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Tercera poca Volumen 2 Nmero 3 Enero / Junio 2008 Colima, Mxico

Revista mexicana de estudios sobre la Cuenca del Pacfico

Revista mexicana de estudios sobre la Cuenca del Pacfico

Tercera poca Volumen 2 Nmero 3 Enero Junio de 2008 Colima, Mxico

Dr. Fernando Alfonso Rivas Mira

Coordinador de la revista
Lic. Ihovan Pineda Lara
Asistente de coordinacin de la revista
Comit editorial internacional
Dr. Hadi Soesastro
Center for Strategic and International Studies,
Dr. Pablo Bustelo Gmez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Espaa
Dr. Kim Won ho
Universidad Hankuk, Corea del Sur
Dr. Mitsuhiro Kagami
Instituto de Economas en Desarrollo, Japn
Universidad de Colima
MC. Miguel ngel Aguayo Lpez
Dr. Ramn Cedillo Nakay
Secretario General
Dr. Jess Muiz Murgua
Coordinador General de Investigacin Cientfica
Dr. Jos Ernesto Rangel Delgado
Director del CUEICP
Lic. Vctor Santacruz Bauelos
Coordinador General de Extensin Universitaria
Licda. Gloria Guillermina Araiza Torres
Directora General de Publicaciones
Portes, revista mexicana de estudios sobre la Cuenca del Pacfico,
es una publicacin semestral de difusin e investigacin cientfica
del Centro Universitario de Estudios e Investigaciones sobre la
Cuenca del Pacfico y del Centro de Estudios de APEC de la
Universidad de Colima. Su precio de suscripcin anual es de $100
(cien pesos 00/100 M.N.) o de $60 (sesenta pesos 00/100 M.N.)
$10 dls. (USA) el ejemplar, ms gastos de envo (en su caso). El
CUEICP y el CE-APEC autorizan la reproduccin parcial o total de
los materiales presentados aqu, siempre y cuando se d crdito al
autor y a la revista, sin fines de lucro.
Las ideas expresadas en los artculos e investigaciones son
responsabilidad de los autores y no reflejan el punto de vista del
CUEICP, CE-APEC o de la Universidad de Colima.

Comit editorial nacional

Mtro. Alfredo Romero Castilla / UNAM, Facultad de Ciencias
Polticas y Sociales
Dr. Juan Gonzlez Garca / Universidad de Colima, CUEICP
Dr. Jos Ernesto Rangel Delgado / Universidad de Colima
Dr. Pablo Wong Gonzlez / Centro de Investigacin en
Alimentacin y Desarrollo, CIAD Sonora
Dr. Clemente Ruiz Durn / UNAM-Facultad de Economa
Dr. Len Bendesky Bronstein / ERI
Dr. Vctor Lpez Villafae / ITESM-Relaciones
Internacionales, Monterrey
Dr. Carlos Uscanga Prieto / UNAM-Facultad de Ciencias
Polticas y Sociales
Profr. Omar Martnez Legorreta / Colegio Mexiquense
Dr. Ernesto Henry Turner Barragn / UAM-Azcapotzalco
Departamento de Economa
Dra. Marisela Connelly / El Colegio de Mxico-Centro de
Estudios de Asia y frica

Cuerpo de rbitros
Dra. Genevieve Marchini W. / Universidad de GuadalajaraDepartamento de Estudios Internacionales. Especializada en
Economa Financiera en la regin del Asia Pacfico
Mtro. Alfonso Mercado Garca / El Colegio de Mxico y El
Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Especializado en Economa
Industrial e Industria Maquiladora
Dr. Fernando Alfonso Rivas Mira / Universidad de Colima.
Especializado en Propiedad Intelectual; Turismo Internacional y
Desarrollo Regional en el Marco de la Cuenca del Pacfico
Dr. Alfredo Romn Zavala / El Colegio de Mxico.
Especializado en Estudios sobre el Japn y Australia
Mtro. Sal Martnez Gonzlez / Universidad de Colima.
Especializado en Economa Agrcola
Dra. Susana Aurelia Preciado Jimnez / Universidad de
Dr. Roberto Escalante Semerena / UNAM-Facultad de
Economa. Especializado en Economa Agrcola
Mtra. Melba Eugenia Falck Reyes / Universidad de
Guadalajara-Departamento de Estudios del Pacfico.
Especializada en Economa Japonesa
Dra. Kirstein Appendini / El Colegio de Mxico. Especializada
en Economa Agrcola
Dra. Emma Mendoza Martnez / Universidad de Colima.
Especializada en Estudios de Asia y frica
Dra. Mara Elena Romero Ortiz / Universidad de Colima.
Especializada en Relaciones Internacionales

