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means computer assistant language learning. It is a program in

which you can learn language through the computer. It is useful for
people who work, because this program allows people to learn language
without attending classes.
Word cloud: It is a program in which you can connect many words in
an image that are related to one issue or one subject.

Cloze test:

it a test in which there are some words that are

missing, so the student is asked to replace the words. This test is
used in order to practice vocabulary
To digitalize: something is digitalized when it was converted
from the classical way to the digital way; for examples books are
digitalized when you can find the book on the web.
To google: to search information in the web, specially using

- The survey wants to test how much you know about computers
and their use.
- I think that throughout the survey you can know if we are
natives or immigrants. The survey asked you how much you
know about the computer and their use, so with that it is easier
to define if you are a digital native or a digital immigrant.
- There is a question that asked you where to use www, and the
answer refers to the web. There are some questions that refer
to the use of the internet for example it asked you how skilful
are you using movie maker or skype.
There is a lot of information in common, for example: the
classroom has changed though the use of technology. Not only
the way of teaching and learning but also the way of attending
classes. (by e-mail, blogs, vitual classes ,etc) Teachers use the
technology for motivating students; teachers allow them to find
out information in the web. Since my point of view, students will
be able to identify and summarize the useful information.
It is vital that students be in contact with technology in
classroom because they are also in contact with technology
outside the classroom. Having contact with the technology in
the classroom, students could create new tools for learning; a

lot of children do not know how to use technology in the

I think that in Argentina, the internet can be located in 1998
more or less. Web 2.0 can be located in 2009 more or less; and
finally mobile learning may be in 2012 with the introduction of
netbooks in the classroom. The thing is that many teachers do
not know how to use it in the classroom; even how to motivate
students with the use of technology.
4) A- Web 2.0 refers to development of the web 1.0 in which you can
watch and share a lot of information with a wonderful design. It allows
users to be in contact and share information with the creators of
different web pages, blogs, videos, images and many other things. It is
faster than web 1.0 and you can watch videos and images with high
definition. In web 1.0, users were passive; they only can read or look for
information. Meanwhile, in web 2.0 they can upload and share they
b- The expression internet 2.0 is not used nowadays. The correct
expression is web 2.0. I found out that there is a new invention internet2
which is being modifying in USA. But I dont find anything else about the
expression internet 2.0.
c- They are two different things. That is why you cannot interchange the
meanings of both words. Wold Wide Web or WWW is the way in which
you access to the information. Meanwhile, the internet is a network that
connects millions of computers throughout the world, without being
careful with the distance between them. What is more, not all the
services are part of the WWW.
d- We generally use the term internet; but this term is misused. We say,
as an example, I need to look for information on internet. But we are
looking for information on the web; because in the web is where we can
find the information and videos and so on.
e- I use the internet in order to send documents, e-mails, images, books,
songs, etc. meanwhile, I use the web in order to upload and download all
the things mentioned above.
f- I think that the use of web on education has changed not only the way
of learning but also the way of teaching. Nowadays, looking for
information is faster than old times. You can read and watch videos.

Being teacher is easy to share homework; there are hundred blogs and
web pages that could use in order to motivate students to learn more.
g- I think that being teacher, I would use mobile learning because all the
students have a mobile phone, laptop computer or netbook. It is easier
to manage not only for students but also for teachers. Then, I used the
web, because I want that my students upload information and work with
all the information that they would find. Being an English Language
teacher, I create a blog or an account in any social red for example
tweeter, Facebook or any other due to students share their knowledge or
what they learn in the classroom. They will be able to upload images,
videos or whatever they want to. At the same time, other students and
also the teacher could check whatever they upload and share
commentaries. They will be well-informed about the tasks and the
following classes.
5) My ideal Blended learning classroom!
If I had to create a blended learning classroom of phonetics and
phonology; I would create a blog where I could upload videos and
theories. I would create an account in survey monkey in order to test
they what they have learnt. I could create a multiple choice test and
finally, they have to describe a phoneme (the position of the tongue, if it
is a voiced or voiceless sound, if it is a vowel or a consonant, etc.) Then,
they have to put what they learnt in practice; so I would send a video
with any speech. Students have to listen to the video, and rewrite what
the speech says. I would do this in order to practice listening.
Furthermore, students have to put the intonation (if it rising, falling rise,
falling, etc.) Then, they could have to record themselves with trying to imitate the intonation and the pronunciation of
the original speaker; finally, they have to upload links in the blog in order
to practice pronunciation; other students have to check each other. What
is more, I would create virtual classrooms and upload the links in order
they can connect; I we all could leave doubts.
6) The offline tool that I chose is CamStudio. This is a software; this
means that you have to download it. This software is used to record all
that you are doing or creating in your screen. I would use CamStudio in
order to demonstrate how to use other programs, because you can use it
in every program. I think that this program is useful in those schools
which have not internet connection. In those schools that are in the
countryside, and internet connexion does not work out, it can be useful.

Teacher can record a video in YouTube and show it during the class. I
could use to record any activity in the web; then, during the class ask
some questions or just resolve with the teacher. Finally, show the
answers in the video recorded by CamStudio.
The Online tool that I select is Autocollage 2008 webside. I would use
this web page in order to motivate students. I think that we all like to
talk about our memories or fairy tales. I would like that students create a
collage and then tell the teacher and the rest of the class a beautiful
story. The collage can be made with their photograph; or students can
download images from the web in order to create the collage. It is easy
to manage and funny. It also can be used in order to students learn their
family tree, for example, they can create a collage with their family and
then tell the teacher and the rest of the class who are in their collage,
mother, father, grandparents, etc.
Well, I hope you enjoy my ideas Karen Aguero. MUN: 2548

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