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A DukeFluffy Production

Made for /tg/




Welcome to yet another attempt to capture mech-based combat in PnP format. I've taken a look
at quite a few different systems, and home-brews, and never quite been satisfied. The majority of the
systems out there do not have a great balance of simple gameplay and customization- often leaning
toward one or the other. I could not find a single mech RPG that was rules-light, allowed heavy
customization, and leaned toward a more grounded and realistic approach. So I thought I may as well
slap one together.
ChromeStrike is said attempt at creating such a system. Being a fan of games such as Armored
Core and Chromehounds, I did my best to keep in such elements such as slapping together parts, and
fast-paced combat. But most important of all I tried to make the mechs make sense. They're no 100story tall plauding devices that would collapse the ground they walk on. Or plasticy looking mechs that
look more like abstract art then a fighting vehicle.
No, the mechs in this system are dwarfed by tanks, more like a battlesuit then any sort of giant
mecha. They are primarily used in urban fighting and first-strike situations, dodging in and around
combat to get an edge on less mobile combatants. Slower then almost any vehicle but incredibly agile.
Hopefully you, the reader, prefer this sort of look on mechs.
And, of course, no mech game is complete without widespread wars and fighting, plus halfdystopian corporations lauding it over the common folk. I mean, come on.
Hope you enjoy the read,


Table of Contents

Introduction 2
A Word of Mechs and Pilots 5
Making a Character -7
Mech Attributes 9
Mech Parts 10
Companies 11
Creating Your Mech-12
Ranged Weaponry-18
CQC Weapons 19
Combat 20
When Outside of the Mechs... - 23
Example Characters and Enemies- 24
Campaigns 33


A Word on Mechs and Pilots

The mechs in ChromeStrike are not the
usual giant, plauding mech from fiction. Rather,
they are small, urban machines, only 6 meters tall
at the max. They are agile and lithe, able to run or
boost through alleyways, kicking up dust and
garbage as they go. Nearly human in mobility and
Mechs are controlled by a complex series
of joysticks and toggles. In some of the larger
ones there can be ample room to simply rig the
pilot's arms to a master-slave system for the
mech's arms. Most frequently they use joysticks
though. The inside of a cockpit is pretty cramped.
A pilot can only barely rotate their head, use the
controls with their arms. Within most mechs the
pilot's legs are in an awkward sitting position and
work pedals.
As far as the food-chain goes tanks are still somewhat higher up then mechs. A fast and
mobile mech in an urban environment has the edge, or an especially armored up and huge one.
Otherwise tanks tend to be able to blow mechs away.
Helicopters might be considered an even challenge for a mech. Both are meant to be mobile
and deliver large payloads. The mech's balancing strength in such situation would be the ability to
make use of cover.
Nearly all mechs have the strength to flip over a truck or vehicle.
In addition to the armor and muscular system, mechs also normally sport
communications equipment, radar, biomedical sensors, and a water feed. Larger ones may contain a
waste-relief system. There's commonly enough space inside to store a brief-case worth of random
Power is supplied by a number of large, heavy-duty super capacitors. These are located in the
back of the torso and provide mechs with an operation time of nearly 24 hours.
Quite a few construction workers have used a mech at one point or another, not to
mention anything of soldiers in the military. It is not rare for someone to have been inside of one at
some point. Especially eccentric rich people could easily track one down in an illegal market.
For companies, the only source of pilots are either hired soldiers or rented mercenaries. Most of
the time company-boys or girls will have a mech on lease or borrowed from the company they work
for, while the later have their own particular mech that they personally own. Over a long career a
mercenary can piece together a rather impressive mech, presuming they live long enough.

While mercenaries are often looked down upon and distrusted, some soldiers-of-fortune can
actually become rather famous. Beautiful or noble characters often draw attention to themselves,
especially so when they make their mech stick out with paint or equipment. Because of these particular
pilots it could be argued that heraldry and honor lives on in the world.
The inside of the cockpit is not conducive to wearing billowy or loose clothes. Tight or
especially short garments are preferred. The most common wear for a pilot is a specially-made body
suit made up of a strong, Kevlar-like plastic. It is wholly revealing but gives pilots the most protection
and comfort to do their thing.


Making a Character
In addition to the usual weight, height, gender, etc. characters are also measured by their
attributes. In ChromeStrike, there are six primary attributes that each character has. They are broken
up into two categories- Mental and Physical. Attributes start at 0 and range from 0 to 5. A blind
character or handicapped one might have a zero in the relevant attribute. Note that you will always fail
an attribute-check with an attribute if it is zero. Anyways. You have twenty points to distribute among
these. Each dot costs 1 more point then the previous- so the first rank costs 1 point, the second dot
costs 2, and the third an additional 3. The easiest, quickest way to configure attributes is the followingtwo of them have '', two more have '', and the last two have ''.
An attribute of '' is considered on the low-average end, while '' is spectacular.



