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This is for anyone just starting:

1. Donna and Rachael's #: 212-555-9798

2. Louis took: A pink breast cancer ribbon
3. Jessica and Mike had dinner at: Iagos
4. Can opener: HAROLD took it from Donna's office, and the can opener belongs to
5. Harvard's Alumni #:1-617-495-5731 (Took it right off the H.A.Activities page)
6. Glatt vs. Fox case movie: Black Swan
7. Who is Albee: An American Playwright
8. Fair minimum wage act was passed by the government in: 2007
9. Wally has: 7 interns
10. Wally's apartment: No, it did NOT look like a CEO's he credit ...more
Louis is preparing documents for: The Swinton Merger Redundancy
12. Jessica worked for: The FDA before her law career
13. Actors from the Albee play/movie: Glenn Close and Meryl Streep
14. "Unfathomable display of kindness": An Omelet Bar
15. The Slessinger File: Is a fake, so that Louis can think that you are actually
16. Wally's sister is: Not returning his calls
17. Should Harold talk to Wendigo's interns: Yes
18. W.A.S.D: Keyboard gaming controls
19. W.W.H.D: What would Harvey do
20. Question you ask the interns: How many work for Wally
1. Advise Harold to speak with: James first
22. Other businesses Wally Digman started in episode 1 were: Fresh pressed juice
in college.
23. Quid Quo Pro (this for that) = sexual harassment at work place
24. 2+2x2=6 (Rachel's hiring question for paralegals)
25. Rachels worked for PH for five years.
26. Donna was referencing Kill Bill in EP. 1 when she mentioned the yellow
jumpsuit and a samurai sword.
27. Federal minimum wage is $7. 25.
28. Fair minimum wage act was passed by the government in: 2007
29. Jessica was trying to contact: Harvard's Alumni office.
30. Percentage of college graduates in unpaid internship: More then 25% (for the
badge) Realistically it is 1/3 to 1/2.
1. Intern displaced a paid worker: No
32. WTF: What The F***
33. Should Harold lie to Harvey: No. or "No, don't lie".
34. Procrastination station: Computer/an imaginary place that you go to where you
can't get anything done.
35. 35: Harvey's tailer: Rene.
36. According to American Copyright Law and the DMCA, is underlying
programming code: Yes, it is considered intellectual property.

37. Harold: (A) Be strictly business with James

38. Who did Harvey defend last year: Ray, Harvey's driver, after being hit by a taxi
39. Bullet points Harold has to remember/stick by:
What specific advantages Wendigo receives from having interns under their
Are paid employees ever displaced for unpaid ones?
What benefits do interns receive?
What is the extent of the training that Wendigo offers its intern?
The training is similar to that which would be given in a vocation school
the training is for the benefit of the trainee
The trainees do not displace regular employees, but work under close observation/
The employer derives no immediate advantage from the activities of the trainee
The trainees are not necessarily entitled to a job at the completion of the training
40. Senior partners at the firm: Watson, Klyman, Gallo, Goldberg, Spector
41. James' building looks nicer than Wally's: Yes
42. FML: F*** My Life
43. Knight in a shining pant suit: Mi Vida
44. Tell Harold to stick to the COMPANY'S EMPLOYEE POLICY and NOT to
question his relationship with James
45. Donna needs real estate information: Because Harvey just landed the Madison
25 account
46. When the games say's "Be back in two hours": You REALLY have to wait 2
hours. The game is supposed to simulate real time/life because thats how they
made it.
47. The employer and the trainee understand that the trainees are not entitled to
wages for the time spent in training.
.48. The important thing to remember, they must meet all 6 conditions. The 6th is
not numbered but it is: The employer and the trainee understand that the trainees
are not entitled to wages for the time spent in training.
49.Episode 3 day 2 Dona and Louis are in the printing room, acting out Macbeth
(act 5 scene 1) they scheduled next Wednesday King Henry IV Act 2 scene 3
50. Cameron Frye is from the monie Ferris Buller's Day Off.
What did "Louis"/Kyle call Mike that tipped him off?-Michael
Do you think there is anything going on between Mike and Donna? (badge
question)- No
What movie is the quote "Sherlock Holmes ain't got s*** on me" from?- Training
Does the Department of Labor require that the internship experience is for the
benefit of the intern? - Yes
What case was Rachel re-trying?-State of Alabama vs. Brockton

What is Abominable's tagline?- Its more than a game!

Who is one of Pearson Hardman's non-Harvey lawyers that Mike was working
with?- Louis
Who did Donna interview yesterday?- Sophie Digman
What is Louis' dog's name/password?-Bruno...more

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