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Literature II





Conceptual Framework

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire



The Social








Skilled in



The Abolishment of Slavery

Family Background
Civil War

A. The Role of Lincolns Personality in Abolishing Slavery

Lincolns personality in Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter plays
important roles in putting an end of slavery in United State. They are:
1. Vindictive
Revenge (vindictive) is a fierce desire to avenge to bad people. When
someone has a desire to avenge to others, they will do anything until they can
punish the one they hate. It is similar to Lincolns life. Abraham Lincoln had a
vendetta against Jack Bart because Jack Bart had killed his mother when he was a
kid. Since that accident, he decided to take revenge to Jack Bart even though his
father had forbidden him.
Abraham Lincoln: I tried to fortify the nerve to pursue my vengeance.
However, because of his nature to take avenge, Abraham Lincoln met Henry
Sturges who saved his life from Jack Bart. From Henry, Lincoln knew that Jack
Bart was not a human but a vampire. Henry told that Jack Bart was not the only
one but many vampires were out there. He also told that there was a cruel and
strong vampire named Adam and his sister named Vadoma. Then Henry began to
train Lincoln how to hunt vampires. Because Lincoln was motivated about his
vengeance, he became a strong hunter of vampire and he killed all vampires who
always made all slaves being their target to absorb slaves blood, including the
leader of vampire Adam.

2. Hard-working
Hard-working means to make every endeavor to get the maximum results
or an endeavor that are undertaken in earnest until ones dream can be achieved.
When Abraham Lincoln was still a kid, he surely never imagined that someday he
would be the president of United Stated. However, after he saw his mother died by
vampire and he hated all forms of slavery, he was determined to hunt all vampires
and to put an end of slavery. He proved by working hard, everything he wanted he
could achieve it. Without the background of formal education, he became a
respected president of United State.

3. Skilled in War Strategy

War indeed need a strategy that is designed in a way to know the strengths
and weaknesses of the enemy and can do a lot of strategy in many types of wars to
get a great win. Abraham Lincoln showed that he is an expert on war strategy.
When the Union army would be lost from the vampires, Abraham Lincoln found
the brilliant idea to merge the entire silver cutlery across the northern states
becoming powerful ammunition to destroy the vampires.
Abraham Lincoln: Will! Speed! This. This is what we need.
William Johnson: A fork.
Abraham Lincoln: Silver
Joshua Speed: Okay, okay. How much do we need?
Abraham Lincoln: all of it. (1:14:36)
He also made himself as bait in train in order the ammunition could be
brought to the union soldiers. It described how Abraham Lincoln designed the

brilliant strategy. As a result, the union soldiers could defeat the vampires. It was
the biggest victory of Abraham Lincoln as well as his dream to abolish slavery
came true.

B. The Social Aspects

The social aspects that take part in Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter are:
1. Slavery
Slavery refers to a condition in which individuals are owned by others,
who control where they live and what they work while slave is a human being
classed as property and who is forced to work for nothing. To be a slave is to be
owned by another person. Slavery in United Stated was practiced by white people
against black people since ancient times. Their employer also often treated the
slaves cruelly and arbitrarily so that their live were full of miserable and pathetic.

William Johnson known as Will is Lincolns close friend and he is a black

slave. In the movie of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, Wills parents are not
treated humanely by Jack Barts accomplices. The neck of Wills parents is
chained like animal and they were forced to climb into the boat to be sent
somewhere and used as slaves. While Will who refused his parents sent
somewhere are whipped violently by Jack Barts subordinate. Young Lincoln
greatly disliked such treatments that white people enslave the black people in his
country. It was shown when he helped Will from the bad guys even though his
father had forbidden him.

Young Lincoln: Will !!!

Lincolns Father: Quiet !!!
Young Lincoln: He is my friend.
Lincolns father: Look away, Abraham. Its not our place. (02:16)
The bad treatments of slaves did not only occur to Will and Wills parents
but to all slaves in United Stated. The bad treatments of the slaves make young
Lincoln hates all forms of slavery. The only way to make men free is by
abolishing slavery in his country.

