyway,any more require.
Because from the scientific
make all kinds of gadgets
that work with or
without a wire.
These gadgets help
keep man busy and
happy whether he is
on his death bed
or funeral pyre.
As millions of years ago,
death is still man's
only destination,

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


no matter what
between his birth
and death may transpire.
but still man would
like to make believe
that he has made
great progress since
the early days when
he first discovered
how to make fire.
What a liar !
Is it not very clear
that man's so called
progress is nothing
but his very fear
that one day he has to
give up his life so very dear
and despite all his progress,
to man,it is not very clear
whether death is away,
very far or very near.



But still man would
like to make believe
that he has made
great progress since
the early days when
he first discovered
how to make fire.
What a liar man is,
What a liar !
Is it not very very clear
that man's so called
progress is nothing
but his very fear
that one day he has to
give up his life so very dear
and despite all his progress,
to man,it is not very clear
whether death is away,
very far or very near.



An automated
digital golden tap
is no answer to the
requirement of water.
Progress of man is
no answer to solve the
real mystery of mysterious
life and death matter.
Despite all the progress
half the world still does not
have access to clean water
But,that is altogether
a different matter
Man's mastery of the
material science,space
or even dark matter
does not matter
except to make
his mind fatter
and endlessly
himself flatter
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


But,It will not help

man in understanding
what dark forces,
that life,on earth,
so mercilessly shatter
Or what great forces that
diverse seeds of Life on earth
so endlessly scatter
If we stop wasting
our effort and energy
in the name of posterity
and progress of our
sons and or daughter
we will be able to address the
actual problem much smarter
Because in the
name of progress
we fight with each other,
we destroy nature
and with scientific problems
our own minds constantly


And for what ?

Just to live out the
death sentence
that we call life,may be,
a little more better ?

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


When the silly message
is the same or similar,
whats the big deal
whether a letter,
is instantly posted on twitter
or comes the same letter,
may be a little later,
by the lazy flutter
of a crazy pigeon that
can not stop to strutter,
like the poet who can not
stop his poetic stutter.
Even if poetry is his
only bread and butter
he can not try to murder
innocent minds of the reader
with his mad tricks,
no matter,how maverick
and with his ego centric
no matter how poetic,


cheap linguistic clutter.

The message is more
important than all
the stupid poetic glitter.
Would it not be nice
if we don't have to,
the meaning of
every word,filter.
But poetry is a sign of
man's stupid progress and
his frigid but great culture.
And therefore poetry,
at any cost,
we must all nurture
like a brave host,
without a murmur
stuck with a
guest like a ghost,
or Ghost like a guest
waits till the ghost's or
the guest's departure.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Actually,if you ask me,

a poet,in the name of culture,
is just one more vulture,
with precise usage of
words,your attention
he will try to grab and
and creating great tension
and not to mention,
the confusion
very grammatically,
he creates by his naturally
very dramatic nature
and very romantically he tries
to alter your mind's very
semantic structure,
The very intestines of
your brain he may try to,
with his sharp words,rupture



if you are stupid enough to

let him, your thick skull,
with,his smart words,
For the poet all this
may be a great
sport and adventure
But from the reader's
point of view,I think
there should be a
ban on poetry,in future.
What is so great if we can
send a message much faster
or if the message is well
crafted by a poetic master
There is rhythm even
in the call of a rooster.
Though man may be
more interested
in how it will taste,
if you roast her

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


A different taste has

each and every Taster
some like to be rich
and some austere
some like horses
and some like a fast car
but when death comes
it comes as such a shocker
More predictable
may be is a game of poker
as if with our lives
some body is playing snooker
we get tossed around
till we end up in some
grave yard or mortuary locker
Do you still think our
tastes and talents really
matter ?



May be my mind is
narrow like a thin wafer
and intellectually may be
you are much fatter
but,than thy fellow man,
in Life none of us is,
any more safer
You may write
brilliant poems
if someone gives
you a pen and paper
but for the cruel fate you are
as good as baby in a diaper
A longer life you
may cry and pray for
begging to be kept alive
even if only as a leper
of course there are people
who may,death, prefer
as many people there are,
opinions tend to as much
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Life is the one of those

things you can not pay for
No man has ever
lived for ever so far
some trees live a few
hundred years if nobody
cuts them for lumber
but you don't want
to be a tree, especially
in the cold December
No,not if you are living
in a cold country and
I guess it's June-July
if you are down under.
Anyway I don't think
anyone wants to be a tree,
just to live a little longer.
And trees too man is
chopping up like the chef,
a poor cucumber.


Has the highly

systematic nature
committed some
stupid blunder
Half of our short life
we have to anyway
spend in deep slumber.
And then to die every
man is made to wait
for his stupid number
If death is imminent
why be born at all,
every man must wonder
But instead,treasures,
intellectual and others,
what for,I don't know,
man wants to plunder.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


we like it or not,
when death comes,
every thing we
have to surrender.
what for,I don't know,
man wants to plunder.
Sorry if I sound
like a preacher
Of a poet that is
one salient feature
he claims to be
a student of Life
but acts more
like a teacher.
He claims he does not
care for riches but
greedily reaches
for things that are
intellectually richer
because his mind is
an empty pitcher


He uses words,he says,

because he can't use the
brush to paint a picture.
He gets away with anything
because every man's mind is
such a confusing mixture
Even for the
world of literature
a poet acts like a
very strange creature
as if he is suffering from
a malignant mind fracture
strange concoctions of words
he will try to manufacture
and subject his readers
endless torture.
He seems to have
no fear factor
like rotating blades
of a helicopter,

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


He tries to make
rhythmic sounds and
calls it nectar
Have you ever heard
the sound of a moving
train or a tractor ?
There is more poetry
in them than man's mind
which he thinks is some
magical idea extractor.
Who will not love
his wife if she is willing
to let him dictate her.
There is one in every
man,but,a poet
is the worst kind
of a dictator.



