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ELSEVIER Journal of Geochemical Exploration 66 (1999) 99–113

Origins and applications of size fractions of soils overlying the Beasley

Creek gold deposit, Western Australia
I.D.M. Robertson *
Cooperative Research Centre for Landscape Evolution and Mineral Exploration, CSIRO Division of Exploration and Mining,
Private Mail Bag, P.O. Wembley, Perth, W.A. 6014, Australia
Accepted 24 February 1999


Primary mineralisation at the Beasley Creek Au deposit, hosted in black shales within mafic and ultramafic rocks,
was sulphide- and trace element-rich. The deposit subcrops beneath soil within a small window of deeply weathered
Archaean basement in the northeast Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia, surrounded by extensive colluvial–alluvial plains.
Regolith overlying the mineralisation and its host sequence is comprised of ferruginous saprolite and some duricrust,
overlain by red–brown soil which is strewn with residual ferruginous lag. The colluvial–alluvial wash plains around the
weathered basement window are mantled by a thicker red–brown soil, strewn with polymictic lag. Soil samples and surface
lag were collected along two traverses across the mineralisation with the aim of determining the optimum geochemical
sampling medium for exploration. The 710–4000 µm soil fraction consists largely of black goethite- and hematite-rich
nodules, red to yellow ferruginous clay granules, minor quartz, calcrete and, close to subcropping mineralisation, scarce
gossan fragments. In contrast, the 75–710 µm fraction, which appears to be largely aeolian in origin, consists mainly of
red–brown hematite-coated sand grains, minor feldspar, and small, ferruginous granules. The largely aeolian 4–75 µm
fraction is composed mostly of quartz, with minor kaolinite and Fe oxides. A clay-rich <4 µm fraction was removed from
the <75 µm material by dispersion in water and sedimentation. The complete soil and the 710–4000, 4–75, and <4 µm
fractions were compared as sampling media. Due to its dominant wind-blown quartz component, the 75–710 µm fraction
was discarded. The 710–4000 µm fraction, and the fine lag derived from it, are the most effective geochemical sampling
media. The distributions of As, Au, Cd, Cu, Sb, Se, W and Zn in this soil fraction are related to mineralisation. Gold
gives a 600-m-wide anomaly of >20 ppb, locally reaching 200–300 ppb. The black shales, which host the mineralisation,
are indicated by maxima in Ba and Mn. The 4–75 µm fraction is a significantly less effective sample medium than the
<4 µm fraction due to dilution by aeolian silt. The <4 µm fraction indicated the host phyllite by an increase in sericite;
the phyllites and duricrusts were indicated by an increase in kaolinite. Dispersions of Au, As, Cd and Cu in the <4 µm
fraction show that it is also a useful sampling medium.  1999 CSIRO. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: surficial geology; geochemical methods; regolith; weathering; soil; Yilgarn; Australia; iron oxides; clays;
aeolian quartz

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0375-6742/99/$ – see front matter  1999 CSIRO. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
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100 I.D.M. Robertson / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 66 (1999) 99–113

