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Asexuality population also has significantly lower rates

of various measures of mental health

o is a sexual orientation that describes o one factor that makes engaging in homosexual
individuals who do not experience sexual acts a bad choice for individuals is the
attraction. significantly higher rates of domestic violence
o Asexuality is not the same as celibacy, which in homosexual couples. In addition, according
to experts homosexual murders are relatively or
is the abstention from sexual activity. Some quite common and often homosexual murders are
asexuals do have sex, and most celibates are very brutal. Also, the homosexual population
not asexual, or considered as such. has a greater propensity to engage in illegal
drug use.
o Asexuals may experience romantic attraction, or
the desire for, fantasy of, or propensity o A new study by a group of University of Chicago
towards romantic love, often directed at people researchers reveals a high level of promiscuity
of genders falling within an affectional and unhealthy behavior among that city's
orientation. homosexual male population. According to the
o Many asexuals also identify as straight, gay, researchers, 42.9 percent of homosexual men in
or bi, using the terms in a strictly Chicago's Shoreland area have had more than 60
affectional sense, or alternatively sexual partners, while an additional 18.4
o Some asexuals identify as "aromantic." A percent have had between 31 and 60 partners.
relationship between an asexual and a sexual All total, 61.3 percent of the area's
person does not necessarily involve sexual homosexual men have had more than 30 partners,
activity. and 87.8 percent have had more than 15, the
research found.
o Patterns of Sexual Activities:
o As a result, 55.1 percent of homosexual males
Heterosexuality in Shoreland -- known as Chicago's "gay center"
o refers to sexual behavior with, or attraction -- have at least one sexually transmitted
to, people of the opposite sex, or to a disease
heterosexual orientation.
Homosexuality and Mental Health
o As a sexual orientation, heterosexuality refers
to "an enduring pattern of or disposition to o In respect to homosexuality and mental health,
experience sexual, affectional, or romantic studies have long indicated that homosexuals
attractions primarily to "persons of the have a substantially greater risk of suffering
opposite sex"; from psychiatric problems (suicide, depression,
bulimia, antisocial personality disorder, and
o The term is usually applied to human beings, substance abuse).
but it is also observed in all mammals. o autosexuality
o The physical action of heterosexual o refers to sexual orientation and sexual behavior
fertilization is the only means of sexual of attraction or romance that one holds
reproductive capability among humans without exclusively, and expresses, towards oneself.
the use of assisted reproductive technology.. Concurrently, autoeroticism is sexual
stimulation of one's self.
o In other cultures a heterosexual man may engage o Autoerotic interests include autogynephilia,
in homosexual intercourse provided that he apotemnophilia, autoerotic asphyxia.
keeps the role traditionally assigned to his sex
during intercourse and his gender during the o autogynephilia
surrounding relationship. o refer to "a man's paraphilic tendency to be
sexually aroused by the thought or image of
o Most sexual orientation specialists follow the himself as a woman."It has been theorized to
general conclusion that minority of humans are motivate cross-dressing as a sexual fetish
exclusively heterosexual or homosexual, and o Apotemnophilia
that the majority are bisexual.
o Homosexual o is the erotic interest in being or looking like
an amputee. It should not be confused with
o "sexual desire or behavior directed toward a acrotomophilia, which is the erotic interest in
person or persons of one's own sex.“ people who are amputees.
o there is no genetic determinism in regards to o When experienced very strongly, some people
homosexuality (homosexuals are "not born that with apotemnophilia come to feel discontented
way") and that there is abundant documentation with their bodies and want to actually remove
that individuals are able to leave an otherwise healthy limb, a condition called
homosexuality and become heterosexuals Body Integrity Identity Disorder
o Many studies demonstrate a sadly o Autoerotic asphyxia
disproportionate extent of sexual abuse in the o refers to intentionally cutting off oxygen to
childhoods of homosexual men, suggesting at the the brain for sexual arousal. Colloquially, a
least that both homosexual unhappiness and person engaging in the activity is sometimes
homosexuality itself derive from common causes. called a gasper. The erotic interest in
asphyxiation is classified as a paraphilia
o In research with 942 nonclinical adult
participants, gay men and lesbian women Nocturnal orgasm
reported a significantly higher rate of
childhood molestation than did heterosexual men o Orgasm during sleep
and women. Forty-six percent of the homosexual o It was discovered that spontaneous orgasm
men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men during sleep was in most cases a result of
reported homosexual molestation. Twenty-two sexual dreams, especially when speaking of
percent of lesbian women in contrast to 1% of males. These dreams often have a "taste of
heterosexual women reported homosexual forbidden", where a sleeping person often has
molestation. sexual intercourse in situations that seem
unacceptable during conscious state.
o homosexual population has significantly higher o For example, people have sex dreams when they
rates of many diseases and the homosexual engage in group sex or sex with their