A woodpecker's sounds
are all the more better
they make a poet look
behind the ears,
all the more wetter
Every man wants
to be a crowd puller
or a great show stopper.
Some ,of course,
may want to become
a head hunter or
talent spotter.
How many leaves can you
munch per hour if
you are a grass hopper ?
How many pages per day
can you write if you are
a pulp trash author ?
Whats the difference
between poetry and rotating
blades of a chopper ?
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


What's the difference

between a wood carver and
a wood chopper ?
Why does man try to
carve lovely pieces of
beautiful poetic literature ?
Why do human
beings want to fill
their homes with
beautiful furniture?
People want their minds
to be like beautiful gardens
and not like a barren pasture.
Poetry is supposed to be
a powerful even if a very
empty gesture.
They all help improve one's
intellectual and social stature.
How else can you advance,
for positions of power,
your own candidature !


Why does a politician

deliver a powerful lecture ?
A rich man's occasional
kind gesture.
All are a way of proving that
I am above my fellow human
beings, though it may sound
not so mature.
What's the difference
between them and a dictator
who,by force, tries to,
his power grab and capture ?
Others may use less violent
ways and great talent but,
we are all dictators by our
very basic human nature.
We want power over
even nature,but,death is
waiting for every man
like a brutal butcher.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


But man is ready too

to face the vulture
with an ambulance
and a stretcher.
Success and power
achieved through a mixture
of talent and skill or
sheer force and pressure
are useless balms for the
many wounds that make up
man's mental texture
Yet power is the
core,foundational and
fundamental basis of every
social structure.
Yet power is the
core,foundational and
fundamental basis of every
social structure.



Whether you like it
or you are a nut
in, I am any way
going to butt,
with my own
opinion on how to cut
a fellow man to his size
and make him,his mouth,shut.
I have every right to prove
that like every man,
I am too,a smart mutt
how can I do it,unless,
I can prove that
some one out there
is not smart enough
and therefore I am,
provided of course,
,than me,he is not,
physically more tough.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


How can just one man rule

an entire nation,all by himself,
I never really got.
Oh,it's called democracy !
Sorry, I almost, forgot.
Isn't it,
buy the people,
fire the people and
halve the people !
No,Actually I think, it is,
Buy the people,you can't fire
Fire the people, you can't buy
Halve the people,
you can't defy
So,In short
buy the people,
fire the people and
halve the people !



Democracy is really great

but,Do you become great
because you are a leader
or Do you become a leader
because you are great ?
Whichever way,
a lot of people have to
admit they are stupid
and bite the brilliant bait
I may pretend and fool
the people that I am with
them,very intimate,
I have to, if I am to
be the captain or
at least their first mate.
And how am I to do that
is the whole game of
fortune and fate,
that human beings
love to play and hate.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Like a professional
gambler I first chose
a select career or
just get a lucky break
and slowly once I learn
the ropes and in my job
I become first rate,
I climb up the ladder of fate,
like a snake,swallowing up
chances of a lot of others,
in the wake.
In the process,
a lot of things I learn to fake,
With a smile on my face
but nothing in my heart
I learn to hands shake
Yes ! Lot of people's lives
and careers are at stake.
But first,my thirst for
power, I must slake.


So I pretend that, I am
in the same boat as them and
working for their own sake.
And drill it into their minds
till their minds are sick
They believe me as
they would any one
who can as well
pretend or fake,
because they need
somebody to love or hate,
and so for your own
power's sake or
blame it on their fate
their own lives they forsake
and a great leader
out of you they make
I become their leader,
boss around a bit and
great salary and perks too,
I get to,home take.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


If I grow too big and

feel like a big whale
in a small lake,
I join the politics
if not at the national level,
at least the state.
In politics you don't
have to fool people a lot
as they are already tame
and know very well
their helpless role
in this bloody power game
In democracy
almost all their choices
are equally lame
and in autocracy,
they have no choice
except their own
fate to blame
and instead of a new
stupid every four years,
Oh,what a shame !


their ruler always

remains the same
followed by his own son
or some stupid in his name.
Every man wants to,
but only a few
have the flame
of burning desire
and the steam
pushed up by the
vested social cream
with a great
Support staff and team
great confidence
and self esteem
with power,
all the hard work
and troubles,
to finally redeem.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Shedding all
shyness and shame
and always
repeating the same
that opponent is
the one to blame,
and so a politician
to his power lays claim
Power is every man's aim
A Poet looks for
words that rhyme
and he is too guilty
of the same crime
his method of
seeking power
over a fellow man,
may be is very sublime
It does not,
to dream,cost a dime
and every dog has it's time



So,Every man,
in or out of his prime
wants to be a president
or minister prime
But power is not
a lemon tree or sweet lime.
You can't just walk
out there and climb
there are sharp thorns
that prick and numb
and you cant,into the
well of power,just jump,
whether you know or not,
in the stinking power sump,
your arms and legs,when you
are sinking,how to pump,
you must make sure to know
a good power pimp.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


As low as you can

you must sink
To gain sympathy
you must limp
if necessary,
you ad lib or lip sync
Friends,foes or
any other chimp,
once purpose is served,
you must dump
in your throat any lump
Such sacrifices you must
make many to triumph
ruthless,you must
be to be a great champ
power makes man blind,
who needs a lamp ?
to blindly hold on to power
all you need is just a good
clever power clamp


you must never let

your eyes become damp
except when you are
on an election tour camp
of authority you must
have your own stamp
on opponents you must
know how to stomp
you must promise
a life of gaiety and pomp
or scare them with
threats of a dirty bomb
fool people,if they are
already not like lamb
every bald man,you
promise a comb or assure
barren women have to
pay no tax on womb
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


makes them to your
meetings throng.
if false promises can
make you feel strong,
make them, nothing in
love or power war is wrong
Power is one of those
things that is first among
many things without which
man can not get along
There is not a man who
does not for power long
Gather a few of them and
form your own political gang
To power you cling
and use it as a sling
and carelessly fling
randomly hit some thing
and declare it was
a target right from
the beginning


