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Ministerial Plenary Session

Fight against corruption and confiscation and

restitution of property (asset recovery)
15-16 October 2010
Distinguished participants,
First of all, I am honoured by the invitation and happy to share a positive experience from
Albania, which has intensively entered to the irreversible road of legal and institutional
reforms. It is also a special pleasure to present in this Ministerial Conference the
achievements and challenges of my country in the fight against corruption and
confiscation of assets, as an important part of the obligation to be fulfilled in the process
of realisation of European aspirations.
The priorities of the Albanian Government in preventing and fighting against corruption
are defined in the Intersectorial Strategy of Prevention and Fight against Corruption and
Transparent Governance (2008-2013) approved by Decision of the Council of Ministers.
The key priorities of the strategy are based on some substantial instruments that aim to:

define strategically the appropriate legal and institutional instruments in order to

detect effectively the persons suspected of corruptive actions and to guarantee the
responsibility of the offenders of these corruptive actions;

identify the most affected and dangerous fields, and the reasons of existence and
expansion of corruption; avoidance of uncertainties, legal conflicts and gaps, focus
on priorities and development of proper analytical framework for collecting and
examining the data on cases of corruption in the public administration, justice
fields, finance, economy and private sector;

accompany the legal and institutional measures with consistent campaigns to

promote intolerance against the phenomenon, to consolidate the close cooperation
with non-governmental organisations and media, to develop and include anticorruption education in the programs of educational system;

ensure transparency in application of preventive anti-corruption measures and

investigate the corruptive and connected actions, maintaining a fair and consistent

balance through the necessary protection of personal data and state, banking or
business secrecy;
One of objectives of the Anti-corruption Government Strategy is the strengthening of
cooperation by means of implementation of mechanisms of law. This objective in the
Action Plan of the Ministry of Justice for 2010 is concretized by an amendment of the
legal framework that regulates the cooperation between the judicial police and
The fight of Albanian state authorities against corruption is based on a combination of
two basic directions, that of prevention and punishment of corruption, combined with
support, education and consolidation of intolerance against this phenomenon by the
The Albanian Intersectorial Strategy for Prevention, Fight against Corruption and
Transparent Governance (2008-2013) and the Strategy for Visa Liberalization, inter alia,
provide for reflection of GRECOs recommendations into the Albanian legislation.
The Ministry of Justice in capacity of the central authority for implementation of the
European Councils Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, after the analysis of
recommendations made in the GRECO Third Round Evaluation Report, identified the
necessary legal interventions dealing with inclusion of new criminal offences in the
Criminal Code of the Republic of Albania in compliance with this Convention ratified by
the Albanian Parliament. This initiative aimed to increase the maximum penalties for acts
of corruption in the private sector in order to reduce the difference that exists between the
term of sentence in this sector and the term of sentence for corruption in the public sector.
Also, in this initiative, due legislative interventions are necessary to ensure jurisdiction
over all criminal acts of corruption in public and private sectors and exercise of illegal
influence, committed abroad by Albanian citizens, public officials or members of
Albanian public assemblies. This initiative is actually presented for approval to the
Council of Ministers and soon shall be submitted to the Parliament.
The facilitation of procedures on business registration, transparency in public services,
transparency in on line services of electronic procurement are the essential reforms and
evaluated elements in all international reports as key parts and links in the fight against

The establishment of the National Registration Centre (NRC) which functions as one stop
shop provides service to the public directly, at its counters in the centre, municipalities
and communes.
Through NRC, the registration of a business in Albania is already easier, faster and much
less costly. The main features of NRC are the one stop shop business registration at a cost of

1 EUR per registration and within 60 minutes, electronic registration, electronic commercial
register, registration services accessible across the country.

One of the most successful achievements in the fight against corruption is the
implementation of public procurement procedures by electronic means, enabling thus the
increase of public transparency and prevention of corruption. The efficient
implementation of public procurement by electronic means has made Albania the first
place in the world that performs a 100% electronic procurement. In July 2010, Albania
was awarded by the United Nations Organization, Department for Economic and Social
Affairs (UNDESA) for improvement of transparency, accountability and promptitude in
Public Services.
The electronic systems of registration and administrative proceedings in performing
public procurements have significantly increased access, convenience, transparency and
have lowered the costs of obtaining such services from citizens and businesses.
Albania has combated corruption in granting of permits and licenses through the
establishment of the National Licensing Center by applying in this field one stop shop
practice, in the wake of success of the National Registration Center. The establishment of
NLC serves to reduce bureaucracy in granting of permits and licenses, giving breath to
business and investments.
Also, in the context of reducing administrative barriers to investment, with the new
regulatory framework for permits and licenses including law "On some amendments to
legislation on licenses, authorizations and permits in the Republic of Albania"; the
number of licenses is reduced by 2 / 3 of the previous number.
It has already been identified and accepted by all as an efficient means of combating
corruption and organized crime the confiscation of assets derived from them. A common
major challenge remains the prevention and combating of corruption and organized crime
through confiscation of persons assets, as a result of suspected criminal activity. The
perfection of forms and methods of committing criminal acts, arise the need of taking
measures to intensify the fight against crime and to repress it with all forms and
constitutional means.
In this context, the Albanian Parliament in 2009 adopted the Law "On prevention and
combating of organized crime and trafficking through preventive measures against
property, the so-called Anti-Mafia law in Albania. This law reformed the civil
preventive measures against the assets of organized crime and trafficking.
The fight against organized crime and corruption is not simply based on the classic
concept of repressive measures, thus only by means of criminal punishment. Currently,
more importance has been attached to the preventive measures.

