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XJ V^ni-nitr, AJTJXlJj jSD,

* * * * ' • ? • •»••?••{•

JDR Moves Japs Making Wild, Desperaie

Drive; Dying in Droves
Local Weather Data
Speeds OK Germans Report Red Drive
to Enforce
Temperature at S this morn-
ing, 53.
for Lease
Lend Aid Toward Galta Gap as Air
Maximum yesterday, 58. ;";
BY THOBUP.N WIANT pao Hill feature north of the Im- Minimum yesterday, 43.
SOUTHEAST . ASIA HEAD- phal plain, inflicting heavy cas- Rainfall from S a.m. yesterday

* His Order QUARTERS, KANDY,Celon, Apru •ualties on the enemy: '*

26 (AP)—Japanese jungle troops
are desperately attacking road and seek The Japanese know they must
until 8 a.m. today—.05 inch.
•MISSOURI: Showers ,-and thun-

Invasion Continues Strong

rail blocks established in Central to dislodge the obstructions derstorms tonight, partly , cloudy
Burma by- Allied "Chindits," air- the Chindits have placed on their Thursday; slightly cooler tonight;
•Tells War Secretary to Take borne troops, and are "coming In Burma, communications 240 miles inside lowest temperatures 40 in extreme Senate Committee: Votes Ap-
to the attack like a boxer with' his the official observer de- .north, 45-50 in central and south; proval- of Extension, in
.<§> Any- . Action.• Necessary in head iieaa down'
agwu and «uiu dying
uyuig in "i droves,
"•" clared,' especialy because of the little change in temperature
Montgomery. Ward Case j ^ Allied observer said today. aid such blocks give to Lt. Gen. Thursday; wind diminishing late. Record Time
At the sarne time British forces Joseph W. Stillwell's forces driv- tonight,
continued to tighten their grip on ing down trpon them through the North .Central Missouri: Oc-
ORDERED TO BACK the Imphal-Kohima area which Mogaung Valley in the norm. casional light showers today, be-
NOW THAN EVER' Army Railroad American Planes Attack Aircraft Center at
coming heavier this afternoon with
SECRETARY JONES had been threatened by a Japanese The Japanese blow bugle blasts, thunderstorms tonight. Warmer Brunswick, Maintaining Air Assault ,
Directive Follows Com-
invasion of India designed to cut shout,
the Bengal-Assam railroad, Allied swearing lustily in English. They
and even charge while
tonight. Thursday partly cloudy. Administrator 'Gives Data Training Here for 12th Day
supply line to China and North employ all sorts of weapons, in- on Aid, Showing1 Large
pany's Refusal to Recog- Burma, a. communique from Ad- cluding tanks,, howitzers, "coal
nize Legality of Authority miral .Lord Louis Mountbatten • an- scuttle" mortars, machine-guns
Wabash and Shipments to Russia io Begin Soon By Richard McMurray
nounced. a.nd even bangalore torpedoes,
The communique said British which usually are used - againsi WASHINGTON, April 26, 2P— About 100 Men to Be Quar- Pitched Battle Associated Press War Editor
BRTINS'\yiCK, Central. German
\. WASHINGTON, April 26. S— forces yesterday captured the Ma- wire entanglements.
President Roosevelt today directed
Secretary-.of War Stimson to take
Oiher Roads The Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee—after one of its shortest
hearings, on record—today -voted
tered,-in. Moberly i'or
On Greek Yesel
aircraft building center, came un-
der the sights of 1,000 or so
3-Month. Period American planes today in. the
"any action that may be neces-
sary" to enable Coiamerce Secre-
tary Jones to carry out the presi-
Time Closes No Opposition, Still Detour its approval of the lend-lease ex-
tension bill, already passed over-
whelmingly by the House. - . . FOR ALL PHASES CAIRO.-April 24. (Delayed) & of
great and continuing air itfvasion,
Europe, prelude to the real
dential order for seizing and oper-
' ating the plants of Montgomery
Ward and Company at Chicago.
