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After watching this video, I'd like to put 4 L66s, on all four corners of my

smartphone screen, and a phone sticker in the back, and put it in an anti-radiation
phone case.

If she didn't feel the RF from the phone being on in the car before the call then that
sounds like a step in the right direction smile emoticon The L66 sometimes is not
enough as a stand alone solution for EMF sensitivity. The pendant and sometimes
L90 are needed as well. We always recommend the pendant as a base and add the
L66 and L90 on top as they do not impregnate easily and becaue of the
multidimensional effects from EMF. The home environment is also important as we
know that EMF can make the grids stronger and make it harder for someone to get
better. I wish your friend the best of luck in her recover

What is base 10
And 44
And 336
What is different between one an othet
It's just the way a particular machine is calibrated.
I look at it like, "this amp goes to 11." The dial can turn from all the way counterclockwise to all the way clockwise. You can mark off the dial in 10 increments, or 44
increments, or whatever. The potentiometer under the dial doesn't care. It's
internally "calibrated" in resistance (ohms). So when the dial is halfway between the
extremes (at "50%") the potentiometer is passing 50% of whatever the resistance is
for that potentiometer. The dial markings are just for the operator to be able to reset the dials to previous setting (or one from a book.)

It does not follow the math models exactly but was adopted by Malcolm Rae who
was obsessed with accuracy . The digits are signifying positions on a graph. It
allowed him accuracy, so he reckoned

Numbers on a dial. Nothing more. As for which is the best? Any that lets you set a
representation of a date of birth.

So Dr. Hieronymus' answer was to abandon using pots for rate settings and using
either prisms in a rotating mount, or air variable capacitors. The air cap is extremely
accurate in it's settings, since there is no physical contact of the rotors - there's no
"wiggle room". When used for radio tuning, you can put a thin mark on the dial
where a radio station comes in, and when you reset that dial to that mark the radio

signal is exactly *there* every time. So Hieronymus Machines can have Rate dials
calibrated from 0-100, with four increments (1/4 or .25 marks) between each
number. My machine has .50 marks in the dial face, and I can set the pointer to the
space between them for .25 settings. You cannot do this with pots and expect
repeatable settings.

The experiment is easily repeatable. All you need is a radionics box, a picture of the
target area and pesticide. You broadcast the pesticide to the target area and see
what happens.

I made my device from the following items, a burned out computer monitor, a cast iron skillet,
cast iron electric Stover burners, quartz crystal, pine cones, a buckeye and a twenty-dollar
heating pad. It's not the power of the machine or device at play, but the power of your thoughts
and concentration at work. The machine just holds your thoughts and more effectively broadcasts
them. If you cannot get a cheap device to work for you? It's unlikely youll have much luck with
something expensive and fancy that someone else built. Just like with anything else, the more
you practice, the better at it you become. From my experience, a device of any type isn't even
necessary, but it sure does come in handy. Getting into the regular habit of meditation also
greatly helps, as does learning and making use of controlled breathing techniques
Also forgt to mention I place steel dish scrubbers and copper wool inside the
computer monitor.

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