Measures of civil character directed against property of the persons involved in criminal
organized activity and corruption include measures against various circumstances that
facilitate the exercise of criminal activity or, otherwise, serve as oxygen for perfuming
these actions.
Albania has made maximum efforts to satisfy on one hand the legality criteria defined in
the Constitution and European Convention on Human Rights and on the other hand the
protection of public interest and rights of others, in introducing measures of civil seizure
of assets.
Although Anti-Mafia law is being implemented for a relatively short time, the data from
its application are so optimistic that we can say that the Court of Serious Crimes, in
implementing successfully the Anti-Mafia law, has taken several decisions to seize
criminal assets derived from the field of crime. Hence, there are 10 requests submitted to
the court for imposition of seizure/confiscation and 8 of them were approved by the First
Instance Court of Serious Crimes.
Among them, we can distinguish the first five direct cases in the field of crime for which
the Court has accepted the requests of the prosecution authority and, by court decisions,
has blocked the assets of criminal gangs against which criminal proceeding have been
initiated. The seized assets on these cases have proved to be residential apartments, land
surfaces and building plots (in total 2310 m2), motor vehicles of various types (trucks,
cars and motorcycle) and 12 bank accounts/savings deposits (in domestic and foreign
The effective implementation of multidimensional measures of state authorities in
fighting against corruption and organized crime is consistent with the philosophy of
building a society without threats from organized crime, in peace and continuous
improvement of the quality of citizens life. This model of society contributes in
transforming Albania in a quiet country of high security standards, which has in its
cornerstones the due respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms of its own citizens.

Ministerial Plenary Session

Fight against corruption and confiscation and
restitution of property (asset recovery)
15-16 October 2010
T nderuar pjesmarrs,
S pari, jam i nderuar pr ftesn dhe i lumtur pr t ndar nj eksperienc pozitive nga
Shqipria, e cila ka hyr intensivisht n rrugn e pakthyeshme t reformave ligjore dhe
institucionale. sht gjithashtu knaqsi e veant pr mua t prezantoj n kt
konferenc Ministeriale arritjet dhe sfidat e vendit tim n luftn kundr korrupsionit dhe
t konfiskimit e aseteve, si pjes e rndsishme e detyrimeve pr tu prmbushur n
procesin e realizimit t aspiratave europiane.
Prioritetet e Qeveris Shqiptare n parandalimin dhe luftn kundr korrupsionit jan
prcaktuar n Strategjin Ndrsektoriale t Parandalimit e Lufts kundr Korrupsionit
dhe Qeverisjes Transperente (2008-2013) miratuar me Vendimin e Kshillit t Ministrave.
Prioritetet kryesore t strategjis mbshteten n disa instrumente themelore q synojn:
prcaktimin strategjik t mjeteve t duhura ligjore e institucionale pr t siguruar
zbulimin e efektshm t personave t dyshuar pr vepra korruptive dhe garantuar
prgjegjsin e autorve t veprimeve korruptive;
identifikimin e fushave m t prekura dhe me rreziqe, si dhe arsyet e ekzistencs e
t shtrirjes s korrupsionit; shmangien e paqartsive, kontradiktave e mangsive
ligjore, prqendrimin n prioritete dhe zhvillimin e kuadrit t duhur analitik pr
mbledhjen e shqyrtimin e t dhnave mbi shfaqjet e korrupsionit n administratn
publike, fushat e drejtsis, financave, ekonomis dhe sektorin privat;
shoqrimin e masave ligjore e institucionale me fushata t qndrueshme pr t
promovuar intolerancn ndaj fenomenit, konsoliduar bashkpunimin e ngusht me
organizatat joqeveritare dhe median, zhvilluar e prfshir edukimin antikorrupsion
n programet e sistemit arsimor;
sigurimin e transparencs n zbatimin e masave parandaluese antikorrupsion dhe
hetimin e veprave korruptive dhe t lidhura, duke ruajtur nj ekuilibr t drejt e t
qndrueshm me mbrojtjen e domosdoshme t t dhnave personale dhe sekretit
shtetror, bankar a t biznesit;