on Filing for Yankee Forces Burlington, Alton, arid
Trains Through Here; Bus.; tee today the..-lend-lease program
Foreign. Economic
Leo T. Crowley told the commit-,
Administrator ' —Three officers arid seven, enlist-
yesterday in the pitched battle be- opened anthat
Romanianvand German accounts
asserted the Russians had
This was disclosed when the
White' House issued the text of j County Offices Are Mystified Route Blocked must be continued
^ ed Nations' armies finally march
down the streets
Soldiers to Receive
cal Instruction and Practi- loyal
Techni- tween'
mutinous Greek sailors
boarding parties in Alexan- rront
harbor, it was announced:
and offensive on a broad
along the lowec- Dnestr Ri-
ver between thej Carpathians and
the President's executive order' The Wabash railroad still is, ; the Black Sea—^aimed apparently
-dated April 25, directing Jones to Democrats to Have Contests] Officers " Near Hollandia floodbound at Waken da' today and> Tokyo." cal Experience here today. at the Galati Gap between the
and Appearing in support of House- Warships retaken from the sail- mountains and the Danube estu-.
is detouring trains from here to;
I for Six Major Nominations ! Speculate That Japanese Kansas City. While the river is; approved legislation, extending A technical railroad training- ors who refused to obey orders to ai-y. Seizure of the Gap would
Have Pulled Out lend-lease another year, Crowley, sail on convoy and • minesweeping
At the same time the White] at August Primary falling according .to reports re-; who directs the vast program program for members of an Army duties', were the. corvettes Aposto- wrest most «f the Balkans from.
House issued a letter by-Attorney! ceived by the Moberly offices, it. railway operating- battalion will be the enemy. '
General- Biddle the President] was not expected the track can started in Moberly about May 1, lis and Saktouris and the destroy- Report Bed -Drive *-' -
war materials .have been sent to provided houseing and facilities er lerak. The remaining ships in-
upholding the. Chief Executive's REPUBLICANS PILE . ! FOOD JAPS LEFT- be used before Friday. the nation's allies, declared: The Germans and their puppets . -j
^ authority, "to direct the secre- ' FOR THREE PLACES] BEHIND NOT FRESH In some places near Wakenda for the preparation of meals can volved-in'.the mutiny, surrenderee! said the\Red Army struck after '•" ':
More Essential 'Than Ever
'- tary of commerce to take posses- two feet of water are over the; "To achieve final victory—and be provided for'about 100 service early today- a strong artillery barrage and with *•
" sion off and to operate the plants. plants .. 1 Tv,,tTo inWe fn-r Only Resistance So Far track and much 'ballast has been to achieve it at the earliest pos- men. it-was announced today-
1 Boarding parties were met by a appreciable air support. Break- i
facilities of Montgomery Rivalry AlSO Develops lor washed from the road bed. The isble moment and at the least cost Several Anny otficera from the hail of. Tommy-gun fire. but won throughs were acknowledged, but . , , , - ,
Ward and Company in Chicago, Some Places on Demo- Hardly Worth Mentioning, repair crews have had difficulty. in lives it is now more essential 741st Railway Operating Battalion control after fighting less than an the Nazis insisted they were - -•
HI." Correspondent in getting material such as rock, than ever'that the United Nations at Jefferson Barracks arrived hour. '"sealed o_ff" in "A complete de- i ij
Array May Act cratic Committee gravel and sand bags; it was said. continue .combine their mater- here late yesterday afternoon and fcnsive victory after heavy bat- ' ''"
Attention focused on point : Trains No. 11 and 1 on the; ial resources through lend-lease are here today making a survey LONDON. April 26. ..2P—Recent- ties." The Russians have said „"- :
Yesterday was the last day for By ROBERT EtINSON ! Omaha line were in operation" last and mutual aid. disorders in the Greek army and nothing of such a'drive, follow-1 -•»:
Number 4 of the order as released Advanced Allied Headquarters, and conferring with Wabash offic-
by the White House which raised • candidates-to file for nomination New Guinea.- April, 26 (AP) • — night by being detoured to La- Crowley gave the senate com- ials, Chamber of Commerce oific- navy have "now been almost com- ing "their custom of'announcing ' •;
1 ials .and others. In the delegation pletely cleared up," Prime Miius- achieved: offensives only after they have s ,'.