1. Introduction 1.2. Mineralisation

1.1. Regional regolith history and exploration Gold mineralisation at Beasley Creek was discov-
implications ered by the Western Mining Corp., 12 km WNW
of Laverton at 122º180 E, 28º340 S in a small, deeply
The Archaean Yilgarn Craton of Western Aus- weathered window of basement. Proven and prob-
tralia (Fig. 1) is a complex granite–greenstone able ore reserves, prior to mining, were 2.1 Mt
(metavolcanics and metasediments) terrain, which at 2 g=t. The weathered mineralisation, which was
forms a generally low, flat plain that has been sta- probably originally rich in sulphides and pathfinder
ble and exposed since the Proterozoic and that has elements, is hosted in a N–S-striking black shale,
been very deeply weathered under seasonally humid some 15–40 m thick, which dips at 45ºE. The shale
conditions from the Mesozoic to the mid-Tertiary. is phyllitic, weathered to over 200 m depth, and the
Although there is some relatively fresh outcrop, deep Au is associated with ferruginous zones. The phyllite
weathered profiles are generally developed on the is enclosed in amphibolite schist that is less intensely
greenstones. These consist of thick, clay-rich sapro- weathered (40 m) and is, itself, enclosed in komati-
lites which pass upward into a clay-rich pedolith, a ites of the Mt. Margaret Anticline. Small granitic and
mottled zone, and finally, where the regolith profile metadolerite lenses associated with NW–SE-striking
is complete, a ferruginous, lateritic residuum form- faults and shears, intrude the sequence.
ing what is regarded as a ‘relict’ regime (Anand and
Smith, 1993). Following the period of deep weath- 1.3. Research objectives
ering, conditions became progressively arid causing
modification of the weathered profile and partial The geomorphology and regolith geology were
stripping of the weathered landscape, leaving ‘ero- investigated and surficial samples were collected at
sional’ regimes. Concomitant terrestrial sediments Beasley Creek to: (1) establish regolith–landform
choked what little relief remained, forming extensive relationships for this arid area; (2) investigate sur-
‘depositional’ regimes. ficial sample media, fitting them into the regolith–
The exploration challenge is to locate Au and landform model; (3) establish the multi-element sig-
base metal deposits in this deeply weathered land- nature of Beasley Creek; and (4) formulate optimum
scape, where outcrop is rare, bedrock is so altered exploration methods for the area.
as to be unrecognisable, and where Au, in partic-
ular, may be leached. Despite this, explorationists 1.4. Regolith and geomorphology
in Australia have been very successful at locating
significant Au mineralisation in this difficult terrain Beasley Creek is typical of the arid NE part of
(see Smith, 1996). Some of this success is due to an the Yilgarn Craton (Fig. 1), well to the north of
understanding of the regolith and includes recogni- the Menzies Line (Butt et al., 1977), and charac-
tion of large geochemical halos developed in lateritic terised by summer rainfall, acacia vegetation, valley
residuum (Smith and Perdrix, 1983) of the relict calcretes, and fresh ground waters. Soil and lag are
regimes which may, in places, even form orebodies the preferred surficial sampling media in the relict
in their own right. Smaller geochemical halos occur and erosional regimes. The area south of the Men-
in the saprolites of the erosional regimes. This excel- zies Line is dominated by winter rainfall, eucalyptus
lent ferruginous sampling medium persists, in places, vegetation and saline ground waters, where soil car-
beneath transported material. Careful planning of ex- bonates are the preferred exploration sample medium
ploration strategy must begin with an inventory of for Au (Lintern and Butt, 1993).
this weathered landscape and sampling strategies A detailed study of the exposed regolith, coupled
(e.g., choice of media and sampling densities) are with soil and lag sampling, was completed immedi-
tailored to the regolith geology (Anand and Smith, ately prior to mining (Robertson and Churchward,
1993; Anand, 1993). 1989). Dispersion into the saprolite was investi-
gated from drillspoil sampling (Robertson, 1991).
I.D.M. Robertson / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 66 (1999) 99–113 101

Fig. 1. Location map of soil geochemistry orientation site in the arid part of the Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia. Contours of average
rainfall (mm) are shown with the Menzies Line.

The mineralisation lies beneath a low hill, only a on 100–200 mm of neutral to alkaline, organic-poor,
few metres high, comprising saprolite of Archaean brown soil, strewn with ferruginous lag. The sur-
rocks. This is flanked by wash plains of colluvium– rounding wash plains have smaller trees, shrubs and
alluvium, beneath which lie weathered Archaean Wanderrie banks (Mabbutt, 1963) which have devel-
rocks. To the east, an ancient channel is filled with oped on a thicker (300–500 mm), acidic, red–brown
deeply weathered Permian fluvioglacial sediments. soil, strewn with polymictic lag. This washplain soil,
The wash plains (Fig. 2) were developed largely the soil on the hill, and some near-surface saprolite,
by unchannelled fluvial flow (sheetwash). To the have been slightly silicified to hardpan (Bettenay and
north and south lie broad drainage floors in which Churchward, 1974) below about 200–300 mm.
ephemeral streams are incised.
The phyllitic host rock follows the crest of the
hill (Fig. 3). The deeply weathered profile has been 2. Sampling strategy
slightly eroded to leave a partial cap of lateritic duri-
crust to the east and saprolites to the west. There are Samples of soil and lag were collected before
patches of calcrete on the higher ground (Fig. 2) and the ground was significantly disturbed by pre-min-
massive gypsum is developed within the top of the ing activity. These were sampled along two lines
saprolite, indicating modification of the profile by in- across the mineralisation (Fig. 3), extending well
creased aridity. This profile would be classified as into background to the east. Results from the lag
B 1 Ca, Gy [1,3] by Butt and Zeegers (1992). The sampling have been described elsewhere (Robertson,
basement window is covered with a few small trees 1989, 1996a). Soil samples of 1 kg were taken from
102 I.D.M. Robertson / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 66 (1999) 99–113