Intelligence (INT)

Power (POW)

Perception (PER)

Agility (AGL)

Charisma (CHR)

Beauty (BEU)

Intelligence: How brilliant and clever your character is. Someone with a high intelligence can solve
puzzles and compute much faster.
Power: Strong and particularly tough characters have a high power rating. In addition to physical
strength it is also a measure of general fitness. Your character's wounds start equivalent to your POW.
Perception: This attribute directly affects how acute your character's vision is. Perception also affects
your chance to hit with most ranged weaponry. Weapons training is also a part of this attribute.
Agility: Fast and agile characters have a high agility. This reflects hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and
general pace of movement.
Charisma: Characters with a silver tongue and dominating personality have high charisma. This
affects your ability to convince and sway others.
Beauty: The more beauty you have, the more pleasant your character is to look at. This mostly
determines how NPC's think of you before acquainted, also known as the reaction roll.
Note: For wounds and attributes you might wish to break apart large numbers of dots into 3, if only to
make them more readable. Compare these following attributesStrength []
Agility [-]

Once done with determining characteristics and attributes, you then get to come up with two
perks for your character. What are perks, you may be asking? Perks give bonuses to rolls or attributes
under very specific circumstances, adding some extra uniqueness to your character. The larger the
bonus the less frequent it can come into play. Players are encouraged to make their own up. To help
with this the following page has some example perks.
Keep in mind the rules/exceptions when making your own.

+1 Bonus to a combat roll: Requires very specific condition.

Go for the head: With sniper weapons enemies are hit in the head on 1 or 3
Gun to a knife-fight: +1 to DR in melee combat when using no melee weapons
How can I miss?: +1 to hit enemies when outnumbered 2:1 or more
In the zone: +1 to DR until hit by a weapon
I've had worse: +1 to hit when missing an arm
With this sort of perk you may not have a skill similar to the following:
+ to hit with a type of weapon always (i.e. Using sniper Rifles, shotguns, etc.)
+ to dodge rating without some rare circumstance
+ to armor rolls
+1 To an attribute, when used for a sub-field: Requires a condition or specialty
Fitness freak: +1 to power when lifting or pushing something
Hold on: +1 to agility when driving
Mechanic and warrior: +1 to rolls when personally repairing a mech
Particular set of skills: +1 to hit out of a mech, in melee, when non-lethally subduing someone
Technical truths: +1 to charisma when deceiving others and including true statements
+2 To a roll under specific, infrequent situations: Requires a specific, uncommon situation
Crowd pleaser: +2 to reaction rolls for the opposite sex when exiting a mech
Cut that out: +2 to non-lethally hit an ally when both of you are out of mechs
Dislocation time: +2 to rolls when escaping from binds or handcuffs
Good as new: +2 to a bartering roll when selling a mech


Mech Attributes
Mechs use different attributes and stats then player characters. They do have some similar
attributes to players such as Power and Agility, but otherwise relevant damages and skill-checks are
derived based off of the parts they have equipped. Instead of points mechs use credits, or cash. Here's
their relevant parts and attributes-AttributesStrength: How much weight the mech can carry and fling around. Note that although they may have
only a few dots in this, even one dot is considerably stronger then any character.
Speed: Speed is how fast the mech may move. Certain features such as jump-jets or wheels may allow
it to move faster.
Control: Mechs with a low control value decrease all of your skills and dice-rolls when piloting them.
Sometimes increasing Strength or Speed can in return decrease this attribute.
Weight: Does not affect anything. Instead gives an idea of how large your mech may be.
Dodge Rating: Derived from many attributes, effectively forms the mech's defense.
Attack Rating: Commonly written with two numbers (x//y), this determines what bonuses you have
for when attacking with ranged and melee weapons. Melee is always the later.


Mech Parts
A mech's attributes are based off of the parts that make them up. In essence, parts are a further
list of attributes and stats that further differentiate them. Here are the different parts-PartsHead: The head of the mech. Most sensors and optical units go here.
Main: Makes up the majority of the mech. Effectively it is the torso or chassis.
Arms: The upper limbs and gripping parts of the mech.
Legs: Naturally, the legs or tracks that the mech uses to get about.
Back: There is an extra point on the mech (the back of the torso) where an extra part may be mounted.
For the most part this is utilitarian in function.

Finally mechs have a number of hard-points where they may mount and use weapons. You do
not have to fill each and every one of these points. Some weapons might also take up multiple slots.
Weapons that are mounted on the shoulders are slightly less accurate, in part to the difference of
view between the cockpit and shoulders, and because they must be more armored then the usual handheld variants.
-Weapon SlotsMain: The primary hand and arm.
Secondary: The off-hand and arm.
Extra: Though not useable where is, an extra weapon can be stowed on the waist within reach. A
UTILITY action may be spent to swap it with the main or secondary weapon.
Missile: Missiles can be mounted along the mech. Only missiles can be placed in the Missile Point.
Shoulder L & R: Depending on what was chosen for the back-part an extra weapon or two may be
mounted and used from the shoulders. These are less accurate then the arm weapons.


Primary Mech Companies:

Generic: The company-less parts (Beta/Dome) actually are a large variety of different ones all built by
countless organizations. Most of these are wholly open source, their design and make-up frequently
available on the internet. As a result one mech's Beta legs might be entirely different from another.
Beta parts were the first ones specifically produced for war.
Monoc: More officially known as Mono-Optics & Engineering, is a somewhat small company based in
Europe. Monoc is not actually a mech producer but instead have designed quite a few parts to be
produced by other companies. They primarily focus on optics and sensor equipment.
NRB: NRB, initials based off of the co-founders, is a military company based in North-Eastern Europe.
They have a history of producing/designing tanks and other vehicles. NRB is notorious for
emphasizing ruggedness over other qualities.
CT: Crawford Tech is a company based in the US, who pride themselves on their high-quality and
high-class mechs. They are more accepting and enthusiastic about recently-released tech, which more
often then not drives up the cost of their state-of-the-art parts. CT is the youngest company of all the
part designers.
CO: Simply known as CO, is a company headquartered in Japan. CO specializes in fast-moving scout
mechs and combat drones.