the possibility that .the Army for state; county and township of Lack of opposition at Hollandia, Plata, then by Santa Fe to Buck-. mitte this data:
considerable jsuccess. • 1 ,
would be,directed to eKiorce the fices, to be acted upon a-t the lin. the Bjirlington. to Chillicothe 1
By March 1, the "United States Capt C. M. Henderson, Capt. ter churchiir told Commons today,
primary election on August 1. The Dutch New- Guinea, and :titape, and back on the\ Wabash line to lend-lease shipments to Prussia— are p -o Sampler Lt. Thomas J. adding that "it is tor the Greek An authoritative Moscow war -_''•
• President's decision. flag dropped on-: Democratic coun- 150 miles to the southeast, has Omaha. No. 14, due here at 5 totalling ^4,727,000,000 — includ- B.uesch ;
This point said: * win W. - -- Edminsten- - - Government to: decide what meas- review of the last two months es- :
; ty races with three candidates for the doughboys of the Sixth Army o'clock, arrived here at 8:40 this ed S.SOO planes. 5.200 -tanks and ure will be taken against those're- timated 'the Red Army "had hilled •
• "Upon the request of the Secre- repres'entative .-four for "sheriff, mystified. and Lt. M. 3. Mowrer.
tary of Commerce, the •. Secretary two for prosecuting attorney, two morning-. - • • ' , , ' tank destroyers, 7,000,000 pairs ' The training, is to; occupy a per- sponsible for these deplorable in- or captured 500,000 of the enemy •<,]
Passengers Eat Here of army boots. 2,600,000 tons of on the southern" Russian front; _>
of War shall take any action that ! for assessor and two: for each o f ! Everywhere I went in the two Passenger, train No. IS from food. 13,000 tons of seed. 185,000, iod of three months and consists cidents."
sectors during the first two of work in-the shops, maintenance The Britih Government is "in alone, exclusive of the 77,000 kill- ;_.';
to carry
| two places on the county court, j of the invasion wide-eyed sol- Kansas, City arrived';' about: '8 military trucks, 35,000 jeeps, 350,- of way.' ^dispatchers, telegraph full agreement," he saicl, with poll- ed or captured in the Crimea. Tho "•* 'i
Ths last date for filing was gripped unfired carbines and o'clock this morning. The i 105 000 tons of rail,:-wheels and axles operators 'and train crews, in announced _ -Russian aim is to drive into Ger-
I moved up fronvJune, 2 to yester- i passengers, were -given breakfast and 275,000 fieid telephones. of forming a „.. {many itself-arid finish off Hitler's •
- this • order." asked: short, everything to do with the ending-1 ara:iy i"1 cl°se collaboration with r
' day at the recent special meeting j here. . ' • -_•• While "he could
"What's happened to the Japs: j The Wabash tracks are also be- volume of freight carried to China operation of a railroad. The Army not'-disclose the ernment with the aim of
Should armed force be resorted of the .Legislature to'give addi- : political disunity. the Allies. * .
to. it^ seemed probable that a tional .time for. handling-, absentee Where did they go?" I ing' used by the . Burlington from by air "over the -hump" from men will not displace any regular .The ^lengthy lethargy 'lifted *.-•,
token group • of" officers and men soldier voting. The early closing, Pre-invasion estimates placed Hannibal to Moberly and Mexico/ Assam, he said .that in December employee of the railroad. little ;0n,the_Italian front -where.X
/ would oe d-spatched to the Mont- it is thought, has held down the the number of enemy troops to be
gomery Ward Headquarters. That number miDer of candidates.
vi ~u«a..uu-'u<».i.'-o. overcome —
at Hollandia

'The C; & A. trains, are being- -alone "twice as much 'cargo went •The Army has a contract with
and Aitape run on the Wabash from Kansas into China by air as was carried •the Wa-bash-for such train ing-and. I Petitions Ask Allied "tropas- on the"Anzio'Beach«':
•» is the system that .has been used Republicans -filed for threc^ .at 1-1,000 or more.. So^far. the only 'City through Moberly ' tf>-^ Clark, ,in. i°ie entire year 1942," and fur- schools^will be conducted here'and'i
past, re no -violence ."ivas
-^phvr:Cbimty "' offices—repi-eV opposition- 'encountered .is J%Ki-01r 'then • back on their own rline.
sentatwe, assessor and public - - worth - -
mentioning. - The nearest
ther --substantial increases .occurr- at Decatur- The Army men re-'
The Katy trains are being de- ed in-.:January and February.
