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Research Methods and Final Year Dissertation

Assignments Instructions
Your assignment should be typed using Times New Roman 12 font. It must have 1.5 line
spacing. All margins should be 1 inch.

Assignment File Name

Your file should have the following format: Second name, space, first name, space, module code,
space, A, assignment number, space, date in MMYY format.

Zarifis Alex BUSH08 A1 0713.

Referencing and Plagiarism

Direct quotations of 6 to 40 words must be included in double quotation marks followed by the
author last name and page number. For direct quotations of more than 40 words you should use
a blocked indented paragraph. However, your assignment should not be a mere copy and paste
of other peoples work even if you properly reference it. Quoting or reproducing large sections of
other work and referencing it does not earn any marks as it does not show that you understand
the issues or that you can apply them. Try as much as possible to paraphrase others work and
include your own opinions and examples. When you paraphrase, note that you still have to
identify the source of your information. All assignments are checked for plagiarism extensively
by the markers using a variety of methods and technologies including TurnItIn. Students that
have plagiarized will fail the module or be expelled from the course. It is important that you
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reference properly all information that you have obtained from other sources. Instructions on
how to reference are available in the module page and the student support page. If you have any
questions regarding your assignment please do not hesitate to contact your module tutor.

The Student Assessment Feedback form gives you an indication of the marking criteria. Some
key points are: In order to pass you must show that you understand most if not all the theory at a
basic level and you can apply it. In order to get a high mark you must show an in depth
understanding of the material, a high level of analytic ability, extensive research and an ability to
craft a well-structured answer.

Assignment 1: Dissertation Planning and Timeline

Using the process discussed in the first three topics, and the first three chapters of the associated textbook
you should identify a research topic and expand on it using the theory. You can structure this as a research
proposal that discusses your research topic and illustrates why it is worth implementing. You should also
include a schedule of how you will complete the project that could include a Gantt chart. Your research
can be something related to your experience, something you are particularly interested in or something
you believe would be a good area to write the assignment on. The topic does not have to be completely
new but it must be current. For example the impact of tablets on tourism may be a suitable topic
because it is current but the impact of WAP on tourism is not a suitable topic because it is not

It can be related partly or fully to you specialization. If you will use a topic you have already

worked on this should be made clear to the tutor and significant additions should be made. Before
finalizing your choice make sure you can find information on it.

Also check with your tutor that

your chosen research topic is suitable.

To make sure you relate all the areas covered in the first three topics to your research. You may want to
structure you essay following the same order. You could allocate two or three paragraphs for each issue.

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Where there are alternatives approaches they should be discussed before going into more detail with the
chosen option. While you are making an argument why your research proposal is important you must
always be objective and treat all alternatives equally.

Assignment 2: Literature Review

This assignment should cover the literature review and will be the equivalent chapter in your dissertation
report. This is covered in unit 1 and chapter 4 of the associated textbook. You should not include
everything you have read, only the most important resources. You can also include the theoretical
framework and hypothesis development in this assignment.

Assignment 3: Dissertation Report

For the final assignment you will extend your research proposal and literature review to cover the 4th, 5th
and 6th topics. Your approach to data collection should be theoretically valid, detailed and
practical. You do not have to choose both qualitative and quantitative methods but you must discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of both even if you do not use them. You can incorporate assignments 1
and 2 but you need to have an additional 6000 words. Therefore you can submit 10000 words that include
2000 word plan and a 2000 word literature review. The word limit is +/- 5%. A typical layout would

Title page
Table of content
List of figures and tables
Literature Review
Data collection
Data analysis - findings

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Limitations - future research
Appendix (data...)

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