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Personal Info

Real Name (Optional): Sophie

Location: UK
Age: 24
Battletag: Levix#2543
Character Info
In-Game Name: Levx
Class: Hunter
Talent Spec: MM
Dual Talent (off)Spec: BM
What made you choose these specs?:
I usually get my research from a variety of sources I usually check ElitistJerks as well as
MMOchampion. Elitist Jerks is generally considered outdated overall but I like to compare
Effinhunters' data to the MMO threads and my own. I do most of my testing on Simcraft though it is
worth noting that sims will only get you so far.
I use PUGs and normal runs to test positioning, tactics and experimental rotations. However it
usually comes down to logs. Through logs I can look at transition times, mob uptimes and raid
placement in order to choose an optimal setup for raid.
T1: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimera: The reduction of the CD of deterrence has been in the past a
no brainer especially in high damage fights or with situational damage. However Post Haste has
become a more popular talent given the more mechanic based fights in HFC. This can be combined
with a glyph of disengage (extra distance) to be able to get to stack points, drop off points or out
of the raid quickly and efficiently.
Example: CTHC would be used for something like soaking doomfire on Archi (M), although it won't
immune it, it will atleast reduce the damage taken whereas traditionally on normal you might use
PH for Allure positioning.
T2: Binding Shot: By far the most useful. Great in any add situation and brings flexibility to the
board Ie: Tank dies kiting adds, slow trap, binding shot. Ress tank. No massacre. I mean just
generally a great ability for utility especially when loose adds are concerned. Sadly most adds that
have a specific objective ie Kilroggs bloods tend to be immune.
Example: Adds inside Gorefiend are vulnerable to this. Popping a binding shot on a high health mob
about to come out can give you time to lower its health or get a powershot off on a full hp more
and knock it and other adds to the back of the room.
T3: Aspect of the Iron Hawk: Hands down for raiding just for passive mitigation. I use Spirit Bond for
soloing so if you see that in my spec youll know why. The other talents are very rarely used I think I
may have used it on Will of Emp Hc progression but that just goes to show how long its been since
it was useful. Exhilaration is a potential option for a quick heal but I prefer to avoid damage all
together rather than heal after. I suppose you could potentially use it for Archi (M) when soaking
the doomfire too, not sure how well this would work though.
T4: Thrill of the Hunt. It synergises well with the current set bonuses a proc on pull essentially
allows you to spam until Rapid Fire runs out if youre lucky. Thrill proc's on prio targets are great
allowing for quick burst and you can retain a stack for extra burst.

Example: For extreme burst such as the Phantasmal on Iskar we pool focus just before and retain a
stack of TotH. Popping RapidFire, Mirror and using BE racial allows (if lucky) you to dps the entire
time the adds up without having steady shot down time. If the requirement isn't as tight you can
barrage instead for aoe damage however it's safer to wait till the Phantasmal is dead to barrage.
T5: Stampede: Definite choice for MM. Since the buff to 40s duration. Depending on the fight can
be used to maximise frequency of use or high prio target burst. Can sometime be problematic due
to the fact the pets choose their target based on the next shot you hit however this was made
irrelevant with the instant AiS.
T6: Barrage: Generally considered the best choice for anything with more than 1 target. Personally
I prefer Powershot for Tyrant but I dont think it will work as well on mythic due to the stationary
requirements which I can get away with on Hc. This is something I would like to test. Powershot is
used for Fel lord.
T7: Lone Wolf: Focusing shot simmed best but in reality did really work out in practice, lone wolf is
a much more flexible talent considering the mobility limitations and pet requirement of Focusing
Precast Powershot/Cobra
1. Stampede + Cds + Mirror (if boss stationary)
2. Chimaera Shot
3. Aimed Shot + Arcane Torrent
4. OOF
5. Rapid Fire
General Priority ( doesn't apply to situational burst):
1. Chimaera Shot
2. Kill Shot
3. Powershot (single) Barrage (1-2 targets)
4. Aimed Shot
5. Steady Shot (Generator)

What made you gear/gem/enchant like you have?

MM relies heavily on crit to its softcap of 53% - 3% boss suppression + 50% Careful Aim 100% crit
during RapidFire / CA. Not including Chimaera.
The stat weights are as follows:
WDPS: 2.80
Agi: 1
Crit <cap: 0.71
Multi: 0.64
Crit >cap: 0.58

By putting these weights into the addon PAWN it can work out the differences between item then
and there rather than having to calculate It manually.
Would you be willing to respec to the guilds needs?: Of course.
What is your secondary spec, and why have you chosen it?:
Doubt it will make an appearance this tier though.
Have you raided as your secondary spec before and are you capable of playing it a high level?
BM was top in BRF, its horribly RNG but its not particulary RNG if you keep track of procs. The
main thing with BM is the pet requirement, when you have a lot of prio targets often far apart then
pet reliance will fuck you due to travel time if you dont have masters call to slingshot your pet to
the mob. In early kills of Xhul'horac BM was used for AoE however MM synergises well with the ring
so its now pretty much the same.