Supplies From Allies
ceive both technical and practical
training in operating a section or
Vole on Ciiy
patefl. ministrator, and .'also for mem- thing to a fight occurred -around1 toured through Moberly from St. Humor mills turned" up !,the ',-- -.
Labor Board.. Meet
The National '' Labor Relations committee.
bers of-: the Republican county Tadji airstrips near Aitape wheel Louis to Franklin Junction, then 'The United Kingdom, Australia,- the railroad during 'the training-
Associated Press War Correspond- on west. j - New Zealand and- India spent program. Manager Plan yarns-that Germans nad .taken ,"*.,
charge of PetsBmo,- ousting^,,th«x' »/J
Board meanwhile announced a More Committee Filings ent Spencer Davis told me 9S Jap-^ To provide mail anil passenger more- thaiv.-'.S2,000,000,000 for-sup- The battalion commander is .Lt. Hnns from their own Arctic jport.o „*.
hearing 'for 10 a- m. -Saturday in •On • the Democratic ticket, in anese had been killed. service to points between Bruns- plies furnished to the United Col. L. E. Thornton, who has' had Only 135 Signers~,Are Need- and,that Hitler>vtrain was blown ",/C
Chicago as the first step in de- addition to filings previously an- One Jap Fights j wick and Moberly, the Wabash is States from June 1, 1942 to De- sixteen years railroad experience ed to ^ Bringf About up-in » recent-Allied Attack,'on v, •-;
termining the bargaining agency nounced, Howard • G. and .While Sixth Army forces'. were operating a stub train which cember of this
31," 1943 "and by the. first and was formerly a superintend-
year were spending for
Stuttgart shortly after :Hitler, had ^-'
for company's employees, crux of Mrs. Thelma Butler filed . for pouring ashore at Tanahmcrah leaves immediately after the ar- ent of the C. & A. and B. & O. at Special Election left' it".- The-' Germans announced "j
the dispute. members, of the county commit- Bay for the drive on Hollanclia's rival of No. 3 from St. Louis and reverse lend-lease at a rate ap- Chicago before entering the ser-
proaching $2,000,000,000 a year:" vice. All the officers in the bat-
the death .of one of their top;. ,~'v
The NLRE will decide on a tee from the second ward. Clyde airfields, -only one Jap stood uP returning in time to connect with United States, troops. are receiv- talion are former railroad men. Petitions asking- for a, special flight commanders in a /plane' ao" --,'*;•:
basis of the hearing whether to re- Fawks and Mrs. Clyde DeLaney to fight. He was marooned on an No. 12 from Kansas -.City. ing food from Australia and New- flection upon ^adoption, of -a city cident, Col., "Gen. Hans Hube,. '«
certify the union or hold another had filed several days ago for off-shore islet and probably decid- Buijfjcs Have Trouble, Too The officers
Zealand at the rate of almost a survey.-but it is expected the re- have been form arc to report then- manager of government one-armed leader of "an "army in.^ ^
election. membership from that -ward. "Hie Missouri Transit Lines local
ed he might as well get shot as office 'today reported busses- un- billion pounds ' a year while the placed in circulation Russia-and-formerly in" Sicily. ^ ", \
The original presidential order Myles recently defeated. Fawks for port will be favora&le and the here this -week: The American air fleets pene- ' -''
starve to death. able: to reach Jefferson City. Mar- supplies value
Vct.J Lit: . of
ui all ' Areverse
<LJ.I ^ v t^A. j^, lend-lease
iWJiu j,vt*»^i- *•• ,. • ,, , j, *srt«
Addressed to the mayor and trated Germany today after Brit- ~ '.;;
