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How to Be Lovely

Three Parts:Getting FocusedLooking LovelyActing Lovely

Who doesn't want to be lovely? Sometimes it seems like being
lovely, classy, and sophisticated is only for women of the past like
Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, and Ginger Rogers. Not so! You're
closer to being lovely than you think! With a few tips, you'll exude
loveliness without even trying.
Part 1 of 3: Getting Focused
Be Lovely Step 1
Be thoughtful. A lovely person has a good heart, hands down.
They're empathetic and aware of how other people are feeling and
how they can help. Here are two things to get started on the oneway train to thoughtfulness:
The next conversation you have, ask someone how they are.
But when you say it, don't say it like you mean, "Hello." Look at
them and say, "How are you?" And when they answer, listen. See if
the conversation is any different than your usual conversations.
Think of two things you could do right now that you've been
putting off that might make people in your world smile. An email to
that aunt you haven't spoken to in forever? Cleaning the dishes for
your super busy roommate? And here's the kicker: Go do them!
Be Lovely Step 2
Love yourself. The root of the word "lovely" is "love," after all! If
you're caught up worrying how others perceive you and drowning in
insecurities, it's pretty hard to come off as lovely. There's no room
for gentle, understated grace and kindness if you think the world is
out to get you.
Yeah, this is a lot easier said than done. It's a process that can
take years, and even then you'll have slip ups. But make it a point to
make baby steps every day. Write a list of things you love about
yourself. Wake up in the morning tell yourself you're beautiful.
Spend ten minutes each day purposefully thinking positive thoughts.
Do little things to make it seem more natural if it's an issue.
Be Lovely Step 3
Be genuine. If you are not yourself, you cannot be lovely. You can
be a lovely version of someone else, but you can't be a lovely you!
And since "you" is good, why would you bother trying to be anything
else? Being fake is just about as not lovely as it gets.
Sometimes it's hard to know where we end and the person
society tells us to be begins. Take a second to sit back and think
about why you want to be lovely and what it means to you. Do you
want to be lovely so people will like you? So men will be attracted to

you? Hopefully the answer is no -- ideally, you should want to be

lovely for yourself.
Be Lovely Step 4
Be elegant. Go read the wikiHow article! Being elegant isn't
something that can be summed up in a paragraph, but here are a
few pointers:
Keep your look natural and chic. Nude nail polish, a
sophisticated hair-do, minimal make-up.
Always be clean! There's no room for grunge in elegance.
Opt for classic, timeless pieces. A nice sweater, dark jeans or
skirt, boots, etc.
Be Lovely Step 5
Keep the arrogance in check. Alright, yeah, you're pretty
awesome. By the end of the article, you'll be leaking loveliness. But
that doesn't mean you shouldn't be modest about it! In fact, being
arrogant and being lovely are mutually exclusive; you cannot be one
and the other. A girl who's lovely knows that everyone is on her
level, that everyone has something she doesn't.
If you're thoughtful and genuine, arrogance shouldn't be a
problem. If you're unsure, think about your conversations. How often
do you steer it back to you? Do you dominate them? How often do
you feel like you're judging others? Just things to think about!
Be Lovely Step 6
Get disciplined. A lovely person has her act together. She knows
when she needs to work hard, she keeps her word, and she's
organized. A lovely girl probably doesn't live in a pigsty, you know?
What area of your life could use a little cleaning up?
Take a look at your room -- could it use a little organization?
Do you procrastinate? What's keeping you from getting your
work done?
Are you punctual and honest? Do you mean what you say and
what you do?
Part 2 of 3: Looking Lovely
Be Lovely Step 7
Have good hygiene. Humans have a bad tendency of judging
books by their covers. If something isn't pretty, it isn't good. That's
obviously not how it works, but it's a natural go-to for most of us (it
saves a lot of time and energy on thought). So save yourself the
struggle and shower, brush your teeth, run a comb through your
hair, and dress like you give half a ferret. The world will be a lot
kinder to you and thus be more readily convinced of your innate

