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MGMA, Legislative and Executive Advocacy Response Network (LEARN)

Research Summary on the Federal Electronic Health Record Incentive Program

The Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) conducted research to determine the ability of medical groups to meet the
meaningful use requirements and qualify for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) electronic health record (EHR)
incentive programs. Below are key findings from the research.

1. Are you aware that the government is offering incentives through the
Medicare and Medicaid programs to encourage eligible providers to
become “meaningful users” of an electronic health record (EHR) system?
Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Yes 98.6% 433
No 1.4% 6
answered question 439
skipped question 6

2. How does your practice's health/medical records system store

information for the majority of the practice's patients?
Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
On paper medical records and charts 31.9% 137
With a computer system where paper records and
charts are scanned and filed electronically, also
5.6% 24
known as a document imaging management system
With an electronic health record (EHR) system that
stores patient medical and demographic information
55.1% 237
in a computer database. An EHR can also include
features of a DIMS.
I do not work for an organization that stores
2.8% 12
medical information about patients.
Other 4.7% 20
Please describe other. 32
answered question 430
skipped question 15

Copyright ©2010. Medical Group Management Association, 104 Inverness Terrace East, Englewood, Colorado, 80112.
All rights reserved.
MGMA, Legislative and Executive Advocacy Response Network (LEARN)
Research Summary on the Federal Electronic Health Record Incentive Program

3. Is your practice planning on implementing an EHR?

Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Yes, within the next 6 months 24.6% 43
Yes, within the next 7 to 12 months 30.3% 53
Yes, within the next 13 to 24 months 21.1% 37
Yes, within the next 25 to 36 months 5.7% 10
No, not within the next 3 years 8.6% 15
Do not know 9.7% 17
answered question 175
skipped question 270

4. As a practice that does not currently use an EHR, how likely is it that
some of your providers will ever attempt to qualify for either the Medicare
or Medicaid EHR incentive?
Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Very unlikely 12.4% 21
Unlikely 11.2% 19
Neutral 14.7% 25
Likely 17.6% 30
Very likely 41.8% 71
Do not know 2.4% 4
answered question 170
skipped question 275

Copyright ©2010. Medical Group Management Association, 104 Inverness Terrace East, Englewood, Colorado, 80112.
All rights reserved.
MGMA, Legislative and Executive Advocacy Response Network (LEARN)
Research Summary on the Federal Electronic Health Record Incentive Program

5. What is the highest level of Certification Commission for Health

Information Technology (CCHIT) certification your EHR has achieved?
Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
2006 certified 1.7% 4
2007 certified 5.7% 13
2008 certified 37.8% 87
2011 certified 10.0% 23
Not CCHIT certified 8.3% 19
Do not know 36.5% 84
answered question 230
skipped question 215

6. What communication has your EHR vendor issued to you regarding its
ability to be certified at the level required for your providers to qualify for
the incentive?
Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Vendor has provided no communication on this issue 17.0% 38
Vendor has communicated that it is reviewing the
20.1% 45
meaningful use criteria
Vendor has indicated that it may have the ability to
13.8% 31
qualify our providers for the incentive
Vendor has told us that our providers will have the
41.1% 92
ability to qualify for the incentive
Vendor has contractually guaranteed that our
providers will have the ability to qualify for the 8.0% 18
answered question 224
skipped question 221

Copyright ©2010. Medical Group Management Association, 104 Inverness Terrace East, Englewood, Colorado, 80112.
All rights reserved.
MGMA, Legislative and Executive Advocacy Response Network (LEARN)
Research Summary on the Federal Electronic Health Record Incentive Program

7. As a practice that uses an EHR, how likely is it that some of your

providers will attempt to qualify for either the Medicare or Medicaid EHR
incentive by the end of 2011?
Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Very unlikely 7.1% 16
Unlikely 4.4% 10
Neutral 4.0% 9
Likely 17.7% 40
Very likely 65.0% 147
Do not know 1.8% 4
answered question 226
skipped question 219