relatives. The occurrence of such dreams is o Physiological reactions are usually triggered
explained by the fact that in unconscious state through sensitive nerves in these body parts,
during sleep our conscious control weakens which cause the release of pleasure-causing
giving way to our deep sexual urges. chemicals that act as mental rewards to pursue
o fast facts: such stimulation.
o Arousal is usually the term used to describe
o Many women achieve orgasm much faster during such a physiological reaction. Physical sexual
sleep than during a conscious state. stimulation may also involve the touching of
o It is not surprising that men and women have other people's body parts and may trigger
orgasms during sleep as sexual arousal does not similar physiological reactions.
sleep. Men can have up to six erections during o psychologic stimulation
an eight-hour sleep and women's genitals get o Mental sexual stimulation consists of any
lubricated almost with the same frequency. visual images, imagination, reading material,
o There is no evidence to prove that nocturnal or auditory stimulation that causes sexual
orgasm is peculiar to particular age group. men stimulation and leads to arousal.
report the most nocturnal orgasms during their o The degree of sexual stimulation derived from
teenage and early 20's. Women have wet dreams any such activities depends upon the person and
more frequently during their 40s. Interesting the circumstance. Pornography is considered to
enough, for women number of nocturnal orgasms be the most prominent example of mental
increased if they had more "conscious" orgasms. stimulation, and watching pornographic material
o Around 90% of men and less than 40% of women can lead to arousal in most people.
said they had orgasm during sleep. o The input of mental sexual stimulation varies
o Some people will have nocturnal orgasms during by gender. women show more interest in sexual
their lifetime while others start experiencing acts and men focus on faces.
them at particular age. o
o Though all the findings regarding nocturnal Patterns of Sexual response:
orgasms show that men experience orgasm during ORGASM
sleep more frequently, this difference can be
more due to the difficulty monitoring female o Rhythmic muscular contractions
orgasm during the sleep. o of the genitals (sex organs)
o Anatomical differences may predispose men to o combined with waves of intense pleasurable
have more orgasms as any unconscious movements sensations
can easier stimulate male genitals then female o in males, results in the ejaculation of semen.
one's as they are not so exposed to stimulation.
o Men are more aware of their nocturnal orgasms o The peak of sexual excitement, characterized by
as they ejaculate during sleep while women strong feelings of pleasure and by a series of
cannot say exactly if they experienced orgasm involuntary contractions
or not.
Sexual Relationships:
Premarital sexual relationships o Sexual intercourse may be preceded by foreplay
which leads to sexual arousal of the partners
o is sexual intercourse engaged in by a person or o resulting in erection of the penis and natural
persons who are not yet married. lubrication of the vagina.
o It is generally used in reference to young o Sexual intercourse or COITUS is the human form
people who are presumed who are not yet of of copulation.
marriagable age, or who are and will one day be
married, but who are engaging sexual practices
priored to their being sanctioned within a o To engage in sexual intercourse:
o Postmarital sexual relationships
o the erect penis is inserted into the vagina and
one or both of the partners move back and forth
o is sexual intercourse engaged in by a person or to repeatedly remove and reinsert the penis
persons who are married. usually without ever fully removing it.
o Extramarital sexual relationships
o In this way, they stimulate themselves and each
o occurs when a married person engages in sexual other usually until orgasm and ejaculation are
activity with someone other than their marriage achieved.
o Extramarital sex is also sometimes referred to
an abrupt emphatic exclamation expressing
as adultery, philandary, or infidelity, but emotion
those terms for many people carry a moral or
religious association, while the term o the discharge of semen in males
"extramarital sex" is intended to be morally or
judgmentally neutral. Sexual Response Cycle:
o Extramarital sex attempts to look at the social o Excitement Phase
phenomena of sexual relations outside of an o Plateau Phase
existing marriage relationship, at its o Orgasmic Phase
incidence, causes, and consequences, in an o Resolution Phase
objective and non-judgmental manner.
Reproductive organ disorders
Sexual Stimulation: Endometriosis
Physiologic physical stimulation
o In endometriosis, the endometrium, which
o Physical sexual stimulation usually consists of normally lines your uterus, grows in other
the touching of parts of the human body, places as well. Most often, this growth is on
especially erogenous zones. your fallopian tubes, ovaries or the tissue
lining your pelvis.
o Masturbation is considered a type of sexual
o When endometrial tissue is located elsewhere in o Urinary difficulties, such as urine leakage or
your body, it continues to act as it normally urge incontinence
would during a menstrual cycle o Trouble having a bowel movement
o Low back pain
o It thickens, breaks down and bleeds each month. o Feeling as if you're sitting on a small ball or
Because there's nowhere for the blood from this as if something is falling out of your vagina
displaced tissue to exit your body, it becomes o Symptoms that are less bothersome in the
trapped, and surrounding tissue can become morning and worsen as the day goes on
irritated o treatment

