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---------------------------------- EVE Mentat release notes ---------------------------------[!


New feature
Fixed error
Known issue

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.2.25
[!] Database updated to Rubicon 1.1.
[Orders and market]
[-] Cache import tool fixed (for Rubicon 1.2 changes).
[Self costs]
[-] Fixed crash when typing "Medic" in self cost edit dialog.
[Known issues]
[~] "Total skillpoints" value doesn't take into account skill in training.
[~] Journal doesn't display corporation bounty tax (API restriction).
[~] IGB features cannot work if EVE Online client was installed in
non-latin named folder.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.2.24
[Orders and market]
[-] Cache import tool fixed.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.2.23
[!] Database updated to Rubicon 1.0.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.2.22
[Orders and market]
[-] Cache import tool fixed.
[*] Favorites import preferences tab removed.
[Journal and transactions]
[-] Fixed: Transaction table is not updated after self cost change.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.2.21

[!] Database updated to Odyssey 1.1.
[Orders and market]
[-] Cache import tool fixed.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.2.20
[Orders and market]
[-] Fixed crash on context command "Set item cost to..." at market browser
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.2.19
[-] Implemented workaround for "Internal server error (500)" during orders
[Orders and market]
[-] Fixed price status for situation when rival's order has the same price
as yours.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.2.18
[!] Database updated to Odyssey 1.0.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.2.17
[!] Database updated to Retribution 1.1.
[Orders and market]
[+] New columns in orders table: "Competitor's price", "Competitor's amount",
"Price difference", "Price difference, %" (hidden by default).
[*] Improved stability of market orders tab.
[-] Fixed market import from EVE-central.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.2.16
[-] Cache import tool fixed.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.2.15
[!] Database updated to Retribution 1.0.7.
[*] Regional settings were moved to separate dialog.
[Orders and market]
[-] Market browser cannot import market favorites with groups with empty names.
[-] Sorting isn't preserved after switching orders grouping.
[-] Cache import tool fixed.
[Journal and transactions]
[+] Added new columns to transaction list: "Cost price", "Profit", "Profit
rate". Profit calculation is based on current cost prices.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.2.14
[!] Database updated to Retribution 1.0.2.
[-] Fixed hang when using keyboard quick search in lists.
[-] Stability improved (System.BadImageFormatException).
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.2

Application ported to .NET Framework 4.

Overall application look is changed.
Automatic updater added.
Added possibility to customize column width, order and visibility in all
Database updated to Inferno 1.2.0.
"Copy incremented" context menu item added to price columns in different
data tables.
Overall performance increased.
Preferences dialog redesigned.
New preferences tab: "Regional settings".
About dialog redesigned.
Tax rate calculation changed according to latest changes in game mechanics.
API import buttons are updated every second.
Crash on database import fixed.
Meta group signs are correctly displayed for all item types.

[Orders and market]


Buy order competition checker takes into account rival order's range.
New deviation option for market browser: "best sell/buy prices".
New deviation option for market browser: "self cost".
Resizing splitters added into market navigator.

[+] Orders: Self cost column displays warning sign when there is no price set.
[+] "View market details on web" context menu item added.
[+] Ctrl+Shift+C keyboard shortcut copies recommended price for selected order
into clipboard.
[+] Filter icons are shown on tabs with filtered orders.
[+] Market browser displays self cost price in status bars.
[+] Market favorites can be added from orders, transactions or self costs.
[+] Market favorites can be imported from EVE Online client.
[+] Tool button "Show only" added to orders tab.
[+] "Sell & Buy" sub tab added to orders tab.
[+] Transactions view added to orders tab.
[*] Market favorites are organized as a tree.
[*] Orders import optimized: old data are skipped during import.
[*] Corp orders import optimized: old data are skipped during import.
[*] File order import doesn't modify API timer from now.
[*] "Status" column in orders tab contains * symbol when has "changed" flag.
[+] Market browser displays current type name in the headers of sell and buy tab
[-] "Error 532: Failed getting market order information." blocks order import
from API.


dialog improved.
from EVE-Central added.
from EVE Marketdata added.
from EVE Marketeer added.