500 µm, 142–250 µm, 75–142 µm and <75 µm

fractions to determine size distribution and petrogra-
phy of their components. Size fractionation typically
showed a bimodal distribution (Figs. 4 and 5). Fer-
ruginous granules with minor quartz dominates the
coarse fractions. Quartz becomes particularly abun-
dant at 200 µm; some of this quartz is aeolian (see
below). Clays and Fe oxides dominate the fine frac-
tions but quartz is still important even below 75 µm.
As some size fractions were mineralogically and pet-
rographically quite similar, they were later combined
into the key >4000 µm, 710–4000 µm, 75–710 µm
and <75 µm fractions.

3.2. Separation of soil key size fractions

Each soil sample was separated into its key size

fractions by dry and wet sieving, combined with
aqueous sedimentation (Fig. 4). Soil particles of
>4000 µm and vegetable matter were discarded. The
ferruginous 710–4000 µm fraction was separated by
wet sieving, washed, dried at 95ºC, milled to <75
µm, and analysed.
Soil fines (<75 µm) were washed through the
quartz-rich 75–710 µm fraction which was also
Fig. 2. The Beasley Creek mine site, before mining disturbance, discarded. The <75 µm fines were dispersed in
showing the window of Archaean rocks (AR), now saprolite deionised water at pH 8.0 (analytically pure am-
covered with a thin soil, dotted with exposures of calcrete (CC) monium hydroxide 1 added drop-wise, and the pH
surrounded by wash plains (WP) and Wanderrie banks. Airphoto
by Kevron Air Surveys, published with permission of Metex
monitored with a meter). After mixing, they were
Resources NL. allowed to settle in 100 mm of water for 20–30 min
when the suspension of dispersed clays and Fe ox-
ides was siphoned off. The sediment was dried and
undisturbed locations at 25–250 mm depth. The top analysed as the 4–75 µm fraction.
25 mm was discarded to avoid dust contamination The pH of the clay suspension was adjusted to 4.0
from adjacent drill sites. The sampling interval was with analytically pure HCl, when the clays floccu-
adjusted to ensure adequate resolution; 25 m close lated 2 and sank to the bottom of the container within
to mineralisation, extending to 50 and 100 m further 30 min or less. The liquid was siphoned off and the
away. Four background samples straddled the area clay fraction dried and analysed. SEM examination
some 700 m from mineralisation (Fig. 3), but these indicated that 90% of this material was <4 µm,
came from the colluvial wash plains. much of it being <1 µm. A pH range of 4.0–8.0 in

1 Dispersion with AR-grade NH OH rather than with a dispers-

3. Size distribution and fractionation 4
ing agent, such as tetra sodium pyrophosphate, removed any
concern about possible trace element contamination of the clay
3.1. Size distribution and 4–75 µm fractions.
2 Some carbonate-rich samples required more acid than others to
Typical soil samples were initially sieved into neutralise the carbonate. This flocculation process made lengthy
>4000 µm, 710–4000 µm, 500–710 µm, 250– and costly centrifuging unnecessary.
I.D.M. Robertson / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 66 (1999) 99–113 103

Fig. 3. Sample sites at Beasley Creek, showing the low relief of the hill, the pit outline, two sampling lines, the mineralisation subcrop,
the varied sample spacing and the location of background samples on the wash plain.

