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15 July 2013


factorial based questions asking no. of zeroes and max power of sum integer.
Find the no. of zeroes at the right end of 300!
for every zero, we require 10..n every 10 is made up of 5x2.

in the expression 1x2x3...300, multiples of 2 wud obviously be more than the multiples of v
need to find the maximum power of 5 in 300!
300/5 = 60 (because every fifth no. is a multiple of 5)
300/25 = 12(because every mutiple of 25 has two 5s in it) or, 60/5=12
300/125 = 3 (because multiples of 125 have three 5s in it) or,
12/5 = 2
now 2 cannot be further divided by 5 so add all the quotients...60 + 12 + 2 = 74.
we might also get the same type of questions in a different form,
500! is divisible by 1000^n...what is the max. integral value of n?

now every 1000 is made up of 3 5s and 3 2s....2s are redundant...we need to count no. of find
total no. of 5s and divide by 3
500/5 = 100
100/5 = 20
20/5 = 4
100 + 20 + 4 =124
124/3 = 41.33
max integral value is 41.

500! is divisible by 99^n...what is the max. integral value of n?

now every 99 is made of two 3s and one 11. obviously 11 will be the deciding factor. so count no. of
11s for the answer
500/11 = 45
45/11 = 4
ans will be 49.
so in such questions, just check which prime no. will be the deciding factor and count the no. of
times it occurs. but please understand that highest prime no. is not necessarily always the deciding
factor. see this example:
100! is divisible by 160^n...what is the max. integral value of n?

now 160 = 2^5 * 5^1. now although 5 is the biggest prime no. that 160 is made of, the deciding
factor wud be 2. because five 2s occur less often than one 5 does. so we'll count the no. of 2s and
divide by 5.
100/2 = 50
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100/2 = 50

50/2 = 25
25/2 =12
12/2 = 6
6 /2 = 3
3/2 = 1
add 'em all...97.
97/5 = 19.
so the answer wud be 19
had v taken 5 as the deciding factor, the answer wud have been 100/5 + 100/25 = 24 which is more
than 19...hence a wrong answer...
when in dilemma as to which prime no. wud be the deciding factor (e.g. a divisor like 144...its not
possible to decide whether 3 or 2 will give the right answer) ....take out answer using both the prime
nos...the one thats less is the right answer.
50! is divisible by 144^n...what is the max. integral value of n?

144 = 2^4 * 3^2...difficult to decide whether 3 or 2 will be the deciding factor...

count 2s
answer = 47/4 = 11.
count 3s
sum = 23
23/2 = 11
a tie...else the smaller value wud have been the answer.
300! is divisible by (24!)^n. what is the max. possible integral value of n?

such questions are tricky...when u expand 24!...u get 1x2x3...24.

in this range the highest prime no. is maximum power of 23 in 300! will decide the max value
of x...

when v expand 300!...v get a 23 in 23, 46,69,92....

factorials Page 2

total no of multiples of 23 in 300! will be 300/23 = 13,

forget the fractional part. so the maximum possible answer is 13. hope am clear...else, feel free to

256! is expanded and expressed in base 576 . how many zeroes will this expression have on its right end?

such questions are same as finding maximum power of 576 in 256!

576 = 2^6 x 3^2
to get six 2s i have to travel eight places...1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8 has seven 2s. but to two 3s i have to
travel only six places...1x2x3...6 has two 3s...hence 2 will be the constrain.
total 2s in 256! = 255
hence, no. of zeroes = 256/6 = 42.
just to check...3s = 126, 126/2 = 63>42

Questions based on this concept

400! is divisible by x^n. what is the max. possible integral value of n if the value of x is:
Q1. 300
Q2. 99
Q3. 500
Q4. 320
Q5. 770
Q6. 5200
Q7. 270
Q8. 686
Q9. 338
Q10. 13000
Answers... 49, 39, 33, 66, 39, 32, 65, 22, 16, 32 (the answer is not 33, this one is actually tricky! )
200! is divisible by (x!)^n...whats the max. possible value of n when x =
Q11. 25
12. 35
13. 50
14. 100
15. 70
16. 300
answers... 8, 6, 4, 2, 3, 0, 16
300! is expanded and expressed in base x. find the no. of zeroes at the right end of this expression
when x=
factorials Page 3

when x=
18. 25
19. 15
20. 35
21. 39
22. 98
answers...37, 74, 48, 23, 24

factorials Page 4

21 July 2013

here is fastest way to solve most complicated problems of type ax+by=c requiring to find integral
Say we take a complicated example like 32x + 53y = 109...........(i) [try solving using conventional method
and I can assure that it will take you hours]
Here is the method that I present [it might be known to some of you]
Master rule: pick up the smaller coefficient and divide other numbers by this, and replace other number
by the remainders obtained after dividing.
In the example taken 32 is the smaller of the (53,32) so divide other numbers by 32 and replace them with
the remainder to get
32x+21y=13 ..............(ii) [ when 53 is divided by 32 remainder = 21, when 109 is divided by 32 remainder is
now the smaller of (32,21) is 21 divide everything else by 21 and replace by remainders to get
Now we divide by 11
11x+10y = 2.....(iv)
Now divide by 10 to get
x+10y = 2.............(v)
Stop once the co-efficient of any of the variable becomes 1 or -1 stop]
Now back track

one variable for which coefficient is not 1, equate that variable = 1 and solve for other.
In eqn (v) co-efficient of y is 10 hence we put y =1 and solve for x

put y = 1 in (v) to get x= -8

[eqn (v) is done now move to (iv) now]
put x= -8 in (iv) to get y = 9
similarly back track upto original equation

put y=9 in (iii) to get x = -16

put x=-16 in (ii) to get y = 25
finally put y = 25 to get x = -38
So get the generalized solution as x= (53k-38); y = (-32k+25) [ as explained in my previous post]

ax+by=c Page 5

Now if you would observe that the method described above is very simple and repetitive in nature and
using this method you can get solution to any problem of type ax + by = c however complicated it may be
within less than 90 secs in most of the cases. The answer comes even fast if you use -ve remainders

Now try 11x+ 19y = 70 using the method just learnt


11x-3y=4.....(ii) [ after dividing by 11]

=> -x-3y=1.....(iii) [after dividing by 3]
in (iii) put y =1 to get x=-4
put x = -4 in (ii) and y=-16
put y = -16 in original eqn to get x= 34
hence genralised solution is given by x = 19k+34 and y = -11k-16.

ax+by=c Page 6

21 July 2013

10. Consider a set P = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}. We define another set Q,such that it contains no
more than one out of any three consecutive natural numbers.How many subsets Q of P including the
empty set exist?
(1) 114 (2) 117(3) 129 (4) 13

Calculations required. (Detailed logic to follow later)

No. of solns. for x1+x2+x3+x4+x5 = 2; = 6C4 = 15

No. of solns. for x1+x2+x3+x4 = 5; 8c3 = 56
No. of solns. for x1+x2+x3 = 8; 10c2 = 45
No. of solns. for x1+x2 = 11; 12c1 = 12
No. of solns for x1=12
hence total of (15+56+45+12+1) = 129
Detailed logic:
Imagine you have 1 bag full of white marbles and 1 bag full of black marbles. You are asked to select 12 marbles
(some black and some white marbles) and place them in a line such that, there are at least 2 black marbles between
any 2 white marbles. If you able to make such a formation using the selected white and black marbles then you
have found one of possible sets which will satisfy the condition given in the question. Confused? Read ahead!
After placing the marbles in line, number them from 1 to 12, and note down the numbers on white marbles. Gap
between the noted numbers will be more than 2 (as you have ensured that there are at-least 2 black marbles
between 2 white marbles), hence there would be no two numbers selected from three consecutive numbers. So
using the noted numbers you have been able to form a set which satisfies the condition mentioned in the question.
Now say you decide that you picked three white marbles and 9 black marbles. In order to ensure that there are atleast 2 black marbles between any two white marbles you placed 2 black marbles between the white marbles to get
a formation like
After this you are still left with 5 black marbles to place. Think where all can you place these black marbles? I have
shown these zones marked by x1, x2, x3 and x4
__x1_W_x2_B B W _x3_ B B W_x4__
now the sum of x1+x2+x3+x4 = 5
=> no. of sets which will have 3 numbers satisfying the condition given in the question is given by number of
solution for the above equation
i.e x1+x2+x3+x4 = 5 hence 8C3 = 56.
Similarly one can work for case when there are 4 white marbles, 2 white marbles or 1 white marble and 0 white
marble cases [as show in the calculations section above] and add all the cases to get final answer as 129.
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number of sets Page 8