Yes Politics and power stink

and if you are sensitive,
they may even painfully sting.
Always speak with a wink
say not what you really think,
But,that what you say is true,
is what you must
make people think
or else the very basic test
of politics you will flunk
Power is like wine
you have been given to drink
If you don't act drunk,you are
weak,people may think.
Power is like a sweet
scented coat of mink,
those wish to wear it
must first learn to
smell like a skunk.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Power is like leading

a ship that has been Sunk
Mankind is only interested
in a good treasure hunt.
Who cares if moral valuables
are to ashes burnt
Politicians like captains of
pirates,are openly blunt
Give me power and I will lead
you all to more wealth.
Such is a
politician's stealth
that,as slyly,even a
cancer virus can not
attack some one's health
Only power seekers
can bear the stench
that emanates
from the moral filth
where weakness
of your fellow man
is your strength


Every one's Life is

limited in it's length
Few can live beyond
the decade tenth
No matter you have
how much wealth
how much power
or creative talent
death comes suddenly,
very violent or slowly
and silent
No matter how much
you are resilient
death did not spare
even the most valiant
Yet for power man's
greed is so blatant
May be more restraint is
shown by a black ant
chasing a lump of sugar
coated with sweet scent.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Power may be
is man's intent
but hidden behind
is his discontent
that despite all the
science and everything
man can invent,in nature,
he is still so unimportant
and so so impotent,
he can't even prove to himself
if there is really something
that is omnipotent.



Every frog is happy
in it's own well
in case he is bored of
seeing the same people
at the most he will jump
into another well
and happily ever
after,there he will dwell
till it's his time,
to heavenwards,travel.
In this short span of life
who has the time to marvel
about life that like
a mystery novel
page by page,day by day,
unfolds as if the author
was not keeping well
and does not know which
character to kill when and
which to keep alive,still.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


While alive we want to

live in a paradise,
post death, we want to
ring the heaven's doorbell
because dead or alive
who wants to rot in a hell ?
And that's how man thinks,
to put it in a nut shell
But truth is
like a bomb shell
and the truth is that
Life is a living hell
without knowledge,
money and success
in human society
you are almost a criminal
your crime is that
in life you did not do well
you are treated
worse than any animal


because even if under

duress most animals
serve man so well
and some even end up
as meat on his table
If you don't earn
enough and pay bill
they will cut your
rations and also cable
and without TV,to live,how
modern man will ever be able?
Progress does not mean,
for man,less struggle
every bill you have to
pay is one more trouble
Don't you dare think of
going back to being tribal
the idea is simply not viable
modernity has invaded
every spot,on earth,available
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Man is soon going to

his problems triple
modern technology
has made him a cripple
he can not even heartily
laugh any more,in a ripple
He has no time to laugh
even if you physically tickle
because he has so many
new kind of problems to tackle
His mind has become
like dried up pickle
Too stale and salty
to his taste buds tickle.
His eyes devoid of twinkle
and head too tired even
to sport his worry wrinkle



His knowledge is too

precious to sprinkle
but,his happiness has
come down to just a trickle
He can speak with people
at the other end of
earth just for a nickel
yet he yearns for love
waiting for it like a jackal
Everything he has got
he may give back, all,
He may starve himself
with health food of low cal.
But,he may never find
happiness,or the so called
because in his mind
he has installed
a mechanism that,any thing
unprofitable,instantly stalled
and so small pleasures of Life
are automatically fire walled
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


If shares on the
stock markets fire balled
up in smoke heaven ward
man's happiness also spiraled
man's stupidity only
by man can be rivaled
while every other animal
on earth happily reveled
man wants all the
secrets of nature revealed
patented and so unlimited
power over nature and
fellow man he can wield
To protect his wealth
of knowledge man has
his mind from all sides
tightly sealed
So, simple joys of life,
like long chat with
a friend from hood child
can not penetrate his mind's
security shield


In man's high intellectual field

happiness is like a weed
and man destroys any such
because,to succeed
knowledge is the only wheat
allowed to grow in man's mind
and to obtain a very high yield
hard work is the only need,
everything else is just a weed.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Genetically modified crops
man praises,
Academically modified
children he raises
in schools and colleges
so that the out put
is highly skilled
So that,any other thoughts,
like un killed pests
can't,their minds,attack,
and future generations
man's mission for endless
knowledge, fulfilled
unhindered and just
as they have been drilled.
Even if it means
with nothing else,
but knowledge,
information,and skill
their minds are filled.


And happiness,love,
compassion,joy and
innocence are
systematically killed.
Man partially paralyzes
his brain to be receptive
to nothing but useful data,
even if half of his mind is
in the process,feels drugged
and uselessly dulled.
Then he uses his knowledge
to produce exciting games,
movies and what not,so that
he can be endlessly thrilled
But man has only
twenty four hours and
by his own doing,he simply
has no free time to be killed

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Half the time

he should be asleep
even if he has to be
sleeping pilled
and the other half is too
precious for him to be
relaxed and just chilled
Because every
moment awake
is worth hundreds or
thousands of dollars
if you billed.
He is too paralyzed
to be thrilled
No doubt,Man
does not feel a thing
while letting his
own brain,in the name
of development and
discipline,to be drilled



The windows in the walls

of knowledge he builds
in his mind are heavily grilled
So,Whatever at he looks
through that window grill
is distorted and un dis-tilled
To keep his mind always
great discipline in his mind
with intelligence man has
Only selected,fertile parts
of his brain,with great
diligence he tilled.
Often he keeps the
window closed
for fear that with
useless dusty thoughts,
blowing in with the wind,
his filthy mind may get filled.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Only good useful thoughts

he allowed to enter his mind
though out through the
window he tossed them out,
if he so,ever willed.
In the vast wilderness
of human mind great castles
of knowledge with grilled
windows he will build
In those knowledge castles
himself, he imprisoned
and lacking freedom,
in madness,some times,
his own hair,he pulled.
But, only for
just a moment,
and only himself,
he has fooled



and back, him self,

he has heavily pulled
because his burning
desire for more power
and knowledge never
really cooled.
Every child in the
world, by man,is
strictly schooled
to ensure that only
by knowledge,human
mind is always ruled.
while freedom of thought
he did not mind,freedom itself,
completely,out,he ruled.
With great discipline
and great many hopes
for endless knowledge
man drooled.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