Creating Your Mech

For creating a mech you begin with a set amount of Mech Points, or Credits. These may be
spent on parts, weapons, and increasing attributes. A mech requires 1 of each part (except
back/shoulder) to function. A suggested starting SR might be 20 for newbie pilots, or 25 for semiaccomplished mercenaries. Or perhaps more.
1 Wound
Weight +1.0 tons
Run of the mill head unit. Was the first to be put into production for wartime efforts.
+1 Wounds, Chest
Weight +3.0 tons
Special: Treat head hits as torso hits instead. Purchasing this will take away one shoulder-slot.
A special head unit that is sunken into the shoulders for extra protection.
1 Wound
Weight +1.2 tons
An improvement over the Beta, the Monoc head unit has a single advanced optical unit.
1 Wound
SPD+1, CNTRL+1 Weight +1.0 tons
Special: When not moving your CNTRL increases by a further 1.
Further advancing the classic head unit, the Monoc-02 has more advanced sensors and measuring
units. The complicated bits increase aiming accuracy greatly. Quite expensive.
1 Wound
A head unit that has increased hydraulics in the shoulder and neck area.

Weight +1.2 tons

2 Wounds
Weight +1.4 tons
The child of the NRB, this head unit is quite literally an armored up box. Very hulk-like in appearance.
3 Wounds
Weight +1.5 tons
An improvement over the 02. This head has better armor, allowing half-decent sensory equipment.
1 Wound
A head unit that has improved programming and machine response-time.

Weight +1.2 tons

10cr 2 Wounds
An improved version of the CT-01. Has a more efficient and armored design.

Weight +1.4 tons

2 Wounds
Weight +1.0 tons
A streamlined yet more armored version of the beta. Does not hamper control like the NRB-02.


4 Wounds
STR+2, SPD+1
The first chassis unit that was produced for mechs. Has average capabilities.

Weight +6.0 tons

4 Wounds
STR+1, SPD+2
Weight +5.0 tons
As the Beta, but with much of the hydraulics removed. Speed is increased as a result.
5 Wounds
STR+3, SPD+1
Weight +8.0 tons
Special: Increases armor save to 3+ from 4+.
Being the NRB, they threw on as much armor and bulk onto the Beta as feasibly possible.
7 Wounds
Weight +12 tons
Sacrifices armor for a vastly increased bulk and profile. Less armored but more tough.
15cr 6 Wounds
STR+4, SPD-1
Weight +16 tons
Special: Increases armor save to 2+ from 4+. Requires NRB Treads to move.
A goliath of a chassis. Easily the most armored and massive body produced by any company.
4 Wounds
STR+2, SPD+2
Weight +7.0 tons
Like the Beta, but much of the older hydraulics have been removed for faster-working muscle.
10cr 5 Wounds
STR+3, SPD+2
Weight:+7.5 tons
Compared to the NRB, the CT-02 is a work of art. Nearly all of it has been replaced with newer bits.
4 Wounds
STR+2, SPD+3, CNTRL-1 Weight +4.0 tons
An extremely light scouting chassis meant to capitalize on speed.


2 Wounds
Weight +3.0 tons
Average arms with general power. Were the first combat-ready arm units made for war.
3 Wounds
Weight +5.0 tons
More thick and armored versions of the Beta. Are the best defensive arms for the price.
2 Wounds
Weight +3.5 tons
Advanced gyro-stabilization and muscle have made these arms highly usable and accurate.
3 Wounds
Weight +4 tons
The CRD believe in making the best for the best, which is evident in these arms. Pricey but great.
10cr 3 Wounds
Weight +5.0 tons
Special: An extra 2 weapons of 3cr or less may be mounted on the fore-arms. These fire with the
accuracy of the shoulder weapons. Cannot move and fire these in the same turn.
By making the arms highly immobile, CT have devised a way to turn a mech into a walking turret.
2 Wounds
Weight +3.0 tons
These arms have extremely strong and fast muscles but performance is decreased as a result.


2 Wounds
Weight +4.0 tons
Lab-testing created the first functional biped mech legs. These are the armored version.
2 Wounds
Weight +3.0 tons
Forgoing complicated legs these instead utilize large and powerful wheels. Decreases accuracy.
4 Wounds
Weight +5.0 tons
Armored and stronger version of the Beta. Toughest legs in production but very low speed.
3 Wounds
Weight +6.0 tons
Special: The NRB-01T does cause speed-loss for being wounded until entirely destroyed.
Tank treads are both mobile and tough, so the NRB designed a tank-based leg system for mechs.
4 Wounds
Weight +8.0 tons
Special: The NRB-02T does cause speed-loss for being wounded until entirely destroyed.
A more armored and powerful version of the previous Treads.
2 Wounds
Weight +3.0 tons
These legs draw inspiration from fast-moving animals and are as a result rather lanky and quick.
3 Wounds
Weight +3.5 tons
By throwing vast amounts of money at the CO-01, the 02 has vastly improved performance and armor.
2 Wounds
Weight +3.0 tons
Special: Purchasing Boosters for these legs cost only 2cr. It may not receive the litheness upgrade.
A leg-less hover chassis created by CO. Is incredibly fast but difficult to control.