[+] Market scanner for market favorites added.
[+] Each IGB page displays current character name.
[*] IGB pages were redesigned.
[Known issues]
[~] "Total skillpoints" value doesn't take into account skill in training.
[~] Journal doesn't display corporation bounty tax (API restriction).
[~] IGB features cannot work if EVE Online client was installed in
non-latin named folder.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.27
[-] Fixed issue with file import from localized EVE Online client.
[-] Fixed issue with corporate orders API import.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.26
[!] Database updated to Crucible 1.0.0.
[-] Fixed API import error:

Updating transaction types (API) Column

refTypeName cannot be empty .

[-] Fixed file order import.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.25
[+] Customizable API keys support added.
[Orders and market]
[-] Order history fixed.
[-] Fixed: Corporate members data expiration notification appears even if
the proper option in import preferences is off.
[-] Fixed small GUI bug in cache import preferences.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.24
[Character sheet]
[-] Minor UI fixes.
[Orders and market]
[-] Order history fixed.
[-] Cache import tool fixed.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.23
[-] Fixed: Symbol ' is doubled in character names.
[Character sheet]
[+] Added "Total in escrow" and "Additional ISK to cover" parameters.
[*] ISK distribution graph redesigned.
[-] Fixed calculation of "Margin trading" skill influence.
[-] "Error storing data to 'mentatCorpOrdersHistory' table" fixed.
[-] Fixed cache import tool crash: "Application has failed to start because
the application configuration is incorrect".
[Self costs]
[-] Fixed: Delete and Insert shortcuts works outside the self costs list.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.22

[+] Windows 7 taskbar progress support added.
[Orders and market]
[+] Direct cache path support added to market cache reader.
[-] Fixed: ArgumentOutOfRangeException when trying to view buy order price
[Journal and transactions]
[-] Transactions API request fixed.
[+] Link to troubleshooting page added to import progress dialog.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.21
[+] Added "Help" menu item.
[*] Usability of import dialog slightly improved.
[*] Database import stability improved.
[Orders and market]
[-] Fixed issue with multiple client support for market cache reader.
[-] Fixed incorrect calculation of "Time left" value in market and orders.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.20
[!] Database updated to Incarna 1.0.0.
[Character sheet]
[-] Small fixes in the news view.
[Orders and market]
[!] Multiple client support for market cache reader added.
[*] Temporary workaround for the order history issue.
[-] Fixed: Market scanner doesn't work with corporate orders.
[-] Fixed several typos.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.19
[+] General section added to preferences: latest version checks and news

[Orders and market]
[-] File import of character and corporate orders fixed.
[-] File import of market orders fixed.
[-] Cache reader tool fixed.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.18
[!] Adaptation to Incarna API changes - part 2.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.17
[!] Adaptation to Incarna API changes.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.16
[+] Proxy settings: added "Direct connection" option.
[-] Proxy settings: fixed crash when IP address entered.
[-] Proxy settings: fixed default proxy behavior.
[Character sheet]
[!] News view added.
[!] Trade skills tab added.
[+] Margin trading skill are taken into account for buy orders total ISK
[*] Enhanced GUI of character sheet tab.
[Orders and market]
[+] Market price deviation indicator added.
[*] Minor changes in market browser GUI.
[Journal and transactions]
[*] Journal API request optimized slightly.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.15
[!] Database updated to Incursion 1.5.0.
[*] Help menu improved.
[Orders and market]
[+] "Range" and "Minimal quantity" columns added for market view in orders

[+] "Ok" sign used to visualize non-overriden prices in order list.