22 July 2013

remainder when x^276 + 12 is divided by x^2 + x + 1, when x > 3..

options - 9, 11 , 13 , 15
xn+xn-1........+x3 +x2 +x+1 =( x(n+1)-1)/(x-1) using GP formula
So we can write
x275+x274............+x3 +x2 +x+1 = ( x276-1)/(x-1)
=>(x-1)(x275+x274............+x3 +x2 +x+1) = (x276-1)
Add 13 on both sides to get
=>(x-1)(x275+x274............+x3 +x2 +x+1)+13 = x276+12
Now if we observe we can see that we can form group of 3 terms each for
(x275+x274.......... +x2 +x+1) and each of these three terms will be divisible by x2 +x+1
Example: x275 + x274 + x273 = x273(x2+x+1).
Similarly all other groups of three terms will all be divisible hence on the LHS only 13 is not a multiple of x2 +x+1.
Hence, remainder = 13

remainder Page 9

27 July 2013

A comes from up to down with 225 steps at 75 seconds and B moves from down to up and
reaches top at 50 sec with 2 steps for every 3 steps of A where escalator moves up to down..
where do they meet?

i see escalator problems as stream of the river and boat rowing problem...
a. stream helps you if you are going the same side as stream and opposes you when you go
the opposite. (so does the escalator)
b. it is common sense that a stream will support you or oppose you as long as you are in
river. Similarly escalator also slows or increases your effective speed only till the time you
are there on escalator.
c.if you spend time t in the river then net distance = (your row speed)*t +\- (stream
speed)*t ,
in case of escalotor also it is the same.
(i) total distance covered in case of escalator = no. of steps on escalator
(ii) (speed of person)*t = steps you climb\count
(iii) (esacalator speed)*t = no. of steps gain\lost due to escalator speed
Now for your given problem
say speed of A = 3s; speed of B = 2s, rate of escalator = e and no. of steps on Escalator =E
Escalator is moving up hence it helps B (as B travels up) and opposes A (as A is comming
Hence effective speeds of A and B can be written as (3s-e) and that of B as (2s+e)
time taken by A to get down escalator = E/(3s-e)= 75
time taken by B to climb teh escalator = E/(2s+e) = 50
now divide the 2 equations to get (2s+e)/(3s-e) = 3/2
=>4s+2e = 9s-3e
so effective speed of A = (3s-s) = 2s and that of B = 2s+s = 3s
So What ever be the number of steps in the escalator A will cover (2/5)th and B will cover
(3/5)th when they meet. hene at (3/5)*225 = 135 steps from bottom
Let me know if you need more clarifications

A takes 30 steps from top to down and B takes 40 steps from bottom to up.. both reach
their destinations at the same time.. top to down escalator.. How many steps are visible in

There are only two formulae that you will have to use to solve more than 95% of escalator
related problems.

escalator Page 10

Speed of A = a, Speed of B = b, Escalator speed = e, Steps on Escaltor = E

Formula1(effective speed)
effective speed of A on elevator = (a+e) [as elevator and A are moving in same direction]
effective speed of B on elevator = (b-e) [ as they are moving in opposite direction]

formula2 (time spent on elevator)

Time spent on elevator by A, tA = E/(a+e).....(i)
Time spent on elevator by B, tB = E/(b-e)......(ii)
Formula3(no. of steps taken)
Steps taken by A = a*(tA) = a*E/(a+e) = 30.....(iii)
Steps taken by B = b*(tB) = b*E/(b-e) = 40......(iv)
Solve the variables now
given tA=tB, so using (i) and (ii) we can write E/(a+e) = E/(b-e) => a+e = b-e.....(v)
divide (iii) by (iv) to get a(b-e)/(b(a+e) = 30/40
since (a+e) = (b-e) as derived in (v) so we get a/b = 3/4
put this result in (v) to get a+e = (4/3)a-e => e/a = 1/3
replace the value of(e/a) in (iii) to get E/(1+e/a) = 30 =>E = 30*(1+1/3) = 40
Hence 40 steps.

Re-iterating that if you are able to write the three formula correctly then 50% of problem is
done. For next 50% of the problem you need to apply the info given in the question and do
some jugglery with the three equations derived. Your problem will be solved for sure.

escalator Page 11

How many sets of three numbers (triplets) possible for LCM = 72

10 August 2013

72 = 2^3 * 3^2
x = 2^x1 * 3^x2
y = 2^y1 * 3^y2
z = 2^z1 * 3^z2
now we need to have at least 1 power of 2 is equal to 3
each of one x1 , y1 , z1 have 4 options 0,1,2,3,
but we need to deduct those cases when none of x1 , y1 , z1 is 3
=> 4*4*4 - 3*3*3 = 37
same with x2 , y2 , z2
=> 3*3*3 - 2*2*2 = 19
total ordered solutions = 37*19 = 703 triplets
if we need to find undordered pairs then
all same = 72 , 72 , 72 = 1 case
2 same = x , x , 72 or 72 , 72 , x = (12 - 1)*2*3!/2! = 66
total unodered soln. = (703 - 66 - 1)/3! + 22 + 1 = 129 triplets
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lcm triplet Page 12

09 August 2013

abc = 210 = 2*3*5*7;

So, Let a is of form: 2^(w1)*3^(x1)*5^(y1)*7^(z1) ,
Similarly others will have same form, where w1,x1,y1,z1 >= 0.
So, On Multiplying we will get:
2^(w1 + w2 + w3 )*3^(x1 + .. + x3)*5^(y1 + ... + y3)*7^(z1 + ... + z3) = 2*3*5*7;
So, (w1 + w2 + w3) = 1; ---> Total C(3,2) = 3 solns;
Similarly for others.
So, Total = 3*3*3*3 = 81 solutions.
So, Now Take cases:
If (a,b,c) is same --> Not possible;
If two of (a,b,c) is same --> Only possibility is (210,1,1) ---> C(3,2)*1 = 3 ways;
So, When (a,b,c) are different let there be C cases:
So, (3!)*C + 3 = 81;
=> C = 78/6 = 13;
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abc=210 aizen Page 13

28 July 2013

This is my longest post ever on the forum but I think this post sums up all my experience regarding how to
tackle CAT Quant section

as i said earlier that this question is not difficult but rather fristrating and a painful one.
If you observe carefully the method that I have given is a mechanical procedure to solve all
questions of this type (hence you dont have to think and waste time to find the method)
Actual paper work which you will have to do is
Solving this we get b=1/2 and a=3/2 we check if this satisfies 5a+3b=9.
Solving this we get a= 37/17 and b = 2/17 ..easy to see that it does not satisfy 5a+3b=9
And I am sure that this would not take you more than 1.5 to 2 mins to do the paper work.

Thought process

Say I spent 45-sec - 1 min to read and comprehend the problem. Now the thought process that I
went through is something that I am writing below
after reading the problem I gathered that I have three equations and I have to find the value of a
fourth equation. Under normal conditions I would solve for three variables and find the value of the
final equation. But wait!! this is a DS question, and in DS I have to see if I can answer the question
using lesser no. of statements? Now I ask myself under what circumstances I can find the value of
required equation without solving for variables? Based on learnings in coaching classes I know this
can happen in the cases where one equation can be represented as linear combination of two
equations. Hmmm.... this is a breakthrough in thought process!! [this would not take more than 20
secs to strike. Now some of you might argue that 15 secs is too less...but remember you are not
writing or reading while you are thinking and thinking is at least 100 times faster that reading]

Now the question comes how do i check if I can represent the desired equation as liner
combination? should I do hit and trial or should I go by mechnical process? I have already spent close
to 1.5 mins now on the question and I have do this calcualtions two times (i.e. for info in statement 1
and statement2 I need to check independently if the desired equation can be found using linear
combinations) and there is no guarantee if hit and trial will come by very easy. So I decide to go by
normal mechanical process as explained above.Which would take around 1.5 to 2 mins.
In worst case this problem would take around 4 mins to solve. Considering we have around 3 mins
per question (assuming we want to solve around 25 out of 30) and through some other questions we
can save some time we can afford to attempt the question.
How to attempt Quant section of CAT. Here are my five golden rules to follow during test

1. In first round of attempting the problems during exam I dont even read the questions that are
heavily worded. (more than 2-3 lines) They take long time to read and at the start I haven't still
settled with the test, so my comprehension and reading both would be slow. And if after reading a
long question I cannot comprehend the problem, more often than not it creates a panic that I
wasted 1 min reading the problem and now I have no clue what to do. Basically in first round I focus
CAT section on D day Page 14

wasted 1 min reading the problem and now I have no clue what to do. Basically in first round I focus
on questions that do not require more than 15 secs to read and comprehend.