Choose a scent and stick to it. People will smell your loveliness
from across the room. Mmm. Loveliness. If they wanted to capture
it, they'd ask you to sweat into a bottle.
Be Lovely Step 8
Put effort into your appearance. Psych! The first step was just to
ease you in to the process. Showering is all well and good, but it's
probably not enough. Being clean is very, very important, but being
lovely has a certain "put together-ness" about it. So slap on some lip
gloss, some eyeliner, and turn that ponytail into a neat bun.
You don't have to dress to the nines (sometimes that's just
inappropriate), but do have a look that says "I didn't play Russian
roulette with my closet today." Spend five minutes picking out your
outfit. Give yourself a glance to see if your pieces fit together. If
someone were to see you, what's the first impression they would
Be Lovely Step 9
Move with poise and grace. Being a klutz isn't something you can
really help, but it's something you can consciously try to be aware
of. If you keep good posture, your chin up and shoulders up (if you
don't trip over yourself!), you'll move like Audrey Hepburn or Grace
Kelly. The ultimate picture of class.
Be Lovely Step 10
Be feminine. There is a certain aspect of loveliness that is very
feminine. Very soft, very gentle. There is nothing loud, brash,
excessive, or macho about being lovely. While everyone's version of
femininity is different, play up whatever that word means to you.
You can be feminine in an oversized plaid shirt and jeans. You
can be feminine while you're bossing people around. You can be
feminine rolling out of bed with no makeup on. It doesn't necessarily
have to do with what you're wearing or doing; it has more to do with
how you project yourself.
Be Lovely Step 11
Be generous with your smile. A lovely person generally makes
people feel good. They light up a room with their energy. The
simplest way to do this is to be generous with your smile. Be
delighted at the tiniest of things. Marvel at small beauty in the
world. Show you appreciate the world around you (and the people in
it) with a smile.
Here's a blow-your-mind thought: There are people in this world
who haven't been smiled at today. There are people in this world
who haven't been smiled at for weeks. Think about that. The only
thing you have to do to make their world brighter is smile at them.
That would be awfully lovely of you.
Part 3 of 3: Acting Lovely

Be Lovely Step 12
Use your manners. Though it's a bit stereotypical, a lovely woman
has proper etiquette down pat. "Please" and "thank you" should be
mainstays in your vocabulary. And then there's things like sneezing
into your elbow and not chewing with your mouth open, but you
knew that already, right?
While things like using the right fork have their place, the more
important things are like holding the door for the person behind you,
cleaning up after yourself, and sharing. Manners make the world a
little bit easier for everyone -- hopefully people will be polite right
Be Lovely Step 13
Know that you are who you are with. If you're constantly being
surrounded by negativity and people that drag you down, there's no
way you're going to be lovely, for starters, but you definitely won't
be happy and you definitely won't be the best you. So keep this is
mind -- do the people around you bring out your best, loveliest side?
In other words, cut out your toxic friends. It may be awkward
for a day or two, but it's totally worth it in the long run. If you sit
back and think about it for five seconds and a name comes to mind,
at least make strides to hang out with them less. You need to be the
best person you can possibly be to truly be lovely.
Be Lovely Step 14
Don't wallow in negativity. No one has ever uttered the sentence,
"Man, that Debbie Downer sure is a lovely girl." The fact of the
matter is that being lovely has a positivity about it. The lovelies of
the world don't often find themselves complaining (unless
something is downright unfair -- they do stand for what they believe
in) -- and they don't complain because the glass is always half full.
Why waste your energy on negativity?
In addition to not having a negative worldview, don't be
negative about others! Don't poke fun at people and draw attention
their flaws or their flubs. While it may be tempting to have a good
laugh at someone's expense, resist. To be lovely, you need to create
lovely world.
Be Lovely Step 15
Offer a helping hand. Whenever you find an opportunity to help
someone, take it! You'd be hard pressed to find a good reason not to
(being lazy is not a good reason!). And if you can't find one, you
may not be looking hard enough!
Is a friend super busy and could use a buddy to get errands
done or do some easy tasks? Do you know an older person who
needs a young, agile spring chicken to help around the house? And

if they're not asking, initiate! Sometimes people don't like asking for
Be Lovely Step 16
Value others and their time. You know who's not lovely? That
friend of yours that is incurably late and doesn't seem to care when
you tell her you've wasted 30 minutes of your life waiting on her.
Not lovely at all. Don't show other people you don't value them -- be
And show them you value them in other small ways, too! If a
friend made dinner one night and you got the extras, bring over a
dessert later in the week. Offer to get them coffee. Pay back the
favors you get to show how grateful you are.
Be Lovely Step 17
Know when to put others first. To be lovely is to put others
first...sometimes. You can't please everyone and you definitely
should not be a doormat. But if someone needs or wants something
from you and it wouldn't hurt you to agree, why not do it?
That being said, if someone wants the shirt off your back, know
where to draw the line. You have to protect yourself first and
foremost -- no one else will. So if it goes against your belief system
or leaves you to the dogs, don't feel obligated to do it. It's not you
not being nice, it's you being smart.
Be Lovely Step 18
Be gracious about differences. Part of being lovely is being lovely
to everyone, regardless of their status in life or the crazy opinions
they're asserting. When you come across someone different from
you, don't assign them a label. Be open-minded and try to see their
point of view. If they think they're right and you don't, why might
that be?
Try your hardest to treat everyone the same. That means your
waiter, your best friend, and the old man crossing the street. We're
all humans and we all deserve attention and care.
If someone does you wrong, treat them civilly. You do not, by
any means, have to go out of your way to be nice to them, but do
treat them as a human. Nothing more, nothing less.
Be Lovely Step 19
Value the small moments. Just like acting isn't only when you're
talking, being lovely isn't only when the spotlight is on you. It's the
small moments that truly make a lovely girl lovely. The way she
watches a child, the way she adjusts her towels just so, the way she
goes in for a hug. It's in the tiny things just as much as it's in the big
Being lovely is a 24/7 thing. It's not a hat you wear outside and
take off when you get home. It should be part of you, not a show

