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May 18, 2009

Volume I, Issue 6

Inside this issue:

Longevity Markets
Commentary 1

Yield to LE 4

Purchase Parame- 5

IRS Clarifications 7

Longevity Market 9 Trade Report

Longevity Markets Commentary
Since we published last month’s looking very closely at life settlements. This
Trade Report there have been some impor- could prove to be an exciting development
tant developments in the life settlement sec- for our market, albeit with longer term ramifi-
tor and chief among them is the new guid- cations. For those not familiar with TALF
Editor & Publisher ance from the IRS regarding the tax implica- here is an explanation below.
Brian C. Dorr tions when conducting a life settlement
Contributing Editors transaction. The recent ruling changed what The Fed explained the reasoning behind
Anne K. Zand was previously believed to be a pretty cut the TALF as follows:
Carline B. Gele and dry understanding of the tax conse-
quences of a life settlement. It is also of “New issuance of ABS declined
Managing Editor and particular importance to foreign investors precipitously in September and came to a halt
Writer and offshore based investment vehicles. To in October. At the same time, interest rate
David C. Dorr delve further into this issue we have in- spreads on AAA-rated tranches of ABS
LIFE-EXCHANGE trade cluded a reprint of an O’Melveny & Meyers soared to levels well outside the range of his-
data is published monthly interpretation of the ruling on pg 7. Those torical experience, reflecting unusually high
on the fifteenth of each interested in learning more about this issue risk premiums. The ABS markets historically
month. Subscription rate can contact us for further information and have funded a substantial share of consumer
is $250 per month or resources. credit and SBA-guaranteed small business
$2,750 for the whole year. The week before last was the 15th loans. Continued disruption of these markets
No data herein should be LISA life settlement conference in New could significantly limit the availability of
construed to be recom- York and while membership to the associa- credit to households and small businesses and
mendations to purchase, tion was down significantly from last year thereby contribute to further weakening of
retain, or sell securities, or the industry is showing that it is still strong U.S. economic activity. The TALF is designed
to provide investment and here to stay. Several market players that to increase credit availability and support eco-
advice of the companies have been relatively quiet in their purchasing nomic activity by facilitating renewed issuance
mentioned or advertised. over the last six months appear to now be of consumer and small business ABS at more
No fees are accepted for loaded up with new capital and in the very normal interest rate spreads.”
publishing any editorial
first stages of deploying it in the month of If pools of life settlements can be
information. LIFE-
May. These groups include Peachtree, Ma- securitized and sold or pledged as collateral to
EXCHANGE, its subsidi-
aries, and its employees ple Financial, and Senior Settlements. All of the government under TALF, TARP or a new
may, from time to time, these providers have been participants in the program not yet available it is certain that life
purchase, own, or sell life settlement market for some time and it is settlements will experience a boom unprece-
securities or other invest- not surprising to see capital flow to firms dented even from years past.
ment products of the that have longer histories.
companies discussed or Following our discussion of the
advertised in this publica- AIG securitization from last month we have
tion. observed recently that a few hedge funds
and private equity funds that have partici- Continued on next page
pated with the Treasury’s TALF program are

Copyright @2009 Life-Exchange, Inc. All rights reserved.

Page 2

Longevity Markets Commentary Cont.

