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I'm going to invite Carol to my party.

I was going to invite Carol to my party, but I completely forgot!

I always thought they were going to get divorced.
She said she was going to flunk out, but she didn't.
You promised you were going to quit smoking.
I have a favor to ask. Could you lend me $50?
Could you do me a favor? I need someone to watch my dog.
Would you be able to help me paint my new apartment?
Absolutely! I'd be happy to help you.
No problem! It would be my pleasure.
I'm really sorry, but I can't. I'm busy that day.
I'm afraid that I won't be able to. I have to visit my parents.
A: Would you mind driving me to the airport?
B: No, I wouldn't mind. I'd be happy to help.
A: Would you mind cooking dinner tonight?
B: I'm sorry, but I can't. I'm going out tonight.
Traditionally, I guess, if a woman was to get up to go to the restroom,
all the gentlemen would stand up.
Eat with the right fork, use the butter knife correctly that kind of
You know, how to open a door for a lady, and things like that.
Manners and etiquette

The words manners and etiquette are very close in meaning. They both refer to proper behavior in certain situations. E
specific rules, while manners are your overall behavior. Here are some useful words and expressions:
His bad manners at the dinner table shocked his in-laws.
My grandmother says that, in this day and age, young people just don't know proper etiquette.
Typically, guests wait for the host to be seated before starting to eat.
When describing etiquette at the dinner table, there are many items you can refer to. Here are some of them:

It's polite to place the napkin on your lap while you're eating.
All the different types of cutlery forks, knives and spoons can be confusing.
The dinner plate is larger than both the bread plate and the salad plate.
Language note: The word cutlery is another word for silverware (silverware). It's commonly used in UK English.
Expressing expectations and rules
There are a variety of ways to express expectations and rules. Study these examples:
She expects people to take off their shoes before they enter her house.
People are expected to take a small gift when they go to someone's house for dinner.
My grandmother says that a man is supposed to hold a door open for a woman.

Here are some other ways to express expectations and rules. Notice that, in the final example, the use of the word no is
Use the small fork to eat your salad.
Don't put your elbows on the table.
If an elderly person gets on the bus, ofer your seat.
And remember, manners have to do with showing respect toward

No cellphones at the dinner table!

Sympathy vocabulary

When someone dies, it is a sad time. We want to express our sympathy to the family and friends of the deceased. To av
we avoid using words like die or dead. Instead we use euphemisms (euphemisms). For example, pass or pass away
for die.

A very close friend of theirs recently passed.

Her grandmother passed away in peace, surrounded by loved ones.

His father passed from a heart attack last year.

Here is some advice for expressing sympathy:

Try to avoid platitudes, or cliches, when expressing sympathy.

It's important to offer condolences to the person suffering a loss.
Many people like to recall memories of the individual.
They played John's favorite song at his funeral.
Cultural aspects of expressing sympathy

Just as it is with so many things, there are cultural differences in how we express sympathy and condolences. In many
color of mourning is black, while in others it is white. Think about some of the differences in the cultures of mourning ar

Some cultures prefer burial of the body, while others prefer cremation. Some cultures also insist on very quick h
others take a less urgent approach.
The body of the deceased individual can be viewed in some cultures, while it is never viewed in others.
In some cultures, a somber memorial is common; in others, a celebratory atmosphere.
Music and flowers are not encouraged in some beliefs, while quite the opposite can be true in others.

Gift-giving varies widely. In some cultures, money may be given, while in others it could be food or drink; in oth
Expressing condolences
Expressing condolences is difficult in any language. Here are some expressions that you may find useful:
You and your family have my deepest sympathy.
Our thoughts are with you.

I was so sorry to hear of your loss.

She will be greatly missed.
Please accept my sincere condolences.
People will often talk about the deceased and, more specifically, talk about their passing.
He had a rich, full life.
At least she passed in peace and didn't suffer.
It must be a comfort that he went quickly, surrounded by loved ones.
She was greatly loved by everyone who knew her.
He was a good man. I'll miss him.

tremendous honor

gran honor







the way the world works

la manera en la que el mundo funciona




De por vida

Cambios en los negocios globales

Jim Rogers habla mucho sobre cambios, pasados y presentes, en negocios globales. Aqu hay un vocabulario til de s
Utiliza estas palabras para perodos de tiempo:
A decade is 10 years, a century is 100 years, and a millennium is
1,000 years.

Una dcada son 10 aos, un siglo son 1

1.000 aos.

