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The Styles of JB, JC, and JD

Matthew 3 – JB
Characteristics of his evangelism to the general public
Verses 1-2: he preached repentance, and he immediately linked the need for repentance
with the reason for repenting – the kingdom of heaven is near. There was no time to sit
on the fence, to play both sides of the good and bad life, to delay repenting until one’s
death bed. The kingdom is near – you must repent!
Verses 5-6: he was an open air preacher. His style resulted in people confessing their
Characteristics of his evangelism to the religious
Verses 7-8: he showed them much less mercy in his speech. These men were treated as
such because they should have known better. He follows his first principle of teaching to
the general public – repent because of coming wrath. Notice the difference now though –
produce fruit in keeping with repentance. The religious would’ve counted themselves
past repentance already – thus the need to explain to them that if they were really
repentant they would show it by the way they live. Many people claim to be Christians
but few live the lifestyle of a Biblical Christian.
Verse 9: he removed all their excuses. Today many people have the “I’m a good person”
mentality that needs to be dispelled.
Verse 10: he reminded them that there are only two options – repent of sins and receive
forgiveness or live your life and go to hell.
John 1:29 – John the Baptist preached that Jesus was the only way to have men’s sins
taken away.

John’s evangelism is most closely related to the guy on the street corner today telling you
to “turn or burn” – isn’t it interesting that no Christians criticize John but so many
Christians criticize those on the streets today?

Matthew 4 – JC
Characteristics of his evangelism to the general public
Verses 12, 17: His message was identical in form to that of John. He preached
repentance, and he immediately linked the need for repentance with the reason for
repenting – the kingdom of heaven is near. There was no time to sit on the fence, to play
both sides of the good and bad life, to delay repenting until one’s death bed. The
kingdom is near – you must repent!
Verse 23: He goes a step further than what we know of John – He tells of a kingdom
filled with hope, a kingdom of good news, a kingdom loaded with power. Then He
demonstrates the power of this kingdom He is professing by healing every disease and
sickness. The characteristics of Jesus’ evangelism to the general public are twofold:
proclamation and demonstration. Tell the people about a glorious kingdom of God; then
show the people you aren’t making it up.
Verses 24-25: His style resulted in many people being healed and following Him. (John’s
style was effective – brought repentance and baptism; Jesus’ separate style was also
effective – brought healing, forgiveness and belief)
Matthew 7
Verses 28-29: He preached with authority. Don’t be wishy-washy about your faith.
Believe every bit of it and stand upon that truth with authority. When people ask you,
“Do you really believe Jesus is the only way to heaven and everyone else who doesn’t
believe in Him is going to hell?” Answer, “YES!” Don’t waver in your authority to
know and speak the absolute truth.
Matthew 9
Verses 1-8: Jesus forgave men their sins.

Characteristics of his evangelism to the religious

Matthew 12
Verses 33-37: Jesus continues with the original mission statement – repent for the
kingdom is near. This time He does so in the same manner John used: Produce good
fruit. Just as John was less merciful in his speech to the religious, so Jesus too calls them
a “brood of vipers”. His evangelism to the religious is abrasive. His evangelism to the
public is kindhearted. Religious need to be shaken out of their stupor, public need to
know they have a loving Savior.
John 14:6 – Jesus taught that He was the only way to heaven.

Jesus’ evangelism is most closely related to power evangelism. A well known power
evangelist today is Reinhard Bonnke. This evangelism technique has saved billions.

Matthew 10 - JD
Characteristics of their evangelism to the general public
Verses 7-8: They give the same hook that Jesus and John give. No time to ignore God –
the kingdom is near. They are also given the same authority Jesus has to heal the sick,
raise the dead, drive out demons. Their message is a proclamation demonstration.

Why is their ministry just like Jesus’? Verses 24-25: They are to mimic the style of
Jesus, and by extension all of us who call Jesus our Master and Teacher are to mimic His
evangelistic style.

Characteristics of their evangelism to the religious

Acts 2
The most important characteristics of any gospel proclamation –
Verse 22: Jesus proved His divine nature by the miracles, signs and wonders He
Many people will say Jesus was a good man, a prophet, a teacher; but we must make the
claim that Jesus is God Himself.
Verse 23: Jesus was put to death on a cross for our sins.
Some religions claim that Jesus never died on a cross. We must explain that His death on
the cross was for the salvation of the world.
Verse 24: Jesus rose from the dead.
A man who dies for his friends is certainly a noble man, but a man who then rose from
the dead by His own authority is able to give us an eternal hope of resurrection from the
dead also, and into His promises of eternal life in a wonderful kingdom.
Verse 38: Jesus is the only way to have sins forgiven.
John, Jesus, and later His disciples all make the claim that Jesus is the only way to have
sins forgiven and ultimately the only way into heaven. If you are a Christian then this is
your most core belief. There is no compromising, no wavering over this fact – Jesus is
the only way to heaven, no ifs, ands, or buts.
Verse 38: You must repent of your sins, and turn away from that lifestyle (verse 40).
Lukewarm Christianity allows a sinner’s prayer and then a return to the same old habits,
but the Bible makes it clear that we are to be “a new creation” where “the old has gone,
the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17) and we are no longer to be sinners because “we
died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?”

Different styles for General Public and Religious

Matthew 14:14 – “When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on
them and healed their sick.”
A message of love and restoration, of healing and freedom.

Matthew 3:7 – “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?”
Matthew 23:13-36 – Religious kill evangelists. (talk about 1,000 Muslims with rifles)
A message of coming wrath and shame, of sorrow and gnashing of teeth. (Jude 1:12-13)

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