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Esta uma lista comeou em ( http://amplicate.

com/hate/brazil/115744020-reasons-i-hate-living-in-brazil/ ), que comeou como um cara listando seus Top 20

razes para odiar viver aqui. A lista , desde ento, multiplicaram com razes adicionais que
esto sendo adicionados por outros comentaristas . A maior parte deste material que eu
encontrar histrica , ou pelo menos deixa- me saber que eu no sou completamente louco
por pensar os pensamentos que eu fao . Aqui esto todas as 66 at o momento, sentir-se
livre para adicionar seu prprio e continuar o fio !
"Claro que eu estou generalizando e as excees so abundantes , mas depois de viver no
Brasil por 3 anos com a minha esposa brasileira, minhas observaes so as seguintes em
geral. :
1 . Os brasileiros tm nenhuma considerao para as pessoas fora do seu crculo imediato ,
e muitas vezes so simplesmente rude . Por exemplo, um vizinho que toca msica alta
durante toda a noite , e mesmo se voc perguntar-lhe educadamente para abaixar o volume ,
ele diz-lhe para f ** k off . E educao bsica? Um simples " desculpe-me ", quando
algum quase bate mais na rua? Esquea.
2 . Os brasileiros so agressivos e oportunista, e, geralmente, custa de outra pessoa.
como um " instinto de sobrevivncia " em alta velocidade , o tempo todo. O melhor
exemplo a conduo. Se eles vem uma maneira de passar por voc , eles vo , mesmo
que isso signifique quase mat-lo , e mesmo se eles no esto com pressa. Ento, por que
eles fazem isso? s porque eles podem, porque eles vem a oportunidade . Eles sentem
que precisam sempre de tomar tudo o que podem , sempre que possvel ,
independentemente de quem prejudicado como resultado.
3 . Os brasileiros no tm respeito por seu ambiente. Eles despejar grandes cargas de lixo
em qualquer lugar e em todos os lugares , eo lixo inacreditvel. As ruas so muito sujas.
Os recursos naturais abundantes , como so, esto sendo desperdiados em uma velocidade
surpreendente , com pouco ou nenhum recurso.
4 . Brasileiros toleram uma quantidade incrvel de corrupo nos negcios e governo.
Enquanto todos os governos tm funcionrios corruptos , mais bvio e desenfreada no
Brasil do que a maioria dos pases , e ainda assim a populao continua re- eleger as
mesmas pessoas.
5 . As mulheres brasileiras so excessivamente obcecados com seus corpos e muito crtico
(e competitivo com) um do outro.
6 . Os brasileiros , principalmente os homens , so altamente propensos a casos
extraconjugais. A menos que o homem nunca sai de casa , as chances so de que ele tem
uma amante .
7 . Os brasileiros so muito expressivo de suas opinies negativas de outros, com total
desrespeito sobre a possibilidade de ferir os sentimentos de algum.
8 . Brasileiros, especialmente as pessoas que realizam servios, so geralmente confivel ,
preguioso e quase sempre atrasado.
9 . Os brasileiros tm um sistema de classes muito proeminente. Os ricos tm um senso de
direito que est alm de uma caricatura . Eles acham que as regras no se aplicam a eles,
que eles esto acima do sistema , e so muito arrogante e insensvel , especialmente com o
outro. Os pobres, por sua vez, recebem to pouco que eles nunca tm a oportunidade de
sarem da pobreza e, portanto, muitas vezes se voltam para o crime ou simplesmente tornarse preguioso e indignado a respeito de seus trabalhos porque no vejo nenhuma esperana

para o futuro e no h sentido em tentar fazer um bom emprego.

10 . Brasileiros constantemente interromper e falar sobre o outro. Tentando ter uma
conversa como uma competio para ser ouvido, uma competio de gritos .
11 . A polcia brasileira so essencialmente inexistente quando se trata de fazer cumprir as
leis para proteger a populao, como fazer cumprir as leis de trnsito , encontrar e prender
os ladres , etc existem Leis , mas ningum as aplica , o sistema judicial uma piada e no
h normalmente nenhum recurso para o cidado que roubado , enganado ou no
prejudicado. As pessoas vivem com medo e construir muros em torno de suas casas ou
pagar taxas elevadas para viver em comunidades fechadas .
12 . Os brasileiros fazem tudo inconveniente e difcil. Nada simplificada ou concebido
com a convenincia do cliente em mente, e os brasileiros tm uma alta tolerncia para
nveis surpreendentes de burocracia desnecessria e redundante.
13 . Brasileiros toleram tais impostos altos e taxas de importao que fazem tudo,
especialmente produtos para o lar , eletrnicos e carros, incrivelmente caro. E para os
empresrios , seguindo as regras e pagar todos os seus impostos faz com que seja quase
impossvel de ser rentvel. Como resultado, a corrupo e subornos em empresas e governo
so comuns. Existe a burocracia , as leis e os altos impostos para fornecer a oportunidade
para que os corruptos para facilitar a " trabalhar em torno " do sistema. Enquanto isso, o
consumidor obrigado a suportar um custo extraordinariamente elevado de vida ,
agravando assim a pobreza .
14 . Est quente como o inferno nove meses fora do ano , e aquecimento central /
arrefecimento no existe aqui, porque as casas no so construdas para ser hermtico ou
isolados ou incluir dutos de ar. Ento, voc quer sofrer por 9 meses ou limitar-se a uma
pequena sala com uma unidade de parede a / c. E nos trs meses em que ele realmente fica
" frio ", voc congelar durante a noite.
15 . A comida pode ser mais fresco , menos processado e, geralmente, mais saudvel do que
o alimento americano ou europeu , mas sem graa, repetitivo e muito inconveniente.
Alimentos processados, congelados ou prontos no supermercado so poucos, caros e
geralmente terrvel . A maioria dos alimentos so feitos a partir do zero e se voc no pode
pagar uma empregada para fazer isso para voc , voc vai gastar muito tempo na cozinha.
Restaurantes no faltam , mas h poucas opes convenientes , como brasileiros favorecem
sit-down refeies e quase no h drive- thrus exceto porcaria fast food.
16 . Os brasileiros so super social e raramente passar algum tempo sozinho , especialmente
as refeies e fins de semana. Isso no necessariamente uma m qualidade, mas ,
pessoalmente, eu odeio isso porque eu gosto do meu espao e privacidade, mas a
expectativa cultural que voc vai assistir (ou pior, convidar amigos e famlia ) para cada
refeio e voc criticado por no se comportar " normalmente " se voc optar por ficar
17 . Brasileiros ficar muito perto , emocional e geograficamente , para suas famlias de
origem toda a vida. Como # 16 , isso no necessariamente uma m qualidade, mas
pessoalmente eu odeio porque ele me deixa desconfortvel e afeta meu casamento. Adultos
brasileiros nunca " cortar o cordo " emocionalmente e sua famlia de origem
(especialmente as mes ) continuam a ser envolvido em suas vidas dirias , problemas ,
decises, atividades , etc Como voc pode imaginar , este extra difcil para o cnjuge de
outra cultura em que geralmente vivem em famlias nucleares e tem uma dinmica diferente
com as nossas famlias de origem .
18 . Eletricidade e servios de internet so completamente fiveis.

19 . Segurana da gua questionvel. Os brasileiros bebem , sem morrer , com certeza,

mas com base no total falta de aplicao de outras leis e abundncia de corrupo , eu no
confiar no governo que diz que totalmente seguro e no vai te machucar no longo prazo.
20 . E, finalmente , os brasileiros s tem um tipo de cerveja (a pilsner aguado ) e realmente
uma porcaria, e claro, cervejas importadas so caros.
21 . Os mosquitos do inferno
S posso falar para So Paulo, mas ...
21 . A maioria dos operadores de nibus conduzir como se eles esto tentando quebrar o
nibus , e todos dentro dela.
22 . Caladas no meu bairro so cobertos com mijo e merda de ces pequenos feios que
latem dia e noite.
23 . Engarrafamentos Trs horas e meia de cada vez que chove .
24 . O clima completa sh * t na maioria das vezes .
25 . Raramente as coisas so feitas corretamente da primeira vez. Voc tem que voltar para
o banco, o consulado , o escritrio, e-mail ou telefone 2-10 vezes para levar as pessoas a
fazer o seu trabalho .
26 . Qualidade do ar muito ruim e um rio ftido . O ar muitas vezes cheira a plstico
queimado .
27 . Shopping centers e ir a restaurantes so as principais atividades . H pouco a fazer que
no gira em torno de gastar o seu salrio. H um parque principal e est horrivelmente
28 . As mercearias so inconsistentes. Produtos vo desaparecer por semanas ou meses a fio
antes de recapeamento .
29 . Normas acabamento so muito baixos. Janelas, portas , dobradias , tubos, energia
eltrica , caladas, so todos construdos com o menor esforo possvel. Se a janela
fechada a maior parte do caminho , qual o problema?
30 . rvores , postes , telefones, plantadores e caixas de utilidade so colocados no centro
das caladas , tornando-as intransitveis.
31 . Voc paga o triplo para os produtos que vai quebrar dentro de 1-2 anos , talvez menos.
32 . carros deslocando-se noite de balano msica to alto que faz a minha casa tremer ou
no entanto, escrito .
32 . Os brasileiros amam estar bem no seu caminho. Hangouts favoritos so: o topo da
escada rolante / escadas , portas ou simplesmente chegando ao abrupto, ponto morto no
meio de uma calada movimentada .
33 . A melhor maneira de inspirar dio cego no Brasil? Educadamente recusar-se a comer
alimentos oferecidos a voc . No importa o quo vlida a sua razo este considerado um
pecado imperdovel aos olhos dos brasileiros e eles vo continuar agressivamente
incomodando voc para com-lo , apesar de sua educadamente declnio, at desistir ou
aceitar que agora vai prend-lo por desacato permanente.
34 . As pessoas vo apertar e empurrar voc DURO sem ter em conta ou pedido de
desculpas no transporte pblico e que voc est embalado em to apertado que voc
incapaz de mover qualquer coisa, mas sua cabea.
35 . Os brasileiros so elevados a admitir nunca que o Brasil um lugar crumby para viver.
Melhor nem sempre subjetiva. Eu acho que ns podemos concordar que todas as coisas
so iguais , melhor ser rico do que pobre, bonito do que feio, saudvel , em vez de
pessoas com deficincia . No Brasil voc paga muito mais e trabalhar muito mais para
tentar igualar o melhor padro de vida vivel nos pases alista -se na mesma categoria que .

36 . O Brasil um pas de 3 mundo a preos ridiculamente inflacionados para itens de

qualidade sub-par . Para se ter uma idia , So Paulo classificada como a 10 cidade mais
cara do mundo. (New York # 32. ) As pessoas vo em 12-24 planos de pagamento ms a
compra de um secador de cabelo sem nome que vai quebrar antes de ser liquidado.
37 . Por favor, pare de dizer a comida " o melhor do mundo." Temos feijo e arroz no meu
pas tambm.
38 . Snot Rockets & Cuspir com total abandono em vias pblicas .
39 . A infidelidade galopante. Este no apenas um esteretipo , tanto quanto eu gostaria
que fosse . Homens na sociedade brasileira so condicionados a acreditar que eles so mais
" viril " e " viril " se enganam . incentivada em seus grupos de amigos. Muitos, muitos
homens brasileiros tm-me dito isso em um ponto em branco, forma muito assunto com
fato e no consegue entender a minha reao que uma questo muito sria . As mulheres
so incentivadas a no gostar dele, mas no vejo isso como um deal-breaker .
40 . Zero respeito aos pedestres. Sim, eles v-lo e acelerar. Na melhor das hipteses , eles
vo buzinar , mas nunca, em nenhuma circunstncia , pressione o freio.
41 . Fogos de artifcio altos em todas as horas . Eles no podem obter o suficiente deles .
42 . Dizendo So Paulo " a Nova York da Amrica do Sul" . Certo. Se NY encerrada s
10h .
43 . A tendncia da moda de "tops de culturas ", com calas apertadas , aptido estmago
no precisa ser considerado.
44 . A infinidade de destaques alaranjados . Voc no est enganando ningum .
45 . A poluio a par com as terras ps-apocalptico retratado em filmes de fico
cientfica dos anos 70 . Eu crescer cada vez mais tentado a balanar uma daquelas mscaras
cirrgicas descartveis , a'la Michael Jackson, circa 1990 .
46 . As pessoas no entendem como " fila " suposto para trabalhar . perfeitamente
aceitvel para empurrar para a direita na frente de voc em qualquer linha.
47 . Os brasileiros andam como zumbis e vai bater direto para voc e saltar fora como
extras de Night of the Living Dead . Olhe por onde anda!
48 . Toda vez que eu comprar qualquer coisa vendida em um grupo (por exemplo, espinafre
) no Farmers Market , que , invariavelmente, tem uma famlia de besouros vivos espera de
saltar para fora e me surpreendeu quando eu estou preparando o jantar .
49 . Nenhum rastreio janela . Aparentemente, esta tecnologia incompatvel com o presente
infra-estrutura . Uma ponte de suspenso de fantasia no problema, mas as telas esto
pedindo demais , mesmo nos novos apartamentos suburbanas, onde os mosquitos so
galopante .
50 . Sem aquecimento ou isolamento. apenas fria 3 meses por ano , ento por que se
preocupar? Os americanos normalmente zombam quando eu lhes digo : " Sim. Ele faz ficar
frio l, na dcada de 50 baixas (F) durante o inverno. " Um simplesmente tem que
experimentar um inverno So Paulo, onde voc vai ser mais frio dentro de sua casa ou
escritrio que voc est fora. Onde voc vai precisar de 3-4 camadas de estar sentado ainda
dentro de casa , mas ainda pode quebrar um suor do momento em que entra em algum
lugar. Blocos de concreto so mgicos assim.
51 . J ouvi falar de algumas pessoas serem hospitalizadas depois de passar o fim de
semana em praias prximas. Passar trs horas no trnsito para chegar a uma praia de 1 hora
de distncia . Talvez os esgotos trabalhar durante a semana. Uma vez que o local se enche
de turistas , voc est nadando em coc.
52 . Quando caladas esto em construo espera-se que voc anda na rua. Alguns

motoristas se recusam a fazer o menor ajuste a sua presena , acelerando a poucos

centmetros de voc , mesmo quando a pista adjacente gratuito.
53 . Nem pense em dizer a ningum , expat ou local, quando voc estiver viajando para o
EUA Todo mundo bate em voc para trazer Ipods , X-Box , laptops, roupas , itens de
mercearia , etc, em sua mala , porque eles so muito caro ou no disponvel no Brasil .
54 . Inflao . OMFG .
55 . Os motoristas de carro com seus filhos pequenos em p nos braos de centro , chefes
de vista sobre o teto solar . Procure-o na hora do almoo , quando o dia na escola longo,
s vezes 2-3 par nos SUVs maiores. Eu testemunhei isso cerca de 4x. uma mandbulagotas .
56 . As baratas gigantes vermelhas. Dica para fora seu sapato , abrir um armrio , por - que
barata Surpresa !
57 . Desenfreado , patriotismo desagradvel. Onde quer que voc , os brasileiros sempre
ser imediatamente adiantado em dizer que " melhor aqui " . Eles sero rpidos a dizerlhe para o seu rosto tudo sobre como gringos no tomar banho e so " frios " .
58 . A mdia brasileira no pode , no vai entender um estrangeiro falando sua lngua, no
importa o quanto voc se fluente em Portugus . Eu vivi na Amrica Central e no Japo, as
pessoas l sempre entendeu o meu quebrado, gringo espanhol e gaijin japons. Mas ainda
depois de 3 anos no Brasil, os olhos das pessoas ainda apenas bug fora de sua cabea e
dizer em voz alta , " UHH ! ? " "OI " em resposta ao mesmo a mais simples das frases (ou
seja: ? ! ? Banho Quanto? bom dia ) .
59 . Segurana fsica de si mesmos e para outros simplesmente no sequer uma reflexo
tardia. Os 30 segundos mais tarde conseqncias de suas aes que tm um efeito sobre
outras pessoas l fora em algum lugar no mundo ? Inexistente. Montando sua moto no
trnsito pesado com seu beb recm-nascido sentado no seu colo em nada, mas as fraldas
(sim , eu j vi isso) , qual o problema? Montando a sua bicicleta noite ao longo da autoestrada ombro indo contra o trfico , por que se preocupar ?
60 . A menos que voc est realmente em futebol ou reality shows de TV (ou seja, do Big
Brother ) , no h nada muito a falar com os brasileiros mdios. Voc pode aprender
fluentemente Portugus, mas no final , a conversa fica muito limitado, muito rapidamente.
61 . Tudo construdo para carros e dirigir, mesmo que os carros so 3x o preo de
qualquer outro pas. Os nibus intermunicipais de luxo so eficientes, mas o transporte
pblico inconveniente , caro e desconfortvel para andar . Consequentemente , o trfego
em So Paulo e Rio hoje considerada uma das piores da Terra (para SP , possivelmente, o
pior ) . Mesmo meio-dia podem ter engarrafamentos enormes que fazem mover fora de uma
pequena rea limitada praticamente impossvel a menos que voc tem uma pequena
62 . Os brasileiros tendem a cheirar publicamente seu ranho para trs em suas cavidades
nasais , muitas vezes e em voz alta . Eu acho que eles gostam do sabor ? Mesmo as
mulheres atraentes fazer isso .
63 . Os brasileiros tambm no cubra a boca quando tossir , mesmo gente de classe alta que
deveriam saber melhor. Selado em um elevador lotado ? O garom que serve sua comida ?
O cara sentado atrs de voc no nibus ? Desfrute da TB meu amigo ...
62 . Todas as cidades brasileiras ( com exceo talvez do Rio eo antigo bairro Pelourinho
em Salvador) , so feios , concreto, hiper- moderno e desprovido de carter, arquitetura,
rvores ou charme. A maioria montona e completamente idnticos na aparncia.
Qualquer histria colonial ou bela manso antiga rapidamente previsto para demolio

para dar lugar a um estacionamento ou um shopping center . Macias , idntico cinza

prdios blockhouse dominam o horizonte de at mesmo as cidades menores . Zero bairros
so construdos para andar em , desfrutar de um caf em uma mesa ao ar livre , conhecer
seus vizinhos ou vitrine . Parques so poucos e distantes entre si ea falta de rvores ou
sombra natural concentra-se o sol eo calor no concreto , tornando-se muitas vezes
desconfortvel at mesmo sair para a rua.
63 . Por alguma razo ( como podemos ver neste tpico) , os brasileiros gostam de logon de
lngua Ingls fruns de internet e escrever apenas em Portugus ! Ser que eu entrar em um
frum Portugus e escrever minhas respostas em apenas Ingls ?
64 . No se esquea que lata de lixo fedorento de tecido manchado de excrementos ao lado
do vaso sanitrio
65 . Os brasileiros so os mundos mais exigente / A maioria dos Comensais conservadores .
Tentando sair para comer com os brasileiros como tentar ir de bar em bar com os
muulmanos . Qualquer coisa diferente, com sabor , especiarias ou cor vista com grande
suspeita . Comida chinesa - nojento! Mexicano- revoltante ! Tailands, no se incomodam
mesmo . Srio, eu ter sado de um grupo, onde um cara no podia comer nada com alho,
nem ketchup ou mostarda. O outro cara no comeu, qualquer , digo, qualquer coisa com
legumes. Outra cebolas odiado. A outra garota que sempre inventar algo no no menu para
o garom para dizer a cozinha para fazer . Eventualmente , todos ns jamais poderia sair
para comer era McDonalds. Se ele no est bem frito , sem tempero , unfresh e composto
por carne salgada ou carne de porco, hambrgueres, cachorros- quentes ou pizza,
basicamente, os brasileiros no vo com-lo.
66 . Toda vez que chove, as pessoas no tm escrpulos em meter o olho com a parte de
metal de seu guarda-chuva enquanto voc anda pela calada . Aumentar ou diminuir o seu
guarda-chuva , movendo-o para o lado para que ele no cegar voc praticamente nunca vai
acontecer. Eu realmente tenho que segurar minha mo e antebrao contra minhas tmporas
para evitar ser atingido no rosto enquanto eu andar na rua durante uma tempestade ( que so
muitos) .

Top Reasons I Hate Living in Brazil...


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Joined: 24 February 2010

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This is a list started on ( that started out as a guy listing his Top 20 reasons for
hating living here. The list has since mushroomed with additional reasons being added by
other commentators. Most of this stuff I find hysterical, or at least it lets me know I'm not
completely crazy for thinking the thoughts I do. Here are all 66 so far, feel free to add your
own and continue the thread!!
"Of course I'm generalizing and exceptions abound, but after living in Brazil for 3 years
with my Brazilian spouse, my observations are as follows. In general:

1. Brazilians have no consideration for people outside their immediate circle, and are often
just plain rude. For example, a neighbor who plays loud music all night; and even if you
ask him politely to turn the volume down, he tells you to f**k off. And basic politeness? A
simple "excuse me" when someone almost knocks you over on the street? Forget it.
2. Brazilians are aggressive and opportunistic, and usually at someone else's expense. It's
like a "survival instinct" in high gear, all the time. The best example is driving. If they see a
way to pass you, they will, even if it means almost killing you, and even if they're not in a
hurry. So why do they do it? It's just because they can, because they see the opportunity.

They feel like they always need to take whatever they can, whenever they can, regardless of
who is harmed as a result.
3. Brazilians have no respect for their environment. They dump big loads of trash anywhere
and everywhere, and the littering is unbelievable. The streets are really dirty. The natural
resources, abundant as they are, are being squandered at an amazing rate with little or no
4. Brazilians tolerate an amazing amount of corruption in both business and government.
While all governments have corrupt officials, it's more obvious and rampant in Brazil than
most countries, and yet the population keeps re-electing the same people.
5. Brazilian women are overly obsessed with their bodies and very critical of (and
competitive with) each other.
6. Brazilians, especially men, are highly prone to extramarital affairs. Unless the man never
leaves the house, odds are he has a mistress.
7. Brazilians are very expressive of their negative opinions of others, with complete
disregard about possibly hurting someone's feelings.
8. Brazilians, especially people who perform services, are usually unreliable, lazy and
almost always late.
9. Brazilians have a very prominent class system. The rich have a sense of entitlement that
is beyond a caricature. They think the rules do not apply to them, that they are above the
system, and are very arrogant and inconsiderate, especially with each other. The poor,
meanwhile, are paid so little that they never have an opportunity to lift themselves out of
poverty and therefore often turn to crime or simply become lazy and indignant regarding
their jobs because they see no hope for the future and no point in trying to do a good job.
10. Brazilians constantly interrupt and talk over each other. Trying to have a conversation is
like a competition to be heard, a shouting match.
11. Brazilian police are essentially non-existent when it comes to enforcing laws to protect
the population, such as enforcing traffic laws, finding and arresting thieves, etc. Laws exist,
but no one enforces them, the judicial system is a joke and there is usually no recourse for
the citizen who is robbed, cheated or otherwise harmed. People live in fear and build walls
around their houses or pay high fees to live in gated communities.
12. Brazilians make everything inconvenient and difficult. Nothing is streamlined or
designed with the customer's convenience in mind, and Brazilians have a high tolerance for
astounding levels of unnecessary and redundant bureaucracy.
13. Brazilians tolerate such high taxes and import duties that make everything, especially
home products, electronics and cars, unbelievably expensive. And for business owners,

following the rules and paying all your taxes makes it almost impossible to be profitable.
As a result, corruption and bribes in business and government are commonplace. The
bureaucracy, laws and high taxes exist to provide the opportunity for the corrupt to
facilitate "working around" the system. Meanwhile the consumer is forced to bear an
extraordinarily high cost of living, thereby exacerbating poverty.
14. It's hot as hell 9 months out of the year, and central heating/cooling doesn't exist here
because the houses are not constructed to be airtight or insulated or include air ducts. So
you either suffer for 9 months or confine yourself to a small room with a wall a/c unit. And
in the 3 months where it actually gets "cold," you freeze at night.
15. The food may be fresher, less processed and generally healthier than American or
European food, but it is bland, repetitive and very inconvenient. Processed, frozen or readymade foods in the supermarket are few, expensive and generally terrible. Most foods are
made from scratch and if you can't afford a maid to do it for you, you'll spend a lot of time
in the kitchen. Restaurants abound but there are few convenient options, as Brazilians favor
sit-down meals and there are almost no drive-thrus except crappy fast food.
16. Brazilians are super social and rarely spend any time alone, especially meals and
weekends. This is not necessarily a bad quality but personally I hate it because I enjoy my
space and privacy, but the cultural expectation is that you will attend (or worse, invite)
friends and family to every single meal and you are criticized for not behaving "normally"
if you choose to be alone.
17. Brazilians stay very close, emotionally and geographically, to their families of origin
their whole lives. Like #16, this is not necessarily a bad quality but personally I hate it
because it makes me uncomfortable and affects my marriage. Brazilian adults never "cut
the cord" emotionally and their family of origin (especially their mothers) continue to be
involved in their daily lives, problems, decisions, activities, etc. As you can imagine, this is
extra difficult for a spouse from another culture where we generally live in nuclear families
and have a different dynamic with our families of origin.
18. Electricity and internet service are completely unreliable.
19. Water safety is questionable. Brazilians drink it without dying, sure, but based on the
total lack of enforcement of other laws and abundance of corruption, I don't trust the
government that says it's totally safe and won't hurt you in the long term.
20. And finally, Brazilians only have 1 kind of beer (a watery pilsner) and it really sucks,
and of course, imported beers are expensive.
21. The mosquitoes from HELL

Can only speak to Sao Paulo, but...

21. Most bus operators drive as though they're trying to break the bus, and everyone inside
22. Sidewalks in my neighborhood are covered with piss and sh*t from ugly little dogs that
bark day and night.
23. Three and a half hour traffic jams every time it rains.
24. The weather is complete sh*t most of the time.
25. Rarely do things get done properly the first time. You have to go back to the bank, the
consulate, the office, email or telephone 2-10 times to get people to do their job.
26. Very bad air quality and a putrid river. The air often smells like burning plastic.
27. Shopping malls and going to restaurants are the main activities. There is little to do that
doesn't revolve around spending your paycheck. There is one main park and it's horribly
28. Grocery stores are inconsistent. Products will disappear for weeks or months on end
before resurfacing.
29. Workmanship standards are very low. Windows, doors, hinges, pipes, electricity,
sidewalks, are all built with the least effort possible. If the window closes most of the way,
what's the problem?
30. Trees, poles, telephones, planters, and utility boxes are placed in the center of
sidewalks, rendering them impassable.
31. You pay triple for products that will break within 1-2 years, maybe less.
32. cars cruising at night rocking music so loud it makes my house tremble or however it's
32. Brazilians LOVE to stand right in your way. Favorite hangouts include: the top of the
escalator/stairs, doorways or simply coming to an abrupt, dead stop in the middle of a busy
33. Best way to inspire blind hatred in Brazil? Politely refuse to eat food offered to you. No
matter how valid your reason this is considered an unpardonable sin in the eyes of
Brazilians & they will continue aggressively pestering you to eat it in spite of your politely
declining, until you give in or accept that they will now hold you in permanent contempt.
34. People will push and shove you HARD with no regard or apology on public
transportation & you're packed in so tight you are unable to move anything but your head.

35. Brazilians are raised to NEVER admit that Brazil is a crumby place to live. Better is not
always subjective. I think we can agree that all things being equal, it's better to be rich than
poor, beautiful than ugly, healthy instead of disabled. In Brazil you pay much more and
work much harder to try to equal the higher standard of living achievable in the countries it
lists itself in the same category as.
36. Brazil is a 3rd world country at ridiculously inflated prices for sub-par quality items. To
give you an idea, So Paulo is ranked the 10th MOST EXPENSIVE city in the world. (New
York is #32.) People go on 12-24 month payment plans to purchase a no-name hairdryer
that will break before it's paid off.
37. Please stop saying the food is "the best in the world". We have beans & rice in my
country too.
38. Snot Rockets & Spitting with reckless abandon on public streets.
39. The rampant infidelity. This is not just a stereotype, as much as I wish it were. Men in
Brazilian society are conditioned to believe they are more "virile" and "manly" if they
cheat. It is encouraged in their groups of friends. Many, many Brazilian men have told me
this in a point blank, very matter-of-fact way & can't understand my reaction that it is a
very serious issue. The women are encouraged to not like it, but not see it as a deal-breaker.
40. Zero respect for pedestrians. Yeah, they see you and accelerate. At best, they will honk
but will never, under any circumstances press the brake.
41. Loud Fireworks at all hours. They can't get enough of them.
42. Saying So Paulo is "the New York of South America". Right. If NY closed at 10pm.
43. The fashion trend of "crop tops" with tight pants, stomach fitness need not be
44. The plethora of orange highlights. You're not fooling anyone.
45. The pollution is on a par with the post-apocalyptic wastelands depicted in 70's sci-fi
movies. I grow more and more tempted to rock one of those disposable surgical masks, a'la
Michael Jackson, circa 1990.

46. People don't understand how "lining up" is supposed to work. It is perfectly acceptable
to push right in front of you in any line.
47. Brazilians walk around like zombies & will slam right into you and bounce off like
extras from Night of the Living dead. WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!
48. Every time I purchase anything sold in a bunch (e.g. spinach) at the Farmers Market, it
invariably has a family of live beetles waiting to jump out and surprise me when I'm
preparing dinner.
49. No window screening. Apparently this technology is incompatible with the present
infrastructure. A fancy suspension bridge is no problem, but screens are asking too much,
even in the new suburban apartments, where mosquitoes are rampant.
50. No heating or insulation. It's only cold 3 months a year, so why bother? Americans
typically scoff when I tell them, "Yes. It does get cold there, in the low 50s (F) during
winter." One simply has to experience a Sao Paulo winter, where you will be colder inside
your home or office than you are outside. Where you will need 3-4 layers to be sitting still
indoors, but can still break a sweat the moment you walk somewhere. Cinder blocks are
magical like that.
51. I've heard of quite a few people being hospitalized after spending the weekend at
nearby beaches. Spending 3 hours in traffic to get to a beach 1 hour away. Maybe the
sewers work on weekdays. Once the place fills up with tourists, you're swimming in poo.
52. When sidewalks are under construction it's expected that you walk in the street. Some
motorists refuse to make the slightest adjustment to your presence, speeding to within
inches of you even when the adjacent lane is free.
53. Don't even think about telling anyone, expat or local, when you are traveling to the U.S.
Everyone hits you up to bring Ipods, X-Boxes, laptops, apparel, grocery store items, etc. in
your suitcase because they are overpriced or unavailable in Brazil.
54. Inflation. OMFG.
55. Motorists driving with their small children standing on the center armrests, heads
looking out over the sun roof. Look for it around lunch time when the school day is over,
sometimes 2-3 abreast in the bigger SUVs. I've witnessed it about 4x. It's a jaw-dropper.

56. Giant Red Cockroaches. Tip out your shoe, open a cabinet, why- its Cockroach
57. Rampant, obnoxious patriotism. Wherever you are from, Brazilians will always be
immediately upfront in telling you that its better here. They will be quick to tell you to
your face all about how gringos dont bathe and are cold.
58. The average Brazilian Cannot, Will Not understand a foreigner speaking their language,
no matter how fluent you get in Portuguese. Ive lived in Central America and Japan,
people there always understood my broken, gringo Spanish and gaijin Japanese. But still
after 3 years in Brazil, peoples eyes still just bug out of their head and they loudly say,
UHH?!? OI?!? in response to even the simplest of phrases (i.e.: Bathroom? How
Much? Good Morning).
59. Physical safety of themselves and for others simply is not even an afterthought. The 30second later consequences of your actions having an effect on other people out there
somewhere in the world? Nonexistent. Riding your motorbike in heavy traffic with your
newborn baby seated on your lap in nothing but his diapers (yes, Ive seen this), whats the
problem? Riding your bicycle at night along the freeway shoulder going against traffic,
why worry?
60. Unless you are really into football or reality TV shows (i.e. Big Brother), there is
nothing much to talk about with average Brazilians. You can learn fluent Portuguese, but in
the end, conversation gets very limited, very quickly.
61. Everything is built for cars and driving, even though cars are 3x the price of any other
country. The intercity luxury buses are efficient, but public transportation is inconvenient,
expensive and uncomfortable to ride. Consequently, traffic in Sao Paulo and Rio is now
considered some of the worst on Earth (for SP possibly the worst). Even mid-day can have
massive traffic jams that make moving outside a small limited area all but impossible
unless you have a small motorcycle.
62. Brazilians tend to publically snort their snot backwards into their sinus cavities, often
and loudly. I guess they like the taste? Even attractive women do this.