The more knowledge he

pooled, the bigger his mind
will be,thought he,but nobody,
least of all himself,
man has fooled.
As he paddled
on and on in his little
knowledge pool,
his sick little brain
when with great
delirium swooned
more knowledge
he ladled and spooned
More and more
his skills of gathering
knowledge he honed,
while more and more
parts of his mind
gathered dust and
groaned under the
weight of great knowledge
that man gathered,


Man has enough

knowledge to have
himself or his DNA cloned
Once he manages to
learn how earth quaked
or seas cycloned,
he will become God,
or who ever he
wants,God to be,will be,
may be even a blond.
Man's ultimate wish is that
everything in the universe
must go just as he planned.
Sun must come and go
whenever he called
by his evil plans and
bedeviled ambition
man himself some times
is afraid and appalled

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


But who is going to

punish man even if
he is totally at fault
He is the only one with keys
to the nature's wealth of
knowledge,in it's secret vault
What power is there
to, madness of man,
on this earth halt.
What genius does it
take to teach man that
knowledge must be used
sparingly,like salt.
What genius does it
take to teach man that
knowledge must be used
sparingly,like salt.
Other wise, it is like,
on his own brain,
a severe assault.



Man thinks nature
has failed him
because it does not
satisfy his every whim
So,with the cruel nature, he
wants to fight it out and win
even if it means he has to
commit every ecological sin
His chances of
victory seem very dim.
But man is not one to
easily become glum
He always looks at
the side that is plum
Even if a small
victory he scored
he never failed to
his own guitar strum,
and beat his own drum
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Nature seems not to care

who or where you are from.
It punishes man or animal,
with or without any
logic,rhyme or reason,
does not care if you were
cruel or a kind person
If you lit a fire
it would burn whether
it was accident or
a deliberate arson
It seems to hate nothing
or any one to put a curse on
nor it seems to have
any favorites to shower
it's fortunes upon
yet it seems to have
given special capacity,
to think, only to man.
Man uses this thought
to more wealth from
Nature, demand,


and on earth man is

in supreme command
because,who else is there
on earth,to man,reprimand
and If there is someone
up in heaven,he is too bland
he is too kind or too blind.
Man has explored all
four corners of the
world,sea or land
On moon and mars too
he managed to land,
but,his own mind
he failed to understand
Despite all his progress,
extravagant and grand
He still regards nature as an
adversary and not a friend.
God knows where this feud
between man and nature will

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Only good,in all sincerity
in all his experiments,
man may intend.
But,good for who
except himself and
his own race,no matter
how much man may,
to be other wise,pretend.
Why does he want to
know about mass
extinction of dinosaur
Or some thing that billions
of years ago may have or
may have not happened,
if not because his own
extinction he wants to
predict and if possible
find a way to prevent
such an event.


In the name of survival

man has grabbed himself
a license to be selfish
If man is not selfish,
then why does he
not only eat but also
catch, kill and sell fish ?
Because it is natural,
Man says cunningly,
Big fish eat small fish.
and Ecologically man
is the biggest fish
But biting the bait of
gaining unlimited power
man struggles in the
ocean of knowledge
to fulfill his foolish wish
and destroys the ecology,
when ecologically,to suffer,
man himself,is the biggestFish.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Is not selfishness of man

so obviously self evident
About his own future and Life
man is so provident
Business of Life is
for ever in Loss and man
may cry and pretend
when time comes
to pay the dividend
Because in the
business of Life
Death is the
only dividend
but man wants
his Life to never end
so that he can
continue to thrive
in life but never
pay his dividend.
What more proof do you need
to launch an investigation into
selfishness of man's mind


and find out if it is something

good to recommend
or something sad, to lament,
and is it possible to be
unselfish or is it permanent!
Without serious
experimentation and
progress in moral science,
if for a moment,dear friend,
your ears,you can lend,
modern science will destroy
man and everything else,
much before it's natural end
Because man believes
that the means is justified
by death,man's only End
The jam in a Jar may soon end
but before that you don't
throw it away my friend,
nor do you gobble it all up
at once because it is your
favorite blend
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Nature has ensured that
there is no smarter animal
than man under the sun
but instead of thanking nature
and having his share of fun
disloyal highness,the cunning
man,at nature itself,
points his greedy Gun
We don't know all those years
ago exactly how it all began
but by the time a little
knowledge man had gained
all modesty already he had
Once Man's problem was
solved,his true colors,
always he had shown



Man formed great

communities but,
not just because he
was feeling lonesome
Man knew,that,as a gang,
they had better chance of
kidnapping nature for ransom
He captured wild animals
and tamed some of them
to work for him and man's
progress soon was awesome.
For thousands of centuries
nature tricked man,
giving him the false
impression that earth
was flat like a man's chest,
but soon a great weight
was taken off his chest,

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


when it was found by

some great scientific minds
that began to question
though initially they had to
face lot of aggression
that each of earth's
hemispheres was a semi
sphere,like a womans bosom
It was then that
man's knowledge
intelligence and greed
really began to blossom.
One nipple he named
north pole and the
other south pole
and ever since, man
raped and ravaged earth
in the name of more
out put and production
but only to help him with his
own reproduction


Despite all the natural

death and destruction,
man has over come nature,
just look at,on earth,the
bursting over population.
Some nations reproduce
to the point of condemnation
Some are still afraid of
God's wrath, to become
a condom nation
It is not just a
random notion.
Man always looked
high in mountains
and deep in the ocean
for that magic potion
which can increase,
his life span on earth,
by a good proportion.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


When he failed, he
began to look upon
the next generation
as his own extension
and hence the endless
in some animal groups
the next generation is
looked upon as competition.
But,For man,often,
a fellowman and
his offspring became
his competition
and it became a
matter of reputation
to kill every member
of one feuding family by the
other,generation upon



Man fought man,

Race fought Race,
One religion fought
another religion
one region fought
the other region and
a nation fought with
a fellow nation,but,
evergreen remained,with
nature,man's original

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Nature's secrets are many
and man's mind is so tiny.
So, Man digs a small well,
in his mind to collect new
knowledge if any, that may
seep in from the ocean of
nature's knowledge into the
narrow mind of man,so mini.
He irrigated this knowledge
through out the world in
schools so many
When his mind proved too
small he would develop an
artificial mind to store and
analyze data for him like a
intellectual digital nanny.
He is perfecting the
technology to produce energy
from sun when the weather is
warm and sunny


