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Topic Selection Worksheet

Over the course of the semester, you are going to propose an original
research project—one that is informed by secondary literature
(materials such as peer-reviewed articles, books, working papers, white
papers, government reports, etc., that other people have written) but that
focuses on a new way of studying a problem.

One goal of this project is to help you explore research in a field in which you
would eventually work. The first step of the project is to choose your
topic—and this worksheet will help you do that. Just fill in the blanks.

Your name: Lashanda Tucker

Your projected date of graduation: May 2016
Your major(s) and minor(s): Mayor in Advertising with Minor in Sociology

What is your career goal? If you don’t have a career goal, share a bit
about your passions and interests. Think about jobs or volunteer work that
has excited you in the past. Think about a problem or a population you would
like to work with. Maybe you care a lot about hunger or healthcare, or maybe
you want to work with children or with people with disabilities. Are there
organizations, agencies, or companies you’d like to work with?

My career goal is make a name for myself in the advertising world. I want my
ads to relate to the consumer. Giving that comfort level to get them to
want/need whatever I am advertising. Allowing my work to speak for itself
giving me more opportunities for advancement.

What about what you’ve shared about drew you to that field?
Being on the receiving end of advertising. Right now I am the consumer and I
am always drawn to advertisement that are somewhat relatable. I like ads
that are so persuasive I feel like it is my idea that I need the product. I do not
like pushy ads, that try to force you into a purchase by being annoying. I
know what I expect as a consumer, I want to deliver, when I am the one
behind the advertisement.

Within this field, what topics or questions most interest you?

I find it interesting how Advertising is always referred to as a form of Public
Relation. Why is advertisement only thought to be commercials and

Because PR and Avertising is completely different. PR is about forming
relationships. They get their message out by free press like news. Advertising
there are several forms of communication used and a lot of money is spent to
get the ads to the consumer.

Given what you’ve shared so far, what topic would you like to research
for this class?
Advertising and the consumer, How effective is advertising in today's world?

Go to Google Scholar. Do an “advanced search,” then, under

“any time,” select “since 2011.” Type in your topic.
From the first page, what is the first relevant peer-reviewed journal article
that appears? Type an PAP style citation for the source here:
Friends, Fans and Followers: Do Ads Work on Social Networks?

Taylor, David G., Lewin, Jeffrey E., Strutton, David. "Friends, Fans, and
Followers: Do Ads Work on Social Networks?." Journal of Advertising Research
51.1 (2011): 258-275

On a scale of 1-5 (1=not at all, 5=totally), how committed are you to

researching this topic for this class?
3, not really sure just yet

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