the clay suspension is similar to the pH range of nat- (Fig. 6); small amounts of remnant fine mus-
ural soil environments (these soils vary between pH covite occur in samples from above the host rock.
5.0 and pH 8.5 depending on the presence of carbon- Many granules have internal saprolite-related fab-
ates) so that a minimal loss of pathfinder elements to rics (goethite after kaolinite with accordion fabrics
the suspending solution would be expected. and Fe-oxides with colloform and dehydration fab-
rics). Red–brown to brownish-yellow granules of
ferruginous clay are related to the duricrust (Fig. 7).
4. Characteristics and treatment of key size There are no grains with cutans. Although most of
fractions the quartz grains are angular, some are distinctly
rounded and have been transported for some distance
(1) The complete soil (<4000 µm) was pulped (Fig. 7); all have a very thin coat of hematite. Chips
and analysed for comparison with its components. of gossan occur close to mineralisation; microscopic
The fine lag was also compared with its equivalent examination of these chips (Fig. 8) revealed pseu-
(710–4000 µm) soil fraction (see below). domorphs after sulphides. This coarse soil fraction
(2) The ferruginous 710–4000 µm fraction con- is petrographically similar to the fine lag which lies
sists largely of quartz grains, glossy granules and on the soil and was developed by the washing away
litho-relics of black goethite–hematite–maghemite of fine soil components (Robertson, 1996a) and has
104 I.D.M. Robertson / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 66 (1999) 99–113

Fig. 4. Schematic description of the soil size fractionation process. A combination of dry and wet sieving, clay suspension and clay
flocculation was used. This prepares a wide range of size fractions for geochemical analysis.

some potential for bedrock identification (Robertson, and some very fresh microcline, indicating derivation
1989, 1996b). from granitic terrain and transport over a significant
(3) The 75–710 µm fraction was discarded, as distance (Fig. 9). Although some grains are angular,
it is largely aeolian. This fraction consists of quartz others are rounded and polished or frosted and all

Fig. 5. Relationship between particle size and mineralogical composition in a typical soil from Beasley Creek.
I.D.M. Robertson / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 66 (1999) 99–113 105

Fig. 6. The 710–4000 µm soil fraction contains a large proportion of dark, shiny, goethite- and hematite-rich granules (GO) and dark,
red–brown to yellow granules of ferruginous clay (FC), with a slightly lesser proportion of quartz (QZ).

Fig. 7. Components of the 710–4000 µm fraction showing the dark goethite- and hematite-rich granules (A), the clay-rich granules (B)
and quartz (C). Some of the smaller quartz grains are rounded, indicating transport.
106 I.D.M. Robertson / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 66 (1999) 99–113

Fig. 8. Polished section of a cinder-like ferruginous soil granule showing sulphide pseudomorphs, indicating that it was shed from a

Fig. 9. Part of the 75–710 µm soil fraction, illustrating its quartz-rich nature (QZ), with a few ferruginous clay granules (FC). All grains
are rounded and hematite coated.
I.D.M. Robertson / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 66 (1999) 99–113 107