[-] Fixed: Order status popup displays incorrect market age when there is
no market data.
[*] "Validity interval" in price status preferences removed. Market data
age warning to be used instead.
[*] Default status filter for character and corporate order history changed
to "All".
[-] Fixed IGB menu visibility when there are no characters added.
[*] Start page improved.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.14

Welcome dialog added.

Import database feature added.
Crash when starting with empty database fixed.
Fixed status text for the next tabs: orders, journal, transactions.

[Orders and market]


"My orders" list added into market browser.

Price range can be set separately for sell and buy orders.
"View market details (anywhere)" context command added.
"View transactions (anywhere)" context command added.
Manual deletion of active corporate orders fixed.
Anti-dumb logic in market cache reader preferences to prevent entering
path to cache folder instead of folder with game client.

[Journal and transactions]

[+] Added multiple self cost setting up.
[-] Fixed problem with unicode and multiline comments in journal entries.
[Self costs]
[+] Added "Select all" menu item and keyboard shortcut.
[+] Added self costs multiple deletion.
[+] Corporate orders scanner added.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.13

Database updated to Incursion 1.4.0.

In game browser support added.
Latest version checks added for beta releases.
Link to trade basics article added to Help menu.
Added possibility to switch between transactions and journal in trade
[-] Time zone indication fixed.
[-] Fixed time zone detection on first launch.

[*] Balance and trade graphs performance increased.

[*] Character tab UI changed.
[Orders and market]

Experimental IGB feature "Market scanner" added.

"Order history" feature added.
Occasional crash in orders list fixed.
Cache importer console doesn't appear again during import from cache.
Fixed: "Delete old market order" feature works incorrect.
"Status filter" tool button enhanced (visualization).
Active tab (Sell/Buy/History) is saved between sessions.

[Journal and transactions]

[*] Journal and transactions period selector improved.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.12

Custom proxy support added.

API provider customization added.
Fixed crash on OSes with specific culture settings.
"Copy to clipboard" operation doesn't crash application from now.
Price rounding fixed in the values copied into clipboard on the
different status bars.
[*] Price column enhanced in self cost tab.
[Orders and market]

"Range" and "Minimal quantity" columns added for buy orders.

Corporate orders are displayed correctly after loading via API.
Competition checking now works for corporate orders.
Market performance increased: switching between items became faster.
Fixed time representation in tooltip "Price data are too old...".
Fixed: Order is marked with "Negative profit" when it equals 0-1%.


Market cache import tool Incursion 1.3 issue fixed.

Additional explanations for several API errors added.
API key changes are applied to the current character without restart.
Import log doesn't disappear automatically in case of warnings.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.11
[Orders and market]
[*] Market: "Type" tab renamed to "Name".
[-] Orders totals don't include non-active orders from now.
[!] Market cache import tool Incursion issue fixed.
[!] Up to one month of journal can be imported via API.
[!] Up to one week of transactions can be imported via API.

[-] Fixed "HTTP 417: Expectation failed" error during import via API.
[-] Fixed import of corporate orders via file.
[Known issues]
[~] Journal doesn't display corporation bounty tax (API restriction).
[~] Buy orders competition checker doesn't take into account rival order's
[~] Numerous UI bug when non-standard desktop DPI used.
[~] Tech2 sign displayed only for part of Tech2 devices.
[~] Tech3 sign is not displayed.
[~] All sortable lists don't display sorting triangle sign on its headers.
[~] Cache import tool cannot work if EVE Online client was installed in
non-latin named folder.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.10
[-] Crash on close fixed.
[-] Journal import fixed.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.9

Database updated to Incursion 1.1.0.

"Import all" button was added near character selector.
Character portraits were fixed.
Main menu fixed for situation when there are no characters added.
Performance increased.

[Orders and market]


New popup status for prices.