Cutting trees should give us

lot of global warmth and
sunlight for more energyNow Isn't that funny !
Man uses his knowledge
of nature to create
energy from nature,
to free him self from
his limitations of nature,
how cunning !
but becomes a slave to
knowledge,how Stunning !
In the name of Learning
his own CD he is burning
(cerebral damage)
If nature slaps him on
one cheek the other cheek
he is turning
Man is on a knowledge
warpath and to peace of mind
he may never be returning

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


With Funds
you may be flush
green your garden
may be lush
Green with jealousy
and envy, your friends
may be feverish
when you can't
fulfill some stupid wish
you may have enough alcohol
to away your tears wash
No matter how
much wealth
you have to
splurge and splash
problems,like burglars,
some times gate crash
and all your hopes of
happiness,they tend to dash



with problems,when you

try to bravely clash
they strike back and
your pride,they gravely slash
and leave behind wounds
with such a deep gash
that no doctor can balm
them up for all your
wealth in cold hard cash.
At night when you
are ready to crash
you don't forget to
your teeth brush
But when it comes
to cleaning the mind
it,you aside brush
Is it because in there
there is a lot of trash
or is that where a lot
of secrets you away stash

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Our wisdom we want to

only creatively splash
Our pride,we don't
want to publicly slosh
We all want to live very Posh
But,In our daily endless
intellectual clash
Ideas shine and
disappear in a flash
Mind is too tired to catch
them in the rush
and man's mind does not
always feel very fresh
On knowledge it has a crush
and it's own mind it is ready to
Squeeze and crush
But ask about moral
cleanliness and like a
child he will blush



Who cares what is
in a small book
some where written,
When we know not
what in our own
fate is written
when,we may be,
dead or by disease sicken
Death is waiting for
all living things to beckon
In nature,our fate and future
is the same as that of a
country or poultry chicken ?
Ready to be Slaughtered by
the cruel hands of Fate
any second.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


We don't even know

with what ingredients we
should our chicken broth
for soul thicken ?
Some times for poetic effect
some silly words are spit in.
In Poetry it is bad manners to
ask for meaning of every
word written
Now if we may get back to our
lies,before being,by more bad
bitter truth about poetry,bitten
When we are,by heavy grief
and sorrow,stricken
and with loss of wealth,
health or loss of faith,
we are heart broken
Kind words,no matter how
very well spoken,
what is the point if the
address, was only token



and to address
the real problem
no real measures
were taken
On this earth,
so God forsaken,
with uncertainty
we are so shaken !
With our fate we are
all willing to shake our hand,
if only we were told what's
in store for us,before hand
With our fate we are
all willing to shake our hand,
if only we were told what's
in store for us,before hand

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


How do you feel if
some one played a lob shot
when you were expecting
them to play a forehand
Of the game of tennis
I am not very fond
and nor am I of being
a tennis ball in fate's hand
not knowing when
hit hard by bad fate,
where you may land.
Grass,clay or whatever else
we can,on,tennis,play,
we can't,for sure, on sand.
In the pure quick sand
or mud pond of time,
how to live our life ,
we do not understand



While death is pulling

us down by our fate's hand
and to hold on,there is
nothing,in time's quick sand,
not even a hair strand
and In the same position
as you are in, is your friend
We are all caught in this
quick sand of time by birth.
While we are being
so sucked to our death,
we call it Life
or being alive,
till there is,in us,
some breath left.
Once,over, is this
process of sinking,
then we call it death.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


In the quick sand of time

The process of sinking
to our death is called living
and The completion of the
above process is called Death.
No doubt there is a universal
feeling that Life really ' sucks '
yet,for success and fortune
man becomes such
a cunning fox.
So what if you
own a million bucks ?
Who cares if you have
a large diamond in
your jewelery big box ?
Or of some company
you are a big Boss ?



A writer is worried
about his mental blocks.
An Investor is worried
about his vital stocks.
It is like a man about to die,
being worried to death
about a hole in his socks.
No doubt there is a universal
feeling that Life really ' sucks '
But, why does death,
man,so much,shocks ?
Life it self is process of
dieing and not perhaps.
People are so afraid of
dieing suddenly in mishaps
Is your Life something
you purchased in the shops ?

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


May be you feed your body

,daily,well with pork chops
But there is nothing about
life to own,you smart chaps.
Because, Life it self is process
of dieing and not perhaps.

About man's great

achievements he gladly brags
Whatever wealth or
knowledge man finds in
nature, he greedily grabs
To steal from others he lies,
shoots,stabs and robs.
while honest people find
themselves good clean jobs,
Dis honest people help cops
to keep their good old jobs
Scientists discover
things to keep alive


man's stupid silly hopes

But,they can't make man
live forever and everyone

yet gets,man, sucked

into science and all the
intellectual traps
They experiment with
and crabs
They study biology,physics,
chemistry and maths
But they can never find
what is life and it's aftermaths
Because, Life it self is process
of dieing and not perhaps.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Rolling along in Life
like a tumble weed
Man aimlessly drifts
around hoping to succeed
as merciless winds of fate
blow him every where
till he stumbles upon
something,to him, lead
to the success he is,
so much of, in need.
You might think that
it will keep him in good stead
But,he grumbles on about it
not being enough, instead
So goes about looking
for chances to
become a big stud.
If fate plays foul,
ready to fall back on the
ground with a big thud.


Man has always

been a big fraud
he cheats him self
and of it very proud
The fields of his
fertile mind he plowed
seeds of great knowledge
he,then, sowed.
With great intelligence,
man,nature has endowed
But soon his honesty died
and only his greed
he understood and followed
All wealth and
knowledge he swallowed.
So filled with all the riches,
his mind never felt hollowed

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


But man's vision never

was broad and soon his
mind too got narrowed
He became so busy
that his own time
he fearfully borrowed
In the hot sand of hard work
himself he tearfully burrowed
No matter how fast
his boat of success he rowed
His fate,much faster,
way ahead of him,rode.
He attracted sorrow
like a lightning rod
But nobody stopped to soothe
him on the busy path of
Success,a frightening road.



