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American Educational Research Association

ANOVA: A Paradigm for Low Power and Misleading Measures of Effect Size?
Author(s): Rand R. Wilcox
Source: Review of Educational Research, Vol. 65, No. 1 (Spring, 1995), pp. 51-77
Published by: American Educational Research Association
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Accessed: 01/01/2010 12:28
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Review of Educational Research

Spring 1995, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 51-77

ANOVA: A Paradigm for Low Power and

Misleading Measures of Effect Size?
Rand R. Wilcox
University of Southern California
Over 30 years ago, Tukey made it evident that slight departures from
normality can substantially lower power when means are compared, and
that a popular measure of effect size can be highly misleading. At the time
there were no methodsfor dealing with the problem raised in Tukey'spaper,
and some of the more obvious and seemingly intuitive solutions have since
been found to be highly unsatisfactory. Today there are practical methods
for not only dealing with the problem raised by Tukey,but also achieving
more accurate confidence intervals and control over the probability of a
Type I error. More generally, there are many robust and exploratory ways
of comparing groups that can reveal important differences that are missed
by conventional methods based on means, and even modern methods based
solely on robust measures of location. This article reviews these new techniques.

Suppose two methods of teachinghigh school algebraare being investigated.

One grouplearnsalgebrausing MethodA, andan independentgroupuses Method
B. Once dataare collected, how shouldthese two groupsbe compared?Of course,
the most common approachin educationand psychology is to compare means,
though some would use the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxontest instead. Today there
aremany alternativesolutionsthatcan revealimportantandinterestingdifferences
that are missed by these more conventionaltechniques. Some of these newer
methods are based on replacingthe mean with some other measureof location.
The term measure of location is formallydefined below, but for now it suffices
to think of it as a measure intended to representthe typical individual under
study. The mean and median are the two best-knownexamples of measure of
location, but other important measures of location are available which are
reviewed in this article. Much of this article deals with comparingmeasures of
location, but it is stressedthatwhen attentionis restrictedto comparingmeasures
of location, interesting differences between groups can be missed. One of the
main goals in this introductorysectionis to describemethodsthatcan supplement
techniques based solely on measures of location and why they can be useful.
These methods are generally called robustand exploratorytechniques, and are
described in more detail in the two books by Hoaglin, Mosteller, and Tukey
(1983, 1985), which are writtenat a relativelynontechnicallevel. Here the goal
is to supplementthese two books by describingsome recent graphicaltools and
related techniques for comparing groups. A related goal is to point out that
popular measures of effect size can be highly misleading for reasons that are
explained below.


Before continuing,one point should be stressed. While this article is critical

of standardmethods for comparingmeans and related measures of effect size,
it is not being implied that all publishedresearchis inaccurate.On the positive
side, when a researcherreportsa significantresultwhen testing some hypothesis,
a truly significant result has probablybeen found. The concern is that many
nonsignificant results might have been highly significant if some alternative
method had been used, and there is the concern that significance levels and
reportedprobabilitycoverageof confidenceintervalsmight be highly inaccurate.
A moregeneralandperhapsmoreimportantissue is thatflexibility and alternative
ways of viewing data can be very important.
To begin to appreciatewhy global comparisonsof distributionscan be useful,
as opposed to comparingmeasures of location, first consider the problem of
comparing two independentand normally distributedrandom variables. More
realistic situationsare consideredbelow. To be concrete, suppose Y corresponds
to an experimentalmethodfor teachingalgebrahavingmean xL,,andX represents
a control or standard method with mean I2. Suppose IJ = 92= 9, but Y has
variance &o2= .2, while X has variance oT = 1. Assume that high Y values

indicate that the experimentalmethod is more effective than the control. Of

course, any method for comparing means should not reject Ho: [l- = ,p2, and for

the situationat hand,none of the methodsconsideredin this articlefor comparing

alternativemeasures of location should reject, either. Yet there is a potentially
importantdifference:Studentswho do poorly underthe standardmethod benefit
from the experimentalmethod, but the experimentalmethod is detrimentalfor
studentswho do well using the standardtechnique.
One way of dealing with this problemis to comparethe quantiles of the two
groups.Forthe situationathand,one mightalso comparevariances,butcomparing
quantiles can be more revealingfor reasons that will become evident. Let xpbe
the pth quantilecorrespondingto the randomvariableX. Thus, x5 is the median.
Considergraphingxpversus 8(xp)= yp- xp,the differencebetween the quantiles.
If 8(xp)> 0, studentswho are at the pth quantileof the standardmethod would
typically performbetter under the experimentalmethod; and if 6(xp) < 0, the
experimentalmethod is detrimental.Figure 1 shows a graph of 6 versus xpfor
the two normaldistributionsin the illustrationfor the deciles, p = .1, .2, .3, .4,
.5, .6, .7, .8 and .9.
The quantity6(xp)is knownas a shift functionandhas been studiedby Doksum
(1974, 1977) as well as Doksum and Sievers (1976). One concern is that groups
might differ in more complicatedways than is the case in the illustrationjust
given, and Doksum (1977) reanalyzessome data on the effect of radiationon
mice to demonstratethis point. Here, data analyzed by Salk (1973) is used to
provide yet anotherillustration.A portionof Salk's study dealt with weight gain
in newbornsweighing at least 3,500 grams at birth.These newborns were separatedinto two groups.The first groupwas continuouslyexposed to the recorded
soundof a humanheartbeat,while the othergroupactedas a control.The equality
of the means of the two groups was tested with Student's t test and rejected at
the .05 level of significance. Figure 2 shows an estimate of the shift function
where the quantiles are estimated using the method derived by Harrell and
Davis (1982). The Minitabmacrodshift.mtbin Wilcox (in press-c) performsthe
necessary computations.The point here is that the graph descends, levels off,






FIGURE1. Shiftfunctionfor a hypotheticalnew teachingmethod












FIGURE 2. Estimated shift function for data on weight gain in newborns

Note. Data are from Salk (1973).