Shoulder Parts
Shoulder additions are entirely optional, not needed for the mech to operate.
R Shoulder Weapon
L Shoulder Weapon

x cr
x cr

See weapons list

See weapons list

Storage Tank
1 Shoulder
+2 tons
One weapon has +100% ammo.
A large hopper or munitions box that carries additional ammunition.
Decoy Launcher
1 Shoulder
+0.5 tons
+3 Dodge Rating against Missiles.
A launcher that shoots off heated, fast-moving drones to draw oncoming missiles.
Jamming Device
1 Shoulder
+1 ton
Special: Allies and self have +3 Dodge Rating against missiles.
A large dish-like device that actively bombards missiles with disrupting signals and lasers.
Targeting Array
1 Shoulder
+0.25 tons
Some mechs have additional optical units to more accurately fire.
External Power Pack
1 Shoulder
+1 ton
Special: Increases operation time by 24 hours.
A large, extra pack of super capacitors. Increases operation time for especially long missions.
2 Shoulder
+3.0 tons
Special: Allows the mech to jump through the air at blinding speed, forgoing the normal UTILITY
action to move twice as far as it normally could that turn. Because the Jump-Pack is normally always
on, albeit at low settings, the +2 speed bonus may never be lost.
Two large, turbine looking devices that stick off the back. Lets the mech make large jumps.


Part Upgrades
You may not purchase the same upgrade multiple times for the same part.
You can purchase multiple types of upgrades for one particular part.
Armor (Any)
+1 ton
Increases a parts Wounds by 1.
External, ablative plating can be added onto nearly any part. Helps toughen up a mech.
Software (Head or Arms)
Increases Control by 1.
By fine-tuning the muscles and software a mech can be much more controllable.
Hardened Cockpit (Body) 1cr
+1 ton
Special: Once destroyed the mech's armor rating increases by 1. The chair is somewhat snazzier.
Additional internal plating meant to protect the pilot in case of catastrophic mech damage.
Litheness (Legs)
Increases Speed by 1.
Extra boosters or hydraulics can be placed into the legs to increase the mech's move rate.
Boosters (Legs)
+1 ton
Special: Your speed this turn is increased by 4, but all attack rolls are made at -1 in addition to other
normal penalties.
Boosters are a combination of rocket-like boosters and wheels that allow the mech to move very fast.


Ranged Weaponry
25 Range
Pretty ordinary gun that fires medium-sized rounds at long ranges.
Burst Rifle
30 Range
Wound +1
By firing a burst of rounds the Rifle is able to guarantee hits at further ranges.
20 Range
Hit +1, Wound +1
Fires a large volume of normal sized rounds. The sheer amount of shots increases accuracy.
Rotary Cannon
A huge caliber machine-gun that rotates as it fires.

30 Range


Minor Sniper
40 Range
Small sniper rifle. Has a good range and deals decent damage.

Wound +1

Sniper Cannon
10cr (Normal)
40 Range
Wound+2, Uses 2 slots.
Special: Damage x2 (Deals 2 wounds instead of 1). Also increases weight by +2 tons.
Special: You may not fire this weapon in the same turned you moved, without NRB treads.
Larger and more deadly version of the common rifle. Requires 2 hands or 2 shoulders to aim with.
Incendiary Cannon 5cr
20 Range
Special: Each time a mech is hit (saved or not) they have -1 to DR and attack rolls the following turn.
A large box-like cannon that belches bolts of superheated plasma.
Chemical Laser
40 Range
Wound+2, Shots: 5
A potent laser weapon that degrades with each shot. The limited uses makes it unreliable.
20 Range
Hit +1, Wound+2, Shots: 5
Much larger and strong version of the shotgun. Limited ammo but maximum destructive power.
Rocket Launcher
30 Range
Hit +1, Wound+2, Shots: 3
A small pod that contains some unguided rockets. Accurate and powerful but very few shots.
Grenade Launcher 5cr
20 Range
Hit -2, Ignores Armor, Shots: 3
Shoots off armor-piercing grenade rounds that can make short work of armored targets.
Light Missiles
Shots: 3
Medium Missiles
Wound +2, Shots: 3
AP Missiles
Ignores Armor, Shots: 3
Heavy Missiles
10cr (Missile)
2x Attacks, Wound +2, Shots: 2
Uses 2 slots*
Missiles can be bought for a Normal part but this increases the cost by 50%. Also keep in mind
that Heavy Missiles would take up both Arms, Shoulders, or one of each if bought this way.
Missiles are a favored weapon with mechs. They are accurate and have an immensely long range.


Close-Range Weapons
15 Range
A cheap but low-strength handgun. Meant to be used en-mass or as a backup weapon.
15 Range
A tried-and-true gun design that launches forth a burst of rounds with great force.
10 Range
Hit +2
Special: Each time target is hit they have a -1 penalty to Attack rolls the following turn.
A large canister that belches forth flames. Great at disrupting enemy mechs.
1 Range
Special: For every 2 STR above 1 the Wound bonus increases by 1.
Though not viable, some pilots occasionally arm up their mech with a large mace or blade.
Pile Driver
1 Range
2x Attacks, Wound +2, Shots: 2
Special: Pile Drivers may not be swapped out for the extra weapon. They are bolted to the mech.
Explosively launches a large number of ultra-dense pikes into an enemy. Very short range.
Combat Shield
Special: Has 2 wounds. A torso or arms hit will be redirected to the shield. Once destroyed it may be
discarded to free up the hand. Increases the Dodge Rating in melee combat by 1.
A large, high-strength combat shield that can absorb oncoming fire.