2. For short questions that are easy to comprehend and solve, I solve them right away. I leave the
questions that I dont have any idea how to solve, and the ones that will take me more than 2 mins to
sovle (and attempt it in 3rd round). On side of my paper I keep a note of questions that are long to
By this time I have a fair idea of more than 50% of all the questions.
time check: 14 mins gone.

3. Now, after first round I am able to solve around 6-7 questions for sure. In next round I pick up the
questions that are heavily worded, after reading first few lines if the question appears to be from
commercial maths (Speed time distance, ratio proportion, profit loss....) I read ahead, and try to
solve it as this is the easiest part of CAT maths and probability of solving the problem is higher. There
would be few questions that are heavy worded and heavy in concept, there are around 2-3 such
questions always, faster you recognize them, more time is what you save.
Now I have run through the entire paper at least for once.
time Check: 20 mins more gone (34 mins total). Done with 6-7 questions more [total of 13 questions]

4. Now attack the questions that you left in round1 as they appeared lenghty. 4 of those can be
nailed for sure at an average of 3 mins. So 17 done in 46 mins. Now I am left with 30 mins approx
and have to solve 8 more questions for a target of 25 questions. I have on an average of 3 min 45 sec
per question. So even if I get 6 ... i reach a comfortable 23 out of 30.
Time check: Last 6-7 mins to go.

5. Out of remaining 7 questions I have found that 2-3 of them are really ugly and I wont even touch
them. So I am left with 4 questions. So now I apply all the dirty tricks like option elimination, puting
the values back and checking if any option satisfies, and that can help me with 1-2 questions to go to
24-25 target.
This strategy is easier said than done. As it requires a practice of at least 4-5 times to get a complete hang of the
strategy but over the years I have seen that this strategy really works fine and one of the easiest to implement.
This is also one of the safest because this method really prevents you from falling into trap questions and lose the
track of time in the middle of test.

Hope it helps and you find some usefulness in this strategy. And please share it if you think it is

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CAT section on D day Page 15

Three vessels A, B and C are filled with solutions of water and

alcohol in different proportions. A contains 45% alcohol in a 4L
solution, B contains 48% alcohol in a 5L solution and C contains x%
alcohol in a 1L solution. The contents of C are distributed into A
and B in such a way that bot A and B now contain a 50% alcohol
solution. Find x - the initial concentration of alcohol in C.
28 July 2013

logic:50 is the final target for all the mixtures put together; hence just take the weighted average of shortfall and
excess over 50% and sum of excess + shorfall over 50 must be zero.

(45-50)*4 + (48-50)*5 +(x-50)*1 = 0

=> -20 -10 + x - 50 = 0
=> x = 80

imagine there are 4 people with 45 coins, there are 5 people with 48 coins and ATDH had some
coins. Anany took some coins from from ATDH and distributed it remaining 9 people in such a way
so that they all had 50 coins each (Including ATDH), how many coins did ATDH have?
Anany first calculated the total no. of coins short fall with 9 people
(50-45)*4 + (50-48)*5
Now Anany calculated excess that ATDH had over 50 [because after giving the excess coin ATDH was
left with 50] and he wrote the excess as (x-50).

Now Anany concluded the excess must be equal to the short fall hence he wrote
(50-45)*4+(50-48)*5 = (x-50)
=>(45-50)*4+(48-50)*5 + (x-50) = 0
Infact if you know this logic you can solve this problem verbally.
Hope you got the logic.

equal liquids in 3 vessels Page 16

How to find coefficient of X^100 in (1+x^2+x^4+..........)(1+x^3+x^6

28 July 2013

This is fairly complicated problem from CAT perspective and I dont think you will ever need to solve
this in CAT. Here is detailed solution

say we pick up
(x^2a) from the first bracket
(x^3b) from the second bracket
(x^4c) from the third bracket

Now we multiply these to get one of the possible terms in the expansion of the given expression.
Hence we are looking for terms where 2a+3b+4c = 100............(I)
Now 2a and 4c will always be even hence b also must be even... because if b is odd then sum of LHS
will be odd and we cannot get sum as 100 in that case. Let us put b = 2p
=>2a+6p+4c = 100
=>a+2c+3p = 50................(ii)
now if a is odd then p also has to be odd and if a is even p also should be even. [simple enough
Case1: a is odd, say a = 2m+1 and p =2n+1

replacing a and p in equation (ii) we get

=>m+c = 23-3n [where p=0,1,....7]
no. of solution for n =0 we get m+c = 23 hence 24 ways
no. of solution for n=1 we get m+c=20 hence 21 ways
similarly adding for all possible values of n we get 24+21+18+....6+3 = 108 solutions
Case2: a is even, say a= 2m and p=2n

replacing a and p in eqn (ii) we get

=>m+c = 25-3n [n=0,1,2...8]
for n = 0 we get m+c=25 hence 26 solutions
for n=1 we get m+c =22 hence 23 solutions
similarly adding for all possible values of n we get 26+23+20+17.....+2 = 126 solutions
Hence total of 108+126 = 234 solutions
Cant think of anything simpler than this one!
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ax+by+cz=p Page 17

07 August 2013

If two bodies start at the same time and meet each other and then take t1 and t2 times to reach
their respective destinations: --> time taken to reach their destinations after meeting is : root (t1 *
t2) --> ratio of distances travelled before meeting : d1/ d2 = s1/ s2 = root (t2/ t1) If two bodies start
at a different time and meet each other and then take the same time to reach their respective
destinations: --> time taken to reach their destinations after meeting is : root (t1 * t2) --> ratio of
distances travelled after meeting : d1/ d2 = s1/ s2 = root (t2/ t1)
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time after meeting Page 18

12 August 2013

1.if f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c, how to find maximum, minimum .

USE first derivation test.

f'(x)= 2aX+b.
find value of X for which , 2ax+b= 0.
when a>0, at this value of X, f(x) is minimum.
when a<0 at this value of X , F(x) is maximum.
now example....
f(x) = X^2 + 4X + 3.
if 2X+4 = 0
X= -2
here a>0, so at x=-2, f(x) will attain minimum value.
f(-2) = 4-8+3 = -1.
if f(x) = -X^2 + 4X + 3
f"(x) = -2x + 4
X= 2.
f(2) = -4+8+3 = 7 is the maximum value of f(x).
generalizing for f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c,
x=-b/2a (2ax+c=o)gives maximum or minimum value of f(x) depending upon a>0 or a<0.

for more examples and explanation with graphs visit the linkFirst derivative Test
second derivative test
2. f(x) = l x-a l + l x-b l + l x-c l

for such questions, either at x=a or x= b or x= c or x=avg(a,b,c) will f(x) minimum.

f(x) = l x-2 l + l x-8 l + l x-11 l
here x= 2+8+11/3 = 7 will give the minimum value ( f(7) = 11)
f(x) = l x-2 l + l x-5 l + l x-11 l
here x= 5 will give the minimum value. ( f(5) = 9)
3. when sum of any quantities is constant, there product is maximum when they are equal.

example. if 3x+5y=15. find maximum value of x^2*y^3.

