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The Influence of User Involvement and User

Satisfaction to Rajamobil.coms Content

Management System Performance
Larasati Dewi Ayu Lestari1, Johan Setiawan2
Information System Major, ICT Faculty, Multimedia Nusantara University
Jalan Boulevard Gading Serpong, Tangerang, Banten 15810,


management system has an

important role for as a contentoriented site therefore want to
evaluate the influence of user involvement during
system development cycle and user satisfaction of the
developed system to the content management
systems performance.
KeywordsUser Involvement, User Satisfaction, System
Performance, Content Management System



Technology and information development in

the era of globalization is rapidly increasing along
with the times and evolving need as the need for
information becomes important in this era. This
condition requires a well-developed information
technology to be able to produce accurate, excel, and
management is also needed. To support this, a system
that is intended to manage the information that
continuously increasing is very important to use in
companies, organization, or institution.
The development of content management
system is a strategic decision especially for contentoriented sites. A system that can manage a wide
variety of information input as well as integrated with
related divisions needed in order to provide
convenience in presenting up to date informations.
To support better performance and
effectiveness of the system in terms of increasing
productivity, effectiveness and efficiency of work, take a variety of ways, for example by
sending an e-mail to the end-user associated with the
system where end-users can submit feedback,
criticism and suggestions on the system as well as
meeting session in which the end-user can voice out
their opinions and input on the system that is being
developed. In addition to the involvement of users,
user satisfaction on the developed system can also
improve the performance of the system. Both of these
are expected to support the success of the system
performance to meet the employees needs as the
system users. wants to evaluate the
performance of its content management system that
was developed internally and how the influence of

involvement and satisfaction of users on the system



Olson and Ives [1] explained user

involvement is the involvement of users during the
process of development of the system by
organization's members or systems target user.
Presumably, involvement will lead users to develop a
better understanding of the system, and it will be
better tailored to their specific needs. Therefore they
will be more inclined to use the system and be more
satisfied with it than if they had not been involved in
its design.
User satisfaction according to Ives, Baroudi
and Olson [2] is how information provided by the
system able to fulfil the information needed by its
users. Guimaraes, Staples, and McKeen [3] explained
that user satisfaction with a system deals with how
users view their information system but not the
technical quality of the system. In other words, it
measures users perception of the information
services provided, rather than a direct assessment of
the functional capabilities of the system.
System performance according to Soegiharto
[4] is the assessment of the system implementation as
compared with the previously stated goals, whether it
is in accordance with the objectives set or not.


A. Model and Research Hypotheses

There are two models in this research:




Hypothesis is alternative allegations answers

made by the researcher to the problems posed in the
study. The hypotheses in this study are:
H1: User involvement has positive influence to
the systems performance.

H2: User satisfaction has positive influence to the

systems performance.
B. Definition and Variables Measuring
User involvement variable measured by
instrument developed by Garrity and Sanders [5]
based of construct model developed by Barki and
Hartwick [6] combined with Kappelman and
McLeans [7] model. User involvement has both
process and system perspectives. The former reflects
the individual's subjective attitude (degree of personal
importance and relevance) toward the development
tasks, and the latter the individual's subjective attitude
toward the end product or system.
Ives et al. [8] defined user satisfaction as the
extents to which users believe the information system
available to them meet their informational
requirements. This variable measured by instrument
developed by Doll and Torkzadeh [9] called end user
computing satisfaction (EUCS), consist of five
dimensions; content, accuracy, format, ease of use
and timeliness.
System performance variable measured with
system functional scorecard instrument developed by
Chang and King [11]. This instrument consists of two
major dimensions; information effectivity and system

previous studies carried out in which the pattern of

the relationship between the dependent variable with
the independent variable in this research is a linear
relationship. Hypothesis testing is done by using
linear regression analysis to determine the
relationship between each independent variable (user
participation and user satisfaction) on the dependent
variable (performance information system).


