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The States of Witness Consciousness in Meditation

"What your mind tells you

about what is here
and what is really here
beyond mental perception
are two completely different things.
Thinking usually happens
at such a speed
that the reality you experience
is not questioned.
And what is the mind doing?
It is defining, describing and judging
and justifying those definitions,
descriptions and judgments.
It is constantly
creating and reinforcing
a sense of "me"
that is separate from everything else
and thus there is conflict.
But if you take a step back
and observe thinking,
observe the process of
thoughts arising,
then this whole mind perception
begins to fall apart.
At first,
the idea of the thinker
will disappear

and you will see thoughts

are arising by themselves.
From here,
all judgmental thoughts
will stop arising.
As you go deeper,
all personal thoughts of "me"
and everything in relation to this
personal "me" disappears
and there is an incredible sense of freedom.
Then you enter dream states,
visions, esoteric and subtle thinking
that cannot be comprehended
by the intellectual mind.
And beyond this is
mental noise.
And beyond that mental noise
is silence,
a sense of nothingness,
pure consciousness.
The beauty of it is,
the moment you begin
observing the thinking
instead of identifying with thoughts,
that sense of stress and conflict
considerably dissipates
and there is incredible peace.
And with each level of
witnessing you sink into,
you let go of another

subtler sense of self and

this peace and bliss increases.
Judgments stop,
the bliss increases,
the personal sense of "me"
as you know yourself to be
disappears and
the bliss increases.
You keep moving closer
and closer to the essence
of what is really here,
to pure peace, pure consciousness
and you become
more and more free.
It starts with observation,
with witnessing,
but then what happens
cannot be explained,
you feel your way into it,
you let yourself go into it.
Kind of like when you
go to sleep at night.
You lie down and relax
and then you let yourself
go into sleep.
You don't really know
intellectually how it happens,
because it happens
beyond the perception
of mind.

I AM Meditation Robert Adams

The world is a cosmic dream.

It is up to you to awaken from this world dream.
The idea is to keep the mind quiet and still,
and not follow the I-thought out into this world,
where it causes havoc and pain,
but to keep the I-thought centered in your heart where it belongs,
in your spiritual heart, where it can never come out again.
There is an exercise we do to make this happen.
It is called the I-am meditation,very powerful exercise.
If you have to meditate, if you want to meditate
this is the most powerful meditation there is.
You will find many changes taking place in your life
as you practice this meditation.
So let's do it all together, shall we?

Make yourself comfortable.

Close your eyes to remove obstructions and
focus your attention on your breath.
Listen to your breathing, to your respiration.
Do not try to alter your breath, just listen to it.
Observe it, watch it.
If your mind wanders gently bring it back again to watching your breath.
Feel the sensations in your body.
You have become the witness to your respiration.
You are witnessing yourself breathing.
This alone makes you very quiet and still and peaceful.
Now ask yourself the question,
"Who is the witness that is watching the breath?
Who is this witness?"
Say to yourself, "I am, I am."
With your respiration
as you inhale you say, "I,"
as you exhale say, "am."
Inhale say, "I,"
exhale say, "am."
As you are doing this realize that as you inhale,
you're inhaling the entire universe.
As you exhale the universe becomes alive again through you.
You inhale the universe everything,
all of life is sucked into your consciousness.
You say, "am," you exhale the universe again.
"I am."
(long silence)
~Robert Adams - T.180 : You Dont Even Exist! - 30th August, 1992
Without doing anything you have the knowledge I am,
it has come spontaneously and unwillingly on you,

stay there and put an ax to the I am.

Sitting quietly, being one with the knowledge I am,
you will lose all concern with the world,
then the I am will also go,
leaving you as the Absolute..
Just sit and know that you are the I am without words,
nothing else has to be done;
shortly you will arrive to
your natural Absolute state.
Who has the knowledge I am?
Somebody in you knows the knowledge I am,
you are.
Who is it?
You have to understand that the I am is even before the
arising of any words, thoughts or feelings.
Meditation means to have an objective or hold onto something.
You are that something.
Just being the being I am.
Sit in meditation by identifying with the I am,
dwell only on the I am- not merely the words I am.
Do you require any special effort to know that you are?
The I am without words itself is God.
The I am is the awareness before thoughts,
it cannot be put into words;
you have to just be.
~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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