you put on. Find a woman who you think is lovely by nature and
watch her. She's probably just like you!
Give us 3 minutes of knowledge!
Can you tell us about
Kite making?
Can you tell us about
Nintendo DS?
Can you tell us about
Adobe Photoshop?
Can you tell us about
Managing Telephone Messages?
As with any change, this can cause negative reactions. If you are
to be lovely, you must make this an overall change--this is not a
trend or social style, rather, it is a way of presenting yourself and
acting accordingly. You cannot be fake; that will be both
counterproductive and cause others to lose respect for you.
Of course, if someone is lovely, people will try to scrutinize their
faults. Don't be wavered by criticism, as people may try to point out
your flaws. Remain positive, and even in these situations, treat
others as you wish to be treated.
Don't fake being nice, and don't ever expect anything in return.




Elegant Quotes For Women

Beautiful Words and Inspiration



The only real elegance is in the mind; If you've got that, the rest
really comes from it. - Diana Vreeland

To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than

luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not
respectable, and wealthy, not, rich; to listen to stars and birds,
babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think quietly,
act frankly, talk gently, await occasions, hurry never; in a word, to
let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the
common - this is my symphony - William Ellery Channing
I laugh, I love, I hope, I try, I hurt, I need, I fear, I cry. And I know
you do the same things too, So we're really not that different, me
and you. - Colin Raye
A truly elegant taste is generally accompanied with excellency of
heart. - Henry Fielding
That is the key of this collection, being yourself. Don't be into
trends. Don't make fashion own you, but you decide what you are,
what you want to express by the way you dress and the way to live.Gianni Versace

She had a flair for doing things in a very elegant way. At the same
time, you felt like you were right there in her living room. She paid
attention to people so that she was seeing to it everyone's little
needs and egos were met. - Harold Brooks
What do I wear in bed? Why, Chanel No. 5, of course. - Marilyn Monroe
(Not really related to elegance but it's so wonderful I just had to add
Elegance is something more than ease - more freedom from
awkwardness and restraint. It implies a precision, a polish and a
sparkling which is spirited, yet delicate - Hazlitt
Quotes by Christian Dior

Audrey Hepburns


Quotes by Coco Chanel





















10. Singloudly.AsongcanbothchangeamoodandgiveglorytoGod.Somakealoudnoise!
11. Studymanydifferentthings.Decideyouregoingtobealifelongstudent.Learnabout
12. Lookafterthoseinneed.Havecompassiononothersanduseyourgiftstoblessthem.
13. Bringbeautyintoyourlife.Andintothelifeofothers.Whetheritbeflowers,art,poetry,
14. Walkthroughtrialsinfaith.Dontwalkinyourownstrength,buttrustHimwhowillcarry
15. Dresswithmodesty.Trulylovely.ITim.2:9
16. Investinafewgoodfriends.Maketimeforandpursuerelationshipswiththosewhocan
17. Preparedeliciousfoods.Blessthosearoundyouwithyoursimpleculinarygifts.
18. SpendtimealoneintheWord.DontevergettoobusyfortimewithyourGod.
19. Bekindtoothers.Kindnessisntallthathardtoofferandyethassuchasignificantimpact
20. Servecheerfully.LooktoChristasyourexample,notwhattheworldsaysaboutservice.
21. Prayaboutallthings.Donttrytosolveeverythingbyyourself,butgotoyourHeavenly
22. Watchwhatyousay.Yourwordshavepowertobuilduporteardown.Sousethem
23. Loveothersdeeply.ICorinthians13.
24. DrawneartoGod.AndHewilldrawneartoyou.(James4:8)

Audrey Hepburn

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