ISSN 1870 - 6800

Direccin General de Publicaciones
de la Universidad de Colima
Edicin: Carmen Milln y Jaime Snchez
Editora responsable: Gloria Gonzlez
Centro de Estudios APEC
Av. Gonzalo de Sandoval 444
Col. Las Vboras, Colima, Mxico

PORTES, revista mexicana de estudios sobre la Cuenca del Pacfico / Tercera poca / Volumen 2 Nmero 3 / Enero Junio 2008 / p.p 235-243

La Repblica Popular China en el acervo

de la Cuenca del Pacfico

Ihovan Pineda Lara*

Con el fin de brindar a nuestros lectores mayor informacin

sobre el tema de la Repblica Popular de China, proporcionamos
a continuacin una lista de lo relacionado con dicho pas en la
red informtica de la Direccin General de Servicios Bibliotecarios de la Universidad de Colima. Cabe detallar que sta se enlista
por orden alfabtico y la bsqueda se realiz en espaol e ingls.

Anguiano, Eugenio (2001). China contempornea: La construccin
de un pas (desde 1949). Mxico: El Colegio de Mxico, Centro de Estudios de Asia y frica.
Botton Beja, Flora (2000). China: su historia y cultura hasta 1800.
2a. Ed. Mxico: El Colegio de Mxico: Centro de Estudios de
Asia y frica.
Calleja Mndez, Germn (1995). China-Amrica Latina: Una aproximacin al desarrollo de las relaciones bilaterales. Cronologa
de las relaciones China-Amrica Latina.
Clifford Paul (1991-1994). Historia documental de China. Mxico: El
Colegio de Mxico.
Connelly, Marisela y Cornejo Bustamante, Romer (1992). ChinaAmrica Latina: gnesis y desarrollo de sus relaciones. Mxico: El Colegio de Mxico.
Deutscher, Isaac (1974). Rusia, China y Occidente: crnica contempornea, 1953-1966. Traduccin: Flix Blanco, 2a. Ed. Mxico: Era.

*Licenciado en Letras y Periodismo por la Universidad de Colima y asistente

de coordinacin editorial de la revista Portes.


PORTES, revista mexicana de estudios sobre la Cuenca del Pacfico

Evans, Harriet (1989). Historia de China desde 1800. Traduccin

de Mariela lvarez y Carmen Chuaqui, Mxico: El Colegio de
Gonzlez Garca, Juan (2003). China: reforma econmica y apertura externa: transformacin, efectos y desafos. Un enfoque
neoinstitucional. Mxico: Miguel ngel Porra; Cmara de
Senadores, LVIII Legislatura; Universidad de Colima; El Colegio de Mxico; Comisin de Relaciones Exteriores.
Herbert, Franke y y Trauzettel, Rolf (2003). El imperio chino. 13a.
Ed. Mxico: Siglo XXI.
Jonathan, Unger (1996). Nacionalismo chino. Barcelona: Bellaterra.
King Fairbank, John (1992). China, una nueva historia. Barcelona:
Andrs Bello.
Liu Sun, Xue Dong (1997). La autosuficiencia alimentaria y el sistema de produccin agrcola (un estudio comparativo entre China
y Mxico). Colima, Col., Universidad de Colima, 1997, 227 p.
Aportes, 2.
Schurmann, Franz y Orville, Schell (1971). China comunista: reconstruccin revolucionaria y confrontacin. Mxico, FCE.
Schurmann, Franz y Orville, Schell (1971). China republicana: el
nacionalismo, la guerra y el advenimiento del comunismo, 19111949. Mxico, FCE.
Schurmann, Franz (1971). China imperial: la decadencia de la ltima dinasta y los orgenes de la China moderna: siglos XVII y
XIX. Mxico, FCE.