Yet like brave soldier

on and on he strode
till old wounds began to goad.
to take rest,waiting for his nod
his tired body and mind,
But like into prince,
turned a toad,
he jumped up as a new man,
to carry on some more load,
when a kiss,princess of greed,
on him,greedily bestowed
His face with
radiance glowed
when crops of
success he grow ed,
But all his
excitement mellowed,
when to take his success
along, after death,he found
he was to be disallowed.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Line of great
discipline he toed
Great weight of
he towed
when success
he chose to wed
his own freedom
he chose to shed

His peace of mind

he confined to an old shed,
in some corner of his
busy mind,banished
Then,despite all his success
he was astonished
to find that along with peace,
his happiness also vanished



For happiness
he was famished
But it was for success
that he always wished
all warnings from
his heart he dismissed
and in troubled waters
he lived and fished
With many dangers,
man daily brushed
into the world of success
headlong he rushed.
All caution from his
heart, away,he brushed
A new coat of shiny new
intellectual paint over his
sorrow he brushed
When by sorrow
man is ambushed
with great strength
away it he pushed
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


His tactics,he
changed and switched
his wounds of sorrow
with apron strings of
kindness he stitched
Like boiled potatoes
man's mind is mashed
against walls of his head
great waves of great
thoughts smashed.
Intellectually ,his mind,
into shreds,he slashed
Knowledge in his mind was
in small bits,away,stashed
When two thoughts
in his mind clashed
the greediest thought won
and a wicked smile it flashed



Against the doors

of fate he bashed
'I want my good luck
right now en cashed '
like in a sea,a drowning man,
his hands and legs,thrashed
as waves of sorrow
like a tsunami,
around him,crashed
till sadness came silently
and away,,his peace,
to the sea,washed,
as helplessly,man watched

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Strange are the ways of man
he uses God to fight demon
science to fight religion
But, men need religion
to fight within themselves
whenever they can't fight
in the name of region
Force against aggression
Shade against the Sun
Solar energy against
fossil fuel depletion
thrift against
economic depression
but,desires of man can't
stand suppression



Men use their minds

to clear any confusion
and indulge in
endless discussion
To arrive at a decision
they shred everything
with great precision
with razor sharp minds,
they like to reason
and with wise bits of wisdom
their minds,they like to season
Life and death,
like a season
come and go
without reason
useless is man's
mercy petition
Death and Life is
natural repetition

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


But to protect
man has a reputation
how can he be result
of a simple manifestation
there must be some
great sophistication
and he will use
science to find a solution
and discover the
dark secrets of evolution
even if it takes generation
upon generation
In the mean time we will
continue with pollution,
instant social interaction,
endless construction,
meaning less destruction,
and occasional cultural or
literary distraction.



Death is our
only destination,
roughly 100 years
away is our estimation
But,to delay it is
every man's ambition
in this process man
makes the realization
and it is the very basis
of man's civilization
that every man is
every man's competition
Survival is dependent
on food consumption
long back Man made
his greatest invention
what you cant eat for
survival and satisfaction
you subject to
endless exploitation

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


if man cant
exploit something
he made an even
greater invention
it is popularly
called extermination
Man justifies it
with great determination
Like lions control
the herbivorous population
Natural Elimination
is his explanation
But when it
comes to his own death
he demands from
science some explanation
or else he begs
religion for salvation



No matter how strong

is man's resolution
to the problem of death
there is no easy solution
death is a form of
natural dissolution
But for man it is
such a great disillusion
Like salt in water,
in death,we disappear in
a biological absolution
But for man,
that is no consolation
Progress of man
is part of evolution,
but his death is still
the only end result
of all his progress
after all evaluation

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


So progress can not

be the justification for
man's endless Exploitation
because all progress ends
in death and for it there is
no proper explanation
Man may say his progress
is for the next generation
But highly impossible
is it's regeneration,
once nature is destroyed
for man's pleasure and
endless power generation
So,we must ration,
our mindless consumption
of natural resources and
do away with the presumption
that easy is their natural



Man has gone to the moon
about a few times,but,
enough to make him swoon
and he is going to mars soon
enough to make him croon
songs of his victory over
nature for next million full
In nature if you look at man
he is more like a cartoon
he just won't sing nature's
tune and always searches for
some hidden fortune
Selfish is man's every bone
very cunning is his tenor and
tone and to wild mood swings
he is prone

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


He wants the number

of God's cell phone
to chat with him
when God is all alone
and ask him to make
immortal, of all species,
him and him alone
since he is anyway
going to clone
Can you find,than man,
a bigger clown ?



Man is not a beast
because even though
for his food and feast
he too kills animals but,
he is merciful at least
Unlike,how it's prey,
a wild lion,viciously
kills and savagely eats,
more gently the same task
the saintly man completes
he stuns his animal
before gently cutting it,
and letting it die in peace,
as it,blissfully it's blood,bleeds
A Great civilization
it is that man leads,
To fulfill his
food supply needs
in captivity,his
animals he breeds.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Some of them daily,

he even merrily greets
But,all of them,
soon,he merrily eats
and mind you! Without
praying,he barely ever eats.
For progress of mankind
man's kind heart beats
So,into submission,
every other animal,he beats
Man puts his weight
on animal's feet
and uses their hide
to hide and protect
his own soft feet.
No doubt man
managed to defeat
nature which made
him born bare feet



Today man
owns whole fleet
of planes,cars,
you name it,
uses rubber and
gas to burn it,
rashly on roads,
like a wealthy kid
all stolen from mother
nature's wealth kit.

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Man is not a beast
because even though
for his food and feast
he too kills animals but,
he is merciful at least
Unlike,how it's prey,
a wild lion,viciously
killsand savagely eats,
more gently the same task
the saintly man completes
he stuns his animal
before gently cutting it,
and letting it die in peace,
as it,blissfully it's blood,bleeds
A Great civilization
it is that man leads,
To fulfill his
food supply needs
in captivity,his
animals he breeds.