o Trapped blood may lead to cysts, scar tissue

o Lifestyle changes
and adhesions — abnormal tissue that binds o Vaginal pessary.
organs together.
o Surgery to repair uterine prolapse.
o This process can cause pelvic pain, especially
during your period. Endometriosis also can Uterine fibroids
cause fertility problems.
o S&S o are noncancerous growths of the uterus that
often appear during your childbearing years.
o Painful periods (dysmenorrhea). Pelvic pain and o Also called fibromyomas, leiomyomas or myomas,
cramping may begin before and extend several uterine fibroids aren't associated with an
days into your period and may include lower increased risk of uterine cancer and almost
back and abdominal pain.. never develop into cancer.

o Pelvic pain at other times. You may experience

pelvic pain during ovulation, a sharp pain deep o In general, uterine fibroids cause no problems
in the pelvis during intercourse, or pain and seldom require treatment.
during bowel movements or urination. o Medical therapy and surgical procedures can
shrink or remove fibroids if you have
discomfort or troublesome symptoms.
o Excessive bleeding. You may experience o Rarely, fibroids can require emergency
occasional heavy periods (menorrhagia) or treatment if they cause sudden, sharp pelvic
bleeding between periods (menometrorrhagia). pain.

o Infertility. Endometriosis is first diagnosed o

Heavy menstrual bleeding
in some women who are seeking treatment for o Prolonged menstrual periods or bleeding between
infertility. periods
o Pelvic pressure or pain
o Causes o Urinary incontinence or frequent urination
o Constipation
o One theory holds that menstrual blood o Backache or leg pains
containing endometrial cells flows back through
the fallopian tubes, takes root and grows. o treatment
o Medication
o Another hypothesis proposes that the o Surgery
bloodstream carries endometrial cells to other o hysterectomy
sites in the body. o myomectomy
o Still another theory speculates that a o Uterine artery embolization
predisposition toward endometriosis may be
carried in the genes of certain families. A
faulty immune response also may contribute to rectocele
the development of endometriosis. o occurs when the fascia — a wall of fibrous
o Lifestyle and home remedies tissue separating the rectum from the vagina —
becomes weakened, allowing the front wall of
o Warm baths and a heating pad can help relax the rectum to bulge into the vagina.
pelvic muscles, reducing cramping and pain. o Childbirth and other processes that put
pressure on the fascia can lead to a rectocele.
o surgery Generally, rectoceles occur after menopause,
when estrogen — which helps keep your pelvic
Uterine prolapse tissues strong — decreases.
o S&S
o means your uterus has descended from its o A small, mild rectocele may cause no signs or
position in the pelvis farther down into your symptoms. Otherwise, you may notice:
vagina. o A soft bulge of tissue in your vagina that may
or may not protrude through the vaginal opening
o Uterine prolapse occurs when pelvic floor o Difficulty having a bowel movement
muscles and ligaments stretch and weaken, o The need to press your fingers on the bulge in
providing inadequate support for the uterus. your vagina to help push stool out during a
The uterus then descends into the vaginal bowel movement
canal. o Sensation of rectal pressure or fullness
o A feeling that the rectum has not completely
o Uterine prolapse often affects postmenopausal emptied after a bowel movement
women who've had one or more vaginal o Difficulty controlling the passage of stool
o Causes
o Damage sustained by supportive tissues during
pregnancy and childbirth o Pregnancy and delivery are the most common
causes of rectoceles. This is because the
o S&S muscles, ligaments and fascia that hold and
o Sensation of heaviness or pulling in your support your vagina become stretched and
pelvis weakened during pregnancy, labor and delivery.
o Tissue protruding from your vagina As a result, the more pregnancies you have, the
greater chance you have of developing a
rectocele. Double uterus
o Treatment o In a female fetus, the uterus starts out as two
o Pessary. small tubes. As the fetus develops, the tubes
normally join to create one larger, hollow
o Surgery organ — the uterus.
o Self-care measures you can take:
o Perform Kegel exercises. o Sometimes, however, the tubes don't join
o Avoid constipation by eating high-fiber foods completely. Instead, each one develops into a
and drinking plenty of fluids. separate cavity. This condition is called
o Avoid heavy lifting. double uterus (uterus didelphys).
o Try to control coughing. o S&S