63. Brazilians also do not cover their mouths when they cough, even upper-class folk who
should know better. Sealed in a crowded elevator? The waiter serving your food? The guy
sitting behind you on the bus? Enjoy the TB my friend
62. All Brazilian cities (with perhaps the exception of Rio and the old Pelourinho district in
Salvador), are ugly, concrete, hyper-modern and devoid of character, architecture, trees or
charm. Most are monotonous and completely identical in appearance. Any colonial history
or beautiful old mansion is quickly slated for demolition to make way for a parking lot or
shopping mall. Massive, identical gray blockhouse apartment buildings dominate the
skyline of even the smaller towns. Zero neighborhoods are built to walk around in, enjoy a
coffee at an outdoor table, meet your neighbors or window shop. Parks are few and far
between and the lack of trees or natural shade concentrates the sun and heat into the
concrete, making it often uncomfortable to even step out into the street.
63. For some reason (as we can see on this thread), Brazilians love to logon to Englishspeaking internet forums and write only in Portuguese! Would I enter a Portuguese forum
and write my responses in English only?
64. Dont forget that stinky garbage can of excrement-stained tissue right next to the
65. Brazilians are the worlds Pickiest/Most Conservative Eaters. Trying to go out to eat
with Brazilians is like trying to go bar hopping with Muslims. Anything different with
flavor, spices or color is viewed with major suspicion. Chinese food- gross! Mexicanrevolting! Thai, dont even bother. Seriously, I have gone out in a group, where one guy
could not eat anything with garlic, nor ketchup or mustard. The other guy did not eat, any, I
mean, anything with vegetables. Another hated onions. The other girl would always invent
something not on the menu for the waiter to tell the kitchen to make. Eventually, all we
could ever go out to eat was McDonalds. If it's not deep-fried, unseasoned, unfresh and
composed of salty beef or pork, hamburgers, hot dogs or pizza, basically Brazilians are not
going to eat it.
66. Everytime it rains, people have no compunction about poking your eye out with the
metal part of their umbrella as you walk down the sidewalk. Raising or lowering your
umbrella, moving it to the side so it doesnt blind you will pretty much never happen. I
seriously have to hold my hand and forearm up against my temples to avoid being struck in
the face as I walk down the street during a thunderstorm (of which there are many).

Esta uma lista comeou em ( ), que comeou como um cara listando seus Top 20
razes para odiar viver aqui. A lista , desde ento, multiplicaram com razes adicionais que
esto sendo adicionados por outros comentaristas . A maior parte deste material que eu
encontrar histrica , ou pelo menos deixa- me saber que eu no sou completamente louco
por pensar os pensamentos que eu fao . Aqui esto todas as 66 at o momento, sentir-se
livre para adicionar seu prprio e continuar o fio !
"Claro que eu estou generalizando e as excees so abundantes , mas depois de viver no
Brasil por 3 anos com a minha esposa brasileira, minhas observaes so as seguintes em
geral. :
1 . Os brasileiros tm nenhuma considerao para as pessoas fora do seu crculo imediato ,
e muitas vezes so simplesmente rude . Por exemplo, um vizinho que toca msica alta
durante toda a noite , e mesmo se voc perguntar-lhe educadamente para abaixar o volume ,
ele diz-lhe para f ** k off . E educao bsica? Um simples " desculpe-me ", quando
algum quase bate mais na rua? Esquea.
2 . Os brasileiros so agressivos e oportunista, e, geralmente, custa de outra pessoa.
como um " instinto de sobrevivncia " em alta velocidade , o tempo todo. O melhor
exemplo a conduo. Se eles vem uma maneira de passar por voc , eles vo , mesmo
que isso signifique quase mat-lo , e mesmo se eles no esto com pressa. Ento, por que
eles fazem isso? s porque eles podem, porque eles vem a oportunidade . Eles sentem
que precisam sempre de tomar tudo o que podem , sempre que possvel ,
independentemente de quem prejudicado como resultado.
3 . Os brasileiros no tm respeito por seu ambiente. Eles despejar grandes cargas de lixo
em qualquer lugar e em todos os lugares , eo lixo inacreditvel. As ruas so muito sujas.
Os recursos naturais abundantes , como so, esto sendo desperdiados em uma velocidade
surpreendente , com pouco ou nenhum recurso.
4 . Brasileiros toleram uma quantidade incrvel de corrupo nos negcios e governo.
Enquanto todos os governos tm funcionrios corruptos , mais bvio e desenfreada no
Brasil do que a maioria dos pases , e ainda assim a populao continua re- eleger as
mesmas pessoas.
5 . As mulheres brasileiras so excessivamente obcecados com seus corpos e muito crtico
(e competitivo com) um do outro.
6 . Os brasileiros , principalmente os homens , so altamente propensos a casos
extraconjugais. A menos que o homem nunca sai de casa , as chances so de que ele tem
uma amante .
7 . Os brasileiros so muito expressivo de suas opinies negativas de outros, com total
desrespeito sobre a possibilidade de ferir os sentimentos de algum.
8 . Brasileiros, especialmente as pessoas que realizam servios, so geralmente confivel ,
preguioso e quase sempre atrasado.
9 . Os brasileiros tm um sistema de classes muito proeminente. Os ricos tm um senso de
direito que est alm de uma caricatura . Eles acham que as regras no se aplicam a eles,
que eles esto acima do sistema , e so muito arrogante e insensvel , especialmente com o

outro. Os pobres, por sua vez, recebem to pouco que eles nunca tm a oportunidade de
sarem da pobreza e, portanto, muitas vezes se voltam para o crime ou simplesmente tornarse preguioso e indignado a respeito de seus trabalhos porque no vejo nenhuma esperana
para o futuro e no h sentido em tentar fazer um bom emprego.
10 . Brasileiros constantemente interromper e falar sobre o outro. Tentando ter uma
conversa como uma competio para ser ouvido, uma competio de gritos .
11 . A polcia brasileira so essencialmente inexistente quando se trata de fazer cumprir as
leis para proteger a populao, como fazer cumprir as leis de trnsito , encontrar e prender
os ladres , etc existem Leis , mas ningum as aplica , o sistema judicial uma piada e no
h normalmente nenhum recurso para o cidado que roubado , enganado ou no
prejudicado. As pessoas vivem com medo e construir muros em torno de suas casas ou
pagar taxas elevadas para viver em comunidades fechadas .
12 . Os brasileiros fazem tudo inconveniente e difcil. Nada simplificada ou concebido
com a convenincia do cliente em mente, e os brasileiros tm uma alta tolerncia para
nveis surpreendentes de burocracia desnecessria e redundante.
13 . Brasileiros toleram tais impostos altos e taxas de importao que fazem tudo,
especialmente produtos para o lar , eletrnicos e carros, incrivelmente caro. E para os
empresrios , seguindo as regras e pagar todos os seus impostos faz com que seja quase
impossvel de ser rentvel. Como resultado, a corrupo e subornos em empresas e governo
so comuns. Existe a burocracia , as leis e os altos impostos para fornecer a oportunidade
para que os corruptos para facilitar a " trabalhar em torno " do sistema. Enquanto isso, o
consumidor obrigado a suportar um custo extraordinariamente elevado de vida ,
agravando assim a pobreza .
14 . Est quente como o inferno nove meses fora do ano , e aquecimento central /
arrefecimento no existe aqui, porque as casas no so construdas para ser hermtico ou
isolados ou incluir dutos de ar. Ento, voc quer sofrer por 9 meses ou limitar-se a uma
pequena sala com uma unidade de parede a / c. E nos trs meses em que ele realmente fica
" frio ", voc congelar durante a noite.
15 . A comida pode ser mais fresco , menos processado e, geralmente, mais saudvel do que
o alimento americano ou europeu , mas sem graa, repetitivo e muito inconveniente.
Alimentos processados, congelados ou prontos no supermercado so poucos, caros e
geralmente terrvel . A maioria dos alimentos so feitos a partir do zero e se voc no pode
pagar uma empregada para fazer isso para voc , voc vai gastar muito tempo na cozinha.
Restaurantes no faltam , mas h poucas opes convenientes , como brasileiros favorecem
sit-down refeies e quase no h drive- thrus exceto porcaria fast food.
16 . Os brasileiros so super social e raramente passar algum tempo sozinho , especialmente
as refeies e fins de semana. Isso no necessariamente uma m qualidade, mas ,
pessoalmente, eu odeio isso porque eu gosto do meu espao e privacidade, mas a
expectativa cultural que voc vai assistir (ou pior, convidar amigos e famlia ) para cada
refeio e voc criticado por no se comportar " normalmente " se voc optar por ficar
17 . Brasileiros ficar muito perto , emocional e geograficamente , para suas famlias de
origem toda a vida. Como # 16 , isso no necessariamente uma m qualidade, mas
pessoalmente eu odeio porque ele me deixa desconfortvel e afeta meu casamento. Adultos
brasileiros nunca " cortar o cordo " emocionalmente e sua famlia de origem
(especialmente as mes ) continuam a ser envolvido em suas vidas dirias , problemas ,
decises, atividades , etc Como voc pode imaginar , este extra difcil para o cnjuge de

outra cultura em que geralmente vivem em famlias nucleares e tem uma dinmica diferente
com as nossas famlias de origem .
18 . Eletricidade e servios de internet so completamente fiveis.
19 . Segurana da gua questionvel. Os brasileiros bebem , sem morrer , com certeza,
mas com base no total falta de aplicao de outras leis e abundncia de corrupo , eu no
confiar no governo que diz que totalmente seguro e no vai te machucar no longo prazo.
20 . E, finalmente , os brasileiros s tem um tipo de cerveja (a pilsner aguado ) e realmente
uma porcaria, e claro, cervejas importadas so caros.
21 . Os mosquitos do inferno
S posso falar para So Paulo, mas ...
21 . A maioria dos operadores de nibus conduzir como se eles esto tentando quebrar o
nibus , e todos dentro dela.
22 . Caladas no meu bairro so cobertos com mijo e merda de ces pequenos feios que
latem dia e noite.
23 . Engarrafamentos Trs horas e meia de cada vez que chove .
24 . O clima completa sh * t na maioria das vezes .
25 . Raramente as coisas so feitas corretamente da primeira vez. Voc tem que voltar para
o banco, o consulado , o escritrio, e-mail ou telefone 2-10 vezes para levar as pessoas a
fazer o seu trabalho .
26 . Qualidade do ar muito ruim e um rio ftido . O ar muitas vezes cheira a plstico
queimado .
27 . Shopping centers e ir a restaurantes so as principais atividades . H pouco a fazer que
no gira em torno de gastar o seu salrio. H um parque principal e est horrivelmente
28 . As mercearias so inconsistentes. Produtos vo desaparecer por semanas ou meses a fio
antes de recapeamento .
29 . Normas acabamento so muito baixos. Janelas, portas , dobradias , tubos, energia
eltrica , caladas, so todos construdos com o menor esforo possvel. Se a janela
fechada a maior parte do caminho , qual o problema?
30 . rvores , postes , telefones, plantadores e caixas de utilidade so colocados no centro
das caladas , tornando-as intransitveis.
31 . Voc paga o triplo para os produtos que vai quebrar dentro de 1-2 anos , talvez menos.
32 . carros deslocando-se noite de balano msica to alto que faz a minha casa tremer ou
no entanto, escrito .
32 . Os brasileiros amam estar bem no seu caminho. Hangouts favoritos so: o topo da
escada rolante / escadas , portas ou simplesmente chegando ao abrupto, ponto morto no
meio de uma calada movimentada .
33 . A melhor maneira de inspirar dio cego no Brasil? Educadamente recusar-se a comer
alimentos oferecidos a voc . No importa o quo vlida a sua razo este considerado um
pecado imperdovel aos olhos dos brasileiros e eles vo continuar agressivamente
incomodando voc para com-lo , apesar de sua educadamente declnio, at desistir ou
aceitar que agora vai prend-lo por desacato permanente.
34 . As pessoas vo apertar e empurrar voc DURO sem ter em conta ou pedido de
desculpas no transporte pblico e que voc est embalado em to apertado que voc
incapaz de mover qualquer coisa, mas sua cabea.
35 . Os brasileiros so elevados a admitir nunca que o Brasil um lugar crumby para viver.
Melhor nem sempre subjetiva. Eu acho que ns podemos concordar que todas as coisas

so iguais , melhor ser rico do que pobre, bonito do que feio, saudvel , em vez de
pessoas com deficincia . No Brasil voc paga muito mais e trabalhar muito mais para
tentar igualar o melhor padro de vida vivel nos pases alista -se na mesma categoria que .
36 . O Brasil um pas de 3 mundo a preos ridiculamente inflacionados para itens de
qualidade sub-par . Para se ter uma idia , So Paulo classificada como a 10 cidade mais
cara do mundo. (New York # 32. ) As pessoas vo em 12-24 planos de pagamento ms a
compra de um secador de cabelo sem nome que vai quebrar antes de ser liquidado.
37 . Por favor, pare de dizer a comida " o melhor do mundo." Temos feijo e arroz no meu
pas tambm.
38 . Snot Rockets & Cuspir com total abandono em vias pblicas .
39 . A infidelidade galopante. Este no apenas um esteretipo , tanto quanto eu gostaria
que fosse . Homens na sociedade brasileira so condicionados a acreditar que eles so mais
" viril " e " viril " se enganam . incentivada em seus grupos de amigos. Muitos, muitos
homens brasileiros tm-me dito isso em um ponto em branco, forma muito assunto com
fato e no consegue entender a minha reao que uma questo muito sria . As mulheres
so incentivadas a no gostar dele, mas no vejo isso como um deal-breaker .
40 . Zero respeito aos pedestres. Sim, eles v-lo e acelerar. Na melhor das hipteses , eles
vo buzinar , mas nunca, em nenhuma circunstncia , pressione o freio.
41 . Fogos de artifcio altos em todas as horas . Eles no podem obter o suficiente deles .
42 . Dizendo So Paulo " a Nova York da Amrica do Sul" . Certo. Se NY encerrada s
10h .
43 . A tendncia da moda de "tops de culturas ", com calas apertadas , aptido estmago
no precisa ser considerado.
44 . A infinidade de destaques alaranjados . Voc no est enganando ningum .
45 . A poluio a par com as terras ps-apocalptico retratado em filmes de fico
cientfica dos anos 70 . Eu crescer cada vez mais tentado a balanar uma daquelas mscaras
cirrgicas descartveis , a'la Michael Jackson, circa 1990 .
46 . As pessoas no entendem como " fila " suposto para trabalhar . perfeitamente
aceitvel para empurrar para a direita na frente de voc em qualquer linha.
47 . Os brasileiros andam como zumbis e vai bater direto para voc e saltar fora como
extras de Night of the Living Dead . Olhe por onde anda!
48 . Toda vez que eu comprar qualquer coisa vendida em um grupo (por exemplo, espinafre
) no Farmers Market , que , invariavelmente, tem uma famlia de besouros vivos espera de
saltar para fora e me surpreendeu quando eu estou preparando o jantar .
49 . Nenhum rastreio janela . Aparentemente, esta tecnologia incompatvel com o presente
infra-estrutura . Uma ponte de suspenso de fantasia no problema, mas as telas esto
pedindo demais , mesmo nos novos apartamentos suburbanas, onde os mosquitos so
galopante .
50 . Sem aquecimento ou isolamento. apenas fria 3 meses por ano , ento por que se
preocupar? Os americanos normalmente zombam quando eu lhes digo : " Sim. Ele faz ficar
frio l, na dcada de 50 baixas (F) durante o inverno. " Um simplesmente tem que
experimentar um inverno So Paulo, onde voc vai ser mais frio dentro de sua casa ou
escritrio que voc est fora. Onde voc vai precisar de 3-4 camadas de estar sentado ainda
dentro de casa , mas ainda pode quebrar um suor do momento em que entra em algum
lugar. Blocos de concreto so mgicos assim.
51 . J ouvi falar de algumas pessoas serem hospitalizadas depois de passar o fim de
semana em praias prximas. Passar trs horas no trnsito para chegar a uma praia de 1 hora

de distncia . Talvez os esgotos trabalhar durante a semana. Uma vez que o local se enche
de turistas , voc est nadando em coc.
52 . Quando caladas esto em construo espera-se que voc anda na rua. Alguns
motoristas se recusam a fazer o menor ajuste a sua presena , acelerando a poucos
centmetros de voc , mesmo quando a pista adjacente gratuito.
53 . Nem pense em dizer a ningum , expat ou local, quando voc estiver viajando para o
EUA Todo mundo bate em voc para trazer Ipods , X-Box , laptops, roupas , itens de
mercearia , etc, em sua mala , porque eles so muito caro ou no disponvel no Brasil .
54 . Inflao . OMFG .
55 . Os motoristas de carro com seus filhos pequenos em p nos braos de centro , chefes
de vista sobre o teto solar . Procure-o na hora do almoo , quando o dia na escola longo,
s vezes 2-3 par nos SUVs maiores. Eu testemunhei isso cerca de 4x. uma mandbulagotas .
56 . As baratas gigantes vermelhas. Dica para fora seu sapato , abrir um armrio , por - que
barata Surpresa !
57 . Desenfreado , patriotismo desagradvel. Onde quer que voc , os brasileiros sempre
ser imediatamente adiantado em dizer que " melhor aqui " . Eles sero rpidos a dizerlhe para o seu rosto tudo sobre como gringos no tomar banho e so " frios " .
58 . A mdia brasileira no pode , no vai entender um estrangeiro falando sua lngua, no
importa o quanto voc se fluente em Portugus . Eu vivi na Amrica Central e no Japo, as
pessoas l sempre entendeu o meu quebrado, gringo espanhol e gaijin japons. Mas ainda
depois de 3 anos no Brasil, os olhos das pessoas ainda apenas bug fora de sua cabea e
dizer em voz alta , " UHH ! ? " "OI " em resposta ao mesmo a mais simples das frases (ou
seja: ? ! ? Banho Quanto? bom dia ) .
59 . Segurana fsica de si mesmos e para outros simplesmente no sequer uma reflexo
tardia. Os 30 segundos mais tarde conseqncias de suas aes que tm um efeito sobre
outras pessoas l fora em algum lugar no mundo ? Inexistente. Montando sua moto no
trnsito pesado com seu beb recm-nascido sentado no seu colo em nada, mas as fraldas
(sim , eu j vi isso) , qual o problema? Montando a sua bicicleta noite ao longo da autoestrada ombro indo contra o trfico , por que se preocupar ?
60 . A menos que voc est realmente em futebol ou reality shows de TV (ou seja, do Big
Brother ) , no h nada muito a falar com os brasileiros mdios. Voc pode aprender
fluentemente Portugus, mas no final , a conversa fica muito limitado, muito rapidamente.
61 . Tudo construdo para carros e dirigir, mesmo que os carros so 3x o preo de
qualquer outro pas. Os nibus intermunicipais de luxo so eficientes, mas o transporte
pblico inconveniente , caro e desconfortvel para andar . Consequentemente , o trfego
em So Paulo e Rio hoje considerada uma das piores da Terra (para SP , possivelmente, o
pior ) . Mesmo meio-dia podem ter engarrafamentos enormes que fazem mover fora de uma
pequena rea limitada praticamente impossvel a menos que voc tem uma pequena
62 . Os brasileiros tendem a cheirar publicamente seu ranho para trs em suas cavidades
nasais , muitas vezes e em voz alta . Eu acho que eles gostam do sabor ? Mesmo as
mulheres atraentes fazer isso .
63 . Os brasileiros tambm no cubra a boca quando tossir , mesmo gente de classe alta que
deveriam saber melhor. Selado em um elevador lotado ? O garom que serve sua comida ?
O cara sentado atrs de voc no nibus ? Desfrute da TB meu amigo ...
62 . Todas as cidades brasileiras ( com exceo talvez do Rio eo antigo bairro Pelourinho

em Salvador) , so feios , concreto, hiper- moderno e desprovido de carter, arquitetura,

rvores ou charme. A maioria montona e completamente idnticos na aparncia.
Qualquer histria colonial ou bela manso antiga rapidamente previsto para demolio
para dar lugar a um estacionamento ou um shopping center . Macias , idntico cinza
prdios blockhouse dominam o horizonte de at mesmo as cidades menores . Zero bairros
so construdos para andar em , desfrutar de um caf em uma mesa ao ar livre , conhecer
seus vizinhos ou vitrine . Parques so poucos e distantes entre si ea falta de rvores ou
sombra natural concentra-se o sol eo calor no concreto , tornando-se muitas vezes
desconfortvel at mesmo sair para a rua.
63 . Por alguma razo ( como podemos ver neste tpico) , os brasileiros gostam de logon de
lngua Ingls fruns de internet e escrever apenas em Portugus ! Ser que eu entrar em um
frum Portugus e escrever minhas respostas em apenas Ingls ?
64 . No se esquea que lata de lixo fedorento de tecido manchado de excrementos ao lado
do vaso sanitrio
65 . Os brasileiros so os mundos mais exigente / A maioria dos Comensais conservadores .
Tentando sair para comer com os brasileiros como tentar ir de bar em bar com os
muulmanos . Qualquer coisa diferente, com sabor , especiarias ou cor vista com grande
suspeita . Comida chinesa - nojento! Mexicano- revoltante ! Tailands, no se incomodam
mesmo . Srio, eu ter sado de um grupo, onde um cara no podia comer nada com alho,
nem ketchup ou mostarda. O outro cara no comeu, qualquer , digo, qualquer coisa com
legumes. Outra cebolas odiado. A outra garota que sempre inventar algo no no menu para
o garom para dizer a cozinha para fazer . Eventualmente , todos ns jamais poderia sair
para comer era McDonalds. Se ele no est bem frito , sem tempero , unfresh e composto
por carne salgada ou carne de porco, hambrgueres, cachorros- quentes ou pizza,
basicamente, os brasileiros no vo com-lo.
66 . Toda vez que chove, as pessoas no tm escrpulos em meter o olho com a parte de
metal de seu guarda-chuva enquanto voc anda pela calada . Aumentar ou diminuir o seu
guarda-chuva , movendo-o para o lado para que ele no cegar voc praticamente nunca vai
acontecer. Eu realmente tenho que segurar minha mo e antebrao contra minhas tmporas
para evitar ser atingido no rosto enquanto eu andar na rua durante uma tempestade ( que so
muitos) .

20 Reasons I Hate Living in Brazil

+27 by Still Here
Back to Opinions about Brazil

Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South

7% Hate Brazil
Best Rated Opinions

Brazilians are fucking ignorants and on top of

"I hate Brazil", please, read that.
They are cold superficial people! they believe
Brazil, a horrible crime ridden country

Recent Opinions

They are cold superficial people! they believe

why people are so narrow-minded?
Brazilians are fucking ignorants and on top of
Brazil, a horrible crime ridden country

Of course I'm generalizing and exceptions abound, but after living in Brazil for 3
years with my Brazilian spouse, my observations are as follows. In general:
1. Brazilians have no consideration for people outside their immediate circle, and
are often just plain rude. For example, a neighbor who plays loud music all night;
and even if you ask him politely to turn the volume down, he tells you to f**k off.

And basic politeness? A simple "excuse me" when someone almost knocks you over
on the street? Forget it.
2. Brazilians are aggressive and opportunistic, and usually at someone else's
expense. It's like a "survival instinct" in high gear, all the time. The best example is
driving. If they see a way to pass you, they will, even if it means almost killing you,
and even if they're not in a hurry. So why do they do it? It's just because they can,
because they see the opportunity. They feel like they always need to take whatever
they can, whenever they can, regardless of who is harmed as a result.
3. Brazilians have no respect for their environment. They dump big loads of trash
anywhere and everywhere, and the littering is unbelievable. The streets are really
dirty. The natural resources, abundant as they are, are being squandered at an
amazing rate with little or no recourse.
4. Brazilians tolerate an amazing amount of corruption in both business and
government. While all governments have corrupt officials, it's more obvious and
rampant in Brazil than most countries, and yet the population keeps re-electing the
same people.
5. Brazilian women are overly obsessed with their bodies and very critical of (and
competitive with) each other.
6. Brazilians, especially men, are highly prone to extramarital affairs. Unless the
man never leaves the house, odds are he has a mistress.
7. Brazilians are very expressive of their negative opinions of others, with complete
disregard about possibly hurting someone's feelings.
8. Brazilians, especially people who perform services, are usually unreliable, lazy
and almost always late.
9. Brazilians have a very prominent classe system. The rich have a sense of
entitlement that is beyond a caricature. They think the rules do not apply to them,
that they are above the system, and are very arrogant and inconsiderate, especially
with each other. The poor, meanwhile, are paid so little that they never have an
opportunity to lift themselves out of poverty and therefore often turn to crime or
simply become lazy and indignant regarding their jobs because they see no hope for
the future and no point in trying to do a good job.
10. Brazilians constantly interrupt and talk over each other. Trying to have a
conversation is like a competition to be heard, a shouting match.
11. Brazilian police are essentially non-existent when it comes to enforcing laws to
protect the population, such as enforcing traffic laws, finding and arresting thieves,
etc. Laws exist, but no one enforces them, the judicial system is a joke and there is

usually no recourse for the citizen who is robbed, cheated or otherwise harmed.
People live in fear and build walls around their houses or pay high fees to live in
gated communities.
12. Brazilians make everything inconvenient and difficult. Nothing is streamlined
or designed with the customer's convenience in mind, and Brazilians have a high
tolerance for astounding levels of unnecessary and redundant bureaucracy.
13. Brazilians tolerate such high taxes and import duties that make everything,
especially home products, electronics and cars, unbelievably expensive. And for
business owners, following the rules and paying all your taxes makes it almost
impossible to be profitable. As a result, corruption and bribes in business and
government are commonplace. The bureaucracy, laws and high taxes exist to
provide the opportunity for the corrupt to facilitate "working around" the system.
Meanwhile the consumer is forced to bear an extraordinarily high cost of
reply - 05 Sep 2011 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+6 by Still Here
14. It's hot as hell 9 months out of the year, and central heating/cooling doesn't
exist here because the houses are not constructed to be airtight or insulated or
include air ducts. So you either suffer for 9 months or confine yourself to a small
room with a wall a/c unit. And in the 3 months where it actually gets "cold," you
freeze at night.
15. The food may be fresher, less processed and generally healthier than American
or European food, but it is bland, repetitive and very inconvenient. Processed,
frozen or ready-made foods in the supermarket are few, expensive and generally
terrible. Most foods are made from scratch and if you can't afford a maid to do it for
you, you'll spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Restaurants abound but there are few
convenient options, as Brazilians favor sit-down meals and there are almost no
drive-thrus except crappy fast food.
16. Brazilians are super social and rarely spend any time alone, especially meals
and weekends. This is not necessarily a bad quality but personally I hate it because
I enjoy my space and privacy, but the cultural expectation is that you will attend (or
worse, invite) friends and family to every single meal and you are criticized for not
behaving "normally" if you choose to be alone.

17. Brazilians stay very close, emotionally and geographically, to their families of
origin their whole lives. Like #16, this is not necessarily a bad quality but personally
I hate it because it makes me uncomfortable and affects my marriage. Brazilian
adults never "cut the cord" emotionally and their family of origin (especially their
mothers) continue to be involved in their daily lives, problems, decisions, activities,
etc. As you can imagine, this is extra difficult for a spouse from another culture
where we generally live in nuclear families and have a different dynamic with our
families of origin.
18. Electricity and internet service are completely unreliable.
19. Water safety is questionable. Brazilians drink it without dying, sure, but based
on the total lack of enforcement of other laws and abundance of corruption, I don't
trust the government that says it's totally safe and won't hurt you in the long term.
20. And finally, Brazilians only have 1 kind of beer (a watery pilsner) and it really
sucks, and of course, imported beers are expensive.
reply - 05 Sep 2011 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+10 by Still Here

21. The mosquitoes from HELL
reply - 05 Sep 2011 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-1 by Mel Cownzowfsky
I couldn't agree with you more!
reply - 10 Dec 2011 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-3 by Mel Cownzowfsky
The 'you,' I had in mind, is at the top of the list of commentaries.
reply - 10 Dec 2011 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-14 by lander
Brazilians are clown cancer beings!
reply - 28 Dec 2011 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Mel Cownzowfsky
There are so many butt ugly Brazilians (not to mention their manners are even
worse than the lower class Israelis) that I cannot imagine anyone wanting to live in
Brazil who has an opportunity to leave the country.
reply - 29 Dec 2011 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-30 by lander
The worst of all they think they are special! yeah right!
I agree that Brazilian women are the best prostitutes in the world! Haw haw haw!
reply - 31 Dec 2011 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+17 by observer
I have to agree with everything said here. I'm Brazilian and I'm astonished to notice
everyday how people could get so naughty, stupid and proud of their ignorance in a
few decades. As a latino country we have always had cultural problems inherent to
the colonization but the last four decades have been a disaster in education - the
scholar one and the one you bring from your family. Formal education is ridiculous
and became a good business for speculation. Real knowledge values nothing and
the great aim is to have a university certificate even though it doesn't assure that
the holder really knows anything about the career chosen. I believe 25 years of

military dictactorialship may have influenced negatively the structures of our

society, destroying any sense of civilization necessary to living together. The
negative examples were obvious: the use of strenght was associated to power and
command and from the highest officials in the government to the simplest
employees they were followed and imitated without questioning or hesitation. This
behavior only favors the growth of corruption because it makes almost everybody
engaged in the same goal: to take advantage of everyting and everyone, no matter
the consequences. The result is very well described above by Still Here
reply - 01 Jan 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+14 by Dexter McGrubbin

I can only speak to Sao Paulo, but...
21. Most bus operators drive as though they're trying to break the bus, and
everyone inside it.
22. Sidewalks in my neighborhood are covered with piss and shit from ugly little
dogs that bark day and night.
23. Three and a half hour traffic jams every time it rains.
24. The weather is complete shit most of the time.
25. Rarely do things get done properly the first time. You have to go back to the
bank, the consulate,the office, email or telephone 2-10 times to get people to do
their job.
26. Very bad air quality and a putrid river. The air often smells like burning plastic.
27. Shopping and going to restaurants are the main activities. There is little to do
that doesn't revolve around spending your paycheck. There is one main park and
it's horribly crowded.
28. Grocery stores are inconsistent. Products will disappear for weeks or months on
end before resurfacing.
29. Workmanship standards are very low. Windows, doors, hinges, pipes,
electricity, sidewalks, are all built with the least effort possible. If the window closes
most of the way, what's the problem?
30. Trees, poles, telephones, planters, and utility boxes are placed in the center of
sidewalks, rendering them impassable.

31. You pay triple for products that will break within 1-2 years, maybe less.
To be continued...?
reply - 14 Feb 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Jean H
Add a 32, cars cruising at night rocking music so loud it makes my house tremble
or however it's spelt.
I'm ashamed to be half brazilian.
reply - 19 Feb 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-2 by Jean H
On a plus note thought, if you happen to speak 4 languages and have a friend inside
the petrobras you're done! 9000$ a month! (20k R$)
reply - 19 Feb 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+49 by Yuri A
I don't agree. Yes, you said some things that are true, but you basically included a
lot of bias (the water is not clean? Really? How many times have you heard about
and simple racism (extramarital affairs? Obsession with the body? Again... where
the hell did this come from?)
If you live in a bad circle of people (or maybe a bad city), that doesn't mean the
WHOLE country is a crap.
reply - 25 Feb 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+31 by Yuri A

Also, a lot of things applies to almost every other country in the world (rude people
exist everywhere).
reply - 25 Feb 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+63 by Giovanni R
I'm a brazilian and I agree with at least 10 of this 20-reasons.
But of course I can make a '20 reasons to love Brazil' list, and its possible to do a
'20 reasons to hate' every country in the world, right?
Everybody has the right to their opinion, and the list is done.
But the comments that people are writing are terrible, so unpolite, ridiculous. If
you are ashamed to be half brazilian, at least show some respect, if you are so damn
reply - 26 Feb 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+6 by Montibello
Well... you're not so wrong... it's like that indeed... I know, I'm a brazilian and I live
here... rsrsrsrs
reply - 01 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+30 by Montibello
Well, by this part... hope you are not living here anymore... happy to know you are
out of my country... and, finally, hope you never come back...
reply - 01 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+30 by Victor L

Man, how miserable you are for having wasted 3 years of your time in suh a place.
At least now you can have as many type of beers as you want...your text is filled
with prejudice even if in some cases you are right in content. This is possible the
top reason i would chose for hating your country, even not knowing where you
come is the country of biased prejudice! Of course i am joking, there is no
perfect place in the world and when you go to a new place, it is your call to attach
yourself to the positive things and be happy or to the negative things and be an
unhappy complainer. The last was your option, which is a pity...
reply - 04 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+15 by Shultz
How is it you're still married? I'm Brazilian and I know well the emotional codependency Brazilian women have with their mothers. I wouldnt be able to bear it.
Thanks God I was not raised with such co-dependency and cut the umbilical cord
real fast. I agree with all you described nonetheless. I have lived most than half of
my life away from Brazil and quite frankly, they can have it!
reply - 11 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-27 by lander
Brazilian natives should be bloody shame of being Brazilians, all the reasons listed
above show clearly that being a Brazilian its like being a fucking walking curse!
Yeha I'm one of the cursed ones as you realised, one more thing Portuguese
language sucks, hail the English language..
Hate Brazil, because Brazil hates you bloody Brazilians..
reply - 12 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+4 by Shultz

Sorry, I dont find I am cursed or responsible for being born in Brazil. All I did was
to leave Brazil for good, and hence live within fundamental decency; without being
exposed to depraved people who only think Samba, Carnaval, mindless sex and
superficiality are the order of march. People who are hypnotized and blinded by
soap-operas of network Globo and are incapable of elaborating their own unbiased
and well informed thoughts. Worse of all, I did not have to be exposed to the
tolerance Brazilians have for plain incompetence from all facets of their
government and the depressing mediocrity of their Sundays chock-full o'
'Fantastico'. Portuguese from Brazil is basically, also, a worthless, non-marketable
language. All my life I made myself more competitive with French, Spanish and
reply - 12 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+15 by Fabiano D
Can I have a few comments to this?
#14. Well, the country is sure hot, but that depends entirely in which place you
are... if you live in Manaus, sure, it's hot during most of the year. But if you live in
Porto Alegre, you'll have well defined seasons and it's only hot during summer. In
Rio de Janeiro, for instance, it's really hot during summer, but the constant ocean
breeze makes the city mildly warm during the remainder of the year (and even cold
during winter)... anyway, most homes have a/c's, and older homes have a very high
ceiling, as a primordial mean of keeping temperatures down... Climate is one of the
best things in Brazil, so I must disagree with this...
#15. Food in Brazil is one of the best things you'll find in the country, frankly...
There's an enourmous amount of fast options, though there's a certain lack of
drive-thrus... But you forgot to mention one of the best aspects around, the fair
abundance of kilo-restaurants, which offer fast served and fresh food, usually with
an abundance of salads and fresh fruits readily available. What about the lovely
juice houses you can find in every corner, serving freshly-made fruit juices you
probably never even heard about?? There is no healthier place to eat than Brazil,

#17. That depends very much on the family... Sure, you do see that happening quite
a lot, but that's not the norm...
#18. C'mon, if you live in a big city you'll never have any problems with electricity...
now internet connections can be a pain in the ass...
#20. Agree about the beer... but, frankly, when you get a fresh tap beer after a
sunny day at the beach, there is nothing better... a stronger beer would not taste as
reply - 19 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+10 by Fabiano D
Can I have a few comments to this?
#14. Well, the country is sure hot, but that depends entirely in which place you
are... if you live in Manaus, sure, it's hot during most of the year. But if you live in
Porto Alegre, you'll have well defined seasons and it's only hot during summer. In
Rio de Janeiro, for instance, it's really hot during summer, but the constant ocean
breeze makes the city mildly warm during the remainder of the year (and even cold
during winter)... anyway, most homes have a/c's, and older homes have a very high
ceiling, as a primordial mean of keeping temperatures down... Climate is one of the
best things in Brazil, so I must disagree with this...
#15. Food in Brazil is one of the best things you'll find in the country, frankly...
There's an enourmous amount of fast options, though there's a certain lack of
drive-thrus... But you forgot to mention one of the best aspects around, the fair
abundance of kilo-restaurants, which offer fast served and fresh food, usually with
an abundance of salads and fresh fruits readily available. What about the lovely
juice houses you can find in every corner, serving freshly-made fruit juices you
probably never even heard about?? There is no healthier place to eat than Brazil,
#17. That depends very much on the family... Sure, you do see that happening quite
a lot, but that's not the norm...