Link to parses:
Iskar Kill/ Fel Progress:
Last Raid Gorefiend:

I am sacrifice dps number 2. This means I pop the ring inside at 20-30secs and then 20-30secs into
Feast. Consequently I lose a lot of boss in feast phase as my CDs are not up in the optimal 80%+ this
tends to also be poorly timed with my soul soak too :D So far we haven't had a single kill where I
haven't had to go in 3x and be ressed to go in for a 4th time to clear up inside. Killing adds and
getting people out is apparently hard.

Gorefiend is a great example to show off my ability to abuse my class. I use 4 abilities to maximise
the overall damage on adds, some people forget its not just about personal damage but about how
you can increase the overall damage too. It's very easy to pad prio target damage as a hunter by
only sniping low health mobs instead of a full switch. This is highly prominent in Gorefiend where
instead of getting a lot of mobs low people tend to stick to killing one and now switching for
padding. When I enter the stomach the first thing I do is place a binding shot, the tank add is
probably up so I CC (binding shot, slow trap and concussive shot) as many skeletons as possible
before using my Cds and the ring to nuke the tank add. With the tank add down (if its up) I then
knockback (powershot) any full hp mobs near the hole and blow up anything else in the room
before i'm sent out. Now compare this to the other hunters over 26 tries/kill:

Concussive Shot:

Lev (201),Emma (42), Zerpy (0)

Binding Shot:
Lev (54), Emma (0), Zerpy (20)
Ice Trap:
Lev (41), Emma (0), Zerpy (0)
Kill Shot to (inside mobs)
Lev (32), Emma (34), Zerpy (84)

Professions?: Herb/Engi
Link to current armory profile:
What is your progress on the legendary questline? Finished
Class Info
Macros: The usual ability ones with stop cast, /Cancelaura
Focus Interrupt,
Mouseover Focus
/tar prio target
Mouse over snipe macros
If its not keybound it's probably a ability that gets swapped into a frequent keybind. Ie ice trap, for
gorefiend its on V but a target macro or something might be there for another boss.
Though there is some minor flexibility where glyphs are concerned my default glyphs are as
followed due to their raid mitigation:
Glyph of Deterrence - increases damage reduction by 20%
Glyph of Chimaera - Shot heals you for 2% of hp
The third glyph is debatable
Glyph of Disengage - This ability was a life-saver on LK Hc, Al'akir and is great for uptime of dps
generally as its highly useful for avoiding attacks while maintaining rotation without going into
AotF. Although the glyph only extends the distance it can be very handy during movement heavy
Glyph of Liberation - 4% HP heal when you disengage, very handy at times.
Glyph of Ice Trap for slowing. I'm using it currently for gorefiend for the construct slows.

The only relevant glyph is Aspect of the Cheetah, I see so many hunters not abusing this glyph it's
unbelievable. Constant increased movement speed unless you are hit by damage, who wouldn't
want this. The glyph prevents the daze, even if there is a lot of aoe damage preventing uptime on
this, having it up before a major movement event can give you a few extra moments for brain lag
that would otherwise kill you.

Bagon: Just merges all my bags and allows me see how much of X is on the chars of this account.
Bartender: Organising and sorting my bars and keybinds.
Bigwigs / DBM: I use either one depending on fight usually as one tends to be better than the other
at somethings like I use Bigwigs for Spine as it stops the cut-scenes loading.
Grid: My OMG are we wiping, hit FD! Checker. Also as I sometimes have to be in otherplaces due to
deadzone my am I within range of healers checker.
Omen: The panic attack generator. Screen is red will I be dead! Pretty much my reflex for hitting
MD or FD though its usually there to check if I need to regulate my Mds into my rotation though
with the tanking changes with aggro its not so much an issue these days.
Pitbull: My unitframes just for keeping things organised and so I can see what my pets on when
theres a clusterfuck of mobs on me and I can't see If I forgot to send it on the Amalg on spine and
check whether the boss is eyeing me up to put some horrible ability on me.
WeakAuras: For keeping track of Tier set procs, trinket procs, how long has my trinkets got left, if
Rapid Fire am I retarded and im at full focus etc.
Deathnote: Finding out why the peasants have died :D
Exorsus: Bossmods, Raid CDs, Resstimers, Notes, Bossmods, magic stuff etc. This addon is insane.
PAWN: calculating item differences
Prat: Copying all those random links in guildchat.
Skada: Epeen-o meter...well I actually use it more to check the damage of other hunters on high
priority targets to see if i'm the only one who cares about not whoring meters.
Tidyplates: I only use this on fights when there are a lot of plates floating about otherwise I don't
tend to use it unless im on a tanking char.