o Lose weight if you're overweight or obese. o Possible signs and symptoms may include:
cystocele o Unusual pain before or during a menstrual
o occurs when the wall between a woman's bladder period
and vagina weakens and stretches, allowing the o Abnormal bleeding during a period, such as
bladder to bulge into the vagina. A cystocele blood flow despite the use of a tampon
may also be called a prolapsed bladder.
o A cystocele may occur from excessive straining, o treatment
such as during childbirth, chronic constipation o If you have a double uterus but you don't have
or heavy lifting. It may also occur after signs or symptoms, treatment is rarely needed.
menopause, when estrogen decreases. Therefore, Surgery to unite a double uterus is rarely done
older women and those who've given birth to — although surgery may help you sustain a
several children are more likely to develop a pregnancy.
o If you're pregnant and have a double uterus,
your risk of pregnancy complications may be
o Symptoms higher due to the smaller size of your uteri.
o A feeling of fullness or pressure in your Uterine unicornis
pelvis and vagina — especially when standing o When one of the mullerian ducts fails to form,
for long periods of time. a single horn (banana-shaped) uterus develops
o Increased discomfort when you strain, cough, from the healthy mullerian duct.
bear down or lift. o This single horn uterus may stand alone.
o A bulge of tissue that, in severe cases, However, in 65% of women with a unicornuate
protrudes through your vaginal opening. The uterus, the remaining mullerian duct may form
resulting soft bulge may feel walnut- or even an incomplete (rudimentary) horn.
grapefruit-sized, and often goes away when you
lie down. o There may no cavity in this rudimentary horn or
o A feeling that you haven't completely emptied it may have a small space within it, but no
your bladder after urinating. opening which communicates with the unicornuate
uterus and vagina.
o Loss of urinary control with coughing, laughing o In the latter case, a girl may have monthly
or sneezing (stress incontinence). In severe pain during adolescence because there is no
cases, you may not be able to control urination outlet for the menses from this rudimentary
at all. horn. This pain would lead to identification of
o Recurrent bladder infections. this problem.
o Pain or urinary leakage during sexual
o When other organs join the bladder in moving o Uterine Deviation
into the space in the front part of the vagina, o Anteversion
the condition is called an anterior prolapse. o Retroversion
o treatment o Anteflexion
o Pessary o retroflexion
o Estrogen therapy
o Kegel’s excercise Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
o is an infection of the female reproductive
Enterocele organs.
o Childbirth and aging may weaken the muscles and
ligaments (pelvic floor) that support your o It usually occurs when sexually transmitted
bladder, uterus, colon and small intestine. The bacteria spread from your vagina to your uterus
weakening may cause one or more of these organs and upper genital tract.
to drop (prolapse). One resulting condition is
an enterocele. o Many women who develop pelvic inflammatory
o An enterocele occurs when your small intestine disease either experience no signs or symptoms
(small bowel) drops into the lower pelvic or don't seek treatment. Pelvic inflammatory
cavity and protrudes into your vagina, creating disease may be detected only later when you
a bulge. An enterocele is a vaginal hernia. have trouble getting pregnant or if you develop
chronic pelvic pain.
o S&S
o A pulling sensation in your pelvis that eases o Pelvic inflammatory disease is important to
when you lie down avoid because it can result in infertility or
o A feeling of pelvic fullness, pressure or pain complications during pregnancy. Prompt
o Low back pain that eases when you lie down treatment of a sexually transmitted disease can
o A soft bulge of tissue in your vagina help prevent PID.
o Vaginal discharge and bleeding
o Vaginal discomfort and painful intercourse o S&S
(dyspareunia) o Pain in your lower abdomen and pelvis
o Heavy vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor
o treatment o Irregular menstrual bleeding
o Pessary o Pain during intercourse
o Estrogen therapy o Low back pain
o kegels o Fever, fatigue, diarrhea or vomiting
o Surgery
o Painful or difficult urination

o treatment
o active. Inactivity causes you to retain urine.
o Prevent STD Even a small amount of exercise can help reduce
o Antibiotic urinary problems caused by BPH.
o surgery
o keep warm. Colder temperatures can cause urine
BPH retention and increase your urgency to urinate.