#18. C'mon, if you live in a big city you'll never have any problems with electricity...
now internet connections can be a pain in the ass...
#20. Agree about the beer... but, frankly, when you get a fresh tap beer after a
sunny day at the beach, there is nothing better... a stronger beer would not taste as
reply - 19 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-1 by Veronica R
Still here, you kinda helped summarize my stay in brazil!!! You seemed to put into
words the opinion i formed while i was there!
reply - 24 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-9 by lander
It`s amazing how all Brazilians smiles in a mental retard way on their pictures!
reply - 25 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+3 by Shultz
Yes it is the smile that says: "I am Brazilian hence I am obliged to be happy without
any cause, other than I am Brazilian!"
reply - 25 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-11 by lander
Meaning that you all are proud in being a retard Brazilian nation!
I rest my case..

reply - 26 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+3 by Fabiano D
Thanks, troll. Now please go back to your trolling and remember: it is nice to
sunbathe once in your lifetime!
reply - 26 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+16 by Shultz
For someone who hates Brazil and Brazilians you sure waste lots of time and effort
trying to feel better about yourself on this forum.
reply - 26 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-15 by lander
You're welcome cancer face!
Now about being better, one thing is for sure, Europeans, Americans and Asians
are far better than bloody Brazilians!
Brazilians are just slugs comparing with these mighty nations, so shut up and go
back to your slime shell..
reply - 27 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+28 by Fabiano D
Can't help but notice that I think I'm dealing with a kid here...
First of all, you mention Europe, America and Asia as nations, which is a gross
generalization of the very different cultures, nations and languages that comprise

these continents. Now, if you're really trying to generalize it, then you should
mention that Brazil is a branch of the western civilization, and very much an
offshoot of an european culture.
I won't even mention about "being better", that's just ridiculous... Whos better:
Gandhi or Mozart? Nietsche or Messi? Picasso or Aristoteles? The creation of fire
or the description of Atlantis by Plato? WTF?? Better is a matter of personal
opinion, not something that deserves much discussion (unless youre discussing the
concept of superiority itself).
Instead of trolling this discussion, try and add something useful to it, your
prejudiced opinion is really useless...
Do you feel better than others?
reply - 27 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-12 by lander

I meant better to Mr.Shultz!

Reply:I'm better than any Brazilian!
Brazil an offshoot of European culture??? I can see the child here is you Brazilian
scum! Brazil has the fucking African culture all over it, Samba, Pagode ,African
Carnaval[nothing like the Venitian Carnevale] and you call that European?, just in
your mental Brazilian mind!
As you already quoted [I won't even mention about "being better", that's just
ridiculous... Whos better: Gandhi or Mozart? Nietsche or Messi? Picasso or
Aristoteles? The creation of fire or the description of Atlantis by Plato? WTF??
Better is a matter of personal opinion, not something that deserves much
discussion (unless youre discussing the concept of superiority itself).]

None of these great human minds were Brazilian, your proud in being Brazilian,
that's is the most childish thought ever, because there's no reason to feel proud of
being a slave!
You pay taxes for nothing and yet you are happy about it, typical Brazilian, why don
t you Brazilians follow the French, Egyptians and start a blood revolution and kill
all your politicians? oh thats right I forgot, you are a yellow nation with no guts to
change the reality of your bloody country!
Got any cards left?
reply - 28 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+19 by Fabiano D
Thank you for answering my question.
Well, you know, one of the main effects of illusory superiority in IQ is the Downing
effect, which basically is the tendency of people with a below average IQ to
overestimate their IQ, and of people with an above average IQ to underestimate
their IQ...
And, please, don't miss your History classes at school (you can also read a history
book about it), otherwise you will never discover that Brazil: uses the Latin
alphabet, developed in Ancient Rome, the forefathers of the western civilization
(along with the Ancient Greeks); speaks Portuguese, a Romance Language and,
therefore, a direct descendant of the Latin language, which was spoken in Ancient
Rome; uses the Gregorian Calendar, a later development of the Julian Calendar
originally developed in Ancient Rome; is basically comprised of an over 90%
Christian population, a religion spread by (guess who?) Ancient Rome; was
colonized and completely influenced by the culture of Portugal, an European
country; has a system of Law that is based on German and Roman law...
Oh, and Carnival is an annual festival held forty-six days before Easter, a Christian
date. On certain days of Lent, Roman Catholics and some other Christians
traditionally abstained from the consumption of meat and poultry, hence the term

"carnival," from carnelevare, "to remove meat." Carnival originated from the
(tadaa!) ANCIENT ROMAN festival of Saturnalia, adapted to Christianity. Carnival
is not native to Africa.
Besides all this, I think that the influence of african culture in Brazil really added
much, as Brazil is a multicultural country with rich culture, owing much to this
african influence...
reply - 28 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+4 by Fabiano D
Thank you for answering my question.
Well, you know, one of the main effects of illusory superiority in IQ is the Downing
effect, which basically is the tendency of people with a below average IQ to
overestimate their IQ, and of people with an above average IQ to underestimate
their IQ...
And, please, don't miss your History classes at school (you can also read a history
book about it), otherwise you will never discover that Brazil: uses the Latin
alphabet, developed in Ancient Rome, the forefathers of the western civilization
(along with the Ancient Greeks); speaks Portuguese, a Romance Language and,
therefore, a direct descendant of the Latin language, which was spoken in Ancient
Rome; uses the Gregorian Calendar, a later development of the Julian Calendar
originally developed in Ancient Rome; is basically comprised of an over 90%
Christian population, a religion spread by (guess who?) Ancient Rome; was
colonized and completely influenced by the culture of Portugal, an European
country; has a system of Law that is based on German and Roman law...
Oh, and Carnival is an annual festival held forty-six days before Easter, a Christian
date. On certain days of Lent, Roman Catholics and some other Christians
traditionally abstained from the consumption of meat and poultry, hence the term
"carnival," from carnelevare, "to remove meat." Carnival originated from the
(tadaa!) ANCIENT ROMAN festival of Saturnalia, adapted to Christianity. Carnival
is not native to Africa.

Besides all this, I think that the influence of african culture in Brazil really added
much, as Brazil is a multicultural country with rich culture, owing much to this
african influence...
reply - 28 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Fabiano D
Thank you for answering my question.
Well, you know, one of the main effects of illusory superiority in IQ is the Downing
effect, which basically is the tendency of people with a below average IQ to
overestimate their IQ, and of people with an above average IQ to underestimate
their IQ...
And, please, don't miss your History classes at school (you can also read a history
book about it), otherwise you will never discover that Brazil: uses the Latin
alphabet, developed in Ancient Rome, the forefathers of the western civilization
(along with the Ancient Greeks); speaks Portuguese, a Romance Language and,
therefore, a direct descendant of the Latin language, which was spoken in Ancient
Rome; uses the Gregorian Calendar, a later development of the Julian Calendar
originally developed in Ancient Rome; is basically comprised of an over 90%
Christian population, a religion spread by (guess who?) Ancient Rome; was
colonized and completely influenced by the culture of Portugal, an European
country; has a system of Law that is based on German and Roman law...
Oh, and Carnival is an annual festival held forty-six days before Easter, a Christian
date. On certain days of Lent, Roman Catholics and some other Christians
traditionally abstained from the consumption of meat and poultry, hence the term
"carnival," from carnelevare, "to remove meat." Carnival originated from the
(tadaa!) ANCIENT ROMAN festival of Saturnalia, adapted to Christianity. Carnival
is not native to Africa.
Besides all this, I think that the influence of african culture in Brazil really added
much, as Brazil is a multicultural country with rich culture, owing much to this
african influence...

reply - 28 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-8 by lander
wow,impressive for a Brazilian, to bad your fellow countrymen are not like you,
that's a shame!
Have you noticed what I quoted?African Carnival[nothing like the Venetian
It's a comparison clownbrain! I knew about the origin of carnival!
Besides that! what makes me wonder, you got European heritage and you insist in
bringing shame to your ancestors, bragging in being a Brazilian, you should be shot
by such action!
reply - 28 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+7 by Shultz
You cannot be possibly better than anyone else on this forum. You have no domain
of grammar, syntax and punctuation of the English language which I can tell by
your poor spelling, misuse of conjunctions and lack of reading comprehension (a
systemic and very American issue). A superior being with the writing ability of a
monkey who embarrasses themselves publishing uneducated diatribes about an
entire population/nation whom they, obviously, know nothing about. A superior
being who takes time out of their supposedly very 'productive' day replying to posts
online just to be intellectually crushed by the inferior Brazilian over and over again.
How admirable for you. What a great accomplished being you are! This is trolling
at its best.
reply - 28 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+8 by Fabiano D

Why am I bringing shame to my ancestors and how did you come to this absurd
conclusion, exactly?
My family has German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and African ancestry, I don't
see how they would be in anyway ashamed of me...
You can say African influences in Carnival or Carnival in Africa, but Carnival is
above all a Christian day and originated from it. Even if there are differences from
the Carnival practiced in Brazil (which is not the same in all places) to the one in
Venice, you should also consider that there are vast differences between the
Venetian Carnival to other carnival parties practiced all over Europe, for instance...
therefore, i see no point in your comparison.
reply - 28 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-9 by lander
To Mr.Shultz
I started the monkey jokes in this forum you cheap copycat, does the most
respectful British folks care about grammar? no they don't ! so do I!
It got old this bloody excuse about correct spelling and grammar, be more original
next time okay, besides you got be Brazilian to react on my replies in this angry
To Mr.Fabiano
Your ancestors are ashamed about you because you respect more the planet of
Apes[Brazil] than your own blood!
I meant that the Venetian Carnevale is far more respectful and noble than the crap
Brazilian African carnival!
But you did not answer my question before, why you Brazilians dont kill your
politicians? Why you dress like clowns in the streets to oppose your government?
I dare you to answer..

reply - 29 Mar 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-11 by lander
Well, well, look what time showed me!
There is no more doubt that both of you are yellow inside and outside, the main
color of your Brazilian flag!
Typical Brazilians, I loved when teen Germans pissed on Brazilians soldier corpses
back in Italy on World War 2, oh great days never return, pity!
reply - 01 Apr 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+4 by Alisha S
Agree Agree Agree! I live in Rio de Janiero and absolutely hate it. The men are
disgusting and try to kiss you within 5 seconds of meeting you. It doesn't even
matter if you don't want to kiss them. I currently live with my grandmother, who is
a manipulative controlling bitch, which seems to be the case for all Brazilian
mothers or grandmothers (the reason I am living with my grandmother is because I
am studying abroad.) Keep in mind, I am 23 years old, what many would consider
an adult in the United States. In Brazil you are considered a child till you die. My
grandmother constantly tells me what to do and when to do it. She also tells me
everything is dangerous, including getting in taxis, walking on the street past 7 PM
and going to bars. She went so far as to ask the door man for hall videos of me to
keep a watch on me. When people call me, she tells them I am not home and tries
to keep me very much isolated. Also, get this, last night a Brazilian man punched
me in the nose at a club because I pushed him away and told him to fuck off. I now
have to go to the hospital because I have a broken nose. I could not be more
repulsed by the men here. On top of that, they're god awful ugly. Like you said as
well its a match to see who can talk the most in this country. No body cares what
the other is saying and would prefer to hear the sound of there own voice. I am just
happy to see that someone has the same thoughts about Brazil as I do.
reply - 04 Apr 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-6 by lander
Yeah I now your pain sister, most of Brazilians are monkeys, their lack of manner
shows that clearly, the worse of all they are proud in being this way! bloody
monkeys, they should be exterminated for good!
Thats remind me they are hard to kill like roaches, puke on the Brazilian flag that
horse crap, one thing is for sure they will never learn to evolve like we do!
Best luck for all of us who survives in this Hell, this fucking shitpitt..
reply - 04 Apr 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Rocky Raccoon
Back on the original topic, I was relieved to find this page & re-affirm my sanity,
after two years of frustration in So Paulo. "Still Here", your list is golden & really
well thought out & judiciously written. & "Sean D" your list was flat out hilarious &
"on the nose". Thanks both of you for the smile. I'm adding a couple more Brazilian
annoyances that drive me absolutely crackers. Hopefully they'll give another expat
a giggle & make them feel less alone in this wacky, backwards country.
32. Brazilians LOVE to stand right in your way. Favorite hangouts include: the top
of the escalator/stairs, doorways or simply coming to an abrupt, dead stop in the
middle of a busy sidewalk.
33. Best way to inspire blind hatred in Brazil? Politely refuse to eat food offered to
you. No matter how valid your reason this is considered an unpardonable sin in the
eyes of Brazilians & they will continue aggressively pestering you to eat it in spite of
your politely declining, until you give in or accept that they will now hold you in
permanent contempt.
34. People will push and shove you HARD with no regard or apology on public
transportation & you're packed in so tight you are unable to move anything but
your head.

35. Brazilians are raised to NEVER admit that Brazil is a crumby place to live.
Better is not always subjective. I think we can agree that all things being equal, it's
better to be rich than poor, beautiful than ugly, healthy instead of disabled. In
Brazil you pay much more and work much harder to try to equal the higher
standard of living achievable in the countries it lists itself in the same category as.
(Sorry Fabiano D, you make some good points & are impressively well spoken, but
it's not the same as comparing "Neitzsche or Messi". More like comparing
Neitzsche and say...Michael Bay.)
36. Brazil is a 3rd world country at ridiculously inflated prices for sub-par quality
items. To give you an idea, So Paulo is ranked the 10th MOST EXPENSIVE city in
the world. (New York is #32.) People go on 12-24 month payment plans to
purchase a no-name hairdryer that will break before it's paid off.
37. Please stop saying the food is "the best in the world". We have beans & rice in
my country too.
38. Snot Rockets & Spitting with reckless abandon on public streets.
39. The rampant infidelity. This is not just a stereotype, as much as I wish it were.
Men in Brazilian society are conditioned to believe they are more "virile" and
"manly" if they cheat. It is encouraged in their groups of friends. Many, many
Brazilian men have told me this in a point blank, very matter-of-fact way & can't
understand my reaction that it is a very serious issue. The women are encouraged
to not like it, but not see it as a deal-breaker.
40. Zero respect for pedestrians. Yeah, they see you and accelerate. At best, they
will honk but will never, under any circumstances press the brake.
41. Loud Fireworks at all hours. They can't get enough of them.
42. Saying So Paulo is "the New York of South America". Right. If NY closed at
43. The fashion trend of "crop tops" with tight pants, stomach fitness need not be
44. The plethora of orange highlights. You're not fooling anyone.

45. The pollution is on a par with the post-apocalyptic wastelands depicted in 70's
sci-fi movies. I grow more and more tempted to rock one of those disposable
surgical masks, a'la Michael Jackson, circa 1990.
46. People don't understand how "lining up" is supposed to work. It is perfectly
acceptable to push right in front of you in any line.
47. Brazilians walk around like zombies & will slam right into you and bounce off
like extras from Night of the Living dead. WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!
48. Every time I purchase anything sold in a bunch (e.g. spinach) at the Farmers
Market, it invariably has a family of live beetles waiting to jump out and surprise
me when I'm preparing dinner.
That being said, I have see
reply - 11 Jul 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Rocky Raccoon
That being said, I have seen a lot of beautiful places worth visiting outside of So
Paulo & I have met a few Brazilians one can't help being charmed by, the best of
which being the reason I'm here, so this list is by no means an absolute, just a
chance to vent about the things that make me wish I had someone to roll my eyes at
& say "are you seeing this?!" to.
reply - 11 Jul 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Dexter McGrubbin
Rocky, Thanks for putting into words the many frustrations we surely experience. I
try to avoid making statements about Brazilian people for obvious reasons. Here's a
few more to add to Sao Paulo though, perhaps elsewhere:
49. No window screening. Apparently this technology is incompatible with the
present infrastructure. A fancy suspension bridge is no problem, but screens are

asking too much, even in the new suburban apartments, where mosquitoes are
50. No heating or insulation. It's only cold 3 months a year, so why bother?
Americans typically scoff when I tell them, "Yes. It does get cold there, in the low
50s (F) during winter." One simply has to experience a Sao Paulo winter, where you
will be colder inside your home or office than you are outside. Where you will need
3-4 layers to be sitting still indoors, but can still break a sweat the moment you
walk somewhere. Cinder blocks are magical like that.
51. I've heard of quite a few people being hospitalized after spending the weekend
at nearby beaches. Spending 3 hours in traffic to get to a beach 1 hour away. Maybe
the sewers work on weekdays. Once the place fills up with tourists, you're
swimming in poo.
52. When sidewalks are under construction it's expected that you walk in the street.
Some motorists refuse to make the slightest adjustment to your presence, speeding
to within inches of you even when the adjacent lane is free.
53. Don't even think about telling anyone, expat or local, when you are traveling to
the U.S. Everyone hits you up to bring Ipods, X-Boxes, laptops, apparel, grocery
store items, etc. in your suitcase because they are overpriced or unavailable in
54. Inflation. OMFG.
55. Motorists driving with their small children standing on the center armrests,
heads looking out over the sun roof. Look for it around lunch time when the school
day is over, sometimes 2-3 abreast in the bigger SUVs. I've witnessed it about 4x.
It's a jaw-dropper.
reply - 13 Jul 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-3 by Thomas M

I married a Brazilian women ,I met her in church and she turned out to be the
devil,,,a liar and a thief I was in love and met her in the USA... she wanted to have
me come to Brazil and meet her family..christians, It was all bullshit,liars thives
and degenerates ..all they want is to rob the gringos and take advantage of them...I
am almost positive she murdered her 2nd husband here ..then the lawyers are
worst then prostitutes,,,they will rob you just as fast ..this country was and is the
biggest mistake I have made in my life...I cant wait to get back to the USA,,,ps
streets are dirty ,food sucks ,overpriced goods , theiving politicians ,useless police
force, degenerates ruling over degenerates,phoney people that think they are
smart,,,the terrorist have put brazil last on the list of takeover countrys because
they will give in the easiest...this is really the asshole and armpit of the human
reply - 25 Jul 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-4 by tom
I married a Brazilian women ,I met her in church and she turned out to be the
devil,,,a liar and a thief I was in love and met her in the USA... she wanted to have
me come to Brazil and meet her family..christians, It was all bullshit,liars thives
and degenerates ..all they want is to rob the gringos and take advantage of them...I
am almost positive she murdered her 2nd husband here ..then the lawyers are
worst then prostitutes,,,they will rob you just as fast ..this country was and is the
biggest mistake I have made in my life...I cant wait to get back to the USA,,,ps
streets are dirty ,food sucks ,overpriced goods , theiving politicians ,useless police
force, degenerates ruling over degenerates,phoney people that think they are
smart,,,the terrorist have put brazil last on the list of takeover countrys because
they will give in the easiest...this is really the asshole and armpit of the human
reply - 25 Jul 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-4 by tom

Amen...I live here and cant wait to retuen to the USA...I could not have said your
words better....
reply - 25 Jul 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-12 by F U
Brazilians are worse then Colombians, these people are rude and ignorant. Not to
mention they both are thieves and most of their women are whores.
reply - 30 Jul 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+5 by Karine S
8. OS TRAPALHES - Didi, Ded, Mussum e Zacarias encarnaram como poucos
uma mistura de palhaada circense e humor meio ingnuo. Cativaram geraes
inteiras de pais e filhos.
20. CORDEL - Dizem que sua raiz remonta lrica popular da Idade Mdia. O fato

que a poesia das feiras tpicas nordestinas, vendida em livretos, a prova viva do
lirismo e da graa do povo da seca.
21. CUCA
26. FUTEBOL DE VRZEA - No garimpo dos arrabaldes j foram encontrados
alguns dos mais preciosos jogadores da seleo. Pois na vrzea que o brasileiro
brinca de jogar e joga para brincar - com fora e malcia.
27. PEL
34. OS NOVOS BAIANOS - Pegue Joo Gilberto, Jimi Hendrix e o Trio Eltrico.
Acrescente msicos hippies de alto calibre. Eis os Novos Baianos: Galvo, Baby,
Pepeu, Moraes e Paulinho Boca de Cantor. Sonzeira.
38. NDIO
39. REDE
42. OSCAR NIEMEYER - O arquiteto fez 100 anos em 2007 e continua um
inventor de formidveis (e polmicas) novidades no mundo inteiro. Braslia,
porm, continuar sendo o maior legado desse gnio.
48. RVEILLON EM COPACABANA - Os gringos se surpreendem com a festa

ordeira e pacfica. Mas o lado mais lindo desse evento que rene milhes outro: a
praia confere o ttulo de carioca a gente de todas as latitudes.
55. AA
58. BOLO DE ROLO - doce, mas poderia ser escultura. lanche, mas tambm
uma refeio que fala memria. Pernambucano, o bolo de massa fininha e recheio
de goiabada um patrimnio nacional.
59. X-TUDO
60. DOGO
69. PAULO AUTRAN - Era o ator. A presena emblemtica da arte teatral. Com
classe, cultura e dignidade, Paulo Autran (1922-2007) marcou as artes cnicas
durante 60 anos de uma carreira impecvel.
75. PADRINHO E MADRINHA - So coisas nossas, bem nossas. Podem ser
parentes legtimos, mas no precisam. Basta serem amigos da famlia, gostar do
afilhado e mim-lo com chamegos e douras. A bno!

76. MASP
81. CARLOS DRUMMOND DE ANDRADE - Um poeta pode desvendar a alma de
um pas? Pois Drummond conseguiu essa proeza: seus versos falam dos nossos
sonhos, paixes e crenas (e de nossas desiluses).
91. CERVEJINHA ESTUPIDAMENTE GELADA - S aqui ela assim. A cerveja
tipo pilsen resfriada sem moderao em temperaturas polares faz a delcia nos
botequins e anima a conversa de gregos e baianos. Vai uma gelada?
100. ARROZ COM FEIJO - Clssico clssico e no se fala mais nisso. nosso
prato de resistncia,
reply - 21 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link
+5 by Denis

Very interesting. A congregation of foxes stating that the grapes were/are too
reply - 21 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+7 by UwKoning
I think it all kinda boils down to the mere fact that Brazilians - in general - are just
not as developed yet as the inhabitants of several other parts of the world.
Resulting in all those problems that are stated in this article, which in my view are
nothing more that the ramifications of a basic lack of what we would call common
sense. Its just that foreigners, including myself, that have been living here for a
while, make the mistake to compare Brazil and the Brazilians with their country of
origin. And they shouldnt. Just think of it as if you were Jane Goodall studying a
chimpanzee colony somewhere in the African jungle and it suddenly all starts to
make perfect sense.
reply - 21 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+10 by Just a brazilian

I am brazilian and proud of it, I know it isn't the best country in the world and we
have a lot to improve, but just because you're highlighting the negative points YOU
saw, it doesn't make your point of view right. Let's see...
1. It does depend on the person you're talking to and where you live, I've never had
a problem like yours;
2. Again, not entirely true, just because some of them are like this, doesn't mean the
majority are. Actually, it varies with the city where you live. I live in a capital in the
south of Brazil and it happens once in a while as it does anywhere else.
3. Well, you're right in this one, but brazilians never really had a good educational
system to teach them how to "deal with trash". Slowly, the mentality of younger
generations is being changed, and there are campaigns for taking care of the
environment we didn't have before. Education is the key, and it's something we're
trying to change.
4. Agreed, but the problem here is that voting is compulsory and we're a third

world country, where education isn't for everybody, political education is even
worse. You're talking about a country where the majority of the population is poor.
Again, we need education to try changing this, but we're far from perfect.
5. Again, not all brazilian women... I'm pretty comfortable with my body and many
women just like to feel good with their bodies... There are a few crazy ones, but
then, there are crazy people everywhere. Most of your reasons to "hate" brazil are
poorly made generalizations.
6. Hmm, depends on the couple? That's not exclusive to brazilians, but I agree it
happens more often than it should, ideally.
7. I don't even know how to answer you anymore, you're just throwing a bunch of
negative generalizations and giving them as a reason to hate Brazil. No, not
everyone, I'm brazilian and I don't do this, same with my friends. I know people
that are like this, but I prefer not to get too close to this type of person.
8,9. Ok, same as above. Generalization.
10, 11. We're a third world country. We are trying to get better, little by little, and I
am one of the people who is trying to be that change. It's easy to complain when
you're from a country where it doesn't happen, where you haven't had a history of
exploitation of your resources and your people (which still happens!!) and it's easy
to say "oh, your country sucks" and go away with it, but sorry, it doesn't. In my
view, we have the most beautiful places in the world and the most amazing people
that treat tourists like you like they were family, we love to help, to be useful, to
make you feel at home and for what?? You go away and talk like we're thrash and
"you don't know how someone would live here". Please, you don't know Brazil.
12, 13. Third world problems? Taxes are too damn high, hahaha, I agree.
14. Some of you people are made of sugar, aren't you? Just put air conditioning
where you need it, it's no big deal... People lived without it before, you know?
15. Are you sure you lived in Brazil?? I've already traveled throughout the country
and I haven't proved 1/100 of what we have to offer. You're probably just lazy...
16. Some of us like to have people we care about around when we can, I don't know
why this would be bad... But it's not always and no one will think you're a weirdo if
you just do it sometimes, and it really depends on the family. In mine, some of my
family live far apart, we are actually happy when we can be together for a lunch.
17. Hmm, depends on the family again? I do my own decisions and live alone, in a
different state from my family, but I don't see this as a bad thing when your family
is there for you when you need them, but you just don't have to let them interfere
with your personal relationships. Never had a problem with it.

18. Smaller cities, yes, sometimes, but in a big city like So Paulo I don't know how
can you complain... Our internet connection is nothing close as yours, probably,
and is slower, but I don't feel it as
reply - 21 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+6 by Just a brazilian
18. Smaller cities, yes, sometimes, but in a big city like So Paulo I don't know how
can you complain... Our internet connection is nothing close as yours, probably,
and is slower, but I don't feel it as unreliable.
19. Ok, that's an assumption to add to many generalizations.
20. So?? If you miss beer that much, buy your imported one, no big deal, that's
nothing we can't live without and there are much better sources of fun in brazil
than drinking. Go to our Carnival, admire our beaches, our people, that's much
better ;)
Oh, and I'm from a German, Italian and Icelandic heritage and it doesn't make me
any less Brazilian. We're a country of many cultures and that's also something I'm
really proud of. Instead of making your generalizations just because you couldn't
adapt to our way of life and expressing your "negative opinions of others, with
complete disregard about possibly hurting someone's feelings.", do something
constructive, see the good and the bad stuff and help us to change the bad part of it.
And I suggest you to be sure that it was Brazil you came to, because I don't
recognize most of the country you described.
reply - 21 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Putaquepariu
Also very informative, an anthropological view of some Brazilian Facebookprofiles.... makes you puke with disgust: grown up men in football shirts and
Ferrari caps, though you'd even find guys who simply upload a picture of a car they
could never afford as a profile pic... The girls really like to display themselves as
prostitues, putting pseudo glamorous pics on their pages, all their friends
unvariably commenting the same stupid comment over and over again: 'Nossa... q

lindaaaaaaaaaa!!!' ("Wow, so beautiful'). Indeed, Brazilians are obsessed with their

looks. In fact, it seems the only thing they really care about.That's starts at an early
age, with children watching the hilarious shows of a semi-prostitute called Xuxa.
You'll find four years old girl with make up and mini skirts - and it wouldn't
surprise me if the Brazilians come up with botox- or silicone treatments for kids
soon. The obsession with the body, with the self is sot surprisingly though, as
everything only goes skindeep in Brazil. I never came across such superficial,
narcistic and selfish people in my ife.
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Denis
when you label women as prostitutes, that means you probably don't have the
money, or the social status, to reach them. Then you go the fox way (the grapes
were too green). Go get a life ... ;)
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-3 by Putaquepariu
For your information, Denis, I do have the money, I do have the status and I even
do make good use of these prostitutes services. So, thanks for your concern, but I
already got me a life and a pretty good one too! ;-) And I label people for what they
are. Meaning that I label prostitutes as... prostitutes. Or, in good Brazilian
Portuguese: vadias, piranhas, prostitutas, vacas, vagabundas, cachorras, putas,
ordinarias, sem vergonhas, garotas de programa... Hmmm, wonder why, having
not even reached half of the list, they have such rich vocabulary in Brazil for this
phenomenon. Perhaps the same reason why, in Eskimo language they have so
many words for snow? Because they're surrounded by it everywhere, all the time.
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+6 by Denis

the grapes are getting greener and greener and now we know you have a problem
with women. If you already have a life, and in your life women are all like you say...
then go get a shrink ;)
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Victor P
try drink baden baden
pilsiner is very common here, but our have much more kind of beers...
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-1 by Terence J
I think you described RIO DE JANEIRO most than Brazil in general. You should
visit the whole country before say this as "brazilians". Many countries as USA i.e.
have many different people all over it. Even so, I must say that ALMOST everything
is true, ALMOST ! But, there are worst places in the World with worst people as
well. Brazil is not a good place in general, mostly because of it's people. But you can
never say that everybody in the country is like this, there are quite a few good and
nice people and quite a few good and nice places to live.
About # 20 ! One kind of beer ??? Did you really had a beer in Brazil ? I don't think
so. If you don't know... now Budweisser is a brazilian company lol !
People like you have described you can found in RIO DE JANEIRO a lot... but not
in many other places in Brazil.
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+6 by Carolina S.S.
It sooooo, soooooo much ignorance together that it`s almost funny.
You are the prototype of the fat, weak and asshole gringo. Have you been assalted?

Do you doubt why?