have a very thin coating of hematite. There are also Ce, Co, Cr, La, Sb, W) using a 30 g vial; (iii) ICP–
minor ferruginous granules. This quartz-rich soil MS (Cd, In) after an HCl, HF, HClO4 digestion; (iv)
fraction is remarkably similar to the materials of and major elements (Fe, Al, Si) were determined by
nearby linear dunes of red sand (angular to rounded, ICP after Li metaborate fusion. Samples were anal-
hematite coated quartz with minor microcline) which ysed in random order and in-house standards, with
overlie granites and onlap greenstones 5 km to the similar matrices, were entered into the analytical
west. stream approximately every tenth sample.
(4) The 4–75 µm fraction roughly corresponds
to the <75 µm soil fraction, generally chosen be-
cause it is convenient for analysis. It consists largely 6. Geochemistry and mineralogy
of quartz, feldspar and lesser kaolinite, hematite
and minor goethite. A significant proportion of this 6.1. Major elements
fine, quartz-rich material is also aeolian. Kaolinite is
present because of imperfect clay separation. The effect of soil fractionation is shown by the
(5) The <4 µm fraction consists of kaolinite, Si–Al–Fe ternary diagram (Fig. 10). The 710–4000
hematite and sericite, with much less quartz and mi- µm soil fraction is the most Fe-rich and has a
nor goethite and at least in part, was locally derived. consistent Al content but a variable Si=Fe ratio due
The dried clay cake produced by clay sedimentation, to varying proportions of quartz. The 4–75 µm
has a pale quartz- and clay-rich lower part and a fraction has a relatively constant Fe-content but a
dark, glossy, Fe-oxide-rich upper surface that sedi- variable Si=Al ratio, indicating variable efficiency
mented last; Fe-oxide particles are extremely small. of clay removal. The <4 µm fraction is the most
Generally, this ultra-fine fraction would be regarded compositionally consistent and has a Si=Al ratio
as difficult to obtain but separation by sedimentation consistent with kaolinite diluted with a little quartz.
and flocculation with pH control has made this much
easier and practical to produce. 6.2. Minor and trace elements
In summary, the mineralogy of the soil is rel-
atively simple, consisting of a mixture of quartz, The mineralisation is indicated by anomalies in
kaolinite, goethite, hematite, maghemite and mi- Au, As, Cd, Cu, Sb, Se, W and Zn (Fig. 11). The
nor sericite, calcite, rutile and feldspar. The 710– widths of these anomalies vary from 100 to 900 m.
4000 µm fraction contains enhanced abundances of Other data (not shown; Robertson, 1990) indicate
hematite, goethite and kaolinite and lesser quartz. the phyllitic host rock by maxima in Ba and Mn.
Feldspar is enhanced in the 4–75 and 75–710 Lithological variation is demonstrated by Ce, Cr, Ga,
µm fractions, indicating dilution by aeolian, gran- In, La and possibly Zr. The variance or geochemical
ite-derived material. Sedimentation of the <4 µm ‘noise’ for Co, Ni, and Y is greater over the subcrop
fraction simplified the mineralogy (kaolinite, quartz, of Archaean bedrocks than on the colluvium-covered
hematite and sericite with minor goethite) and en- wash plains; this might be used to distinguish relict
hanced the concentrations of kaolinite, sericite and and erosional regimes from depositional regimes
hematite. where lithological geochemical variations, typical of
the basement, have been ‘averaged’ by mixing in the
sedimentary environment.
5. Milling and analysis An idealised regolith cross-section is plotted in
Fig. 11 showing the rise at Beasley Creek as partly
Prior to analysis, all samples >75 µm were milled capped with duricrust, with mineralisation and the
in K1045 steel (Robertson et al., 1996) to minimise colluvium on either side. Coarse materials are plotted
mill contamination. Geochemical trace element anal- on the top of each graph, including the 710–4000
ysis was as follows: (i) XRF (Cu, Ga, Ni, Se, Y, Zn, µm fraction with the complete soil and the lag for
Zr) on a pressed-powder disc (methods of Norrish comparison. Fine materials are shown on the lower
and Chappell, 1977; Hart, 1989); (ii) INAA (As, Au, graph, including the 4–75 µm and <4 µm fractions.
108 I.D.M. Robertson / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 66 (1999) 99–113

Fig. 10. Si–Al–Fe diagram to illustrate the effects on the bulk compositions of size fractionation.

6.3. Au and Cu has significantly less contrast and discrimination.

The mineralisation is indicated by the fine soil frac-
The mineralisation and the halo in the duricrust tions. Arsenic is present in gossan chips in the fine
are both clearly shown by the lag and the 710–4000 lag (Robertson, 1996a) and, by analogy, this would
µm soil fraction using Cu (200 m wide reaching 180 be expected in the 710–4000 µm soil fraction. Its
ppm) and Au (300 m wide reaching 200 ppb); the presence in the finer soil fractions may reflect the
anomaly in the complete soil is less obvious (Fig. 11). friability of this gossanous material.
By analogy with the fine lag (Robertson, 1996a), Cu Tungsten yields less clear results as its concentra-
is probably enriched in goethite-rich gossanous ma- tion is close to the neutron activation detection limit
terial in the 710–4000 µm fraction. Among the fine (2 ppm). However, both the mineralisation and the
fractions, both Au and Cu are preferentially concen- duricrust are detected in the 710–4000 µm soil frac-
trated in the <4 µm soil fraction (peaks of 255 ppb tion and the fine lag (8–10 ppm W), with an anomaly
Au and 127 ppm Cu in backgrounds of 15 ppb and 75 width of 100–300 m; the complete soil is ineffective.
ppm, respectively); the mineralisation is indicated by There is a substantial improvement in the anomaly
Cu (although displaced 100 m downslope to the west) if the <4 µm soil fraction is used in preference to
and the mineralisation and duricrust by Au. the 4–75 µm fraction with several peaks of >3 ppm.
A broad W pattern suggests dispersion of W into
6.4. As and W the duricrust by mechanical and=or chemical means,
coupled with residual enrichment.
The ferruginous 710–4000 µm soil fraction has a
much higher As background (60 ppm) than the other 6.5. Cd and Zn
soil fractions (10 ppm). Both the mineralisation and
the duricrust are clearly defined by the As contents Cd forms a distinct but low-order (0.6 ppm)
of the lag and the coarse soil; the complete soil anomaly 200 m wide, particularly in the 710–4000
I.D.M. Robertson / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 66 (1999) 99–113 109