Continued from page 1 credit ratings of US based life insurers Japan’s currency credit rating two
and how it may signal potential sol- notches from AAA to Aa2. The full
If this happens IRR’s will vency issues that could impact life announcement can be read here
plummet by better than 300bps settlements as an investment. We’ve
from current levels (14.18%) in also begun to touch on credit ratings newsOne/
short order. This would cause sell and their impacts on IRR. We’ve been idUSTRE54H2RW20090518. If this
side volume to explode but not for suggesting for some time now the just happened to a country that has a
the reason that most people would need to model volatile changes in in- high savings rate and over $1 trillion
think. On the surface it is logical to terest rates for portfolios. In last in foreign currency reserves what do
conclude that considerably higher month’s issue we cited the bubble in you think the implications are for the
settlements would induce more pol- long term treasuries that is beginning United States?
icy owners to sell and while this is to burst and the impacts that it could How will this impact life
true and will certainly be a contribu- have on our market. This month we settlement investments? It will raise
tor to higher volume the real con- continue that theme. IRR’s back up and make credit facili-
tributor will be that more policies David Walker, formerly the ties expensive and in many cases un-
will qualify. Of policies currently comptroller of the Treasury wrote an available. It will also coincide with a
submitted to the market we estimate op-ed in the Financial Times on May decline in the US Dollar as investors
that roughly one in seven will pro- 12, 2009 titled “America’s triple A look for alternative safe havens. Re-
duce a price at current IRR’s that rating is at risk”. In the article he member, life settlements involve a
will exceed the CSV. In Q4 ‘08 with cites the growing off balance sheet one way long term directional bet
IRR’s almost approaching the 20’s liabilities of the US Government going long the US Dollar. Some may
less than one in ten policies submit- which are continuing to balloon at argue that higher interest rates in the
ted would price. TALF funding alarming rates. Currently those un- US Dollar will actually attract traders
would have the reverse effect mak- funded obligations, primarily for Social and investors back into our currency
ing it possible for perhaps one in Security and Medicare, are over $45 but this overlooks the greater funda-
five or one in four policies to price trillion. According to Walker, Social mentals. Many novice FOREX trad-
because of the low IRR created by a Security is going to start negative cash ers believe that trading currencies is
new low cost of capital funding flowing in less than 10 years. Both simply a matter of buying the higher
source. This could lead to a 60% or Moody’s and S&P have signaled that interest debt of one developed coun-
greater increase in industry volume they are carefully watching the US’s try and selling the lower yielding debt
instantly. While this may seem like a credit rating and if we’ve learned any- of another developed country. An
dream come true to life settlement thing from the financial crisis over the example of this would be buying US
participants, particularly the seniors last 24 months, it’s that credit down- Dollars and selling Japanese Yen.
who are in desperate need of cash grades are a lagging rather than leading This is also known as a carry trade
more than ever to shore up their indicator. In our April Trade Report because of the interest rate arbitrage
finances, it will be at the expense of we highlighted the bubble that had earned by simply holding the two
every US tax payer. This potentially occurred in long term US Treasuries. currencies. While this is a profitable
cannibalistic approach will likely Just since that issue we have seen a trade while currency pairs remain
have longer term repercussions that continued steeping of the US Govern- within a tight trading range, or even
may not bode well for the life settle- ment debt yield curve. Obviously if better when the higher interest cur-
ment market. the US gets downgraded from its AAA rency is trending upwards (usually
A topic that we are moni- status, which it has held since 1917, due to others jumping in on the same
toring for almost every issue of our borrowing costs are going to go up – a trade) it can turn disastrous when
trade report is credit quality and its lot. caught on the wrong side.
impacts on our market. Most of our Even as this publication goes
commentary has centered on the to press Moody’s just downgraded
Continued on next page

Copyright @2009 Life-Exchange, Inc │ 2001 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2102, Miami, Florida 33137 │ (866) 907-9766
Page 3

Longevity Markets Commentary Cont.