Well, I don`t. Show more respect.
THANK GOD you are not coming back to Brasil or South America, dude. Keep
sitting on your sofa eating fried chicken, where are you from? A small town en
Texas? Good Luck!!
And tell your Brazilian wife (poor little person) she should learn more with us
whores, if she fucked you brazillian bitches do, you would not have time to waste on
that racist and frustraded - fat - yankee text. Go fuck yourself.
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Carolina S.S.
It sooooo, soooooo much ignorance together that it`s almost funny.
You are the prototype of the fat, weak - asshole gringo. Have you been assalted? Do
you doubt why?
Well, I don`t. Show more respect.
THANK GOD you are not coming back to Brazil or South America, dude.
Keep sitting on your sofa eating fried chicken, where are you from? A small town en
Texas? Good Luck!!
And tell your Brazilian wife (poor little person) she should learn more with us
whores, if she fucked her husband like brazillian bitches usually do (like it is, also,
say here), you would not have time to waste on that racist and frustraded - fat yankee text. Go fuck yourself.
:) E pros brasileiros paga pau que concordaram com esse texto racista, ignorante e
despresvel, bora todo mundo pro Arizona, l s tem gente linda e legal que no
rouba nem trai a mulher.
Hahahaha pathetic human beings.
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Putaquepariu

I don't agree, this goes for all of the monkey state Brazil. Whether you go to Natal,
SP, BH, RdJ, Salvador or Manaus, you will always and everywhere encounter this
attitude of extreme selfishness, self centredness and as a logical consequence:
rudeness, no respect for other people and a total lack of consideration. It's sad, but
that's what Brazil is: sad. Beneath the surface of 'thumbs up', 'alegria e emoo' and
this relentless smiling, you'll find a society that is cruel, dumb and without any
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+7 by Putaquepariu
Rrsrs... 'Go fuck yourself". Thanks, Carolina, for proving all points here above by
reacting the way you just did! Ladies and gentlemen: we have a winner! Senhora
Carolina S.S.! Her prize: a lifetime churrasco! And every day a pizza XXXL covered
with 2 centimetres of this glue-like, totally tasteless kind of plastic that they call
'mussarela de bufala' - don't let this name fool you, though, it has absolutely
nothing whatsoever to do with the Italian delicatessen. You wouldn't give it to your
dog, but Brazilians simply love it!
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by R
Fuck you all. I know some of this are true facts, but most of it are just prejudice.
You don't even know the reason those problems exist.
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+7 by Putaquepariu
Hi Renan, and please, don't go fuck yourself. Besides that this is a very rude thing
to say, you're probably fucked at this very moment by somebody else, or even more
likely: by a whole variety of persons! To mention only a few: by your boss, your

wife, her lover, your mistress, your mistress' lover, your mistress' husband, your
government, your bank, your lawyer, what else have you? There's so much fucking
each other going on in your country, that fucking yourself would be slightly a bit
too much, don't you agree?
I can't speak for other people here, but I do have an idea where these problems
come from. From a past where robbery, slavery, short term thinking (litteraly: gold
digging, a craft still practiced nowadays by at least all Brazilian women) were
normal. That inheritance is part of the Brazilian DNA. That makes Brazil a
backward country. All the money being earned, doesn't cover that up.
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+8 by UwKoning
Although very entertaining, this discussion is somewhat futile. It's like asking your
dog to serve breakfast. He won't, because he can't.
Brazilians will not understand our point of view as they're simply not able to look
beyond their own cultural boundaries. We are of course not any different, however
most of us had the luck to have been born in a more prosperous and developed part
of the world, making us far more civilized i.e. sophisticated. But let's face it, if we
were born in Brazil we would most likely be just as lame, superficial, macho,
simple, rude, mindless, untrustworthy, childish, egoistic, self centered as all those
pitiful Brazilians out there (no matter what state or city they come from). It takes
quite some evolutionary generations to become conscious of oneself, let alone of
those others ones around you.
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+4 by lander
To Putaquepariu
I loved your words mate, indeed we were cursed to born in this Hellpit!

Now to all of you fucking Brazilian patriots, get real your bloody country doesn't
love you, your government see you as shit, because you all are bloody cowards that
are afraid to change the system and in the process may die for it , your true color
it's yellow indeed!
If anyone give me a C4 plastic pack I would explode myself in that Brazilian
congress building, better dead for me than live in chaos among Brazilians! you can
call me son of a bitch but please don't call me Brazilian..
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Putaquepariu
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-1 by R
Ok, I take back my "fuck you all", I was pissed of. But the text on the top is really
limited. It only enphasizes the comom-sense about this country, don't seek to know
the reasons because Brasil is like this. And the guys who replied just before is even
more limited, he doesn't like hot whaether, doesn't like our food, doesn't like this,
and this, and this. As brazilian I know better all those problems, but i am not such a
prejudiced person, and most of all, I try to understand why things are like this.
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-2 by Ana R
Im Brasilian and Im proud of it.... most of was written is true, our politicians are
corrupt, our people are mostly ignorante, and not polite at all, as in any other

Im unhappy with all of that and do what I can to improve my country, I do my
part. Im polite, I treat everyone well and take care of my bussiness!
I wonder why, so many people are saying bad things about Brasil, but the whole
world is looking at us, and there are so many foreigner, that came to visit and never
leave...So is it that bad?
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by R
Putaquepariu, don't give me lessons, you don't know me at all. As I already said, I
know, I live with all those problems, and apprently you too. But I can't accept that a
gringo who spent 3 yaers here thinks he know bettter than me, who, like many
others, suffered from high taxes( from goverment, from internet, from the bank,
from eletrecity), rude people, prejudice, I had history classes too, I know the roots
you mentioned, poverty, lack of education, slavery, robbery. I am not a patriot, I
don't like carnaval, I don't throw garbage on the street, I am pretty sure I am not
like most of peoble in brasil in many aspects. The only thing I don't really know is
english, still studing, but if you think that is a good reason to make funny, well,
there is nothing a can really do againt it , is there?!
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-1 by Mauricio A
Where do you live?
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-2 by Ana R
Where are you from?
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-2 by Carolina S.S.
Thank you "Putaqueopariu" for the award, let me tell you again: FUCK YOU.
I am really not interested and less worried about you gringos point of view, kid, I
actually fell sorry and find you very pathetic.
By By kid.
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Putaquepariu
Hi Ana, are you trying to hit on me?
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by Putaquepariu
By the way, Ana, I'm a 33 years old Danish guy, talented, tall, athletic, fit, blond
and blue-green eyes. I'm all Brazilian women would like to have and all Brazilian
men would like to be.
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by Putaquepariu
Free English lessons for Carolina S.S. Now here's a lucky girl! I'm in a good mood
today, so enjoy your bonus!
"I am really not interested and less worried about you (YOUR) gringos point of
view, kid, I actually fell (FELL IS THE PAST TENSE OF FALL.. VC CAIU? OR DO
YOU MEAN: FEEL? OR, PAST TENSE OF FEEL: FELT?) sorry and find you very

By By (BY = POR.... YOU MEAN: BYE? ) kid."

De nada, queridona! Beijokas nessa buchechas lindas e maravilhosas!!
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Sbrana S
Por que ha brasileiros efetivamente tentando argumentar contra esse texto super
pobre nas colocaes (ou desconstruveis / absolutamente engraadas) " Brazilians,
especially men, are highly prone to extramarital affairs"... oi?
Acho que o melhor que pode ser feito que o campeo a de cima no volte ao
Brasa, e que os brazucas que esto concordando com um texto que comea com
"Hate" tambm fiquem na gringolandia com seus conceitos deturpados.
sorte a.
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-2 by Mauricio A
Eu concordo.
Acho que as pessoas escrevem sobre outros pases sem olhar para o prprio
umbigo, prpria casa.
incrvel que muitas pessoas dos Estados Unidos ainda encham a boca pra falar
bem de seu pas.
11 de Setembro foi muito merecido e eu toro por outros 11 de Setembro (Adoraria
um 4 de Julho com um novo prdio caindo).
apenas um pas tendo o que merece...
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Putaquepariu

Nossa, Sbrana! You're sending people away who don't agree? I must admitt, a very
Brazilian way of dealing with criticism, namely: not dealing with criticism. But at
least take the effort of explainig a bit more; reasoning is a beautiful tradition that
produced great thinkers! Anyway, in a more polite form than our querida Carolina
S.S., you effectively say the same thing: fuck off. I can hardly consider that a
constructive contribution to the duscussion. But then again, you being Brazilian
from macaconia, I couldn't expect anything else.
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+5 by Putaquepariu
And look here... Macacao Mauricio speaking! Wishing people dead! Here's for some
true, good ol' Brazilian civilisation! Oh, Mauricio, you don't know how happy you
make me! By saying what you just said (and I'm not even American, but I don't
think you travelled a lot or have any other knowledge of the world), you proove all
points made above here about Brazilians being rude, sem noo, ignorantes sem
cultura ou educao!
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+5 by Sbrana S
hahahahahahahahaha Jah Bless, dude. <3
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Mauricio A
Quanto dio de brasileiros.
Voc pode procurar paz sendo soldado dos Estados Unidos. Matando alguns
iraquianos, iranianos e outros anos por a. Que tal?
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Putaquepariu
Sbrana! Good to see some sense of humour here! Ta gostando tbm, n? Rs
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Putaquepariu
Wow, Mauricio! You really got me here! Deep thinking, clever writing! Only thing
is: I'm not American. Minor detail, I admitt!
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by Putaquepariu
But I agree, Mauricio, it's better to have your police force killing children in the
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-2 by Denis
So you say that you are Brazilian. You and torcida do Flamengo. Then what.
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-1 by Putaquepariu
Say what, Denis? Can you translate this into any language spoken by human beings
on this planet? It might even be Portuguese.

reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Mauricio A
"admit" has just one "t", ok?
Voc um verdadeiro troll de internet.
No vou te alimentar mais.
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-3 by Denis
Goodbye Foxy Troller, you can't get any grapes, no matter how high you jump.
What a loser... :)
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-3 by Putaquepariu
Bye girls! See you sometime soon!
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-1 by CachorraoChegou E
Brazil IS a whore. The country is a wide open cunt full of bacterias. The smell is
horrible. Insects are creeping out. Fuck all you bitches who don't give a shit about
people dying from poverty. Fuck all you bitches, killing all rainforests. Fuck all you
bitches, just caring about money and your fucking comida a kilo. Fuck you all,
'cause you're brainless - or at least brain dead - and you're a disgrace to mankind.

And hell: the whores are wet & willing! I FUCKED SO MANY OF THEM! FOR
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-1 by CachorraoChegou E
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-1 by FreaksAreChic
feirce! no comments, only this video, says it all.... (nsfw):
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-2 by FreaksAreChic
Hey Lander, liked the 'cancer face'... hahahaha... man, you have a better sense of
humour than any Brazilian I've met here (and I've been living in this ape country
for 7 years now, but hell yeah... I'm earning 1000's of their silly reais per months
and am fucking their bitches (most of them married to fellow country apes) by the
dozens, so.... rsrsrs
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander

Cheers freak, but don`t need to insult me like that,calling me Brazilian it's too
shameful you know, well I can see you're fucking good the ape bitches around here
in Hell, keep up the good work!
reply - 22 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Gustavo B
I was just wondering...
Why don't you pack up you stuff and get out of here, moron????
It must be so nice to live in a contry where people are arrogant, fake and
materialistic as in U.S., don't you think????
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by Bruno M
Honestly I understand all those issues, and I'm actually glad you did this post. By
being a first-world class immigrant, you know about what's good. Brazilian people
have to understand that what is good to everyone, overall, will be good for
him/herself too.
I won't talk about the biases on your speech, as far as I think that's how you saw it,
and I blame the country itself for part of that prejudice (another part, maybe, by
your own raising). Still, I think that this document can help us accepting our
problems (many of them super simple, as politeness and a high treshold for
accepting crap from our government).
I would love to see this in PORTUGUESE. Can you do a post in portuguese? I
definitely can help you translating it if you'd agree. Seriously, it can help the
country. My intend is to increase the awareness of our problems to our own people!
By doing my part, eventually I may work as a good example, and spread the trend
to everyone. That's how I think, and that's how I'll try to make it right.

Thanks for sharing your opinion man. I hope, if you come back some day, that you
get a chance of having a different view, under a different light maybe, and feel more
comfortable here. Brazil has been a country of abuses (read about our history and
you will understand), so much of it is not entirely people's fault. I hope, also, that
you try to understand about the building blocks of our present. We're mainly a
byproduct of a lot of abuses.
I wish you all the best dude.
PS: you got a nice sense of humour, indeed :D
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Denis
Ok kids, enough of trolling, now back to real life ;)
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Mauricio A
I can translate "Still Here" post. Don't worry.
It might be a good source of questions to ourselves.
Bye! :)
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Bruno M
I can do it during the weekend btw :D
If you need any help, I could do it. We could do it together if you need. Sharing the
work :)
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Mauricio A
Let's do this!
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Mauricio A
Don't talk about whores (prostitutes like you said).
USA has the biggest porn industry in the world.
What is the difference between prostitutes from Brazil and USA?
Don't be a fag "Still Here", ok?
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Putaquepariu
Hey Mauricio A! There are no big differences between prostitutes from Brazil or the
US. Though in my experience it's much easier to get an ATM in Brazil - and I'm not
talking a bank machine here, Mau. I'm talking about ass to mouth. Tipo: fuck the
bitch in her ass (without condom) and then come deeeeep in her mouth. So deep,
that she can taste her own shit, t me entendendo? Brazilian whores don't have a
problem with that. Probably because the taste of an average Brazilian meal is not so
different? I had quite an interesting experiment a couple of days ago. I brought two
putinhas to my place, and fucked vaca 1 in her ass, then came into vaca's 2 mouth.
Sem problema, cara!
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-3 by Paula P
I guess not everything and bad, not all good and we need to see what each of us do
to be better, and very easy to talk to it than that, due to his part and that will be of

good size, not like when someone comes here and speak evil of Brazil!!
If you don't like change!!!!!Simple like that:(
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-2 by Eduardo K
You came to Brazil to stay in favelas? The only explanation possible for this review.
You stayed in a fucking favela and made a review about Brazil in general? Favelas
aren't 10% of the country and decreasing everyday. I'm not a government fanboy or
anything, I know there's a lot of problems, but this review is full of retard. You
didn't said where did you came from, I'm guessing other planet, because ALL this
"reasons" are well seen in Europe this days. You don't usually go out, do you?
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Putaquepariu
Nossa, q retardado mental, esse nosso Edu K. Cara... I'm from Denmark and live in
Ipanema. And hey.. Brazil IS one big favela!
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by Eduardo A
Eu no vou escrever em ingls porque no bato palma pra maluco danar, no sou
idiota o suficiente pra falar ingls onde s tem brasileiro.
Seus pontos so muito falhos meu amigo, possvel que voc tenha passado maus
momentos aqui no Brasil, mas seus 'fatos' esto muito errneos, j no primeiro
item voc comete uma terrvel falcia; os recursos aqui no Brasil no esto sendo
to desperdiados, nem de longe, como por exemplo no pas dos patronos da lngua
que voc utilizou no texto. E ns produzimos infinitamente menos lixo, por mais
que muito cidados ainda tenha o mal hbito de sujar as ruas da cidade.

A felicidade pode ser encontrada em qualquer lugar, do mesmo jeito que a

corrupo e pessoas idiotas tambm podem. E se voc passou maus bocados aqui;
meus psames, mas no sejamos infantis a ponto de fazer generalizaes baseadas
em experiencias singulares, e isoladas. O Brazil tem muitos problemas, como todo e
qualquer pas nesse mundo tem, mas uma terra magnifica com muito a oferecer,
tem histria e cultura riqussimas.
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Putaquepariu
J comeu sua banana, hj? Duvido....
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Putaquepariu
After my last comment, I fucked a bitch up her ass... Perhaps your mother,
Eduardo? She was short, dark haired and by the smell that came out of her wide
open arse, I bet she just had an overdose of feijoada... Recognize the profile?
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Putaquepariu
Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna have a quick shower, I just noticed some beans
leftovers in my (goldy lock) blond pubic hair...
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-1 by Apex M
I agree with most of your points, find one or two of them relative and one of them
entirely wrong.

The one I find relative is the one where you say that brazillians are rude. If you
lived in a metropolitan area, I'm sorry to inform you that, except for maybe Tokyo,
everyone is below the average conformity with the protocols of politeness. Unless
you're british; in that case, odds are that you're a bit nit-picky about manners. But I
do concede that brazillians have a very invasive way to behave in social, public
areas and contexts.
As for the beer veriety part, I can assure you: You didn't probe at all to conclude
that. It doesn't even take a research to know that, Brazil has a good variety of beer
types. But then again, if you're english, a country with a mindfucking variety of beer
brands, then I suppose you're just distorting the parameters to evaluate that.
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Bruno M
Eduardo, perdo mas o Brasil um dos paises que mais desperdia (de tudo) no
mundo e que menos reaproveita e recicla o que produz. S pra referncia, dados da
Federao Nacional dos Engenheiros:
Ele no est errado nisso. E falo ingls aqui porque no so s brasileiros que vo
ler o post. Pra isso sugeri a traduo do mesmo, pra que ele possa ser efetivo
tambm por aqui.
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Putaquepariu
Nossa, bruno, vc chato, heim? Mas parece bem gay! Aceite meu pau branquinho e
bem superior no seu cuzinho ordinario, meio sujo, brasileiro? Aceite, bruninho???
Fale verdade!!
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-1 by Putaquepariu
Pq olha, Bruninho, na verdade sou seu papai, e papai nao ta bravo, papai ta
decepcionado com vc! E mto! por causa disso, papai vai trepar em vc! Trepar no
proprio filho dele!!
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+3 by Daniel
I'm Brazilian and I couldn't agree more about the 20 (original) reasons posted here,
specially the first 13. But I'm really impressed on some commentaries here, just
because people are doing exactly what the author said he was doing: generalizing.
For example, this guy "lander". First he said "Brazilians are clown cancer beings!".
Well, that was pretty stupid. Then he said "I agree that Brazilian women are the
best prostitutes in the world! Haw haw haw!". Even more stupid, and it shows that
you can't have a woman by your own, so you have to pay for.
But "lander" also says that Brazilians have to be exterminated. I don't think the
world needs another Hitler, because we all know how bad it ends. So I don't know if
this neo nazist called "lander" is American ou European, but he proves we can find
stupid and ignorant people everywhere in the world.
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Putaquepariu
Apex... is that like Ape X? The proto-ape? I mean: "I agree with most of your
points, find one or two of them relative and one of them entirely wrong." Ape X....
relative?? Perhaps you mean: relevant??
My God... Dear, dear God....... the apes are taking over!
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-1 by Putaquepariu
Hey daniel... you're boring...
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Putaquepariu
Just click on ape Eduardo K's profle... see his pics on Facebook.. a totally narcistic freak... it could
be funny, if it wouldn't be so sad.. Showing his muscles like any dumb gorilla in the
zoo would... rsrsrs... Wake up guys? Why do you think all of your bitches want to
suck my foreign cock? Why do you think they all talk bad about you ape-guys?
Well, check out Eduardo's sad pics and you'll perhaps have an idea...
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Daniel
Hey daniel... you're boring..."
My point exactly - we can find stupid and ignorant people everywhere in the world.
reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Roger L
Focus always on the bleak side and you won't live on Earth.
Be happy.

reply - 23 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Tom s
separatism movement south is my country. elsewhere there are others.
reply - 24 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+8 by Paulo M
Brazil was colonized by thePortguese and the USA by the British. Portugal was our
step father, a shameless thief and raper who screwed whites, blacks and indians.
Portugal never invested invested in our country while the British invested heavily
in their colonies. Brasil started poor and the USA did start very wealthy. Brasil had
no handicap. This is the very beginning of our story.
Before I start replying to your statements, may I say that MR. STILL HERE is an
You have probably married a HOOKER and lived in her house by the favela. You
know nothing about Brasil and you have no education at all.
1) I think you lived in a ghetto. As far as I know, most of the people are very polite,
specially with you stupid gringos. Watch all the Mexicans migrating to the US, all
the mafias, they will take over the land once acquired by uncle sam because of your
stupid Laws. In 50 years your language will be spanish. We don't have this type of
people down here neither 5 million inmates. We don't kill our wifes to get
insurance bonus, we don't by shotguns and machine guns at the supermarket or at
any store.
2) who is opportunist ? Brasillians ? I doubt it my friend, you guys kill for the
money. Opportunist is the country that kills people to protect their interest and
who is this ? UNCLE SAM !
3) Environment ? who are you to tell ? What you guys want is the Amazon. US
indians have been killed and their land stolen by UNCLE SAM. 25% of the world
pollution comes from the US. STILL HERE, I really think you are stupid.

5) Women ? All women love their bodies and compete with each other, worldwide.
I thank god for this.
Isn't you Brazilian wife good looking or good body ?
6) Extramarital affairs ? Hey, STILL HERE, yo are so stupid so say this.
7) STILL HERE, you are non sense.
8) I perform services and was never late. I am starting to think you are a lazy guy
9) Everyone works down here, specially the poor who wake up at 0400 to go to
work and return at midnight. Where have you lived ? About the rich ? they are the
same worldwide my friend.
10) We like to talk but I have never experienced someone trying to interrupt my
chat. I still think you were having fun at a favela party on friday night ???
14) STILL HERE, where have you lived in Brazil ??? So hot for 9 months ? So cold ?
We have 3 months warm, 3 months hot and 6 months cool / cold. I still think you
lived in a Favela.
15) Food ? You talking about food ? well, as far as I know you don't eat at all in the
US. In Brazil we hate hamburgers and Coca Cola every day, our dishes are freash
and juice while your food is contaminated with Beta Rays, Alpha Rays, on the other
hand you only have canned goods. We Brazilians are not overweight as you are, you
guys look sick.
16) This is very good I guess.
17) To stay close to the family is good. We are not the only ones. In Asia is common
practice. You guys are cold blooded. Yes, we deal with EMOTION and you deal with
19) I don't drink water in any country. I like mineral. Anyway, our water is potable
in the main cities and does less harm than Coca Cola.
20) US beer is HORRIBLE, our is MUCH BETTER, I bet you !
reply - 24 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Benno P

Yes ! This is all true...please dont come here look for a job...stay in your shitty
broke countries...
reply - 26 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Mauricio A
suddenly brazilian are the worst people in the world...convenient.
when you come here, you create companies and condemn our people to slavery it is
cool but when we go to your country we are called of "monkeys".
seems legit...
reply - 27 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-1 by CachorraoChegou E
Hey Benno Piss. I don't come to look for a job. I've been asked to do a job here,
because there isn't a monkey qualified for it. Also: my country, as the rest of
Northern Europe (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Holland and Belgium are
richer than Brazil, and have their wealth/health/education better distributed over
their populations, so no monkey scenes like you have here) is financially healthy. In
the almost-monkey states of Italy, Spain, Portugal (indeed, like Brazil Catholic
countries), you find the problems. So.... in your comment you make two statements
only, and both of them are wrong. Conclusion: you're a monkey!
reply - 27 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by Benno P
Yeah..."Cachorrao"...probably you are one of many europeans that pay minors for
sex or lock your daughter in your house basement for 10 years in exchange for free
sex...See, its easy to stereotype...You could/should say no to your company, and
stay there...BTW, my mother is german, Ive lived in Europe and didnt get used to
live in your land but I still respect you people... Maybe you should join tha

Nazi...certainly superior people... Just remember once you were barbarian too...don
t forget history and try to be less arrogant...
reply - 27 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-2 by lander
To Danny
Portuguese sucks, bloody useless language!
Brazilians are apes, sons of Hell, I only hope one day that they can evolve like the
Japanese people did!
Okay, okay I can not wish for the Brazilian extermination because the planet would
not survive without the best Brazilian prostitutes! indeed..
reply - 27 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
Hiya Lander, I just fucked an ape (female, so: puta) in her ape's ass... wow, what a
pleasure! While pumping in her shit hole, I was calling her puta, which, of course,
she didn't mind - Brazilians love to be humiliated and I just love to humiliate them.
Seems like a kind of righteous thing to do. While she was wiping the shit/sperm
mix from her bunda - I was already on the phone making some business calls - she
started complaining about her fellow apes - the male ones like Benno P and
Mauricio A. You have that experience too? That the female apes complain so much
about the male apes? Saying that they're cry babies, machistas, have Peter Pan
complexes, small, smelly dicks and, at the end of the day, always wanna go back to
mommy? I am God to them, you are God to them, Lander, and the rest is just a zoo.
reply - 27 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
And, hey, Benno P.... talking about nazis to me? And YOUR mother is German?
Hahaha... It shows! I was never a Barbarian... perhaps my great-great-great
grandfather was. But you're an ape, and I fuck both your mother and your sister,
and probably your wife too. Though please forgive me if I don't remember their
names, as I only give numbers to Brazilian sluts.
reply - 27 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
Well played mates, life is just beautiful when there are Brazilians to make fun of! I
laugh a lot when they state I'm Brazilian and I'm proud of it! now please explain me
all of you bloody Brazilians the reason which you are so proud of?
After that I can die in peace..
reply - 28 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Mauricio A
What the hell are you talking about, dude?
reply - 28 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
Didn`t you get it my question?, typical Brazilian!, let me see if you can answer my
What is is the reason to be proud of being Brazilian?
reply - 28 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Mauricio A
*we do not enslave other countries like USA
*we are not the most hated country in the world
*we have not killed people in other countries without reason
we are proud of to be happy even being poor...
reply - 28 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-1 by CachorraoChegou E
Why do you moron monkeys assume that everybody outside Brazil comes from the
US? Another stupidity.... Punishment: I will fuck your mom and your sis in the ass
and let them clean my dick by letting them lick their own shit. Ai mamae!
reply - 28 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by CachorraoChegou E
And hey! Piss stain Mauricio A! You do 'enslave'... or do you have another name for
the poor people in your shithole country? The empregadas, the worker men, the
girls minor of age prostituting themselves? And the only reason you don't kill
people in other countries, is because you're too busy killing children in favelas (and
your army is a laugh...)
reply - 28 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Mauricio A
Too many trolls. :)
reply - 28 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-1 by CachorraoChegou E
Hey Mauricio, your mom says hello to you! (I immediately told her it's rude to
speak with a full mouth OR to stop sucking my dick, so now the poor ape is terribly
reply - 28 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-2 by CachorraoChegou E
But it seems like it's finalyy dawning on you now... yes, too many trolls around,
indeed... Brazil is full of them. Trolls, apes, monkeys and mongoloids in general.
reply - 28 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
Bravissimo Cachorrao!
Holyshit, Mauricio loves indeed in being a bitch enslaved by his government that
enjoys to step on his face, bloody Brazilian retard! wake up will you!
Your country doesn`t give a shit about you, your government murder and steal
your fellow yellow and green apes and you still are damn proud of it?
I think there is a nationality for combining the words stupid,proud and slave!
Answer: Brazilian
reply - 28 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Gabriela G
Your 19th reason is wrong. You're just envious of our great amount of potable
water. Come to south of Brazil and you will find another culture, though I have to
agree that our country have all this issues you described. Sometimes I wish I could
live in Europe, NOT USA, because you people have no respect for another cultures.
You basically are a bunch of depressive, sloppy and limited people.The "american
way of life" is self destructive, and just makes you get dumber. That's it.
reply - 30 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by Nickolas R
Now I know why everybody in the world hate americans. You guys think that only
the american way is the right way.
reply - 31 Aug 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Jorge P
i really hate the weather in So Paulo, freezing at morning 72F / 35C at noon,
raining/storm at afternoon. It's not healthy
reply - 01 Sep 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by English_viado s
One question:
Where hells is this "Still Here" from? Do you have aname? Nationality? Tell us the
name of your country? Town? So we can compare it to Brasil though.
I agree with some issues you said, but you're probably living in a kind of favela,
sorry, you should spend more money and live in a better Suburb.
I lived in Australia for 5 years e travelled around the world, so there is no better
place to live (in terms of jobs and air quality) than Australia, however it's so
boring!!! Unless you're married, drunky and have many international friends, you
won't live there forever.

Brazil is not an easy country, but as we see, you don't have the chance to go back to
your country dear "Still Here" ... It must be in crisis or you don't have a high
position there.
Unfortunately you'll have to get by this way man...
reply - 03 Sep 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
Oi Macacao Sergio S.... Tentou escrever em Ingles???? Kkkkkkkk... Cara, q disastre!
What the hell are you talking about? Silly, sad, stupid...
reply - 04 Sep 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by English_viado s
O que um idiota como voc est fazendo neste site? Vai trabalhar cu de flecha, vai
dar a bunda sua bicha, algum macaco deve ter te fodido gostoso e da nunca mais te
ligou, deve ser isso seu filho da prostituta barata.
reply - 04 Sep 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
That's it English viado! Sharp, witty, clever... real Brazilian! A token of human
intelligence! I love this! Make the monkeys angry!! Hahahaha! By the way: how did
the Olympics go? Amo, amo, amooooooo!!!! Rsrsrsrs
reply - 05 Sep 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander

Brazil it`s a fucking wasteland, 2012 is the year and Brazilians still apes! I ask when
are they going to evolve, just when?
reply - 05 Sep 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by Brazilsucks A
Of course that Brazil has some good people, and first world countries has some odd
people. The problem, is the proportion. Brazil is fulfilled with neaenderthal people,
with a few folks being polite and intelligent. And i totally agree with the list, it's
EXACTLY the way he wrote, and the Brazilian people that disagree, are blind, or
live in the very few good places, or NEVER had lived or visited a first world country
(the most usual scenario) and think the Brazil it's a good place to live. And while
Brazilians still saying that is proud of being brazilian (i really don't know why), we
never will be better. It's necessary, first of all, recognize our reality, and after this,
try to change it. What Lander, PutaQueOpariu and others are doing, it's exactly
what we, brazilian people, need, to hear some sad and true things to finally wake
up! Of course, that other countries, have problems too, but the people from first
world are conscious about that and know how to work to get better, different from
Brazil, where some butt in tv screen and a beer in the hand make us forget all the
crap things in our country. We, brazilians live our lifes like slaves, dreaming with
the beer in the saturday night and the barbecue in the sunday. Sad. I'm happy that
gringos are helping us pointing our problems, with their wider point of view (even
if the purpose it's only to spread hate and trolling in the internet). It's a good way to
help people that can't see that they are living in a unbelivable underdeveloped
place. In the same proportion, i can't believe the people that think that here is okay,
the people that say "we know Brazil has problems, but it's not all that bad"... what a
annoying thing to say! To say "I'm proud of being brazilian" is like to say "I'm
proud of being fooled, abused, and turned into a slave". Other thing that i hate,
when people say: "Brazil has the most beautiful places in the world"! Ha, what a
joke! The only people that can say that are the people that had travelled all around
the world! Japan, Canada, Australia, China, even the USA has some gorgeous
places that Brazilians can't even realize. My brazilian conrades are so blind by their
ego! The only sad thing, is the fact that people like me, that hate this place more
than a gringo, is treated like another rotten apple in the basket...