8. How important are Medicare and Medicaid incentive payments to your

practice in establishing the financial viability of an EHR upgrade or
Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Very unimportant 14.2% 56
Unimportant 6.3% 25
Neutral 17.7% 70
Important 25.3% 100
Very important 35.9% 142
Do not know 0.5% 2
answered question 395
skipped question 50

Copyright ©2010. Medical Group Management Association, 104 Inverness Terrace East, Englewood, Colorado, 80112.
All rights reserved.
MGMA, Legislative and Executive Advocacy Response Network (LEARN)
Research Summary on the Federal Electronic Health Record Incentive Program

9. Using your best judgment, how easy or difficult will it be or was it for your practice to meet the following meaningful use criteria by
the end of 2011?
Very Very Do not Rating Response
Answer Options Easy Neutral Difficult
easy difficult know Average Count
Enable the functionality of a certified EHR to
implement drug-drug, drug-allergy, and drug- 56 111 63 69 41 29 2.79 369
formulary checks.
Use a certified EHR to implement five clinical
decision support rules relevant to a physician’s 19 52 75 90 71 61 3.46 368
Use the computerized provider order entry (CPOE)
feature of a certified EHR for at least 80 percent of 35 81 71 79 67 35 3.19 368
all orders.
answered question 369
skipped question 76

10. Using your best judgment, how easy or difficult will it be or was it for your practice to meet the following meaningful use criteria by
the end of 2011?
Very Very Do not Rating Response
Answer Options Easy Neutral Difficult
easy difficult know Average Count
Perform at least one test of a certified EHR's
capability to submit electronic data to immunization 12 34 68 79 64 105 3.58 362
Perform at least one test of a certified EHR's
capability to provide electronic syndromic 7 34 65 74 76 106 3.70 362
surveillance data to public health agencies.
Perform at least one test of a certified EHR's
capability to electronically exchange key clinical
11 45 69 83 83 70 3.63 361
information among providers of care and patient
authorized entities.
answered question 363
skipped question 82

Copyright ©2010. Medical Group Management Association, 104 Inverness Terrace East, Englewood, Colorado, 80112.
All rights reserved.
MGMA, Legislative and Executive Advocacy Response Network (LEARN)
Research Summary on the Federal Electronic Health Record Incentive Program

11. Using your best judgment, how easy or difficult will it be or was it for your practice to meet the following meaningful use criteria by
the end of 2011?
Very Very Do not Rating Response
Answer Options Easy Neutral Difficult
easy difficult know Average Count
Use a certified EHR to send preventive and follow-
up care reminders to at least 50 percent of all 24 63 80 87 58 41 3.29 353
patients that are 50 years of age and over.
Use a certified EHR to fulfill at least 80 percent of all
patient requests for an electronic copy of their 21 65 68 78 84 37 3.44 353
health information within 48 hours.
Use a certified EHR to provide at least 10 percent of
all patients with electronic access to their health
14 44 54 90 99 52 3.72 353
information within 96 hours of the information being
Use a certified EHR to provide clinical summaries to
26 82 67 79 67 32 3.25 353
patients for at least 80 percent of all office visits.
answered question 353
skipped question 92

12. Using your best judgment, how easy or difficult will it be or was it for your practice to meet the following meaningful use criteria by
the end of 2011?
Very Very Do not Rating Response
Answer Options Easy Neutral Difficult
easy difficult know Average Count
Use a certified EHR to perform medication
reconciliation for at least 80 percent of relevant 16 62 79 77 62 57 3.36 353
encounters and transitions of care.
Create a summary of care record from a certified
EHR for at least 80 percent of transitions of care 20 71 84 75 46 57 3.19 353
and referrals.
answered question 354
skipped question 91

Copyright ©2010. Medical Group Management Association, 104 Inverness Terrace East, Englewood, Colorado, 80112.
All rights reserved.
MGMA, Legislative and Executive Advocacy Response Network (LEARN)
Research Summary on the Federal Electronic Health Record Incentive Program