here 3x+5y=15
=> 3x/2 + 3x/2 + 5y/3 + 5y/3 + 5y/3 = 15.--------------1
as I said, when sum of any quantities is constant, there product is maximum when they are equal.
here sum is constant.
so when 3x/2 = 5y/3. we get maximum value of x^2*y^3.
taking 3x/2 = 5y/3 putting it in 1,
=> 5(3x/2) = 15.
=>x=2. and y = 9/5.
answer is 2^2*(9/5)^3.
generalizing it, how to find maximum value of x^m*y^n where ax+by=P.
x^m*y^n is maximum when
ax/m = by/ n = p/m+n
4. when the product of any quantity is constant, sum of the all the quantity is minimum, when they are
maxima minima inequalities Page 19


xy^3 = 64.
find minimum value of x+12y.
we need to adjust x+12y, accordingly.
x+12y = x+ (12y/3)*3
now, x*(12y/3)^3= 64 *64 ( coz xy^3 = 64)-----------1
the product is constant. so the sum of the quantities will be minimum when quantities are equal.
take x= 12y/3
putting it in 1, we get x= 8
=>12y/3 = 8, y = 2.
minimum value of x+12y = 8+24 = 32.
generalizing it, how to find minimum value of ax+by where x^m*y^n=P
ax+by is minimum when
ax/m = by/n

maxima minima inequalities Page 20

12 August 2013

Number Systems (Concept 1)

Lets brush up some painted cube funda

We assume the cube is divided into n^3 small cubes.
no. of small cubes with ONLY 3 sides painted : 8( all the corner cubes )
no. of small cubes with ONLY 2 sides painted :

A cube is painted on 2 sides means, it is on the edge of the bigger cube ,and we have 12 edges, each
having n cubes. but since the corner cubes are painted on 3 sides, we need to neglect them. so in
effect, for each side we will have (n-2) small cubes with only 2 sides painted.
thus, then number is, 12 * (n-2)
no of small cubes with ONLY 1 side painted :

for each face of the cube ( 6 faces ) we have (n-2)^2 small cubes with only one side painted. and we
have 6 faces in total.
so th number is, 6*(n-2)^2
no of small cubes with NO sides painted :

if we remove the top layer of small cubes from the big cube we will end up a chunk of small cubes
with no sides painted.
this number will be equal to, (n-2)^3.

Also, remember for Cuboids with all different sizes, the following are the results:
a x b x c (All lengths different)
Three faces - 8 (all the corner small cubes of the cuboid)
Two faces - There are two (a-2) units of small cubes on one face of the cuboid and there is a pair of
such faces. Hence, number of such small cubes corresponding dimension a of the cuboid = 4(a-2).
Similarly, for others.
So, total with two faces painted = 4(a - 2) + 4(b - 2) + 4(c - 2)
One face - Since each face of the cuboid is a combination two different dimensions, hence for the face
which is a combination of a and b dimensions, the number of small cubes is 2* (a-2)(b-2)
Similarly, for others.
So, total with one face painted = 2(a - 2)(b - 2) + 2(a - 2)(c - 2) + 2(b - 2)(c - 2)
Zero faces - The entire volume of small cubes except for two cubes in each of the rows and columns will
not be painted at all. hence this is the simplest ...
(a - 2)(b - 2)(c - 2)

You can put different integer values for number of small cubes producing different edge lengths of
cuboid to get varied results.
To verify for a cube, put a=b=c=L, you get
Three faces - 8
Two faces - 12(L - 2)
One face - 6(L - 2)^2
painted cubes Page 21

One face - 6(L - 2)^2

Zero faces - (L - 2)^3

painted cubes Page 22

coefficient of x^3.y^4.z^5 in(xy+yz+zx)^6

12 August 2013

the general terms (for the powers of x,y and z will be ) = (xy)^a (yz)^b (zx)^c
= x^(a+c) y^(a+b) z^(b+c)
comparing we have (a+c) = 3,a+b = 4 and b+c=5
=> a = 2,c=1 and b =3
hence ans = 6!/(2!3!) = 60

coefficient Page 23

12 August 2013

how to put 9 identical rings in 4 fingers.

concept= n+r-1Cr-1
this formula is used to distribute n identical things among r people.
if the 9 rings are named, a1,a2,a3....a7,a8,a9
we want to distribute them among 4 fingers, means we want to make four groups out of this 9 rings.
so if we arrange the 9 rings side by side.
_a1_a2_a3 _a4_ a5_ a6_ a7_a8_a9_

we need three separator to divide them in 4 groups. and we can put the separator at any of the
black space above.
suppose I put first separator after a1, second after a4, 3rd after a6
so groups are
that means I can say I have total 12 items ( 9+3) to arrange them selves.
that is 12!
but 9 rings are identical and 3 separators are also identical
so final answer shd be = 12!/9!*3
if we replace 9 with n,3 with r
we get
2. how to distribute 9 different rings among 4 fingers.
just a single change rings are different, so we dont have to divide by 9!,
so answer = 12!/3!
general formula = n+r-1Pr-1

both of the above Q are of arrangement and distribution.

examples where this concept can be used.
1. distribute 1o chocolates aming 6 children such that no children is empty handed.
2. find whole number solutions for X+Y+Z = 22
3. find natural number solutions for X+Y+Z= 22
4. total number of terms in (a+b+c+d)^15
concept 3. total number of squares which can be made from size in N*N size square.
= 1^2 + 2^2 + 3^3 .....N^2
like for 2*2 square we can have total 5 squares, 4 square of 1*1, and the 2*2 square itself.
concept 4. total number of rectangles which can be made from N*N square.
= 1^3+2^3+3^3.....n^3
concept 5. A plane( restricted) is to be divided in N distinct parts, find the minimum number of lines
to do so.
formula = > sigma X = N-1
X is the minimum number of lines.
suppose we want to divide plane in 16 distinct parts
sigma5 = 15
pnc - identical Page 24

sigma5 = 15
so answer is 5 lines.
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pnc - identical Page 25

12 August 2013

Consider a circle with circumference 200 sq metres and two people A and B moving in clockwise direction
with speeds 5m/s and 9m/s

a) when do they meet at the starting point for the first time ?
b) after how much time will they meet for the first time ?
c) at how many distinct points they meet ?
d) if they move in opposite direction then in how many distinct points do they meet ?
ans a) time taken by A to reach the starting point for the first time is 200/5 = 40 sec,
for the second time 80 seconds
for the third time 120 seconds and so on .......
similarly time taken by B to reach the starting place is 200/9
for the second time 2 * 200/9
for the third time 3 * 200/9
so they meet for first time at the starting point at the LCM of their time periods which are 40 and 200/9
in this case and hence they will meet at t= 200 for the first time .
ans b )this should be solved using the relative speed concept time taken for them to meet for the
first time will be relative distance/ relative speed here relative distance is 200 and relative speed is 9-5
so ans is 200/4= 50
ans c)when 2 bodies are moving in circular motion in same direction the number of distinct points
where they meet is the difference of the speeds . here it is 9-5 = 4 distinct points.
the lcm of the speeds must be 1
ans d ) when 2 bodies move in circular motion in opposite direction then the number of distict points
they meet is the sum of the speeds here it will be 14 . the lcm of the speeds must be 1

e) find the number of distict points at which 2 bodies with speed 4 and 8 meet when they move in
clockwise direcion and when they move in anticlock wise direction ?
here we first need to divide the HCF so we get 1:2

now using the formula stated above the number of distict point they meet when moving in same
direction will be 2-1 =
the number of distict point they meet when moving in opposite direction is 2+1 = 3
f)consider three bodies a,b,c with speeds 5,9,13 respectively moving in clock-wise direction now
number of distinct points at which all three meet ?
a-b = 4
b-c = 4
a-c = 8
so number of distinct points will be the hcf of the differences which is 4 ans.
circular motion Page 26

so number of distinct points will be the hcf of the differences which is 4 ans.
g)consider three bodies a,b with speeds 5,9 respectively moving in clock-wise direction and c with
speed 13 in anti-clockwise direction now number of distinct points at which all three meet ?
hcf is 2 so they all will meet at 2 distinct points.

circular motion Page 27

12 August 2013

(a) In a plane if there are n points of which no three are collinear, then
1. The number of straight lines that can be formed by joining them isnC2.
2. The number of triangles that can be formed by joining them is nC3.
3. The number of polygons with k sides that can be formed by joining them is nCk.
(b) In a plane if there are n points out of which m points are collinear, then
1. The number of straight lines that can be formed by joining them isnC2 - mC2 + 1.
2. The number of triangles that can be formed by joining them is nC3 - mC3.
3. The number of polygons with k sides that can be formed by joining them is nCk - mCk.
(c) The number of diagonals of a n sided polygon are nC2 - n = n (n - 3)/2.
(d) The number of triangles that can be formed by joining the vertices of a n-sided polygon which has,
1. Exactly one side common with that of the polygon are n (n - 4).
2. Exactly two sides common with that of the polygon are n.
3. No side common with that of the polygon are n (n - 4) (n - 5)/6.