And, sorry for my bad english, i learned by myself (what is an achievement, since
the brazilians barely know to speak and write portuguese...)
reply - 10 Sep 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+3 by Brazilsucks A
Alisha S wrote:
"Also, get this, last night a Brazilian man punched me in the nose at a club because
I pushed him away and told him to fuck off. I now have to go to the hospital
because I have a broken nose. I could not be more repulsed by the men here. On
top of that, they're god awful ugly."
- Because of people like this brazilian neanderthal, that i feel ashamed of being
brazilian too... if this neanderthal do this with a girl in front of me, he is screwed!
(in fact, one time after a party night, i and my cousin was walking in the street and
we saw a men trying to hit a punch in his girlfriend, oh, poor man... we have beat it
him a lot, fucking monkey, neanderthal guy! I can't accept a man beating a
reply - 10 Sep 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
Well said mate, bravissimo!
reply - 10 Sep 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by CachorraoChegou E
I say: wow! Courageous and very true words. Respect!
reply - 11 Sep 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Brazilsucks A
Thx, i really hate the people that want to mask the truth of brazil to people from the
other countries. And i have an advantage over that people, beause i used to live in
Japan, for 5 wonderfull years, where i developed paramaters to say: "Brazil and
brazilians stinks!". When i was living in Japan, i saw a lot of brazilian arrive there,
and instead of go work in the industry (theres a lot of jobs and very well paid, a
people that work in a factory in Japan earn more money than a medium executive
in Brazil), they started to theft automobiles! Yeah, you read right, when they finally
get the oportunities to work honestly, been paid more than he ever dreamed, they
started to robbery! What a fucking idiots! And because of this few idiots, imbeciles,
the brazilian community in Japan pay the price, with distrust, contempt, and even
hate by the Japanese people. I was lucky, i made Japanese friends that saw that i
differ from the other neanderthals, but i still feel ashamed of that few idiots. And
yes, the Cherry Tree season (sakura season), where the flowers spread all around
the country and the petals start to fall like snow, is a wonderfull moment that
overpass any "beautiful environment" in Brazil (unless you prefer ugly people
fishing in a mudy lake and love to say that Brazil is gorgeous).
reply - 11 Sep 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by J-Boston
sorry, but I live in Massachusetts, never been to Brazil. Eastern Boston area is
crawling with Brazilians and most of the social issues listed above exist (and have
followed these bozos to their new country) in the Brazilian areas. The women all
dress like strippers, everywhere they go. The Forro and other ridiculous cheesy
music in that drunken-sounding language is blaring no matter who wishes it
wouldn't, and they are puking off the balcony at 5 AM on a Tuesday morning.
Sorry, but with Brazilians like this dancing and singing for no reason, 24 hours a
day and shitting up the place, I don't think I'd ever waste plane fare on seeing a
COUNTRY FULL OF THEM. I lived in a Dominican neighborhood and at least

those people have some sense of morality. God help anyone who likes what they see
when they see a Brazilian, even if the package is beautiful, they are still shit inside.
reply - 11 Sep 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by J-Boston
In fact, a Brazilian next door was being beat up by his girlfriend last night at
midnight (this is a Monday night) and was vomiting off the third floor and breaking
windows in his front lobby this morning... also woke me up at 6AM screaming in
horrible Brazilian (Portuguese from Portugal sounds like Champagne and caviar
compared to this horrible ignorant ghetto version heard around here). His landlord
is informed and the first peep is going to get a knock from the Police tonight. About
a month ago he was beating some female in the street at 11PM on a Wednesday
night. Not to mention I danced Forro and hung out with Brazilians for a few years
but I would say that the amount of them that are tolerable is around 10%. So sad
because I have a beautiful friend who is a head cleaning lady and owns a store with
a 20 year old son and she is a "salt of the earth" type, but even she doesn't deal with
her fellow countrymen (she is Brazilian). Terrible but if people who have lived there
and some Brazilians can see the issues, it is pervasive. Pride of origins is no excuse
not to look at the mess a culture is in, problems never get fixed by being "proud"
when things are a shambles. Someone posted above that the first world people
know what their problems are (I'm not sure ALL of us do, but certainly our
proportion is higher).
reply - 11 Sep 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Brazilsucks A
Exactly, but in Brazil, the problem is that people complain a lot about the problems
in our country, but when they talk with foreign people, brazilians like to sell a fake
image of our country, and assume a fake image of patriotism. To be a patriot, it's
not to fake your love by your country, be patriot is to keep our sidewalk clean, to
stop the car for people cross the road, to say "excuse me" and "thank you", to think
about you are going to do, to don't prejudice another people, to fight against

corruption, not against only our politicians, but against any level of corruption. I
usually say: "In Brazil, if you lift a rock, you will find some sort of corruption act
under that rock". If Brazil could develop education, could defeat the corruption
mentality, could rebuild all our roads, buildings, here could be the image that we
like to sell to the foreigns, a place with beautiful things to see, with smiling and
friendly people, where you can relax in a wonderful beach with clean sand and
water, fresh fruits to eat, delicious and cold juice, beautiful women... Instead of the
real situation... beaches full of garbage and poo, people without manners, thieves,
chaotic traffic, noisy cars, cheesy and incredible ugly music, incredible arrogant
people, no security, no healthy environment, etc... "Oh, but seems that you are
describing Rio de Janeiro, Brazil it's not all that way"... Liar! Even if the problems
are different, Brazil IS a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY, not because i want, but
because of the underdeveloped culture/economy/security... No place is safe from
criticism, theres a really few places where the 1% rich people in Brazil lives, and
even that people it's not safe from kidnapping, violence, and another annoying
things from the third world... sorry brazilian folks, if you are not in the list of
ignorant neanderthal people, sorry for the harsh words, but we need to face
reply - 11 Sep 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Brazilsucks A
Exactly, but in Brazil, the problem is that people complain a lot about the problems
in our country, but when they talk with foreign people, brazilians like to sell a fake
image of our country, and assume a fake image of patriotism. To be a patriot, it's
not to fake your love by your country, be patriot is to keep our sidewalk clean, to
stop the car for people cross the road, to say "excuse me" and "thank you", to think
about you are going to do, to don't prejudice another people, to fight against
corruption, not against only our politicians, but against any level of corruption. I
usually say: "In Brazil, if you lift a rock, you will find some sort of corruption act
under that rock". If Brazil could develop education, could defeat the corruption
mentality, could rebuild all our roads, buildings, here could be the image that we
like to sell to the foreigns, a place with beautiful things to see, with smiling and
friendly people, where you can relax in a wonderful beach with clean sand and

water, fresh fruits to eat, delicious and cold juice, beautiful women... Instead of the
real situation... beaches full of garbage and poo, people without manners, thieves,
chaotic traffic, noisy cars, cheesy and incredible ugly music, incredible arrogant
people, no security, no healthy environment, etc... "Oh, but seems that you are
describing Rio de Janeiro, Brazil it's not all that way"... Liar! Even if the problems
are different, Brazil IS a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY, not because i want, but
because of the underdeveloped culture/economy/security... No place is safe from
criticism, theres a really few places where the 1% rich people in Brazil lives, and
even that people it's not safe from kidnapping, violence, and another annoying
things from the third world... sorry brazilian folks, if you are not in the list of
ignorant neanderthal people, sorry for the harsh words, but we need to face
reply - 11 Sep 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Brazilsucks A
Exactly, but in Brazil, the problem is that people complain a lot about the problems
in our country, but when they talk with foreign people, brazilians like to sell a fake
image of our country, and assume a fake image of patriotism. To be a patriot, it's
not to fake your love by your country, be patriot is to keep our sidewalk clean, to
stop the car for people cross the road, to say "excuse me" and "thank you", to think
about you are going to do, to don't prejudice another people, to fight against
corruption, not against only our politicians, but against any level of corruption. I
usually say: "In Brazil, if you lift a rock, you will find some sort of corruption act
under that rock". If Brazil could develop education, could defeat the corruption
mentality, could rebuild all our roads, buildings, here could be the image that we
like to sell to the foreigns, a place with beautiful things to see, with smiling and
friendly people, where you can relax in a wonderful beach with clean sand and
water, fresh fruits to eat, delicious and cold juice, beautiful women... Instead of the
real situation... beaches full of garbage and poo, people without manners, thieves,
chaotic traffic, noisy cars, cheesy and incredible ugly music, incredible arrogant
people, no security, no healthy environment, etc... "Oh, but seems that you are
describing Rio de Janeiro, Brazil it's not all that way"... Liar! Even if the problems
are different, Brazil IS a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY, not because i want, but

because of the underdeveloped culture/economy/security... No place is safe from

criticism, theres a really few places where the 1% rich people in Brazil lives, and
even that people it's not safe from kidnapping, violence, and another annoying
things from the third world... sorry brazilian folks, if you are not in the list of
ignorant neanderthal people, sorry for the harsh words, but we need to face
reply - 11 Sep 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
Brazilians are fucking proud in being slaves, these apes don't want to wake up!
reply - 14 Sep 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

-1 by Mauricio V
I agree 100%, and the worst in all of this, is that this people are proud of this
shithole, they deserve to suffer, but they shit spit on me..
reply - 27 Sep 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by Julia
Of course every individual is free to like or dislike any place in the world but the
dimension these discussions reach on these forums are just too disrespectful. How
come someone who wants to say that the people from the other nation are
agreesive can post such a hurtful text like this? We are just humans who by chance
were born in one place or another but still rude means rude anywhere and man
you're full of it.
Does discrimination mean anything to your lives, guys?
Well anyways I don't know why taking so seriously the opinions of someone who
can't even handle his own relationship and needs to blabber about it with strangers
on the Internet, doesn't even like the country and still chooses to lead his life here

and is not even a Brazilian after all?!

Do we have problems? Yes, we do, just like everywhere else has their own and it is
none of your business.
No one is forcing Brazilian haters to stay so if you are any smart as you say go lead
a happy life wherever suits you better are save your disrespectful quotes for
yourself. The world is already full of pain and evil, we don't need more. If you were
of any intellect you would know that most of the world history is made out of wars
and exploitation, there are sad things happening everywhere and if you can only
see the bad things when you come here it is you who lack flexibility. Or maybe you
are just too unhappy and negative.
What else to say? Grow up dude. You can't blame the entire country for the bad
friends, mother in law or whoever YOU picked. Why did you marry a Brazilian after
Move back to Disneyland, asshole!
reply - 27 Oct 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
Typical for all Brazilians: 1. Move back to your own country (must be the nazi
heritage), 2. back to the US - like: every foreigner = gringo.... My Goid, these apes
really ALL look alike... Braindead, mindless macacos...
reply - 27 Oct 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
Hey Julia, this is not your favela, so no need to shout. You could learn from all this,
you know? Problem is: you monkeys can't learn. Criticism hurts, you all get
emotional. Like the Arabs get all worked up over a pic of Mohamed in a cartoon.
You guys are your own Mohamed, That's even worse, coming to think of it....
reply - 27 Oct 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+3 by Julia
Criticism is totally ok on a constructive and respectful way. Wanna have your
opinion respected? Start respecting who is hearing it.
I am far from a narrow minded person and I do not have to like everything I see in
other countries I lived in or travel to so I just pick nice people and keep the good
side. It does not give me the right to spit on their culture or publically insult their
mothers, children or just anybody else who happens to be born in that place. When
you talk about somebody else you have to watch the way your words come across;
critics are fine but they can not just be made any way. It works pretty well in the
real life, that is called being civilized so I hope you guys behave like this on the
virtual world only.
Anyways if it is ok in your country for a foreigner to just walk in and call himself
superior and all the local people morons and whores, here it is considered being
mean and arrogant. It's like having a guest in your house who will pee on the floor
and complain the windows are dirty so I guess YOU should learn some flexibility.
I do not give myself the right to HATE anywhere or any people as a whole in the
world. We are all humans who happened to exist by chance in one place or another
and as a so called rational being life should mean more than a citizenship or a
territory. That is not what my posts are about and if you really think about it you
will see that you are the one acting hysterical.
Well I don't think people here are interested in discussing anything anyway. This is
just another arena for insults. Welcome to digital inclusion. You give people voice
and this is what they shout. Call me monkey as much as you want. All I'm trying to
show is that it is not ok to discriminate people.
reply - 27 Oct 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Thomas M
Very well are a credit to your country and your family...God bless you..
reply - 27 Oct 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by lander
You are correct Julia, but how to make the mind of a society that do not want to
help each other, I have born in Brazil and it is so shameful to be called Brazilian, it
really hurts to be compared as most brainless citizens of Hell, most of Brazilians
are zombie monkeys that struggle to pay taxes for nothing in return and the worse
of all they do not want to fight for our rights, because are too damned busy
watching soap operas, bloody football and getting drunk, when they are going to
wake up, just fucking when, tell me!
reply - 28 Oct 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by John M
Lets have a list of what's worse in US, or Europe....e bet it'll be longer than the
reply - 11 Nov 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Helder S
Brazilians have never invaded any country in the name of a democracy in order to
take over their natural resources. Brazilians never bombed schools in Iraq, killing
thousands of innocent people specially children. Brazilians have never "nuked" any
country and are not even interested in having wmd's. Brazilians are open to
collaboration from other countries but we are often taken as stupid and nave.
Europe and the US have delusion of grandeur, but have no consideration for other
people. Europe and the US are collapsing and thanks to Brazil they have food on
their table. Brazil, love it or leave it!

reply - 11 Nov 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
reply - 12 Nov 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
John you have to be a bloody Brazilian to post shit like that, Brazilians have never
invaded any country in the name of a democracy!!!
Check this out then you bloody Brazilian!!
In your face cancer ape!!
reply - 12 Nov 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Julia
Man, I didn't believe reactionaries like this really existed. And the worst thing is
that some of these guys are actually brazilians.
I don't even like soccer myself and dislike even more those crowds but you must be
out of your mind to post those racist videos as a reply to the other guy's comment
about the war in Iraq.
I am totally against illegal immigration, it is a very serious issue, but first of all, if it
was you and your problem to provide your own childen you would do exactly the
same those people do. Second, nobody would survive in another country without a
local person/company willing to take advantage and spend less money by
employing illegaly, so it is not a one side problem and by posting such things you

are only making yourself sound really pathetic. Most of those people don't move
abroad to commit crime but to clean toilet seats, cut grass or any other job that the
local people are not willing to do, so they can bring food to their families. Illegal
immigration is wrong, I am not discussing it, but creating that kind of stereotype is
almost a violaion of the human rights!
Cancer ape? What do you want next, little man? Send all brazilians to the gas
chamber? You go first, alright?!
reply - 23 Nov 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
Oh yes, I would kill myself by exploding and taking all Brazilian politicians and
most of the coward Brazilians that don't want to fight for their rights with me!! like
No doubt on that, Julia Brazilian scum!!
reply - 23 Nov 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
Julia uma putinha... faz coisas com o proprio pae dela... coisa bem brasileira...
reply - 23 Nov 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Mauricio A
Quanta brasileiro escroto aqui. Esse CachorraoChegou E no tem ideia do que est
falando. Fora que est faltando com respeito. Parabns!
reply - 23 Nov 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Julia
Internet is really scary sometimes.
reply - 23 Nov 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
Mauricio being a Brazilian it's already cheesy and useless like yourself!
reply - 24 Nov 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Maira T
Se tem tanta coisa negativa na sua lista, porque voc ainda ficou 3 anos aqui? No
terminei de ler sua estpida lista porque no merece a minha considerao como
reply - 12 Dec 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Mauricio A
Deve ser porque ele gostas das coisas que ele fala mal: drogas, prostituio, abuso
das leis, etc. Geralmente quem prega muito que o Brasil ruim, s para "parecer"
que no est de acordo. No fundo, no fundo, gosta de uma pedofilia bsica...
reply - 12 Dec 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
ele gostas?

They can't even write their own language .... ** SIGH **

reply - 12 Dec 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Mauricio A
Wow, o "gostas" eu coloquei um "s" a mais sem querer. Humanos erram, bemvindo ao planeta Terra.
E o prostituio t certo, no?
reply - 12 Dec 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by UmaBrasileiraGracasADeus
Quanta bobagem. Nao, que algumas "qualidades" apontadas nao caibam a nos
BRASILEIROS. Cabem sim, principalmente o que se refere a ser rude, grosseiro e
querer levar vantagem. Q ha politico corrupto, nem se fala. E outras mazelas,
verdades, mais.
No entanto, quanta bobagem. Primeiro, os aeroportos estao todos aberto. Nao
gosta, simples. Vao embora. O q os segura aqui, senhores: dinheiro? Estao sendo
amarrados aqui? Quem os amarra? O dinheiro, o dirty Brazilian money, os
amarram aqui?
Ora bolas. Nao estando contente. Ha uma solucao. Vao embora. Por favor, caiam
fora. Casaram com putas? Cruzaram com as putas? Colocaram um monte de ratos
no mundo? Peguem seus ratinhos filhos de putas, e vao embora.
Ha um idiota ai, dizendo que eh metade brasileiro. "pleeeeeaase". Quem eh metade,
brasileiro - nao eh nada. Se somos uns merdas, imagina tu, o que eh? Es nada. Vai

Por favor, nazistas, em geral, franco-nazi, mikeys e minies, euro-nazi, asian-nazi,

italo-nazi, eurpoeu do norte da africa, ou africanos do sul da europa. Nazi-bretoes,
ginger-nazi. E todos os outros porcos rosas nazistas, Leste euro-nazi e demais
racistas. Peguem suas proles de ratos, e vao embora.
O nosso pais nao vai mudar enquanto tivermos sendo corrompidos. Nao ha
corrupto sem corrupitor. Entao, vao embora!
Imaginem qao melhor sera o nosso pais so com os indios q aqui estavam. Por favor,
vadios de todas as nacoes q aqui chegam para invadir, roubar, saquear, e prostituir.
Peguem suas proles de ratos imundos, sujos com os vossos "dirty blood".sifiliticos e
vao embora.
"Go home (whole) F*** idiots".
Quanta bobagem, falar mal da "lingua brasileira". Os malandros casaram com
umas idiotas, que falam o portugues do morro do alemao, e ficam falando mal da
lingua brasileira. Vao embora, correndo. Tenho nojo de todos voces.
reply - 18 Dec 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
eurpoeu .... rsrsrsrs
mikeys e minies.... rsrsrsrs
(whole) F*** idiots... rsrsrsrs
Mais uma puta tentando escrever! Kkkkkk Monkeys cant even write their own silly
monkey language... But that won't prevent me from fucking one in the ass tonite!
reply - 18 Dec 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander

I know maddog. these Brazilians just can't take the ultimate truth that they don't
want to fight for their rights, too busy getting drunk, being robbed by their
politicians and being happy at the same time!
reply - 26 Dec 2012 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by _she_ i
I'm European and can only speak about my own experiences during my stay in
Brazil, but I MUST SAY THIS: BRAZILIANS are one of the friendliest and
WARMEST PEOPLE I have ever met. The country surely has its own problems, but
this is not a matter of foreigners to discuss. It's their country, they decide how,what
and when. I
I was completely shocked by some comments posted above, especially from
GIRL (majority of them, you cannot even labell them as MEN as they are so
Danmark? The whole Europe knows your country is full of fucking xenophobic,
racists CUNTS.
You think you are so smart? Why don't you check your own WHORES in your
in fact, all kinds of immigrants:)
How come? If you are so SUPER DUPER, why do they fuck non-Danish guys?
I've been to Scandinavia, lived in DANMARK, SWEDEN, NORWAY, FINNLAND.
Scandinavian women are total WHORES, they don't even value themselves. People,
just check the videos on youtube about scandinavian women at the club, and you
will see, with whom they like to mess and reproduce:) It surely aren't the blondblue eyed guys, as interracial marriages are SPREADING LIKE FIRE.
So, even tho, you live in the 1st world country, it still SUCKS. Been there, done that.

As for the women:) ha ha ha, Scandi women ARE ONE OF THE EASIEST ON THE
PLANET, no moral at all
LOVE BRAZIL 1000X BETTER THAN CRAPY DANMARK, despiteyour country is
more developed and despite the fact I'm EUROPEAN myself.
Just 1 advice for you CACHORRAO: Before even pointing at someone else's
problem, you should solve your own problems, as it appers ISLAM IMMIGRANTS
WILL EAT YOUR COUNTRY ALIVE and all you do is cry about it like a little pussy,
don't even have the balls to decide in YOUR OWN COUNTRY and you want to BE A
SMART ASS and telling others what to do and how they should live.
People, don't think all EUROPEANS think the same way about Brazil. Not all
Europeans are small-minded like this guy. A LOT OF PEOPLE IN EUROPE LOVE
BRAZIL and its people. But I assume SCANDINAVIA (Northern Europe) isn't one
of them, as they think they are the BEST IN EUROPE and across the world. Maybe
it's just the weather, the cold winters and boring life-styles that makes them
envious and their "PRIDE" is a cover for low-self-esteem.
SCANDINAVIA is just a racist, xenophobic country with lots of IMMIGRANTS who
are whipping their asses on a daily bases, while they just stare and do nothing.
Well, yes, they do 1 thing: point at others and trying to be the SMARTEST, while
can't even defend themselves in their own country.
Majority of EUROPE doesn't even like DANMARK, so who cares what he thinks.
Maybe he has to get some anger out of his system, cos his country soon will become
an islamic state:)
Just for the record: During my stay in DANMARK, the people on the buses have
complained why I spoke in my own language, here's a flash for you: COS I CAN and
reply - 11 Jan 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by CachorraoChegou E
Oi macaca... Scandinavia is not a country.... rsrsrsrs... Mais uma prova da estupidez
enorme do povo da Macaconia!
reply - 11 Jan 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by _she_ i
Scandinavia consists out of: SWEDEN, FINNLAND, NORWAY and DANMARK..
Are you not aware your country is a part of that? How ignorant are you?
And I'm not Macaconia you drunken Scandi feminist asshole, I'm European
reply - 11 Jan 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by _she_ i
Go suck some muslim cock, you scandi guys are good at it:)
reply - 11 Jan 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
Hahaha! So much ignorance! So much hatred! So little self reflection! Yes, lady, you
are 100% Brazilian!! Hahaha! We're gonna play a little quiz here now and all you
people out there can join. Question: how many Nobel prize winners did Brazil have
so far???
reply - 11 Jan 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Julia
Cachorrao, don't be ridiculous. An airheaded racist who can not even respect a
woman now wants to talk about Nobel prizes here?
Worry more about your own behaviour than the prizes that other people gained for
having an atitude very different from yours.
In any case, I can still award you with the Jerk Prize of the year. :P
reply - 11 Jan 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Julia
This guy is seriously a bad joke. Hehehe...
reply - 11 Jan 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
So? How many Nobel Prizes??? You both the answer, lesbi-girls! This country
never produced anything of really value.
And Julia, again, go educate yourself and find out what the term 'racist' means,
because you don't have a fucking clue. Go rob your throbbing clit on BYSHEi and
stop wining.
But the monkeus have enough creativity to introduce ORGASM DAY. Of course,
they smile soooo much! And they seem sooo nice! But when I had to drag away a
DEAD BODY from my doorstep to get into my house just 10 minutes ago, and I
asked people on the street to help, call the police, do anything - nothing. This place
is sick from its skin to its soul. Whoever wants to challenge that, is even more sick.
But hell, why not, call me a racist. You girls don't know what you're talking about.
Lifestyle freaks.

reply - 11 Jan 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by Julia
I don't care. There are many people working their asses off on their own account to
make this country a better place to live in and maybe they do not get a prize but it
does not make them less nobel.
Who do you think you are to say that all the good things the other people are doing
are not of any real value? Complain less and do something yourself!
And I don't see what is so bad about the Orgasm day? It is actually your own fault
to give this topic so much attention if you are not anorgasmic. Hehehe... I didn't
even remember this event existed until you mentioned it now.
In any case, a very high percentage of women worldwide never climax or
experience sexual pleasure in their entire lives so if Brazil has this initiative to
discuss to promote women's sex lives to be more healthy I don't see what the fuzz is
all about? I think it is a great thing and it does not mean nothing else is being done.
And talking about something else, I know the whole system has to much to improve
but why can't you just mention at least one thing good? Two of my relatives
received high cost medicines (about 3, 4 thousand dollars for each monthly 30 pills
pack) 100 % free from the government and had the whole high cost treatment for
cancer covered by the public health system which is something quite rare to see in
other (even developed) countries.
You don't have to be so negative, you don't have to disrespect people and you don't
have to make up lies to get the attention you want. So you had a deadbody at your
doorstep and nobody even cared about it? What a LIAR you are!
We all know there is a lot of violence in the country but nobody is OK with it!
Moreover, there are wars and terrible things happening pretty much everywhere in
the globe so you don't have to blame only one location for the whole evil you see!
reply - 12 Jan 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by _she_ i

Who cares how many Nobel prizes your people or orther Scandinavians got..Why
don't you look at the facts, the whole Scandinavia is filled with muslim immigrants,
who are taking your country into their hands in front of you, and you don't do shit
about it.
So one Norweigian guy, Breverik or what is his name, kills a few people (77 if I'm
not mistaking), blows a bomb, and you think you achieved something?
And you still think I'm from Brazil, just cos I love Brazil. What a douchbag.
Dude, I'm from Slovenia, by the way.
Is this a normal and accepted behaviour for you and your Noble prizes countries?
That's a hypocrisy.But you continue to spit on others.
I was in your country, I didn't like it. It's all fake. The people the most, while I can't
claim the same for Brazilians..and speaking for guys, dude, Brazilian men are 100x
better looking than Scandi men.
This might be one of the reason why your women are after exotic guys, seen it in
Stockholm, seen it in Kobenhavn, seen it in Oslo..interracial relationships are very
common there, so there has to be a reason why the locals mix so much with
And don't be scared as others are. Whites aren't gonna die out. Whites were always
a minority and always will be.
I assume you are young, so why filled with so much hatred and anger?Live your
life, if you don't like one country, go somewhere else, no one is forcing you to be
where you don't want to be. I know for sure I would never want to live in your
country, that's for sure.TOO COLD for me, plus people are RUDE , Brazilians are
total opposite, that's why I love Brazil
reply - 12 Jan 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander

Hey I care about Nobel prizes!!

Plus people are RUDE , Brazilians are total opposite, that's why I love Brazil!!!
Really, are you sure about most of Brazilians not being rude and posting that
Denmark is bad, are you high lady!
She and Julia must enjoy chaos in a level like most Brazilians do, you both are
masochist, that's the only clue I have for sure!
reply - 14 Jan 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Don P
56. Giant Red Cockroaches. Tip out your shoe, open a cabinet, why- its Cockroach
57. Rampant, obnoxious patriotism. Wherever you are from, Brazilians will always
be immediately upfront in telling you that its better here. People have often told
me to my face all about how gringos dont bathe and are cold. Thanks for offering
your opinion...
58. The average Brazilian Cannot, Will Not understand a foreigner speaking their
language, no matter how fluent you get in Portuguese. Ive lived in Central America
and Japan, people there always understood my broken, gringo Spanish and gaijin
Japanese. But still after 3 years in Brazil, peoples eyes still just bug out of their
head and they loudly say, UHH?!? OI?!? in response to even the simplest of
phrases (i.e.: Bathroom? How Much? Good Morning).
59. Physical safety of themselves and for others simply is not even an afterthought.
The 30-second later consequences of your actions having an effect on other people
out there somewhere in the world? Nonexistent. Riding your motorbike in heavy
traffic with your newborn baby seated on your lap in nothing but his diapers (yes,
Ive seen this), whats the problem? Riding your bicycle at night along the freeway
shoulder going against traffic, why worry?

60. Unless you are really into football or reality TV shows (i.e. Big Brother), there is
nothing much to talk about with average Brazilians. You can learn fluent
Portuguese, but in the end, conversation gets very limited, very quickly.
61. Everything is built for cars and driving, even though cars are 3x the price of any
other country. The intercity luxury buses are efficient, but public transportation is
inconvenient, expensive and uncomfortable to ride. Consequently, traffic in Sao
Paulo and Rio is now considered some of the worst on Earth (for SP possibly the
worst). Even mid-day can have massive traffic jams that make moving outside a
small limited area all but impossible unless you have a small motorcycle.
62. Brazilians tend to publically snort their snot backwards into their sinus cavities,
often and loudly. I guess they like the taste? Even attractive women do this.
63. Brazilians also do not cover their mouths when they cough, even upper-class
folk who should know better. Sealed in a crowded elevator? The waiter serving your
food? The guy sitting behind you on the bus? Enjoy the TB my friend
62. All Brazilian cities (with perhaps the exception of Rio and the old Pelourinho
district in Salvador), are ugly, concrete, hyper-modern and devoid of character,
architecture, trees or charm. Most are monotonous and completely identical in
appearance. Any colonial history or beautiful old mansion is quickly slated for
demolition to make way for a parking lot or shopping mall. Massive, identical gray
blockhouse apartment buildings dominate the skyline of even the smaller towns.
Zero neighborhoods are built to walk around in, stroll, meet your neighbors or
window shop. Parks are few and far between and the lack of trees or natural shade
concentrates the sun and heat into the concrete, making it often uncomfortable to
even step out into the street.
63. For some reason (as we can see on this thread), Brazilians love to logon to
English-speaking internet forums and write only in Portuguese! Would I enter a
Portuguese forum and write my responses in English only?
64. Dont forget that stinky garbage can of excrement-stained tissue right next to
the toilet ;-)

reply - 24 Jan 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
Don P! The man with a plan! Loved it!
reply - 26 Jan 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
Don P! The man with a plan! Loved it!
reply - 26 Jan 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Don P
65. Brazilians are the worlds Pickiest/Most Conservative Eaters. Trying to go out to
eat with Brazilians is like trying to go bar hopping with Muslims. Anything different
with flavor, spices or color is viewed with major suspicion. Chinese food- gross!
Mexican- revolting! Thai, dont even bother. Seriously, I have gone out in a group,
where one guy could not eat anything with garlic, nor ketchup or mustard. The
other guy did not eat, any, I mean, anything with vegetables. Another hated onions.
The other girl would always invent something not on the menu for the waiter to tell
the kitchen to make. Eventually, all we could ever go out to eat was McDonalds. If
it's not deep-fried, unseasoned, unfresh and composed of salty beef or pork,
hamburgers, hot dogs or pizza, basically Brazilians are not going to eat it.
66. Everytime it rains, people have no compunction about poking your eye out with
the metal part of their umbrella as you walk down the sidewalk. Raising or lowering
your umbrella, moving it to the side so it doesnt blind you will pretty much never
happen. I seriously have to hold my hand and forearm up against my temples to
avoid being struck in the face as I walk down the street during a thunderstorm (of
which there are many).

reply - 29 Jan 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
Hahahahaha! Don P is the premium guy! Spot on, man! Their eating habits are
indeed HORRIFIC! And this eternally sad CHURRASCO? God... have mercy....
reply - 29 Jan 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by CachorraoChegou E
as for point 66: Brazilians don't even see you. You cannot even blame them. It's not
in their system to actually SEE the context they're living in. They're not like us,
Western, civilized people. They're like monkeys. Just see what happened in this
'boate' Kiss. The doormen didn't even recognize the situation. They just held on to
their formal assignment, causing many deads. That's Brazil. A country where, on a
yearly basis, 10 times as much people die because of fire arms compared to the US.
A country where children are being murdered by the police. A country where gays
are being repressed. Women are being repressed. Poor people are being repressed.
White people are being priviligged, A SHIT HOLE.
reply - 29 Jan 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
Yeahp, Brazilians will never evolve, that's for sure!!
reply - 29 Jan 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Roy M

As much as I really like Brazil (and I'm not Brazilian. I'm Asian), I must agree with
Cachorrao and Don P (who wrote a really hilarious but also honest list about the
con's in Brazil): I guess a lot of Brazilians need to learn the IMPORTANCE of
manners(!), and traits like honesty, faithfulness/loyalty (they say that infidelity is
widespread and encouraged in Brazil. It's so rampant it's Unbelievable), or respect,
One of the things I noticed about Brazilians is they can get very aggressive, almost
They are really a tough race. I still like Brazilians (I think I always will). Some of
them really need to learn the importance of manners, though. Because your actions
can define what kind of person you are.
" Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. "
If you are treating others worse than excrement, you are (in return) giving the
[other] person a complete freedom to do the same to you. It's like, "Hey! You're
judging me? Well, that means I can also judge you!"
If you want to receive respect from others, you must first (learn how to) give it.
Even if they don't return the respect, your actions will still speak loud about you
(it's still to your advantage!).
Some (NOT all) Brazilians can get really arrogant, incredibly disrespectful and
unbearable. Like "pain-in-the-neck-or-ass" unbearable.
reply - 30 Jan 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
Hi Roy, I agree and it is exactly what makes things so outrageously funny here... I
mean, instead of dealing with the criticism (something Brazilians simply cannot),
they start screaming, shouting, threatening, become rude - and in doing so prove to
be exactly what they're being accused of... But they simply refuse to see their own
reality. Which is not surprising; Brazil's self image is that of 'alegria', smiling, but
the numbers of suicide and depression are soaring, as are the numbers of divorces,

domestical violence etc. Brazilians stick to the image. Reality, criticism, analysis
and debate - they're not ready for it.
reply - 30 Jan 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Bruno R
I've never seen so much bullshit in a single site, but I am Brazilian, course there
several problems in the country, but a country that tells me is perfect.
why not speak to our shores? rich our language, our food, women, something I say
will never worry about Russians trying to blow up the country ^ ^
reply - 04 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Bruno R
I've never seen so much bullshit in a single site, but I am Brazilian, course there
several problems in the country, but a country that tells me is perfect.
why not speak to our shores? rich our language, our food, women, something I say
will never worry about Russians trying to blow up the country ^ ^
reply - 04 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by commonsense
There are good people all around the world, but you must admit and I can say
without any reservations that brazil has a problem, ( serious ) when it comes to
dealing fairly with gringos as you say....they will take advantage of anyone that they
can screw out of money and justify it by some stupid response as , they have more
than me even if it is not true and obvious....they lie ,gossip, and cheat others who
the can take advantage of ,,....the law here is so backwarsd and out of touch with
reality that it is an insult to very careful not to get involved here with any
serious relationship the language barrier is their liscense to steal from foreigners
etc, they do not have any respect for themselves how can they have respect for and women are the same here, they will take advantage of gringos at

any oppourtunity that they can.....the marriage laws and the green card is really a
business and a plan for escape in most cases ....I came here to have a nice life and
retirement ,, and now i am fighting for my life in courts with corrupt lawyers and a
women who claimed to be an evangelical, only to find out that she has had about 7
husbands which brazil does not even know and a dead husband found in a motel in
brazil,,,,I would warn anyone not to come here for any reason this place is loaded
with evil and legal warned !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
reply - 05 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Roy M
Honestly, I find it incredibly amusing that a lot of people that experienced life in
Brazil (like foreigners) keep on saying that "You can't trust Brazilians. You can't
really believe in anything they say because they are never really serious about
The common denominator, it seems, in a lot of the foreigners' statements/stories is
when it comes to having any kind of relationship with Brazilians, there'll be plenty
of "trust issues."
Only a very rare few Brazilians are trustworthy (and these rare few must be like
precious, beautiful gemstones in piles of sharp, ugly rocks).
I've been researching and reading a lot of stuff about Brazil on the Internet and in
books and there's this one Brazilian that wrote something on Yahoo! Answers that
goes like, "Yeah. It's hard to trust people here (in Brazil). You must [first] really
know a Brazilian's background, age, reputation, intention, etc. just to make really
sure you don't get fooled, or lied to, or robbed, or whatever."
It's funny because majority of Brazilians are these ever-smiling, dancing, partying,
singing.....[multitudes of] people and then you'll have other people who'll tell you,
"Don't be fooled. You can't trust them."
It's amusing.

Still I think it's truly amazing and wonderful that even though some people call
Brazil "absolutely terrible," Brazil is still able to have (and produce) some of the
most attractive people [on] the planet.
I just hope that their [character] traits and/or personality match their attractive
reply - 05 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
Still I think it's truly amazing and wonderful that even though some people call
Brazil "absolutely terrible," Brazil is still able to have (and produce) some of the
most attractive people [on] the planet.
I just hope that their [character] traits and/or personality match their attractive
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
It's a matter of taste of course about appearance, for me beautiful people are the
ones that care and respect about others in the society which you live in, well most
of Brazilians are not like that, they want to screw your life no matter what just for
their pleasure!
But I already figure out why they behave like that, it's because their government
rob them 24 hours a day that most of Brazilian rob themselves in many ways!
They are so bloody yellow that they don't have the gusts to rob the politicians back!!
reply - 06 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Roy M
Lander, my man. We meet again! What the heck? (Lol!) :D :)
reply - 07 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
Indeed it's good to meet you again here Roy!
reply - 07 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Roy M
Don't worry, Lander, my friend. I do not disagree with you. :)
You have a pretty good point (I'm very sorry I called you stuff like, "You're
pathetic!" or "You're a complete loser!" in another topic on this site. The
"JAJAJAJA-HUEHUEHUEHUE" topic, in here, if you remember. I was pissed-off,
too, when I wrote my comment. I'm sorry).
Although, let's eliminate the suggestion of violence in your proposals. Hehehheh! :)
:) :) Because problems can be solved without the need for deliberate attacks or, you
know. Violence is not necessary to solve problems. They're not solutions.
I live in a small South-East Asian country called the Philippines (I'm a Filipino) and
lemme tell you, there are a growing number (population?) of Brazilians (usually
models) living here.
A lot of Filipino people living here (mostly the business people in the cities) like to
call it "Brazilian Invasion."
(It's not meant as an insult. We are just really amused by all these fascinating
Brazilians coming here to live and work!)
There are also quite A LOT of similarities between my country (the Philippines)
and Brazil/Latin America.
I guess that's why so many Brazilians living or visiting the Philippines feel at home.
Although, I don't want to sound like a braggart or anything, and I love and adore
Brazilians, we Filipinos are very, VERY different from them.