had directed the firm to extend an councilman from the second ward: At '-Hollandia's Humboldt Bay shall or Boonville-. The junction of -™,™tvi« «rnh mnni-h "nmv'- a-n- A received from these two {training program will start soon
ish ilosquitos, without loss,; bomb- ""'-,
expired contract with the union In the third ward C. M. Hulen countries each month "now' ap-1 local hotel was viewed and was council, the petitions read;
pending: a determination ' whether filed for membership on the coun- landed. where another powerful force Highways 63 and 54, near Jeffer- proximates the value of lend-lease described as .being desirable to "We the undersigned, Qualified ed Cologne. Other planes sowed , .'i
Associated Press War Cor- son City, is closed -and busses mines. - •-:,;
i;-. should continue to°be regarded ty committee. Chester Maxey and respondent Asahel Bush told me cannot get through Glasgow to supplies" the United States ships house the men. The .Junior Col- Electors ofdothe City of Moberly, "::
as the bargaining agency. ! Mrs. Stella Evans filed a week or : to'them each month. lege also was visited this morning Missouri, hereby respectfully Widearea Bombed
so ago. he had seen few Japanese prison- reach Marshall. .Other bus routes. as a'possible place to house ancl petition th e Honorable Mayor and Marauders headed for Northern "' «
Previous Moves ers 'and that there had been light are still open.
CHICAGO, April- -.26, fP— The County Candidates feed the men, as was done several Council of the City of Moberly, France; other fleets of medium - v
Wayne C. Taylor, undersecretary
of.commerce, .a.miuuiii-tru LUUS.V he
announced today
Following is a list of those who amchine-gun and mortar fire, out
had filed
ut; -"•--« ~-*~- for— county ~v * and...township
A new
. . . , ^ that. Americans were pushing- ing from here to . Keytesville,
detour is
into Kansas City,- with busses go-
now followed
Nazi Destroyer months ago when the aviation Missouri, to call a special election bombers streamed toward the con- ' .-
training- school was hcw» The unit for the purpose of organizing the tinent. Planes from Italian bases J
had submitted a certified copy of offices -on the Democratic ticket ahead almost at will. would have its own cooks and pro- City of Moberly, Missouri under by night bombed an aircraft fac- - ;
_ TV,™;,^,,*,-.,!
presidential ^rior-
order -,ii*-v.^;
him to take over the Chicago
7in«- with County Clerk Gene Shelton,
authorizing I was riding ashore at Tanah- north, to Marceline. west to Chjlli-
For representative —• W. M. merah Bay in an amphibious tank cothe, south to Carrollton and .in-
to Kansas City on Highway 10.
Sunk By British vide its own food.
Capt. Henderson and Lt. Bruesch
Section 7080 to 7095,. Chapter 38, tory at Turin and rail yards at ./• i
Article 8, Revised Statutes Mis- Parma and Ferrarara at a cost of , * - ' .
souri, 1939, providing for the City 13 bombers and three fighters. At -^
mail order plant of Montgomery Stringer, Fred Neel and. George with Lt. Gen. Walter Krueger, Busses visited the Wabash yard office Manager
Ward and Company, but that Se- R. Wright. Sixth Army commander,' and Lt. ating from
•well Avery, head -of the firm, had ' For' -sheriff—J. B. . McAdam. Gen. Robert L. Eiehelberger, First \cothe. and. from there into Kansas
declined to accept it. Amos Magruder, E. A. Forth and Army Corps commander under
previously had been oper-
Carrollton . to Chilli- Off French Coast this morning and Lt. Ednr.nsten
the dispatching office, while Capt. Citie,; Few
Form of Government for least 78 German planes were re- ,~ |
of .the Third Class."