13. Using your best judgment, how easy or difficult will it be or was it for your practice to meet the following meaningful use criteria by
the end of 2011?
Very Very Do not Rating Response
Answer Options Easy Neutral Difficult
easy difficult know Average Count
Conduct a security risk analysis of a certified EHR in
accordance with government standards and 10 50 83 70 57 82 3.42 352
implement security updates as necessary.
answered question 352
skipped question 93

14. Using your best judgment, how easy or difficult will it be or was it for your practice to meet the following meaningful use criteria by
the end of 2011?
Very Very Do not Rating Response
Answer Options Easy Neutral Difficult
easy difficult know Average Count
Create at least one report from a certified EHR that
58 158 60 29 22 23 2.39 350
lists patients with a specific condition.
Use a certified EHR to report clinical quality
measures to CMS and state Medicaid offices in the 11 54 68 75 67 74 3.48 349
form and manner specified by CMS.
answered question 354
skipped question 91

Copyright ©2010. Medical Group Management Association, 104 Inverness Terrace East, Englewood, Colorado, 80112.
All rights reserved.
MGMA, Legislative and Executive Advocacy Response Network (LEARN)
Research Summary on the Federal Electronic Health Record Incentive Program

15. Not including the temporary decrease in productivity that is possible

with any implementation of an EHR, estimate the change in productivity
for an eligible provider implementing all of the 25 proposed meaningful
use criteria.
Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Increase more than 10% 1.1% 4
Increase 6% to 10% 2.8% 10
Increase 1% to 5% 5.1% 18
No change 9.4% 33
Decrease 1% to 5% 14.2% 50
Decrease 6% to 10% 22.7% 80
Decrease more than 10% 31.0% 109
Do not know 13.6% 48
answered question 352
skipped question 93

16. The federal government has announced that it will expand the
meaningful use criteria in 2013 and 2015. How important is it that the
government fully pilot test these more comprehensive meaningful use
criteria before requiring them?
Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Very unimportant 17.6% 62
Unimportant 0.0% 0
Neutral 2.3% 8
Important 3.7% 13
Very important 76.4% 269
Do not know 0.0% 0
answered question 352
skipped question 93

Copyright ©2010. Medical Group Management Association, 104 Inverness Terrace East, Englewood, Colorado, 80112.
All rights reserved.
MGMA, Legislative and Executive Advocacy Response Network (LEARN)
Research Summary on the Federal Electronic Health Record Incentive Program

17. Which of the following best describes your organization?

Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Independent medical practice 80.1% 282
Hospital or integrated delivery system (IDS) or
11.1% 39
medical practice owned by hospital or IDS
Medical school faculty practice plan or academic
1.4% 5
clinical science department
Federally qualified health center, community health
0.6% 2
center or similar practice
Retail walk-in primary care clinic 0.0% 0
Freestanding ambulatory surgery center (ASC) 0.3% 1
Management services organization (MSO) 0.9% 3
Physician practice management company (PPMC) 0.6% 2
Independent practice association (IPA) 0.9% 3
Health care consulting, legal or accounting firm 0.6% 2
Insurance company or health maintenance
0.3% 1
organization (HMO)
Other 3.4% 12
Please describe other. 16
answered question 352
skipped question 93

Copyright ©2010. Medical Group Management Association, 104 Inverness Terrace East, Englewood, Colorado, 80112.
All rights reserved.
MGMA, Legislative and Executive Advocacy Response Network (LEARN)
Research Summary on the Federal Electronic Health Record Incentive Program

18. How many full-time-equivalent (FTE) physicians work for your medical
Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
1 to 5 31.0% 109
6 to 10 21.0% 74
11 to 20 19.3% 68
21 to 50 14.5% 51
51 to 100 6.8% 24
101 or more 6.3% 22
Not applicable 1.1% 4
answered question 352
skipped question 93

Copyright ©2010. Medical Group Management Association, 104 Inverness Terrace East, Englewood, Colorado, 80112.
All rights reserved.

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