If stuff like cheating, infidelity, dishonesty or whatever are okay and normal in
Brazil, in here, you are dead meat and you'll have explaining to do (like in jail) if
you are caught doing [those] acts. Wrong things will always be wrong.
I'm not saying that my country is perfect, because it's not (we are a third-world,
developing country, too).
Your statements like "Brazilians will never evolve!" are really amusing rather than
insulting, Lander!
Don't judge them too harshly! :)
They are people, too. Not silly monkeys. :)
All human beings are quite capable of change!
People can change! :) :)
" A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way."
~ John C. Maxwell
Another one is:
" A leader is a dealer in hope."
~ Napoleon Bonaparte
You wanna be a great leader, Lander?
Inspire and encourage people that they can change and are capable of changing for
the better, not tell them that they are hopeless and worthless/useless and then
force them to do things (that they don't even want to do) for your own satisfaction
(that's selfish).
Brazilians are hilarious. ' Still like 'em! :)
reply - 07 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Roy M

I mean, no offense, Lander, my friend.

I'm just saying my opinion.
And we are all entitled to our own opinions!
:) :) :)
reply - 07 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Kelly C
There isn't much in this list that I can disagree with! I've been in Salvador 7
months, and I have to stay here for a full 2 years to fulfill my contract. Then I'm
going to move to a more civilized country, one with better food and people that can
talk about more than just futebol and telenovelas.
The rudeness has been shocking to me, especially since Brazilians have an
automatic surface politeness. Hiking down a well-used trail in Chapada
Diamantina, every person you pass will say "Boa!". But they will also stand right in
the middle of the freaking trail, talking to their friends, and make you stop and wait
or try to find a way to sidle around them.
reply - 09 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by lander
You're right Roy, but I really tried to show them the good path, the organized path,
but it seems they enjoy chaos, I meet a bunch of Brazilians in Europe and most of
them miss Brazil because there you can do what ever you want in the selfish way of
course, most of Brazilians don't feel comfortable specially in northern Europe
because there the person must follow an organized procedure to live well with
everybody in the European society!
I always reply to them that Europe is not Brazil and never will be thanks the

You mentioned that in Philippines, your people punish the traitors, rapiers,
murderers and thieves, I loved to know about this information, because I love
justice, in Brazil is the opposite, Brazilians tend to be proud about these lowlife
matters, it's just disgusting!
Roy I like and respect you and the people who got a good heart, no matter from
which country they originate, but I must say as most foreigners state that most
Brazilians got an evil heart and sadly it's true..
reply - 09 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Misteralves
Okay ,I agree with almost everything you said , there is a lack of government
leadership ,there is a lack of public safety ,there is a lack of infrastructure all every
aspect ,road, housing ,air transport and so on , but there are something that I don't
agree SORRY like the food is great you don't like because you are too LAZY TO
BOIL AN EGG ,the people from Brazil are great ,welcoming people unlike
americans whom think the USA should kick out mexicans ,brazilian , Indian and so
on one big example of this is HOW YOU TREAT YOUR LEADER MISTER
OBAMA .also I could list 20 30 thinks that I don't like about USA
1. Americans join the military kill a bunch of innocent people and than put a sticker
on their cars MY SON IS SOLDIER meaning MYSON IS KILLER and are so proud
of it . Just ridiculous.
2. Food worst on the planet .
3. Hygiene terrible they don't dump trash on street because there is LAW ,they
mow their lawn because there is law . Their restaurant are very dirty ,their home
are just fillty .
4. They don't care about their parents or relatives just money and dog dog and dog
its all they care about let their pets sleep in their bad .

5. Woman show their breast in public and then call the brazilian prostitute . Come
reply - 10 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Roy M
Oh, I believe you, Lander. :)
About the "lowlife" and all.
I like and respect you, too, mate.
Although we "clash" at certain things.
You seem to be more of an Activist ("Attack!").
Whereas, I am more of a Pacifist, Lander ("We can solve this problem in peace .......
....... I'm sorry you feel hateful towards Brazilians.
I'm sorry you feel that way, man.
There are more thoughts that I wish to say but I don't want to write them here
because Amplicate is public (everything we write here can be [read] all over the
The Internet is really powerful.
So, Yeah).
I always have trouble in trying to write anything short.
If I say my opinions here (but I love Amplicate), I might end up writing an
irrelevant novella (lol!) and bore the reader to death (Bwah-hhah-hah!).
Anyway, I believe we should be more sympathetic towards people (in this case, the
Brazilians) who are in need of our help/support, rather than apathetic.

Apathetic means complete indifference. It means you don't give a crap whether
someone lives or dies.
Sympathetic, at least, is a good thing because it shows that you have a desire to be
of help / to offer help to others, even in the smallest ways.
I don't want to say "I hate Brazilians!" because, well, that's too harsh
(it's very painful/hurtful when people from other countries say, "I hate Filipinos!
Useless, ugly, illiterate, disgusting monkeys!"
And like I said in a previous comment, I'm Asian myself.
"Judge not, if you do not want to be judged."
I am no Mr. Perfect therefore I am in absolutely no position to condemn others that
I find offensive, repulsive).
I don't hate Brazilians, but there are some bad stuff (like bad habits or a ridiculous,
monotonous lifestyle) that they do that you and I "hate"
(like who wants TV 24/7 ?
Nuh-uh! No thanks!).
Maybe you're gonna say, Lander, "But I did try to help them!"
That's good, Lander. That's truly admirable.
If they refused (and still continues to), that's their problem.
It was worth a try, Lander.
reply - 11 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Roy M

*If they refused (and still continue to) .......

Sorry, my English there is wrong.
No "s" in continue!
reply - 11 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
I'm not American mate, I'm European!
You seem to be more of an Activist ("Attack!") I loved this part!!! haw haw haw
Yeah I tried mate to help them, but they don't want to get in action, so I gave up
about helping Brazilians, I'm helping my fellow Europeans which we are fighting
against our corrupted system!
reply - 11 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Misteralves
Well that being sad i appolize for my mistake in regards to your origin.I wish you
good luck
reply - 11 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Roy M
You tryin'a make a career (or perhaps you vowed to spend your entire life?) being a
warmonger, Lander (?).
Join the army.
reply - 11 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
I already joined the European people's army, I'm fighting with my people against
the corrupted system in Europe!!
reply - 11 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Misteralves
Ohh so there is corruption in Europe
reply - 11 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Roy M
Whew! Well (Hahahh), Landy, ALL the best!
I really enjoyed talkin' to you! I was kept very interested all this time.
I hope other people will continue this "Reasons I Hate Living In Brazil" list.
It's very informative (and somewhat amusing, too).
I rest my case.
reply - 11 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
Yeahp there is corruption in Europe, but there is a huge difference, we Europeans
are fighting this crap system, while Brazilians get drunk and fuck around!!!
I rest my case..
reply - 12 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Roy M
You copycat.
reply - 12 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by Don P
To continue the list...
67. Brazil is a pretty much a South Africa Apartheid-era society. The 10% European
elite live pretty much like their Western counterparts: nice apartments, good jobs,
maids etc. The other 90% (the Browns and Blacks) live in wretched 3rd World
conditions in the Townships (Favelas/Periferia) and take the bus for two hours to
come into the rich, whiter areas to clean apartments and work as security guards.
reply - 18 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Don P
68. Brazilians mostly hate Americans and the USA, but even given half the chance,
they will all stand for hours in line at the consulate to get a visa to go to Disney and
shop at the outlet malls in Orlando.
reply - 19 Feb 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Al P
I hate Brazilians. They're nothing but Portuguese filth.
reply - 07 Mar 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
Indeed Al!!!
reply - 08 Mar 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Jodie S
if you hate it so much, what are you still doing there and married to a brazilian
Get divorced my friend and go back home!!
But i have to warn you.
Americans are super rude and kind of dumb too. Public transportation is shit too.
Food is crap and you can't find a lot of options like there.
Weather is depressing, freaking cold.
I am sure you can find americans prostitutes there, you just won't findit on the
street, but if you look on craiglist you might find a bunch.... or you could try the
arrested one in Maine. ;)
reply - 19 Mar 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
Dear Brazilian Gaby, at least the American society tend to organize them selves for
the better good, well most of them of course!
Now most Brazilians love to survive in chaos, they are the masters to ignore
politicians, thieves, murders and drug dealers, Brazilians are too coward and selfish
to make justice!
But one thing you do have a point, Brazilian women are the best prostitutes and
porn actress in the world, this is the only advantage of your hellish Brazil!
Have a good week..

reply - 19 Mar 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
Dear Brazilian Gaby, at least the American society tend to organize them selves for
the better good, well most of them of course!
Now most Brazilians love to survive in chaos, they are the masters to ignore
politicians, thieves, murders and drug dealers, Brazilians are too coward and selfish
to make justice!
But one thing you do have a point, Brazilian women are the best prostitutes and
porn actress in the world, this is the only advantage of your hellish Brazil!
Have a good week..
reply - 19 Mar 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
Dear Brazilian Gaby, at least the American society tend to organize them selves for
the better good, well most of them of course!
Now most Brazilians love to survive in chaos, they are the masters to ignore
politicians, thieves, murders and drug dealers, Brazilians are too coward and selfish
to make justice!
But one thing you do have a point, Brazilian women are the best prostitutes and
porn actress in the world, this is the only advantage of your hellish Brazil!
Have a good week..
reply - 19 Mar 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E

Hey gaby! You're such a typical dumb ass Brazilian monkey bitch! You can't take
criticism (the proof that you live a braindead life in a braindead society) and you
think that everybody who critices you is American, or, as you monkeys say it:
Gringo. Wake up, grow up, think, analyze, see and feel the world. It's a complex
thing and nobody's perfect. But you'll be rich seeing that variety, You'll see that not
any country outside your own monkey town is called USA. You'll see that
everybody's struggling. You'll also see that being critical, even upon yourself, has
value. And you will hopefully see that it is the only way to improvement. Try to rise
up to the occasion. Try to take the next step in cultural evolution. From monkeykind, to mankind. Bless you, my child,
reply - 19 Mar 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
reply - 19 Mar 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Jodie S
Hey Cachorrao, i feel so sorry for you. So much anger in your heart huh. Did u get
dumped by a brazilian guy in the past??hahahaha
You won't find a perfect world and as i can see you can't take criticism either.
reply - 19 Mar 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
Lander: "But one thing you do have a point, Brazilian women are the best
prostitutes and porn actress in the world, this is the only advantage of your hellish
Brazil!" True words! If you ask them to, they don't mind being fucked by a boar, a
horse or a dog either... anything to please their man! Being a whore is not a

profession to a Brazilian, it's part of their heritage, their national and personal
identity, their DNA. PROSTITUTA = DESTINO.
reply - 20 Mar 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
Lander: "But one thing you do have a point, Brazilian women are the best
prostitutes and porn actress in the world, this is the only advantage of your hellish
Brazil!" True words! If you ask them to, they don't mind being fucked by a boar, a
horse or a dog either... anything to please their man! Being a whore is not a
profession to a Brazilian, it's part of their heritage, their national and personal
identity, their DNA. PROSTITUTA = DESTINO.
reply - 20 Mar 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
Bravissimo dog, haw haw I love it, whore DNA!!!!
reply - 20 Mar 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
Bravissimo dog, haw haw I love it, whore DNA!!!!
reply - 20 Mar 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Don P
Congratulations- your prize is a oily, tasteless pastel, washed down with a lifetime
supply of Dolly Guarana: "O Sabor Brasileiro"!!
reply - 21 Mar 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by Adriano Camara Mendonca

It's really amazing, if you guys are so damn good and evolved and white rich
Europeans, why do you bother going to Brazil? There's no job for dummies in
Europe? Or there's no jobs at all over there? More, why do you bother spend your
time evaluating every single con of the country? I wonder if Europe was always
developed with well-educated people.. For what I remember from my History
classes, the continent was nothing but shit and rude people killing each other for
stupid reasons not so long ago. More than a thousand years hiding in castles with
the church ruling. So, ok, we do have problems, but it's OUR problem, and we're
trying to solve it! If foreigners want to come and contribute, as the Japanese,
Germans, Polish, Syrians, Italians etc did, fine! If you don't, sorry for you dude.
Moreover, I'm pretty sure that you belong to the class of stupid gringos that think
that are better than anyone else, people who don't even try to communicate, those
really don't like Brasil, as we have no tolerance with such idiots. Easy prey for
reply - 04 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
Easy prey for Brazilians haw haw haw, Brazilians are the most coward nation in the
world Adriano ape face, your people love to suck the politicians cocks in Brazil,
Brazilians will never fight with fists and guns, they prefer use their asses to get
fucked by the Brazilian government!
I love to shove the truth in your throats..
reply - 04 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander

Look, pardon me for my malicious words, it's because I hate most of Brazilians for
their cowardice , they are afraid and too selfish to fight the politicians, when most
of Brazilians start to fight with arms then I will start to respect..
reply - 07 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by I am not a Monkey
My country is not perfect. What country is? Every country have their own problems
but every country have nice things.
@Still Here
1 - I am a gentle person. I'm not afraid to say "please", "Sorry". And I'm not the only
person to do this. A lot of other Brazilians do the same. But if you talk to a person
idiot, the idiot will be an idiot.
2 - Nope. Brazilian traffic is less violent compared with the United States traffic.
3 - Please. Read the first reply.
4 - A lot of brazilians fighted with the
police against the corruption. These persons keep fighting for rights but the media
never give great relevancy to small protests. And please. USA re-elect Bush two
times. Other countrys make the same. Sorry but it was a bad argument, dude.
5 - "Every" woman is in every country. Or you just see brazilian womans in the Miss
6 - According Durex list. Brasil don't is in the top 10 of list of countries that more
betray his wife or husband; But the UK land of "gentlemen's" is in it. Ironic?
7 - And that is why the Brazilian did not want to commit suicide for which thing.
Especially because we have one of the lowest suicide rates.
And yes, Brazilian respect the feelings of other peoples. But like i say before, "Idiot
will be idiots and idiot peoples live in every country".

8 - Lazy? Tell me how the 7th largest economy, is a country of lazy people? Dear
God. Brazilians come from the Northeast to So Paulo to work. I lived with
Brazilians who caught a bus to go to work in another city.
9 - Really? My father was born in a poor family and now owns two companies.
My uncles too. And in my school, I see a lot of fellows working to have a good
future. Perhaps a person who stays in the same job, like this work? Just because a
person does not want the world at your feet, that person is not lazy. The important
thing in life is to be happy. If they are so happy, they are happy. Sometimes we get
so concerned about rise in life that we forget to enjoy it. Want a simple life is not
10 - I am a gentle person. I'm not afraid to say "please", "Sorry". And I'm not the
only person to do this. A lot of other Brazilians do the same. But if you talk to a
person idiot, the idiot will be an idiot
11 - he Brazilian police is one of the least productive? Yes, but is not "non-existent"
as you make it sound. In So Paulo, bandit have much fear of the ROTA.
In Rio de Janeiro, the BOPE and the police constantly and in the extent possible,
take back the hills from the hand of traffickers and militias. But it is not easy. It's
practically a civil war and wars can not be won, giving shooting everywhere.
Every country like USA in the past, build walls for protect the people. And several
years after, the peoples enjoy a safe place. Don't forget. Europe countries and USA
are countries with more history and more time to grow. Outside the United States
was not a colony of pure exploration. England, in fact invested in the country. In
contrast, Brazil was heavily exploited. And since then, much has changed. We are a
growing country and an example is that we were a major contributor to the IMF for
help to deal with the euro crisis after investing our resources. If today Europe is not
as broken as expected, much of this was thanks to our help.
12 - Agreed :| But Brazil is highly praised by its constitution. Considered one of the
best. What is missing is the judicial branches make it work.
13 -
Outside the protest against the high price of food etc.
14 - If this is the problem, just pay to install a heater or an air duct. You do not
expect them to do everything for you, right?
reply - 11 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by I am not a Monkey
15 - Just because processed foods is not a part of Brazilian culture. Cooking is. But
you can find a lot of food ready to sell in supermarkets like Carrefour and Pao de
Acucar. Now, if you'll try to buy in a market on the corner, considering the culture
of my people to cook their own food, what exactly do you expect?
And what excuse is that they do not have many options at restaurants? Depending
on where you live, has restaurants offering Japanese food (Gandai) side of an
Italian restaurant (Spoleto). And like the Avenida Paulista, have a lot of restaurants
with ecletic menus. And the own brazilian food.
16 - This is something cultural. But if you make it clear you wants to stay alone in
your space, is one or other who will disturb you. I let myself clear when I do not
want company and people respect that. And it's not like you have to invite friends
for every meal. This is more for weekends or holidays. But alas varies from person
to person and how you make it clear what you wants.
17 - Again, this is something cultural.
18 - Not really. But you need to know how to deal with companies that fund them.
Especially because they are capitalists. And capitalists want money.
19 - If you are unsure about the validity of the water. Visit a DAE treatment center
and see for yourself. Most elementary schools do trips to DAE. I've been in one and
it's all very neat and well done.

20 - One kind of beer? Really? You never drinked Glacial? Crystal Malzbier?
these beers hardly cost a dollar. And are great options. Now, if you take the first
beer on the shelf of the market, do whatever.
Ok. let's assume that you have never lived in Brazil. Your list of reasons is too weak
to someone who has lived here for three years.
reply - 11 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by I am not a Monkey
You know Feliciano? FHC? Castelo Branco? No? the protests of the last year
against the dirty policy? Brazilians faced the police.
Don't talk about cowardice if you don't know the history of my country.
reply - 11 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by I am not a Monkey
You know Feliciano? FHC? Castelo Branco? No? the protests of the last year
against the dirty policy? Brazilians faced the police.
Don't talk about cowardice if you don't know the history of my country.
reply - 11 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by I am not a Monkey
Sorry the double post :|
reply - 11 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander

Dear not monkey Brazilian, just one question, do you believe in your flag that states
Order and Progress exist,you want to compare Brazil with the mighty U.S.A, at
least Americans citizens started the peoples trust document made in the U.S.A
Thanks to Americans authors we are beginning to break free from the monetary
system, and nothing that important adds up from your Brazilian nation!
You mentioned that Brazilians citizens fought against the police force that protects
the Brazilian politicians, please show me a video about this, I need to see with my
own eyes to believe!
reply - 11 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by I am not a Monkey
"You mentioned that Brazilians citizens fought against the police force that protects
the Brazilian politicians, please show me a video about this, I need to see with my
own eyes to believe!"
Basically, protesters take over the Legislative Assembly of Bahia and refused to
abandon it. The army and the police were called and when a soldier fired on a
protester, the confrontation began. People were injured on both sides.The
confrontation ended and started again two or three times. In both ended several
people injured.The problem is that there really has much material showing the
conflict. The media does not help much. See a journalist covering the event was
fired for divulging the protest.
This protest was mainly against corruption and in favor of better wages for
firefighters and police. Since this was against corruption.

Of course, even I admit that many people in Brazil do not fight for what is rightfully
ours - or it should be. But the problem is not lack of will or courage. It is lack of love
for the nation. My uncle has traveled to the United States once. My English teacher,
has taught there. And what they say is that you see many kids talking about really
loving their nation. In Brazil, you see kids who say they do not like the Brazil. Our
country is not perfect. I'm a patriot, not a fanatic. So I'm not afraid to admit it.
However, it is sad to see children who barely left the diapers and don't know what
is the Brazil, talk that the country is worthless without knowing our past history but
above all the history we make today.
However, outside the big cities, you will hardly see a journalist covering a event. In
the town where I live, Jundia - SP, last year was a protest against the
precariousness of the bus. The protest was not useless. Now, not all the buses but a
big majority is working right.
reply - 12 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by I am not a Monkey
"You mentioned that Brazilians citizens fought against the police force that protects
the Brazilian politicians, please show me a video about this, I need to see with my
own eyes to believe!"
Basically, protesters take over the Legislative Assembly of Bahia and refused to
abandon it. The army and the police were called and when a soldier fired on a
protester, the confrontation began. People were injured on both sides.The
confrontation ended and started again two or three times. In both ended several
people injured.The problem is that there really has much material showing the
conflict. The media does not help much. See a journalist covering the event was
fired for divulging the protest.

This protest was mainly against corruption and in favor of better wages for
firefighters and police. Since this was against corruption.
Of course, even I admit that many people in Brazil do not fight for what is rightfully
ours - or it should be. But the problem is not lack of will or courage. It is lack of love
for the nation. My uncle has traveled to the United States once. My English teacher,
has taught there. And what they say is that you see many kids talking about really
loving their nation. In Brazil, you see kids who say they do not like the Brazil. Our
country is not perfect. I'm a patriot, not a fanatic. So I'm not afraid to admit it.
However, it is sad to see children who barely left the diapers and don't know what
is the Brazil, talk that the country is worthless without knowing our past history but
above all the history we make today.
However, outside the big cities, you will hardly see a journalist covering a event. In
the town where I live, Jundia - SP, last year was a protest against the
precariousness of the bus. The protest was not useless. Now, not all the buses but a
big majority is working right.
reply - 12 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by I am not a Monkey
"Dear not monkey Brazilian, just one question, do you believe in your flag that
states Order and Progress exist,you want to compare Brazil with the mighty U.S.A,
at least Americans citizens started the peoples trust document made in the U.S.A"
Yes. I believe in the Order and Progress in the flag. If you compare what it was like
in the '80s and Brazil as Brazil is currently, will see how we progress in many
We went from a dictatorship to a democracy. We grow economically and we
developed one of the best constitutions who is praised by other countries. Things
like basic sanitation and electricity that were precarious, today there are more

widely distributed. Sure still a lot to improve, we are an emerging nation. I know
our problems and to the extent possible I always try to solve them and make other
people help. But this is not something that makes in one night. Even the mighty
USA was not born as a nation it is today
reply - 12 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by I am not a Monkey
'Thanks to Americans authors we are beginning to break free from the monetary
system, and nothing that important adds up from your Brazilian nation!'
First of all, my congratulations to the authors said. I am also in favor of a free world
without monetary system.
About Brazil not do anything relevant to the world. First of all we need to solve our
problems first and as far as possible help other countries. As an example, we helped
Haiti and Japan after the earthquake. We send food, water, clothes for these
countries. And these donations come from the government and people.
Even though it is against the monetary system, let's agree that at the time if not for
the help of Brazil and other countries contributing to the IMF, Europe would walk
worse than it was some time ago.
reply - 12 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by I am not a Monkey
About Brazil does not contribute in other areas. I disagree completely. Alberto
Santos Dumont, Roberto Landell de Moura, Francisco Joo de Azevedo,
Bartolomeu Loureno de Gusmo, Carlos and Roberto Prudencio, Nelio Nicolai,
Eliana Abdelhay, Aron de Andrade, Manuel Dias de Abreu, Beatriz de Andrade.
These are just a few among many inventors Brazilians even creating devices that
greatly facilitated people's lives, in almost all cases not had due recognition.
reply - 12 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
As you can see in the videos that you send to me, just one of them had a battlefield,
very good in action but very stupid in battle strategy from the Brazilian citizens,
even a stupid man trying to pepper spray on the shield of a policeman, now you see
what carnaval, beer and sex made Brazilians dumb as a starfish!
The other ones there are no bloody battle at all, now tell me does your politicians
fear the Brazilian citizens? of course not, because war is not in the coward yellow
Brazilian blood, face it child your nation is a joke and always will be, you should be
ashamed by being proud of being raped by your government!
reply - 12 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
As you can see in the videos that you send to me, just one of them had a battlefield,
very good in action but very stupid in battle strategy from the Brazilian citizens,
even a stupid man trying to pepper spray on the shield of a policeman, now you see
what carnaval, beer and sex made Brazilians dumb as a starfish!
The other ones there are no bloody battle at all, now tell me does your politicians
fear the Brazilian citizens? of course not, because war is not in the coward yellow
Brazilian blood, face it child your nation is a joke and always will be, you should be
ashamed by being proud of being raped by your government!
reply - 12 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
As you can see in the videos that you send to me, just one of them had a battlefield,
very good in action but very stupid in battle strategy from the Brazilian citizens,

even a stupid man trying to pepper spray on the shield of a policeman, now you see
what carnaval, beer and sex made Brazilians dumb as a starfish!
The other ones there are no bloody battle at all, now tell me does your politicians
fear the Brazilian citizens? of course not, because war is not in the coward yellow
Brazilian blood, face it child your nation is a joke and always will be, you should be
ashamed by being proud of being raped by your government!
reply - 12 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
Pardon for my triple reply..
reply - 12 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by I am not a Monkey
"As you can see in the videos that you send to me, just one of them had a
battlefield, very good in action but very stupid in battle strategy from the Brazilian
citizens, even a stupid man trying to pepper spray on the shield of a policeman,
now you see what carnaval, beer and sex made Brazilians dumb as a starfish!"
If you really understood what they said the videos, which you would see people in
both sides left the battlefield injured. Ie, Protestants used more than pepper spray
in the police.
And do not want to belittle the intelligence of my people. If you do not even know
the history of Brazil clearly demonstrates how, nor should know what are names
like A. S. Dumont. Indeed, should still find that the Wright brothers who made
aviation is what it is today. If my people were really stupid, we would not have
doctors, lawyers, scientists like Aron de Andrade and Eliana Abdelhay. People who
will thank you if one day you or your family need for a artificial heart or blood

Learn about Alberto Santos Dumont, Roberto Landell de Moura, Francisco Joo de
Azevedo, Bartolomeu Loureno de Gusmo, Carlos and Roberto Prudencio, Nelio
Nicolai, Eliana Abdelhay, Aron de Andrade, Manuel Dias de Abreu, Beatriz de
Andrade. These are just a few among many inventors Brazilians even creating
devices that greatly facilitated people's lives, in almost all cases not had due
recognition. But have others. Much more.
"The other ones there are no bloody battle at all, now tell me does your politicians
fear the Brazilian citizens? of course not, because war is not in the coward yellow
Brazilian blood, face it child your nation is a joke and always will be, you should be
ashamed by being proud of being raped by your government!"
Well, at least not we who are raping and dragging down Europe , right? Oh. And
before you say idiot things about my country. Learn the history of my country.
Learn about:
War of Prata in 1851 and 1852
War of Uruguai in 1864
War of the Triplice Alliance in 1864-1870
Learn about the Didactorship during the years 1964-1984 and the Diretas J. Learn
about the Impeachment of Collor. Learn about the Caras Pintadas in 1992. Learn
about the protests in the Bahia. Learn about the March of 100.000. Learn about the
Incident of CPTM. The people destroyed seven stations and two trains with a
prejudice of R$ 39 million for the Government in this last.
My nation don't is a joke. Is just other country with problems to get solved. If you
just see what is in the television don't is my problem. Your poor arguments can
even fool either. But not me. I know the history of my country.
reply - 13 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
You`re right we are in crises back in Greece, Italy and Spain, but guess what, we are
fighting on the streets since 2010, check it out how a brave warrier nation fight

against the bloody police that protects the politicians, you zombie Brazilians need a
lot to evolve!!
Nice try, but Mr.Dumont was not the one who invented the airplane, take a look
Ow, one more detail, he was not Brazilian he was French, , respect his heritage if you
admire him so much!
War of Prata in 1851 and 1852
War of Uruguai in 1864
War of the Triplice Alliance in 1864-1870
After all these events your zombie nation still selfish where everybody is considered
a thief or an assassin, your prison like houses scream out loud this, don`t deny it!,
ow wait I forgot you`re Brazilian,
just pretend it`s everything okay in Brazil, relax and get fucked by your
government as usual, don`t fight the police, it`s easier to dance funk, carnaval and
get laid!
When you Brazilians fight like we Europeans do, you will get my respect, have a
nice life in Brazil slave!
reply - 15 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by I am not a Monkey
"Nice try, but Mr.Dumont was not the one who invented the airplane, take a look

Ow, one more detail, he was not Brazilian he was French, , respect his heritage if you
admire him so much!"
No. He is Brazilian. Son of a Brazilian and a Frenchman. Born in Minas Gerais. He
considered himself very Brazilian and France also believes. Hereditary lineage
means nothing at the time of influencing the nationality of a person. Otherwise,
more than half of Brazilians refer to European lineages. As I would be Spanish or
Portuguese since I have more than these two bloods compared to Tupi Guarani
lineage or what any other native Brazilian. But since I'm Brazilian because I born
And second, I never say anything about Dumont was the first man to build and fly
in a airplane. I say " Indeed, should still find that the Wright brothers WHO MADE
"You`re right we are in crises back in Greece, Italy and Spain, but guess what, we
are fighting on the streets since 2010, check it out how a brave warrier nation fight
against the bloody police that protects the politicians, you zombie Brazilians need a
lot to evolve!!"
"War of Prata in 1851 and 1852
War of Uruguai in 1864
War of the Triplice Alliance in 1864-1870
After all these events your zombie nation still selfish where everybody is considered
a thief or an assassin, your prison like houses scream out loud this, don`t deny it!,
ow wait I forgot you`re Brazilian,
just pretend it`s everything okay in Brazil, relax and get fucked by your
government as usual, don`t fight the police, it`s easier to dance funk, carnaval and
get laid!"
Are you fuck kidding me? The protests in the Bahia was in 2011 dude. The CPTM
was in 1999. The didactorship was in the last century. Our people fight but several
times we got what want without violence. We are primary adepts of the diplomacy.
But believe me. Brazilians are like a pressure cooker. A time when seeing that
things are not going to solve in diplomacy, will resort to violence. So it was with the

military dictatorship in the last century. First, the protests were peaceful and when
came to nothing, the people fight. So much so that when it comes to military
dictatorship, torture and murder are always associated with the two sides, the
people and the government. And don't forget the CPTM dude. Don't forget the
"When you Brazilians fight like we Europeans do, you will get my respect, have a
nice life in Brazil slave!"
We don't need your respect. We need solutions. And solutions come with the time.
Brazilians have the will to fight. But need the love for the nation again. Like was in
the didactorship or caras-pintadas.
And I not a Brazilian slave. I am like everyone a slave of the monetary system... for
now. Well, maybe a little offtopic. You said that it is also against the monetary
system. Why and of course you have ideas to oppose him? And what is exactly the
right system in your opinion?
reply - 15 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
I know you Brazilians follow jus solis, that's why you don't regard your heritage in
jus sanguinis, you think you've born from the Brazilian mud, yeah kind of Brazilian
shit, that's why your joke nation don't follow honor, instead your kind behave only
by betrayal!, being selfish is the Brazilian culture, the famous jeitinho Brasileiro, try
to deny that!!
The famous Brazilian excuse, TIME, guess what, times up! we are in the 21st
century and your slave nation are dumb, primitive and when you die, Brazilians
will still be a fourth world nation!
But I have good news for you, you don't need to wait that long for a solution, here
this is the solution to destroy the monetary system! I present you the Venus
This is the right system in my opinion!
reply - 15 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by I am not a Monkey
"I know you Brazilians follow jus solis, that's why you don't regard your heritage in
jus sanguinis, you think you've born from the Brazilian mud, yeah kind of Brazilian
shit, that's why your joke nation don't follow honor, instead your kind behave only
by betrayal!, being selfish is the Brazilian culture, the famous jeitinho Brasileiro, try
to deny that!!"
I don't need to try. Because I know. All my life I lived and meet thousands of
Brazilians and is one or other who is selfish, deshonored etc. Of course, good
people are selfish sometimes. No one is perfect. But several times I see people who
I dont have contact being nice. For example, several times a driver stopped to let
me and my friends cross the street. Is not that be gentle? Donating millions of R$
every year for organs like AACD who cares for disabled childrens is not be nice? Or
give food, water, clothes to other countries or regions of the Brazil after a disaster is
what? Selfish and deshonored?
If you always try to see only the bad things from one place, will never see the good
things. It was only see the bad things of a people that motivated guys like Hitler
and Osama Bin Laden to do what they did.
But anyway. Like I said, A. S. Dumont is Brazilian, as I am, and more than 195
million people. It's not just where you are born but as the person is registered and
legally registered as Mr. Dumont was Brazilian.Anyway, one reason the line did not
influence the nationality of a person is that it is almost impossible to find a person
who is not descended from a European or an Asiatic. In addition to all mankind
descended from a single common ancestor who lived in Africa. That would make us
all african descent.

If you're still curious about the genealogy of Mr. Dumont, here it goes.
As you can see, Mr. Dumont descended from French, Portuguese and Brazilians.
Just this last line now would open him a vast amount of other lineages who
influencied Brazilians bloodline. So it's not to say he is French because of his
"The famous Brazilian excuse, TIME, guess what, times up! we are in the 21st
century and your slave nation are dumb, primitive and when you die, Brazilians
will still be a fourth world nation!"
Don't is a excuse. Is a fact. Things need time. You can not build a house without
waiting for the cement to dry and also may not want to change the world without
first changing people. Situations are different but they refer to the same thing.
In fact, once when I saw a study a sociology professor at USP, you know what the
main point he stood there he said that was one reason the protests in Brazil almost
always fail? The Brazilians wanting to solve everything at once.
reply - 16 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by I am not a Monkey
"But I have good news for you, you don't need to wait that long for a solution, here
this is the solution to destroy the monetary system! I present you the Venus
This is the right system in my opinion!"