Continued from page 2 oped in the insurance industry it has

UPCOMING EVENTS important applications throughout
But even those caught on the the financial universe. It is timely to
08.07.2009 wrong side quickly forget their lesson revisit the various uses for ALM es-
and view it simply as a short term cor- pecially since we are potentially enter-
rection. What these novices have usu- ing another period of volatility in
LISA Broker Summit in
ally never contemplated is whether or interest rates. Also ALM modeling is
Orlando FL
not it is possible for a “developed” useful if not critical in modeling life
*Tentative Dates nation’s currency to simultaneously settlement securitizations or note
offer a very high interest rate and con- offerings collateralized by life settle-
tinue to devalue over a period of years, ments. We’ve seen note offerings
08.28.2009 rather than months vs. other curren- with maturities in the 3-10yr range
cies from both developed nations and when the average life expectancy is
LISA Industry Service Fo- developing ones. well above 10 years. This poor mis-
rum in Orlando FL - match inevitably causes problems and
*Tentative Dates Lemons to Lemonade could easily be solved with note issu-
ances that better reflect the maturity
Ok so all of this looks pretty and/or duration of a portfolio.
daunting but this presents a huge op- While ALM originally fo-
09.24.2009-09.25.2009 cused primarily on interest rate risk
portunity to emphasize the need for
hedging longevity risk and there is no we believe that longevity risk will
LISA Compliance better means to accomplish this than continue to grow as a greater compo-
Conference through free market mechanisms. A nent for carriers and reinsurers when
*Tentative Dates liquid market for taking positions in measuring risk and looking at ways to
longevity risk would help govern- be more competitive. Most carriers
ments, pension funds, and insurers to and reinsurers are currently not well
transfer this risk in a way that is cur- balanced when it comes to longevity
10.26.2009 risk. Typically they are over weighted
rently not available. This could help
preserve Social Security (at least for a in either their life books or their an-
Fasano 6th Annual Life nuity books and even those few with
few more years) and help carriers’ bet-
Settlement Conference in a relatively even mix still have signifi-
ter handle their asset-liability manage-
Washington DC ment (ALM). We will be hearing a lot cant imbalances because of the vari-
more about ALM over the next couple ances in the products they sell. A
of years. For those readers not famil- proper series of indexes and the right
iar with ALM below is an explanation trading product will one day be the
from Swiss Re solution. JP Morgan, Credit Suisse
“Asset-liability management (ALM) and Goldman Sachs have made early
15th Annual Fall Confer- inroads into products and indexes
ence LISA in NY, NY for insurers examines the history, issues, and
prospects for ALM at life and non-life insur- that will make this goal achievable,
*Tentative Dates however, there is still much develop-
ers. Developed in the 1970s in response to a
sharp rise in the level and volatility of interest ment needed to really find the right
rates, ALM has evolved into a set of tech- fit. In future articles we will cover the
11.12.2009-11.14.2009 niques that enable financial institutions to challenges related to creating the right
manage a host of risks, of which interest rate index or product.
NAILBA 28 in Hollywood uncertainty is just one.”
1. Wikipedia, TALF
FL Although ALM was devel- 2. Swiss Re, sigma No. 6/2000

Copyright @2009 Life-Exchange, Inc │ 2001 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2102, Miami, Florida 33137 │ (866) 907-9766
Page 4

Yield to Life Expectancy

Yields for the month of April are stabilizing and haven't changed since last month. We will continue to moni-
tor the yield curve as additional capital comes in to the market to see how and when the relative yields will be affected.

Comparative Yields to Life-Expectancy Chart

April 2009 Comparitive Yields‐to‐life‐expectancy



13 AVS

21st Services
11 ISC


If there are any additional life expectancy providers you would like to see added, please contact at the number

Copyright @2009 Life-Exchange, Inc │ 2001 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2102, Miami, Florida 33137 │ (866) 907-9766
Page 5

Purchase Parameters
For this month we wanted to show what today’s life settlement market looks like. In the past we have shown
actual trades. For this Issue we polled 21 of the most active buyers in the industry to see what they are buying. Below is
the criteria collected based on information as of May 1st, 2009.

Insured Age
Age 60+ Age 65+ Age 70+ Age 75+

# of Buyers

Face Value Issue Date
25 25

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
$100K $250K $500K $1M $2.5M $5M $10M+ 24 months 30 months  36 months

# of Buyers # of Buyers

The twenty one groups who provided data are segregated as follows: two investment banks, seventeen pro-
viders, and two hedge funds. All information provided is based on current buying criteria as of May 1st, 2009.