and then descends again. This indicates thatthe largesteffect occurs for babies
who have a relatively large loss of weight withoutthe treatment.Clearly 8(xp)
can be importantbecause it provides a morerefinedmethodof determiningwho
might benefit from a particulartreatment.Of particularimportanceis that 8(xp)
can reflect differencesnot indicatedby tpi - ,12or by the differencein any other
measure of location. A method for obtainingsimultaneousconfidence intervals
for xp - yp when working with deciles is outlined in Wilcox (in press-c); the
necessary computationsare done with his Minitabmacromq.mtb,and details of
how this method performscan be found in Wilcox (in press-b).
Several other methodshave been proposedwhich also capturethe spiritof the
shift function. The best known is the Kolmogorov-Smirov test, but it has relatively low power, and its power can increaseslowly as the sample sizes get large
(Randles& Wolfe, 1979,p. 384). DoksumandSievers(1976) deriveda confidence
bandfor all quantilesusing a Kolmogorov-Smirov statistic,and a relatedmethod
was derived by Switzer (1976). Earlierrelatedwork is the quantile-quantileplot
of Gnanadesikanand Wilk (1968), and a methodbased on ranks was proposed
by O'Brien (1988). O'Brien provides additionalillustrationsof why these techniques can be important.Yet anothergraphicalapproachis to draw a boxplot of
two groups, one on top of the other and on the same scale. An illustrationis
given in Wilcox (in press-c, chapter 8). For results on the properties of the
boxplot, see Brant (1990). For graphicalmethodsaimed at comparingmultiple
groups, see Tukey (1993). Finally, global measuresof how groups differ can be
obtainedby estimatingthe distributionscorrespondingto each groupusing methods such as those in Silverman (1986).
Some Practical Reasons for Using Robust Measures of Location and
Effect Size
Now consider the problem of comparinggroups based on some measure of
location. There are two related concerns aboutpower when sample means are
used: outliers and heavy-tailed distributions.To illustratethe first, consider the
data in Wilcox (1992d) which deals with a studyon self-awareness.The sample
means are 448 and 599. Using Welch's test of Ho:[LI> L2,the significance level
is .24. However, comparingthe groups in termsof 20% trimmedmeans or onestep M-estimators,which are robustmeasuresof locationdescribedbelow, yields
a significant difference at the .05 level. Moreover,various papers described
below indicate that these tests generally provide better control over Type I
errorprobabilities,especially when distributionsare skewed. The reason for the
discrepantresults is thatthe first grouphas two extremeoutliers (unusuallylarge
values relative to the bulk of the available data)that are revealed by a boxplot,
and the second grouphas an extremeoutlier,as well. Outliersinflatethe standard
errorof the sample mean, which, in turn,lowers power.Many robustestimators
of location have standarderrorsthat are relativelyinsensitive to outliers, and in
the illustrationthis is why it was possible to reject. However, even when there
are no outliers,differentmeasuresof locationcangive differentresultsfor reasons
explained below.
Ever since Tukey (1960) published his work on the contaminatednormal
distribution,it has been clear that slight departuresfrom normality can have
devastating effects on power when means are compared,and that popular mea54


sures of effect size can be misleading,as well. The contaminatednormal is an

example of a distributionwith a heavy or thicktail relativeto the normaldistribution. Tukey's paperhad no immediateimpacton appliedresearchbecause it was
unclear at the time how a researchermight address the problem he discussed.
During the ten years following Tukey's paper,a few mathematicalstatisticians
began laying a foundationfor getting betterresults. Of particularinterest is the
theory of robustness developed by Huber (1964) and Hampel (1968). By the
year 1974, therewere some practicalsolutionsfor the one- and two-samplecases,
but general techniques for more complicateddesigns were not available even a
few years ago. Today,any of the commonexperimentaldesigns can be improved.
Figure 3 shows a standardnormaland a contaminatednormaldistribution.A
contaminatednormalis formedby samplingfrom a standardnormaldistribution
(having mean 0 and variance 1) with probability1 - e; alternatively,sampling
is from a normaldistributionhaving mean 0 and standarddeviation K. (Readers
interestedin furthertechnicaldetails can referto Hoaglin et al., 1983). In Figure
I, E = .1 and K = 10. Thereis an obvious similaritybetweenthe two distributions.
The tails of the contaminatednormalactually lie above the tails of the normal,
but this is difficult to discernwithoutextendingthe rangeof x values and drawing
the figure on a much larger scale. The main point is that while the standard
normal has variance 1, the contaminatednormalhas variance 1 - E + EK2=
10.9. Put anotherway, if samplingis from the contaminatednormal,even when
the variance is known, the length of the confidence interval for the population
mean ,L, will be over 3 times longer than what it is when sampling from the
normal distributioninstead, and this has obvious implications for power. The
problem is that or, the standarddeviation, is highly sensitive to the tails of a
distribution,so seemingly smalldeparturesfromnormalitycan inflatethe standard
error of the sample mean, u/;n, where n is the sample size. One might try to
salvage the situation by arguing that the contaminatednormal distribution is
actually a large departurefrom normality.The extreme quantilesdiffer substantially, which results in large differencesbetween the standarddeviations. But in
terms of common metrics for comparingdistributions(the Kolmogorov, Levy,
and Prohorov, the latter two being discussed by Huber, 1981), there is little
difference between the normaland contaminatednormal. Gleason (1993) compares them in terms of what he calls elongation and concludes that there is
little difference.
normal curve





FIGURE3. Normaland contaminatednormaldistributions


To add some perspective,look at Figure4, which shows two normaldistributions with means 0 and 0.8, both having variance 1. Consider the common
measure of effect size
A = 1I -



where p,jis the mean of thejth group, and the groups have a common standard
deviation a, = r2 = o. Cohen (1977, p. 26) defines a medium measure of effect
size as one largeenoughto be visibleto the nakedeye, andfor normaldistributions
he concludes that A values equal to .2, .5, and .8, correspondto small, medium,
and large effect sizes. Thus, Figure4 has A = .8, which is large. Now look at
Figure 5, which shows two contaminatednormals,again with means 0 and 0.8.
Then A = .24, which is supposedlysmall, yet by appearancesthe effect size
is large.
It has already been illustratedthat outliers can substantiallyreduce power
when one is workingwith sample means, and in a similar manner,heavy-tailed
distributionsinflate the standarderrorof the sample mean. As a result, power
might be low relative to methods based on other measures of location. For
example, suppose samplingis from two normaldistributionswith R.I- Ip2 = 1
and variancesequal to 1. Then with o = .05, and n\ = n2 = 25, Student'st test
has power .957, while Welch's(1951) test has power approximatelyequal to .93.
If, instead, sampling is from contaminatednormal distributions, again with




FIGURE 4. Graphical display of A

.8 for two normal distributions







A = .24 for two contaminatednormals

FIGURE5. Graphicaldisplayof A

-i1- 12 = 1, then these two procedureshave power approximatelyequal to .28,
based on simulationswith 10,000 replications, and this agrees with the usual
approximationfor power derived under the assumptionof normality.However,
powers for three otherprocedurescomparedby Wilcox (1992d) range between
.78 and .80, with little loss in power when distributionsare normal.One of these
is Yuen's (1974) methodfor trimmedmeans, based on 20% trimming,while the
other two are recently developed methods for the median and a measure of
location called a one-stepM-estimator.(More details are given laterin the article.
Computationaldetails, plus Minitab macros for applying these techniques, can
be found in Wilcox, in press-c).Thus, to the extent that one wants to rejectwhen
groups differ,these newerproceduresare of interest.There are a varietyof other
issues that one might considerbefore choosing a procedure;these are discussed
below. Note thatwhen dealing with power undernonnormality,Glass, Peckham,
and Sanders (1972) focus exclusively on power as a function of A. Hence, the
results just reportedare consistent with their paper, but the point here is that
other procedurescan have substantiallymore power.
To describeyet anotherproblemrelatedto outliers, let X, andX2be the sample
means correspondingto two groups, and suppose X2 > Xi, and that Ho:pl = 1x2
is rejected with ao = .05 using either Welch's method or Student's t test. Now
suppose the largest observationin the second group is made even larger, so
X2 - X increases as well. It would seem that there is stronger evidence for
concluding that 12 > RIL,yet eventually both tests for means will not reject
because of the correspondingincreasein the standarderror.Illustrationsare given
in Staudte and Sheather(1990) as well as Wilcox (in press-c).
It should be stressedthatoutliersare not the only reason for consideringrobust
methods. Small shifts in a distributioncan have a large impact on the mean
which might renderit a potentiallymisleading measureof the typical individual.
Consider,for example,a chi-squaredistributionwith 4 degrees of freedomwhich
has mean 4. If the distributionis contaminatedby multiplyingan observationby
10 with probability.1, it does not change very much based on typical metrics
for comparing distributions.However, the mean is affected considerably as
depicted in Figure 6, which also shows the location of the median, 0 = 3.75,
and the 20% trimmedmean, 11t= 4.2, which is discussed in more detail in