The Venus Project "gave me orgasms" guy. It almost exactly matches what I have
been planning as a perfect system for society. Unless a detail either. But things like
the use of resources for society, recovery and environmental protection etc. hit with
my ideals.
But the biggest problem is to show society that we do not need the money system
when most people developed the thought that we need it because ... we need.
To make this work would be necessary to develop a society along these lines. There
needs to be something big but something relevant enough for people to see that we
can live without money.The best way would be to recycle materials in homes and
seek new sources of energy or use energy sources underused like the wind.
My dream is to one day humankind live in a world without Europeans, Asians, or
African or Americans, no women and no men, no black or white. Only humans.
But believe me. Someday it will happen. If only when humanity will see through the
fog approaching the abyss. I do not know. But one day the current system will die
and a new one will be born is a fact. Remains for the people work to this new and
sustainable system is one that I value humanity and the planet.
reply - 16 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by I am not a Monkey
Guy* = dude.
reply - 16 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by I am not a Monkey
Sorry the english mistakes. It's late at night here and I just did a test of chemistry
and maths and I am only standing because of coffee.
reply - 16 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
I'm glad to know we agree about one topic finally and we can be friends now, your
right we are both humans, the problem is our ego some times overestimate us
unfortunately making us forget about this main detail that in the end we all are
humans that grow old and die!
In this specific time on this planet the world leaders want to keep the monetary
system working to keep us slaves and the only solution to break free of this unfair
system is by force, in the south part of Europe, we are tired to work and suffer for
the bloody politicians, we are fighting the police that protects them, but
unfortunately not all citizens are in the revolution mood, I'm showing the project
Venus for my fellow rebellions that we don't need money at all, Europe and the U.S
has already the technology to erase the monetary system for sure, but we need to
kill the politicians that hold us back!
Unfortunately we still need to kill to get what we want, violence can be used for
good by V from V for Vendetta
So if you want Brazilians free from corruption you must inspire them to fight for
freedom, good luck..
reply - 16 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by I am not a Monkey
"I'm glad to know we agree about one topic finally and we can be friends now, your
right we are both humans, the problem is our ego some times overestimate us
unfortunately making us forget about this main detail that in the end we all are
humans that grow old and die!"
Yep ^^

"In this specific time on this planet the world leaders want to keep the monetary
system working to keep us slaves and the only solution to break free of this unfair
system is by force, in the south part of Europe, we are tired to work and suffer for
the bloody politicians, we are fighting the police that protects them, but
unfortunately not all citizens are in the revolution mood, I'm showing the project
Venus for my fellow rebellions that we don't need money at all, Europe and the U.S
has already the technology to erase the monetary system for sure, but we need to
kill the politicians that hold us back!"
Yep. I showing project Venus for my friends. "One or two" laugh but have a few
interested in the project.
Well. I don't like to kill other people. But if its needed. Anyway. First place we need
more ppl in our side.
"Unfortunately we still need to kill to get what we want, violence can be used for
good by V from V for Vendetta"
Agreed. I think violence is a usable WAY to get a better future like Nicolau
Maquiavel said in his famous phrase, the ends justify the means. I like the
diplomacy but sometimes you need stones for get free of the handcuffs.
"So if you want Brazilians free from corruption you must inspire them to fight for
freedom, good luck.."
Well, its hard to do but every day, living and trying ^^
reply - 18 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
Indeed, we must spread this idea about the project Venus when we got the chance
to show!
reply - 19 Apr 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Katia
This topic doesn't make any sense. First of all, in any country a foreigner feels an
outsider no one has consideration outside their immediate circle.
Second, Brazil is a developing country. Any other developing country would be just
the same.
No to mention that developed countries themselves are in decline...
reply - 06 May 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Katia
Oh yes, and I disagree with the opinions on Nietzsche. I even think that Brazil,
provided the country is still under development, is the main victim of the
popularization of his unhealthy ideas, because in Brazil civilization, in case things
were in normal pace, it would still establishing itself, not being undermined by the
spirit " Dionysian "a thinker who was inspired by primitive religions as Orphism, to
criticize the rational Christian religious tradition, Platonic in origin.
Some of his positions are interesting, but contaminated by their folly, in addition to
basically copy what has already been said before, by the ancients, and some are
clearly unhealthy, an amalgam which I consider very dangerous and, not for
nothing, it was the seed of Nazism, despite all fragile attempts to deny by his
countless fans.
By the way, I think Nietzsche did an entourage of fans more because his virulent
and contradictory aphorisms, which meet the ideological fanaticism of different
segments. When your anger turns against the bourgeois, Nietzsche touches the
lower feelings of communists. When he turns against Christ touches the feelings of
petty anti-religion. When he turns against collectivism, sounds like music in the
ears of anti-communists more uncritical and less weighted.

In his works, especially in The Antichrist, Ecce Homo Beyond Good and Evil,
Nietzsche strikes blows against morality attacking Christianity. What he proposes
in place, is not the moral but the will power, a madness that leads to feed the
fantasy of a superman that would result from denial of Christian thought, as if the
non-Christian countries by chance had superhuman in abundance.
By the way, I have so many objections to the ideas of Nietzsche, I find them as
responsible for much of the worst ills of the contemporary world (not to mention
the Nazi disgrace) that there are times I try to find the book Why we are not
Nietzschean, to see if the author identifies the same flaws I have, but can not find in
any bookstore or sebum.
reply - 06 May 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by lander
Katia have you survive in Brazil before!!!
reply - 06 May 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Decagono 5
I agree with everything you wrote, mate.
reply - 06 May 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Lolla B
yeah, you know, I am brazilian, and all descrided happen to be very truth % of
time... but you know, there is also lotta good people that had to pay for all the rest
of idiots... the mother part, never cutting to cut the cord, i am guilty of that one, we
do value family a lot... its very hard to separate... people are just stubborn there...
and also lotta times just plane ignorant and not willing to negotiate or give a
break... anyways, must admit I love the food, its the only thing i miss, the food and

my mom/dad/sister/brother.... nothing else... brazil does suck a lot... forget about

internet or affording a cell phone ... ridiculous prices and a loooooooooooooooot of
social inequality, insane curruption levels... its a shame...
reply - 19 May 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Lolla B
yeah, you know, I am brazilian, and all descrided happen to be very truth % of
time... but you know, there is also lotta good people that had to pay for all the rest
of idiots... the mother part, never cutting to cut the cord, i am guilty of that one, we
do value family a lot... its very hard to separate... people are just stubborn there...
and also lotta times just plane ignorant and not willing to negotiate or give a
break... anyways, must admit I love the food, its the only thing i miss, the food and
my mom/dad/sister/brother.... nothing else... brazil does suck a lot... forget about
internet or affording a cell phone ... ridiculous prices and a loooooooooooooooot of
social inequality, insane curruption levels... its a shame...
reply - 19 May 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Erik T
Thanks God all mighty I'm not Brazilian.
Your country looks like a piece of shit, based on what you said, no offence, but, it's
pretty fucked up.
Here in the U.S, we have as much kinds of beers as we could want, tons of
restaurants, malls, outlets and stuff.
Anyway, I love my country, and, I'll never visit your country ^^
reply - 10 Jun 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by I am not a Monkey
It is good to see how you create your own opinion about Brazil, having never lived
in the country enough to know him. You know that thought is the same Islamic

terrorists who constantly commit suicide and take thousands of lives of Americans?
Sure, you're not killing anyone, much less is committing terrorism, but it is stupid
to want to form opinion about something without knowing.
I do not deny that Brazil has problems. The same problems that the United States
and Europe have had or really think always been what it is today since the world
began? Living in Brazil for almost eighteen and already known the good side and
the bad side of that country. I think if I go to the United States, unless the technical
differences, will be no different. Will be poorly educated people, people grumpy but
will have nice people to live with.
And even finding idiotic claim of beer brands. It is foolish to rush about it. There
are hundreds of brands available, as well as many restaurants, shopping and
entertainment options.
Of course, this all depends on where you are. Certain regions is obvious that the
options will be restricted to the location. And the United States should be no
different. Or tell me that "much the kinds of beers we could want, tons of
restaurants, malls, outlets and stuff." you will find on each "cm" of the country?
Even those more isolated?
Finally. I love my country but one day I want to visit the United States as well as
other countries.
reply - 15 Jun 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by I am not a Monkey
It is good to see how you create your own opinion about Brazil, having never lived
in the country enough to know him. You know that thought is the same Islamic
terrorists who constantly commit suicide and take thousands of lives of Americans?
Sure, you're not killing anyone, much less is committing terrorism, but it is stupid
to want to form opinion about something without knowing.
I do not deny that Brazil has problems. The same problems that the United States
and Europe have had or really think always been what it is today since the world

began? Living in Brazil for almost eighteen and already known the good side and
the bad side of that country. I think if I go to the United States, unless the technical
differences, will be no different. Will be poorly educated people, people grumpy but
will have nice people to live with.
And even finding idiotic claim of beer brands. It is foolish to rush about it. There
are hundreds of brands available, as well as many restaurants, shopping and
entertainment options.
Of course, this all depends on where you are. Certain regions is obvious that the
options will be restricted to the location. And the United States should be no
different. Or tell me that "much the kinds of beers we could want, tons of
restaurants, malls, outlets and stuff." you will find on each "cm" of the country?
Even those more isolated?
Finally. I love my country but one day I want to visit the United States as well as
other countries.
reply - 15 Jun 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Sherlock Hamlet
It is good to see how you create your own opinion about Brazil, having never lived
in the country enough to know him. You know that thought is the same Islamic
terrorists who constantly commit suicide and take thousands of lives of Americans?
Sure, you're not killing anyone, much less is committing terrorism, but it is stupid
to want to form opinion about something without knowing.
I do not deny that Brazil has problems. The same problems that the United States
and Europe have had or really think always been what it is today since the world
began? Living in Brazil for almost eighteen and already known the good side and
the bad side of that country. I think if I go to the United States, unless the technical
differences, will be no different. Will be poorly educated people, people grumpy but
will have nice people to live with.

And even finding idiotic claim of beer brands. It is foolish to rush about it. There
are hundreds of brands available, as well as many restaurants, shopping and
entertainment options.
Of course, this all depends on where you are. Certain regions is obvious that the
options will be restricted to the location. And the United States should be no
different. Or tell me that "much the kinds of beers we could want, tons of
restaurants, malls, outlets and stuff." you will find on each "cm" of the country?
Even those more isolated?
Finally. I love my country but one day I want to visit the United States as well as
other countries.
reply - 15 Jun 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Sherlock Hamlet
I missclicked and don't put the [2] in the end. Anyway, I saying. I agree with
reply - 16 Jun 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Summer
Well, after visiting so many countries in Europe and North America...all I can say,
the problems of Brazil are not the worst! Seeing such unrespectful comments
coming from some "individuals" here that call themselves foreigners (if is true, or
they are just some traumatized Brazilians pretending to be foreigners or humiliated
foreigners that feel angry because they could not get a better life in their home
country), I felt really embarrassed for those people when reading their comments.
How low profile, how low self-esteem! Now I see how the absence of love and
family values can affect the morals and behavior of a person. I felt disgusted of
reading comments of couple of individuals here and I now I see that people forgot
that money or citizenship cannot buy decency. Coming from a simple family from

Brazil I had the privilege to learn much more of respect and honesty than A LOT of
individuals from supposed developed countries that I came across.
For the Brazilians here, please Stand Up! Do not think that these foreigners visiting
Brazil are full of money or have better education than you. Go and see how they live
in their own country and the system they were raised...a lot of kids in these
Northern nations have never received love and attention from their parents, most
of them are really lonely and carry the feeling of anger and emptiness through their
adulthood. Fortunately, character is not measured by economic level. After living
and travelling around so many "socially developed" countries and seeing so many
people that have lost their passion in life, that do not know what human interaction
means, people that cannot see the good things over the bad, but they are just filling
up themselves with criticism, anger and rejection, I can only come up with the idea
that I feel the passion in Brazil, I feel LIFE! I feel that people may not be rich, but
they know what life is about!
Before I had a chance to live and travel around the world, I thought my country was
terrible and couldn't see the good things. But my best experience was to go and
check if the neighbour's grass was really greener than mine...and the outcome of
my experience guys is that: The neighbor's grass is also full of weeds, they just
throw more fertilizer into it. People are also rude, cheap and dishonest when is on
their best interest. If they would have to choose between their brother and a pack
full of money, they will choose the second option of course. People are all the same,
just put them in similar situations. The only advantage I see in Brazilians is that
their passion for people is indeed above other northern cultures.
Go guys and travel, live in different places, for those unhappy with Brazil, I'd
suggest living in China or Russia, I think that is a good country to receive you guys.
Also, be careful my Brazilian mates going to travel to US, because the violence is so
over control that we can find people under the influence of bath salts eating the
face of people walking on the streets and guys walking with their guts popping out
of their buddy freely walking on the street. In Europe, a guy cut the head of a
civilian walking on the streets. What a beautiful scene, eh! (OF COURSE, I know is
completely stupid to focus on particular events to generalize the country itself...just
like most comments here). I never experience a gang in action, but I did when I was
at the bus in London and I almost had a heart attack. I needed information when I

was in NYC, even the police was extremely rude and pretended I was not there. I
rented my property in Canada to a Canadian couple and they left the property full
of their gross garbage and broken door. About whores, go and check how a big
number of European and American ladies dress and behave in clubs, the kind of
low talk they have. Oh well, and also go and visit the red light district in
Amsterdam and Hamburg, how holy Europeans are...and yes, there are plenty of
European ladies (not only foreigners) doing that
reply - 18 Jun 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Summer
Well, after visiting so many countries in Europe and North America...all I can say,
the problems of Brazil are not the worst! Seeing such unrespectful comments
coming from some "individuals" here that call themselves foreigners (if is true, or
they are just some traumatized Brazilians pretending to be foreigners or humiliated
foreigners that feel angry because they could not get a better life in their home
country), I felt really embarrassed for those people when reading their comments.
How low profile, how low self-esteem! Now I see how the absence of love and
family values can affect the morals and behavior of a person. I felt disgusted of
reading comments of couple of individuals here and I now I see that people forgot
that money or citizenship cannot buy decency. Coming from a simple family from
Brazil I had the privilege to learn much more of respect and honesty than A LOT of
individuals from supposed "developed" countries that I came across.
For the Brazilians here, please Stand Up! Do not think that all foreigners visiting
Brazil are full of money or have better education than you. I am not commenting
further on this subject because my intention is not to compete who is better than
the other. Fortunately, character is not measured by economic level. After living
and travelling around so many "socially developed" countries and seeing so many
people that have lost their passion in life, that do not know what human interaction
means, people that cannot see the good things over the bad, but they are just filling
up themselves with criticism, anger and rejection, I can only come up with the idea
that Brazil even with lots to improve in the social and economic scale, still has lots

of Passion for LIFE! I feel that people may not be rich, but they know what life is
about! Our suicidal rate is much lower than in these "civilized nations".
Before I had a chance to live and travel around many countries, I thought my
country was terrible and couldn't see good things. But my best experience was to go
and check if the neighbour's grass was really greener than mine...and the outcome
of my experience guys is that: The neighbor's grass is also full of weeds, they just
throw more fertilizer into it. People are also rude, cheap and dishonest when is on
their best interest. People are all the same, just put them in similar situations. The
only advantage I see in Brazilians is that their passion for people is indeed above
other northern cultures.
Go guys and travel, live in different places, for those unhappy with Brazil, I'd
suggest living in China or Russia, I think that is a good country to receive you guys.
Also, be careful my Brazilian mates going to travel to US, because the violence is so
over control that we can find people under the influence of bath salts eating the
face of people walking on the streets and guys walking with their guts popping out
of their buddy freely walking on the street. In Europe, a guy cut the head of a
civilian walking on the streets. What a beautiful scene, eh! (OF COURSE, I know is
completely stupid to focus on particular events to generalize the country itself...just
like most comments here). I never experience a gang in action, but I did when I was
at the bus in London and I almost had a heart attack. I needed to ask for
information when I was in NYC, even the police was extremely rude and pretended
I was not there. I rented my property in Canada to a Canadian couple and they left
the property full of their gross garbage and broken door. About whores, go and
check how a big number of European and American ladies dress and behave in
clubs, the kind of low talk they have. Oh well, and also go and visit the red light
district in Amsterdam and Hamburg, how holy Europeans are...and yes, there are
plenty of European ladies (not only foreigners) doing that for money. I have a
friend that married a british guy and while in honeymoon she discover he was
going out with a ladyboy. Well guys, wake up, there i
reply - 18 Jun 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Summer

Well guys, wake up, there is not such a great country.

I hope nobody takes my opinion as offensive, but I just want to give some food for
thought. When you travel, the ignorance goes away. People with culture generally
will never criticize but understand that the difference is the spice of life!
reply - 18 Jun 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Carl S
Sucks for the good ones in the country because it seems in brasil it's probably about
ten percent. Neanderthals run ramped and are jealous of other guys taken "their
women" their women don't want a lot of them because of THEIR insecurities and
not wanting anything in life. Then you have the competition of everything they do
is better then what us Americans can do. I am tired of them always saying how bad
and tough their U.F.C fighters are. I take it that American men are a threat to their
insecurities. If I mentioned our great fighters I would be here for a week. Anderson
Silver ,lol , we had Rocky Marciano ,49 & 0 ,Willy Pep 241- 229 wins, Andre Ward
26-26 ,Ali ,Sugar Ray Robinson , Keith Thurman , Mayweather, Jack Dempsey ,ect
like I said I would be here for a week and then all our U.F.C fighters. LOL ,their
macho status is a joke. I never mentioned this shit until I got fed up with their
competition shit. Truth is they are stepping stones in that department and if our
country was in Dire straits like this one I couldn't imagine how much harder WE
would fight in the ring to get out. There is no superiority ,no alpha male status I
guess whatever they need to tell themselves to sleep at night LOL. The name calling
was another chapter in the two years I been here in Goias. I laugh because it's only
in groups they seem to talk smack. Once my money making system here is done I
am leaving ,for ONCE I am taking their money like they do in the U.S. For every
one American here there is probably 5 thousand there. What I find funny also is the
flag waving shit. If it is so great in this place why do they run through Mexico
illegal? We all know the answer to that one. Also there was the episode where I got
robbed by greasy ,no good opportunists ,once my boxes I sent ,an I phone and
other personal artifacts worth thousands. United states and our American people
take the brunt for all that happens from our government when we have no control
and ignorance plays a role with so many people here. It just seems there are way

more here then there. Time for the bad ones to not make a bad name for the good
reply - 03 Jul 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Miklos L
You are totally correct.
reply - 15 Jul 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by beleza
How is it possible that a ref on the football pitch could be quartered and beheaded
in public, in the middle of the day in a civilized society?
reply - 17 Jul 2013 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Ozinger
Damn, in which fucking shithole did you live in ? Despite some of those things that
you wrote are true, almost everything in that list are only qualities of your social
groups, not all brazilians are like that. I've been in Santa Monica and I seen a lot of
underage potheads walking in the streets in the morning, but I'm not gonna say
that's the way americans are because I know it's not like that in everywhere. Go
meet other places in here before doing a stupid criticism.
reply - 07 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Matt
I'm Brazilian and I couldnt agree anymore. If possible, half of the country would
leave. Ignorance is so widespreaded, praised, loved, that is almost impossible to
find reaonable people to talk. Our educational system discharges generations of

zombies, public opinion in insane, media is a load of bullshit, personal corruption

(I'm not talking about politicians) is encouraged, beloved. People relies more in
repeat than think, you can hear everyday a shit comming from anyone. In other
poor countries is reasonable understand why people are unneducated and poor, but
here in Brazil the only explanation is the fact that the whole country is a shitfest,
you give all that is necessary and they made shit, shit, shit, shit year after year. It's
impossible to fix this countrry.
reply - 08 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Matt
If the planet earth is a living beeing, Brazil is the cancer.
reply - 08 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by RaquelT T
We can all have list why do we hate each others country! Here some for hating
reply - 09 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Marilia C
I couldn't agree more: I was accidentally born in Brazil, but I refuse to consider
myself Brazilian. I grew up here and there and this is certainly the worst place Ive
lived in. I wouldnt exchange it for a Muslim country, of course, but as soon as I
manage family and professional issues here, I will be back to the Northern
hemisphere, no doubt.

reply - 09 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Bruna G
Yeah, we are not the ones with huge amount of crazy dudes shooting everybody in
the schools every year.
reply - 10 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Bruna G
Europe is better? Their unemployment rate now is almost 40%!!!! Ours is less than
I have British friends and American friends who live in Brazil because they want to.
Because they think they are far better here than there. You must be one of those
retarded people who are dying to shoot people at random in a school, just as it
happens every single year in the USA and we are the retarded ones? I've lived in the
USA. Ther are many great things just as many bad things and whenever asked to
compare I always said that there are great things in both places and bad things in
both and it's just impossible to compare because they are completelt different. But
one thing is the same everywhere: there are lots of retarded, full of hate and
ignorant people who have never traveled anywhere or don't have cultural
awareness and keep misjudging other countries just because they are too ignorant
or too evil and can't see the great things that every country has. I feel sorry for your
comments full of hate. You must be atheist because an American Christian person
would never call people from an entire country the things you called. That's not
whtat God tells us to do.
reply - 10 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Diego F
Who live in glass houses not taca stone in the neighboring
reply - 10 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Passenger
All of us, around the world, can have misbehavior, be idiot, and be vulgar or
It's not a Brazilian exclusivity. The human race is sick, and isolate those kinds of
behavior from borders of countries is to promote the longevity of the insanity.
All of us could see the brave American soldiers raping Iraqi women in pictures and
videos spread on the internet at that time.
All of us could think that the American companies went to other countries only to
exploit the natural resources and give nothing in exchange.
All of us could think that the USA, as main world distributor of TV shows, movies
and lifestyle influence promoted through these means have a part of fault at least.
I.e., we can find whatever we want in order to blame the others by a fault which
belong to all of us.
But, not all American soldiers behave like animals, not all American companies are
like those companies and, most important, not all Brazilians are like you think.
The biggest problem, and what can also be the redemption of the humanity, is that
we have a multiracial population with Japaneses, Chineses, Americans,
Canadians, Germans, Turks, Russians, Africans and all others from all the world
living together. Certainly with stresses, but what to expect of such situation? Good
is the human that want be straight, smart is the human that understood that we live
in a small planet with finite resources, who understand that, independent of
frontiers, we are connected by the space and time, because we are mortal.
The individual life, like the individual opinions, is nothing more than a candle been
eroding through the time. It can only light up the unknown if beside it there are
many other.
Sorry about my English, I am only a beginner in this language.
reply - 10 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Global citizen

All kind of prejudice against any nation only can come from people who have little
culture and worldwide knowledge. What I see here is a group of idiots from
different countries, thinking they are better than others. I have been and lived in
different countries and I know that each one has its advantages and disadvantages.
Make no sense to criticize one or other. If somebody is not satisfied with Brazil or
any other place where he/she lives, the best thing to do is to go home and stop
being idiot and thinking he/she is better than others. After all, we all go to the same
place, we all go to become dust.
reply - 15 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Global citizen
All kind of prejudice against any nation only can come from people who have little
culture and worldwide knowledge. What I see here is a group of idiots from
different countries, thinking they are better than others. I have been and lived in
different countries and I know that each one has its advantages and disadvantages.
Make no sense to criticize one or other. If somebody is not satisfied with Brazil or
any other place where he/she lives, the best thing to do is to go home and stop
being idiot and thinking he/she is better than others. After all, we all go to the same
place, we all go to become dust.
reply - 15 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by regular guy
I am Brazilian and I am very shamed of my country in some points. But it is still the
place I live, and I am sure that people live in some countries for a reason. Brazil is
not the best place if you are looking for the American Dream. Neither the USA can
give to USA citizen the American Dream. This is a very poor state of mind I guess.
Well, if this guy who wrote this text would know a little bit of the political, historical
and social context of Brazil he would never write something so bad like this. If you
are comparing countries I believe you somehow will find any issues to think about.
But mainly the countries are like people. You cannot compare listening music for
someone who likes Chopin to someone who likes Mettalica. This is pretty much the

same for countries, I believe, because they are made of people, with different stuff
in their minds.
I guess someday this guy will understand that he/she could just respect the other's
people right to evolute. If he/she lives in a wonderful country he could at least
think about of what do I have to do to help people to have the same good things I
have? For sure dude, you don't have it just because you are born in the right place,
that is because you need to understand somethings, and maibe start to just respect
the other people.
There is no more necessary comments for this 20 reasons. I have 20 reasons at
least to believe that everyone would love to feel good in most part of the time. I
guess you are not one of this people. Such I am not, and maybe no one in this
world. Open your mind, understand people, act better, study before speaking stuff
and I am sure youl would become a very better person to listen to.
reply - 15 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by yaeight
Are you really married with a Brazilian woman? Talk with her and good luck!
reply - 15 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Rafaela D
So you come to the busiest most crowded place on the entire country, surround
yourself with the shittiest most impolite people and you take all of that as an
example of our country?
Where are you from? The small part where I agree with you, I've seen on several
countries. How come you say its a brazilian thing?
If you had any respect towards your in-laws and your wife you wouldn't say any of
And FYI: Sao Paulo is like 3% of the brazilian territory.

You want to know what's the best part about the brazilian people? You can't find
brazilian articles talking shit about countries where they are living at.
reply - 16 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+5 by stefan
I really can't understand what makes someone write so many bad things about
people from other country, as if their
own people and country were perfect. I could write many things about US country
and people, but I must not do it
because any generalization is an aggressive and disrespectful attitude with those
who respect the laws and do not harm
the others.
Even though, I want to make some comments about what was writen about my
people. I am brazilian and I know that there
are many people that match some of the comments presented. I don't match them
and I know many brazilians that do not
1, 2. I am sure that unpolite and dishonest people exist anywhere, including your
3, 4. Have you ever watched to Michael Moore films?
5. Fitness programs, dietary programs and Miss Universe were not created in
Brazil. The obsession for beauty was born
at your country.
6, 7, 8, 10. These are unfair comments. These kind of people exist all over the
9. I have to agree. It's a cultural problem that is changing slowly.
11. I agree, unfortunately. Though, there are good exceptions.

12/13. True.
14. What to say about the weather in US the last month? Many people dying due to
temperatures as low as -20 degrees.
My son was in Miami and Orlando some time ago. He told me the umidity was
extremely low and the weather terribly hot.
15. The crappy fast food you mentioned was invented by Americans.
16. It depends on your acquaintances and friendships. I was never disrespected for
wanting to keep my privacy.
17. The problem is not Brazilians. It's your spouse who does not know or want to
talk with her family about the privacy
of the both of you.
18. This is true.
19. This is easy to solve. Just buy bottled water or water purifier.
20. Yeah, well, there' s no accounting for taste. I personally like many beer brands
from Brazil.
I suggest you try Boemia, Antartica or Skol. They are very tasteful.
reply - 16 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+4 by Global citizen
Don't you understand what makes someone to say so many bad things about other
country? It is easy to understand. This author is a red neck, a narrow minded,
without culture enough to understand what happens beyond the limits of the small
and backwoodsman county where he was born. He must the kind of that guy that
believe that USA is the best place of the world, that global warming doesn't exist,
that the American dream is a truth, among other utopias believed by idiots like
reply - 16 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Black_Wizard N
the 19th item is partly correct, the city you've lived in So Paulo is the biggest and
most polluted metropolis from Brazil ! There for sure you're not goint to have I

high index of life quality, or be so healthy. But about 100km away from So Paulo,
there're many other great options such as Valinhos, Vinhedo and many other cities
you could know. So please don't generalize.
There other things you've written on you post, that make me feel sorry for you.
Don't get me wrong, I bet you've probrably experienced many problems in So
Paulo, whatever with neighbor, or with your wife's family, maybe you've got
cheated by her(I'm sorry for that if really happened).Don't be so sad, but Brazil has
a lot great people as well, many beatiful places you haven't been to yet. I know you
must think you're intellectually superior, however, you're unfriendly behavior show
the opposite. Though you're actind like the people you've described as "brazilians",
I have to agree with you in at least 13 of the 20 topics, I mean you're right in many
things, but not everybody is corrupt, "aggressive and opportunistic, and usually at
someone else's expense..." , racist , xenophobic or tief. As is America here, there are
the idiots and clever ones; honest and dishonorable ones.But BRAZIL is very
underdeveloped, unfortunately our Legal and educational system sucks, thats one
of the reasons we have so ignorant people here.I'm a US admirer, because, how
strong people fight for better life conditions, and are very intolarant to
corruption.There many good reasons to admire America, but this don't make
american people better than anyone else in this world.Every country has its own
culture, its own problems.
reply - 18 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by Antonio Carlos V
This person must have lived in a very strange part o Brazil among very strange
people. Nothing he says applies to the Brazil I've been living in for decades.
reply - 19 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by Adriano Philo
I'm a Brazilian who lives in Belo Horizonte where, btw, is not my hometown, but
regardless, any of that 20 reasons list apply to this city. I lived for 9 years in USA in
3 different States where I worked and graduated. Although I'd never said anything

bad about USA, because I was warmly welcomed, I could make a list of many things
that bothered me as hell. Seeing your 20 reasons list is easy to realize why you were
treat like shit, because Brazilian treats shit like shit.
reply - 20 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
Adriano's English is shit too... And Brazilian women must be shit too as they're
treated to Brazilian men as shit. The Brazilian people must be shit too, as they are
treated by the politicians as shit. In fact, Brazil is a shithole full of shit. And boy
does it stink! Beijos!!
reply - 20 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
Adriano's English is shit too... And Brazilian women must be shit too as they're
treated to Brazilian men as shit. The Brazilian people must be shit too, as they are
treated by the politicians as shit. In fact, Brazil is a shithole full of shit. And boy
does it stink! Beijos!!
reply - 20 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Black_Wizard N
I think he had I bad time.
reply - 21 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Black_Wizard N
Sorry, had "a" bad time !

reply - 21 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Anderson S
Honestly, we Brazilians have to bear all the problems coming long ago. For
example, the disorganization was imposed on us by saying "first world"
bloodthirsty capitalist. Well, since you are so smart, generous, polite, benevolent,
and are not are opportunists with their own government through the G7 insist on
maintaining the payment of our debt at high levels, which strongly hinders
investment in education and infrastructure. Another thing, not taking Rio de
Janeiro, Sao Paulo and the rest of Northeast Brazil. Generalizing is the stupidest
I've ever learned in technical school and then when I studied philosophy. But what
the author-God this post? It can only be the God of all stupidities content because it
takes the continent - an elementary fallacy that one learns in books of logic. But
why logic, common sense and comrpeenso Brazilian complexiadae when the
reigning prejudice is washed in the blood of all the slaughtered and stolen for all
the wars planned by the American people? If we were not oppressed by foreign
capital, would be left in the money and time required to fix our own house. But
what about the stupidity of the American mass, whose author-God this post
belongs, who does not know that Globo Network, long serving foreign interests.
Does not deserve respect those who do not know our struggles!
reply - 21 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Anderson S
Honestly, we Brazilians have to bear all the problems coming long ago. For
example, the disorganization was imposed on us by saying "first world"
bloodthirsty capitalist. Well, since you are so smart, generous, polite, benevolent,
and are not are opportunists with their own government through the G7 insist on
maintaining the payment of our debt at high levels, which strongly hinders
investment in education and infrastructure. Another thing, not taking Rio de
Janeiro, Sao Paulo and the rest of Northeast Brazil. Generalizing is the stupidest
I've ever learned in technical school and then when I studied philosophy. But what
the author-God this post? It can only be the God of all stupidities content because it

takes the continent - an elementary fallacy that one learns in books of logic. But
why logic, common sense and comrpeenso Brazilian complexiadae when the
reigning prejudice is washed in the blood of all the slaughtered and stolen for all
the wars planned by the American people? If we were not oppressed by foreign
capital, would be left in the money and time required to fix our own house. But
what about the stupidity of the American mass, whose author-God this post
belongs, who does not know that Globo Network, long serving foreign interests.
Does not deserve respect those who do not know our struggles!
reply - 21 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Ivan
I agree with most of you coments a I think we really must improve our behavior,
but let me consider some points:
1 - It depends where you live , and So Paulo is business town. Very agressive and
competitive place.
2 - Yes, It's true. Same as every person in Wall Stret. But we have a situation here.
Brazilian culture evolved in exploration colony standard. And Portugal really was a
bad government model. 400 years of colony created a culture that we are not a
"People", We are just persons that live in an explortation site. By tha comments I
read, this culture still resists;
3 - Sadly true;
4- Yes, but what about a vice-presidente company gains trillion dollars in war for
oil and profit ? I believ any brazilian know who are their politicians and how
policitical system prevents any one with best intention to run an election.
5 - I agree. But Hollywood and Bodybuilding came from ? Where are the major
industries in dietary supplemenst ?
6 -Yes, but I read in an article about a reasearch in USA proved that 1/6 of
population has the wrong dad registered in their bith certifications . In that case, is
not only a brazilian problem , right ?
7 - Again, depends. Normally people are tough here. But, In other you could think
terrible things abou the other and never tell because you are apolite person. This
question has no right answer. Generally, It's better to live with low conflicts;
8- Yes, absolutely true. Because they know they are explored by govenment or they

employers. In Brazil normally only people who really love your work does a good
job. But in near all countries I knew, ver y few persons like their jobs or don't few
they are explored';
9 - I agree and this is completely wrong. How about an universal free health public
system in a country tha could pay for it ? Just for the good of people ? Or more
social benefits ? Or give to the poor the same high schoold riich districts have ?
Let's divide taxes to the poorests schools. I completely agree.
10 - Yes, I completely agree.
11 - Yes, I completely agree.
12 - Yes, this is a heritage. Brazilians has not a political consciousness. Several
times in our history we had chances to evolve, but in some point we were
interrupted. Like 1964 and I presume there was not any foreig pressure like banks
or other governments that supported local chaos in order to miximize it.
13 - Well , I think you never was in Europe or knew the french bureaucracy, or the
scandinavian prices or taxes;
14 - Yes there's no thermal project for many houses because here we don't have to
pay a gigantic power or gas bill in heating;
15 - I like brazilian food. But yes, manufactured produtcs in Brazil are expensive.
This is because our gorvernment base our tax system in an european model and the
market is very closed. USA has an unique tax system in the world. No other country
has goods with so low prices;
16 , 17 - Brazilians don''t trust in organization. All attempts to create polical
consciuosnes have failed. They onlu trust in family and friends. This is and induced
social situation, don't be a fool to believe it occured by accident. This means poeple
don'y believe in political system and they don't build political acts;
18 - In some regions, yes this is truth. But I have no complains;
19 - Trth, but I have no complains;
20 - False, I boght Budweiser, same taste as imported , because I bought some
imported canisters. Same taste at an affordable price.
reply - 22 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by Cau C

why so much anger mate?! chill down...

