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SPACE Sr QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS BY SIMON FORREST ‘We're often sent letters by people asking us to clarify rules points, usually where an unusual situation not covered by the rules has sprung up. To help you out, we've collected some of the more common rules queries and provided answers and guidelines. In particular, we take a look at the psychic rules from the Genestealer expansion set, and at ‘Overwatch and Command Points. From reading your letters, we've found a few areas that some of you find a little confusing so we're covering them again to help clarify matters. ‘And since Genestealer was released we've played a lot of games us ig the psychic cards and found a few minor changes that we'd like to make to the rules. FORCE BATTLES ‘A few people have asked us ocarify the way that force fates work These ae tually fay sinple and, once Sovve goths Ke, you won'thave any podem wih fem. Forge Cards ar of the prychi ads havea coloured co ia the btm Tigh comer = thse force kon and ith te sre colout dja one ofthe fur pyc aus. Cade wih one of thes icon ze own a8 fore cards. Aura cards ae aso Fores cards they cout as force ens against hi own it (the iow the mala eon nth twp come “The four its nd hr colours ae PSIONIC POWER KINESIS TEMPORAL {low Pao symbol in the aoe igh comet. Paying foc adie this completely ssh attack 50 either pyar oe ny tr modes wre feted Force Bates ‘loss atl epesent each peer towing ex energy ‘hi apneic atck or defence: Whoever ys Jown he mos ‘rds Bar onlesshed the most psychic energy and wins the wate “The two pyker tke tnt wo ay downforce em. The newb ays down he at ard win 1 the tacks the ‘ychc stack takes place anormal Us the defender, i Prychic defences have proved too rong and he atack i peli. A forsale work ie is 1) The tucking pyle plays a ayia. 2) The dling ppkr (ho mus be a urgt of te ata) ap a face rd witha force om of ese colour a otuncking car’ it Ths spe he atk 2) The aacking pe now pays his ow fore ead again {Bis ha forte feo of he Same colour asthe orignal ‘aking ead, Thies te atack eoctve agin 4) Steps 2 and 3 we rept til one payer ete dost ive sfors card of he ight color of doesn't wana play fy more cards, Whocvr played the ls card wins he facet 1a simple a that ~ se the example for 2 more detailed ‘avdown of force baa ton. AEGIS SUITS 1s easy forget that «Space Marine Librarian gts the uncle of fiefs sand aga enery peli cad tat So him ‘ALiewian wear an Aes sult This sa pecily modified ‘hive! Tena amour ba des a pryehte hood. The opi hoo conte posmatix rated rom a eieaey [laced web of payehialy-attned crysis. The psychic od apliesthe Librarians natural pyehie defences and [Tes him ret potion rm ele ack. Everytime Space Maine Librarians sched by «pyc ‘fet he somatealy get fee force defence of he ight ‘Salou, He dosn't have to ue a ard or pay any APS anit ‘han count ara acon “This means dato atk « Librasin, an enemy pyker nde To have alent one free card to enkance Ms ack. Ths trercomes the Liza's fe fore defence and te tack ect th Librarian sus Ite enemy psyker doesn't fave an esr fre nd tk wil al. sual eof dat hat ind iF fa rors aeewe z ‘SPACE HULK QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS EXAMPLE FORCE BATTLE “The example cs bat shows you how th cae work ndwhch lhe courdlcons you us a ach sage “Te aching player lt down payee card —Iats ay Tesi thch mates Poneto) se acting player lo hak. re cad wih are xe Som Sap the im car in ba en he can ay ‘Scnanéae stack so tats onea orem est ‘pe drt have 8 ed fe ear he Har would Mave etn pated 10 atoning player dos hae anche fe care, ‘seve an ales ar (25) and pel he Holi aga, Say hee gt an Aura Eestom the Hower satan ean Asc co ‘Soo card apanat sown elo Pomel yen for pein nc tenet actos oe sack Selmer? eeenmee frases scene ey OF rae ce: = crease “he can go ona long a bo payers hve goto as win eto cobu ce eae (ed in tis exam. “Ther hap taking iti eo lny down tc cr and whoever ays ow th es ca Wn ‘te stacar win, ho payeicard wore ar uu i dln wis, psyche cari poled ands ofc, (course, the Librarian can a ply fc etd fom his Sos defend punt he atak snd wil ead sno force bal= whoever ys the last cad win the bat Unstoppable Attacks ‘The Librarians free force defence doen't work agains “Stopgblepayehie anes. Thee rent sapped By Tce ‘srs andthe Litrran’s Aegis ut intention Section Etets Tr theLitraian is atacked by a section effet and stops i, ‘ter whi eo defece oy play Tore ad, he etictis completly plied i desl any modes in ‘This mean that if you're expecting tbe atacked by a Genet per, ou can povide prcection fo You Space Marines by Heong thi te sane Seton sa Libeian. However, if you're not erful he can make you target fot «convenional rection effet weapon, such 38 ‘ue launcher ing plasma sie, ean als slow you ‘Snare it ar et p good fig postions s You Inmet avoid clamping your models tgeer to mach, ‘SPACE HULK QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS LIGHTNING ARC ‘Since Gensler cams ost we've layed at of games sing iuipochc rales and we now fol atthe Lighng AE ‘sac slp too power “To redace the power ofthe attack, ‘peng rsa follows: 1) Bachata mst be dete at diferent target “These tres can be anywhere wiin 12 squares of he ‘nce. The caster doesn’t have to decide im advance Shih sc arpete bes going to aac provided each farget is oly sakes once 2) ‘Te wl rues for hind aresing apy eRe: ‘You cant target through a intervening mode 1 be only tote you can mace 10 a model is locke by mother model, you cas make that ck, This means ROU verge survives am tack, You ant atk hing behind tha terget unless You ca ace a Manatee hanging the [As before, you also can’t target through doors, ‘Siuhcnd, ce and py section effets that Book Tne of ig atough you ean arg through rma secon fet (eg fame is) Remembe that if pyker mates himslf with force ad ot ‘Shir cud the Lightning re copeled and en" make Sy more aaah ASSAIL “These changes make sme minor adjustments wd cover he TeBigty he oignal ruler abou where you could and ‘Siudstiove an Asled model 1) Youeant move an Axil model dough obsrucoas ‘heh as cya! doors, bulkheads, rit o ober mavels = through anything that would aormally block Rovere Youtan move ie mel round eer, ont ‘ein effets tat dont block moverment and over ‘bbl, il, Indes 2). The layer casing the Asi can now chose oan ‘Asled del poe. ‘A prone model ha n ine of sight and cannot move, ‘over coe solu t ges up. Ha prone mode it Macked in clse combat, sc fom ts ie iit ‘was rest ptsup and faces is tac, “The AP eos fora pone modelo gt up a follows Model ap ‘Spee Maine in Teminuor armour 2 Space Marine in power amour 1 Parstrain Gensel o (Genesee ytd ° 13) A Space Marine tai Aslled cannot spend CPs a & ‘spine othe pyc tack — e's oo soit [shaken ob able respond. This means be camot FRamednely spend CPs turn o snd ‘Tis restriction only apes wo the Assails the ‘Space Maine can spend CDs as sul i anoher ston is ‘her aera of eh emembe, prone mode! Iso line fi “ya pace re Laan cat aig Hem Be seeaas epee Sennen Ginter not SR pe cone sera oye Laan ae a ga SEAEEAECT MLSs Sasa oe ack age Seeman tet rate face erste MIASMA AND TELEPORT We're often asad if you ca ys teleport dough Missa ‘The wero No, Mizama Backs al pp let fom he Sn sin toh section's and rough he eon i's SENT en preston fect hat completely blsks Silber pjene abies, eluding fee aretng stacks rough scion. (0 course, here's rothing tp you tepartngbryond Risse if you ca ence tote we ober sie ht doen ‘NSS Dvugh he Minna eston ands win Teleport gs, DRAWING PSYCHIC CARDS Another commangustion concerns what happens when & ‘phen Mista or Sti Seton effet can he pays Fhlldraw pytcicarls? Genestealers Setar player gets to draw the same numberof exds ‘Ryu of hom eany peers e's oun play Tn Ne ‘Suto old stand of phi cards ven fee's no pyc ‘ES aeall This mea itmakesbsltly no iflrence 0 ‘im whether or nu some o alo his payers ze ent Misama or Sts efecs. ‘Tino or gocler ot The les sy at the Space Maine Tras ph hand ere plone ed fo each Space BS hry and ne gusto daw I new pyehic card a he Sarto eat ta fo each sper play ‘We've tough abou head here is obviously a argument Roiscing the Space Marine peyetc hand when Liberian ES hee etc, copecily im the cae of Stasis which (ile secon ot of te game: However, we've decided mot {Dror about iin der keep ings simple Sot ules that the Space Mavine plyersprychic hand ‘SER ating ita Lian fn a Masa of Stasis Gel ‘You only reduce the Space Marines’ payehic hand i “bra ier led or moves ofthe Bsr.

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