Rogers predice que China dominar los negocios globales en el prximo siglo, pero que habr problemas.
Every country suffers catastrophes as it develops.

Cada pas sufre catstrofes mientras se

That's just the way the world works.

Esa es la forma en que el mundo funcio

Mandarin will be the most important language of our children's lifetime.

El mandarn ser el lenguaje ms impo


Cuando alguien est siendo introducido para una presentacin, el orador podr utilizar expresiones como great honor
orador podr quizs tambin hablar sobre su great o sincere pleasure.
It's our tremendous honor to welcome Mr. Jim Rogers.

Es nuestro gran honor dar la bienvenid

It is my great pleasure to introduce Mr. Jim Rogers.

Es mi gran placer presentar al Sr. Jim R

Modificando superlativos

La forma superlativa de los adjetivos puede ser modificada con adverbios como clearly y among; y por frases
Observa que estos adverbios con frecuencia aparecen antes del superlativo.
It was by far the worst recession we've ever had.
He's easily the best Mandarin speaker in the class.
She's obviously the most qualified candidate for the

Fue, con mucho, la peor recesin qu

Es fcilmente el mejor orador de ma
Ella es obviamente la mejor candida

Aqu hay ms ejemplos:

It was among the biggest honors he had ever received. Fue uno de los mayores honores que
She's clearly the strongest leader in the country.
Ella es claramente la lder ms fuert
It's nearly the tallest building in the world.
Es casi el edificio ms alto del mund

It's clearly the biggest challenge we will face.

Es claramente el mayor desafo que enfrentaremos.

It was by far the most difficult change to make.

Fue por lejos el cambio ms difcil de hacer.

We are among the largest companies in the world.

Estamos entre las mayores compaas del mundo.

It was nearly the longest recession in history.

Fue casi la ms larga recesin de la historia.

Expect the unexpected.






Espera lo inesperado.




people skills

habilidades de las personas











Vocabulario de liderazgo
Muchos sustantivos tienen una forma adjetiva que termina en -ic. Estudia los ejemplos siguientes:

Los sustantivos tienen una variedad de finales para sus formas adjetivas. Estudia los ejemplos siguientes:

Aqu hay ms vocabulario til para hablar sobre liderazgo:

She has great people skills. People like her and want to work
for her.

Ella tiene gran habilidad social. A las personas

para ella.

He's a throwback; his ideas are so out of date and oldfashioned!

l es un retrgrada; sus ideas son tan anticua

You should never underestimate your competitors.

Nunca deberas subestimar a tus competidores

Frases con verbos '-ing'

Puedes utilizar frases con verbos -ing para agregar ms informacin a una oracin. Son similares a las clusulas relati
palabras como who, that y which, pero son ms cortas. Observa el ejemplo:
The leaders meeting in New York signed an economic agreement.

La reunin de lderes en Nueva York fi

Como una clusula relativa, se vera as:

The leaders who were meeting in New York signed an economic

Los lderes que se reunieron en Nueva


Frases con verbos -ing pueden identificar la cosa sobre la que hablamos. En este ejemplo, estamos hablando no slo s
lderes que quieren ser eficaces:
Leaders wanting to be efective should be empathetic.

Los lderes que desean ser eficaces d

The man presenting talked about the qualities necessary to be an effective leader.
Being an effective leader means being different things at different times.
For example, a leader trying to communicate with people needs to be empathetic.
A leader dealing with an emergency needs to be a little more autocratic.
It isn't always easy doing the right thing, but it pays off in the end.
Leaders going behind people's backs and being deceptive will be less successful in the long term.
Elaborando un punto

Las personas con frecuencia elaborate (elaboran) un punto para asegurarse de que fueron entendidos. Un mtodo de
En el video, Stuart afirma que los lderes necesitan empathy y luego reafirma el sentido de empata de varias maneras

Today's leaders they need people skills; they need empathy. Empathy, in a way that they need to be able to put them
other people's shoes. They need to understand what people wantand how they feel.

Otro mtodo de elaborar es dar ejemplos. Stuarthabla de un ambiente en el que las personas pueden comunicarse una
ejemplos de lo que quiere decir.

A leader has to create an environment where a large number of people can communicate with each other, openly, to w
efficiently andefectively together, toward a common goal.

Repetir informacin es tambin una forma de elaborar. Stuart hace esto cuando habla sobre Elizabeth. Observa a co
Elizabeth taught me that you should never underestimate your
enemy. I never have and I never will underestimate Elizabeth.