Copyright @2009 Life-Exchange, Inc │ 2001 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2102, Miami, Florida 33137 │ (866) 907-9766
Page 6

Purchase Parameters Continued

Life Expectancy Certificates  Policy Types
Accepted 25
5 5

0 0

# of Buyers # of Buyers

Life Expectancy Range




36mo 48mo 60mo 100mo 120mo 140mo 150mo 160mo 170mo 180mo 200mo+

# of Buyers

The twenty one groups who provided data are segregated as follows: two investment banks, seventeen pro-
viders, and two hedge funds. All information provided is based on current buying criteria as of May 1st, 2009.

Copyright @2009 Life-Exchange, Inc │ 2001 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2102, Miami, Florida 33137 │ (866) 907-9766
Page 7

Life Settlements — IRS Finally Clarifies Open Tax Issues

K. Peter Ritter, O’Melveny & Myers LLP
Luc Moritz, O’Melveny & Myers LLP
On May 1, 2009, the Inter- ever, that a portion of any gain can be facts, a taxpayer may have a better tax
nal Revenue Service issued two capital in nature upon such a sale. In result upon either a sale or surrender.
Revenue Rulings that constitute the particular, the component of any gain
Revenue Ruling 2009-14
official position of the IRS on cer- that is represented by “inside build up”
tain key tax issues in the life settle- on the policy (i.e., cash surrender value Revenue Ruling 2009-14, on
ment arena. Uncertainty in this area less aggregate premiums paid) is ordi- the other hand, clarifies to some de-
had plagued taxpayers and tax prac- nary income, while any gain in excess gree the tax treatment to life settle-
titioners for years. The guidance is of the “inside build up” is capital gain. ment providers with respect to poli-
therefore welcomed. Because term policies do not ordinarily cies they hold that mature or are sold.
have an “inside build up” component, If a policy matures while held by a
Revenue Ruling 2009-13 gains from the sale of term policies secondary market purchaser, the rul-
should qualify as capital gain in their ing confirms that any profit (death
In the first ruling, Revenue entirety. benefit in excess of original cost plus
Ruling 2009-13, the IRS provides subsequent premiums paid) consti-
guidance to original holders of life Importantly, the holdings of
tutes ordinary income. If the secon-
insurance policies who surrender or Revenue Ruling 2009-13 applicable to
dary market purchaser instead sells
sell their policies. Where an original sales of policies will not be applied
the policy (in a tertiary sale), the rul-
holder of a life insurance policy sur- adversely with respect to sales of poli-
ing states that the seller gets full basis
renders that policy, the ruling con- cies occurring before August 26, 2009.
for (and therefore its taxable gain, if
firms that the holder’s taxable profit Therefore, it appears that policy hold-
any, is reduced by the full amount of)
is reduced by the full amount of any ers selling policies prior to that date
any premiums paid (without reduc-
premiums paid, without any reduc- may not be required to reduce their
tion for any cost of insurance) and
tion for the cost of insurance. The basis by the cost of insurance.
that any gain on the sale that is not
ruling also concludes that any such This ruling resolves one open attributable to “inside build up” is
profit is ordinary (and not capital point for participants in premium fi- capital. Finally, the IRS states that any
gain). nance programs. In particular, if a par- death proceeds received by a non-US
Where instead the original ticipant were to surrender his or her secondary market purchaser (e.g., a
holder sells the policy to a third- policy in full satisfaction of a non- Cayman fund classified as a corpora-
party, however, the IRS confirms recourse loan under such a program, tion for US tax purposes) that is not
its somewhat controversial position such participant may not get full tax engaged in a US trade or business
(set forth in prior Private Letter basis for premiums paid, thereby in- constitutes US source income subject
Rulings) that the holder’s basis is not creasing (phantom) gain in such sce- to a 30% US federal income (and
equal to the full amount of premi- nario. withholding) tax (subject to reduction
ums paid, but instead must be re- under an applicable income tax
Interestingly, there is now a
duced by the portion of the premi- treaty). No guidance is provided as to
confirmed disparity in tax treatment
ums paid expended for the provi- whether the non-US secondary mar-
between policy surrenders and policy
sion of insurance (i.e., the cost of ket purchaser would be subject to US
sales. Upon a surrender, a taxpayer will
insurance). If the policy being sold is tax if it had instead sold the policies
in essence receive a full basis offset for
a pure term policy (with no cash in a tertiary sale.
premiums paid, but will be taxed at
surrender value), essentially all pre- ordinary income rates. Upon a sale,
miums paid are presumed to be the however, he or she will not have a full
cost of insurance for this purpose. basis offset, but may be taxed at capital
The IRS does finally confirm, how- gain rates (in part). Depending on the Continued on next page