Some of them daily,

he even merrily greets
But,all of them,
soon,he merrily eats
and mind you! Without
praying,he barely ever eats.
For progress of mankind
man's kind heart beats
So,into submission,
every other animal,he beats
Man puts his weight
on animal's feet
and uses their hide
to hide and protect
his own soft feet.
No doubt man
managed to defeat
nature which made
him born bare feet

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Today man
owns whole fleet
of planes,cars,
you name it,
uses rubber and
gas to burn it,
rashly on roads,
like a wealthy kid
all stolen from mother
nature's wealth kit.



Prayed before his
God, man knelt.
Sprayed bullets or
stones he may pelt,
if his religion is
insulted or if so he felt
To create peace
on earth men fail to,
except God, Man has
no one to turn to
By praying to God
hopes he,his burdens
and bad luck will burn too.
But,Science says
you can solve your own
problems and learn too.
Now man does not know
with God,what to do ?

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Man fights over sacred

images of religion
and kills or is killed,
by the legion.
Then causes of peace
he will champion,
with images of dove
or a cute pigeon
But it is not going
to be,man,easy on,
when he finds that
all these images are
own brain region
Of God or it's concept
man is a great Fan
But God,if exists,seems
not to care for man.
Man tried to use God
to change nature's plan
But Science,he found,was
much more real to rely on.


Because of all the

new knowledge,
for man, everything
seems to be so easy
But man is not going
to be satisfied,Is he ?
Modern man wants
things to be even easier
because man by his
very nature is greedier
Soldier wants to
become a brigadier.
Brigadier wants to
jump a grade higher
who,he does not
want success is a liar
or he already lied
his way to become
a high flier

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Invented wheel
was,before Tyre
Stool before Chair
much before fire was
invented prayer
But,Fear was there
much before prayer
prayer is,of fear itself,
just one more layer
Even dinosaur,
the now extinct
giant egg layer,
was not free from
instincts of fear
Man is a great
mind game player
but nothing in his
mind is ever clear



Debris of one
part of his mind
he cleans but
dumps it very near
in just another part of
the very same brain,dear
Like grease,
wisdom he will smear
all over and a big
smile he will wear
in side his heart he
will curse and swear
if people don't show
him respect or fear

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Death is an event natural,
and to cry over a death
is for man very natural.
He is not usually happy
to have to go to a funeral
unless of course if it is of
some big shot General.
Such pomp and dignity
they show at his funeral
even though his body too
according to Science, is
just chemicals and mineral
I am just making
a statement,general,
not that man hates funeral
It is death,man does
not like,over all.
About death man
has had doubts,several



It's every man's

struggle internal
But,man tries to forget it
through pleasures and
pains social or marital
or pursues success
and wealth material
while some others think
knowledge is more real
some take to world of art
poetry and the surreal
But no body likes to think
about their burial
Death is death
whether you like it or not
you may get divorce
once you tie the knot

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


But once born,it is with death

that you are in a binding
contract and if you don't try
to forget that,sanely you
can't act
because in life death is a
constant and you just don't
know when you will,with it
come in direct contact.
It is an undeniable fact
sometimes comes slow and
sometimes on the spot
On man's spectacular
progress, it is the only blot
Man can not understand
his own end plot
In life many dreams man
fulfills but the nightmarish
death seems to be the
final slot



A lot can be done
to save the earth
But going by the
rate of human birth
man may soon lose
his shirt and short
if his progress he
does not cut short
Man loses his heart
when told that
he is not so smart
If nature,he tries
to out smart,
by endlessly filling
up his shopping cart,
there will be nothing
left in mother nature's
shopping mart

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


What a stupid
fellow is Man !
Conquer nature
he thinks he can
But nature is
the water can
from which quench
his thirst he can
but so endless
is man's thirst
and his hunger
is even worst
he wants not more,
but the most
On earth,he thinks,
he is the host while
in fact he is just a guest
who has become a dangerous
pest,ignoring nature's
warning and request,
continues his mindless


When a person is busy
it is not,for him,easy
to spare time for poetry
it's worse than geometry.
In the algebra of Life
like zebra without a stripe
can not mix with it's own tribe
success less life,for man
is endless strife
Success may be
is just a hype
but when every one's
opinion is of the same type
hype manages to,out,
the truth,wipe
and success becomes
man's only dream,pipe

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


He may still be
intellectual nomad
But Modern Man is not mad
He knows nature is not God
Tribal folk may think
that is very odd
They still respect nature
and laud
Rainbow makes kids
laugh and happily applaud
Wonders of nature are many
and still make many glad
But man is a strange lad
he wants to climb
up the success ladder
like urine full in his bladder
sprays it around,a toddler
prays man for more and more
intellectual drink and fodder
to be sprayed on his mind
to make it happy and calmer



otherwise it feels
so dry and smaller
like a goal less footballer
aimlessly it shoots,wishing
the goal post was taller.
Like a fisher man
with his trawler
catching fish
big and smaller
to sell for top dollar
Man is fishing for Knowledge
using his mesh of thoughts
as a net if you can so call her
and use it to more from
nature plunder
Man fears not to
commit a blunder
and later on repent
or lazily ponder,wondering
why nature,to him,is not
much more kinder
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Man kisses only those
branches of science,
in nature that are
sure to make him richer.
But without death
complete is not
Life's Picture
Death does not care
if you are a beggar,
miser ,richer
or just a preacher
Man's mind is
not so mature.
Nature,he thinks,
is not his teacher
He is out,as if,to,a
lesson,teach her,
for making man such a
helpless creature



Unpredictability is
nature's salient feature
Predicting nature is,what
based on, is man's future.
Rising is oceanic
Globe is warming up,
you got to watch her
Man's lady luck is
running out,catch her
But man is busy trying to,
more knowledge and
Long back man's mind
suffered a mega fracture
Knowledge is the string
with which man tries
to up,stitch her
the more stitches you have
the higher your social stature
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Some use wealth

to up,patch her.
mind is receiver
and dispatcher
of instructions
to body by it's nature
About death it has
no time to bother,
that's what shocked
and long back
gave it,it's fracture



Today you are here
and tomorrow not there.
Mind knows not, gone
you are,where ?
Except blankly stare,
to think about death
it can not dare
because it does not
know to start where ?
But be aware,
mind's software
can solve problems
no matter how severe,
but when it comes to death
it seems to go, no where
Now the real question is
not about death and fare
but to find out square and fair

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Why man does at all care

for wealth knowledge fame
name and all the stupid
gadgets and gear
when,very well, knows he,that
to strike,waiting is death,
anytime,anywhere ?
Death may come slow
like a turtle walking
with it's feet bare,
or may come running
like a rabbit or a hare
Trembling like leaf in a gale,
man tries to forget about
death and happily regale
Fumbling for Pinhead of
peace in his knowledge bale
while he should right away put
up,all he thinks,he owns,on a
fire sale
and be ready to any time bail.