collinear an no of triangles Page 28

12 August 2013

Type # 1.
find smallest no. other than k, that leaves remainder k when divided by w,x,y...
to solve such questions, take lcm of w,x,y...and add k to it.
e.g. find Smallest no. other than 4, that leaves remainder 4 when divided by 6,7,8 or 9...
take lcm of 6,7,8,9 and add 4
i.e. 504 + 4 = 508
Type # 2

find smallest no. that leaves remainder 3,5,7 when divided by 4,6,8 respectively.
unlike last case, this time the remainder is not constant. but if u see carefully, difference b/w divisor
n remainder is constant. i.e. 4-3=6-5=8-7=1

in such questions, take lcm of divisors n subtract the common difference from it
here, the answer wud be lcm of 4,6,8 i.e 24 - 1 = 23
Type # 3
Smallest no. that leaves remainder 3,4,5 whn divided by 5,6,7 respectively and leaves remainder 1
with 11,
we have just seen a way to tackle the first 3 conditions...the no. wud be lcm of 5,6,7 - 2 = 208
now we have one more condition...remainder 1 with 11.
concept => to a no. if v add lcm of divisors...the corresponding remainders dont change.
i.e to 208, if v keep adding 210 ... the first 3 conditions will continue being fulfilled.
so, let 208 + 210k be the no. that will satisfy the 4th condition...viz (208 + 210k)% 11 = 1
208%11 = 10
210k%11 = k

therefore, 10 + k shud leave remainder 1 when divided by 11.

hence, k = 2. and the no. is 208 + 210 x 2 = 628

e.g. find the smallest no. that leaves remainder 2 when divided by 3,4 or 5 and is divisible by 7
for first 3 is 120 + 2 = 122
hence, 122 + 120k is the required no. which reduces to 3 + 2k when divided by 3+2k shud be
remainders Page 29

hence, 122 + 120k is the required no. which reduces to 3 + 2k when divided by 3+2k shud be
a multiple of 7...easily, k=2 and the required no. is 122 + 120 x 2 = 362
Type # 4
What if there is no relation between divisors n remainders?
e.g. find the smallest no. that leaves remainders 1 with 5, 4 with 7, 6 with 11 and 7 with 13.
we can c...there's no relation among these divisor-remainder sets...neither is the remainder
constant...nor is the difference b/w divisor n remainder a constant.
in such cases...take 1 case n target another case...
e.g. i take the case 7 with 13...and target 6 with 11.
which is the smallest no. that leaves 7 with 13? 7 itself...right? so all nos of the form 7 + 13k will give
7 rem with 13.
now am targeting 6 with i divide 7 + 13k by 11...i get remainder 7 + 7 + 2k =
6,17,28,39, that the remainder with 11 is 6.
a no. that gives integral value of k is 17 i.e. 7 + 2k = 17. hence, k =5 and the no. that satisfies these
two conditions is 7 + 13 x 5 = 72
now that 2 conditions are fulfilled, lets target a third condition...say 4 with 7.
to 72, if v add lcm of 11, 13 i.e 143, 2 conditions awready satisfied wud continue being satisfied...
hence the no. is of the form 72 + 143 k.
72 + 143k % 7 = 2 + 3k

now 2 + 3k shud be = 4,11,18,25,32... to satisfy the condition of 4 rem with 7..

a no. that gives integral soln is 11..i.e. 2 + 3k = 11, k = 3.
hence, the no. that satisfies all 3 conditions is 72 + 143 x 3 = 501.
now if v see carefully...4th condition...remainder 1 with 501 has already been the no. v
have been looking for is 501.
For ease of calculation, start from biggest divisor n gradually move to smaller ones...u'll always see
that last 1-2 conditions will be satisfied automatically.
there are theorems for solving above questions...viz chinese theorem etc...but i solve such questions
by the way i've suggested...i find this approach very practical as the flow of nos. is very much
visible...n i believe i can tackle any twist in the question devised by cat makers thru this
method...there are lotsa other questions based on this concept which i'll soon post but the basic
concept remains the same...
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remainders Page 30

12 August 2013

if (x^a)*(y^b) = k and we have to find min(px+qy)...

then we write px + qy as
(px/a + px/a + px/a......... a times) + (qy/b + qy/b + qy/b......... b times)
now we apply AM >= GM to get
{ (px/a + px/a + px/a......... a times) + (qy/b + qy/b + qy/b......... b times)}/(a+b) >= {[(px/a)^a][qy/b]^b}^(1/(a+b))

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maxima minima AM GM Page 31

12 August 2013

In how many ways can 18 identical balls be distributed among 3 identical boxes?

only one filled -> 18,0,0 ->1 way

two filled-> a+b = 18-> 9 ways
all 3 filled -> 1,x,y -> 8 ways
2,x,y -> 7 ways
3,x,y -> 5 ways
4,x,y -> 4 ways
5,x,y -> 2 ways
6,x,y -> 1 way
37 ways total

identical box identical balls Page 32

In an Examination the maximum marks for each of three papers is

50 each. The maximum marks for fourth paper is 100. Find the
number of ways with which a student can score 60% marks in
12 August 2013

Q3. Total Marks = 250; Required to pass = 250*0.6 = 150.

Coefficient of x^150 in (x^0 + x^1 + x^2 +........ +x^50 )^3 *(x^0 + x^1 +........+ x^100)
= Coefficient of x^150 in (1-x^51)^3 * (1-x^101) * (1-x)^-4
= 110551
(Questions based on these types:)
(1) Number of positive integral solutions of ax+by+cz=d is equal to coefficient of x^d in (x^a + x^2a + x^3a......)
(x^b+ x^2b+.........)(x^c+x^2c+......)
(2) If x, y and z can take zero value also..then, number of solutions are coefficient of x^d in (1+x^a + x^2a + x^
3a......)(1+x^b+ x^2b+.........)(1+x^c+x^2c+......)
Important Expansion:
(1 - x)^(-r) = (1 + C(r, 1)x + C(r + 1, 2)x^2 + .... + C(n + r - 1, n)x^n +...
A + B + 3C = 10;
(Finding for non negative)
Method 1:
Case 1: C = 0, Then A + B = 10 --> 11 solns
Case 2: C = 1, Then A + B = 7 ---> 8 solns.
Similarly, for other conditions, Total Solns = 11 + 8 + 5 + 2 = 26.
Method 2: Coeff of x^10 in (x^0 + x^1 + ... + x^10)^2 * (x^0 + x^3 + x^6 + x^9)
=> Coeff of x^10 in (1 - x^11)^2 * (1 - x)^(-2)*(1 + x^3 + x^6 + x^9)
Neglect higher Powers:
= Coeff of x^10 in (1 - x)^(-2) * (1 + x^3 + x^6 + x^9) = C(10 + 2 - 1, 2 - 1) + C(7 + 2 - 1, 2 - 1) + C(4 + 2 - 1, 2 - 1) + C(1 +
2 - 1, 2 - 1)
= C(11,1) + C(8,1) + C(5,1) + C(2,1) = 26. Binomial Method will take few more seconds in this questions as the
coefficients are straight forward. However, When Coeff. of Equation is complex, Its useful. Here A can take ->
0,1,2... 10
So, (x^0 + x^1 + ... +x^10), Similarly for other cases.
In how many ways numbers less than 1000 will have digit sum equal to 12?
Coeff of x^12 in (x^0+x^1+...+x^9)^3
=> coeff of x^12 in (1 - x^10)^3 *(1 - x)^(-3)
=> coeff of x^12 in (1 - 3x^10)*(1-x)^-3 [Neglecting higher powers]
=> C(12 + 3 - 1, 3 - 1) - 3*C(2 + 3 - 1, 3 - 1) = C(14,2) - 3*C(4,2) = 73.
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multinomial Page 33

13 August 2013

A lot of questions in management entrance exams including CAT are from Geometry and
that too from the topic involving the areas of shapes.
Many questions are based on finding the area of triangles, circles and quadrilaterals etc.
Most of these questions can be solved in various ways. There is always a traditional method
to solve such problems but the problem which most of the aspirants encounter in geometry
is that they are not able to apply the theory / theorem when it is required.
Here I am discussing an easy approach to solve a certain type of questions based on finding
the area of the desired geometrical figure.
Lets start with the question itself:
Example 1: In the triangle PQR (refer to the figure), S is the midpoint of PQ, ST is
perpendicular to PR, UR is perpendicular to PR, and the area of PQR is 36 sq units. Find
the area of PTU?