Copyright @2009 Life-Exchange, Inc │ 2001 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2102, Miami, Florida 33137 │ (866) 907-9766
Page 8

Life Settlements — IRS Finally Clarifies Open Tax Issues

K. Peter Ritter, O’Melveny & Myers LLP
Luc Moritz, O’Melveny & Myers LLP

Continued from page 7 added to the purchaser's basis in such

policy. Accordingly, uncertainty re-
.Interestingly, the facts of
mains with respect to this issue.
Revenue Ruling 2009-14 are limited
to pure term policies without any The two Revenue Rulings
cash value. It is unclear whether the provide helpful, albeit incom-
conclusions summarized above plete, guidance in this area. Several
would differ if instead policies with open tax issues remain, however, and
cash value were involved. In addi- hopefully further guidance from the
tion, while Revenue Ruling 2009-14 IRS will be forthcoming.
provides guidance regarding the
amount, character, and source of
income to life settlement providers,
the ruling unfortunately does not
address at all the important question
of whether non-deductible interest
expense incurred by a secondary
market purchaser to purchase or
carry a policy in this case can be

Life Settlement Trading

Life-Exchange is the largest and only independent trading platform for the secondary and
tertiary life insurance markets. If you are looking for a more efficient way to acquire or
exit out of life settlement positions please give our firm a call to learn more about the ad-
vantages of using Life-Exchange.

Receive Industry News

If you are interested in receiving the only real-time email news alerts about the life settle-
ment industry to stay abreast of important industry news and events subscribe now. It’s
fast and free. Click here to sign up or visit our website at the link below.

Visit our website at or call 1.866.907.9766 to learn more.

Copyright @2009 Life-Exchange, Inc │ 2001 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2102, Miami, Florida 33137 │ (866) 907-9766
Page 9

Longevity Market Spreads

With credit markets continuing to stabilize we still see the life settlement market moving in tandem with the
corporate bond market. This is good news for the life settlement industry, and highlighted by the fact that the month
of April saw no major upsets in the capital markets.

This chart shows the relationship between 10yr life settlements* and a comparative index of 10yr investment
grade corporate bonds. There is a natural correlation between the two since all life insurance contracts have an inherent
credit risk in them similar to corporate bonds. A life insurance contract is an obligation for a company to pay a claim
in the event of a death and should that carrier become insolvent then there is a risk that they may not be able to meet
that claim.

10yr Investment Grade Corporate Bond Yields







4/1/08 5/1/08 6/1/08 7/1/08 8/1/08 9/1/08 10/1/08 11/1/08 12/1/08 1/1/09 2/1/09 3/1/09 4/1/09

10yr LS 10yr IG Corp 10yr IG Corp/10yr LS

*We use an equally weighted average of 10yr life expectancies with 150% mortality impairment at the 50th percentile
from AVS, Fasano, EMSI, 21st Services, and ISC.

Copyright @2009 Life-Exchange, Inc │ 2001 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2102, Miami, Florida 33137 │ (866) 907-9766
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Copyright @2009 Life-Exchange, Inc │ 2001 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2102, Miami, Florida 33137 │ (866) 907-9766

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