Signers Required
ported destroyed yesterday, 50 by~- \
the .Russians, 14 by the Mediter- ~
Sampler and Lt. Mowrer were 1
The statufe referred to provides ranean air forces, ten by Britain-,
£• , Taylor came here from Wash- F. R. Gipson. ' • . ; - • Krueger,'while they were discuss- 'City on Highway 36. , LONDON, April 26 !C — The viewing the junior College. that a special election on adop- based Americans and four by Bi Bflt--'
ington .to assume control of the For prosecuting attorney—Ray- ing the absence of Japanese oppo- sinking of a German destroyer tion of the city manager form ish defenders of two raided townar- ," ~.
mail order house on grounds that mond Falzoiie and Q; V. William- sition.
the concern had refused to comply son.-
•with a directive from President • For .assessor—Walter Wright Eiehelberger, 'you've got enough
"Well anyway," Ki-ueger to 100-Year Record by the British Navy off the north-
west coast of France in the vicin- See Possibility
ity of the Isle De. Bas was an-
shall be called within sixty days The air invasion rolled almost..^ "'"„
after the filing of a petition bear- uninterrupted into its 12th day and - - "'
of Younger Men ing the names of electors resid- the results of this mightiest air „ „:
Roosevelt to .extend an expired and L. M. Grose.
^ contract with, a CIO union.
— Taylor's Statement
For judse County Court, west-
ern "•• district—Roy .Cravens'- and to^go to hell." :.
men ashore now to tell the Japs For Grand River nounced by the Admiralty to-
A Royal Naval offensive force,
ing m the city, equal in number offensive the world has ever
Filling Quotas to 25 per cent of the votes cast known were impressive. -
At least 50,000 tons of explo- - ^
for all candidates for mayor in

Taylor, emerging from his, con-
ference with Avery, told report-
Ivo Sherwood.
For Judge County Court, east-
ern districtc^G. R. Tcrrill and W. on



You can find"not. a few-officers
Broken By Flood made up of both 'British- and
Canadian ships and led., by -the House Military Committee mem-
WASHINGTON, April 26 A' — the last preceding election.
Since only
cruiser! Black Prince, intercepted bers saw in" latest Selective Ser- for mayor in the city election a destruction in German cities, war. ~.", 537 votes were cast
sives and hundreds of" thousands. 1 ^
of fire bombs . had caused vast -.
"I have just delivered . to Mr. T. Austin. who hazard,guesses that Japanese the Nazi .vessel -as it sought 'to plants, airfields, invasion railways „ / ;
Avery certain communications For .public administrator — W. forces have pulled o u t - o f North BRUNSWICK, April 26.—The escape after, being:damaged early vice figures-today an indication year ago, only 135 signers will be and defensive positions. Some 33',- ^ v;
4£ from.the President. I tendered to A. Howell. and Central New Guinea, leaving j Grand River here last night broke in the encounter this morning. , fighting fronts, draft calls for the tion on th proposed change. that,'barring a big upset on the required to bring-about an elec-
000 planes had flown against the -"H;
him a 'certified copy of a presi- For county surveyor '— T. M. only a few hapless garrisons, a lOO-year-old record when it She - sank under the fire of. the rest of this year will be filled The plan
calls for five council- Germans in a dozen days. The > "-
dential order authorizing me to McGee. Rows ipf canned salmon and reached a level of 23.76,feet at. the guns of three Canadian destroyers mostly by men under 26, with men, elected at large, one of avowed purpose was to wreck the -^4
take over the-management of the For coroner—Dr. R. H. _ Wil- sacked rice we saw on the beach 'Grand Rivei\ bridge. The -highest of the Tribal class,'and.,a British few fathers over that age being whom would be designated as German air,force and its 'sources \
Montgomery Ward and Company liams. at. Humboldt Bay were not fresh. previous record was made 'ast destroyer. inducted. In. making that predic- mayor by his fellow councilmen. of replenishment and at least 700 .^
plant-and its facilities in. Chicago. For memberships on the Demo- Many rice sacks had rotted open .June when the river reached; >i,26 The vessel was one of three.or tion, however, Chairman Costeilo The councilmen would elect a Nazi fighters had been destroyed, £;
"Mr. Avery stated that he does cratic comity committee, with and the ground looked, as if a wed- feet. The present record is' at- four enemy destroyers encounter- city manager from outside their exclusive of the toll in Russia. ^
3 not "recognize .the legality of my one man and one woman to be ding party had passed by—some tested by all old timers in Bruns- ed by the Allied. Naval Force. D-Calif) • and other members of
authority--to! do .so, and that -for named from each ward or town- days ago. Salmon can labels had wick, although no official records^ the draft subcommittee emphas- membership. Each councilman The cost had been 389 planes and ^
various other reasons which he ship, the following have filed: ized that if 'strategic plans re- would receive a salary not to ex- more than 2,300 lliers. " ' ?
