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The Gaseous State

What is gas pressure

Concept of force/unit area is still true in the case of gas pressure
Eg in an empty container, there is 0 pressure. As gas particles are
being pumped in, the pressure will rise
Because of collision between the gas particles and the wall of the
container give rise to gas pressure
Concept: motion of molecules and pressure: moving gas molecules
collide with the inner wall of the container and exert a force on it
There are many gas particles colliding with the wall of the container
at the same time give rise to an average force exerted on the wall
Force exerted per unit area gas pressure

Boyles Law
Volume of gas changes with changes of pressure exerted on it
The volume of a fixed mass of gas at a given temperature is
inversely proportional to the pressure inserted exerted on the gas (
) (inversely proportional: as the pressure of a gas increases,
the volume decreases and vice versa)
Pressure in ear is because the surrounding water is pushing in on is
ear. The deeper he gets, the more water is pushing in on his ears
greater pressure
As pressure increases, the volume in the ear decreases (gets
Kinetic molecular theory: gas particles are very far away from each
other, this distances allow for the compression of gases (have rom to
move closer together)
Gas particles move randomly and rapidly collide with walls of
container, apply some pressure. If container is made smaller, the
particles will more frequently hit the wall of the container, causing
the pressure to increase
P1 X V1 =P2 X V2 (1=before, 2=after change has taken place)
Units for pressure and volume do not matter as long as the units
within the pressure is the same and units for volume is the same
(P1=P2 & V1=V2)
Mathematical equation: For a given mass of gas at a constant
temperature, the product of pressure and volume is constant (P X
V= constant)

Graphical method (showing how the volume of a gas changes with

pressure): allows prediction of change
By knowing the pressure, volume product for one set of conditions
(we know it for all other sets of conditions), provided the
temperature and mass of gas remain the same allows us to
predict the volume change resulting from a given change in
Knowing the volume change possible to determine the change of
pressure that caused it
Eg if pressure doubles from 150 to 300Kpa, the volume of the gas

Charles Law
When a gas is placed in a container under a movable piston, the
pressure exerted by the weight of the piston is constant
How volume of gas changes when the gas is heated or cooled under
constant pressure
When the temperature of a gas increases by 10% (eg from 300
Kelvin to 330) results in a volume increases by the same factor.
Conversely, decreasing the tempt of a gas by 10% (from 300 Kelvin
to 270) results in a volume decrease in the same proportion
Charles Law states that at constant pressure the volume of a gas is
directly proportional to its temperature (expressed in Kelvin)
V T (V= volume, T= Temperature)
Heating a gas will increase the speed of the gas particles
Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the
The higher the temp of the particles, the faster the gas particles
will, be moving
Kinetic molecular theory: faster gas particles will spread out gas
particles will take up more space
What happens when fewer particles are taking the same amount of
space? The container with more gas molecules will have more
mass than the one holding lesser molecules though they are the
same volume, masses are diff density will be different
When particles in a substance spread out, and move further away
from each other, the substance become less dense
Hotair balloon torch is just heating the air inside the balloon,
causing air particles to move faster and spread out, which makes
the balloon less dense than the air around it, which causes it to float

Charles Law: If the pressure of a gas is held constant, as that gas is

heated, its volume will increase & cooling a gas will cause its
volume to decrease
Absolute Zero (about 270 C ): temperature at which you col
something enough to make the volume = 0
V 1 V2
Equation for Charles Law:
(only a theoretical eqn,
T1 T 2
because it only works for ideal gas)
0 C = 273K
For every one increase in C, there will be one increase in K
Eg 1 C = 274K; 2 C = 275K, etc.

Avogadros Constant
Boyles Law can be written mathematically ( p X V = constant)
meaning that for a given mass of gas at a constant temperature,
the product of pressure and volume is constant.
OR in the form of a graph showing how the volume of a gas changes
with pressure
Allow us to predict the volume change resulting from a given
change in pressure. Similarly knowing the volume change makes it
possible to know the change in pressure that caused it.

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