Fig. 11. Multi-element geochemical profiles across the Beasley Creek Au deposit showing the position of mineralisation and regolith
110 I.D.M. Robertson / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 66 (1999) 99–113

µm soil fraction; this is less apparent in the complete bly derived from mixed sources by aeolian transport.
soil, is weakly evident in the <4 µm fraction, and is The <4 µm fraction is more closely related to the
absent from the 4–75 µm fraction. Zinc is anoma- ferruginous 710–4000 µm soil fraction than to the
lous in the lag and in the 710–4000 µm soil fraction 4–75 µm fraction. In summary: (1) the 710–4000
and is very weakly anomalous in the complete soil. µm fraction is probably related to the underlying
Data from the fine fractions are difficult to interpret mafic–ultramafic rocks; (2) the <4 µm fraction may
due to some weak increases in Zn concentration to also be locally derived, at least in part, from underly-
the east (140 ppm in a background of 100 ppm) that ing mafic lithologies; and (3) the 4–75 µm fraction
are unrelated to mineralisation. seems to be exogenous.

6.6. Ti=Zr ratio 6.7. Mineralogy

Several elements indicate mineralisation using the Mineralogical changes along the geochemical tra-
clay- and Fe-oxide-rich <4 µm fraction. This sug- verses yields noisy data but moving average smooth-
gests that this fraction may be locally derived, at least ing indicated some trends (Fig. 13). There is an
in part, and represents finely comminuted saprolitic increase in the white mica content of the <4 µm
material. There is some support from Ti=Zr ratios fraction over the mineralisation, reflecting the phyl-
for this contention (Fig. 12). The coarse, ferruginous litic host rocks or phyllic alteration. An increase in
710–4000 µm fraction has a typical basaltic Ti=Zr kaolinite reflects both the duricrust and the saprolite.
ratio of >50 (Hallberg, 1984) which would seem re- Thus, the <4 µm fraction seems to be related more
lated to the underlying mafic–ultramafic lithologies. to the underlying regolith than to exogenous mate-
The aeolian 4–75 µm fraction has a much lower rial. The mineralogy of the other soil fractions was
Ti=Zr ratio of about 10. Although it is tempting to less helpful.
suggest that this is felsic, the Ti and Zr were proba-

Fig. 12. Ti–Zr plot of the analysed size fractions from Beasley Creek illustrating the mafic affinities of the coarse fraction and a much
lower Ti=Zr ratio (possibly exogenous) for the quartz-rich 4–75 µm fraction.
I.D.M. Robertson / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 66 (1999) 99–113 111

Fig. 13. Mineralogical profiles of kaolinite and sericite for the <4 µm fraction after moving average smoothing.