. = 3.75
.*" '* ' = 4.2

. p





FIGURE 6. Measures of location for a contaminated chi-square distribution



subsequentsections. The mean is increased to 7.6, and its value is so far in the
righttail, one mightarguethatit is not a very good reflectionof the typicalperson.
Duringthe early years of modem mathematicalstatistics, there were reasons
to suspectthatstrictadherenceto means, when describingandcomparinggroups,
mightbe a problem(Pearson,1931; Student, 1927). These resultswere overshadowed by theoreticalresults, summarizedby Tan (1982), indicating that when
two or more groupshave identicaldistributions,conventionalhypothesistesting
proceduresprovide good control over the probability of a Type I error when
distributionsarenonnormal.In termsof power, however,thereare severalserious
problems.Tukey's (1960) results imply that departuresfrom normalitythat are
difficult to detect can inflate the variance by a large amount, and this implies
that power will be lowered. Moreover,Tukey arguedthat heavy-taileddistributions and outliersare common in applied research.If this is true, low power due
to nonnormalitycould be common. Surveys of data occurringin applied work
indicate that severe departuresfrom normality can arise in practice (Micceri,
1989; Wilcox, 1990a).
The remainderof this article provides a brief and relatively nontechnical
introductionto robustmeasuresof location and scale, and how they can be used
to compare groups. Some of these issues are summarizedby Wilcox (1992d,
1993d). This article takes a much broader view of the problems that arise and
the solutions that have been proposed. Elementarydescriptionsof many of the
recently developed robustmethods examined here are given in the textbookby
Wilcox (in press-c). With Wilcox's book comes a floppy containing over 150
Minitabmacrosfor applyingtechniquesnot found in standardstatisticalpackages.
Consequently,numericaldescriptionsof these methods are kept to a minimum.
Here, attentionis focused on general technical issues and practicaldetails that
arerelevantto experiencedresearcherswho want a relativelynontechnicalunderstandingof how and why modem robust methods are relevantto their research.
Building a Mathematical Foundation for More Robust Methods
Appliedresearcherswho do not religiously follow developmentsin mathematical statistics might still have the impression that robust methods are based on
ad hoc procedures.The purposeof this section is to indicate that this is not at
all the case. While technicaldetails are kept to a minimum,some mathematical
commentsare needed in orderto convey how the foundationsof modem robust
procedureswere developed.
There are two fundamentaland related problems that must be addressed.The
first is finding analogs of the population mean and variance, ,L and a2, that are
relativelyinsensitiveto slight changes in a distribution.When dealing with effect
size, for example,it is desirableto have a measurethat is consistentwith A when
distributionsarenormal,butwhich does not give a distortedview of the magnitude
of the effect size underslight departuresfrom normality.The second problemis
findingestimatorsof locationandscale with standarderrorsthatarealso relatively
insensitiveto slight changesin a distribution.In particular,small departuresfrom
normalityshould not drasticallycolor our perceptionsabout how groups differ,
nor should they substantiallylower power. Today there is a well established
mathematicalfoundationfor addressingthese problemswhich is summarizedin
the books by Huber(1981); Hampel, Ronchetti, Rousseeuw, and Stahel (1986);


and Staudteand Sheather(1990). This section briefly reviews some aspects of

these resultsthatare particularlyrelevantto appliedresearchers.One of the most
strikingresults is that intuitionsabout how to deal with outliersand heavy-tailed
distributions,based in part on notions related to normal distributions,turn out
to be completely unsatisfactory.For example, discardingoutliers and applying
Student'st test to the data that remain results in a procedurebased on estimated
standarderrorsthat are not even asymptoticallycorrect. That is, the estimated
standarderrorsdo not converge to the correctvalue as the samplesizes increase.
Anothercommonmisconceptionis thatoutlierscan be detectedusing rulesbased
on s, the sample standarddeviation. Because s can become highly inflated due
to outliers, methods for detecting outliers that are based on s are subject to
"masking."That is, the very presence of outliers hindersthe ability of methods
based on s to find them. A more satisfactory approachis to use a measureof
dispersion that is insensitive to outliers. (See Brant, 1990; Davies & Gather,
1993; Hadi, 1994; Barett & Lewis, 1984; Goldberg & Iglewicz, 1992;
Rousseeuw & Leroy, 1987; and Rousseeuw & van Zomeren, 1990 for methods
dealing with the detection of outliers.)
Threedifferentways of assessing an estimatorplay a prominentrole in modem
statisticalmethods:(a) the breakdownpoint, (b) the influence function,and (c)
the continuityof a descriptivemeasure.These concepts aredescribedby Staudte
and Sheather(1990, p. 44) as quantitativerobustness,infinitesimalrobustness,
and qualitative robustness. But before delving into greater detail, we should
perhapsbe more precise about what is meant by a measure of location. It is
intendedto representthe typical subject,but whatbasic propertiesshouldit have?
There are four propertiesthat are usually imposed (e.g., Staudte & Sheather,
1990, p. 101), and a fifth condition (described below) that is sometimes added.
SupposeX has distributionF, and let 0(X) be some descriptivemeasureof the
distribution.Then 0(X) is a measure of location if for any constantsa and b,
0(X + b) = 0(X) + b,
0(-X) = -0(X),
X > 0 implies 0(X) > 0, and
0(aX) = a0(X).


