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Winter Root Juice

INGREDIENTS : 1/4 celeriac (celery root), 1/2 fennel, 1 inch fresh ginger, 1/2 lemon, 1 medium
carrot, 1 medium red beet
DIRECTIONS: This juice is mildly sweet, and tastes predominately of carrot and beet, a traditional
veggie juice combo. If you can't find celeriac, use a celery stalk instead. To make the recipe
sweeter, juice an apple. If the whole serving is too much, you can store leftovers in the fridge,
but try to finish the juice within a day. When the juice is exposed to air, it oxidizes and the
nutrient levels diminish. In a fruit and vegetable juicer, juice all ingredients. Discard solids. Pour
juice into glass and add a few ice cubes if you prefer a colder beverage.Makes 1 cup serving.
Pin-Cel-Car-Gin Health Juice!
makes 2 servings
INGREDIENTS : 2 cups of fresh chopped pineapple, 2-3 medium organic carrots, 3 stalks celery, 1
Tbsp fresh ginger, peeled.Juice and enjoy!. Extra-Spicy - add in a dash of cayenne
Apple Carrot Green Juice

INGREDIENTS: 1 bunch spinach, stems removed (or a few large handfuls), 2 large handfuls baby
carrots, 1 1/2 medium size apples, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, sweetener to taste (optional), equal
amounts water
DIRECTIONS:A simple fresh green juice for both beginner and pro juicers.For the nutrition info,
visit One Hungry Mess. Put lemon juice in the bottom of the glass with ice. Place spinach, apple,
and carrots into the juicer. See how much juice is made, then add that same amount of water to
the mix. If its not sweet enough for you, add the other half of the apple or your sweetener of
choice. Pour over ice, stir, sip and enjoy.

Cinnamon Ginger Nectar

Ingredients:4 cups spinach, 1 head romaine lettuce, 1 English cucumber, 1 celery stalk about 10
sticks with leaves, 1 apple, 1 small knob of fresh ginger about 1 inch section, 1/2 teaspoon
ground cinnamon, 5 drops liquid stevia
Directions:If you have a low setting on your juicer, begin with the softer veggies first spinach,
lettuce and cucumber. Then turn to high and juice the celery, apple, and ginger.Transfer the
juice to a blender, add cinnamon and stevia and pulse for a couple of seconds to break up the
Love Drunk Spinach

Ingredients:4 cups spinach, 1 English cucumber, 1 green pepper seeds removed, 1 celery stalk
about 10 sticks with leaves, 4 carrots, 2 small beets
Directions:If you have a low setting on your juicer, begin with the softer veggies first spinach
and cucumber. Then turn to high and juice the pepper, celery, carrots, and beets.

Detoxifiant verde
Este un suc natural care se obtine simplu si este deosebit de gustos.
Ingrediente necesare: 2 lamai verzi; 2 banane Un pumn mic de menta proaspata; Putina apa
Mod de preparare: Se amesteca la blender banana cu lamaia (se foloseste si coaja dupa ce ati spalat foarte bine
lamaia), se adauga menta (se mai pastreaza 3 frunze de ornament), apoi se pune apa pana obtineti o consistenta
lichida, dupa cum doriti.Se pune sucul intr-o sticla si se inchide foarte bine, fiind apoi lasata la frigider 2 ore. Se bea
apoi sucul delicios.


Ingrediente:3 morcovi;Sucul de la o jumatate de portocala;O jumatate de avocado;O feliuta de ghimbir; Apa dupa
Se pun ingredientele la blender apoi se adauga apa in functie de cat de lichid dotiri sa fie sucul obtinut.

lista de cumparaturi
ardei verde
banane 1 kg
castraveti jumatate de kg
ghimbir 1 cutie(3 bucati)
indulcitor de stevie 1 cutie pastile
lamaie verde juma de kg
mere verzi jumatate de kg
menta proaspata
mere verzi 1 kg
morcovi pui 2 kg congelat
spanac 1kg congelat
portocale 1 kg
salata verde
sfecla rosie 1 kg(1 borcan)
telina tulpina 23 bucati(obor tataaa)

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