Albouy, Yves (1991). Coal Pricing in China: Issues and Reform
Strategy. Washington: The World Bank.
Assessment of Exiting Trends and Patterns (1986). Papers
Presented ar a Workshop on Asean-China Economic Relations.
Bacani, Cesar (2003). The China Investor: Getting Rich with the Next
Superpower. Weinheim, Alemania: John Wiley & Sons Pte
Bernstein, Thomas P. (2003). Taxation Without Representation in
Contemporary Rural China. United Kingdom: Cambridge
University Press.
Berthelemy, Jean-Claude and Saadet Deger (1995). Conversion of


La Repblica Popular China en el acervo de la Cuenca del Pacfico

Military Industries in China. Francia: OECD.

Berthelemy, Jean-Claude, and Deger, Saadet (1995). Conversion
of Military Industries in China. Paris: OCDE.
Bouin, Oliver, Coricelli, Fabrizio and Lemoine, Franoise (1998).
Different Paths to a Market Economy: China and European
Economies in Transition. Francia: OECD, CEPII, CEPR.
Brahm, Laurence J. (2001). Chinas Century: The Awakening of the
Next Economic Powerhouse. Singapur: John Wiley & Sons.
Bray , Mark and W. O. Lee (2001). Education and Political Transition:
Themes and Experiences in East Asia. Hong Kong, China:
Comparative Education Research Centre, The University of
Hong Kong.
Burstein, Daniel and De Keijzer, Arne (1998). Big Dragon Chinas
Future: What it Means for Business, the Economy, and the Global Order. New York, N.Y.: Simon & Schuster.
Byrd, William A. (1985). The Shenyang Smelter: A Case Study of
Problems and Reforms in Chinas Nonferrous Metals Industry.
USA: The World Bank.
Byrd, William (1984). Recent Chinese Economic Reforms: Studies of
two Industrial Enterprises. USA: The World Bank.
Cantier, Carolyn (2001). Globalizing South China. Oxford, Malden,
Mass: Blackwell Publishers.
Chandran, Jeshurun (1995). China, India, Japan and the Security
of Southeast Asia. Singapore: Iseas.
Chang, Gordon G. (2002). The Coming Collapse of China. London:
Chao, Chien-Min and. Dickson, Bruce J. (2001). Remarking the
Chinese State: Strategies, Society, and Security. USA, Canad:
Chee-Beng, Tan (2001). Tourism, Anthropology and China. Bangok,
Tailandia: White Lotus.
Cheng, Linsun (2003). Banking in Modern China: Entrepreneurs,
Professional Managers, and the Development of Chinese Banks,
1897-1937. Madrid, Espaa: Cambridge University Press.
Clark, Cal and Chan, Steve (1992). The Evolving Pacific Basian in
the Global Political Economy: Domestic and International


PORTES, revista mexicana de estudios sobre la Cuenca del Pacfico

Linkages. London: Lynne Rienner.

Congjie, Liang (1995). The Great Thoughts of China: 3.000 Years of
Wisdom that Shaped a Civilization. USA: John Wiley & Sons.
Crowley, Peter (1994). Asia Pacific Resource Development:
Exploration and Mining Policy Directions. Minerals and Energy
Forum. Pacific Economic Cooperation Council, Beijing, China.
De Geyndt, Willy (1992). From Barefoot Doctor to Village Doctor in
Rural China. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.
De Pina-Cabral, Joao (2002). Between China and Europe: Person,
Culture and Emotion in Macao. London; New York: Continuum.
Demurger, Sylvie (2000). Development Centre Studies: Economic
Opening and Growth in China. Paris: Development Centre of
the Organisation for Economic Co-operation.
Dickson, Bruce J. (2003). Red Capitalists in China. The Party, Private
Entrepreneurs, and Prospects for Political Change. New, York:
Cambridge Unversity Press.
Economy, Elizabeth C. (2004). The River Runs Black: The
Environmental Challenge to Chinas Future. New York, N.Y., USA:
Cornell University Press.
Edmonds, Richard Louis (2002). China and Europe since 1978: A
European Perspective. New York, USA: Cambridge University
Evans, Grant (2000). Where China Meets Southeast Asia Social &
Cultural Change in the Border Regions. New York: St. Martins
Evans, Richard (1995). Deng Xiaoping and the Making of Modern
China. London; New York: Peguin Books.
Fairbank, John K. and Feuerwerker, Albert (1986). Republican
China 1912-1949, Part 2. New York, N. Y., USA: Cambridge
University Press.
Gao, Shangquan (1996). Chinas Economic Reform. New York: St.
Martins Press.
Garnaut, Ross and Guogaung, Liu (1992). Economic Reform and
Internationalization: China and the Pacific Region. Singapore:
Allen & Unwin.
Garver, John W. (1997). Face Off: China, the United States, and
Taiwans Democratization. Washington, USA: The University
of Washington.


