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History 12 Review Chart



Principle of self-determination raised hopes.

Successor states, Baltic states, set up.
1917 Balfour Dec. encouraged Zionists.
But, PoP denied self-determination to many,
e.g. the mandates, submerged nats.
1919 India Act was rejected Amritsar,
Satyagraha campaigns.
1922 Mussolini to power - nationalist
1926 Balfour Dec. promised autonomy to the
Dominions (Canada, Aust. N.Z.)
1930 2nd Satyagraha campaign.
1931 Japan invaded Manchuria.
1931 Statute of Westminster set up the
Commonwealth (independent countries)
1933 Hitler to power lebensraum policy
1935 Italy invaded Ethiopia.
" Germany began to rearm.
" Govt. of India Act. Dyarchy rejected by
Congress Party.
1936-9 Spanish Civ. War, nationalists to
1937 Japan invaded China.
1938 Anschluss with Austria
" Munich Pact Ger. Annexation of the
1939 Ger. invasion of Poland
1941 Op. Barbarossa, Pearl Harbor, etc.
Liberation of occ. Europe, Iron Curtain


1945-48 Soviet takeover of E. Europe

1946-54 Indo-China War, France lost colonies
1947 Independence for India/Pakistan
1948 Establishment of Israel
1949 Est. of Fed. Repub. Of Germany
1954 Geneva Accord. Vietnam divided, Laos
& Cambodia est. Conflict between N. & S.
Vietnam. North wanted to reunite country.
1956 Hungarian Uprising, Suez Crisis
1958 France out of Algeria
50s & 60s, independence for most British
Competition US/USSR for influence in 3rd W.
"coca-colonization", dollar imperialism


1964-72 Vietnam War, nationalist for the

North Vietnamese
1967 6-Day War Israeli nationalism
1968 Prague Spring. Czecho. Suppressed,
Brezhnev Doctrine
1973 Yom Kippur War
1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
1980 Emergence of Solidarity in Poland
1989 Soviet satellites break away. Collapse of
Soviet empire

Conflict/Conflict Resolution
1917-21 Russian Civil War
1918 Tty of Brest-Litovsk. Harsh
1920 Peace of Paris, flawed, est of League of Nations
1920 Russo-Polish War
1923 Fr. invasion of the Ruhr hyperinflation
1923 Tty of Lausanne, cave-in to force
1924 Dawes Plan, easing of terms
1925 Tty of Locarno post-war reconciliation
1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact, ineffective

1931 Japanese invasion of Manchuria

1933 failure of Geneva Disarmament conference
1935 German rearmament begun
" Italian invasion of Ethiopia
" Collapse of Stresa Front
1936-39 Spanish Civil War, remilit. of Rhineland
1937-39 Appeasement, Munich Pact ('38)
1939 Annex. Of rest of Czecho, invasion of Poland
1939-45 WWII
1940 Fall of Den, Nor, Low Countries, France
1941 Barbarossa, Pearl Harbor, HK, occ. of Balkans
1942 turning points, El Alamein, Stalingrad, Midway
1943 Torch, B.of Atlantic won
1944 D-Day, drive to Berlin
1945 Yalta, Potsdam, occup & division of Germ/Japan
Start of Cold War, espionage, arms race, hostility
1946 Iron Curtain speech, start of Indo-China War
1947 Grk. Civil War,Truman Doctrine, Containment
1948 Berlin Blockade, 1st Arab-Israeli War
1948 fall of Czecho., Marshall Aid
1949 Sov. A-bomb, est of NATO
195-53 Korean War, containment (1st UN war),armistice
1954 Geneva Accord, Vietnam divided (temporarily)
1956 Hungarian uprising, 2nd Arab-Israeli War, start of
"peaceful coexistence"
1960 Paris Summit collapsed, end of "peaceful coexist"
1961 Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba
1962 Cuban Missile Crisis dtente
1963 Nuclear Test-Ban Tty, "hot line"
1964 Tonkin Res. Vietnam War till 1975
1967 6-Day War (3rd Arab-Israeli)
1968 Prague Spring, Brezhnev Doctrine,
" Non-Proliferation Tty
1971 India-Pakistan war, Bangla Desh est.
1972 SALT I talks begin (arms race goes on anyway)
1973 Yom Kippur War (4th Arab-Israeli), OPEC uses oil
price weapon
1975 Helsinki Accords
1977 SALT I ratified, SALT II talks begun
1979 Sov. Invasion of Afghanistan, end of SALT II
1980-88 Iran-Iraq war
1982 Falkland War
1990-? Bosnian War

History 12 Review Chart


Social Change

(nations collaborating in supranational



1919 League of N. est. + agencies, eg. ILO

1923 LoN settled Corfu dispute, supervised
mandates, ran Danzig.
1925 Tty of Locarno
1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact outlawed war.
1931 Japanese invasion of Manchuria Lytton
Commission ineffective
1931-33 1st & 2nd Disarmament Conferences,
1933 Germ. & Japan left the LoN
1933 Lytton Comm. Report

1918 (mostly) votes for women

1919 Prohibition in US and Canada (not Que.)
1921 US limited immigration
1923 peak year for lynchings in USA. KKK strong
Roaring 20s flappers, Jazz Age, speakeasies etc.
Spread of dictatorships in E. Europe limited rights


1934 USSR joined LoN

1935 Italy invaded Ethiopia. LoN imposed
ineffective sanctions.
1936-39 Span. Civ.War. LoN refused to
1936 Remilit. Of Rhineland
1937 Italy left LoN
1938 Anschluss
Munich Pact
1939 Annex. of rest of Czecho
1939 Germ. Invasion of Poland
All of above failures of internationalism

