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LEADERS 481-DL: Foundations of

LEADERS 481-DL Syllabus
Dr. Russell Roberson
Foundations of Leadership
Summer 2013
Contact Information
Phone: 262 331 4438 (6 10 p.m. CST)
Office Hours: By appointment only
Course Description
This course serves as an introduction to leadership theory and practice. The course will examine the
research and literature regarding organizational leadership and provide an opportunity for examining and
developing personal leadership skills. The course features relevant readings, case studies, projects, and
class discussions. The purpose of this course is to identify the fundamental leadership behaviors that
enable people to excel in their careers and to help students apply these behaviors to personal and
professional success. The course builds from the basic premise that leadership is learned. It looks at the
theory and practice of leadership at the individual and organizational levels. The course will explore
definitions of leadership, the importance of leadership, leadership styles, the role of vision and integrity,
the importance of giving and receiving feedback, how to lead change and solve problems, effective
teamwork, and communication strategies.
Northouse, P.G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and Practice (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
[ISBN-13: 978-1-4522-0340-9]
HBRs 10 Must Reads: On Leadership (Harvard Business Review Paperback Series). Harvard
Business School Press. [ISBN 13: 978-1-4221-5797-8}
Roberson, R.L. (2010). Quality: Tenets on Leadership. [ISBN 978-1-4609-8280-8]
Learning Goals
The goals of this course are to:

Analyze different forms of value (economic, meaning, and social) and the role value, experience,
and research play in effective leadership.
Identify the theoretical foundations for successful leadership in today's organizations.
Compare and contrast the major leadership theories and discuss the key points and application
methods of each theory in the workplace.
Discuss the context and outcome of applied leadership in selected situations.
Analyze and interpret a particular performance-based organizational issue, develop a solution to
the issue at hand, and apply appropriate leadership theories in the given situation.
Given different organizational scenarios, discuss and analyze the responsibility, privilege, value,
culture, ethical considerations, and the appropriate use of authority and power.
Synthesize best practices to create a plan for engaging, implementing, and sustaining planned
organizational change.
Identify principles by which successful leaders operate.
Identify your personal philosophy and style and expand this for interpersonal influence in your

LEADERS 481-DL: Foundations of


The student's final grade will be based on participation, a final exam, a final paper, and assignments.
Discussion Participation
Article Summaries (4 total)
Leadership Paper
Comprehensive final exam


Discussion Board Etiquette

The purpose of discussion boards is to allow students to freely exchange ideas and participation is highly
encouraged. It is important that we always remain respectful of one anothers viewpoints and positions
and, when necessary, agree to disagree, respectfully. While active and frequent participation is
encouraged, cluttering a discussion board with inappropriate, irrelevant, or insignificant material will not
earn additional points and may result in receiving less than full credit. Although frequency is not
unimportant, content of the message is paramount. Please remember to cite all sourceswhen
relevantin order to avoid plagiarism. You must be in each discussion board a minimum of two times
during the week with the first post in each discussion board being on or before Wednesday.
Proctored Assessment
There is a proctored assessment requirement in this course. For additional information, please go to the
Assignments section in Blackboard and scroll to the Proctored Exam Approval Application item.
Grading Scale


90% - 93%
88% - 89%
83% - 87%
80% - 82%
78% - 79%



73% - 77%
70% - 72%
68% - 69%
63% - 67%
60% - 62%
0% - 59%

This course is asynchronous, meaning we will not meet at a particular time each week. Even though we
will not meet face-to-face in a physical classroom, participation on discussion boards is required and
paramount to your success.
Late Work
Late work will only be accepted in the case in which the student sends a formal request to the instructor
(via e-mail) and is given specific permission to submit work after the due date. Work submitted up to 48
hours late will receive a 20% penalty unless permission to submit late was granted. Work submitted after
48 hours of the due date will not be accepted.
Learning Groups
There will be no learning groups for this course.
Academic Integrity at Northwestern

