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prepare dry barium
You are required to prepare a sampleYou
of dry
Anda dikehendaki menyediakan satusulphate
sampel kuprum
salt. nitrat yang kering.
Anda dikehendaki menyediakan garam
Describe a laboratory experiment to prepare
the salt.
barium sulfat
Include these in your answer :
Name of the reactant
Suggest two solutions to
List of apparatus
prepare barium sulphate salt.
Cadangkan dua larutan untuk
Chemical equation.
menyediakan garam barium sulfat.
Huraikan satu eksperimen yang boleh dijalankan dalam makmal untuk
Describe a laboratory
menyediakan satu sampel garam tersebut.
to prepare the
Jawapan anda perlu mengandungi perkara berikut
salt. In your
Nama bahan tindak balas
description, include the
Senarai radas
chemical equation and ionic equation.
Huraikan suatu eksperimen
Persamaan kimia terlibat
makmal untuk menyediakan garam
Aras tinggi [10 marks] KBAT
tersebut..Huraian anda mesti
mengandungi persamaan kimia dan
persamaan ion.
Aras tinggi [10marks] KBAT




Reactant:Metal oxide + acid

salt + water

Apparatus:100 cm3 beaker,glass rod,spatula,tripod stand,wire gauze,bunsen

burner,filter funnel,retort stand and clamp,evaporating dish,measuring cylinder
Materials:2 mol dm^-3 nitric acid,copper(II)oxide powder,filter paper
1.50cm3 of 2 mol dm-3 nitric acid is measured using a meausring cylinder and
poured into a beaker.
2.The nitric acid is heated carefully in the beaker.
3.Copper(II) oxide powerder is added a little at a time to the nitric acid using a
spatula.The mixture is stirred well.
4.Copper(II)oxide powerder is added continuosly until some of it no longer dissolves.
5.The contents are filtered.
6.The filtrate is poured into an evaporating dish.
7.The salt solution in the evaporating dish is gently heated for evaporation to occur
until it becomes saturated.
8.The hot saturated solution is cooled to room temperature for crystalisation to
9.The contents are filtered to obtain the copper (II) nitrate crystals.
10.The crystals are pressed between a few pieces of filter paper to be dried.
Copper (II) oxide react with dilute nitric acid through the following chemical


2. (i) Barium chloride solution and Sodium sulphate solution

(ii) Apparatus: Beaker,measuring cylinder,glass rod,filter funnel,retort stand and
Materials:0,5mol dm-3 barium chloride solution,0.5 mol dm-3 sodium sulphate
solution,filter paper
1.50cm3 of 0.5 mol dm-3 barium chloride solution is poured into 50cm3 of 0.5 mol
dm-3 sodium sulphate solution in a beaker.
2.The mixture is stirred with a glass rod.
3.A white precipitate of barium sulphate is formed immediately
4.The resulting mixture is then filtered.
5.The residue is rinsed with distilled water to remove impurities such as sodium
chloride and others.
6.The white solid,barium sulphate is then pressed between a few pieces of filter
paper to be dried.
Barium chrloide solution react with sodium sulphate solution through the following
chemical equation:
BaCL +Na2SO4

BaSO4 + 2 NaCl

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