1930s Great Depression hardship, unemployment,

increase in Communist and Socialist support
1933 0n, New Deal increased govt. intervention in US
1935 Wagner Act allowed collective bargaining in US
1933 Enabling Act in Germ ended democ.
1935 Nuremburg Laws targeted Jews
1942-45 Holocaust
1940 Unemployment Insurance intro in Canada
1942 Beveridge Report in UK laid foundation for the
welfare state
WWII increased role of women in the economy & forces
1945 Attlee govt to power in UK


1945 UN est. inc. various agencies such as

World Bank, GATT, IMF, WHO
1945-7 Nuremburg Trials
1948 UN partition plans for Kashmir,
1948 Marshall Aid forced formation of OEEC
1950-53 UN fought Korean War
1956 invention of UN peacekeeping in Suez
1960 UN intervent. In Congo
1957 Tty of Rome est. EEC start of
European integration

1946 National Health Service set up in UK

1945 on, UN humanitarian orgs set up INICEF etc.
1947 baby boom begins
1948 Apartheid est. in S. Africa
" UN Declaration of Human Rights
1954 Montgomery bus boycott starts civil rights
movement in USA.
1954 Brown vs. Board of Education
1957 Desegregation in Little Rock, Ark.
Emergence of hard-line black gps. in US (SNCC, CORE
1960 Sharpeville Massacre in S.A.
1962 Ist black student in Univ. of Mississippi
1963 M.L.King's mass rally in Washington


1964 UN into Cyprus

1967 EEC became EU, closer integration
1972 SALT I talks started
1974 UN into Golan Heights peacekeeping
1977 SALT I ratified
1978 UN peacekeeping in Lebanon
1979 SALT II talks started
1991 Gulf War-successful UN peacemaking

1964 Civil Rights Act in US

1963-4 Mandela tried & imprisoned in S.A.
1965 Voter Registration Act
1969-74 Golda Meir PM of Israel
1979-89 Margaret Thatcher PM of UK
1966-77 Indira Gandhi PM of India
1975 Helsinki Accords on hum. Rights
1982 Charter of Rights adopted in Canada
1988-96 Benazir Bhutto PM of Pakistan
1982-89 Solidarity campaign in Poland
1989 end of Comm dictatorships in E. Europe

History 12 Review Chart

Economic developments



1918 War debts owed Europe to USA.

1919 War Communism in Russia
Emergence of USA as econ. Powerhouse.
1921 reparations from Germany decided
" NEP in Russia
1922 Fordney-McCumber Act in USA
1923 German hyperinflation
1924 Dawes Plan
1926 USA back on gold standard
1928 1st 5-yr Plan in USSR, Stock boom in US
1929 Collectivization. Wall St. Crash
1930 Smoot-Hawley tariff bill in US
1933 New Deal

1917 Russian Revolution 1st Comm. Govt.

1919 est. of Comintern
1919 Fascism est. by Mussolini in Italy. Hitler joined the
Nazi Party in Germany.
Clashes of right vs. left Spartakists (1919) Kapp
Putsch (1920)
1922 Mussolini to power (March on Rome)
1923 Beer Hall Putsch
1927 Stalin sole leader of USSR. Socialism in 1 country.
" Chiang Kai-shek purged Comms in China


Great Depression
1930 Young Plan
New Deal Hundred Days, Alphabet
1932 2nd 5-year Plan in USSR
1935-8 2nd New Deal, Wagner Act, WPA
Industrialized countries left gold standard
1937 rearmament began in UK
1939 US oil embargo on Japan
WWII, huge economic boost to victors
Lend-lease, cash & carry, "arsenal of
1944 Bretton Woods conf. agreed to est. of
IMF and World Bank

1933 Hitler became Chancellor. Emergency Decree,

Enabling Act created dictatorship.
1934 Night of Long Knives. Hitler became Fuhrer.
" Long March in China. Comms escape destruction
1936-39 Span. Civil War, right-wing nationalist rebels
vs. socialist Republican govt. each with outside help.
1936 Stalin permits Popular Fronts. Pop. Front govts
formed in France, Spain.
WWII coalition vs. Fascism


1945-6 econ hardship in Europe

1947 baby boom begins
1948 OEEC, Marshall Aid, Benelux, GATT.
Postwar econ. boom gets under way.
1950 Schuman Plan.
1952 ECSC est.
1957 Tty of Rome est. the EEC
1967 EEC became Euro. Union (EU)

1945-89 Cold War. Ideological & realpolitik struggle

1945-48 Sov. Takeover of E. Europe, Iron Curtain
1947 Truman Doctrine, containment
1948 Berlin Blockade
1949 Fed. Rep. Germ., Mao to power in China, NATO
1950-54 McCarthyism in US
1950-53 Korean War
1953 CIA ousted Arbenz, Mossadeq
1956 Secret Speech, peaceful coexistence, Hungary
1957 Eisenhower Doctrine
1960 U2 incident, Paris Summit, end of peaceful coex.
1961 Bay of Pigs, Berlin Wall built.
1962 Cuban Missile Crisis
1963 Dtente, hot line, Test Ban Tty


1973 OPEC oil price increase caused inflation

1973 UK joined the EU
1979-90 Reaganomics right wing trickle
down theory applied in US/UK
1991 Maastricht Treaty est. common currency
in Europe

1964-75 Vietnam War

1968 Prague Spring, Brezhnev Doctrine
1973 CIA overthrow of Allende in Chile
1980 Emergence of Solidarity in Poland
1985 Gorbachev to power in USSR. Renounced
Brezhnev Doctrine.
1989 Fall of Berlin Wall, breakaway of Sov. Satellites
1991 collapse of the USSR.

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