LEADERS 481-DL: Foundations of

Students are required to comply with University regulations regarding academic integrity. If you are in
doubt about what constitutes academic dishonesty, speak with your instructor or graduate coordinator
before the assignment is due and/or examine the University Web site. Academic dishonesty includes, but
is not limited to, cheating on an exam, obtaining an unfair advantage, and plagiarism (e.g., taking material
from readings without citation or copying another student's paper). Failure to maintain academic integrity
will result in a grade sanction, possibly as severe as failing and being required to retake the course, and
could lead to a suspension or expulsion from the program. Further penalties may apply. For more
information, visit: <>.
Plagiarism is one form of academic dishonesty. Students can familiarize themselves with the definition
and examples of plagiarism, by visiting the site <>. Myriad other
sources can be found online, as well.
Some assignments in this course may be required to be submitted through SafeAssign, a plagiarism
<>. In brief, SafeAssign compares
the submitted assignment to millions of documents in very large databases. It then generates a report
showing the extent to which text within a paper is very similar or identical to pre-existing sources. The
user can then see how or whether the flagged text is cited appropriately, if at all. SafeAssign also returns
a percentage score, indicating the percentage of the submitted paper that is similar or identical to preexisting sources. High scores are not necessarily bad, nor do they necessarily indicate plagiarism, since
the score doesn't take into account how or whether material is cited. (If a paper consisted of just one long
quote that was cited appropriately, the score would be 100%. This wouldn't be plagiarism, due to the
appropriate citation. However, just submitting one long quote would probably be a pretty bad paper. ) Low
scores are not necessarily good, nor do they necessarily indicate a lack of plagiarism. (If a 50-page paper
had all original material, except for one short quote that was not cited, the score might be around 1%. But,
not citing a quotation would still be plagiarism.)
SafeAssign includes an option in which the student can submit a paper and see the resultant report
before submitting it to the instructor as a final copy. This ideally will help students better understand and
avoid plagiarism.
SafeAssign includes an option in which the student can submit a paper and see the resultant report
before submitting it to the instructor as a final copy. This ideally will help students better understand and
avoid plagiarism.
Other Processes and Policies
Please refer to your SCS student handbook at for additional course and program processes and policies.

LEADERS 481-DL: Foundations of


Course Schedule
Important Note: Changes may occur to the syllabus at the instructor's discretion. When changes are
made, students will be notified via an announcement in Blackboard.

Session 1
Learning Objectives
After this session, the student will be able to:

Discuss the nature of leadership and the difference between management and leadership.
Explain power as related to leadership, including the different sources of power.
Explain the dimensions of culture and the relationship between culture and the ability of a leader
to affect change in an organization.

Course Content
ReadingFor this session, please read:
Reading Assignment
Chapter 1 & 15
The Work of Leadership
Chapter 1

Northouse: Leadership: Theory and Practice
HBR: On Leadership
Roberson: Quality: Tenets on Leadership

Discussion Board
Each session you are required to participate in all discussion board forums. Your participation in
both posting and responding to other students' comments is graded. This weeks discussion topics
Introduction: Introduce yourself to the class. What do you hope to gain from our class
Leadership and Culture: What are some ways that culture influences leadership? How do
effective leaders go about establishing the proper culture for an organization? How often should
a culture analysis of an organization be conducted?
Leadership - Power and Influence: What are some examples where leaders need to exert their
power as executives? What are some examples where leaders need to exert their influence as
executives? How do effective leaders determine when to use either power, influence, or both?
There are no assignments in Session 1.

LEADERS 481-DL: Foundations of

Session 2
After this session, the student will be able to:


Explain the importance of perception, influential traits, and process methods in the study of
Identify characteristics of an effective leader, and discuss the potential to learn or develop these
Given different organizational scenarios, analyze the responsibilities and privileges of leaders,
including ethical and moral decisions and the use of authority and power.

Course Content
ReadingFor this session, please read:
Reading Assignment
Chapter 10 & 16
What Makes a Leader
Chapter 4

Northouse: Leadership: Theory and Practice
HBR: On Leadership
Roberson: Quality: Tenets on Leadership

Discussion Board
Each session you are required to participate in all discussion board forums. Your participation in
both posting and responding to other students' comments is graded. This weeks discussion topics
What makes a leader effective? How should leaders be measured?
Using the ten traits of an executive leader as a guide, how might the traits help leaders shape
organizational performance?
Research out an article on leadership that pertains to the topics covered in either session 1 or 2.
Write a 2 page analysis of the article which includes a 1 page summary of the article and a 1 page
discussion on how the concepts of the article can be applied in organizations. Include the original
article with your submission or a link to where the article can be located. The article should come
from academic sources (e.g. HBR, Sloan, et al.)

LEADERS 481-DL: Foundations of

Session 3
After this session, the student will be able to:


Describe the skills approach to study leadership and the three basic skills presented by the Katz
Explain why the skills approach to leadership has grown in importance and application in the
information age.
Discuss the relationship between leadership, subordinates motivation, and reward according to
the path-goal theory of leadership.