The final number of questionnaires obtained

from the respondents as a content management
systems users is 54 people where these respondents
have worked in during the period of
development of the system.
A. Variables Description
Based on the total score of the questionnaire
answers obtained from respondents, the assessment
criteria used to determine the level of each variables;
user involvement, user satisfaction and system
performance. The criteria to determine the level of
variables is by calculating the value of the minimum
index, maximum index value, interval and distance

All variable measurement using likert scale

varies from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5).
C. Data Collection Method and Samples
Data collection method used in this study is
using primary data or data derived from distributing
questionnaires to the respondents. The method of
questionnaires distribution is directly came to
Rajamobil.coms office and asks related respondents
to participate in filling out the questionnaire.
The population in this study is 54 people as content management systems users
consists of: COO, IT manager, IT supervisor,
marketing manager, senior editor, coordinator of the
listing, uploader, listing force, reporter, videographer,
staff community forums, staff directory, editors,
quality controller, sales admin, sales agent.
D. Data Tests
To analyze primary data that has been
obtained through questionnaire, data quality test
consist of validity and reliability is conducted. To
obtain a regression equation that has the accuracy in
estimation, unbiased and consistent, then the
implementation of data analysis should meet the
classical assumptions. There are five tests in the
classical assumption test; normality test, linearity test,
heteroscedasticity test.
Statistical model used in this study to test the
hypothesis is linear regression analysis. A linear
regression analysis for variables test recommended by

Figure 1. Interval Line of User Involvement

Respondents answers to the user
involvement questionaires get total score of 1972, and
then by using interval line, the score is included into
good category. This shows that the involvement of
users during system development period is good.

Figure 2. Interval Line of User Satisfaction

Respondents answers to the user
involvement questionaires get total score of 2690, and
then by using interval line, the score is included into
good category. This shows that the respondents as
systems user satisfied with the developed system.

Figure 3. Interval Line of System Performance

Respondents answers to the system

performance questionaires get total score of 6675, and
then by using interval line, the score is included into
good category. This shows that the performance of
the developed system is good.
B. Data Quality Test
Data quality test includes consist of validity
and reliability test of the questionnaire.
In the validity test with 95% confidence level and
degrees of freedom (df) = n-2 = 54-2 = 52, then
obtained r table at 0.2681. The validity test shows that
all the questions with a total of 52 questions has a r
value larger than r table so that all questions from
three variables declared valid.
Furthermore, from the calculation of
Cronbach alpha reliability value of each variables;
user involvement that is 0.717, 0.720 user satisfaction
and system performance 0.905, where all three
exceeds 0.70, this shows all the variables declared
reliable instruments.
C. Classic Assumption Test
To meet the good regression model it is
necessary to test classic assumptions to determine
whether the data used to have a normal distribution,
linear and free of any symptoms of heteroscedasticity,
multicollinearity symptoms, and symptoms of
On normality test, the asymp. Sig score is
0.623, greater than 0.05. This shows that the
regression model has met the assumptions of
normality or distribution of the data used in this study
were normal and fulfilling the prerequisites of
parametric statistics.
Furthermore, for the first linearity test is
between user involvement variable with system
performace variable, significance value obtained is
0.932, greater than 0.05. Also obtained the value of
Fcount = 0.432, then to compare, we seek Ftable with
df = 11:41, obtained Ftabel value is 2.08, where
Fcount<Ftabel. From both trials it can be concluded
that there is a significant linear relationship between
the variable user involvement (X1) with a variable
system performance (Y).
The second linearity test conducted for user
satisfaction variable with system performance
variable, obtained significance value = 0.130 which is
greater than 0.05. Also obtained the value of Fcount =
1.655, then to compare, we seek Ftable with df =
9.43, obtained Ftabel value = 2.18 where Fhitung
<Ftabel. From both linearity test can be concluded
that there is a significant linear correlation
independent variables (X) with dependent variable
In multicoloniarity test, the the tolerance
value of user engagement and user satisfaction
variables is 0.892, greater than 0.10. VIF calculation
results also show the same thing, where the value of
the variable VIF user engagement and user

satisfaction variable are 1.121, showed no

independent variables that have a VIF value of more
than 10. It can be concluded that there is no
Furthermore, the autocorrelation test, results
of test runs showed that the value Asymp. Sig. =
0.410> 0.05 which indicates that the residual data is
used fairly random or there are variations in the
questionnaire answers given by the respondents.
On heteroscedasticity test, results shows that
the significance user satisfaction and user
involvement variables, each for 0.319 and 0.702, both
larger than 0.05 so there is no heteroscedasticity.
D. Hypotheses Test
In the test hypotheses test if t count> t table,
then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted, whereas if t
count<t table, then Ho accepted and Ha rejected.