Nj ndr objektivat e Strategjis Qeveritare Antikorrupsion sht forcimi i bashkpunimit

ndrmjet mekanizmave zbatuese t ligjit. Ky objektiv n Planin e Veprimit pr Ministrin
e Drejtsis pr vitin 2010 sht konkretizuar nprmjet nj ndryshimi t kuadrit ligjor q
normon bashkpunimin ndrmjet policis gjyqsore dhe prokuroris.
Lufta e autoriteteve shtetror shqiptare kundr korrupsionit sht bazuar n kombinimin
e dy drejtimeve themelore, at t parandalimit dhe at t ndshkimit t korrupsionit, t
grshetuar me mbshtetjen, edukimin dhe konsolidimin e intolerancs ndaj ktij
fenomeni nga publiku.
Strategjia Shqiptare Ndrsektoriale pr Parandalimin, Luftn kundr Korrupsionit dhe
Qeverisjen Transparente (2008 2013) dhe Strategjia pr Liberalizimin e Vizave ndr t
tjera parashikojn reflektimin n legjislacionin shqiptar t rekomandimeve t GRECO-s.
Ministria e Drejtsis, me cilsin e autoritetit qendror pr zbatimin e Konvents Penale
t Kshillit t Europs pr Korrupsionin, pas analizs s rekomandimeve t paraqitura n
Raportin e Raundit t Tret t Vlersimit t GRECO, evidentoi ndrhyrjet e nevojshme
ligjore q kan t bjn me prfshirjen e veprave t reja penale n Kodin Penal t
Republiks s Shqipris n prputhje me kt konvent t ratifikuar nga Parlamenti
Shqiptar. Kjo nism synoi rritjen e maksimumit t dnimeve pr veprat e korrupsionit n
sektorin privat me qllim uljen e diferences q ekziston midis mass s dnimit n ket
sektor dhe mass s dnimit pr korrupsionin n sektorin publik. Gjithashtu, n kt
nism kryhen ndrhyrjet e duhura legjislative pr t siguruar juridiksion mbi t gjith
veprat penale t korrupsionit n sektorin publik dhe privat dhe ushtrimit t ndikimit t
paligjshm t kryera jasht shtetit nga shtetas shqiptar, zyrtar publik shqipar ose
antar t asambleve publike shqiptare. Kjo nism ndodhet tashm pr miratim n
Kshillin e Ministrave dhe do t prcillet s shpejti n parlament.
Lehtsimi i procedurave pr regjistrimin e biznesit, transparenca n shrbimet publike,
transparenca n shrbimet on line t prokurimeve elektronike, jan reformat kryesore dhe
elementt e vlersuara n t gjitha raportet e ndrkombtarve si pjes dhe hallka kye n luftn
kundr korrupsionit
Krijimi i Qendrs Kombtare t Regjistrimit (QKR) e cila funksionon si one stop shop, duke
ofruar shrbim ndaj publikut, n mnyr t drejtprdrejt, n sportelet e saj, n qendr dhe n
bashki e komun.
Nprmjet QKR-s, tashm n Shqipri regjistrimi i nj biznesi sht m i thjesht, m i shpejt
dhe me shum pak kosto. Tiparet kryesore t QKR-s jan zgjidhja one stop shop e regjistrimit
t bizneseve me kosto 1 EURO per cdo regjistrim si dhe brenda 60 minutave, regjistrimi
elektronik, regjistri tregtar elektronik, shrbime regjistrimi t aksesueshme n t gjith vendin.
Nj ndr arritjet m t sukseshme t luftws kundwr korrupsionit sht realizimi i procedurave t
prokurimit publik me mjete elektronike, duke mundsuar n kt mnyr rritjen e transparences