Orders statuses fixed.
Market cache import issues fixed.
Fixed crash during opening of Market menu when market order are stacked
by regions.
[-] Character and corporate orders are sorted by default.
[-] Incorrect item sorting fixed.
[-] Market orders display correct tooltips for orders with negative profit.
[!] Journal import failure caused by Incursion 1.1.0 patch was fixed.
[+] Additional preferences for cache import added.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.8
[-] Minor UI fixes.
[-] Crash on import or startup fixed.
[Orders and market]

[-] Fixed incorrect price rounding when import orders via files.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.7
[!] Database updated to Tyrannis 1.0.4.
[+] License agreements for EVE Mentat and third-parties added.
[*] Application icon, splash screen and about dialog changed.
[Character sheet]
[-] Data age timers fixed in character sheet (days added).
[Orders and market]
[+] Market preview in orders pane highlights all own orders within checking
[+] Market browser highlights own orders.
[*] "Favorite" button became more accented in checked/unchecked mode.
[-] Fixed: Competition checker does not handle more than one own order
within checking range.
[-] Median price calculation for selected orders fixed.
[-] Fixed behaviour of "[all]" buttons in the market browser.
[-] Few minor fixes for the location bookmarks were made.
[-] Fixed digit grouping in "Volume" column.
[-] Location selector update after import fixed.
[-] "Import corp members" option fixed.
[-] "Import corp members" option displays proper message in log when
disabled via preferences.
[-] Gradient time indicators on import buttons fixed.
[Journal and transactions]
[+] Possibility to set average price of selected transactions as self cost.
[-] Fixed digit grouping in "Quantity" column.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.6
[*] "Age policy" dialog allows to set up time limit up to 10000 minutes.
[-] Transactions age warning doesn't react on settings change fixed.
[-] Error adding character with apostrophe in the name fixed.
[-] File/Select character menu update fixed.
[Orders and market]

[!] Market browser was redesigned: sell and buy orders are visible
[*] Non-stacked market orders: Station and Order ID column exchanged.
[-] Order import from file fixed.
[-] Fixed Cache import tool crash when using EVE Mentat in non-latin named
[-] File import for character and corporate orders doesn't clear inactive
orders from now.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.5
[-] Multiple instances of EVE Mentat cannot be launched with the same
database from now.
[+] Cache import improved: added incremental imports to speed up procedure.
[-] Cache import fixed.
[Orders and market]
[!] Advanced filtering for market browser added.
[+] Market cleanup functions added.
[*] Small market menu improvements.
[-] Fixed bug with incorrect status changes for corporate orders.
[-] Fixed market navigator update when switching between sell and buy
[-] Fixed interferention between sell and buy recommended prices.
[-] Market order age warnings came back. Also market age is taken into
account in order's price statuses.
[-] Behaviour of 'File import' button fixed.
[-] Fixed incorrect sorting by "Time left" column in orders table.
[Journal and transactions]
[-] Fixed crash when selecting "all outgo\all income\all sell\all buy"
journal entries of transactions.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.4
[!] Database updated to Tyrannis 1.0.1.
[+] Timezone added into "EVE Time" at status bar.
[-] Corrected visualization for negative solar system security statuses.
[*] Overall performance increased.
[Character sheet]


Character sheet changed: "Today" tab improved.

Added context menu for character list at character sheet.
Incorrect update for "ISK in sell/buy orders" after first import fixed.
Balance and trade graphs improved.

[!] Import market orders from EVE Online cache added.
[Orders and market]
[!] Added market view for selected character or corp orders.
[-] Fixed crash on right-click on buy market orders.
[-] Corporate orders are not displayed now for characters in NPC
[*] Changed orders will be shown by default from now.
[*] Filtering of character orders optimized.
[Journal and transactions]
[*] Transactions and journal periods changed.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.3
[!] Added possibility to filter recently changed orders.
[!] Basic graphs added: wallet balance and trade graph.
[+] 'Delta' column added to order list. Displays recent changes of volume.
[-] 'Import corporate orders' option works properly from now.
[-] Improved stability for transaction import.
[-] Fixed crash when character has "'" symbol in name.
[*] Character tab layout changed.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.2
[!] Journal tab added.
[!] Incorrect price values fixed.
[-] Fixed error on corporate orders import.
[-] Fixed error on transactions import after character bought something
from own order.
[-] Minor UI fixes and improvements.
[-] Fixed corp members import for characters with limited corporate roles.
[*] Market files import performance improved.
[*] 'Personal orders' renamed to 'Character orders'.
[*] 'Data should be updated' now displays time interval from latest update
instead of interval from expire time. Also lines are sorted.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.1
[!] Database updated to version Tyrannis 1.0.
[!] Fixed crash at startup on x64 operation systems.