Combat is a fairly simple affair that mainly uses d6's. Once a battle begins, players go in order
based off of their Agility + Perception. The highest attributed player goes first, followed by the second.
During a player's turn they have a MOVE action and UTILITY action. The move action is used
to re-position themselves up to a number of grids equal to the mech's speed. And then the utility action
is used to perform a maneuver or switch weapons out.
There are two primary methods of defense- absorbing damage or avoiding it altogether. A mech
has a Dodge Rating, which is affected by how mobile the thing is. The higher the DR the less likely it
is to be hit by an attack. If it is hit, the hit part will take an armor save, and if that fails have a wound
dealt. This decreases that part's wounds, eventually removing that part's function if it takes enough
damage. A mech can therefore be not particularly mobile, get hit quite frequently, but have enough
wounds and armor to ignore the damage that it is dealt to it.
Dodge Rating: 2 + (AGL + CNTRL + SPD)
Ranged Attack: 2d6 + (PER + CNTRL)
Ranged Attack, Shoulders: 2d6 + CNTRL
Melee Attack: 2d6 + (AGL + CNTRL)
Missile Attack: 3d6 + CNTRL



When a part is hit by an attack it takes an armor save to see if it is wounded. Most mechs have
an Armor Rating of 4+. A roll on a D6 less then the AR means the armor failed. This decreases the
wounds of that part by 1. As a part takes wounds it becomes less useful. Always round up penalties.
Consult the chart bellow for damage effectsPart

1d6 Wound #



The mech loses 2 points of hit accuracy.



One of the arms and held weapon (Random) no longer work.



The last arm is damaged and weakened, -2 to hit.


3-5 Final

The mech is destroyed. Pilots that do not scamper out may be wounded.



The SPD of the mech is halved.



The mech's SPD is reduced to zero, all upgrades are lost. It may forgo the
normal UTILITY action to crawl 1 grid-space.

Should a hit be taken to a part that is entirely destroyed (out of wounds) count it as a hit to the torso instead.

Example attack:
Duke is being shot at by 2x enemy machine-guns. The enemy's ranged AR is equal to 2d6+3, and he
rolls twice for two attacks. This has to beat Duke's DR of 9. The rolls are 7+3 and 9+3. Both hit, but
do they wound? A roll of 4+ will ignore a hit. He rolls a 1 and 4. One of the hits make it through and
wound his (d6=5) mech's torso. Lucky for Duke that part has 4 more wounds.


Maneuvers Attack/Utility
Attack: The player fires up to two weapons, plus optionally missiles. If you move this turn the two
non-missile weapons will have a -1 to hit.
Called Shot: Fire up to two ranged weapons. You have a -4 to your attack roll, but should it succeed
the targeted part on a mech is hit.
All-out-attack: The player smashes the button that fires everything. Attack with all weapons. If you
move this turn your non-missile weapons have a -2 to hit.
Aim: Skip your Utility action this turn. On the following turn you have a +1 to hit with non-missile
weapons. This can be done over multiple turns, stacking up to a +3 bonus.
Swap: You may spend your normal utility action to switch out a hand-held weapon with the extra one.
Boost/Jump: Requires the appropriate part or upgrade. In the case of boosters, they increase your
move speed by 4 for the duration of this turn. Jump-packs allow you to move double the distance you
normally could, also potentially moving over small obstacles.

Maneuvers Move/Defensive
Move: Move a number of grid spaces up to your mech's SPD attribute.
Evasive action: This takes both of your maneuvers to perform. Move in any particular direction up to
your maximum speed. While doing so the mech dips and swerves crazily, giving a +2 to DR.
Kneel: Has the mech crouch down into a stable, immobile position. While kneeling they have a +1 to
ranged DR but cannot move. Getting out of a kneeling position requires another maneuver.
Kneeling can be done with the Attack/Utility maneuver.
Take Cover: A mech can pull itself into an alleyway or behind rubble quite easily. Certain mechs,
such as those with the Tank Treads, are unable to enter cover that other legged mechs might be able to.
To take cover your mech must be able to move. If your mech has 0 speed (legs destroyed) you may
still crawl into cover. Doing so will take up your entire turn.
Consult the list below for cover bonuses and penalties.
Large Vehicle

Hits to the legs are ignored. Treaded mechs cannot benefit from this cover.

Corner of Building

+2 to ranged DR. Cannot fire missiles, only exposed side can fire weapons.

Smash Into Building

You just don't care. One hit to your mech. Enemies lose LoS, same for you.

If you have not performed an Attack/Utility maneuver this turn you may take cover after moving.

Other Stuff
Total Destruction:
In the not-too rare occasion that the body-part of a mech has its last wound taken the machine goes into
critical condition. Systems shut-down and it begins looming off to the side. Around this point most
people throw open the hatch and scamper out before it takes more damage or falls over. If said pilot
does not then the mech still does not function, plus each additional torso wound deals 1d3 wounds to
the actual character still inside of it.
Weapons with multiple attacks:
Some weapons, such as Heavy Missiles, attack twice each time they are fired. Simply roll for an attack
how you normally would, then once the first attack is done do so again. Repeat this until you have
done attacks equal to the number listed on the weapon profile.
Weapons with a damage multiplier:
Other weapons deal an increased amount of damage when they wound. Should this be 2x damage, an
unsaved wound instead becomes two unsaved wounds. These wounds are taken to the same part.
Should the part be destroyed and there are remaining wounds then any remaining damage goes to the


When Outside of the Mechs...