faded badly. j have been kept. Dozen Highway* quire unusually large calls in ceed $100 a year. ,
said he had outlined to the Pre- Moberly, first ward —Carl But the Japanese prisoners I
Remain Blocked that younger and older men now city manager, a city clerk, city Several Thousand ,
The water has spread here the some months, then to the extent The council would appoint a
sident in his telegram of yester- and Mrs. Gilbert Dowdy. saw Were exceptionally well past two days, and yesterday the
day,' Mr. Avejy has declined to Second ward — Clyde Fawks, groomed and clothed. Whitham levee, northwest of Trip- being inducted under current pol- assessor and city treasurer; the GOP Write Ins
A accede to my demand. Mrs, Clyde DeLaney, Howard G. There were cases of aerial .JEFFERSON CITY,. 'April 26,5s; icies are not available in "those offices of city clerk and city as-
^"' "My further instructions in this Myles and Mrs.' Thelma Butler. bombs'-and ammunition'und air- lett, broke and began rilling in. —A dozen major Missouri high- months, larger numbers of older sessor may be filled by one per- For Roosevelt
matter were to report back to Third ward—Chester Maxey, plane motors all over the place around Brunswick,
Dean Lake, northwest of.
filling in the Xnplett ways remained blocked by rlood men must be called. son. Air- other officers and em-
" tlie secretary of commerce, and Mrs. Stella Evans and C. M. and you cant forget that the air-1
this I'intend to do immediately." Hulen. bottoms. Yesterday's break -was waters today.
Tho State Highway Department
ployees of the city would be ap- PHILADELPHIA, AprjL26 -SP—•
caused when, the Grand River pointed and discharged by the Several thousand _ Republicans ,.
Taylor left.with.Ugo Carusi, ex- Mac Lynch
closin stood at 23.22* feet most of the listed these routes as,, closed: British Military city manager, the council to "have wrote in the name" of President,
ecutive assistant to the^attomey and C. B. Tulley. -No. 24 at Dewitt; 3 north of
•+ general, after conferring with Jackson Township—H.'- G. Kidd planes only a month ago. day. There was a 'further rise Clifton Hill; 129 north of Salis- Mission to Turkey power to make rules and regula- Roosevelt as a"candidata*forPrea- '-
ident in the Pennsylvania prim- . -
^ (Continued on Page Two) last 'night. tions governing the same."
and Mrs. Mae McDaniel. bury; 11 at Rotbville; 6 at Nov- Terms Staggered ary, but the figure was smaller ,„ --•
Cairo Township—A. E. Skinner Victory Over Nazis - The big levee south of Dal ton, ingcr; 24 and 65 between Carroll- LONDON, April 26. A-Brit- At the first election of coun- than his G.O.P. write-in vote" in ~i
Germans Battle ancl Mrs. . Gladys Dameron. known as the Dalton levee, was ton and Waverly; 35 at Grand "ish military mission has arrived
Salt River—Roy Wood and'Mrs. In<44 Possible cut Monday at the lower end to River; 40 and 5 and - 87 near in Ankara and resumed conversa-
cilmen, one would be elected 1940. '
Returns from 6,210 of S.197J; 1,
, '
To Escape Siege Jeff Gai>:s. allow water to fill in slowly,'' thus Boonville'; 63 north of Jefferson. tions with representatives of the for three years. two for
two years and two for' one precincts in>the state todayshqw-^ ^
A. T. Burton and Mrs. NEW YORK, April 26. .T—Vic- preventing a break in the dike. City; 94 'near Machens and Mat- Turkish Government,, it. was learn- year so that the terms of not ed 4,810 Roosevelt write-ins as v
^ MOSCOW, April 26 (AP)—The Guy Fatten. . . tory over Germany in 1944 is pos- son. ed today. This was seen as re- more than two would expire in compared with a total of '8,292 - 1
