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anesthesia - loss of sensation, usually by damage to a nerve or receptor

aglossia-congenital absence of the tongue
arthritis- inflammation of a joint
amniocentesis -a procedure in which a small sample of amniotic fluid is drawn out of the uterus
through a needle inserted in the abdomen and is then analyzed to detect genetic abnormalities in the
fetus or to determine the sex of the fetus
arthrosclerosis-stiffening or hardening of the joints
angioplasty - an angiographic procedure for elimination of areas of narrowing in the blood vessels
amenorrhea - absence or abnormal stoppage of the menses.amenorrheal
angiogenesis - development of blood vessels either in the embryo or in the form of neovascularization
or revascularization
angiorrhaphy - suture of a vessel or vessels
bradycardia - slowness of the heartbeat, as evidenced by slowing of the pulse rate to less than
cryotherapy - the therapeutic use of cold, using low temperatures in therapy
cardiomegaly - abnormal enlargement of the heart
cholecystectomy - excision of the gallbladder
cholelithiasis - the presence or formation of gallstones
cystocele - hernial protrusion of the urinary bladder, usually through the vaginal wall
craniotome - a type of surgical drill used to operate on the skull. It has a self-controlled system that
stops the drill when the bone is penetrated
cephalalgia-pain in the head
cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder
diplopia - the perception of two images of a single object
dysuria - painful or difficult urination.dysuric
dextrocardia - location of the heart in the right side of the thorax, the apex pointing to the right
dysphagia - difficulty in swallowing
dyspnea - labored or difficult breathing
dysuria - painful or difficult urination
erythrocyte - red blood cell; corpuscle; one of the formed elements in peripheral blood
electrocardiogram - a graphic tracing of the variations in electrical potential caused by the excitation
of the heart muscle and detected at the body surface
encephalitis - Inflammation of the brain
esophagoscopy - endoscopic examination of the esophagus
eupnea - normal respiration
extrahepatic Originating or occurring outside the liver
enterocolitis - inflammation of the small intestine and colon
enterospasm -Increased, irregular, and painful peristalsis
gastrodynia - gastralgia; pain in the stomach
hypertension - persistently high arterial blood pressure
histology - that department of anatomy dealing with the minute structure, composition, and function
of tissues
hyperglycemia - abnormally increased content of glucose in the blood
hematuria - blood (erythrocytes) in the urine
hemorrhage - the escape of blood from the vessels
hysterectomy - excision of the uterus
hepatomegaly - enlargement of the liver
hemicolectomy -Surgical removal of the right or left side of the colon
intercostal - between two ribs
laparoscope - an endoscope for examining the peritoneal cavity
myalgia - muscular pain
mammaplasty - plastic reconstruction of the breast, either to augment or reduce its size

nephrosclerosis - hardening of the kidney due to renovascular disease

nephrolithotomy - incision of the kidney for removal of calculi
nocturia - excessive urination at night
nephropathy - disease of the kidneys
orchiectomy - excision of one or both testes
osteomalacia - inadequate or delayed mineralization of osteoid in mature cortical and spongy bone
ovariopexy - the operation of elevating and fixing an ovary to the abdominal wall (oophoropexy)
partially conscious semi concious
pneumonocentesis - paracentesis of a lung
pancytopenia - abnormal depression of all the cellular elements of the blood
poliomyelitis - an acute viral disease usually caused by a poliovirus and marked clinically by fever,
sore throat, headache, vomiting, and often stiffness of the neck and back
pyuria - pus in the urine
primipara - a woman who has had one pregnancy that resulted in one or more viable young
quadriplegia - paralysis of all four limbs
respiratory rate-the normal rate of breathing at rest, about 12 to 20 inspirations per minute
rhinoplasty - plastic surgery of the nose
rickets - A bone disease resulting in defective skeletal growth in children, analogous to osteomalacia
in adults, characterized by bone demineralization caused by deficiency or impaired metabolism of
vitamin D or phosphates (rahitis)
retroperitoneal - posterior to the peritoneum
spirometry - the measurement of the breathing capacity of the lungs, such as in pulmonary function
sarcoma - any of a group of tumors usually arising from connective tissue, although the term now
includes some of epithelial origin; most are malignant
subcutaneous - beneath the skin
toxemia - the condition resulting from the spread of bacterial products (toxins) by the bloodstream is
toxin in the blood
thrombocytopenia - decrease in number of platelets in circulating blood
tachycardia - abnormally rapid heart rate
tracheostomy - creation of an opening into the trachea through the neck, with the tracheal mucosa
being brought into continuity with the skin; also, the opening so created
thoracentesis - pleurocentesis; surgical puncture of the chest wall into the parietal cavity for
aspiration of fluids
tonsillectomy - excision of a tonsil


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