[+] Added possibility to set self cost to specific prices via context menu
in character/corporation buy orders.

Fixed crash after editing self costs.

Fixed crash when trying to copy empty labels into clipboard.
Added corect UI updates after import tasks.
"Wallet already exhausted" and similar API error cause correct timer
Fixed incorrect update timers for just added character.
Now character portrait in character list updates immediately after
downloading from internet.
Now summary values for character and corporate orders updates
immediately after switching between sell and buy orders.
"ISK in buy orders" doesn't include non-active orders from now.
Fixed crash on "View market details" command in Transactions tab.


[*] Changed mouse curson upon copyable labels.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.1.0 (alpha version)
[!] Storage system replaced with SQLite database.
[!] Now EVE Mentat is portable. All data are stored into application folder
and package consists of all its dependencies (except for .NET Framework
[!] New application look. A lot of interface changes.
[+] Character list with thumbnails added.
[+] Import file name pattern can be changed via preferences (allows to work
with localized clients).
[*] Import API and Import file functionalities linked with different
[*] Character and corporate orders divided into two tabs.
[+] Visualization of closed/expired/fulfilled/etc orders added.
[+] Buy orders competition checker added.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.0.10
[!] Corporate orders support added.

Custom period filter for transactions added.

Prevent loading multiple application instances.
Added error handling for external commands (web page opening, etc).
Added special keyboard shotcut (Ctrl+I) for market data importing.
Character sheet redesigned. "Total value" added to character sheet.
Means wallet amount + ISK in sell orders.
[+] Added "Wallet" value to status bar.

[+] Added "Total balance" to transaction viewer.

[-] Main window doesn't appear on load after was closed in minimized state.
[-] Timeout added for API request to prevent infinite waiting when service
is unavailable.
[-] Buttons on order age warning bars turned back.
[*] Unknown character portrait image changed.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.0.9
[!] Fixed error during importing market files with extra dashes in region
or item name.

"Ignore transaction" feature added.

"View transactions" feature added.
Added possibility to clean up old market data.
Latest version checks added.

[*] "Cost price" column was removed from player's buy orders.
[-] Info pane doesn't update after selecting buy order.
[-] Problem in item names with apostrophe.
[-] Crash in market browser on pressing "Add/remove favorite" button
when no item selected.
[-] Help report or feature request crashes application
when there is no default mail cliend installed.
[-] Incorrect selection handling in transactions list.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.0.8
[!] Database updated to Dominion expansion.
[-] Error importing player orders via file.
[*] Minor UI changes.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.0.7
[+] Character information.
[+] Character orders.
[+] Details.
[+] Profit calculation.
[+] Competiotion checking.
[+] Profit loss alert.
[+] Quick filter.
[+] Market browser.
[+] File import.
[+] Comfortable browser for buy and sell orders.
[+] Order stacking.
[+] Statistics.
[+] Navigation history.
[+] Location bookmarks.
[+] Any data can be copied to clipboard.
[+] Transaction list.
[+] Easy filtering.
[+] Sorting.

[+] Statistics.
[+] Any data can be copied to clipboard.
[+] Self cost list.
[+] Manual self cost setting.
[+] Can be edited from orders, market and transaction via context menu.
All rights reserved 2009-2010, Thart.

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