Elizabeth me enseo que uno nunca debe

Nunca subestim y nunca subestimar a

l tambin utiliza los sinnimos throwback y anachronism para enfatizar su punto.

Elizabeth is a throwback. She's an anachronism.



swallowed up

envolver por completo

set a precedent

establecer un precedente

Elizabeth es retrgrada. Ella es arcaica.







executive ladder

escala ejecutiva

box plants

fbricas de cajas

Hablando sobre un lder de negocios

Aqu hay algunas palabras y frases del video que podras encontrar tiles cuando hables sobre lderes de negocios.
Si el lder de negocios ya no trabaja en una compaa, puedes utilizar el adjetivo former:

Gene Cartledge is the former CEO of Union Camp Corporation.

Gene Cartledge es el anterior director ejec


Si el lder de negocios ha hecho algo que fue innovador o establecido un nuevo estndar para el futuro, puedes utiliza
He set a precedent of talking to every employee in the company.

l sent un precedente al hablar con cada

La frase executive ladder describe los rangos superiores en una compaa:

He talked to people much further down the executive ladder than

Habl con personas mucho ms abajo que

El orador en este video utiliza algunos trminos que son menos comunes en las compaas modernas. El nuevo lengu
igualdad y trabajo en equipo entre los gerentes y los empleados. Por ejemplo, en vez de rank para describir una jerar
He made time to talk to everyone, no matter what
their positionwas.

l se tom el tiempo para hablar con to

sus posiciones.

Underling, para trabajadores bien abajo en la escala ejecutiva, no es un trmino lindo. Podras escuchar utilizar subo
Observa cmo estas oraciones dejan en claro quin es el jefe sin poner atencin innecesaria en la posicin o nivel:
The director is always respectful of the people who work for

El director es siempre respetuoso de la


She is well-liked and admired by her staf.

Ella es querida y admirada por su perso

Associate puede ser utilizado como un trmino de respeto entre colegas.

This is my associate, Brad. He'll help you with the details of the

Este es mi asociado, Brad. l te ayudar


Una expresin idiomtica para buy out o take over es absorber. Esto enfatiza que la compaa que hace la compra e
compaa que es comprada.
The company was swallowed up by a huge corporation.

La compaa fue absorbida por una co

a former CEO

un ex director general

considerably below his rank

considerablemente por debajo de su rango

carried right down

llevado hacia abajo

people who worked on the paper machines

personas que trabajaban en las mquinas de papel

annual meeting

reunin anual

the managers of the box plants

los administradores de las fbricas de cajas

Hablando sobre la jerarqua en una compaa

Las compaas Horizontal o flat no tienen una estructura jerrquica rgida . Los ejecutivos trabajan con personal no g
frecuencia, hasta con clientes. Las compaas Vertical o tall por lo general tienen una estructura jerrquica fuerte con
rdenes a lo largo de la jerarqua. Este tipo de estructura es llamada a menudo top-down.

The CEO's order carried down through all levels of the company.

Las rdenes del director ejecutivo lle


Our company is organized vertically, and it's quite difficult to climb Nuestra compaa est organizada v
the executive ladder.
difcil trepar en la escalera ejecutiva.
Horizontal management has people of all positions working

La gerencia horizontal tiene personas

trabajando juntas.

Las mayores posiciones ejecutivas en una compaa son a veces llamadas C-level. Todas estas posiciones comienza
elCEO, COO, CFO y CTO, entre otras.
The CEO will address the board of directors next week.

El director ejecutivo se dirigir a la junta de direc

Cuando hablamos de los niveles de trabajo de las personas, podemos incluir informacin sobre sus responsabilidades
As HR manager, she is in charge of all hiring.

Como gerente de RH, ella est a cargo de todas

The CTO is responsible for 15 engineers.

El director de tecnologa es responsable de 15 in

He's head of the accounting department.

l es el jefe del departamento de contabilidad.

All department directors report to the CEO.

Todos los directores de departamento reportan a

Expresando admiracin

Si admire a alguien, tu respetas y piensas muy bien de ellos. Hay muchas formas de expresar admiracin. Observa q
forma de verbo y sustantivo.
I have nothing but respect for the entire team.

No tengo ms que respeto por el equipo en

All of the directors respect the decision of the CEO.

Todos los directores respetan la decisin d

We are full of admiration for all he has accomplished.

Estamos llenos de admiracin por todo lo q

I admire her commitment to the company.

Admiro su compromiso con la compaa.