it's all a process... we are not all the same and things are going to get better. (we
might not live to see it) but the ones that have more opportunities to acquire
knowledge and critical sense holds the duty to influence positively their
environment... gradually, that is how the evolution works...
hate and plain criticizing wont do no good... feedback is always welcome though...
I'm hold two nationalities, i've lived in europe and I'm well aware of the "pros" and
"cons"... but I consciously decided to work in a change here in Brazil, instead of
blending in a more "comfortable" society. I now I wont harvest the fruits of this
decision, but i'm strong in the idea of making a change.
If you guys are SO DAMN GOOD, come over and lecture for the starving nonliterated kids. start a politic revolution, teach good manners... OR you could just
politely pin point what we could improve, suggest some alternative, indicate texts
boycott the culture and products that you find noxious/offensive.
what do you think?
reply - 23 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Black_Wizard N
I must agree with you dude.The knowledge holders, have the responsability of
knowledge sharing as well.
reply - 24 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Carioca t
Come here and I'll show you my dick right in your american petulant asshole... i'm
pretty sure you're gonna find it "the best".. fat bastard..
reply - 27 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by Leo S

Dear Sir,
I am a Brazilian citizen but I 've had European education including some time
attending to Santa Fe Seniors H.S., an I am absolutely sure you are right about
Brazilian's mind or personality.
Of course, as same as you have said in the beginning of your article there are
exceptions. But, the rule is terrible! I recognize and apologize.Sorry!
Anyway i have to include something about the American people: The sense of
privacy and individualism with the education for competition is something very
bad and also the excessive liberty about behaviors.It's very difficult to me to listen
the ordinary American person talking because by every ten words six are "bad
words". I also have no idea how to describe the freedom for the famous "six pack"
use and the strong use of drugs for all class of people. It is something really
Amazing !
I hope Brazilian people stops copying the American Way Of Life and also never
imports the Cuban, Russian, North Korean ways of thoughts.
We were better before the intimate relation with the old Brazilian way of life!
Thank you very much for your advice!
reply - 29 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by Leo S
Please read an keep it!
Please remember that in New York the Major wants to sell the stables of horses
carriages fro Real estate business company to speculate prices!
reply - 30 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by Lori B
Living in Brazil for 3 years, you should have a very good Portuguese. So, here it

I saw this article so, my comments go to all of those items listed in the article.
Quem fala o que quer, ouve o que no quer. J ouviu esse ditado, companheiro?
Segue minha opinio.
1- Voc foi simplesmente infeliz de encontrar um vizinho mal-educado. O que mais
tem, infelizmente, no Brasil so pessoas, acreditem ou no, sem educao bsica.
Mas nesse cenrio, a maioria das pessoas simplesmente abaixaria o volume.
2- Brasileiro pode ser oportunista. Acho que qualquer um. Mas ainda temos muito
o que aprender com americanos e pessoas de tantos outros pases.
3- Isso verdade, meu caro, e lamentvel. a falta da educao bsica que citei
bem no primeiro item! Infelizmente, nosso povo carente de educao.
4- Ah meu caro, venho de novo A EDUCAO. Povo pobre conhecimento. No
que a gente tolere, meu caro, que a maior parte da populao no educao e os
corruptos se aproveitam disso. Acorede, no tolerncia. falta de opo.
5- , em partes, verdade. Vou concordar porque imagino que no esteja
6- Isso um problema do Brasileiro? Ou da raa?
7- Ah meu caro no acha isso muito pessoal? Encontrou o super sincero que feriu
seu corao? Lamento mas sinceramente, isso muito pessoal, qualquer pessoa
pode passar por isso, em qualquer lugar do mundo!
8- Pode ser mais objetivo? Porque eu conheo muuuuuito, mas muito malandro
americano. E muitos que s no so, porque no tem chance.
9- verdade. E a junta com a bendita EDUCAO que falta, e os que no a tem,
pensa que os de poder podem agir assim, e por isso, assim agem.
10- Bom, vou nem gastar meu tempo com esse item. REALLY?
11- Finalmente algo que concordo por inteiro.
12- Bem-vindo ao nosso mundo.
13- No sei onde o item 13 foi parar.
14- Onde voc foi morar, caro jornalista? Eu no conheo UMA casa sem arcondicionado.
15- Onde voc foi morar, de novo, caro jornalista???? Comida brasileira
repetitiva. Vai na casa da minha me, todo dia um cardpio diferente. L onde
tem comida de verdade. Aqui a gente tem que se adpatar as misturas loucas de

milho cozido, com baked beans, com hamburgers.

16- Fazer o que se nossa cultura feita de amigos, famlias, gente com gente?? De
novo no sei onde foi parar. Minha famlia se rene todos os domingos na casa de
uma das tias, t querendo solido, seu espao, ou sei l o que, fica em casa e no
vai. Eu, nunquinha, trocaria minha cultura warm pela frieza que se encontra na
maioria do povo americano.
17- De novo, se me dessem uma chance de nascer de novo e perguntassem se queria
nascer americana ou brasileira, justamente por a nossa cultura nos fazer to
prximos de nossa famlia, eu diria que gostaria de nascer brasileira de novo!! Aqui
nos EUA, a gente s ouve pessoas falando que querem a famlia longe, perto s por
dois dias.. REALLY? Deve ser bom um BOM motivo, hein..
18- No vou discordar. Oh, dois pontos. Bingo!
19- Companheiro, de gua voc est falando? Se t falando de gua t torneira.
xiii no sei quais brasileiros conheceu, mas ns no tomamos gua da torneira
no. Por diversossss motivos!
20- No tomo cerveja, ento no posso falar sobre o assunto.
21- Mais um em que concordamos. Eles devem se sentir todos poderosos, huh?!
22- Onde voc mora, mesmo? Mas isso acontece, infelizmente.
23- Toda vez que chove??? Ento para de reclamar. Vai l pra Macei. todo dia
que chove e faz sol todo dia meu caro!
24- Verdade mas vou te contar, aqui nos EUA no tudo perfeito no.
25- Bom, morando em Macei, voc sente cheiro de maresia. oh coisa boa. Mas se
voc t falando da poluio.. apenas mais de um de tantos dos nossos problemas.
26- No sei onde voc mora mas se no quiser ir ao shopping e no sentir cheiro
de queimado, sugiro que mude pra Macei, vai sentir ch
reply - 30 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by Black_Wizard N
Great comments !
reply - 31 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+2 by Black_Wizard N

TO: Sbrana , Carolina SS, Lori B, Cau C, stefan, Anderson S, Leo S, Ivan, Antonio
Carlos V, Carioca T, Rafaela D, _she_i, Lola B, Shultz, Pessenger, Fabiano D, Vitor
L, Montibello, Gionvanni R, Gabriela G, Julia,Mauricio A, Yiuri A, Karine S and
every other clever ones, I've got to thank you guys for your comments ! You're
brazilian heroes and incredible thinking beings, despite all brazilian moral, legal
and educational issues.I feel really sorry for the way people talk about Brazil, of
course there are truths and lies in all these comments above.
reply - 31 Jan 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Miguel R
I work with Brazilians here in San Diego and let me tell you, these savages are
completely dishonest, liars, alcoholics and thieves. They travel here to learn English
and many of them get caught breaking the law. Working with these people is like
working with children who have have down syndrome. They screech at each other
like rabid raccoon, are completely unreliable, inconsiderate and bi-polar. These
creature have an excuse for everything. They blame Portugal, the poor, the rich, the
not so rich, God, heck anyone except themselves. They go from happy to violent
angry at the drop of a dime. I am grateful that I am not a Brazilian, the best thing
that has ever escaped from that mess called Brazil are the prostitutes. You can find
these garotos(as) de programa throughout the entire planet.
reply - 03 Feb 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Miguel R
Are you like a retarded person? Brazilians treat others like shit because they live in
a massive toilet filled with shits like you. Since it cannot flush all that shit piles up
and sinks up the entire continent.
One day Brazil will become an ideal nation, probably 5 billion years from now, but
when that happens all life on Earth will cease to exist because the Sun will have
burned out.
reply - 03 Feb 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by clarkblevins s
go fuck you off his motta fucker you are big dunce and sucker defending this crap of
country that give nothing to anyone here perhaps you must be a playboy who dont
know what is suffer in a country that does not respect the rights of people and push
the majority of their citizen to margin of poverty so then pick your words and put
inside your big asshole , his sucker
reply - 14 Feb 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+1 by Ingrid L
That's so funny.
Yeah, you are rigth about practically everything, but the funny thing is: each one of
your points start with "Brazilians".
You blame the population por tolerating situations the government exposes us to.
Yes, the majority of the people keep voting the same idiots over and over again...
But why is that?
You don't know how to answer do you?
Most people in Brazil are poor.
If they are poor, where do they study? Publical schools, thats right!
But, guess what? The government doesn't invest in education.
And the politicians give benefits for poor people if they vote on them.
That's how it works.
People are made stupid so all the shit can continue.
Know what else is funny?
The way you talk about our weather, or our food.
Like we could control the weather.
And have you eaten food from ALL of Brazil?
I don't think so.
So you can't judge it.
And you even say the bullshit you fat NORTH-americans buy ready to eat... Aren't
good in Brazil.


That's why you are all fat people that can't barely walk.
Cause you only eat that bullshit.
Our food is fresh, and saucy... YOUR FOOD ISN'T EVEN REAL.
"Brazilians, especially men, are highly prone to extramarital affairs. Unless the man
never leaves the house, odds are he has a mistress." - wtf, where did you get that
from? '-'
" Water safety is questionable. Brazilians drink it without dying, sure, but based on
the total lack of enforcement of other laws and abundance of corruption, I don't
trust the government that says it's totally safe and won't hurt you in the long term. "
- that's because your water is recycled, and its made for you to thing it is the most
pure water in the world. You make me laugh (=
"Brazilian women are overly obsessed with their bodies and very critical of (and
competitive with) each other." - sure, because who says that comes from a place
where practically every womens breats aren't real.
"Brazilians have no respect for their environment. They dump big loads of trash
anywhere and everywhere, and the littering is unbelievable. The streets are really
dirty. The natural resources, abundant as they are, are being squandered at an
amazing rate with little or no recourse." - thats funny, because where you live, there
are no resources... You guys just got money enough to buy any countries resources,
like Brazil ones.
Anyways... Th funny fact is: you point problems, but where are the resolutions?
And what about your countries problems? Why dont you point THEM out? Cause I
bet you lived there for a lot more than 3 years.
reply - 23 Feb 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by fernando
Robert, para voc questionar a nossa cultura voc precisaria de muito estudo, pois
o que voc fala sobre o nosso pas no est certo. Voc viveu somente em
Florianpolis, mas no Brasil existem muitas culturas e maneiras de vida diferentes.
Os brasileiros no tm uma nica personalidade, so totalmente misturados,
alguns tem condies de ter uma vida boa, de diferenciar o cardpio, de ter um arcondicionado, um carro do ano. Mas por outro lado tem brasileiros que no tem

onde cair mortos e muito menos como comer.

No devemos generalizar, nem todos os brasileiros so assim, existem pessoas
honestas que passam longe de ser tudo isso que est escrito, como em todo mundo
existem pessoas arrogantes, vulgares, corruptas, etc. Quando se houve falar do
Brasil claro que h coisas impostas, que so exatamente iguais, mas no certo
generalizar, pois nem todos so da mesma forma. Usam de exemplos da mdia para
representar a todos, mas nem tudo que imposto deve ser recebido como se fosse
certo, mas devemos sim, questionar e procurar o real de tudo.
Sabe-se que o Brasil, assim como outros pases possui seus defeitos, mas sempre
bom ressaltar que generalizaes no passam de ignorncia, no se pode dizer que
todos so rudes exceto que se conheam todos.
Seu ponto de vista, ao dizer que todos so iguais trs um sendo comum, no cabe a
ningum julgar toda uma ptria por causa do seu ideal, ego ferido, por
Ns brasileiros nos importamos sim com a poltica do nosso pais, quando no
concordamos com alguma coisa fazemos por onde conseguirmos o que queremos.
As mulheres brasileiras tm autoestima com o prprio corpo, apenas fazem por
onde melhorar seus corpos, estando sempre em forma, no fazendo muita
diferena das mulheres de outros lugares do mundo.
Nossa comida uma das melhores do mundo, o senhor propsito j comeu
feijoada com banana, claro que no!
Ento, portanto, no fale mal de algo, sem conhecer realmente o que est por trs
de fato.
Turma 2 srie E do Ensino mdio de uma escola pblica de Santos-SP
Amanda, Ana Clara, Carolina, Las, Renan, Bharbara, Maria Eduarda, Enzo, Srgio,
Daniel, Rayana Joo Vitor, Emanuelly, Karolina, Vivian, Thais Regina, Fernanda,
Marcela, Kamilla, Mariana, Paloma, Larissa e Angelo.
reply - 25 Feb 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by fernando
Caro norte-americano, para voc questionar a nossa cultura voc precisaria de
muito estudo, pois o que voc fala sobre o nosso pas no est certo. Voc viveu
somente em Florianpolis, mas no Brasil existem muitas culturas e maneiras de

vida diferentes. Os brasileiros no tm uma nica personalidade, so totalmente

misturados, alguns tem condies de ter uma vida boa, de diferenciar o cardpio,
de ter um ar-condicionado, um carro do ano. Mas por outro lado tem brasileiros
que no tem onde cair mortos e muito menos como comer.
No devemos generalizar, nem todos os brasileiros so assim, existem pessoas
honestas que passam longe de ser tudo isso que est escrito, como em todo mundo
existem pessoas arrogantes, vulgares, corruptas, etc. Quando se houve falar do
Brasil claro que h coisas impostas, que so exatamente iguais, mas no certo
generalizar, pois nem todos so da mesma forma. Usam de exemplos da mdia para
representar a todos, mas nem tudo que imposto deve ser recebido como se fosse
certo, mas devemos sim, questionar e procurar o real de tudo.
Sabe-se que o Brasil, assim como outros pases possui seus defeitos, mas sempre
bom ressaltar que generalizaes no passam de ignorncia, no se pode dizer que
todos so rudes exceto que se conheam todos.
Seu ponto de vista, ao dizer que todos so iguais trs um sendo comum, no cabe a
ningum julgar toda uma ptria por causa do seu ideal, ego ferido, por
Ns brasileiros nos importamos sim com a poltica do nosso pais, quando no
concordamos com alguma coisa fazemos por onde conseguirmos o que queremos.
As mulheres brasileiras tm autoestima com o prprio corpo, apenas fazem por
onde melhorar seus corpos, estando sempre em forma, no fazendo muita
diferena das mulheres de outros lugares do mundo.
Nossa comida uma das melhores do mundo, o senhor propsito j comeu
feijoada com banana, claro que no!
Ento, portanto, no fale mal de algo, sem conhecer realmente o que est por trs
de fato.
Turma 2 srie E do Ensino mdio de uma escola pblica de Santos-SP
Amanda, Ana Clara, Carolina, Las, Renan, Bharbara, Maria Eduarda, Enzo, Srgio
Abranches, Daniel, Rayana e Joo Vitor, Emanuelly, Karolina, Vivian Spolaor,
Thais Regina, Fernanda Petrolio, Marcela Helena, Kamilla Santos, Mariana de
Andrade, Paloma, Larissa e Angelo.
reply - 25 Feb 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by fernando

Caro Norte-americano, para voc questionar a nossa cultura voc precisaria de

muito estudo, pois o que voc fala sobre o nosso pas no est certo. Voc viveu
somente em Florianpolis, mas no Brasil existem muitas culturas e maneiras de
vida diferentes. Os brasileiros no tm uma nica personalidade, so totalmente
misturados, alguns tem condies de ter uma vida boa, de diferenciar o cardpio,
de ter um ar-condicionado, um carro do ano. Mas por outro lado tem brasileiros
que no tem onde cair mortos e muito menos como comer.
No devemos generalizar, nem todos os brasileiros so assim, existem pessoas
honestas que passam longe de ser tudo isso que est escrito, como em todo mundo
existem pessoas arrogantes, vulgares, corruptas, etc. Quando se houve falar do
Brasil claro que h coisas impostas, que so exatamente iguais, mas no certo
generalizar, pois nem todos so da mesma forma. Usam de exemplos da mdia para
representar a todos, mas nem tudo que imposto deve ser recebido como se fosse
certo, mas devemos sim, questionar e procurar o real de tudo.
Sabe-se que o Brasil, assim como outros pases possui seus defeitos, mas sempre
bom ressaltar que generalizaes no passam de ignorncia, no se pode dizer que
todos so rudes exceto que se conheam todos.
Seu ponto de vista, ao dizer que todos so iguais trs um sendo comum, no cabe a
ningum julgar toda uma ptria por causa do seu ideal, ego ferido, por
Ns brasileiros nos importamos sim com a poltica do nosso pais, quando no
concordamos com alguma coisa fazemos por onde conseguirmos o que queremos.
As mulheres brasileiras tm autoestima com o prprio corpo, apenas fazem por
onde melhorar seus corpos, estando sempre em forma, no fazendo muita
diferena das mulheres de outros lugares do mundo.
Nossa comida uma das melhores do mundo, o senhor propsito j comeu
feijoada com banana, claro que no!
Ento, portanto, no fale mal de algo, sem conhecer realmente o que est por trs
de fato.
Turma 2 srie E do Ensino mdio de uma escola pblica de Santos-SP
Amanda, Ana Clara, Carolina, Las, Renan, Bharbara, Maria Eduarda, Enzo, Srgio
Abranches, Daniel, Rayana e Joo Vitor, Emanuelly, Karolina, Vivian Spolaor,
Thais Regina, Fernanda Petrolio, Marcela Helena, Kamilla Santos, Mariana de
Andrade, Paloma, Larissa e Angelo.
reply - 25 Feb 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
"Nossa comida uma das melhores do mundo, o senhor propsito j comeu
feijoada com banana, claro que no!"
Hahahahahaha!!! Ridiculo!Tadinho! Me fale de somente UM restaurante com
comida brasileira em qq lista de melhores restaurantes do mundo! Nem no top
1000 tem! Macaco!
reply - 25 Feb 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
"Ns brasileiros nos importamos sim com a poltica do nosso pais, quando no
concordamos com alguma coisa fazemos por onde conseguirmos o que
queremos".... Hahahaha! tadinho! Vc nao sabe nada do resto do mundo... e a
mensalao??? Existe na Europa??? Nem na Italia, igual Brasil um pais catolico,
corupto e atrasado!
reply - 25 Feb 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by CachorraoChegou E
And hey Fernando... Nao fale Ingles? Don't speak English? Hablas Espaol?
Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Parlez-vous Franais? Italiano? Sabia... por isso nem sabe
entender nenhuma coisa do mundo fora do Brasil... q parece ser grande, mas na
verdade um pais pequeno, com pessoas pequenas, mentes pequenas...
reply - 25 Feb 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Black_Wizard N

All right ....I love many kinds Brazilian food...But Whata f*#k ya saying about
"Feijoada com banana" dude, sounds like shit to everyone but you, freak. Feijoada
is good, but don't come with this crap that you guys like to diversify the
menu.You've got stuck in rice and beans forever, wherever I go in Brazil I bet I'll
find it.
reply - 25 Feb 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

+0 by Black_Wizard N
You have the right to eat anything you want. Just don't expect anyone else to like it
reply - 25 Feb 2014 - Helpful? - Flag - Link

Brazil hate
Think differently?
Go to Brazil Love.

Your Opinion

Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South

7% Hate Brazil
Page 1 of 1331
Showing: Recent | Highest Rated

They are cold superficial people! they believe

They are cold superficial people! they believe they are worth more than all other
people, me and my friend planned to stay traveling around brazil for 2-3 months but
after ... read all

by Frederik S on 10 Feb - reply - Helpful? - Flag

Brazil is a country with beautiful cities,wonderful beaches,pretty women,happy
people,but here also have a TERRIBLE maintenance of buildings,streets and roads,
(40,000 people die per year in brazilian roads),cities with low HDI,drunk ... read all

by Mateus P on 17 Jun - reply - Helpful? - Flag

why people are so narrow-minded?

I don't hate brazil!!!! read all

by mary233 on 10 Jun - 4 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

Brazilians are fucking ignorants and on top of

Brazilians are fucking ignorants and on top of that they have to hate everyone for no
reason! They hate Argentinans and Portuguese people! They should highly grateful
for Portuguese healthy ... read all

by Asmatic4 on 04 Jun - 3 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

Brazil, a horrible crime ridden country

Brazil is a horrible crime ridden country that is dirty and ugly and my guess would
be that half of it or more is slums. When I say slums, I ... read all

by Nic o on 13 May - 6 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag



by Gonalo F on 14 Mar - 2 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

Brazil sucks balls, it's a shitty country where

Brazil sucks balls, it's a shitty country where 8/9 of the people will never amount to
anything. They're dying in their shit-holes while the faggots that live by the coast ...
read all

by Oscar M on 10 Mar - 1 reply - reply - Helpful? - Flag

They are just there. read all

by Stephen on 11 Feb - reply - Helpful? - Flag

"I hate Brazil", please, read that.

I am Brazilian and I'm seeing all that talk of Brazil. I have to admit that there are
many idiots who listen to that garbage music called funk, they do ... read all

by Beatriz D on 14 Jan - 39 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

I hate Brazil cuz they loves evrybody and that's

I hate Brazil cuz they loves evrybody and that's what we give to this country.
#STUPIDS read all

by Francisco J on 05 Jan - reply - Helpful? - Flag

Have you guys noticed that annoying boom cars all

Have you guys noticed that annoying boom cars all over Brazil and the U.S.A, how
I hate those monkeys, they force me to listen that shit music all night long, ... read

by lander on 01 Dec - 2 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

i'm surprised how people consider this shithole a

i'm surprised how people consider this shithole a country. but what trully kills this
"country" is it's people. it's full of disrespectful, stupid and loud mouthed
uneducated assholes. nobody cares ... read all

by ross53545 on 25 Oct - 33 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

Because of the Brazil's education

I'm brazilian and I hate this country because of the brazilians. We have beautiful
places, it's true, but also everywhere in the world have a pretty nature. I hate
brazilians ... read all

by Hugo Mascarenhas on 04 Oct - 5 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

because people I was very fond of were killed

because people I was very fond of were killed there, including my own brother-inlaw. And because I got fed up of being broken into or having money stolen on the ...
read all

by Nicola J on 29 Sep - 1 reply - reply - Helpful? - Flag

Brazil is full of horrible people who cannot understand basic commands and cannot
function as normal human beings. They communicate in only a series of ja's and
hue's. They unfortunately ... read all

by Pox2theLox on 13 Aug - 32 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

Shit country, full of favelas and misery. Brazil

Shit country, full of favelas and misery. Brazil is full of ignorance and racists . 99%
of people in this country live in favelas, while the whites live in semi-okay ... read

by F U on 30 Jul - 8 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

Brazil is Hell
Brazil is a poor attempt of changing a banana republic into a real country. It lacks
the most important ingredient - good DNA. Once a Toronto newspaper published
that a ... read all

by Deutscher D on 01 Mar - 86 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

I do not hate Brazil, responding only to morons

I do not hate Brazil, responding only to morons Their Idiots, who said that racism is
in Brazil? I've never seen anyone discriminating anyone here to be black, sometimes
for ... read all

by Matheus L on 11 Feb - 4 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

Shit government, ignorant people, fucking horrible

Shit government, ignorant people, fucking horrible racist people, they are racist with
a entire state of the own country, people from south, and they think are germans!
The salary is ... read all

by July b on 05 Jan - 34 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

Another South-American poor, corrupted shit****

Another South-American poor, corrupted shit**** full of slums, liars, fakes,
superficial ignorant people, transvestites, narco-criminals and people prostituting
themselves...another no-go-place. read all

by walter9 on 27 Dec - 8 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

Page 2 of 1331
Showing: Recent | Highest Rated

The most multi cultured country in the world,auto

The most multi cultured country in the world,auto racist creole speaking dago
inbreds and third world poverty everywhere,more deaths per year due to criminality
than the sum of deaths that ... read all

by Mauro C on 06 Nov - 3 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

To many deliquents.

To many deliquents. read all

by Jace A on 02 Oct - reply - Helpful? - Flag

I hate Brazil because they think they are the

I hate Brazil because they think they are the world's best in football, and they'll have
to envy the Argentines because they play better football than them, And they are ...
read all

by Silcho G on 29 Sep - reply - Helpful? - Flag

20 Reasons I Hate Living in Brazil

Of course I'm generalizing and exceptions abound, but after living in Brazil for 3
years with my Brazilian spouse, my observations are as follows. In general: 1.
Brazilians have no ... read all

by Still Here on 05 Sep - 333 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

Talentless people

Since the moment i encountered a Brazilian i have been left with a taste of their
complete incompetence. Never have a met one with any talent or brilliance. There is
... read all

by Xtatic on 29 Aug - 2 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

Brazilian are the nastiest people on Earth. Full

Brazilian are the nastiest people on Earth. Full of sluts and ignorant people. read all

by Sophie on 28 Jul - 12 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

Nothing works here

Brazil sucks. Police is corrupt, lazy and incompetent. Justice? Forget it. There's a
guy here who murdered his gf more than 10 years ago, he confessed, was convicted
and he's ... read all

by User on 13 Apr - 3 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

My four year old sums it up nicely (for Sao


My four year old sums it up nicely (for Sao Paulo) - it stinks, its dirty and its full of
dog poop. read all

by suzann on 15 Mar - 2 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

I HATE brazil because the people are arrogant and

I HATE brazil because the people are arrogant and ignorant (A very bad
combination), the food sucks, the people are fake and pretensious the worst thing is
the rampant inequality, ... read all

by User-136g24 on 14 Mar - 79 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

I had to live there when my parents moved......

I had to live there when my parents moved...... after living in the UK and having a
pleasant childhood/adolescence. So I know what I'm saying. The country itself
(territory) isn't ... read all

by nicola s on 09 Mar - 3 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

I was born in Brazil and live here until today.

I was born in Brazil and live here until today. Yeah, Brazil sucks. I live in Sao Paulo
and I hear news about killers and thieves everyday. The traffic is ... read all

by User-94868r on 07 Jan - 6 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

[+] 2 more opinions

also to all who say i dont like brazil cause

also to all who say i dont like brazil cause i havent gone there why would i want to
you idiots it sucks now if you like the sound of ... read all

by Asher B on 20 Dec - reply - Helpful? - Flag

[+] 2 more opinions

There are too many liberal thinkers and

There are too many liberal thinkers and non-productive types there. Many are lazy
and don't care anything at all about either themselves or the rest of the world.
Brazilians are ... read all

by User-836nwx on 16 Nov - 2 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

cuz it does.
cuz it does. read all

by James-e5cc17 on 05 Jul - reply - Helpful? - Flag

Brazil sucks because it was the last western

Brazil sucks because it was the last western country to abolish slavery. They speak
freaky bastardized Spanish. It's corrupt as all hell because their politicians are all
celebrities that no ... read all

by User-chy39 on 02 Jul - 2 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

Page 3 of 1331
Showing: Recent | Highest Rated

Well, I unfortunately live here, so I guess my

Well, I unfortunately live here, so I guess my opinion has much more more
foundation than those of who don't. I'm just going to get straight to the point here. ...
read all

by User-ybk49 on 28 May - 3 replies - reply - Helpful? - Flag

There are brazilians there.

There are brazilians there. read all

by Guest-kxy03 on 25 Mar - reply - Helpful? - Flag

A lio de um sonho
Escrito por Olavo de Carvalho | 03 Janeiro 2014
Artigos - Cultura
No Brasil, o dio histrico ao que se desconhece tornou-se obrigatrio, prova de boa conduta.
A reeducao das emoes impossvel sem passar primeiro pela reeducao da inteligncia.

Trabalhando dia e noite na reforma do meu escritrio, cansado de serrar e martelar estantes para
cinco mil livros, deixei cair um pesadssimo arquivo que quase esmigalhou o meu dedo do p
direito. Para prevenir infeco, os mdicos me deram um maldito antibitico que provocou
nuseas, diarria, dor de cabea, dispepsia e um total desgosto de viver. Assim fragilizado, pela
primeira vez na vida senti alguma tristeza diante de tanto dio imbecil e sem motivo que se joga
sobre mim no Facebook, em blogs e por toda parte onde haja cretinos ansiosos para opinar. Nunca
tinha sentido isso antes, mas uma noite destas tive um sonho que deve indicar alguma coisa.
Eu estava perdido na estrada, a p, de madrugada, por ter descido do nibus no lugar errado,
procurando um Walmart inexistente. No havia perigo, porque eu estava armado, mas andava e
andava e no chegava a parte alguma nem via nada em torno, s escurido. Ento apareceu um
carro, e eu, na esperana de uma carona, lhe fiz sinal. Havia dois homens dentro, um deles
desceu, disse que me conhecia e comeou a falar mal de mim. Pedi que expusesse alguma idia
minha, e confirmei que ele no conhecia nenhuma delas, s o que sabia de mim eram fantasias. Vi
que dali no ia sair carona nenhuma e, s de sacanagem, encostei o cano do revlver na barriga
do sujeito para for-lo a me levar para algum lugar onde eu pudesse tomar conduo. Ele teve um
piripaque, desmaiou e quando acordou estava totalmente idiota, no lembrava quem era nem o
que estava fazendo ali. O outro homem havia desaparecido. Pensei: "Este aqui me odeia tanto que
acreditou, seriamente, que eu ia mat-lo; da ficou aterrorizado e entrou em pane. E agora, que
que eu fao com esse f. da p. delirante cado na estrada, sem o raio de um hospital por perto?"
No conseguindo resolver esse problema, acordei.
Esse sonho expressa uma verdade psicolgica fundamental, da qual tomei conscincia, por assim
dizer, na carne: o dio histrico e sem motivo traz em si mesmo o seu prprio castigo; inspira um
temor desproporcional da coisa odiada e se volta contra o seu portador.

Jamais serei suficientemente grato ao dr. Andrew Lobaczewski, o mdico psiquiatra que durante
anos estudou o comportamento da elite comunista polonesa e chegou a concluses altamente
esclarecedoras sobre a relao entre psicopatia e histeria na poltica e na sociedade.
Ilustrando o fenmeno exemplarmente, o Brasil de hoje a tpica sociedade histrica governada
por psicopatas, que o dr. Lobazewski descreve em Political Ponerology.
Numa alma bem estruturada, as emoes refletem espontaneamente o senso das propores e a
realidade da situao. A afeio, a esperana, o temor, a ansiedade, o dio so proporcionais aos
seus objetos e, nesse sentido, funcionam quase como rgos de percepo. Afin-las para que
cheguem a esse ponto o objetivo de toda educao das emoes. Na sociedade histrica,
porm, cada um s pode alcanar esse objetivo mediante um tremendo esforo de tomada de
conscincia e de auto-reeducao. O que deveria ser simplesmente o padro da normalidade
humana torna-se uma rdua conquista pessoal.
O filsofo romeno Andrei Pleshu, que conheceu o Rio de Janeiro quarenta anos atrs, dizia,
brincando: O Brasil um pas onde ningum tem a obrigao de ser normal. Com o tempo, o
gracejo, como tantos outros, se transfigurou em tragdia: no Brasil dos nossos dias proibido ser
normal. O mero senso das propores estigmatizado como preconceito fascista, e no h
alternativa seno acompanhar o fingimento histrico geral que no acredita no que v, mas no que
imagina. O dio histrico ao que se desconhece tornou-se obrigatrio, prova de boa conduta.
Para avaliar o quanto a alma brasileira se deteriorou ao longo das ltimas dcadas, basta ler as
observaes do gringo que detestou a experincia de viver neste pas
( e compar-las noo do "homem cordial" criada nos anos 30 do sculo XX por
Srgio Buarque de Hollanda e desenvolvida numa discusso com Ribeiro Couto e Cassiano
Ricardo. Na poca, a "cordialidade" podia at parecer um trao saliente do brasileiro em geral, mas
setenta mil homicdios por ano, Black Blocks na rua e a profuso de gente espumando de raiva
contra o que ignora fazem-no soar como piada cnica.
A reeducao das emoes impossvel sem passar primeiro pela reeducao da inteligncia, de
modo que esta assuma, pouco a pouco, o comando da alma inteira e se torne o centro da
personalidade em vez de um penduricalho intil a servio da autojustificao histrica. Ser
inteligente , nesse sentido, como j lembrava Lionel Trilling, a primeira das obrigaes morais.
Sem inteligncia, at as virtudes mais excelsas se tornam caricaturas de si mesmas.

Publicado no Dirio do Comrcio.

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