Condition1 is called location equivarianceand simply requiresthatif b is added

to every observation,then a measureof location shouldbe increasedby the same
amount.Conditions 1-3 imply that any measureof location should have a value
within the range of values of X. Condition 4 is called scale equivarianceand
guaranteesthat estimators of measures of location, such as the sample mean,
give results independentof the unit of measurement.In the context of testing
hypotheses, it should not be possible to multiply all the observationsby the
constanta and come to different conclusions about whethertwo groups differ.
There are many measures of location in addition to the mean and median. To
makejudgmentsabouthow measures of location compare,additionaldesiderata
must be imposed.
The discussion of the contaminatednormal and chi-squaredistributionssuggests one approachto characterizingrobust and resistantmeasuresof location,
and these distributionsare examples of what is called a contaminationneighbor59


hood. That is, they represent a family of distributionsthat are in some sense
close to a distributionof interest,E Otherneighborhoodshave been defined,but
they can be conceptually inadequateas arguedby Huber(1981, pp. 11-12). A
moresatisfactorypoint of view has been developed,but involves technicaldetails
that go beyond the scope of this article. (In terms of determiningwhether a
distributionis close to F, the Levy and Prohorovdistances play an important
role, but the technical details are not covered in this review. See Huber, 1981,
for furtherinformation.)It is possible, however, to gain some sense of how to
proceed by first considering a few comments about mathematics.
Consider any function, say f(x), not necessarily a probabilityfunction, and
supposewe want to impose restrictionson (x) so thatit does not changesubstantially with very small changes in x. Two restrictionsthat might be imposed are
thatf(x) is differentiable,and that the derivative be bounded. For example, if
f(x) = x2, and x is positive, then the rate at whichf(x) increasesgets largeras x
goes to infinity. This rate is 2x, the derivativeof f(x). A key element of modem
robuststatisticalmethods is an analog of these two restrictionsfor workingwith
measuresof location and scale.
The analog is obtainedby viewing descriptivemeasuresas functionals,which
are just mappings that assign real numbers to distributions.For example, the
populationmean i, can be written as
T(F) =


where F is any distributionfunction. That is, T(F) is a rule that maps any F into
a real number.An advantageof this approachis thatthereare analogsof derivatives which indicatehow sensitive T(F) happensto be in termsof slight changes
in F, and it also leads to asymptotically correct estimatorsof standarderrors.
Derivatives of functionals are called Gateauxderivatives,and in the robustness
literaturethey aregenerallyknown as an influencefunction. Thus,a basic requirement of any measure of location and scale is that it have a boundedinfluence
function.The populationmean has the influence functionIF(x) = x - i, which
is unbounded.Thatis, it can be made arbitrarilylargeby increasingx. Putin more
practicalterms, for a skewed distribution,very small changes in a distribution,F,
can have an arbitrarilylargeeffect on px.The variancehas an unboundedinfluence
function as well, and this is why power can be poor when one is working with
means, and A can be a misleading measure of effect size even with infinitely
large sample sizes.
The influence function approximatesthe relative influence on T(F) of small
departuresfrom F Roughly, it reflects the influence of adding an observation
with valuex to an alreadylarge sample.Moreformally,suppose6xis a probability
function where the value x occurs with probability 1. Then T((1 - E)F + E6,)

is a functional, such as some measure of location, evaluatedfor a distribution

wherewith probability1 - e an observationis sampledfromF, andwith probability e the observed value is x. Put another way, there is probability1 - e of
gettinga "good"observation,and probabilitye of gettinga "bad"or contaminated
value, x. Then T((1 - e)F + e8x) - T(F) measures the change due to including


x with probabilitye. Dividing this differenceby e and takingthe limit as E goes
to zero provides the formal definition of the influence function.
One of the more importantroles played by the influencefunctionis that when
one is dealing with a measure of location other than the mean, it indicates how
the standarderrorshould be estimated.Let X, ..., Xnbe a randomsample, and
let 0 be an estimator of 0, some measureof location that is of interest.For the
more popularmeasures of location appearingin the robustnessliterature,
0= 0 +



plus a remaindertermthatgoes to zero in probabilityas the samplesize increases.

Thus, 0 can be written as the sum of independentand identically distributed
randomvariables.Consequently,once the influencefunctionhas been determined,
an estimatorof the standarderroris available as well from basic principles in
As an illustration,consider the sample trimmedmean given by
Xt = (X(g+l) + *

where X(,)




g))/(n -


X(n)are the observations written in ascending order, and

g = [kn], where k is some predeterminedconstant between 0 and .5, and the

notation [kn] indicates that kn is rounded down to the nearest integer. (For
example, [9.9] = 9.) In words,the sampletrimmedmeanis computedby removing
the g largest and smallest observations and averagingthe values that remain.
(Choosing k, the proportionof observationsto be trimmed,is discussed in the
following section.) The influence function of the populationtrimmedmean can
be used to show that the standarderrorof the sample trimmedmean, Xt, should
be estimated as follows. Let
Xw =

((g + l)X(g+l) + X(g+2)+

+ X(n gl)+

(g + l)X(n-g))

be the Winsorized mean, and let

SSD = (g + l)(X(g+) - Xw)2 + (X(g+2)- X)2 + * *
+ (X(n-g-I) - X)2 + (g + 1)(X(-g)- X)2.

The Winsorized sample variance is



Then an asymptotically correct estimator of the standarderror of the sample

trimmedmean is swl{(l - 2k),n/}. Note that if you trim and then compute the
sample variance with the datathatremain,you do not get the Winsorizedsample
variance,s2w.The estimate of the standarderrorfollows from the result that

Xt = C[t+ -


plus a remainderterm that goes to zero in probabilityas n gets large, where pJt
is the populationtrimmedmeanandIF(Xi)is the influencefunctionof the trimmed
mean. That is, Xt can be writtenas the average of independentand identically
distributedrandom variables, plus a term that can be ignored asymptotically,
even though the order statistics used to compute Xt are dependent.When x is

between Xkand x- k, the k and 1 - k quantiles of F, IF(x) = (x -

L,w)/(1- 2k),

where Z,wis the populationWinsorizedmean estimatedby Xw. When x > x -k,

IF(x) = (x-_k - wL)/(l - 2k), while for x < Xk,IF(x) = (k - [Lw)/(1 - 2k).
Note that the influence function is bounded below by (xk - gw)/(l - 2k), and
it is boundedabove by (xl-k- ILw)/(1- 2k). (Readersinterestedin more technical

details can refer to Huber, 1981, or Staudte& Sheather,1990.)

Another common criterionis the so-calledfinite sample breakdownpoint of
an estimator.This refers to the proportionof observationswhich, when altered,
can make an estimatorarbitrarilylarge.Put anotherway, the finite sample breakdown point reflects the amount of contaminationthat can be tolerated. For
example, the finite sample breakdownpoint of the sample mean is only 1/n
because if a single observationis increasedindefinitely,then the sample mean
goes to infinity. The sample variancehas a finite sample breakdownpoint of
only 1/n, as well. The limiting value of the finite sample breakdownpoint, as n
gets large, provides a measure of the global stability of an estimator.For the
sample mean this limit is zero, while for the trimmedmean it is k, the proportion
of observationstrimmedfromboth tails. The best thatcan be achieved is a finite
sample breakdownpoint approximatelyequal to .5. The sample median has this
property,and its standarderroris relativelysmall when one samples from heavytailed distributions,but its standarderroris relatively large for normaldistributions, resulting in potentiallylow powercomparedto othermethodsfor comparing groups.
Thereare many measuresof location,includingR-estimators,which are related
to tests of hypotheses based on ranks.No attemptis made to describeall of these
estimators here. A class of estimators of location that should be discussed,
and which has received considerableattentionin the statistics literature,is Mestimators, which contain maximumlikelihood estimatorsas a special case. In
their simplest form, M-estimatorsare estimatesof measuresof location, 0, where
0 satisfies