La Repblica Popular China en el acervo de la Cuenca del Pacfico

Girardin, Eric (1997). Banking Sector Reform and Credit Control in

China. Washington, D.C.: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Gold, Thomas (2002). Social Connections in China: Institutions,
Culture, and the Changing Nature of Guanxi. United Kingdom;
USA; Australia; Madrid, Espaa; Sur de frica: Cambridge
University Press.
Guthrie, Doug (2002). Dragon in a Three-Piece Suit: The Emergence
of Capitalism in China. Princeton, New Jersey, EE.UU.:
Princeton University Press.
H., H., King, Frank (1991). The Hongkong Bank in the Period of
Development and Nationalism, 1941-1984: From Regional Bank
to Multinational Group. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Ho, Samuel P.S. (1986). The Asian Experience in Rural Nonagricultural
Development and its Relevance for China. USA: The World Bank.
Huang, Yasheng (1998). FDI in China an Asian Perspective.
Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
Huang, Yasheng (2003). Selling China: Foreign Direct Investment
During the Reform Era. Australia: Cambridge University Press.
Jacobson, Harold K. (1990). Chinas Participation in the IMF. The
World Bank, and Gatt: Toward a Global Economic Order. USA:
The University of Michigan Press.
Jeong-Pyo, Hong (2004). Regional Integration in Northeast Asia:
Approaches to Integration Among China, Korea, and Japan.
Seoul, Korea: Korea Institute for International Economic
Joo-Jock, Lim (1984). Territorial Power Domains, Southeast Asia,
and China: The Geo-Strategy of an Overarching Massif.
Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
Knight, Peter T. (1985). Economic Reform in Socialist Countries: The
Experiences of China, Hungary, Romania, and Yugoslavia. Washington: Banco Mundial.
Lardy, Nicholas R. (2002). Integrating China into the Global Economy.
Washington, D. C., USA: Brookings Institution Press.
Li, Conghua (1997). China: The Consumer Revolution. Singapur:
John Wiley & Sons.
Lijun, Sheng (2001). Chinas Dilemma: The Taiwan Issue.
Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.


PORTES, revista mexicana de estudios sobre la Cuenca del Pacfico

Lijun, Sheng (2002). China and Taiwan: Cross-Strait Relations Under

Chen Shui-Bian. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian
Lindsey, Tim and Pausacker, Helen (2005). Chinese Indonesians:
Remembering, Distorting, Forgetting. Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies Singapore.
Loh Kok, Wah (1982). The Politics of Chinese Unity in Malaysia:
Reform and Conflictin the Malaysian Chinese Association 197173. Singapore: Maruzen Asia.
Louie, Kam (2002). Theorising Chinese Masculinity: Society and
Gender in China. Cambridge; Oakleigh, Vic: Cambridge
University Press.
MacFarquhar, Roderick and Fairbank, John K. (1987). The Peoples
Republic, Part 1: The Emergence of Revolutionary China, 19491965. New York, N. Y., USA: Cambridge University Press.
MacFarquhar, Roderick and Fairbank, John K. (1991). The Peoples
Republic, Part 2: Revolutions within the Chinese Revolution,
1966-1982. New York, N. Y., USA: Cambridge University Press.
Meyer, David (2000). Hong Kong as a Global Metropolis. New York:
Cambridge University Press.
Ming Cheung, Tai (1990). Growth of Chinese Naval Power: Priorities,
Goals, Missions, and Regional Implications. Singapore: Institute
of Southeast Asian Studies.
Ming K. Chain and Alvin Y. So. (2002). Crisis and Transformation
in Chinas Hong Kong. Armonk, N.Y., EE.UU: M. E. Sharpe.
Misra, Kalpana (1998). From Post-Maoism to Post-Marxism: The
Erosion of Official Ideology in Dengs China. New York:
Moore, Thomas G. (2002). China in the World Market: Chinese
Industry and International Sources of Reform in the Post-Mao
Era. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press.
OECD (2002). China in the World Economy: The Domestic Policy
Challenges. Paris, Francia.
OECD (1999). Environmental Taxes: Recent Developments in China
and OECD Countries. Paris, France.
OECD (2002). Foreign Direct Investment in China: Challenges and
Prospects for Regional Development. Paris, Francia.
OECD (2000). The Agro-food Processing Sector in China: Developments
and Policy Challenges. Paris, Francia.