Estas expresiones son ms formales para expresar admiracin:

He is held in high esteem by all his colleagues.

l es tenido en alta estima por todos sus colega

I have the greatest regard for everything she has achieved. Tengo el mayor respeto por todo lo que ella ha l

Estas expresiones trasladan una profunda, y casi exagerada, admiracin:

He is in awe of his manager's abilities.

l est asombrado por las habilidades de su ge

Employees at every level revere the company's founder.

Los empleados en todos los niveles reverencian


human nature
naturaleza humana


persuading others
persuadir a otros

sharing a vision
compartir una visin

sharing hardship
compartir dificultades

earning trust
ganar confianza

global currency

moneda global


monetary policy
poltica monetaria

Espaol (Latino)
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Colocaciones: liderazgo
Una colocacin es dos o ms palabras que con frecuencia van juntas. Estudia estas colocaciones de liderazgo:
Stability is hard to achieve because circumstances change.

La estabilidad es difcil de lograr porque las c

Successful leadership includes persuading others and earning


Liderazgo exitoso incluye persuadir a otros y

Good leadership includes both sharing a vision and sharing


Un buen liderazgo incluye tanto compartir un


Human nature doesn't change with circumstances.

La naturaleza humana no cambia con las circ

Mental agility will help prepare you for the unexpected.

La agilidad mental te ayudar a prepararte p

Aqu hay algunas frases para usar cuando hablas sobre asuntos monetarios:
Forbes believes that a global currency is important for stability.

Forbes cree que una moneda global es impo

Monetary policy has to do with controlling the supply of money.

La poltica monetaria tiene que ver con contr

Revisin: pronombres reflexivos

Utiliza pronombres reflexivos cuando la persona o cosa que realiza y recibe la accin es la misma. Forma pronombres r
sufijos-self o -selvesal pronombre.

He persuaded himself to trust them.

Se persuadi a si mismo para confiar en ellos.

The leaders convinced themselves of the need for stronger

monetary policy.

Los lderes se convencieron a si mismos de la

monetaria ms fuerte.

Puedes utilizar pronombres reflexivos para agregar nfasis. Observa que, en estos ejemplos, el pronombre reflexivo vie
despus del pronombre regular.
She herself brought stability to the company.

Ella misma trajo estabilidad a la compaa.

Myself I don't believe in sharing hardship.

Yo - no creo en compartir adversidades.

Nota: El significado de la oracin no cambia si quitas el pronombre reflexivo, pero el nfasis es removido.
Para enfatizar que algo fue hecho solo o sin ayuda, utiliza un pronombre reflexivo con la preposicin by.
Were you able to do it by yourself?

Fuiste capaz de hacerlo por ti mismo?

She was able to persuade the others by herself.

Fue capaz de persuadir a los dems por s

The company set the precedent itself.

La compaa sent su propio precedente.
nfocndote en un punto

Enfocarse en un punto es una buena estrategia para enfatizar algo o construir anticipacin para tu oyente o lector. Un m
como estas para enfocar la atencin de tu oyente en el tema:
In terms of change, good leaders know that circumstances
change, but human nature does not.

En trminos de cambio, los buenos lderes s

cambian, pero la naturaleza humana no.

Concerning corporate hierarchy, there are two basic models.

En cuanto a la jerarqua corporativa, existen

With regard to leadership characteristics, decisiveness is among

the most important.

En cuanto a las caractersticas del liderazgo,

entre las ms importantes.

Regarding failure, it is not something to be feared.

En cuanto al fracaso, no es algo de temer.

Empezar una oracin con una palabra de pregunta es otra buena estrategia.
What makes a successful leader is not the same in all

Lo que hace a un lder exitoso no es lo mism


How you speak to someone is just as important as what you say.

Cmo hablas a alguien es tan importante co

Tambin, utilizar expresiones con nico/a o uno/a de puede ser efectivo.

My one lesson I'll give you today is the need for a global

La nica leccin que te dar hoy es la neces

One of the things you should learn is the importance of honesty.

Una de las cosas que deberas aprender es


Regarding failure, it is not something to be feared.