- 0)) = 0,


andT is some functionchosento have desirableproperties.(Fora moreextensive

yet relatively nontechnicaldiscussionof M-estimators,see Hoaglin et al., 1983.)
Note that for T(x) = x, 0 becomes the populationmean, [L.M-estimatorsare
mathematicallyappealingbecause they have a simple influence function, which
aids in the choice of T. The two most popularchoices for T are Tukey'sbiweight


and Huber's P, the lattergiven by P(x) = max -k, min(x, k)}. The constant k
is a tuning constant chosen so that the estimator has good properties under
normality.Typicallyk = 1.28, the .9 quantileof the standardnormaldistribution,
andthis value is usedhenceforth.Thereareseriousestimationproblemsassociated
with Tukey's biweight (Freedman& Diaconis, 1982), so this approach is not
discussed further.Using Huber's', estimating0 is easily accomplished and the
estimatorhas a relativelyhigh finite sample breakdownpoint (see Huber, 1981,
p. 144), but other difficulties remain.Recall from Condition 4 for measures of
location that if X has measureof location 0, then bX should have measure of
location b0, whenever b > 0. In general, M-estimatorssatisfy all but the last
criterion.This is easily correctedby incorporatinga measureof scale into Equation
2. The measureof scale typicallyused is the median absolute deviation statistic
given by
MAD = medlX, - MI,
where M is the usual sample median. That is, subtractthe median from each
observationand then computethe absolutevalue of the resultingn observations,
in which case MAD is the median of the absolute values just computed. MAD
has a finite sample breakdownpoint of approximately.5, which is one reason it
is commonly used. Iterativemethods must be used to estimate 0, but typically
one iterationvia the Newton-Raphsonmethod suffices. This yields

1.28(MAD)(i2 - i) + S
n- il - i2

where il is the numberof observationsXi for which (Xi - M)IMAD< -k,

the numberfor which (Xi - M)/MAD> k, and




S= E Xi)

In other words, 0 empiricallydetermineswhether an observation is unusually

large or small by comparing(Xi - M)IMADto k; it then trims these observations
and averages those that remain, but it also makes an adjustmentbased on a
measure of scale, MAD. Note that when equal amounts of trimming are done
(il = i2), MAD no longer plays a role in the estimate of 0. The estimator 0 is
generally known as a one-step M-estimatorof location. Although MAD has a
finite sample breakdownpoint of .5, a criticism is that it is relatively inefficient.
Rousseeuw and Croux (1993) consider alternativemeasures of deviation, but
the implications of these measures, in terms of testing hypotheses, have not
been explored.
Bickel and Lehmann (1975) add a fifth criterion to the four that define a
measureof location. Roughly,if the quantilesof a randomvariableX are greater
than or equal to the quantiles of the random variable Y then any measure of
location for X should be largerthan the correspondingvalue for Y In general,


robustM-estimatorsdo not satisfy this last criterion.Trimmedmeans satisfy all

of the criteriadescribedin this section, so some authoritiesbelieve they shouldbe
preferredin practice.Othersarguethatthe one-stepM-estimatoris still reasonable
because its value is close to the "bulk"of a distribution,and because it empirically
determineshow much trimmingis done, while the trimmed mean does not. In
particular,if a distributionis skewed to the right, say, it might seem preferable
to trim more observationsfrom the right tail comparedto the left. Also, the onestep M-estimatorincludesthe possibility of not trimmingany observationsat all.
M-estimatorsin general,andthe one-stepM-estimatorin particular,are asymptotically normal. For symmetric distributionsthe one-step M-estimatorhas a
fairly simple influence function, but for asymmetricdistributionsit takes on a
rathercomplicatedform (Huber, 1981, p. 140). Despite this, there are practical
methods for making inferencesabout a one-step M-estimator,and estimates of
its standarderror can be obtained, as well. Details are given in some of the
remainingsections of this article.
For completeness,improvementson M-estimatorsappearto be possible (Morgenthaler & Tukey, 1991), but many complications remain to be resolved, so
they are not discussed.Still anotherpossibility is the minimumvolume ellipsoid
estimatorused by Rousseeuwand Leroy (1987). Also, other methods of empirically determininghow much trimmingto do have been suggested (e.g., Hogg,
1974), but technicaldifficultiestypically renderthem of questionablevalue. (See
the discussion following Hogg's article,particularlythe comments by P. Huber.)
Testing Hypotheses: The One-Sample Case
This section takes up the problem of making inferences about a measure of
location in the one-samplecase. A generalpoint of considerablepracticalimportance is that the measureof locationchosen can be extremely importantin terms
of Type I errors,accuracyof a confidenceinterval,the interpretationof a measure
of effect size, and power. In particular,rigid adherence to means can result in
missing importantdifferenceseven when there are large sample sizes. The ideal
hypothesis testing procedurewould have as much or more power than any other
technique,but such a procedurehas not been derived.In fact, despitethe negative
featuresrelatedto meanswhich are describedin this section and the next, there
are situations in which comparingmeans can have higher power than all other
methods, even undernonnormality.Details and illustrationsare given below.
Attentionis focused on trimmedmeans and one-step M-estimatorsof location
because currentlythey seem to be two of the more importantestimators for
considerationin appliedwork. Issues that must be addressedare whethergood
control over Type I errorscan be achieved, whether confidence intervals have
accurateprobabilitycoverage, whetherpower compares well to methods based
on means when distributionsare normal,and whetherthere is a large difference
in power when distributionshave heavy tails.
Firstconsidertrimmedmeans.TukeyandMcLaughlin(1963) devised a method
for testing hypotheseswhich uses Student'st distributionto approximatethe null
distribution with degrees of freedom v = n - 2g - 1. Results in Patel, Mudholkar,

and Fernando(1988) supportthis approximationof the null distribution.More

specifically, letting jit be the populationtrimmedmean,

T, =

n (1 -

2k)(X, -



has, approximately,a Student'st distributionwith n - 2g - 1 degreesof freedom.