Guild and Raid Info

Previous Guilds:
Tarren Mill Huhuholics (350) - Raider
Went to TM to avoid crazy stalker swede, was dating an Ensidia raider...whole of TM hates Ensidia,
dating one apparently means they have to hate you too.

Draenor Primori (2000) - Ranged Officer

Made guild with Hams when he quit after their LK hc kill. Insert boy drama here. We hate hams ?
Lost my guild, my friends, my server and much much more so I moved to Lotto.
Twisting Nether
July 2010 -- Lotto: (133) - Raider
I was main raiding in Lotto till October 2011 when I fell ill for 2 months and could not play. When I
got back there was 4 hunters in the guild so there wasn't a cat in hells chance of getting my spot
April 2011 Rising Sun: (600) - Ranged Officer
Some drama ensued with the GM and 7 old members of RS moved to Nightwatchers leaving us high
and dry for Firelands the next day and the guild descended over the months into irrepair, the GM
didn't care and when he did all us officers got was abuse. People didn't show, care or want to raid
so he gradually became so abusive I couldn't take it anymore and left.

September 2011 ? Work in Progress : (200) - Raider
Everything was amazing at the start, I really thought it would be 'that guild' the GM was an amazing
RL'er and everything was done so fairly. Behind the guilds back the GM and another officer
organised a FL 10 hc raid before our main raid with a few dps and two brothers that played lol with
the GM who never showed but funnily enough wanted the rag kill. They killed rag behind our backs
and a great deal of drama ensued but we killed it on 25 two weeks later. The GM became
increasingly corrupt and eventually quit after our DW hc kill. Things got worse, scamming,
favouritism, epeening etc. the guild eventually disbanded so i moved.
April 2012 ? Heretic - (100) - Raider
Guild was full of drama, hypocrisy and favouritism. GM bought 7 ex-Envy players into the guild in a
desperate bid to get top 50and shit hit the fan and drove everyone away. Wasnt putting up with his
shit so went to Solidarity.
October 2012 - Solidarity - (50) - Raider
Last guild i raided in was top 50 at the time. University was putting alot of strain on my raiding
nights and i often gave my spot on progress to work so i miss my Elegon and Emporer Hc kills. I quit
raiding just as the guild killed Emp hc as it wasn't fair for them to keep me on when i couldn't
commit the time needed.

Fifth Sin - Aug 2014 - (2000) - Ranged Officer
I came here to help a friend out, they needed hunters, I wanted back in the game. I became officer
3 months into being there and did my best to improve each player in any way I could. At the end of
SOO I produced a performance report of Garrosh Hc (m) for every single raider, the data input for
this is huge and took me weeks. The following is a single report:

Following this I managed to improve the guilds rankings over 2000 ranks with constant feedback and
tactic tuning to our raids making us more efficient and adapting to the playstyles of my team.
More recently I brought in the incentive system to encourage players to want to take less damage
and perform better. I rewarded these players with food, flasks and pots for those who made
member, melee, ranged and healer of the month as well as 90% attendance. Each raid I did a
performance report, analysing the deaths, dmg taken and prio targets and giving the player a
value. This can be found here:

In all of this I learnt that I just can't teach people to give a shit.

Twisting Nether
Clarity - Aug 2015 - (700) - Raider
As much as I like most of these guys the guild is falling apart at the seams. I've known some of these
people since WOTLK but these days 90% of them are raid loggers. It doesn't really feel like a team
here people AFK left, right and center and I really hate being actively encouraged to whore as they
try to brute force encounters rather than go for efficiency. When I joined they knew my situation
with university and we agreed that if it was to be a temporary basis then so be it but the guild
disbanded while I was waiting for my Uni schedule so I could change guilds. I didn't take any gear
that wasnt going to be De'ed during the last few weeks as I knew I would be leaving.
Do you know anyone in Luce:
I have Fkayonline on Bnet, thats about it.
Raid Experience, elaborate!:
I started raiding properly when Ulduar was released so prior to that i have no vanilla or TBC current
content experience. I'm a wrath baby :-(
Full clear
Full Clear
--- Hospital break here --Cataclysm: 25man unless stated otherwise
4/4 Bot Hc + Sinestra (2 weeks into FL)
2/2 FotfW (Al'akir 10hc)
6/6 BWD Hc (current content)
7/7 7/7hc FL (current content) 27.11.11

8/8 8/8 hc DS 7.3.12

MV 6/6
MV hc 2/6
----- Quit Here
SOO normal: 14/14
SOO Hc/ M: 14/14

HM (M) 6/7
BRF (M) 7/10
HFC (M) 8/13

How do you prepare for raids and new encounters?