Characters are also able to fight out of their machines, though this is somewhat less
romanticized. Simply use their attributes somewhat how you would for mechs- Power is used to strike,
Agility to dodge, so on. When a character is hit they take a wound of damage.
Most personal-firearms deal 2 wounds of damage when they hit and use Perception.
Dice-rolls for character combat only add a single D6 and the relevant attribute.
Example attack:
Frank attempts to pistol-whip some mook. He has two dots of power, and therefore rolls 1d6+2 for
hitting. The opponent rolls 1d6+2 (His agility) to see if they dodge. Should Frank's score be higher he
deals them a wound of damage, which starts equivalent to their own Power attribute.
Another example:
Instead of pistol-whipping them let's assume Frank actually tries to cap them. He rolls 1d6+1
(Perception) against 1d6+2 (Enemy agility). If he succeeds then the enemy takes 2 wounds of damage,
otherwise they manage to dive behind cover or roll off to the side.
Should a character be hit by any mech weapon treat them as dead. Simple as that. The ground
exploding beneath them is not conductive to dodging, let alone the actual rounds splitting them apart.
Skill Challenges
The game isn't wholly about combat. Characters might be required to exit their mech to begin
searching through computers, attempt to convince people to perform a certain course of action, or drive
a non-mech vehicle. Or simply to eat and lounge. Depending on how difficult a challenge is there will
be a resulting penalty. The success or fail result is wholly up to the GM.
Moderate challenge: 1d3 against attribute.
Example: Driving at an unsafe speed. Benching a few hundred pounds. Wheedling a small favor.
Quickly sifting through an unsecured computer for data.
Hard challenge: 1d3+1 against attribute.
Example: Driving at break-neck speeds through rush-hour traffic. Benching a motorcycle. Cracking a
computer with a password.
Impossible challenge: 1d3+2 against attribute.
Example: Flirting with an important political figure. Shooting a rocket out of a racing vehicle while
driving it. Pushing a car off of someone. Hacking into a military network.
Reaction Rolls
A reaction roll is simply 1d6+Beauty when meeting an NPC or multiple new people. A roll of 4 is
more-or-less neutral, 3 unfavorable, 2 dislike. A roll of 6 or more is considered warm or favorable.
10+ means they are now your best friend or are crushing hard. This can be a bad thing.

Example Characters and Enemies

Name: Thorsten
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2
Weight: 180
Age: 30
Appearance: Tall, athletically built. Has a somewhat gaunt look and wild near-shoulder black hair.
Concept: German mech/tank enthusiast. Decently long career as a tank operative and mercenary.
ATTRIBUTESIntelligence []
Perception [o]
Charisma []

Power []
Agility []
Beauty []

PERKSIndomitable: At the start of his turn, in a mech, Thorsten may decrease his DR to 0 for a +1 to hit.
Roguery Charm: +1 to rolls when convincing others to be friendly
Mech Name: Praetorian
Points: 25
Primary Color: Bronze
Secondary Color: Red

Optical color: Tan

STATSStrength [-]
Speed []
Control [x]
Weight: 19.4 tons

Dodge Rating: 5/4/3

Armor roll: 3+
Initiative: 3

Insignia: King's crown



Torso: NRB-01


Arms: NRB-01


Legs: NRB-01


2 + (AGL + CNTRL + SPD)

WEAPONSPrimary Hand: MG 20 range, hit+1, wound+1

Second Hand: MG 20 range, hit+1, wound+1
(2d6 to hit)
Sh R: Rockets 3 shots, 30 range, hit+1/wound +2
(2d6-1 to hit)


Name: Omar
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3
Age: 33
Appearance: Huge bald black dude. Often wears brown-rimmed glasses.

Weight: 240

Concept: Mechanic and soldier-of-fortune. Attended college for a while with honors both from weight
lifting and wrestling. Had some brief military soldiering before becoming a mercenary for moolah.
ATTRIBUTESIntelligence []
Perception []
Charisma []

Power []
Agility []
Beauty []

PERKSI've had worse: +1 to hit when missing an arm

Mechanic and warrior: +1 to rolls when personally repairing a mech
Mech Name: Charlie
Points: 25
Primary Color: Dull blue
Secondary Color: Black

Optical color: Blue

STATSStrength []
Speed [-]
Control []
Weight: 15.0 tons

Dodge Rating: 7/5/3

Armor roll: 4+
Initiative: 2

PARTSHead: Beta

Insignia: Fist interposed over a gear


Torso: Beta


Arms: Beta


Legs: CO-01
-Armor Upgrade


2 + (AGL + CNTRL + SPD)

WEAPONSPrimary Hand: Burst Rifle 30 range, wound+1

Second Hand: Shotgun 15 range, wound+1
(2d6+1 to hit)
Sh R: Jamming Device
Allies and self have +3 DR vs missiles
Missile: Light 3 shots


(3d6 to hit)