Course Content
ReadingFor this session, please read:
Reading Assignment
Chapter 2
What Leaders Really Do

Northouse: Leadership: Theory and Practice
HBR: On Leadership
Roberson: Quality: Tenets on Leadership

Discussion Board
Each session you are required to participate in all discussion board forums. Your participation in
both posting and responding to other students' comments is graded. This weeks discussion topics
What are some advantages and disadvantages to using the Trait Approach? What should
leaders to do assure the Trait Approach, when used is effective?
Using the HBR article for this week, discuss a point in the article that you found interesting. How
would you recommend organizations implement some of the concepts discussed in the article?
There are no assignments in Session 3

LEADERS 481-DL: Foundations of

Session 4
After this session, the student will be able to:


Give examples of different leadership styles and critique the advantages and disadvantages of
each in the context in which they might be effective.

Course Content
ReadingFor this session, please read:
Reading Assignment
Chapter 3 and 4
What Makes an Effective Executive
Chapter 9

Northouse: Leadership: Theory and Practice
HBR: On Leadership
Roberson: Quality: Tenets on Leadership

Discussion Board
Each session you are required to participate in all discussion board forums. Your participation in
both posting and responding to other students' comments is graded. This weeks discussion topics
What are some advantages and disadvantages to using the Skills and Style Approaches? What
should leaders to do assure the Skill and Styles Approaches, when used is effective?
How does the concept of empowerment link to the Trait, Skill and Styles approaches of
leadership? How do leaders know when they have empowered in too liberal a manner or that
they have been too conservative with empowerment?
Research out an article on leadership that pertains to the topics covered in either session 3 or 4.
Write a 2 page analysis of the article which includes a 1 page summary of the article and a 1 page
discussion on how the concepts of the article can be applied in organizations. Include the original
article with your submission or a link to where the article can be located. The article should come
from academic sources (e.g. HBR, Sloan, et al.)

LEADERS 481-DL: Foundations of

Session 5
After this session, the student will be able to:


Discuss the practicality of situational leadership and explain why situational leadership is
prescriptive versus descriptive in nature.
Discuss the skills needed by leaders when working with followers at different developmental
levels of an organization.

Course Content
ReadingFor this session, please read:
Reading Assignment
Chapter 5 and 6
Crucibles of Leadership
Chapter 5

Northouse: Leadership: Theory and Practice
HBR: On Leadership
Roberson: Quality: Tenets on Leadership

Discussion Board
Each session you are required to participate in all discussion board forums. Your participation in
both posting and responding to other students' comments is graded. This weeks discussion topics
What are some advantages and disadvantages to using the Situational Approach? What should
leaders to do assure Situational Approach, when used is effective?
Link the concept of Contingency Theory to the 4-D approach. What elements of the HBR article
this can be applied to assure the contingency theory and the 4-D approach, when used, are
There are no assignments in Session 5.

LEADERS 481-DL: Foundations of

Session 6
After this session, the student will be able to:


Discuss why the path goal / leadership member exchange theory of leadership represented a
major shift in the study of leadership.
Explain how the leader-member exchange (LMX) theory can be used to explain how individuals
create leadership networks throughout an organization to help them accomplish work more

Course Content
ReadingFor this session, please read:
Reading Assignment
Chapter 7 and 8
Seven Transformations of Leadership

Northouse: Leadership: Theory and Practice
HBR: On Leadership
Roberson: Quality: Tenets on Leadership

Discussion Board
Each session you are required to participate in all discussion board forums. Your participation in
both posting and responding to other students' comments is graded. This weeks discussion topics
What are some advantages and disadvantages to using the path goal / leadership member
exchange theory of leadership? What should leaders to do assure path goal / leadership
member exchange theory of leadership, when used is effective?
Why is it important for leaders to understand the Seven Transformations of Leadership? Link
your response to the concepts of the path goal / leadership member exchange theory of
Research out an article on leadership that pertains to the topics covered in either session 5 or 6.
Write a 2 page analysis of the article which includes a 1 page summary of the article and a 1 page
discussion on how the concepts of the article can be applied in organizations. Include the original
article with your submission or a link to where the article can be located. The article should come
from academic sources (e.g. HBR, Sloan, et al.)