Using Ttto test hypotheses can yield substantiallymore power than Student'st
test because the Winsorized standarddeviation, sw, is less affected by heavytaileddistributionsandoutliers.Note that s, effectively "pullsin"extremevalues.
To have any practicalutility, a value for k, the amountof trimming,must be
determined.Results in Rosenbergerand Gasko (1983) indicate that k = .2 is a
good choice, althoughwith very small sample sizes they recommendk = .25
or higher. Wilcox (1994c) derived analytic results showing that for skewed
distributions,the moretrimmingis done, the betterthe controlover the probability
of a Type I error.However,if too much trimmingis done, power might be poor
for normaldistributions.Wilcox found that a good compromiseis k = .2, which
gives good powerfor a shift model undernormality,and which can yield substantially more power when there are outliers or distributionshave heavy tails.
Anotherpoint of view is that k be chosen accordingto how many outliers one
expects based on experiencewith similar types of data. Yet anotherapproachis
to empiricallydeterminethe amountof trimmingaccordingto some criterionof
interest,suchas a relativelysmall standarderror.These so-calledadaptivetrimmed
means have been studied recently by Leger and Romano (1990a, 1990b) and
Leger, Politis, and Romano (1992).
While Student'st test is generally thought to be robust under nonnormality,
control over the probabilityof a Type I errorcan be poor, especially when one
is dealing with one-sidedtests. For example, when one is testing Ho:[L> 0, and
samplingis from a lognormaldistribution,the actualprobabilityof a Type I error
is .124 with n = 80 and a = .05 (Westfall & Young, 1993, p. 40; Noreen, 1989,
p. 74). Increasingn to 160, it is .109. The problem is that the null distribution
is skewed, and the expected value of the test statisticis not zero as it is assumed
to be. Sutton(1993) comparedseveralmethodsandfoundthata methodsuggested
by Johnson(1978), used in conjunctionwith a bootstrapprocedure,gives good
results depending on whether a distributionis skewed to the right or left (cf.
Kleijnen, Kloppenburg,& Meeuwsen, 1986). (For a relatively nontechnical
descriptionof the bootstrapmethod, see Noreen, 1989; Wilcox, in press-c. For
a review of the bootstrapwritten at a more technical level, see DiCiccio &
Romano, 1988.) The Tukey-McLaughlintest for trimmed means gives better
control over the probabilityof a Type I errorthan does Student'st test, but as
with all methodsfor comparingmeans, problems remain.
Westfall and Young (1993) suggest that when one is working with the mean,
a particularform of Efron's (1982) bootstrap method be used. Their method
improves control over the probabilityof a Type I error,but even with n = 80,
the actual probabilityof a Type I errorcan be as high as .08. Just how serious
this is will depend on the situation and judgments made about the importance
of a Type I error.(Bradley,1978, argues that when one is testing at the .05 level,
the actualprobabilityof a Type I errorshould not exceed .075.) The main point
hereis thatcombiningthe bootstrapwith trimmedmeansgives even betterresults.
For the lognormaldistributionconsidered here, the probabilityof a Type I error

is .06 with only n = 12. Complete computationaldetails are given in Wilcox
(1994a), and thoroughdiscussion of the general methodis providedby Westfall
and Young (1993). Briefly, set Ci = Xi - X, randomlysample n observations,
with replacement,from the Ci values, and computeTtbased on the n valuesjust
sampled yielding T*. Repeat this process B times yielding T* ..., T*. Let p
be the proportionof these B values less than Tt,the test statisticbased on the
observeddata, X,, ..., X,,. Then p estimates the significancelevel when one is
testingHo:pLt> 0. If p < a, reject. Westfalland YoungrecommendB = 10,000
althoughB = 1,000 seems to give good results.The Minitabmacrotrimlb.mtb,
which is included on the floppy accompanyingWilcox's (in press-c)book, performs the calculations.
When one is working with one-step M-estimators,and when distributionsare
skewed, it appearsthereis no simple method for approximatingthe null distribution. However,results in Wilcox (1992a) suggest that fairly accurateconfidence
intervalscan be obtainedusing a percentile bootstrapmethod.That is, obtain a
bootstrapsample by randomly sampling n observationswith replacementfrom
XI, ..., Xn. Let 0* be the resulting value of the one-step M-estimator.Repeat
this processB times yielding 0* .. ., O', which yields anestimateof the sampling
distributionof 0, the one-step M-estimatorbased on the observedvalues X,,....
Xn.The percentilesof the estimatedsamplingdistributioncan be used to compute
a confidenceinterval.B = 399 appearsto give good resultswhenone is computing
a .95 confidence interval.B = 399 ratherthanB = 400 is recommendedbecause
of results in Hall (1986). The B bootstrapvalues can also be used to obtain an
estimate of the standarderror. Other forms of the bootstrapmight give better
results in some sense, but this remains to be seen.
Comparing Two or More Groups
Let 0, and 02 be any measures of location correspondingto two independent
groups. This section takes up the problem of testing Ho: 09 = 02 or computing
a 1 - a confidence interval for 09 - 02. As before, there are the general
concernsabout whethera measureof location is robust,aboutthe possibilitythat
a nonrobustmeasurecan give a distortedview of how the typical individualin
one group compares to the typical individual in another,and about accurate
probabilitycoverage, controllingthe probabilityof a Type I error,and achieving
relatively high power.
Forworkingwith two or moregroups,this articleconsidersonly heteroscedastic
methods-that is, methods that allow unequal variances.There is now a vast
literatureindicatingthat the usual t test can be unsatisfactoryin terms of Type
I errorswhen distributionshave unequalvariances,andperhapsmoreimportantly,
thatheteroscedasticmethods can have substantiallymore power and more accurateprobabilitycoveragewhen computingconfidenceintervals.This is consistent
with the review by Glass et al. (1972), and today there is even more evidence
thathomoscedasticmethodsareunsatisfactory,even undernormality,as indicated
in the review by Wilcox (1993d). This might appearto contradictwell-known
resultsin Box (1954), but Box limited his numericalresultsto situationswhere
the ratio of the largest standarddeviation to the smallest is less thanor equal to
the square root of 3. Surveys of published studies indicate that larger ratios
are common, in which case problems arise even when sampling from normal