Wont it be a good idea to try the above problem before going ahead?
If you are done with your effort and got the answer congratulations to you. In case you are
finding it difficult to comprehend let me assure you that its not that difficult as it seems. By
the end of the article you would be in a position to attempt such questions with ease.
Lets discuss some theorems which are handy for solving such problems.
We all know that,
Area of Triangle = 1/2 (base * height)
Theorem 1: Triangles with same base and between same parallel lines have equal areas.

In the above figure for all three triangles ABC, ABD and ABE, the base i.e. AB and the height
is same hence
[Area] ABC = [Area] ABD = [Area] ABE
Theorem 2: If two triangles have the same base, the ratio of the areas is the ratio of the

geometry Page 34


In the above figure AB is the common base, hence Area of ABC/Area of ABD = h/H
Corollary: If two triangles have the same height, the ratio of the areas is the ratio of the

Area of ACD/Area of CDB = a/b

Theorem 3: In any Trapezium ABCD (refer figure), AB || CD, O is the intersection of
diagonals AD and BC then,
Area of AOC = BOD

Since AB||CD, from theorem 1, we conclude that
Area of ACD = Area of BCD
Or Area of AOC + Area of COD = Area of COD + Area of BOD
or Area of AOC = Area of BOD {since triangle COD is common}
Theorem 4: In any quadrilateral ABCD, with AC and BD as diagonals intersecting at O.

geometry Page 35

Area of AOB = W
Area of BOC = X
Area of COD = Y
Area of AOD = Z then,
W.Y = X.Z
Area of AOB x Area of COD = Area of BOC x Area of AOD
Note: The above relation can easily be proven with the help of theorem 2 as discussed
above. I am leaving the proof for you all. Try it.
Now lets visit the question which I asked in the beginning.
Question: In the triangle PQR (refer to the figure), S is the midpoint of PQ, ST is
perpendicular to PR, UR is perpendicular to PR, and the area of PQR is 36 sq. Units.
Find the area of PTU?

Observe that ST||UR and STRU is a trapezium. Join SR, the figure looks like fig 1.1.

Fig 1.1

geometry Page 36

Fig 1.2
From theorem 3, we find that area of SOU = area of TOR,
Also area of PTU = area of quad PTOS + area of SOU
Or area of PTU = area of quad PTOS + area of TOR
Or area of PTU = area of PRS
Since S is the midpoint of triangle PQR, and RS is the median then,
Area of triangle PRS = 1/2 * Area of PQR =1/2*36 = 18 sq. units.
Example 2: In the adjacent figure ABCD is a square with side 15 cm. DEFG is another square
with G lying on AD, find the area of shaded region?

Let FC intersect AD at H.
Join FD, we find FD||AC, also DFAC is a trapezium.
Applying theorem 3 we get Area of FHA = Area of CHD
Therefore, Area of AFC = Area of AHC + Area of DHC = Area of ADC = 1/2 *
area of square ABCD = 1/2 * 152 = 112.5 cm2

Alternate approach:
Since the dimension of Square DEFG is not given hence we can conclude that the required
geometry Page 37

Since the dimension of Square DEFG is not given hence we can conclude that the required
area is independent of square DEFG. Without loss of generality we can take the sides of
square DEFG = 0, thereby points F, E and G will coincide with point D and the Area of ACF =
Area of ACD = * area of square ABCD = 112.5 cm2.
Example 3: In a triangle ABC with AB = 14 cm, D and E are points on BC and AC respectively
such that BE and AD intersect at point F and the area of BFD = area of AFE. Also
BD:DC = 2:5. Find the length of DE?

Refer to the diagram,
Joining DE we observe that in a quadrilateral ABDE, since area of BFD = area of AFE
from theorem 3, we conclude that DE is parallel to AB. Therefore by similar triangle
concept, CDE is similar to CBA with corresponding sides in the ratio:
BC: DC = (2+5): 5 = 7:5,
Therefore, DE/AB = 5/7
Hence the length of DE = 5/7 * 14 = 10cm.
Example 4: As shown in the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram AC and BE intersects at F. Area
of CEF = 6 cm2 and BCF = 9 cm2. Find the area of quadrilateral ADEF?


geometry Page 38

Join AE. ABCE is a trapezium therefore from theorem 3, Area of BCF = AFE = 9 cm2
Applying theorem 4 in ABCE we get,
Area of AFB x Area of EFC = Area of AFE x Area of BFC
Or Area of AFB x 6 = 9 x 9
Or Area of AFB = 27/2 cm2
Area of ABC = Area of ADC = 9 + 27/2 = 22.5 cm2
Therefore Area of ADEF = Area of ADC - Area of EFC
Area of ADEF = 22.5 6 = 16.5 cm2
Practice Problems
1. ABCD is a quadrilateral. The diagonals of ABCD intersect at the point P. The area of the
triangles APD and BPC are 27 and 12, respectively. If the areas of the triangles APB and CPD
are equal then the area of triangle APB is (XAT 2008)
a. 12
b. 18
c. 15
d. 16
2. In the given figure the area of ABC is 24 cm2, D is the midpoint of side BC and E is the
midpoint of AD. Then the area of ABE is:

a. 4 cm2
b. 8 cm2
c. 6 cm2
d. 12 cm2
3. In a parallelogram PQRS, X is any point in its interior. If area of PQRS = 36 cm 2, then area
of PXS + area of RXQ is :
a. 9 cm2
b. 12 cm2
c. 18 cm2
d. 27 cm2
geometry Page 39

d. 27 cm2
4. In the adjacent figure, the triangle PQR is divided into 6 parts, the area if four parts is
indicated. Find the area of triangle PQR?

- See more at:

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geometry Page 40

17 August 2013

1)CAT 2013-

Sale of CAT Vouchers : Monday,5th August - Tuesday, 24th September 2013

Registration for CAT 2013 : Monday,5th August - Thursday, 26 September 2013
CAT Test Dates : Thursday,16th October - Monday,11th November 2013
CAT Result : Tuesday,14th January 2014

2)XAT 2014- 5th Jan 2014.

Date of Application Commencement - 12th August, 2013

Last Date for Applying - 22nd November, 2013
Downloading of Admit Cards - 18th Dec - 31st Dec, 2013
Date of Examination - 5th Jan, 2013
Test Timings - 10:30AM - 1:30PM
Mode of Examination - Paper & Pen Based
3)IIFT 2013 - 24th Nov 2013-

Last date for obtaining prospectus through post- 20th August,2013

Last date for obtaining prospectus across IIFT counters-3rd September,2013
Last date for receipt of applications- 3rd September,2013
Written Exam- 24th November,2013, 10 a.m - 12 p.m
4)SNAP( for Symbiosis colleges)- 15th December,2013-

You have to register for the test(1550/-) and apply separately to individual colleges(1000/- each )
Website for information-
Website for registration-
5)NMAT 2014-

Registration Start Date--4th July, 2013

Registration End Date--24th September, 2013
Scheduling Start Date--17th July, 2013
Scheduling End Date-- 2nd October, 2013
Late Registration Start Date--25th September, 2013
Late Registration End Date--30th September, 2013
Re- scheduling Start Date--17th July, 2013
Re-scheduling End Date--15th December, 2013
Exam Delivery Start Date--5th October, 2013
Exam Delivery End Date--18th December, 2013
Re-take Scheduling Start Date--5th October, 2013
Re-take Scheduling End Date--17th December, 2013
Announcement of results--23rd January, 2014
Registration for CD/ PI--24th January, 2014 to 4th February, 2014
Conduct of CD/ PI--12th February, 2014 to 25th February, 2014

First Merit List--5th March, 2014

6)MAT 2013-

Final date for sale of the application form- 14 August 2013 (Wednesday)

