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Leonardo Journal of Sciences

Issue XX, Month-Month xxxx

ISSN 1583-0233


Article section (choose one section for your article - the best section that fit to the presented research):
Mathematics, Informatics / Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry / Veterinary medicine,
Zoology / Agriculture, Horticulture / Engineering, Environment / Education, Management

Title of the Paper (Maximum 255 characters and 32 words)

Author One Name SURNAME1*, Author Two Name SURNAME2 and Last Author Name

Full address
Full address
Full address
E-mail(s): 1Author@... ; 2Author@...; 3Author@... ..

Corresponding author: Phone: ; Fax:

Received: Day Month Year / Accepted: Day Month Year / Published: Day Month Year (To be filled by Editor)

This is Abstract section. If exists, references must be cited in full [Lorentz
JNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOAC, Antiallergic Activity of Substituted
Benzamides: Characterization, Estimation and Prediction, Clujul Medical,
LXXX(1), p. 125-132, 2007.]. The abstract must not EXCEED 250 words.
Whenever appropriate use the structured abstract with the following sections:
Aim, Material and Methods, Results, Conclusion(s).
Define here up to 8 keywords as: Keyword 1; Keyword 2; ... ; Keyword 8.

Briefly present the state of art on the subject of your article. All information presented
in this section must be sustained by references. We recommend the use of original articles or

Title of the paper

,Author One Name SURNAME, Author Two Name SURNAME

reviews as references in this section.

Define all abbreviation first time when are used in text. Use past tense in this section
and sustain all statement with at least one reference.
References should be cited in the text by number in square brackets as they are cited in
the text (e.g. [1]). References must be listed at the end of the manuscript in the Reference
section and in the order according to the citation in the text. It is recommended to use (Insert
Reference Foodnote - Endnotes & Number format: 1, 2, 3, ...).
Please state the aim of the research at the end of this Section. Do NOT present how the
paper is structured and do NOT present briefly the content of each section.

Material and Method

Present in this section the material and method used in your research. The presentation
must be in details if the method is new or briefly (and sustained by reference(s)) whenever
already known methods are used.
All tables, figures and equations must be cited in text. Whenever the tables, images or
figure are taken from another manuscript / book please properly refer this at the its bottom
and provide to the editor a copy of the obtained agreement (from the author or publishing
house) to use that table/figure/image.
Whenever possible use normal text and symbols to write equations ([Insert Symbol ...]). Otherwise, use Equation editor ([Insert - Object - Microsoft Equation ...]).
This Is Subsection Heading
Text for this sub-section.
This is an equation
C = (Ci-Cj)/2 + 2kn/19
where C = ..., i,j = ...., k = , n = ... Define all symbols used in the equation.
This Is Subsection Heading
Text for this sub-section.


Present in this section your results and nothing else than results.
Do NOT include in this section information about method used (this information
belong to Material and Method section).
Do NOT discuss and do NOT comment the obtained results.
Refer all tables and figures or images in the text. Graphical representations created in
Microsoft Excel should be included in the manuscript as Microsoft Excel Chart Object ([Edit
- Paste Special - Microsoft Excel Chart Object]).
All images included in the manuscript should by of high quality.
Table 1. Description
Description Description Description Description
Data 11
Data 12
Data 13
Data 14
Data 21
Data 22
Data 23
Data 24

Table note:
Table note:

Text for this section.

Figure 1. Description
Text for this section.

The discussion should be concise and it is recommended to start with a brief summary
of the main findings.

Title of the paper

,Author One Name SURNAME, Author Two Name SURNAME

It should include paragraphs on the practical relevance, strengths, and, most

importantly, the limitations of the study (if any).
You could also discuss the following aspects: Was the conclusion also previously
reported in the literature? (need reference); How your finding are different compared to
existing knowledge in the field?; How can future research build based on the observations of
your research?; etc.
Do NOT include in this section new results; Do NOT discuss in this section results
which were not presented in the Results section.

Briefly state the conclusion(s) of your research.

People who contributed to the work, but do not fit the criteria for authors should be
listed in the Acknowledgments, along with their contributions. It is the author responsibility to
ensure that anyone named in the acknowledgments agrees to being so named.
State the funding sources that have supported the work (name of the founder and
project number). Specify the role of the funder in the study design, data collection and
analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

It is requested to have in this section at least 8 original articles published in the last 7
years also cited in the text.
1. Name A. B., Name C. D., Title of the article, Journal Title, Year, Volume(Issue), p.
2. Name A. B., Name C. D., Title of the Book, Place of Printing, Name of Printing House,

3. Fisher R. A., A Mathematical Examination of the Methods of Determining the Accuracy of

an Observation by the Mean Error, and by the Mean Square Error, Monthly Notices of
the Royal Astronomical Society, 1920, 80, p. 758-770.
4. Blobel V. (online), The maximum-likelihood method. Available at: (accessed 10/07/2009)
5. Taylor J. R., An Introduction to Error Analysis. University Science Books, 1982.

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