Figure 4. Hypotheses Test 1 Result

The regression test result shows t = 4.889,
where t tables based on degrees of freedom = n - 2 =
54-2 = 52 and 5% significance level is 1.67. It can be
seen that t> t tables where 4.889> 1.67 then Ho is
rejected and Ha accepted, which means there is a
significant positive influence between user
involvement on the content management system
In figure 4, Constant (a) is 52.754, while the
value of User Satisfaction (b) is 1,938, so the
regression equation can be written:
Y = a + bX
Y = 52.754 + 1.938X


So that from the equation we can conclude

a. Constants of 52.754 states that if there is
no user involvement then the value of system
performance is 52.754.
b. The regression coefficient X of 1938 states
that every additional 1 value of user involvement, then
the system performance value increases by 1938.
The minimum value of the performance that
goes into the category of "very bad" based on intervalline method previously done was in 1620, when
compared with the constant value 52.754. It can be
concluded that without the involvement of the user,
system performance will be under the "very bad"
category. To achieve at least the category of "very
bad" then the value of user involvement required is
808.69 from the maximum value of 2700.
R square value shows the contribution
percentage of independent variables on the dependent

variable obtained from the coefficient of

determination. From the output obtained coefficient of
determination (R2) of 0.315, which implies the
influence or contribution of independent variables
(user involvement) on the dependent variable (system
performance) is 31.5%, while the rest is influenced by
other variables.


The involvement of users during the

development period of Rajamobil.coms
content management system
falls into good category based on the results
obtained through questionnaires distributed,
with a total score of 1972 on the involvement
from the interval-line method. This illustrates
the content management system users already
quite involved in the development process.
Good condition can be seen from both
perspectives of the involvement; perspective
of the process and perspective of the system
that assessed perceptions of personal user


User satisfaction of Rajamobil.coms content

management system developed falls into
good category based on the results obtained
through questionnaires distributed, with total
score on user satisfaction is 2690 from
interval line method. It shows users are
satisfied with the content management
system developed by IT division of Good condition can be seen
from each of the dimensions of satisfaction;
content, accuracy, format, ease of use and

systems performance falls into good
category from the results obtained through
questionnaires distributed, with the total
score for the system performance is 6675
from the interval line method. It shows the
content management systems performance is
good from its users perspective. Good
condition can be seen from each of the
dimensions of information effectiveness and
systems performance.


There is positive significant influence of user

involvement during Rajamobil.coms content
management system development period to
the system period. Results of determination
coefficient shows that the contribution of the
involvement of users on the system
performance is 31.5%.


There is positive significant influence of user

satisfaction on the developed
content management system to the system
performance. Results of determination
coefficient shows that the contribution of user
satisfaction on system performance is 26.4%.

Figure 5. Hypotheses result 2

The regression test result shows t = 4.316,
where t tables based on degrees of freedom = n - 2 =
54-2 = 52 and 5% significance level is 1.67. It can be
seen that t> t tables where 4.316> 1.67 then Ho is
rejected and Ha accepted, which means there is a
significant positive influence between user satisfaction
on the content management system performance.
In figure 5, Constant (a) is 41.546, while the
value of User Satisfaction (b) is 1.646, so the
regression equation can be written:
Y = a + bX
Y = 41.546 + 1.646X


So that from the equation we can conclude

a. Constants of 41.546 states that if there is
no user involvement then the value of system
performance is 41.546.
b. The regression coefficient X of 1.646
states that every additional 1 value of user satisfaction,
then the system performance value increases by 1.646.
The minimum value of the performance that
goes into the category of "very bad" based on intervalline method previously done was in 1620, when
compared with the constant value 41.546. It can be
concluded that without the user satisfaction of the
system, system performance will be under the "very
bad" category. To achieve at least the category of
"very bad" then the value of user satisfaction required
is 958.96 from the maximum value of 3240.
From the output obtained coefficient of
determination (R2) of 0.315, which implies the
influence or contribution of independent variables
(user satisfaction) on the dependent variable (system
performance) is 26.4%, while the rest is influenced by
other variables


Based on the study that has been done and

tests of of the influence of user involvement and
satisfaction on the performance Rajamobil.coms
content management system, here are some
conclusions as follows:



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