2. Love
Mary Todd is a beautiful young woman who comes from a wealthy family.
She is the fiance of Stephen Douglas, a politician from Illinois. Mary met
Lincoln unexpectedly in a shop where Lincoln worked. From the unexpected
meeting, Mary Todd started to show that she fell in love with Abraham Lincoln.
Her feeling to Lincoln was very evident on her face when Abraham began to
introduce himself. It indicated that she fell in love with Abraham at first sight. She
showed again her feeling to Lincoln when they danced together in Douglas party.
Mary Todd: I came to Springfield looking for someone different. Someone
whose life was a bit more adventurous, and well My apologies, Im never
Abraham Lincoln: Honest?
Mary Todd: Rude. (28:51)

In some condition, Abraham Lincoln also liked Mary Todd but he did not
want Mary knew his feeling because it would endanger Marys life. He did not
also want Mary got involved too much on it because it would make Mary became

the target of vampires. He was so afraid if Mary would die like his mother bitten
by vampires. In the other hand, Mary believed that her life would be happier and
more cheerful if she was with Lincoln and spent the rest of her life with him in
comfort. Then they were married. After married, Lincolns career in politics was
getting excellent. He became a president of United stated.

3. Family Background
Lincoln came from a poor family and did not have the educational
background. Lincoln lived in a hut in the forest with his mother and his father. His
father was a carpenter and his mother worked at Jack Bart. Lincoln's father and
mother were slaves who worked at Jack Bart. Like slaves, they were treated
similar to other slaves and paid under wage. Although they are white people, it did
not make them become free men. His parents had a debt to be paid and by being
Jack Barts slaves is only the way to pay their debt. His background as an ordinary
person and the background of his parents as slaves may have influenced the
principles and insights of Abraham Lincoln concerning equality and anti-slavery.
Lincolns mother: Until every men is free, we are all slaves.
Jack Bart: Very well, then. Since youre also so concerned with freedom,
you may consider yourself free from the burden of my employ. And the debt
youve been working off, Id like it paid in full with interest. (03:19)

4. Civil War
Civil War refers to a kind of war between political faction or regions
within the same country. The civil war that happened in United State was the

central event in Americans historical consciousness. American Civil War was a

war that occurred between 1861 and 1865 in the United States. A group of states
in the southern part that was pro-slavery wants independence, while the
government and the states in the northern part that desired all salves free want to
keep the wholeness of United.
However, in the film of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, civil war that
occurred between the Northern States where Lincoln as a leader and as a president
of United State and the Southern States involved all the vampires in Southern
States. The participation of the vampires in Gettysburg war was not only caused
by contention between Abraham Lincoln with the leader of vampire Adam but
also by the request of the leadership of the confederate army who asked for help
to defeat the union army.
Abraham Lincoln felt hated with the vampires because they not only made
the black people as slaves but also killed them by absorbing their blood.
Nevertheless, in the battle of Gettysburg, which is the climax of the feud of Union
soldiers who support the policies of Abraham Lincoln to abolish slavery, won the
battle that eventually led to the confederate soldiers surrendered and killed all the
vampires along with their leader, Adam.
When the Gettysburg war ended in Union soldiers victory, Abraham
Lincoln delivered a tribute of speech to the soldiers who have been killed for
struggling to equal rights and to stop racism. Perception that was originally
thought that it was emphasized to underline the equal rights of all Americans no

matter what his race becoming the viewpoint of Lincoln who want American free
from vampire.
Abraham Lincoln: For score and seven years ago, our father brought forth
on this continent. A new notion conceived in liberty and dedicated to the
proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great
civil war testing that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can
long endure. It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated here to unfinished
work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is
rather for us to be here dedicated, to the great task remaining before us that
from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which
they gave the last full measure of devotion that we here highly resolve that
these dead shall not have died in vain. And that this nation, under God, shall
have a new birth of freedom. And that government of the people, by the
people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. (1:35:11)

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