distributions.In fact, when distributionshave differentshapes,Cressie and Whitford (1986) describe general circumstanceswhere Student'st test is not even
asymptoticallycorrect.That is, the varianceof Student'st test does not approach
1 as the sample sizes get large, so in particularit does not approacha standard
normal distribution as is typically assumed. One of the negative aspects of
Student'st test is poor control over Type I errorprobabilitieswhen groupshave
unequal variances. It might be arguedthat it is unrealisticto have equal means
but unequal variances, in which case Type I errorsare not a concern;but when
two groups are being compared, the problem of getting accurate confidence
intervals remains, and homoscedastic methods have peculiarpower properties,
as well (Wilcox, in press-a). A naturalapproachis to test for equal variances
and use conventional methods if a nonsignificantresult is obtained;but even
under normality,tests for equal variances do not have enough power to detect
unequalvariancesin situations where violating the assumptioncauses problems
(Markowski& Markowski, 1990; Moser,Stevens, & Watts,1989; Wilcox, Charlin, & Thompson, 1986), and there is the additionalproblemthat most methods
for comparingvariancesdo not controlTypeI errorprobabilities(Wilcox, 1992c).
This is true of the methods comparedby Conover,Johnson,andJohnson(1981).
The one method found by Wilcox (1992c) to control Type I errors also has
relatively low power.
One of the best-known methods for comparingmeans and handlingunequal
variances is Welch's (1951) adjusteddegrees of freedom procedure.(See also
Brown & Forsythe, 1974a, 1974b; Nanayakkara& Cressie, 1991; James, 1951;
Krutchkoff,1988; and Matuszewski & Sotres, 1986.) Algina, Oshima, and Lin
(1994) describe situations where even with equal sample sizes, Welch's method
can be unsatisfactory.For example, with n1 = n2 = 50, the actualprobabilityof
a Type I error can be .08 when one is sampling from a lognormaldistribution
with ac = .05. With n, = 33 and n2 = 67, the Type I errorprobabilityis .11.
Similar problems are reportedby Wilcox (1990b). As in the one-sample case,
problems arise when one is working with skewed distributions.Cressie and
Whitford(1986) describe correctiontermsbasedon estimatedskewness, but their
approachcan actuallymake mattersworse (Wilcox, 1990a).Tiku's(1982) method
was also found to be unsatisfactory.Oshima and Algina (1992) comparedtwo
heteroscedasticmethods for means and again found problemswith controlling
Type I errors.In general, heteroscedasticmethodsimproveupon homoscedastic
techniques,but problems remain.
Yuen (1974) extended the Tukey-McLaughlintest for trimmedmeans to the
two-sample case; this reduces to Welch's (1951) test for means when there is no
trimming.An omnibus test for more than two groupsis describedby Wilcox (in
press-a). For multiple comparison procedures,see Wilcox (in press-c). As in
the one-sample case, analytic results indicate that confidence intervals for the
difference between two trimmedmeans are generallymore accuratethan confidence intervals for means, especially when distributionsare skewed (Wilcox,
1994c). However,problemswith controllingTypeI errorprobabilitiesstill remain,
particularlywhen a directionaltest is performed.Better results can be obtained
by using a straightforwardanalog of the bootstrapmethod for trimmedmeans
described in the previous section. Computationaldetails are given in Wilcox


(1994a), and the Minitab macro trim2b.mtb,which comes with Wilcox's (in
press-c) book, performsthe calculations.
An appealingfeatureof trimmedmeansis thatany of the commonexperimental
designs can be analyzed, includingrepeatedmeasures(Wilcox, 1993a) and random effects designs (Wilcox, 1994b).For linearcontrasts,multiplecomparisons,
and two-way designs, see Wilcox (in press-c). More complicated designs are
easily handled using similar techniques,but there are no published simulation
results on how they perform.Results for the randomeffects model are striking
not only in terms of power, but in improvedcontrol over the probabilityof a
Type I error (Wilcox, 1994b). For example, the conventional F test can have
Type I error probabilities exceeding .3, and for nonnormaldistributions the
heteroscedasticmethod suggested by Jeyaratnamand Othman(1985) can have
a Type I errorprobabilityas high as .4. In contrast,using trimmedmeans with
20% trimming yields Type I errorprobabilitiesthat never exceed .075 for the
same situations.
Comparingone-step M-estimatorsfor two or more independentgroups can be
accomplished using a bootstrapmethod (Wilcox, 1993b). (For a homoscedastic
methodof comparinggroupsusingM-estimators,see Schrader& Hettmansperger,
1980.) Currently,control over the probabilityof a Type I errorappears to be
reasonably good with ex = .05 and sample sizes of at least 20. In general,
trimmedmeans with 20% trimmingseem to give good control over Type I error
probabilitiesfor a largerrange of situations.In principle,dependentgroups can
be compared using one-step M-estimatorsand a method similar to the one used
for independentgroups,but thereareno resultson how well this approachcontrols
Type I errors.
Though comparinggroups with the usual sample median can mean relatively
low power when distributionsare normal,severalimprovedmethodsfor estimating the population median which can have substantiallysmaller standarderrors
have appeared in the statistical literature.From Parrish (1990), an improved
estimatorthatdeserves considerationis one derivedby Harrelland Davis (1982).
Yoshizawa, Sen, and Davis (1985) show that the Harrell-Davisestimator is
asymptoticallynormal.Theirmethodconsistsof usinga weightedlinearcombination of all the orderedobservations.Given n, the weights can be chosen so that
the populationmedianis estimated.Weightedsumsof orderstatisticsaregenerally
called L-estimators,which include trimmedmeans as a special case. Comparing
two or more independentgroups can be accomplishedwith a bootstrapmethod
as described in Wilcox (1991b), and dependentgroups can be compared using
a similar technique (Wilcox, 1992b). (See also Hettmansperger,1984; and Lunneborg, 1986.)
To illustrate the extent to which differentmethodscan give different results,
Table 1 shows the power of six methodsfor threedistributionswhen two independent groups with n, = n2 = 25 are compared.The mean of the first is 0, and
the other measuresof locationconsideredhereareequalto 0, as well. The second
group has a mean of 1. The first distributionis normal, the second (CN1) is
contaminated normal with e = .1 and K = 10, and the third (CN2) is also
contaminatednormalbut with K = 20. MethodM uses the usual sample median
as described by Wilcox and Charlin(1986). MethodC comparesmedians using
the Harrell-Davis estimator, while Method H compares groups using one-step


Power of six methods for comparing two groups


























Note. Welch = Welch's (1951) adjusteddegrees of freedom procedure;M = method

using the usualsamplingmedianas describedby Wilcox& Charlin(1986); Yuen

test with 10%trim(10%) = Yuen's(1974) extensionof the Tukey-McLaughlin
test with
ming; Yuen(20%) = Yuen's(1974) extensionof the Tukey-McLaughlin
20%trimming;C = methodcomparingmediansusingtheHarrell-Davisestimator;
H = methodcomparinggroupsusing one-stepM-estimators.

M-estimators.As is evident,Welch'smethodis the most affectedby nonnormality,

with power droppingfrom .931 to .162.
Though the latterthreemethodsin Table 1 comparewell to Welch's procedure,
there are situationswhere Welch'smethodcan have more power than any of the
other methods consideredhere. The problemis that the mean is not equal to the
trimmed mean, for example, when distributionsare skewed, so it is possible to
have jI- - I.2 >

[Ltl -

-Lt2.That is, the difference between the means is larger

than the difference between the trimmedmeans. To see how this might happen,
look at Figure 6, which shows a skewed distributionwith mean 7.6 and a 20%
trimmedmean of 4.2. Now imaginea second distributionthat is symmetricwith
mean 4.2. Because the distributionis symmetric,the trimmedmean is also 4.2,
so ILI - I2 = 7.6 - 4.2 = 3.4, while itl -