Name: Arona
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8
Weight: 130
Age: 25
Appearance: Voluptuous, athletic. Somewhat Nordic in appearance. Blue eyes and long blonde hair.
Concept: Sniper-babe mercenary. Served in the US air force for some time for a pension and college.
Ended up quitting to pursue fancies of being a mech mercenary.
ATTRIBUTESIntelligence []
Perception []
Charisma []

Power []
Agility []
Beauty []

PERKSCrowd pleaser: +2 to reaction rolls for the opposite sex when exiting a mech
Go for the head: With sniper weapons enemies are hit in the head on 1 or 3
Mech Name: Lucy
Points: 25
Primary Color: Blue
Secondary Color: Light Blue

Optical color: Yellow

Insignia: Lips

STATSStrength []
Speed []
Control []
Weight: 18.2 tons

Dodge Rating: 7/6/4

Armor roll: 4+
Initiative: 3

PARTSHead: CT-01
- Armor Upgrade


Torso: Beta


Arms: NRB-01


Legs: Beta


2 + (AGL + CNTRL + SPD)

WEAPONSHands: Sniper Cannon 40 range, wound +2, dam x2

Can not move and fire.
(2d6+3 to hit)
Backup: MG 20 range, hit+1, wound+1
(2d6+4 to hit)


Mech Name: Solider

Points: 20
Primary Color: Gray
Secondary Color: Blue

Optical color: Blue

STATSStrength []
Speed []
Control []
Weight: 12.0 tons

Dodge Rating: 7/6/4

Armor roll: 4+
Initiative: 4

Insignia: Variable
4 + (CNTRL + SPD)

PARTSHead: Beta



Torso: Beta


Arms: Beta


Shoulder L: Shotgun 15 range, wound +1

Shoulder R: Shotgun 15 range, wound +1
(2d6 to hit)

Legs: Beta


Missile: Light 3 shots

(3d6 to hit)

Primary Hand: Burst Rifle - 30 range, hit+1, wound+1

(2d6+3 to hit)

Mech Name: Missiler

Points: 25
Coloring: As soldier, but black. Optics are green.
STATSStrength []
Speed [-]
Control []
Weight: 15.2 tons
PARTSHead: Monoc

Dodge Rating: 9/7/4

Armor roll: 4+
Initiative: 5


4 + (CNTRL + SPD)


Torso: Monoc


Primary Hand: Rifle 25 range

(2d6+2 to hit)

Arms: Beta


Shoulder L: Storage

Legs: Beta


Missile: Heavy 2+2 shots 2x Attacks, Wound +2

(3d6 to hit)


Mech Name: Goliath

Points: 80
Primary Color: Matte black
Secondary Color: Matte black

Optical color: Red

STATSStrength [-]
Speed []
Control [x]
Weight: 31.4 tons

Dodge Rating: 5/5/3

Armor roll: 2+
Initiative: 4

Insignia: Hammer or skull

- Armor Upgrade


Torso: NRB-03
- Armor Upgrade


Arms: CT-02b
- Armor Upgrade


Legs: NRB-02t
- Armor Upgrade


4 + (CNTRL + SPD)

WEAPONSPrimary Hand: Rotary Cannon - 30 range, wound +2

Second Hand: Rotary Cannon - 30 range, wound +2
(2d6 to hit)
Primary Turret: MG 20 range, hit+1, wound +1
Second Turret: MG 20 range, hit+1, wound +1
(2d6 to hit)
Sh L: Rockets 3 shots, 30 range, hit+1/wound +2
Sh R: Rockets 3 shots, 30 range, hit+1/wound +2
(2d6 to hit)
Missile: Heavy 2 shots 2x Attacks, Wound +2
(3d6-1 to hit)


Mech Name: Devastator

Points: 50
Primary Color: Crimson
Secondary Color: Red

Optical color: Orange

STATSStrength [-]
Speed [-]
Control []
Weight: 26.0 tons

Dodge Rating: 8/6/4

Armor roll: 4+
Initiative: 0

Insignia: Fireball

PARTSHead: CO-01
- Armor Upgrade


Torso: NRB-02


Arms: NRB-01
- Armor Upgrade


Legs: CO-01
Armor Upgrade


4 + (CNTRL + SPD)

WEAPONSBoth Hands: Pile-Driver 2 shots

1 range, 2x attacks, +2 to wound
(2d6+2 to hit)

(x2 for both)

Both Shoulders: Incendiary Cannon 20 range

Wound+2. Each Hit: -1DR and AR
(2d6 to hit)
Missile: AP 3 shots Ignores armor
(3d6-1 to hit)


Vehicle Name: Attack Helicopter

STATSStrength []
Speed [10]
Control []
Weight: 8.0 tons

Points Worth: 20
Dodge Rating: 8/8/dead
Armor roll: 4+
Initiative: 4

SPD - 2




Body: Main (1-6)


Body: Rockets 3 shots, 20 range, hit+1/wound +2

Body2: Rockets 3 shots, 20 range, hit+1/wound +2
(2d6 to hit)

Decoy Launcher +3 dodge vs missiles

Missile: AP 3 shots Ignores armor

(3d6-2 to hit)
Turret: MG 20 range, hit+1, wound+1
(2d6-1 to hit)

Vehicle Name: Tank

STATSStrength []
Speed [-]
Control []
Weight: 60.0 tons

Points Worth: 30
Dodge Rating: 7/7/2
Armor roll: 3+
Initiative: 3

2 + SPD




Body: Tank (1,2,3)