La Repblica Popular China en el acervo de la Cuenca del Pacfico

Ogilvy, James A. (2000). Chinas Futures: Scenarios for the Worlds

Fastest Growing Economy, Ecology, and Society. USA: JosseyBass Publishers.
Peterson, Willard J. (2002). The Cambridge History of China. Volume
9 Part One: The Ching Empire to 1800. U.S.A.; Australia;
Sur de frica; Madrid, Espaa: Cambridge University Press.
Pomfret, Richard. (1997). Is China a Large Country: Chinas
Influence on World Markets. Pars, Francia: Development Centre of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Reynolds, Bruce (1987). Reform China: Challenges & Choices. New
York; London: an East Gate Book.
Riskin, Carl (1987). Chinas Political Economy: The Quest for
Development Since 1949. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Roberti, Mark. (1994). The Fall of Hong Kong: Chinas Triumph and
Britains Betrayal. USA: John Wiley & Sons, 1994
Rodrguez y Rodrguez, Mara Teresa (2001). El siglo XX en China.
Mxico, D.F., Miguel ngel Porra: UNAM, Instituto de Investigaciones Econmicas.
Rogers, Alan (2004). Non-formal Education: Flexible Schooling or
Participatory Education? Hong Kong, China: Comparative
Education Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong:
Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Ruoen, Ren (1997). Chinas Economic Performance in an International
Perspective. Pars, Francia: Development Centre of the
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Scobell, Andrew (2003). Chinas Use of Military Force: Beyond the
Great Wall and the Long March. Cambridge; New York:
Cambridge University Press.
Shahid Javed, Burki and Shahid, Yusuf (1992). The Sectoral
Foundations of Chinas Development. Washington, D.C.: The
World Bank.
Sheahan, John B. (1986). Alternative International Economic
Strategies and Their Relevance for China. USA: The World Bank.
Siow-Yue, Chia and Bifan, Cheng (1987). Asean-China Economic
Relations Trends and Patterns. Singapore: Institute of World
Economics and Politics: Asean Economic Research Unit
Institute of Sourtheast Asian Studies.
Songqiao, Zhao (1994). Geography of China: Environment, Resources,
Population and Development. New York: John Wiley & Sons.


PORTES, revista mexicana de estudios sobre la Cuenca del Pacfico

Spence, Jonathan D. (1990). The Search for Modern China. New

York, N. Y., USA: Norton.
Stuttard, John B. (2000). The New Silk Road: Secrets of Business
Success in China Today. USA: John Wiley & Sons.
Suryadinata, Leo (1989). The Ethnic Chinese in the Asean States:
Bibliographical Essays. Singapore: Institute of Southeast
Asian Studies.
Suryadinata, Leo (1997). Ethnic Chinese as Southeast Asians.
Singapore: Iseas.
Swaine, Michael D. and Tellis, Ashley J. (2000). Interpreting Chinas
Grand Strategy: Past, Present, and Future. Santa Monica,
California: Rand.
The World Bank (1992). China: Long-Term Issues and Options in
the Health Transition. Washington, USA.
The World Bank (1993). China: The Achievement and Challenge of
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The World Bank (1987). China: The Livestock Sector. Washington:
Tien, Hung-Mao (1989). The Great Transition: Political and Social
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Vera, Mackie. (2003). Feminism in Modern Japan: Citizenship,
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Xuezeng, Li. (1985). The Structure of Chinas Domestic Consumption:
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La Repblica Popular China en el acervo de la Cuenca del Pacfico

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Zhaoyong, Zhang. (2004). Country-Specific Factors and the Pattern
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