LEADERS 481-DL: Foundations of

Session 7
After this session, the student will be able to:


Discuss the transformation and authentic leadership theories and apply the concepts in
organizational environments.
Explain transformational leadership and how transformational leaders can initiate, develop, and
implement significant change in an organization.
Discuss the relationship between transformational leadership and subordinate satisfaction,
motivation, and performance

Course Content
ReadingFor this session, please read:
Reading Assignment
Chapter 9 and 11
Discovering Your Authentic Leadership

Northouse: Leadership: Theory and Practice
HBR: On Leadership
Roberson: Quality: Tenets on Leadership

Discussion Board
Each session you are required to participate in all discussion board forums. Your participation in
both posting and responding to other students' comments is graded. This weeks discussion topics
What are some advantages and disadvantages to using the transformation and authentic
leadership theories of leadership? What should leaders to do assure transformation and
authentic leadership theories, when used is effective?
Why is it important for leaders to understand their own authentic leadership style? How could
understanding your own authentic leadership style help in with how you would (as a leader)
address the challenges organizations may face in the areas of human resources, global markets
and technology?
There are no assignments in Session 7.


LEADERS 481-DL: Foundations of

Session 8
After this session, the student will be able to:


Explain how the team leadership model can help leaders design and maintain effective teams
especially when performance is below standard.
Explain how strategy and teams can be measured in ways that drive performance.

Course Content
ReadingFor this session, please read:
Reading Assignment
Chapter 12
Level 5 Leadership: The Triumph of Humility
and Fierce Resolve
Chapter 2 and 7

Northouse: Leadership: Theory and Practice
HBR: On Leadership
Roberson: Quality: Tenets on Leadership

Discussion Board
Each session you are required to participate in all discussion board forums. Your participation in
both posting and responding to other students' comments is graded. This weeks discussion topics
What are some ways leaders can help teams achieve the proper performance in such a manner
that organizational learning occurs, the benefits of the team can be applied elsewhere in the
organization and the work of the team is accomplished in a timely manner?
Where can the SWEATT model be applied in organizations? What is the power of the SWEATT
model relative to organizational and team performance? How does the SWEATT model link to
the concept of organizational culture (and specifically the Wisdom to Tradition Model)?
Research out an article on leadership that pertains to the topics covered in either session 7 or 8.
Write a 2 page analysis of the article which includes a 1 page summary of the article and a 1 page
discussion on how the concepts of the article can be applied in organizations. Include the original
article with your submission or a link to where the article can be located. The article should come
from academic sources (e.g. HBR, Sloan, et al.)


LEADERS 481-DL: Foundations of

Session 9
After this session, the student will be able to:


Explain the concept of the psychodynamic leadership style.

Explain some of the challenges and opportunities that women face relative to leadership in

Course Content
ReadingFor this session, please read:
Reading Assignment
Chapter 13 and 14
In Praise of the Incomplete Leader

Northouse: Leadership: Theory and Practice
HBR: On Leadership
Roberson: Quality: Tenets on Leadership

Discussion Board
Each session you are required to participate in all discussion board forums. Your participation in
both posting and responding to other students' comments is graded. This weeks discussion topics
Discuss the challenges and opportunities that women are facing relative to leadership in
organizations. How might leaders in organizations develop effective women leaders?
Post you executive summary of your week 9 paper. Discuss how the paper you wrote links to the
concepts we have studied in our class.
Submit a 12 15 page paper typed, double spaced (absent title page, table of contents, executive
summary and references) specific to an application of a topic(s) we have discussed in the class.
Diagrams may take up a maximum 1 pages of the 12 15 page paper. The paper will be graded
as follows:
Title Page
Theory of Leadership
Application of Leadership Theory

% of Paper Grade


LEADERS 481-DL: Foundations of

Session 10
After this session, the student will be able to:


Explain the psychodynamic approach to leadership and discuss how an organization would use
this model to develop a leadership development program.
Construct a personal philosophy of leadership.

Course Content
ReadingFor this session, please read:
Reading Assignment

Northouse: Leadership: Theory and Practice
HBR: On Leadership
Roberson: Quality: Tenets on Leadership


Discussion Board
Each session you are required to participate in all discussion board forums. Your participation in
both posting and responding to other students' comments is graded. This weeks discussion topics
What are some key take-aways that you have from our course? How will you apply the concepts
you have learned in our class?
Take the final course exam. There are five questions on the final exam. It will be important that you
respond to the questions on the final exam in depth and that you use the language of the course in
your responses.


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