7. Conclusions 7.2. Geochemical applications

7.1. Soil composition and development North of the Menzies Line, particularly where
dilution by aeolian materials is likely, the complete
The soil at Beasley Creek is typical of residual soil is a less effective geochemical medium than
soils developed over weathered greenstones of the the coarse soil fraction. The effectiveness of each
northeast Yilgarn Craton. It consists of three com- fraction in detecting the mineralisation and the geo-
ponents: (1) coarse ferruginous granules; (2) an in- chemically anomalous duricrust is shown in Table 1.
termediate, aeolian, sandy–silty quartz-rich fraction; The 710–4000 µm soil fraction is the best for
and (3) a very fine clay- and Fe-oxide-rich fraction. geochemical applications. At Beasley Creek, a de-
Sand grains appear to have moved over the surface
of the low hill at Beasley Creek, briefly coming to
rest between windstorms. Some of this transitory Table 1
aeolian material then became incorporated within Geochemical summary: comparison of lag, complete soil and
soil fractions
the soil by pedoturbation and illuviation. This was
combined with ferruginous nodular material from Complete soil Lag 710–4000 µm 4–75 µm <4 µm
the underlying saprolites, and clay-rich nodules from Au MD MD MD MD MD
the lateritic residuum as well as locally and dis- Cu MD MD MD M M
tally derived clay particles. The aeolian sand forms As MD MD MD M M
a quantitatively important soil component. The re- Sb M M M – –
Se MD MD MD – –
moval of sand and clay from the uppermost part of W – MD MD – MD
the soil by surface deflation and sheetwash has left a Cd M na M – M
thin armour of lag, consisting of predominant, black, Zn M MD M M M
dense ferruginous and red–brown clay-rich granules
Success in locating halo from: M D mineralisation; D D lateritic
and fragments of quartz. residuum.
Effectiveness: bold D excellent; italics D good; otherwise D
weak; – D ineffective; na D not analysed.
112 I.D.M. Robertson / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 66 (1999) 99–113

posit relatively rich in pathfinder elements, there are Acknowledgements

substantial anomalies in Au, Cu and As, with weaker
anomalies in W, Sb, Cd and Zn, reflecting both the Sample preparation was by R.J. Bilz, J.D.S. Wass
mineralisation and its substantial halo in the duri- and G.D. Longman although the author admits re-
crust. These results are closely comparable to those sponsibility for soil fractionation. XRF, XRD and
from the fine lag, which is to be expected as this soil ICP analyses were by M.K.W. Hart and J.E. Wild-
fraction was the source of the lag. man, INAA analysis by Becquerel Laboratories and
The 75–710 µm fraction should be discarded ICP–MS analysis by Analabs. Artwork was by A.D.
as it consists predominantly of exogenous quartz. Vartesi. T.J. Munday, R.R. Anand, C.R.M. Butt and
Even the 4–75 µm fraction contains significant pro- R.E. Smith provided manuscript review. This paper
portions of aeolian quartz so this is also a poor is a product of research as part of CSIRO=AMIRA
geochemical medium. However, the <4 µm clay Projects 240 and 241. All this is acknowledged with
fraction can be separated under pH control; this appreciation.
separation is feasible under exploration conditions, The Cooperative Research Centre for Landscape
being much more efficient than by evaporation of a Evolution and Mineral Exploration is an unincorpo-
clay suspension or by centrifugation. It shows sig- rated joint venture between the Australian National
nificant anomalies in Au, As, Cu and Cd, where University, the University of Canberra, The Aus-
it forms an alternate, though less effective medium tralian Geological Survey Organisation, and CSIRO
than the soil coarse fraction or lag in the erosional Exploration and Mining; it was established and sup-
and relict regimes. This fraction may have an ap- ported under the Australian Government’s Coopera-
plication in colluvium-covered areas where it could tive Research Centres Programs.
carry the imprint of hydromorphic dispersion, not be
subject to dilution by coarse clastic materials and be
easily moved through this cover by bioturbation. References
Anomalies emanating from the geochemical halo
in the duricrust at Beasley Creek are broad and Anand, R.R., 1993. The regolith and its exploration and eco-
form much larger targets than those from the min- nomic significance. In: Williams, P.R., Haldane J.A. (Com-
eralisation, where the duricrust has been exposed pilers), Int. Conf. Crustal Evolution, Metallogeny and Explo-
ration of the Eastern Goldfields, Kalgoorlie, Aust. Geol. Surv.
by erosion. This has an impact on the design of a Organisation, Canberra, Rec. 1993=53, pp. 75–100.
soil geochemical program. In relict regimes, where Anand, R.R., Smith, R.E., 1993. Regolith distribution, stratigra-
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