Usually I no life PTR/Beta but if not I speak to the friends I have in other guilds, practice
movements in pugs etc and watch whatever videos that are available. If the guild has a streamer
then Ill watch that.
Are you willing to wipe lots to learn a new encounter?:
Ofc, wiping is an essential part of progress.
Tell us a little about your playstyle, what you think you are good at, less good at, etc.:
Im best at doing my job. Im not a dps whore and would rather get the target down and lose a
smidgen of dps than whore and wipe the raid. I am mildly obsessive about logs and efficiency, if I
can spend 4 hours of my time to cut down an hour of wipes in raid I will. I will find the problems,
there will be a spreadsheet! Whether or not you choose to use the info is up to you guys :D

Having been an officer, GM of several guilds and raid leader for multiple very successful Saturday
Alt groups with many high end guilds including Ensidia and much more so I tend to sometimes get
caught up in what everyone is doing rather than just myself which leads to me needing to improve
my focus management. Since leaving FS this has improved exponentially but being encouraged to
use cheap tricks and ploys to pad meters throws me off abit in farm raids. This is why I love
progress, I get to do my job without worrying about how to optimise fluff dps just to make someone
else happy. I'm now looking to the future in a guild for legion that suits my need for efficiency vs a
good social and competitive environment where I can be pushed to my limits as a player.

Play Info
How long have you been playing WoW?: Since Feb of WOTLK release. 2 breaks WOTLK
(hospitalised) and MOP University not compatible with top 50 kills.
How much do you play?: Usually I no life the game as much as possible. I fish on my laptop during
work :D
467 days played.
Has your account been traded or passed on?: Nope
Does anyone else have access to your account?: Nope
Do you have any high level alts?: 100 Holy pally, 100 Hunter(2), 100 Feral Druid, 100 Warrior, 93
Hunter (3), 100 DK. They aren't particularly geared though. If I had a reason to play/gear them then
I would np. Ie loot spread runs.
Do you have a working microphone and Teamspeak 3 on your PC?: Yep, I live on TS.
Do you actually use your mic during raids if called for? Im used to raid leading etc. so if Im
going to die or cant do my job then Ill alert you so I can get either a CD (if appropriate) or a
Can you attend our raid schedule? Yep. It fits perfectly around Uni for me.

CPU: Intel Core i5 2500K ?17.80
Motherboard: Asus P8H61-M LE
Hard Drive: 500GB S-ATAII 3.0Gb/s + 500GB SSD 3 Gb/s
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
FPS: 30-60
MS: 27/21 200/300
Waiting for them to repair the Ethernet socket in my room. Currently using Wifi till this is fixed,
sometimes drops randomly so I can use my phone as a tether this is 200/300 and 100% stable
whereas the Uni wifi is 27/21 is 90% stable but faster.
Why do you want to join Luce, and why should we recruit you?:
I have a lot of my alts over here still so ideally I would like to come back to Draenor and I
considered applying to you guys back in Highmaul. I just want a forever home that's not going to
disband :D
100% Attendance. I believe very strongly in my responsibility to a guild. I've missed 1 raid in a
4/week guild in a year.
I'm organised player with leading experience who knows not only the dps roles within a fight but
tanking and healing POVs which enables me to understand the best minimization of my damage
taken. I have been an officer in 4 guilds, I have multiple spreadsheets on player performance,
incentive systems and more.
I am a player that is not interested in whoring or epeening - i have better things to do trap, MD,
tranq and normally RL then tunnelvision on numbers, i do my job, whats asked of me and my class.
If someone needs gear on a boss, I always pass my spot as it is more beneficial to them than me.

I do my best to try and get as much info out of beta and PTR so I can learn and make my mistakes
there instead of live.
I can raid off-days and overtime. However I love raiding over time if it means killing something.
I willing to be 'benched for the greater good, sometimes its just not your classes fight.
I would welcome criticism . Anything I can do to improve my own or overall raid performance I
would want to know and encourage. There is nothing worse than repeating a mistake or performing
sub optimally for a specific raid goal and not knowing if someone realises it before you.

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