Turret: Tank (4,5)


Turret: Sniper Cannon 40 range, wound+2, 2x dam

Secondary: MG 20 range, hit+1, wound+1
(2d6 to hit)

Treads: (6)


Tank: Decoy Launcher - +3 dodge vs missiles


Mech Name: Combat Drone

Points Worth: 12

Primary Color: White

Secondary Color: White

Optical color: Blue

STATSStrength []
Speed [-]
Control [x]
Weight: 10.0 tons

Dodge Rating: 7/5/3

Armor roll: 5+
Initiative: 2

PARTSHead: Beta

Insignia: CO logo


Torso: CO-01d


Arms: Beta


Legs: CO-01
- Boosters


WEAPONSPrimary Hand: MG 20 range, hit +1, wound +1

(2d6 to hit)
Secondary Hand: Shotgun 15 range, wound +1
(2d6-1 to hit)
Missile: Light 3 shots
(3d6-1 to hit)

Vehicle Name: Defensive Turret

STATSStrength []
Speed []
Control []
Weight: 20.0 tons

4 + (CNTRL + SPD)

Points worth: 10
Dodge Rating: 3/3/3
Armor roll: 3+
Initiative: 1



WEAPONS- (Choose one)



MG x3 20 range, hit +1, wound +1

Incendiary Cannon x2 20 range
Wound+2. Each Hit: -1DR and AR

(2d6 to hit)
Attacks x2,
(2d6-1 to hit)

Turret: Sniper Cannon 40 range, wound+2, 2x dam

(2d6-1 to hit)


Vehicle Name: Mech Transport

Points Worth: 12

Primary Color: Variable

Secondary Color: Variable
STATSStrength []
Speed [-]
Control []
Weight: 75.0 tons

Insignia: Variable
Dodge Rating: 2/1/0
Armor roll: 4+
Initiative: 1
Carrying Capacity: 40 tons





WEAPONSTurret: MG 20 range, hit +1

(2d6 to hit)

Mech transports are heavily armored, slow-moving hauling trucks meant to carry mechs or drones
around. Their cargo is fully enclosed, though the walls of the vehicle may collapse and open to let
them free. This vehicle's immense size means that it takes up entirely two lanes worth of traffic. Turns
are also somewhat difficult.

Vehicle Name: Mech Transport Helicopter

STATSStrength []
Speed [8]
Control []
Weight: 40.0 tons

Points Worth: 7

Dodge Rating: 6/6/dead

Armor roll: 4+
Initiative: 2

SPD - 2

Carrying Capacity: 22 tons




Body: Main (1-6)


Mech's own weapons

Decoy Launcher +3 dodge vs missiles

Transport choppers are heavily armored airships meant to carry mechs or drones directly into the
battlefield. Said mechs dangle beneath them twenty or thirty feet. As a mercenary one would easily
prefer ground transport over dangling like a giant target. Still, the cargo in front is quite capable of
returning fire at any threats. These, along with mechs, make a great shock and awe weapon.


ChromeStrike is set in the sort-of-near-future. A long series of wars and break-downs of
alliances has done away with the U.N and other organization, effectively letting countries do as they
wish with each-other. Many of the smaller nations have been absorbed entirely by neighbors.
With the advent of mechs, combat has become somewhat revolutionized. Small, urban forces
that utilize mechs are especially strong. Corporations and companies that hopped on the mech bandwagon found themselves rich. With the lawlessness and wartime tensions, these companies have been
free to pursue what political and financial power they like. More often then not they remain separate
from their patron nation, but are beholden and supported by them.
With all the wars, and bickering, and fighting, mercenaries are especially in demand. None
more-so then mech pilots.
Campaign Types:
There are two generalized paths that a campaign may take, more or less. They are as followsCorporate Campaign: The PC's are a group of men and women beholden and working for a particular
corporation. More often then not this entails raiding plants of other corporations. Should the nation be
at war with another they will be used as a strike force, or be flown out to defensive fronts to help where
possible. An ultimate goal might be the subjugation and dissolution of an enemy company.
Rewards: For a Corporate campaign it may be appropriate to let the players design their mechs with no
point limit, but only with the Beta and company-specific parts. As they finish more and more missions
they get access to other companies parts as spoils of war, plus possibly get to purchase and own the
Mercenary Campaign: The PC's are a ragtag group of mercenaries that fight where the money is best.
Somehow they have managed to pull together enough funds to get a number of mechs, plus the vehicles
required to move them to the fights. City skirmishes, spearheads, raids, all of this is usual for them.
Their ultimate goal, almost certainly, is to swim in cash.
Rewards: Death and maintenance. At the start the players might begin with 25 credits per player, plus
enough transport vehicles to get them to the fights. After each mission they get paid a flat amount of
credits, which is then decreased by repairing the vehicles and mechs. Should they profit it goes to
upgrades and new parts.
Mechs are short-ranged, relatively slow vehicles. As a result they must be transported by a
larger cargo vehicle nearly to the fighting zone. The two primary vehicles are large helicopters or
modified cargo-trucks. Both of them are statted in the Characters and Enemies section.
For the actual battle though it is suggested that you face the players against a force of nearly
equal points. Their enemies should fight with all the smarts and capabilities they can bring to bear.
Battlefields should be strewn with cover and obstacles. Think of a busy street, and what it
might contain.


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