Registration Start Date - 3rd July, 2013

Final date for submission of registration form (filled) 17 August 2013 (Saturday)
Final date for the online registration- 14 August 2013
Offline MAT test 2013 - 01 September 2013 (Sunday)
Online MAT test 2013- 07 September 2013
7) CMAT 2014 -

Dates Page 41

Registration Start Date - 3rd July, 2013

Registration End Date - 21st August, 2013
Availability of printed hall ticket From - 12th Sept, 2013
CMAT 2013 September Exam Window - 26th Sep 30th Sep, 2013
Test Timings - 9:30 AM 12:30 PM | 2:30 PM 5:30 PM
Result Declaration - 20th Oct, 2013
Availability of printed score card - 20th Oct 20th Nov, 2013
8) IBSAT 2013 -

IBSAT 2013 Application - 15th July, 2013 to 10th Dec, 2013

IBSAT 2013 Exam Dates - 16th Dec, 2013 to 7th Jan, 2014
IBSAT 2013 Results - 20th Jan, 2014
Selections Briefing - 1st to 10th Feb, 2014 - 40 Cities
Selection Process - 18th to 26th Feb, 2014 @ IBS Hyderabad
B-School Applications:
IIMs: At the time of CAT online registration.
XLRI: Registration Process started
IIFT: Same as above
IRMA : Accepting CAT 2013 scores..
IMI : Application Process has started.

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Dates Page 42

group of 4 married couples want to play mixed tennis, but each

married individual does not want to be on the same team as
his/her spouse. How many possible games can be played between
two teams
18 August 2013

Aa Bb Cc Dd are the pairs.. Upper Case Husband and lower case wife.
Mixed doubles so each team shd have one male and one female (no husband wife pair)
case 1: ABcd(all from different pairs) way of selecting male is 4c2 and females will be automatically
Ac Bd or Ad Bc so 2 teams can be formed... so 4c2*2 = 12 ways
case 2 : ABac(one pair will be present) so now select one pair ( 4 ways) and 3c1 for other male and
2c1 for other female and 1 way arrangement only possible so 4*3*2 = 24 ways
case 3: AaBb... 2 pairs will be selected from 4 pairs 4c2 and can be arranged in one way only so 6
12+24+6 = 42 ways

married pnc Page 43

24 August 2013

I dint approach with pnc as others did.. I have a bit of allergy towards it :P
a+b+c = 18
a=0 : (b,c) can be from ((0,18) to (9,9) ) after (9,9)--> 10 values
it will be (10,8)(11,7)... which is same as that of (8,10)(7,11)....
a=1 : (b+c=17) -->(b,c)=(1,16) to (8,9) --> 8 values

a=2: (b+c)=16--> (2,14) to ( 8,8) -->7 values

a=3: (3,12) to (7,8)-->5 values..
a=4:(4,10) to (7,7)-->4 values..
a=5:(5,8) to (6,7)-->2 values..
a=6:(6,6)-->1 value..

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identical identical Page 44

26 August 2013


#1. B 52
#2. D none of these
#3. A 0
#4. B 76
#5. D (N + 100)
#6. C 2
#7. C 41
#8. D 115
#9. A 646
#10. C 199
#11. A 6
#12. B 1
#13. B 1
#14. B 6
#15. D 5

#1. From a set of first 20 consecutive positive integers, 3 are picked randomly and their sum is found as S.
How many different values of S are possible?
A. 18
B. 52
C. 57
D. 1140
minimum sum will be (1+2+3) = 6
possibilities 7,8,9.
maximum sum will be (18+19+20) = 57
so 57 - 6 +1 =52

56 minutes ago Like 2

Kamal Lohia #2. TG is a two digit number in base-a such that T > 0 and T, G < a. For which value of
TG, can TG be a perfect square in some base-a?
A. 32
B. 43
C. both of these
D. none of these

(TG) base a where G<a

32 base will be more than 3 and 32 in any base more than 3 will be same as that
of decimal 32...i.e 32 base 10.. 32 is not a perfect square..
same case for 43.. So D ) none of these
54 minutes ago Edited Like
Kamal Lohia #3. Find the remainder when 484848 is divided by 728.

New Section 1 Page 45

A. 0
B. 28
C. 48
D. none of these

484|848 ==> 848-484 = 364 which is divisible by 7,13 and 8 ( 728 = 7*11*13) so remainder 0
53 minutes ago Like 2
Kamal Lohia #4. How many distinct integers are there in the sequence [1/100], [2/100], [3/100],
[4/100], ...., [100/100] where [x] is greatest integer less than or equal to x?
A. 75
B. 76
C. 100
D. 101
52 minutes ago Like 1

Kamal Lohia #5. Sum of ten consecutive integers is N. What is the sum of next ten consecutive integers?
A. 2N
B. N + 45
C. N + 55
D. N + 100
Let me take 1st 10 consecutive integers ..
n=1 to 10 -->55 ---N
n=1 to n=20 --> 20(21)/2 = 210
210-55 = 155 --N+100

51 minutes ago Like 1

Kamal Lohia #6. How many 21 digit numbers are there whose first 10 digits are 1 each and last 10 digits are
2 each and also the complete 21 digit number is divisible by 7?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
50 minutes ago Like

Kamal Lohia #7. What is the highest possible common factor of two consecutive terms of a sequence whose
nth term is given by n + 10?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 41
D. 59
HCF( n2+10 , (n+1)2 +10)
HCF(small,large) = HCF(small, large-small)
so HCF( n2+10 , 2n+1)
as 2n+1 the number should be odd.
Checked for 59 so n= 29 but n^2 +10 doesnt have 59 as factor
Checked for 41 so n = 20 (from 2n+1) and n^2 +10 = 410 (have 41 as factor) so satisifed
f49 minutes ago Like

Kamal Lohia #8. On planet LOGIKA, an alien digit is being used between 3 and 4 along with all the usual
digit we use on earth. What will be the age of a 94 years old inhabitant of LOGIKA on earth?
A. 103
B. 104
C. 114
D. 115
0 , 1 , 2. , 3 , , 49-- 10+1=11 ( as we have )
1 , 2, . 9--> 10 terms
so extra 21 terms.. 94+21=115

48 minutes ago Edited Like 2

Kamal Lohia #9. Nimai wrote all natural numbers, none of whose digits is a prime number, in order. First ten
numbers which Nimai wrote are as follows: 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 18. What is the 123rd number, Nimai
might be writing?
A. 646
B. 666
C. 816
D. 840

New Section 1 Page 46

D. 840
47 minutes ago Like

Kamal Lohia #10. What is the highest power of 2 which divides [10/(10 + 2)] completely where [x] is
greatest integer less than or equal to x?
A. 99
B. 100
C. 199
D. 200
46 minutes ago Like

Kamal Lohia #11. Number of factors of 12100 which are less than 110 but not factors of 110 is
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9
45 minutes ago Like

Kamal Lohia #12. For how many positive integers, N there are odd number of factors of N + 3N + 13?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
Odd factors ==> number is a perfect square
N + 3N + 13 = 16 for N=1 and no other square number satisfies
so B)1

44 minutes ago Like

Kamal Lohia #13. Find the remainder when 6{(p - 4)!} is divided by p where p is a prime number greater
than 2013.
A. 0
B. 1
C. p - 1
D. none of these
43 minutes ago Like 1

Kamal Lohia #14. Number of factors of P is Q. Number of factors of Q is R. Number of factors of R is S and
number of factors of S is 3. If P is smallest such number then what is the sum of digits of P?
A. 3
B. 6
C. 9
D. 12
P-- Q

So s can be 2^2 = 4(lowest) .. Now R can be 2^3=8
Now Q can be 2*3*4=24
Now P can be 2*3*4*5^2 = 600 so sum of digits = 6
42 minutes ago Like
Kamal Lohia #15. In how many ways can 100 be written as sum of two or more consecutive odd integers?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
sum of 1st n odd numbers = n^2
Here n^2 = 100 so n =10 (so 1st 10 terms will have sum as 100)--A
odd numbers can end in only 1,3,5 ,7 and 9 and addition should provide last digit as 0 (because 100)
9+1 = 0.. 49+51 = 100 --B

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New Section 1 Page 47

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New Section 1 Page 48

I Here by posted solutions for what I am sure of .. Please look into it sir
#1. From a set of first 20 consecutive positive integers, 3 are picked randomly and their sum is found as S. How many different values of
S are possible?
A. 18
B. 52
C. 57
D. 1140
minimum sum will be (1+2+3) = 6
possibilities 7,8,9.
maximum sum will be (18+19+20) = 57
so 57 - 6 +1 =52
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#2. TG is a two digit number in base-a such that T > 0 and T, G < a. For which value of TG, can TG be a perfect square in
some base-a?
A. 32
B. 43
C. both of these
D. none of these

(TG) base a where G<a

32 base will be more than 3 and 32 in any base more than 3 will be same as that of decimal 32...i.e
32 base 10.. 32 is not a perfect square..
same case for 43.. So D ) none of these

#3. Find the remainder when 484848 is divided by 728.

