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Saray Monseco 3664142


Behavioral Ecology II: Research proposal

Does fishing pressure change behavioral syndrome
in two fish species?
The expansion of the human population has meant that fishing activities
have increased and today these activities adversely affect marine
ecosystems (Jackson, et al., 2001). The main effects expected in the
medium to long-term in marine ecosystems fishing are the progressive
disappearance of predators, the overall decrease in the size of many species
and the decline of biodiversity (Jorgensen, et al., 2007). Once it considered
that only commercial fishing could produce these effects but now there is
evidence that recreational fishing can also result in declining fish
populations and affect aquatic ecosystems in several ways (Cooke & Cowx,
2006). One impediment to understand the magnitude of the impact of
fishing on marine ecosystems sector is the difficulty of obtaining reliable
statistics about the importance of recreational fishing (number of fishermen,
catches ...) (Cooke & Cowx, 2006).
Besides these general effects, fishing also induces changes at the
organizational level of the population. Fishing do not only affects the
abundance, but also involves changes in the life cycle. In some cases it has
been shown that these changes are evolutionary (Uusi-Heikkil, et al.,
2008). One of the best known examples is that an increase in fishing
mortality is associated with earlier sexual maturation, smaller average sizes
and higher reproductive efforts (Dieckmann & Heino, 2007). The covariance
of many features from fishing is widespread and is called fishing syndrome.
Fishing syndrome may also include aspects of behavior in fish. Fishing
syndrome may also include aspects of fish behavior, as can be the degree of
aggressiveness or the degree of willingness to take risk behaviors (UusiHeikkil, et al., 2008). The fishing efficiency depends partly on the behavior
of fish.
The possibility of fishing may include evolutionary changes is based on the
existence of a gradient of vulnerability to fishing: not all individuals within a
population are equally vulnerable. There are patterns of covariation between
the different characteristics of the life history, but each individual has a
specific pattern of growth and mature sexually at a different size and age
(Heino & Godo, 2002). The existence of phenotypic variability and mortality
gradient depends on certain phenotypic characteristics, can induce genetic
selection and modification of the life history of the population (Jorgensen, et
al., 2007). The age and size when an individual reaches sexual maturity are
two key features to understand the life history as they affect the rate of
growth, fertility and life expectancy (Heino & Godo, 2002)

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Saray Monseco 3664142


The behavior is a phenotypic characteristic. Not all fish behave the same
way. Animal behavior is a complex phenomenon which is divided into five
main areas: shyness-boldness, exploration-passivity, activity, aggression
and sociability. (Conrad, et al., 2011)
The objective of this experiment is to evaluate whether recreational fishing
induce behavioral changes.
Hypothesis: The behavior towards the hook of two species of recreational
fishing (Serranus scriba and Diplodus annularis) will be different in areas
more or less exploited by recreational fishing.


Study species and area of study
In this study two most important species of recreational fishing in the
Balearic Islands will be used, but they have a very low commercial interest.
The study will be conducted in the Bay of Palma. Both species live between
0 and 50 meters deep, about 20 meters from the coastline. The selected
area will have these characteristics and will also be heterogeneous from the
point of view of fishing pressure. There will be two different areas, one with
high fishing pressure and one with low fishing pressure.
Experimental setup
Fishing pressure data will be obtained from visual surveys of recreational
fishing boats, which run the Bay of Palma within CONFLICT project. We must
ensure that the study area corresponds to the home range of the species, to
ensure that fish with phenotypic characteristics of high pressure fishing
areas they have not moved to areas of low fishing pressure, or vice versa.
50 points will be assigned to one of two possible categories (high or low)
depending on whether the estimated recreational fishing pressure is above
or below the median of the fishing pressure of all the points considered. This
categorization allows dividing the points into two groups approximately the
same size.
To quantify the fish behavior at each point recordings will be made with an
underwater camera. At the opposite end of the camera a line with several
hooks should be placed so that they remain in front of the camera. In each
of the 50 sampling points three replicates should be performed.
This data will be taking: sampling point geographic coordinates, date, time
and recording duration and depth. To quantify the behavior of the species
will be used 5 minutes of recording. The time of occurrence in the camera
lens will be recorded and the moment when takes the bait or disappears
Statistical analysis
Three separate analyzes will be performed. In all cases the time it takes for
a fish to bite the bait will be analyzed. In the first case the points are

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Saray Monseco 3664142


compared with high fishing pressure versus low fishing pressure points for
one species. In the second case, the same comparison made for the other.
In the third case, it compares the response time of the two species in the
points with low fishing pressure.


The results will show that the fishing pressure significantly affects the time it
takes to chop fish in both species. The results of both species will be similar
in the third analysis in which we compared the data of both species in areas
of low fishing pressure.

Conrad, J. y otros, 2011. Behavioural syndromes in fishes: a review with
implications for ecology and fisheries management.. Journal of Fish Biology,
78(2), pp. 395-435.
Cooke, S. & Cowx, I., 2006. Contrasting recreational and commercial fishing:
Searching for common issues to promote unified conservation of fisheries
resources and aquatic environments.. Biological conservation, Volumen 128,
pp. 93-108.
Dieckmann, U. & Heino, M., 2007. Probabilistic maturation reaction norms:
their history, strngths and limitations. Marine Ecology Progress Series,
Volumen 335, pp. 253-269.
Heino, M. & Godo, O., 2002. Fisheries-induced selection pressures in the
context of sustainable fisheries. Marine Science, 70(2), pp. 639-656.
Jackson, J. y otros, 2001. Historical overfishing and the recent collapse of
coastal ecosystems. Science, Volumen 293, pp. 629-638.
Jorgensen, C. y otros, 2007. Managing evolving fish stocks. Science,
Volumen 318, pp. 1247-1248.
Rale, D. y otros, 2007. Integrating animal temperament within ecology and
evolution. Biological Reviews, 82(2), pp. 291-318.
Uusi-Heikkil, S., Wolter, C., Klefoth, T. & Arlinghaus, R., 2008. A behavioral
perspective on fishing-induced evolution.. Trends in ecology & evolution
(Personal edition), 23(8), pp. 419-421.
Worm, B. y otros, 2009. Rebuilding global fisheries. Science, Volumen 325,
pp. 578-585.

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