ndaj publikut dhe parandalimin e korrupsionit. Realizimi eficent i prokurimit publik me mjete
elektronike e ka br Shqiprin vendin e par n bot qe realizon 100% prokurimin elektronik.
N korrik 2010 Shqipria mori mim nga Organizata e Kombeve t Bashkuara, Departamenti pr
shtjet Ekonomike dhe Sociale (UNDESA), pr prmirsimin e transparencs, prgjegjsis
dhe gatishmris n Shrbimin Publik.
Sistemet elektronike t regjistrimit e proedimit administrativ n kryerjen e prokurimeve publike
kan rritur ndjeshm aksesin, lehtsin, transparencn dhe kan ulur kostot e marrjes s ktyre
shrbimeve nga qytetar dhe bizneset.
Shqipria ka luftuar korrupsionin n dhnien e lejeve dhe licencave prmes ngritjes s Qendrs
Kombtare t Licencimit duke aplikuar edhe n kt fush praktikn one stop shop, n vazhdn e
suksesit t Qendrs Kombtare t Regjistrimit. Krijimi i QKL-sw i shrben reduktimit t
burokracive n dhnien e lejeve dhe licencave duke i dhn frym biznesit dhe investimeve.
Gjithashtu, n kuadr t reduktimit t barrierave adiministrative n investime me kuadrin e ri
rregullator pr lejet dhe licencat ku prfshihet edhe ligji Pr disa ndryshime n legjislacionin n
fuqi pr licencat, autorizimet dhe lejet n Republikn e Shqipris, sht reduktuar numri i
licencave n 2/3 e numrit t mparshm.

Tashm sht identifikuar dhe pranuar nga t gjith si mjet efikas i lufts kundr
korrupsionit dhe krimit t organizuar konfiskimi i aseteve t rrjedhura prej tyre. Sfid
madhore e prbashkt mbetet parandalimi dhe goditja e korrupsionit dhe krimit t
organizuar prmes konfiskimit t pasuris s personave, si rezultat i veprimtaris s
dyshuar kriminale. Prsosja e formave dhe metodave t realizimit t akteve kriminale,
sjell nevojn e marrjes s masave pr intensifikimin e lufts ndaj krimit dhe goditjes s tij
me t gjitha fomat dhe mnyrat kushtetuese.
N kt kuadr, Kuvendi i Shqipris ka miratuar n vitin 2009 Ligjin Pr parandalimin
dhe goditjen e krimit t organizuar dhe trafikimit nprmjet masave parandaluese kundr
pasuris, i ashtuquajturi n Shqipri ligji antimafia. Ky ligj reformoi masat
parandaluese civile ndaj aseteve tw krimit tw organizuar dhe tw trafikimit.
Lufta ndaj krimit t organizuar dhe korrupsionit nuk sht bazuar vetm n konceptin
klasik t masave represive, pra vetm nprmjet dnimit penal. Aktualisht m shum
rndsi kan marr masat parandaluese.
Masat e karakterit civil q drejtohen ndaj pasuris s personave t prfshir n veprimtari
t organizuar kriminale dhe korrupsionit prfshijn masat kundr rrethanave t ndryshme
q lehtsojn ushtrimin e veprimtaris kriminale ose ndryshe q shrbejn si oksigjen pr
kryerjen e ktyre veprimeve.

Shqipria ka br prpjekjet maksimale q n prezantimin e masave t konfiskimit civil

t aseteve t plotsoj nga njra ane kriterin e ligjshmris t prcaktuar nga Kushtetuta
dhe Konventa Evropiane pr t Drejtat e Njeriut dhe nga ana tjetr mbrojtjen e interesit
publik dhe t drejtave t t tjerve.
Ndonse ligji antimafia sht duke u zbatuar pr nj koh relativisht t shkurtr, t dhnat
nga zbatimi i tij jan optimiste keshtu mund t themi se Gjykata e Krimeve t Rnda n
zbatim t sukseshm t ligjit Antimafia, ka marr disa vendime pr sekuestro t aseteve
kriminale t ardhura nga bota e krimit. Kshtu jan drguar n gjykat 10 krkesa pr
vendosjen e sekuestros/konfiskimit dhe nga Gjykata e Shkalls s Par pr Krimet e
Rnda jan miratuar 8 prej tyre.
Nga kto vecojm t prmendim pes rastet e para t drejtprdrejta te bots s krimit pr
t cilat Gjykata ka pranuar krkesat e organit t akuzs dhe me vendime kan bllokuar
asetet e bandave kriminale q kan procese t hapura penale. Asete t sekuestruara pr
kto raste kan rezultuar t jen apartamente banimi; siprfaqje toke t llojit truall dhe
ndrtes (gjithsej 2310 m2); mjete motorrike t llojeve t ndryshme (kamion, autovetura
dhe motorikleta) dhe 12 llogari bankare/depozita kursimi (n monedhn vendase dhe t
Zbatimi efikas i masave shumplanshe t autoriteteve shtetrore n luftn e vshtir
kundr korrupsionit dhe krimit t organizuar sht n prputhje me filozofin e ndrtimit
t nj shoqrie pa krcnime nga krimi i organizuar, n paqe dhe n prmirsim t
vazhdueshm t cilsis s jets s qytetarve. Ky model shoqrie kontribuon q
Shqipria t shndrrohet n nj vend t qet dhe me standarde t larta sigurie, q ka n
themel respektin e duhur pr lirit dhe t drejtat themelore t qytetarve t saj.
Faleminderit pr vmendjen.

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