A stinking rat I smell,
why does not man sell
his stupid hope that
all will some day be well
when he knows very well
that end of life is death
and escape death
he never will.
His mind,Man may fill
with all he can but,still,
when fields of knowledge
he goes on,again,to till,
something new,find he will
That is nothing new,
Diamond pebbles may be few,
New discoveries we may view
as if they are also kind of rare
gems and diamonds too

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


But a pebble is pebble

and rubble is rubble
jewel or intellectual
trouble is trouble
the more some
thing is valuable
the more crime,
man is of,capable
The whole idea of
value is laughable
because the stupid
death is unstoppable
Our way through death
bribe,we can not,nor buy
To all our wealth or wisdom
we have to say good bye
Man is so horribly shy
to part with his wealth
like a child he may cry
even when about to die.
If only he knew, Poor Guy,
that his whole life was a lie


Know not what
I ought to do.
since whatever I do
I know, I can not undo
A second or two
gone by is death too
as our life,then,on earth is
shorter by a second or two
Faced with wealth
every man goes ' Yahoo, '
But,When death
comes visiting,you
can't simply say- ' Look who '
No matter how brave,
faced with death,
every man goes cuckoo
What is there
on earth to man,woo ?

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


In the name of knowledge

he turns his brain into
Chicken stew
But,you can't eat and also
have your chickens too
You can not fill your brain with
filthy wealth and peace of
mind,,have tickets to
Too much Knowledge burdens
our brains and sickens too.
Every one has to die,
Shakespear and Charles
Dickens too
What tricks man plays to live
forever,some even through
their writings too.



Rich man uses
charity like a whip
to crack on the soul
of a poor creature
Conservation is
just another trick
to cover up man's
crimes against nature
Exploitation of
fellowman and animal
is only just slightly
less criminal
than man's use of
all resources natural
which never was or is minimal
Powerful man may be and
very busy he may every day be
pray he may all he wants,to all
the great powers that be,but,
mortal forever,man shall be
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


May be man can

buy every thing
His own mind is on sale,
if any one is buying
some minds are on fire,
but always the fire is dieing
Because damp wet
coldness of greed
is always,like a
cold storm wind,blowing
Man's progress
is not slowing
Man's problem
is not progressing
it is the short life time
which is depressing
100 years,that is if,from
above,you have the blessing



Tradition of
progress man passes on
to the next generation
and so on But,in this
game,Man himself is the Pawn
Improve his life,he may,but
not his life span
For centuries now
the Human caravan
on earth has been
carrying on and on
to improve it's life,doing
everything it can.
once death strikes
life is just an empty can
why it, fill at all ?
asks not our wise man
We don't know how
it all long back began
but mad has man gone,
to control fate,his own,
like a dog,his bone,
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


he buries his fortune,

so that it is not,
by the wind gone,
after or before
his breath is gone.
Like fake seeds of wisdom
a poet scatters and buries
between the rows of words
he sweats,toils and furrows
dampening it a bit with tears
of his own sorrows
Fake seeds of wisdom
a poet so scatters and buries
But he won't guarantee
that they are not seeds of
some wild goose berries,
he picked up while licking
his own wounds and worries
sitting somewhere in the
forest of his mind,where
him no body hurries



Money man may
have many times
more than he needs
But like left over
food goes stale
after every guest
up to his throat
himself feeds
Left over wealth
stinks of power
to fund man's
exploitative deeds
Exploitation of nature and
fellow man, to be above not
below,any man to over power
nature, somehow,if he can
is every man's sole aim and

Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Man on earth is
on a mission
to work and work
like a machine
polishing his
intellectual sheen
so that it can be easily seen
Like an actress
in every scene
has the spotlight
on mane, her,lean
turning women
envy with green
Green with envy, I mean
but leaving impressed,
every man
Knowledge is what man wants
besides women,right from the
age he is in half pants
So Man ,huffs,puffs and pants
and finds new knowledge that
in his mind,up he tanks


But never once,

Nature,he thanks
On knowledge,
heavily man banks
Power Fame and wealth
still hold the top ranks
But,without knowledge,
it is like firing blanks
A blank mind is
a devil's work shop
to fill with knowledge
you must read books that talk
shop and give you an
intellectual pushup
Man pushes so hard to,
knowledge,give birth
and increase his
intellectual girth
Proud to be the most
intelligent being on earth
in man's mind there is no
place for things like mirth
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy


Every man
wants a Job.
At every chance,
he takes a jab
but,only those
who can,one,grab
have a right to
live life and brag
For a job you need
knowledge and skill
So you better with
knowledge your mind fill
and for skill you need to
practice the drill
better than any other
man you are,until
It is man vs. man out there
It's a dog eat dog world
every where



To face the world,yourself,,

you better prepare
once ruined,Life is very
hard to repair
Also repair, we can't,
the damage, to nature done
nature is cruel and
we can't expect it to pardon
Man can't occupy forest and
make it his private garden
without murdering
on earth,is the chief
forest warden
Man has to some
where draw the line
and halt on earth,
the green cover decline,
as do,Tiger Elephant and Lion,
their ecological duty to keep
forests fine,because they
know it is their only life line.
Marasani Jagan Mohan Reddy



will be added later,
if any one still wants to read
my book and me,flatter
If I have hurt anyone
in anyway,I beg for
the whole platter

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