o The prostate gland is the male organ that o Testicular torsion

produces semen, the milky-colored fluid that o occurs when a testicle rotates on the spermatic
nourishes and transports sperm during cord, which provides blood flow to the
ejaculation. It sits beneath your bladder and testicle.
surrounds your urethra — the tube that drains o This rotation cuts off the flow of blood and
urine from your bladder. causes sudden, often severe pain and swelling.
o Testicular torsion is most common in males
o When it becomes enlarged, the prostate can put under 25, but it can occur at any age,
pressure on your urethra and cause difficulty including in newborns and infants.
o Testicular torsion requires emergency
treatment. If it's treated within a few hours,
o Most men have a period of prostate growth in the testicle can usually be saved. But waiting
their mid- to late 40s. At this time, cells in longer can cause permanent damage and may
the central portion reproduce more rapidly, affect the ability to father children.
resulting in prostate gland enlargement.
o When blood flow has been cut off for more than
o As tissues in the area enlarge, they often 12 hours, a testicle may become so badly
compress the urethra and partially block urine damaged it has to be removed.
flow. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the
medical term for prostate gland enlargement
o S&S
o S&S
o Weak urine stream
o Difficulty starting urination o Sudden or severe pain in one testicle
o Stopping and starting while urinating o Swelling of the scrotum (a loose bag of skin
o Dribbling at the end of urination under your penis that contains your testicles)
o Straining while urinating o Nausea and vomiting
o Frequent need to urinate o Abdominal pain
o Increased frequency of urination at night o Fever
(nocturia) o Other signs of testicular torsion can include:
o Urgent need to urinate o A testicle positioned higher than normal or at
o Not being able to completely empty the bladder an odd angle
o Blood in the urine (hematuria) o Sudden testicle pain that went away without
o Urinary tract infection treatment — this can occur when a testicle
twists and then untwists on its own
o treatment (intermittent torsion and detorsion)
o Drug therapy o treatment
o surgery
o Limit beverages in the evening. Don't drink
anything for an hour or two before bedtime to
help you avoid wake-up trips to the bathroom at Orchitis
night. o If you're an adult male, you may have heard
that getting mumps may affect your fertility.
The reason is viral orchitis, an inflammation
o Limit caffeine or alcohol. These can increase of one or both testicles, most commonly
urine production, irritate your bladder and associated with the virus that causes mumps.
worsen your symptoms. About one-third of males who contract mumps
develop orchitis.
o Limit diuretics. If you take water pills
o Other causes of orchitis usually are bacterial,
(diuretics), talk to your doctor. Maybe a lower including sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
dose, a milder diuretic or a change in the time The best way to prevent orchitis is to prevent
you take your medication will help. Don't stop mumps and to avoid behaviors that may result in
taking diuretics without first talking to your STDs.

o Limit decongestants or antihistamines. These Cryptorchidism

drugs tighten the band of muscles around your o Undescended testicle (cryptorchidism) is a
urethra that control urine flow, which makes it testicle that hasn't moved into its proper
harder to urinate. position in the bag of skin hanging behind the
penis (scrotum) prior to the birth of a baby
o Go when you feel the urge. Try to urinate when o For most boys born with one or two undescended
you first feel the urge. Waiting too long to testicles, the problem corrects itself within
urinate may overstretch the bladder muscle and the first few months of life.
cause damage. o If your infant has an undescended testicle that
doesn't correct itself, surgery can usually be
o Schedule bathroom visits. Try to urinate at used to relocate it into the scrotum.
regular times to "retrain" the bladder. This
can be done every four to six hours during the
day and can be especially useful if you have hydrocele
severe frequency and urgency.
o A hydrocele testis is the accumulation of
fluids around a testicle,

o is due to fluid secreted from a remnant piece

of peritoneum wrapped around the testis, called
the tunica vaginalis. It can be the result of
cancer, trauma (such as a hernia), or orchitis,
and can also occur in infants undergoing
peritoneal dialysis.

o It may be treated surgically.

o Hydroceles are usually not painful (neither
are testicular tumors) and a common way of
diagnosing them is by attempting to shine a
strong light through the enlarged testicle.
o A hydrocele will usually pass light, where a
tumor will not, but the diagnosis should be
made by a physician.

o spermatocele
o phimosis
o is a condition where, in men, the male
foreskin cannot be fully retracted from the
head of the penis

o hypospadias

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