Germans are flying six-enginee- Sugar Creek—H, G. Maxwell sible, says Admiral Ernest J. Mvore and Better . R,eopencd
, to traffic were: No. sulting from Turkey's agreement any one year. Three favorable in the 1940 primary. -- -, ;"£
transport planes into the Sevasto- and Mrs. Tunce Rucker. King, commander-in-chief of' the 56 at Medicine Creek; 10 west to halt chrome shipments to Ger- votes would be required to trans-
pol battle zone' seeking to" speed Prairie —- Ray TruesdcU and U. S- Navy, and in this event Ice Cream Soon Of Carrollton; 79 near Clarksville; many. act any business. Truman'* Mother
up the evacuation 'of the besieged Mrs. Olive Slaughter. plans already have been made to 71 at Tracy. Turkish newspapers hinted that I
Axis garrison front dispatches Moniteau—J. T. Bowen and shift Allied forces against the WASHINGTON, April 26 -T one reason for lack of progress in i Secretary Brown - Fracture* Hip
said today. Mrs. Lillian Rank'in. Japanese. Civilians will get more and 1,264 Plane* Shot previous discussions had been Al-
A dispatch to Red Star said the Silver Creek—-W, F- Robertson • Speaking at a dinner in ius hon- better ice cream during May D-own, Berlin Says lied failure to deliver the arms Slightly :Bettcr KANSAS CITY, April'26. XJ-.
Germans, lad placed anti-aircraft and Mrs. Frank Robertson. . or-at the Lotos Club last night, and June. Turkey considers necessary.
guns in trenches, streets.housetops Clifton—W. C. Alexander and 'King said: Lee Marshall, director of POPLAR BLUFF, Mo., Aplii-26 Mrs. Hartha E. Truman,, "
and barges and set up a "storm Mrs. E. E. Hurt.. " ' ' "Granting we are able to defeat the War Food 'Administra-
LONDON, April 26 (AP)—The FLOOD EN" TULSA AREA (AP)—Secretary of State Dwigm. er of
of- fire" which, however, did not Chariton—J. ...D. Rice and Mrs. the Germans this year—which can tion's office of distribution, Berlin radio declared today that TtTLSA, Okla., April 26. &— H. Brown, who has been. seriau«ly Mo-J, -was
halt Soviet airmen hammering at Myrna Palmer. happen—it would be "dangerous to disclosed today that manu- 1,264 Allied planes had been de- High water pouring down from ill for -several months, rallied her: home
the port night and day. - Salt Springs—J. V. Minor and think that the end of the war is facturers' quotas for ice stroyed "by German defense" .'" Kansas pushed the Arkansas Paver somewhat late yesterday .and Ap-
One Izvestia correspondent said Mrs. • Jimmie Summers. in sight. We already have full cream and other frozen dairy- the first 2g days of April. up toward the highest level in 21 peared to be slightly improyed^to-' left' shoulder .in>
Joe Mo'ore filed as a candidate (Announced Allied -losses during .night'''- The_ same
the Germans: were protecting the plans for implementing the trans- products will be increased this period total iiv. the'1, neighbor- •eral years at Tulsa today, and the fed- day. For a time yesterday^dtoctors
^Sevastopol evacuation "using ev- for the Democratic nomination for fer of Allied fighting power.from from 65 to 75 per cent. In weather bureau sent flood believed^ death was veryT.,'''
erything still able to shoot." constable of Sugar Creek addition, changes were rhadc hood of S50 planes.mcluding losses They say his recovery "is-'.a^
He said the.Red Army reached ship. J. R. Leathers filed in Salt soon as it appears that Germany
Europe to the Pacific theater as
to permit a richer' ice cream of both Britain-based and Medi- warnings to bottomland residents remots possibility.
Springs' township. Edgar -TSlsberry terranean air forces-. . downstream;
portion?; beyond the Inkcrman -mix.
- " ' OD PftfJI "* *
HeijU* pveriookini Uie

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