Lt2= 0. Put another way, detecting

outliers does not necessarily imply that using means will result in less power
relative to other methodsbased on robustmeasuresof location.
An anonymous referee summarizeda general strategyand point of view for
approachingthe two-sample problemwhich is roughly as follows. Though the
means of two distributionsmight be of some interest, a more general issue is
where the distributionsdiffer and by how much. For example, the shift function
of the self-awareness data indicates that the upper deciles, starting with the
median, differ substantiallycomparedto the lower deciles, and other global
differences between the distributionscan be investigated in a variety of ways.
The issue of outlierscan be addressedby considering,in additionto "automatic"
outlier detection methods such as the boxplot, how data were collected and the
many delicate ways in which outliers could disguise themselves. If of interest,
the distributionscould be summarizedby some measureof location, and comparisons of robustmeasuresof locationcould be comparedto less robust(unbounded
influence and low breakdown)measuressuch as the sample mean.
Another common and naturalapproachto nonnormalityis to transformthe
observationsand apply methodsfor means.For example, it is common to replace
each Xi with its logarithm.This often makes datalook more normal,but outliers
are not necessarily eliminated,and in some cases power remains poor. Wilcox


(in press-c) reanalyzeddatafrom an actual study by replacingobservationswith

theirlogarithms,butoutliersremainedandhighly nonsignificantresultsremained
nonsignificant;whentrimmedmeansor one-stepM-estimatorsareused, however,
significantresultsareobtained.Rasmussen(1989) studiedthe Box-Cox transformation; he found it to be useful in some cases but concluded that it can be
unsatisfactorywhen dealing with low power due to outliers.
Methods Based on Ranks
Still anotherapproachto nonnormalityis to comparegroups based on ranks,
For example, a simple strategyis to pool all the observations,assign ranks,and
then apply Student'st test to the rankscorrespondingto each group. It turnsout
that this is tantamountto applying the Mann-Whitneytest (Conover & Iman,
1981). The Mann-Whitneytest is satisfactorywhen thereis no differencebetween
groups and the distributionsare, in fact, identical; when distributions differ,
however, problems arise. For example, the Mann-Whitneytest is both biased
and inconsistent(Kendall& Stuart, 1973). That is, when the null hypothesis is
false, there are situations where the probability of rejecting is less than the
nominal ct value, and there are also situationswhere power does not approach
1 as the sample sizes get large. One difficulty is getting a consistent estimate of
the standarderror of the average ranks when the null hypothesis is false. In
particular,the estimatedstandarderrorused by the Mann-Whitneytest can converge to the wrong value as the sample sizes increase.
Zaremba (1962) derived an improvementon the Mann-Whitneytest, but it
can have relatively low power.Fligner and Policello (1981) proposed a method
for comparing medians based on ranks. Their procedure is easy to use, it is
closely relatedto a procedurewhere Welch's test is applied to the ranks, and it
can have relativelyhigh powerwhen distributionshave heavy tails. The FlignerPolicello procedureis unbiasedandconsistentif both distributionsare symmetric.
It is noted that for asymmetricdistributions,the Fligner-Policello procedureis
actually testing H( : p = .5, wherep is the probabilitythat a randomly sampled
observationfrom the first group is largerthan a randomlysampled observation
from the second. Inferencesaboutp are of interestin their own right, as argued
by Cliff (1993). For resultson computing a confidence interval for p, see Mee
(1990). The Minitabmacromee.mtb in Wilcox (in press-c) does the necessary
computations.For more recentresultson using ranks,see Thompson (1991) and
Akritas (1991).
Comments About Multiple Comparison Procedures
This section briefly commentson performingall pairwise comparisonsof two
or more groups.For workingwith means, Dunnett's(1980) T3 and C procedures
stand out as providing relatively accurate confidence intervals (Hochberg &
Tamhane, 1987). An importantpoint is that Dunnett's method is designed to
control the experimentwiseType I errorprobability(the probabilityof at least
one Type I erroramong all tests to be performed)without any dependence on
any other preliminarytest. In particular,it does not requirethat an omnibus test
for equal means be performedfirst, and in fact, if it is made contingent on an
omnibus test being significant,results in Bernhardson(1975) imply that power
might actually be lowered. (Analogs of Dunnett's method for trimmed means

are describedin Wilcox, in press-c). This does not mean that omnibustests have
no value, but they should be used with caution.
When distributionsare normal, so called step-down proceduresoffer advantages in termsof all-pairspower, the probabilityof detecting all true differences
among several groups. These techniques start with an omnibus test for all J
groups. If significant,one then tests all subsets consisting of J - 1 groups, and
the process continuesuntil one tests all pairs of groups.Complete details are not
importanthere;interestedreaderscan refer to Hochbergand Tamhane(1987) or
Wilcox (1991a;in press-c).The point here is best made with a simple illustration.
Supposefive groupsarebeing compared,and all five groupshave unequalmeans.
Also suppose the first four are normal, but the last group is nonnormalwith
heavy tails. Then the last group can cause any omnibus test for equal means to
have low power,in which case the differences among the groups are unlikely to
be detected,even thoughDunnett'sT3 has high power when comparingthe first
four groups.A numericalillustrationis given in Wilcox (in press-c). Of course,
if two or more groupshave heavy-tailed distributions,power can again be relatively poor. However, replacing means with trimmed means can correct this
difficulty, so step-downtechniques might be of interestprovided one is willing
to sacrifice confidence intervals for a potential increase in all-pairs power. For
more complete details relevantto trimmedmeans, see Wilcox (in press-c).
Measures of Scale
As a final note, there are many robust measures of scale in addition to the
nonrobustsamplestandarddeviation,s. One of these is MAD,alreadymentioned,
which has a finite sample breakdownpoint of approximately.5, but which is
relatively inefficient.Lax (1985) comparedabout 150 measuresof location and
found the so-called biweight midvarianceto have good propertiesbased on the
criteriahe used. In particular,it has high efficiency. It is relatedto M-estimators
of location and discussed at some length, in conjunctionwith many other measures, by Iglewicz (1983). From Goldberg and Iglewicz (1992), it appearsto
have a finite sample breakdownpoint of approximately.5, but a formal proof
has not been found. For normal distributions,the biweight midvariancehas a
value very similar to the standarddeviation (Shoemaker & Hettmansperger,
1982), butunlikes, it is not overly affectedby heavy tails. A methodfor comparing
the biweightmidvariancesof two independentgroupswas investigatedby Wilcox
(1993c), and it appears to perform well over a wide range of distributions;
softwarefor performingthe test accompanies the textbook by Wilcox (in pressc). For generalresultson measuresof scale based on trimmingandWinsorization,
which include a derivationof their influence function, see Welsh and Morrison (1990).
One otherissue concerningchoosing a measureof scale should be mentioned.
Let T, be a measureof scale associated with the randomvariableX. Bickel and
Lehmann(1976) define Trto be a measure of dispersionif T > T
r wheneverthe
quantilesof the distributionof IXIare largerthan the correspondingquantilesof
the distributionof IYI,and they argue that measuresof scale should be measures
of dispersion.The biweight midvarianceis not a measure of dispersion, while
the Winsorizedvarianceis. Another measure of scale that is also a measureof

dispersion is the percentage bend variance discussed by Shoemaker and Hettmansperger (1982).

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RAND R. WILCOX is Professor, Departmentof Psychology, University of Southern
California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-1061. He specializes in quantitative methods.

ReceivedFebruary2, 1994
RevisionreceivedJuly 29, 1994
AcceptedOctober17, 1994


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