En cuanto al fracaso, no es algo a lo que temer.
American and British English vocabulary

Although American and British English are the same language, there are differences in pronunciation, expressions, spel
vocabulary. The differences are not always clearcut, but it's useful to be able to recognize them when you encounter the
Here are some examples of vocabulary differences for things you find in a city:
American: elevator
British: lift
American: sidewalk
British: pavement

American: apartment
British: flat
Here are some examples of differences in food vocabulary:
American: eggplant

(eggplant) berenjena

British: aubergine
American: cookie


British: biscuit
American: french fries

(french fries)

British: chips
American: chips
British: crisps
Here are a few more vocabulary differences:


American: pants


British: trousers
American: trash can, garbage can

(trash can)

British: dustbin
American: two weeks

(two weeks)

British: a fortnight

Language note: The word pants (pants) has a very different meaning in the UK it means men's underwear (underwea
American and British grammar differences

For the most part, American and British English grammar is the same. However, there are some differences. They are n
useful to be able to recognize them when you encounter them.
American English speakers usually use have to show possession; British English speakers sometimes use have got.

American English speakers frequently use the simple past for events in the recent past. In contrast, British English spea
American: Elijah already returned from London.

British: Ella has already returned from New York

American: I just went shopping.
British: I've just been shopping.

American English speakers use singular verbs for collective nouns, like team and family, whereas British English speak
American: My son's team is the best.
British: My daughter's team are the best.

American: Her family volunteers at the local library.

British: Her family volunteer at the local library.
American and British English speakers sometimes use prepositions differently.
American: My grandparents visit on the weekends.
British: My grandparents visit at the weekends.
American: Sofia played on our soccer team.
British: Sofia played in our football team.

American English speakers frequently use the verb take + object for daily activities. In contrast, British English speakers
American: Let's take a break.
British: Let's have a break.
American: I'm going to take a shower.
British: I'm going to have a shower.

Culture note: Sometimes, people perceive British English as being formal, whereas American English is sometimes thou
this is not really the case; they are simply different in some ways.
Discussing how to say something
Use expressions like these to ask and explain how to say things.
A: What's the British English word for 'eggplant'?

What's the British

B: The British English equivalent is 'aubergine.'

The British Englis

A: How do you say 'trash can' in British English?

How do you say '

B: We call it the 'dustbin.'

We call it the 'dus

A: Is it correct to say 'at the weekend' in American English?

Is it correct to say
American English

B: No, we don't really say it like that. We use 'on the weekend.'

No, we don't real

the weekend.'

A: Can you tell me where the lift is?

Can you tell me w

Sure, it's right ove

B: Sure, it's right over there. But 'lift' has a different meaning in the US. Here, we say 'elevator.' different meaning

a major role

a world language

a daily basis






a more global community


has a major role

tiene un papel importante

used much more

utiliz mucho ms

just to navigate the news

slo para navegar por las noticias

still use it

todava lo uso

need to use it

necesidad de usarlo

Describir cmo se utiliza algo

Usa use (something) to + el verbo para describir cmo se utiliza algo.

She uses English to earn a better living.
Ella utiliza el ingls para ganar ms din
Tambin puedes utilizar use en el pasivo.
English is used for international business.

El ingls es utilizado en los negocios in

Aqu hay algunas expresiones que son sinnimos de use:

English is employed for business purposes around the world.
We utilize it for tourism on a daily basis.

El ingls se emplea para fines de negoc

Lo utilizamos para el turismo sobre una

Otra expresin til es play a role:

Hollywood has played a role in the spread of English.

Hollywood ha desempeado un papel e

Puedes utilizar los adjetivos useful y useless para evaluar el uso de algo.
My dad finds it useful to know English because he loves watching British
I'm completely useless at languages, and this affects my career opportunities.

Mi padre encuentr
le encanta ver las
No s nada de idio

oportunidades de

Puedes usar los sustantivos use o usage para describir el uso. Las palabras son similares, pero usage implica c
menudo se utiliza en un contexto de negocios.
Its use in the medical field is extensive.
Usage of our product has increased by 20 percent.

Su uso en el camp
El uso de nuestro
incrementado en u


Puedes utilizar los adjetivos useful y useless para evaluar el uso de algo.

My dad finds it useful to know English because he loves watching British sitcoms.

Mi padre encuentra til s

encanta ver las comedia

I'm completely useless at languages, and this affects my career opportunities.

No s nada de idiomas, y
oportunidades de carrera

Puedes usar los sustantivos use o usage para describir el uso. Las palabras son similares, pero usage implica costum
utiliza en un contexto de negocios.
Its use in the medical field is extensive.

Su uso en el campo de la

Usage of our product has increased by 20 percent.

El uso de nuestro produc

un 20 por ciento.

What is English used for in your country?

Para qu se utiliza el ingls en tu pas?

She uses it to earn a better living.

Ella lo utiliza para ganar ms dinero.

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