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Journal of chemical education.

ISSN: 0021-9584

Inicio: 1924

Periodicidad: Mensual

Pas: Estados Unidos

Idioma: ingls
Pgina web de la revista
ndice de autores

American Chemical Society,


Ciencias bsicas y experimentales: Qumica

A continuacin se presentan los ejemplares que ha sacado la revista en los ltimos

Reviewing Some Crucial Concepts of Gibbs Energy in Chemical Equilibrium
Using a Computer-Assisted, Guided-Problem-Solving Approach

Autores: Javier Borge

Localizacin: Journal of chemical education, ISSN 0021-9584, Vol. 92, N 2,
2015 , pgs. 296-304
Idioma: ingls

G, G, rG, rG, G, and G are essential quantities to master the chemical

equilibrium. Although the number of publications devoted to explaining these items
is extremely high, it seems that they do not produce the desired effect because
some articles and textbooks are still being written with some of these quantities
that appear to be identical to others. This work attempts to clarify the differences
between the six quantities using a guided-problem-solving approach instead of a
more conventional expository style. A very simple chemical equilibrium, N 2O4(g)
2NO2(g), has been chosen as an example. Furthermore, it has been treated in the
simplest possible way (as an ideal gas mixture, to thereby avoid fugacities),
because the important issue is to sort out concepts and not get entangled in
laborious calculations that many times obscure the didactic objective pursued. It is
complemented with a small computational tool (a MATLAB script) to quickly
perform calculations and graphs. In addition, the script allows one to analyze

interactively (through a user-friendly interface) the disturbances that occur in

chemical equilibrium owing to changes in temperature and pressure. An exhaustive
review of the literature has also been made to select the most useful sources to
study this problem.
Elegimos este artculo puesto que trata sobre el equilibrio qumico que ocurre con
algunas sustancias. Este tema desde luego es muy importante hablando
qumicamente y termodinmicamente tambin ya que se ven involucrados
diferentes cambios fsicos y qumicos, adems de que el equilibrio entre las
diferentes sustancias por lo regular se da cuando estas estn en estado gaseoso y
este equilibrio puede variar dependiendo de varios factores como son: la
concentracin, la naturaleza de las sustancias y la temperatura.
Lo pudimos asocias con la termodinmica puesto que en el temario vimos temas
como leyes de los gases, procesos reversibles e irreversibles, entalpia, entre
muchos otros. Es un tema bastante completo que engloba gran parte de nuestro
A Game-Based Approach to an Entire Physical Chemistry Course

Autores: Thorsten Daubenfeld, Dietmar Zenker

Localizacin: Journal of chemical education, ISSN 0021-9584, Vol. 92, N
2, 2015 , pgs. 269-277
Idioma: ingls

We designed, implemented, and evaluated a game-based learning approach to

increase student motivation and achievement for an undergraduate physical
chemistry course. By focusing only on the most important game aspects, the
implementation was realized with a production ratio of 1:8 (study load in hours
divided by production effort in hours). Student motivation was found to increase
significantly: compared to the traditional lecture format, self-study time was
estimated to increase more than 3-fold to 4.6 h per week on average by the
students. The failure rate in the final examination was also reduced, mainly
because of bonus points that students could receive upon successful participation
in the game. However, there is some indication that application of game-based
learning might not improve higher-order thinking skills.

Decidimos colocar el artculo anterior a pesar de que no est relacionado

directamente con la termodinmica, puesto que habla sobre tcnicas de estudios
que las universidades han aplicado para que los alumnos tengan un mejor
aprovechamiento y rendimiento acadmico, ya que para las universidades el
principal objetivo es que los alumnos adquieran todos los conocimientos posibles y
puedan aplicarlos en la vida diaria o laboral para ser profesionistas de bien.
Algunas de las tcnicas aplicadas sino es que la mayora han sido muy
gratificantes ya que se han visto grandes mejoras en el aprovechamiento de los
estudiantes, vindose reflejado en sus notas y el ndice de alumnos que se van a
finales ha disminuido muchsimo al igual que el ndice de reprobacin.


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