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The Last Chapter to Ascension

By James Gilliland

Personal responsibility, shifting from reactionary mind to creationary mind and becoming
the observer with loving detachment is the key to ascension. Every Master mastered
judgment. Every Master stepped out of social consciousness and became the observer.
They focused on love, joy and bliss until they became it. They took the time to collapse
time, meditated, prayed, spent long hours in nature outside of the confusion until the
clarity came. They saw the Creator in all Creation and the dance of Creation in everyone
and everything. They became centered, unshakeable in that love, joy and bliss becoming
divine mirrors as to the God within everyone and everything.

Unfortunately they mirrored everything people loved and hated about themselves,
sparked a lot of envy and jealousy as well as reflected back to others all that which is not
in harmony. If one were to take stock in the world today the present civilization falls far
short of the way of the Masters which is why the true Masters are deemed a threat and
why so many have been done away with. To truly become a Master one must transcend
all cultural and religious boundaries. All boarders, divisions, and hierarchies give way to
a love with no boundaries. This becomes a threat to those maintaining the boundaries and
divisions the greatest of which are the power elite within religions and governments.

So now you know the answer to why heaven is met with great resistance along with the
enlightened ones who are paving the way for heaven on Earth. The Earth was created to
be an Eden where everyone could evolve to their highest potential and live in harmony
with each other and Nature. We are in the process of returning to that path ushered in by
a power and force no man can stop. Nature will be the greatest challenge to those who
wish to stop this process along with the awakening and empowering of the individual
which is happening as we speak from within. The Temple is within, God is within and it
is from within this process is unfolding. There will be many methods utilized from
without as a futile attempt to stop or inhibit this process yet those involved are insuring
their own fate which will be to experience all of the pain, suffering or loss of freedom
they have imposed on others. Despite the arrogance of the elite the laws of the universe
will have their way.

There is only one path to sustainability and that is to align with the awakening and
healing process, cooperate in the highest and best good of humanity and the Earth, make
your own personal, God, Spirit, Creator connection and shift into service. The greatest
trap is me, the illusion of separation and all that comes with it such as greed, competition,
selfishness and the endless quest for love, acceptance, and approval outside of self
through outer appearances and material acquisition.

In the days to come all that which no longer serves you and is a distraction to your inward
journey will be stripped away. The empires built at the expense of humanity and nature
will fall. Those who have been willing participants in these empires will loose all ill
gotten gain. Despite the efforts of man the empires of the elite will fall just as they have
fallen away from the universal principles and understandings that are necessary for a
healthy society and environment. They will be caught unaware due to their unawareness
of a greater plan within a consciousness and energy they can no longer access. Even the
animals know when a great storm is coming, a quake, even a tsunami and they will be
your greatest teachers in the days to come. Watch them, they know what you have

The Earth is going to heal, cleanse herself and go on and on. The extent and severity of
the process is directly related to the shift of consciousness and action as well as the divine
intervention offered to those who have risen to the occasion. Many will continue in denial
on a path that is unsustainable with a heavy adverse impact on nature. They will live in
the moment totally unprepared and oblivious to future moments. There will be those
delivering the half truths, feel good messages telling people what they want to hear rather
than what they need to hear. They will be in every walk and institution with the media at
their beckon call which will spin, twist and deny the obvious. They will make promises
they cannot keep all the while in complete denial of the changes unfolding around them.
Rather than teaching personal responsibility and awareness of the condition of the
environment, the Earth's need to cleanse and heal, the condition of society which includes
an unsustainable economy on the verge of collapse, they will continue to deliver those
feel good messages. Messages of how much they care and they are here to help yet in
truth they only care about themselves and are helping themselves at the expense of
humanity and the Earth.

The religions prey on seekers using their separate God with them as the go between and
the Politicians prey on those living in denial desiring to be told the status quo shall go
uninterrupted. It will be greatly interrupted for it is the status quo, social consciousness
which needs the greatest reality check of all. There will be a great split between the
upward spiral in evolution which will go on to the next adventure align with and create a
world in which people live in harmony with each other and Nature. This group will take a
quantum leap in evolution, join the rest of the universe in peace, experience health,
longevity, and technologies beyond your wildest dreams. There will be the downward
spiral where those who wish to continue in the separative elitist attitudes and lust for
power and wealth at any expense will continue in the wars, diseases and eventually
experience the social, economic and environmental collapse.

They will take with them all those who align with them as willing participants. That is the
way it is now seen and it is all a matter of choice, choosing to step out of the confusion
and chaos to tap into a consciousness that will support and inspire the upward spiral. For
those in complete denial of the messages on high, Nature is going to push you, shake you,
get your attention any and every way possible to reevaluate your path. Whatever it takes
to get your attention. The experiences that validate that quiet voice within that gave you
the feeling ahead of time something is coming, a change is in the wind, I need to listen
and act on that voice will manifest and soon everyone will come to listen. Those still in
the physical body and those who crossed over in their light review will say, dam I felt
something coming, I need to be a better listener and act on the inner guidance.
In meditation I was told it is time to move off the coasts, simplify and become sovereign.
Choose the upward spiral and live in harmony with each other and the Earth. Know
thyself not the programmed personality and move out of social consciousness and into
Christ Consciousness. Release the past for there will be a division of worlds. The days of
the beast are coming to a close. Become your own prophet.

Be well

James Gilliland

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