A. 0
B. 28
C. 48
D. none of these

484|848 ==> 848-484 = 364 which is divisible by 7,13 and 8 ( 728 = 7*11*13) so remainder 0
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#4. How many distinct integers are there in the sequence [1/100], [2/100], [3/100], [4/100], ...., [100/100] where [x] is greatest
integer less than or equal to x?
A. 75
B. 76
C. 100
D. 101

#5. Sum of ten consecutive integers is N. What is the sum of next ten consecutive integers?
A. 2N
B. N + 45
C. N + 55
D. N + 100
Let me take 1st 10 consecutive integers ..
n=1 to 10 -->55 ---N
n=1 to n=20 --> 20(21)/2 = 210
210-55 = 155 --N+100

#6. How many 21 digit numbers are there whose first 10 digits are 1 each and last 10 digits are 2 each and also the complete 21 digit
number is divisible by 7?

kamal lohia Page 49

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3

#7. What is the highest possible common factor of two consecutive terms of a sequence whose nth term is given by n + 10?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 41
D. 59
HCF( n2+10 , (n+1)2 +10)
HCF(small,large) = HCF(small, large-small)
so HCF( n2+10 , 2n+1)
as 2n+1 the number should be odd.
Checked for 59 so n= 29 but n^2 +10 doesnt have 59 as factor
Checked for 41 so n = 20 (from 2n+1) and n^2 +10 = 410 (have 41 as factor) so satisifed

Kamal Lohia #8. On planet LOGIKA, an alien digit is being used between 3 and 4 along with all the usual digit we use on earth. What
will be the age of a 94 years old inhabitant of LOGIKA on earth?
A. 103
B. 104
C. 114
D. 115
0 , 1 , 2. , 3 , , 49-- 10+1=11 ( as we have )
1 , 2, . 9--> 10 terms
so extra 21 terms.. 94+21=115


Kamal Lohia #9. Nimai wrote all natural numbers, none of whose digits is a prime number, in order. First ten numbers which Nimai
wrote are as follows: 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 18. What is the 123rd number, Nimai might be writing?
A. 646
B. 666
C. 816
D. 840

Kamal Lohia #10. What is the highest power of 2 which divides [10/(10 + 2)] completely where [x] is greatest integer less than
or equal to x?
A. 99
B. 100
C. 199
D. 200

Kamal Lohia #11. Number of factors of 12100 which are less than 110 but not factors of 110 is
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9

Kamal Lohia #12. For how many positive integers, N there are odd number of factors of N + 3N + 13?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
Odd factors ==> number is a perfect square
N + 3N + 13 = 16 for N=1 and no other square number satisfies
so B)1

kamal lohia Page 50


Kamal Lohia #13. Find the remainder when 6{(p - 4)!} is divided by p where p is a prime number greater than 2013.
A. 0
B. 1
C. p - 1
D. none of these

Kamal Lohia #14. Number of factors of P is Q. Number of factors of Q is R. Number of factors of R is S and number of factors of S is 3. If
P is smallest such number then what is the sum of digits of P?
A. 3
B. 6
C. 9
D. 12
P-- Q

So s can be 2^2 = 4(lowest) .. Now R can be 2^3=8
Now Q can be 2*3*4=24
Now P can be 2*3*4*5^2 = 600 so sum of digits = 6

Kamal Lohia #15. In how many ways can 100 be written as sum of two or more consecutive odd integers?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
sum of 1st n odd numbers = n^2
Here n^2 = 100 so n =10 (so 1st 10 terms will have sum as 100)--A
odd numbers can end in only 1,3,5 ,7 and 9 and addition should provide last digit as 0 (because 100)
9+1 = 0.. 49+51 = 100 --B
I ended up getting only 2

kamal lohia Page 51

29 August 2013
A person has just sufficient money to buy either 30 guavas, 50 plums or 70 peaches. He spends 20%
of the money on travelling, and buys 14 peaches, x guavas and y plums using rest of the money. If
x, y > 0, what is the minimum value of the sum of x and y?

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PM7 Page 52

06 September 2013

Set A has m elements Set B has n elements.

(1) If m>n One to One function =0 ;
If n>m One to One function = P(n,m) ;
(2) Number of functions = n^m ;
Number of relations = 2^(m*n) ;
(3) No of Many to One functions
= Number of functions - Number of One to One
=n^m -P(n,m)
(4) If n>m Number of Onto functions =0 ;
If m>n Number of Onto functions= sigma ( r = 1 to n) (-1)^(n-r) *C(n,r)*r^m;
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functions Page 53

12 September 2013

Now the strategy

I solve the entire quant paper in 3 rounds. (this is what I do to the students who come to me)
First round (lasts for 18-19 mins) : I do not look at DI. So I concentrate on just 20 maths question in my first
a. If a question will take me more than 20 secs to read and comprehend. I leave it for round 3. At the
same time just with the first glance you can know which topic is the Question from (even if it is long).
For example if a question is 5 lines long and appears to be from Speed time Distance. On the corner
of my rough sheet I note the question no. and Mark TSD next to it. (easy to refer in round 3)
b. So out of 20 questions typically 5 of them are quite verbose, so on an average of 15 secs spent on
these questions. (15*5 = 75 secs). Now out of remaining 15 questions which can be read and
comprehended in 30 secs. Remember these three steps.
1. After reading the question you would have an inner voice telling you if you can do this question
2. If the inner voice says "yes" then before you start writing try to think of the steps that you would
need to perform to solve the questions (and also guess how long would performing the steps take)
3. In few questions you will realize that there is no clear strategy that comes to your mind and in
some cases the calculations required would be extensive. There is only one thing that you can do to
same time take a note of questions where you knew how to solve the question but you left it
because of it being long.

d. If you follow previous step correctly then you would see that within 18 mins you would be able to
solve 6-7 easiest question of the paper and you have a fair idea about rest of the 15 questions.
e. (Another 11-12 mins) Now try to solve another 3-4 questions where your strategy is clearly in place
and you need to do calculations (by this time you are settled with the question paper and you are in
a flow..with 6-7 questions already solved you feel comfortable hence you can tackle slightly difficult
question with ease) In another 11-12 mins you are done with atleast 3-4 more question. this will
take you to 10-11 questions within first 30 mins.
Round2: Now come to DI (Another 20 mins) typically there are 3-4 sets in DI. Take time to read through the

initial description. typically the first set that I read is the one that is the longest and then I decide if
the questions can be cracked easily with little calculations, if I feel the calculations required would
be large then I leave it, and move to the next set. Typically in worst case even if you spend 20 mins
on DI you would be able to solve at least 4-5 easiest questions taking your tally to 15 after 50 mins.
Now you have solved the easiest 15 questions of the paper and you have a complete idea about the
remaining 15 question and with 20 mins still to go.. you jump to round 3.
The reason for Doing DI in middle it that I should not leave easy questions in DI due to lack of time. If I have to leave a
question due to lack of time, I'd rather want to leave a question that is tough or a lengthy question.
Round3(last 20 mins): typically verbose questions (which you didn't bother reading in round 1) from

Speed time distance, profit loss, mensuration, simple equations and others are easy to solve. (If
question sounds very difficult after first 30-40 secs of reading "LEAVE IT") Typically out of 5 verbose
questions 2 are very do-able. Now you are left with 5 questions in DI and 5 in Quant. Take you pick
and try to do 2-3 more question in next 10-12 min that is left. This will push you close to 20
questions attempt.

Hope this can help.

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strategy Page 54

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